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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 17, 1901)
Mexican Soldiers Can't Gamble. The minister of war of Mexico has restricted the number of gambling houses in this city , and the officers are warned that If caught In one of the establishments they will be dismissed from the army. On a Dnbllh Woolsack. ' Justice Martin J. Keogh , of the su preme court of New York , visited the Four Courts , Dublin , the other day , and for some time occupied a seat on the bench in nisi prius court No. 1 with Justice Barton. I "Why They Called Uim Mary. Two young Phlladelphians , who were introduced to each other by a friend of both the other day , scrutin ized each other closely , and then one of them said : "I think I used to know you. Didn't we sail together on the Bchoolship Saratoga about twelve years ago ? " "Yes , I remember you very well now , " replied the other. "You weren't as tough as the rest of us. We thought you were a dude. We called you Mary , didn't we ? " "Yes ; I remember the nickname perfectly. " "Why did they call you Mary ? " ask ed the mutual friend. "To the best of my recollection , " said the young man who had been so named , "it was be cause I used a tooth brush ! " The two former shipmates laughed heartily as they recalled the old , careless days. Has Lived in Three Centuries. Another of the three-century cen tenarians , who is quite ready for her obituary , is Mrs. ElizabethHunt , of Brooklyn , who , by the record in the family Bible , was born 101 years ago Saturday , and though her sight and memory are failing , she is out every 'day and her delight is taking trolley trips. The secret of ignorance is not to know your lack of wisdom. , Sirs. Madison's Case. Polk City , la. , Oct 14th. For over ten years Mrs. Elizabeth P. Madison , a respected lady of this place has sufl fered most severely with Kidney trouble complicated with derange ments of the bowels and liver. Rheu matism another painful result of de ranged Kidneys added its tortures to ' her burden of pain. Treatments and medicines without number were tried ; physicians also exhausted their skill , but all to no .purpose. At this stage of the case a treat ment of Dodd's. Kidney Pills was re sorted to and the results were simply miraculous , from the very first box an improvement was noticed and the continued treatment resulted in a complete cure. This remarkable cure created a de cided sensation in the neighborhood because of the complications of the case as well as its severity and appar ent hopelessness. "Upon investigation Dodd's Kidney Pills are found to be the only remedy that has ever cured Bright's Disease , Diabetes or Dropsy and these hitherto incurable diseases are readily con quered by this remarkable remedy. A woman can't see any farther than the end of her nose if it has a pim ple on it. MARK. , EVERY MAN WOMAN AND CHILD who suffers from Rheumatism should use St. Jacobs Oil It Conquers Pain , acts like magic , and has no equal on earth as a pain killer. Price , 25c and 50c. SOLD BY ALL DEALERS IN MEDICINE. CROPS North Dakota has just harvested awon derful crop of heat and flax. Reports from the various railway points along the "Soo" Line show yields of 25 to 38 bushels to the acre of wheat , and from 15 to 20 hushels of flax per acre. Flax is now bringing $1.25 per bushel. Most of the crop was raised on newly broken land , so that the first crop pays for the farm and all the labor , and leaves a handsome profit. There is still plenty of good free govern ment land open for entry ; also good open ings to go into business in the new towns along the "Soo" Line. For descriptive cir culars , maps and particulars , write to D. TV. Casseday , Land Agent , "Soo" Line , Minneapolis , Minn. the Wet Sawyer's Slickers SaTryer's " 'Excelsior Brand" Snita and Slickers * ro the beet waterproof ffar- meats ia the world. Alado from the but ma terials iind warranted waterproof. Mad * to stand the roughest Work and weather. ' L < eok for the trade mark. If yonr dealer does not have them , vrrltc for catalotrne. ' - 11. H. BAWTEU & SOJi. * olo fife * . , Eact Cambrldee , MAM. NEW DISCOVERY ; gives quick relief and cure * wont cases. Book of testimonials and 10 DATS * treatment KB. H. H. CBEES'S BONE. Bov X. Atlanta. Ca. UllinCftliC AMERICAN LADY , Independ- HARUvJ' MC cntlj rich , wants good honert fcusbaod. AddresB MIES , 87 Market 6t. , CUlctgo , IlL Two Hundred and Hfty Liberals Assail the Poorly Equipped Garrison. CHARGE FROM BOTH DIRECTIONS Canoes Enable them to Remch Kemote Point Daring Darkness British Ship Bans Into Hornet's Nest After Anchoring Becomes a Target. COLON , Colombia , Oct. 9. A force of liberals , numbering at least 250 , at tacked Morro Island , commanding the entrance to the port of Tumaco , Sep tember 24. The island had all along been garrisoned with fewer than 100 troops , well supplied with arms , am munition and commissary stores , in cluding more than 150 head of cattle and other provisions