Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, October 24, 1901, Image 3

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Just sick enough to feel heavy heeled , lazy and listless , to have no appe
tite , to sleep badly , to have what you eat feel like lead on your stomach , but
not sick enough to call a doctor Just Rick enough not to know what to do.
They will sharpen your appetite and put new "go" In your nerves and
toiuscles. Send today and commence taking them right away.
Price 25c , or 5 for $1. Circulars on d testimonials free. Ask your druggist
for It , or send direct to H. F. Hastings , 3143 Monroe St. , Toledo , O.
u. . . .
* ND HOIST * .
8X5. \
Specially adapted for pumping , grinding and other farm use and for any
purpose for which 2J horse power or less is needed. It is simple , economical ,
reliable , and the price at which it is sold puts it in reach of every one. Fully
guaranteed. Write for particulars.
Weber Gasoline Engine Co. , Box II3 | Kansar City , Mo.
Please mention this paper when writing to advertisers.
" " The Names and Memory of Three Great
"OUR MARTYRS" est and Grandest Men of the Age Will Live
assassinated while serving their country. The lives of thes'e men should be a
guide and inspiration for every man , woman and child.
We have finished at a great expense a beautiful picture , size 16x20 , giving
perfect likeness and correct biography of each , which includes the last
words uttered. The artist who designed and grouped this beautiful work of
! art has every reason to feel gratified at the splendid results achieved. The
picture will touch a responsive chord in the heart of everyone who sees it.
We want you to act as our representative in your territory. The sales will
ibe enormous ; the profits large. Ast at once ; tomorrow may be too late. Re-
tnit in stamps if more convenient.
JBample copy , postage prepaid ? .25
Three copies , postage prepaid 50
Publishers' Building , Omaha , Neb.
Please mention this paper when writing to advertisers.
Valuable Properties Being Developed By the Mineral Point Gold Minins Company ,
Its Stock Fully Paid Up and Non-Assessable.
Investments in and around Cripple Creek have proven a source of untold
health to thousands of fortunate ones. This district , though as yet in the
Infancy of its development , provides one-third of the gold output of the United
States. The Mineral Point Gold Mining Company owns sixteen tracts of
land in this district. This company was organized to make mining pay. Its
capital stock , fully paid up and non-assessable , is $100,000.00. Of its treasury
stock it is offering a sufficient number of shares to aid in developing its
property. This stock is now selling at 5 cents a share , and is going rap-
If you are looking for a safe and sure investment , it will pay you to in
vestigate this offer. All information desired will be furnished by
C , B , RHODES & CO , , Fiscal Agents ,
400-01 Heist Building.
Telephone 1535. Kansas City , . Mo.
This firm will be glad to furnish maps and circulars descriptive of their
properties , or give any other information desired by intending investors.
M. J. Swisher , Mining Expert , President ; Hon. Judge S. D. Crump , Vice
President ; L. J. Mountz , Mining Operator , Secy , and Treas ; Director Otto
Fredericks , Expert Prospector ; Director W. O. Temple , Mining Attorney.
Buy today you may not have the opportunity tomorrow.
Please mention this paper when writing to advertisers.
$25.75 , Buffalo and Return ,
$41.75 , New York and Return ,
Homeseekers 'Excursions ,
On sale first and third Tuesdays of
each month.
Tourist Rates on sale Daily to all i
Bummer Resorts , allowing stopovers at I
Detroit , Niagara Falls , Buffalo and !
other points. For rates , lake trips ,
Pan-American descriptive matter and
all information , call at City Ticket Oi'-
fice , 1415 Farnam Street ( Paxton Hotel
Blo k ) . o1 * wite TT * " " Moores , G.
41 'A. Pass. Dept. , Omaha , Neb.
Pfg0 Book ! 'e will send our elegant80
* * mmmf * pape book to any one who
ib afflicted and in need on request of informa
tion. Our book is the finest book of the kiud
ever published and is of great value to any one
whether in need of medical treatment of not.
We send the book in plain envelope sealed.