in proportion. The landing was effected before day break by means of canoes. Simultan eously the island was stormed from the other end by liberals on the main land. Morro island is surrounded by shallow sandbanks and the only means of approaching Tumaco is by the Nar row river , which is within easy range of the island. The British steamer Quito , bound from Guayaquil , Ecuador , for Panama , and touching at ports between , an chored off Morro island on the night of September 26 and weighing anchor at daybreak , started up the stream to ward Tumaco. The liberals fired a shot across its bows. Suspecting the situation it immediately turned , but rifle shots and one cannon continued to be fired at it , the former striking the boat several times and the latter once , the ball making a hole right through above the water mark , though the damage in other respects was slight. Quito then steamed to the fartherest point the tide would permit and again anch'ored. The firing was now re sumed , but it ceased after a few min utes , the liberals having discovered the imprudence of their action. It is significant that shortly after the Quito incident became known the Brit ish warship Icarus left Panama for a destination not made public , but pre sumably Tumaco. The steamship agents have been officially notified ant to accept freight at the port. TREATY IS IN f REE SPIRIT. Neither Uncle Sam Nor John Bull Blake any Beal Sacrifice. WASHINGTON , Oct. 9. There has been no surrender by England to the United States in the matter of the new Isthmathian canal treaty , according to the best authorities here. It is said to be equally true that the United States has sacrificed no principle in these negotiations. It is said that what actually had happened is that each side has preserved the underly ing principle of the Clayton-Bulwer treaty and the new convention will provide for a waterway , neutral at all times and open to commerce of the world. The Clayton-BulWer treaty , however , drawn half a century ago , has proved to be defective in mechan ism for giving effect to this purpose. The new treaty simply provides this mechanism. England is relieved from the guaranty , which in its case was only troublesome and which , being as sumed by the United States in toto , is quite as effective. As viewed from the American point of view even , there was no surrender on England's part in seeking this re lief , inasmuch as the above men tioned principle is reiterated and af firmed as binding upon the United States. As for the form of the treaty It may be stated that it embodies in substance the amendments to the Hay-Pauncefote treaty which was signed by the senate and beyond that the changes are believed to be text ual arather than substantial. Great Aspen Tnnnel Done. SALT LAKE CITY , Utah , Oct. 9. The great Aspen tunnel on the Le- roy-Bear River cutoff on the Union Pacific road is completed , and trains will be running over the new route Sunday. The cutoff and tunnel short en the line nearly ten miles and re duce the grade over that portion of the road from seventy to forty-three feet to the mile. The tunnel has been two years in constructing. President Begins His Messag * . WASHINGTON , Oct. 9. Only Attor ney General Knox , Postmaster General Smith and Secretaries Hitchcock and Wilson attended today's cabinet meet ing. Nothing important developed. The president has begun his message. Hanged for Murder of Professor. PHILADELPHIA , Oct. 9. Charles Perry and Henry Ivory , colored , were hanged in the county prison for tha murder of Roy Wilson , white , profes sor of law at the University of Penn sylvania. The drop fell at 10:06 % . The men met death bravely and neither made any statement on the gallows. Ivory was quickly strangled to death , butthe knot slipped under Perry's chin and it was soma time be fore life was extinct Perhaps they call it a "stovepipehat because they sometimes get "stove In. " DON'T SPOIL YOUB CLOTHES. Use Red Cross Ball Blue and keep them white as snow. All grocera. 5c. a package. It isn't always the clock with the loudest tick that keeps the best time. DEFIANCE 8TABCH should be In ever"household , none so good , besides 4 oz. more for 10 cents than any other brand of cold water starch. Sozodont Tooth Powder Good for Bad Teeth Not Bad for Good Teeth Sozodont Liquid 250 Large Liquid and Powder 750 A1J stores or by mail tor the price. Sample lor postage 3& HALL & RUCKEL , New York. DO YOUR CLOTHES LOOK YELLOW ? Then use Defiance Starch , It will keep them white 16 oz. for 10 cents. Some men ought to take a day off and get acquainted with themselves. PUTtfAM FADELESS DYES are easier to use and color more goods brigh ter and faster colors than any other dye. Sold by druggists , lOc. per package. A wild steer is dangerous on either lake or ranch. Beware of Ointments for Catarrh That Contain Mercury , As mercury ivill surely destroy the sense of smell and completely derange the whole system when entering it through the mucous surfaces. Such articles should never