Write for it today bv postal card or letter
4th ind Walnut Sts. , DES MOINES , IOWA.
When writing , mention this paper.
Boukkeepiu , Peiiiuauahip. Shorthand , Uypo
wrkitiEr. Iclegraphy , Penmtmsh p and all En
glish branches thoroughlv taught. Highest Iu-
tior-niiuiits. Fo cat logue continiiiig Hal
-howinj hundreds of btnuents in good positiun
rtdrc88i , < OONKAL > A ; MUl'tll , ArlmgtoD
When writing , mention this paper.
B ftt Cooffc Syrup. TaMe * Good. Ua
in time. Sold by d >
Philadelphia Record : The money-
raising orator , Rev. A. B. Simpson , has
again become specific as to the ending
of the world. On Sunday last he an
nounced that only thirty years of life
for the human race remain. The first
sign of the final collapse of terrestrial
things was the fall of Jerusalem ; the
next was the descent of the Gentiles
on the Holy City , which they were to
rule seven times seven prophetic years
( each of which is 360 years ) . This
would leave only thirty years. The
Immediate signs are the wars and
tragic happenings and the progress of
Zionism , which means the return of
the Jews to Jerusalem. There have
been wars and tragic happenings in
other ages , and they have been quite
as furious and destructive as the
guerrilla warfare in South Africa and
in the Philippines. Indeed , until the
last century there was never a time
when a large proportion of mankind
was not engaged in fighting ; and to
the reader of history the tragic events
of our time seem few by comparison
with those of the past. It is the idea
of the modern prophets that the end
of the world must be preceded by &
great increasef in wickedness , which
they profess to find now. As a matter
of fact , the world was never as good
as it is today.
Bird acquire the art of singing just
as truly as do prima donnas. In the
Hartz mountains , at the village of An-
dreasberg , over 200,000 canaries are
raised annually. The Germans are es
pecially fond of these pretty songsters
and very successful in their propaga
tion and nurture. But their best sing
ers are never sold. They are kept as
choirmaster for the feathered vocalists.
Handsome and promising fledglings are
kept close to the acknowledged leaders
of the aviary , and they pick up and
practice the notes they hear. The way
to have a child learn the "Songs of
Zion" is to have the child familiar with
them in the home cage.
We offer One Hundred Dollars Re
ward for any case of Catarrh that can
not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. ,
F. J. CHENEY & CO. , Props , ToledoO.
We , the undersigned , have known F.
J. Cheney for the last 15 years , and be
lieve him perfectly honorable in all
business transactions , and financially
able to carry out any obligation made
by their firm.
WEST & TRUAX , Wholesale Drug
gists , Toledo , O.
Wholesale Druggists , Toledo , O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter
nally , acting directly upon the blood
and mucous surfaces of the system.
Price , 75c per bottle. Sold by all drug
gists. Testimonials free.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
Some of the more expert railroad
men of the country believe that the
limit of sustained speed with the ex
isting style of locomotive has been
reached. " *
Many good physicians and nurses
use Hamlin's Oil for obstinate neural
gia and rheumatism. It's the right
thing to do.
The largest nest is the world is built !
by the mound bird , a sort of Australian j
fowl. It makes mounds sometimes 150 I
feet in circumference , in which it bu
ries its eggs five feet deep.
Hamlin's Wizard Oil Co. send song-
books free. Your druggist sells the
Oil , and it stops pain.
The albatross has been known to
follow a ship for two months without
ever being seen to alight.
The Fremont , Elkhorn & Missouri
Valley R. R. have announced low rate
excursions for homeseekers to the
farming and grazing country along
their lines for October , November and
December , 1901.
Rate : One fare plus $2.00 for the
round trip. Minimum round trip rate ,
Dates Sale : October loth , November
5th and 19th , December 3d and 17th.
"Limit : Twenty-one days from date
of sale.
Stopover : On going trip at any point ;
west of Pilger , Leigh , Surprise or Cor- ' j
dova. Continuous passage on return i
trip. I
The Fremont , Elkhorn & Missouri ]
Valley R. R. traverses/the best farm- t.
ing portions of Nebraska and the most '
extensive hay and grazing lands in '
Nebraska. Wyoming and the Black 1
Hills portion of South Dakota.
Ask any North-Western Line agent
for further particulars and write for
maps , folders , pamphlets giving pop
ulation of counties , cities and towns
and other detailed information. J. G. ;
Gable , Traveling : Passenger Agent , F.
E. & M. V. R. R. , Denison , la. , or to , '
J. R. Buchanan. General Passenger
Agent , Omaha , Neb.
APPENDICITIS-that dreadful fiend that
threatens the life of rich and poor , can attack
and kill only those whose bowels are not kept
thoroughly cleaned out , purified and disin
fected the year round. One whose liver is
dead , whose bowels and stomach are full
of half decayed food , whose whole body is t t
unclean inside , is a quick and ready victim E I
of appendicitis. I
If you want to be safe against the scourge , i e
keep .in good health all the time , KEEP
CLEAN INSIDE ! Use the only tonic I
laxative , that will make your bowels strong S
and healthy , and keep them pure and clean , , ' tI
protected against appendicitis and ALL
RETS , that will keep and save you. Take a ,
them regularly and you will find that all I \
diseases of the stomach , liver and bowels are I
absolutely cured by Cascarets. You can get f v
a box , lOc. Prove their merit and you will
never be without Cascarets.
In the first place , a first-class chef
de cuisine who had just left an old
'family In the faubourg Saint Germain
' to his great regret for his senti-
'ments ' were aristocratic. If was very
'painful to him to go into the service
of foreigners.
"Never , " said he to Mrs. Norton ,
"never would I have left the service of
Madame la Baronne , if she had kept
up her household on the same footing ;
but Madame la Baronne has four chil
dren two sons who are spendthrifts ,
and two daughters who will soon be
I the proper age to marry. They must
1 have marriage portions. So , Madame
' la Baronne Is obliged to retrench a
( llttle , and the establishment is no
* longer extensive enough for me. " This
distinguished artist had conditions to
make , which , though extravagant , did
not frighten Mrs. Norton , who knew
Bhe was negotiating with a man of
'unquestionable ' merit-but ; he , before
deciding , asked permission to telegraph
to New York. He wished to make some ,
inquiries. The reply was favorable He
The other great artist , who had been
in charge of some of the leading racing
Btables , was of unusual talent , and was
about to retire on the fortune he had
made. He consented , however , to or
ganize Mrs. Scott's stables. It was un
derstood that he was to have carte
blanche n the purchase of horses , wa
not to wear livery , was to select the
coachman , grooms and ostlers ; that
there was never to be less than fifteen
horses in the stable , that no bargain
was to be made with a carriage maker
or saddler except through him , and
that he was to mount the box only in
the morning , in ordinary dress , to give
lessons in driving to the ladies and
children , if it were necessary.
The chef took possession of his range
and the head groom , of his stables. All
the rest was only a question of money ,
and Mrs. Norton used to the utmost
the full powers given her. She carried
out the instructions she had received.
In the short period of two months she
performed real miracles , so that the
Scott establishment was absolutely
complete , and absolutely faultless !