be used except on prescriptions from reputable physicians , as the damage they will do Is tenfold to the good you can possibly derive from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure , manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co. , Toledo , O. , contains no mercury , and is taken internally , acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure besureyougettheeenuin'e. It Is taken internally , and made m Toledo , Ohio , byF.J. Cheney & Co. Testimonials free. Sold by Druggists , price 73c per bottle. Hall's Family Pills are the best. A woman is never satisfied until she cado a thing two different ways. We may stand on'the highest hill if we are only willing to take steps enough. FiTSPennaentyCwrai. Jo fits or nervousness att Crtrt day'a use of Dr. Kline' * Great Nerve Rrttorer. Bend for FREE 82.OO trial bottle and treatise. to. E. H. Kuxc. Ltd. . 931 Arch St. . JPblladelphi's. Pa The apologist for good is ready to condone evil. GOOD HOUSEKEEPERS Usa the best. That's -why they buy Red Cross Ball Blue. At leading grocers , 5 cents. A man's idea of a phenomenon is another man who never loses his col lar button. a Self-denial is the spinal column of consistency. Millions of sufferer ? use Wizard Oil for pain every year and call it blessed. Ask the druggist , he knows. The new heart helps us to put off the old man. Mrs. WlnrlowH SoothingSyrnp. . ? or children tcettlnc , softens the Rums , reduces IT- flammatlon , allay a pain , cured wind colic. 25c z , botUo. When the soul is on fire us dross will quickly be consumed. Ready-made advice very seldom fits. VIHI pv NOW MULCT KEADX k Agents wanted. Also general travelling agents and resident district managers to handle the only author.od official , au thentic life of President McKlnley ; also giving lives of our other martyr Presidents , Lincoln and Garlleld ; complete inside history of the villainous workings of the anarchistic societies : profusely lllus trated ; GOO pages. The only life of Me Kin ley printed In English , German and Swedish. Lib eral commission to agents and a straight guaranteed salary to those In the advanced positions. You nevet hod a better opportunity to make big money quickly and easily than you have today. You can make 850O per month for the next 3 months pushing thta marvelous history of a great and good and useful life. Strike now , while the Iron Is hot. Do not delay , for every day Is worth from $20 to 830 to yon. And bear In mind that If you demonstrate to us that yon can sell books , that later In the fall we will lie willing tc employ you under a straight-out guaranteed salary to appoint and Instruct other agents. This Is the chance of a lifetime. We make our own books and can easily duplicate the offer of any other house , and will do so. We also give a valuable premium to every purchaser worth more than tho ratal ! price of the book. Many of these concerns that are advertising McKInley books arc merely general agents and buy their books from us. We advise you to order from us , and thus deal directly with the manufacturers. Credit given ; freight paid. Write today and send 10 cents , for postage on free outfit. CO-OPERATIVE PUBLISHING CO. , Dept. W , 356 Dearborn St. , Chicago. NOV.3O FROM 19O2. STA R TOOL SET. BSO TAGS. 0 SESHOE a.soo TASS. "SPEARHEAD" SIX STANDARD NAVY ISO MU TAGS. I 111 I so TAGS : ' * " w ripr SO TAOS. ffAZe * STKOP. PIPER HEIOSIECK # , \ WM i OOllUltOU . tt AJtOTOOtt. SO TASS. B 0 OTJACK . . I4O TAGS. tiUBBU POUCH teg riHf CUT TOBACCO. DRUMMOND NATURAL LEAF LSJ ' 'eurrca KHIK Ttoeets : COTACS- 2.000 TASi 'OLDPEACHXHONEY NOBBY SPUN ROLL SUSAff SffCU 'XOetKS' 6O TAGS * 2STAGS\ il JOILYTAR SO TAGS. tt CE GREENVILLE . SALT AND PCPPC * ser. . . . TAPC SOrtlT. rott PLUG TOBACCO. . . SOTAfO. 60 Ties. flttCKCL WXf&f. SPtfTBAMOOO riSHING ROD 24-0 TAOS. GRANGERTWIST NVT SCT 2 GRANGER TWIST TABS being equal to one of others mentionecfl 'fio JLSOO TAGS. "Good Luck , " "Cross Bow , " "Old Honesty , " "Master Workman , " "fickle , " " Brandywine , " "Planet , " "Neptune , " "Razor , " "Tennessee Cross Tie , " " Ole Varginy. " 3 BO TAGS. TAGS MAY BE'ASSORTED IN SECURING PRESENTS ? * " . . i FOUNTAIN PCN. .100 TAGS. 'MATCH a ox : Our new illustrated GO CART. CATALOGUE OF PRESENTS LLT * LOCK FOR 1902 SIX EACH. . KUIYES ANQfOJiKS. will inclu e many articles not shown here. It wiircontain the HAKDLIS. * most attractive List of Presents ever offered for Tags , and will , be sent by mail on receipt of postage tvyo cents. ( Catalogue will be ready for mailing about January ist , iO2. ) . 2STACS. , Our offer of Presents for Tags will expire Nov. 3oth , 1902. ' CHILD'S SCT * CONTINENTAL TOBACCO COMPANY. ZSO Write your name and address plainly on outside of packages containing Tags , and send them and requests for Presents to ZSTAGS. C..Hy. BROWN , 7S TAGS. 4241.FoIsonTAve. . . , St. Louis , Mo. . . 200 TA.CS. 7STACS. HMLIN MAGAZINE RIFLE 30/JO CAUBIR. ZflOO TAGS. MAM KUSS SHOT tUN. . Rl * * U 4 MAKU * MA6AZJ * fHFU. / SHOT. 22 ( SOO.TAfS.