And so when , at half-past four , on
the 16th of April , 1880 , Mr. Scott , Suzie
and Bettina alighted from the Havre
express , on the plaform of the station
at Saint Lazare , they found Mrs. Nor
ton , who said to them :
"Your caleche is Jiere , in the court
behind the caleche is a landau , for the
children ; and behind the landau an
amnibus for the servants. The three
carriages bear your monogram , are
driven by your coachmen , and drawn
by your horses. You live at 24 Rue
Murillo , and here is the menu of your
dinner this evening. You invited me
two months ago , I have accepted , and
even taken the liberty of bringing fif
teen people with me. I have provided
everything , even the guests. Do not
be alarmed ! You know them all , they
are mutual friends ; and from this
evening we can judge of the merits of
your cook. "
Mrs. Norton gave Mrs. Scott a pretty
little carte with a gold band , on which
were these words : "Menu du diner du
15 Avril , 1800 , " and below , "Consomme
a la Parisienne , Truites saumonees a
la russe , etc. "
The first Parisian who had the honor
and pleasure of doing homage to the
beauty of Mrs. Scott and Miss Percival
was a little scullion , about fifteen years
old , who , dressed in white , his willow
basket on his head , was passing just
as Mrs. Scott's coachman was making
his way slowly through the crowd of
carriages at the station. The little
scullion stopped short on the sidewalk ,
stood glaring in amazement at the two
sisters , and then boldly shouted , full
in their faces , the single word :
"Mazette ! "
When'she saw wrinkles and white
hair begin to came , Madame Recamier
Bald to one of her friends :
"Ah , ma chere , there are no more il
lusions for me. Ever since the day
when I saw that the little * chimney
sweeps mo longer turned in the street
to look at me , I knew that it was all
over. "
The opinion of little scullions is :
worth as much in similar cases as the .
opinion of chimney-sweeps. All was
not over for Suzie and Bettina. On
the contrary , all was just beginning.
Five minutes later Mrs. Scott's ca
leche was rolling along the Boulevard ;
EJaussman at the slow , measured pace
of two admirable horses ; Paris num
bered two Parisians more. The success
af Mrs. Scott and Miss Percival Avas
immediate , decided , and startling. The
beauties of Paris are not classified and
catalogued like the beauties of Lon-
lon. They do no thave their portraits
published in the illustrated journals ,
ind they do not allow their photo
graphs to be on sale at the stationers' ;
there alwaysexist , however , a little
staff of about twenty women who rep
resent the grace , the elegance and the
jeauty of Paris and these women aft-
r ten or a dozen years of service pass
.nto the reserve corps , like old gener-
Suzie and Bettina at once took their
place on this little staff. It was the
iff air of twenty-four hours ; not even
twenty-four hours , for it all was done
jetween eight o'clock In the morning
ind midnight of the day following
heir arrival.
Imagine a sort of spectacle in three
icts , the success of which increased
vith each tableau. ;
First A ride on horseback in the
3ois , at ten o'clock in the morning , '
vlth the two marvelous grooms im :
ported from America.
Second A walk at six o'clock In the
Ulee des Acacias. .
Third An appearance in the even
ing , In Mrs. Norton's box at the opera.
The two newcomers were immediate
ly noticed and appreciated by the thir
ty or forty persons who constitute a
sort of mysterious tribunal , and ren
der in the name of all Paris a verdict
from which there Is no appeal. These
thirty or forty people have from time
to time a fancy for declaring charming
some woman who is obviously ugly.
That Is enough. She Is charming1 , dat
ing from that day.
The beauty of the two sisters was
beyond dispute. In the morning their
grace , their elegance and air of dis
tinction were admired ; in the after
noon , It was declared that they had
the free , firm steps of young goddesses ;
in the evening , there was only once
voice as to the ideal perfection of their
shoulders. The game was won. All
Paris , from that time , saw the two sis
ters with the eyes of the little scullion
on the Rue d'Amsterdam ; all Paris
repeated his "Mazette ! " that is , with
the changes and variations imposedby
the cvustoms of society.
Mrs. Scott's salon immediately took
shape. The habitues of three or four
great American houses went en masse
to see the Scotts , who had three hun
dred people at their first Wednesday.
'Their ' circle increased very rapidly
there was a little of everything in their
list : Americans , Spaniards , Italians ,
Hungarians , * Russians , and even Par
When Mrs. Scott related her history
to the Abbe Constantin she did not tell
him-every thing ; one never does tell ev
erything. She knew that she was
charming , liked to have it acknowl
edged , and did not hate to be told so.
In short , she was a coquette. Would
she have been a Parisian , otherwise ?
Mr. Scott had full confidence In his
wife , and allowed her perfect freedom.
He was seldom seen.
He was an honest man , and some
times embarrassed that he had made
such a marriage , that he had married
so much money. Having a taste for
business , he took pleasure in devoting
himself entirely to the management of
the two enormous fortunes in his
hands , in increasing it constantly , and
in saying every year to his wife and
sister-in-law :
"You are still richer than you were
last year. "
Not contented with guarding with
much interest and skill the invest
ments which he had left in America ,
he embarked in large enterprises in
France , and succeeded in Paris as he
had succeeded in New York. In order
to make money , there is nothing like
having no need to make it.
Mrs. Scott was courted , she was
courted immensely. She was courted
in French , in English , in Spanish , in
Italian for she knew these four lan
guages and this is another advantage
which foreigners have over poor Par
isians , who generally know only their
mother tongue , and have not the re
source of international passions.
Mrs. Scott did not drive people out
of doors with a stick. She had ten ,
twenty , thirty adorers at the same
time. None of them could boast of any
preference whatever ; she was the same
to all agreeable , playful , smiling. It
was clear that she only amused her
self at the game , and never took a se
rious part in it. She played for the
pleasure , the honor , the love of the art.
Mr. Scott never had the least uneasi
ness ; he was perfectly right is being
undisturbed. Moreover , he enjoyed the
success of his wife7 he was happy in
seeing her happy. He loved her very
much little more than she loved him
she loved him very well , and that
explains all. There was a great dif
ference between well and much when
those two adverbs are placed after the
i'erb to love.
As for Bettina , there was around her
i curious chase a detestable circle !
Such a fortune ! Such a beauty ! Miss
Percival arrived in Paris on the 15th
3f April ; a fortnight had not passed
Before offers of marriage began to rain
lown. In the course of the first year
Bettina amused herself keeping this
iccount very exactly in the course of
he first year she might , if she had
.vished , have married thirty-four times
and such a variety of aspirants.
Her hand was asked for a young ex-
le , who in certain events might be
jailed to a throne quite small , it is
rue , but still a. throne.
Her hand was asked for a young
luke , who would make a great iigure
it court when France and this was
nevitable ! should reunite the chain of
Napoleonic traditions.
Her hand was asked for a young re
publican member , who had just made
i very brilliant debut at the Chambre ,
ind for whom the future had brilliant
listinies in store , for the republic was
low firmly established in France and
ipon indestructible foundations.
Her hand was asked for a young
Spaniard of the highest rank , and it
vas intimated to her that the ceremo-
lials of the contract would take place
n the palace of a queen , who lives not
rery far from the Arc de 1'Etoile. Her
lame is found , too , in the Almanac
Bottin , for there are queens whose
lames are in Bottin today between a
lotary and a herborist. It is only the
tings of France who no longer live in
Her hand was asked for the son of
in English peer , and for the son of a
nember of the House of Lords in Vi-
nna ; for the son of a banker in Paris ,
ind the son of a Russian ambassador ;
'or a Hungarian count and for an
talian prince ; and also for brave little
roung men who had nothing , neither
mme nor fortune. But Miss Bettina
them all a turn in the waltz , and
believing themHelvea to be Irreslatll * *
they hoped to have made her
Nothing up to the present had
her little heart beat , and the reply
all had been the same :
" j , no ! Still no ! Always nor"
Some days after the performance-
Aida , the two sisters had a long co&
versation on this important , eterafiS.
question of marriage. A certain nain *
mentioned by Mrs. Scott provoked the
most distinct and energetic refusal oc&
Miss Percival's part.
And Suzie , laughing , said to her sis
ter : "You will , however , be forced to
marry at last , Bettina. " s
"Yes , certainly , but I should besor
ry , Suzie , to marry without love. 151
seems to me that to make up my mimlt
to do such a thing , there would faavt-
to be every change of dying an
maid ; and I am not that yet. "
"No. not yet. "
"Let us wait , then , let us wait ! "
"We will wait ! But among all
lovers whom you have dragged aftwr
you for a year there have been somer-
very handsome , agreeable ones ; and .
is certainly a little strange that noaer
of them " f
"None ! dear Suzie , absolutely not.
one ! Why should I not tell you 3tzs = -
truth ? Is it their fault ? Havo they
been awkward ? Would they , If tfcejr
had been more skillful , have found
way to my heart ? Or is it my
Can this road to my heart be , perhaps ,
a horrible , stony , steep , Inaccessifclft-
road , by which no one can pass ? Cam
I be a wicked little creature , hard andi
cold , and condemned never to love/ *
"I do not think so. "
"Nor I , either ; I have never felt any
thing which resembles love. You laugh *
and I can guess why you laugh. You * ,
are saying to yourself , 'Look at this *
little girl who pretends to know what ;
it Is to love ! ' You are right , I do aotj.
know ; but I can imagine a little. To-
ove , dear Suzie , is it not to prefer RV
certain person to every one , to all that-
world ? "
"Yes , it is very much like that. "
"And not to be tired of seeing that ;
person and hearing him ? Is it not to
cease to live when he is no longer here
and to begin to live again as sooo as-
he reappears ? " .
"Oh ! oh , that would be a very gx-sat :
ove ! "
"Ah ! well ! that is the love I dreatrs >
of. "
'And that is the love that neirer-
comes ! "
'Oh ! yes , it does. And yet the per
son preferred by me , to everyone elses-
do you know who it is ? "
"No ! I do not know , but I have .ss.
slight suspicion. "
"Yes , 4t is you , my darling , and per
haps it is you , my naughty sister , irno-
makes me so insensible and cruel , Is
love you too much. All my love yotu
have all my love there is no room fbc-
anyone else. To prefer someone-
you ! To love someone better than
I never can ! "
"Oh , yes "
"Oh , no ! To love In another
perhaps ? But better , no. We need nofcr
expect it , the man I am waiting foe-
and who does not come. "
( To be continued. )
He all time winkin' at me wid his li3 ?
shiny eye
He do worrienst er chillen fer ter
'm rockaby !
I wonders why dey let 'im lef de play
groun' in de sky !
He won't go to sleepy twell d&rr
mawnin' !
I tells 'im 'bout de creeturs dat'l eomar
en' ketch him sho'
Ef his liT eyes stay open better sb&fe.
de sle"ep do' !
But bless his honey-sweetness ! w'yl bar-
only wink de mo' !
He won't so ter sleepy twell 2a.-
mawnin' !
But ain't his face a picter ? Sweetesti
one I ever see !
En * dem eyes er his is bluer das < 2&r
sky kin hope ter be ;
En' I sorter feels dat Heaven's keepcrsT
company wid me
Whar he won't go ter sleepy twelS.
de mawnin' !
Frank L. Stanceci. .
Belt pins in gun metal are neir scn i.
are found in a variety of designs.
The newest hatpins include unoso
ally large network balls , topped witia
a jewel.
Jet studded elastic belts are vrocrs.
with shirtwaists of pink and otherr
bright hues.
Brown and green , green and
brown and gray , gray with green
silver are some of the new combina
tions of colors.
Stock collars of white silk or bfcxefc
and white silk are seen on many oIT
the better grades of flannel and poplins
Soft fabrics are the leaders thisal& '
and liberty taffetas , louisine , peau tfe >
sole and satin duchess are exquisiteljr-
soft and lustrous.
Drab and chamois shades are sees
this fall and chestnut , coffee and cltoo-
olate tones are in evidence in the c < & -
lection of browns.
Those who like spangles may indulga-
their fancy to the extent of wearing :
spangled hosiery and gloves , for nov
elties in this line have made their
pearance this fall.
The fashionable umbrella is
and the case matches the silk. The far-
vorite coloring is very dark shot taC
feta and the stick is of polished w.oodi.
without any ornamentation.
One of the new brooches sho.vr aa _
trio of pink moonstones arranged
a row. The face of a fat baby
appears on each stone with a ca $ >
diamond and a. diamond bow under
Aluminum dressing bags are the lit
est convenience for the traveler areSL
jewel bags may be had to match. Thes i
receptables are featherweight and thcsr
cost is somewhat higher than for tli3 = ± -
ordinary bags.