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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 10, 1901)
- i1L. . 1C 1 1 1 12 46 47 47 04 00 10 0 * 19 40 1 12 1 12 12 I. . ! . K. Th rkrey. Treasurer , f Cherry County Nebraska , do Isereoy rertlfv that tl.e farcgoiujr isu true andorre'it strttement of taxes levied lor the year 1900 which lire dun und delinquent on the above aescribed real estate and rt'main- inc unpaid at the close of business September 80 , ir oi. To theso amounts must be added inter est at the rate of 10 percent from May 1,1901 to- ilon to remain open : is long * purchasers HI > - ptsiror until all lands ou which taxes remain unpaid are sold. J. K. TiiArKRKV. Co. Treas. by Harriet Thackrey , Deputy THE VALEHUHE OfMOf- ,1 M RICF. Mutual companies pay losses in full No discount I. M. RICE , Ajrent. f - - - - I > KMOCBATIC TICKET State Nominated at Ihe State Convention For Supreme Judue COXKAU HOLLKXJJKCK , DodflO Fer Regents , J. H.BAYSTON , Frontier. FG. UAWXBV , Nemaha , County For Couuly Clertc AMtx Dunn , Bnffalo J ke I'reet For County Treasurer J , F. YOUNG. Barley irect. For County Judge . . . % . . . .W. R. TOVTSK , Candidate for re-election For Surveyor J. S. 1 STABHOOK , Candidate for re-election For Coroner . .A. N. COMITON. Candidate for re-election For Sheriff JOHN KiKF.Woodlake Frect. ForCounty'Supt. Tubllc Instruction MIHS.IKNMK MonoARRiuoF , teaching ' . . . . . n Woodlake schools Prcelnct For Assessor J. A. HonNBACK For Justice of the Peace GEOKOK lUnoKx For Uocstable : D. W , IIlLSINGKIt ADDITIONAL LOCAL. Chas. Maxwell is an employee at this office as an apprentice. W. E. Haley took his little girl to Omaha to the St. Joseph hospital the first of the week. J. F. Mye returned last Friday morning from his several weeks ab sence in Colorado. Mrs. Dan Hatten , near Crookaton , was thrown from a horse last week and draped until almost lifeless. Dr. Dwyer attended to her injuries. Jim Ray , the ice man , will have an auction sale Oct 24. You are ah in vited to come , eat lunch with him and have a good time if you don't want to buy anything. A special term of court was held last Friday oy Judjfe Westover mak ing confirmations in sales of real es tate. The judge and wife were re turning from a trip to Missouri. H. R. Edgar and wife came up from Brownlee , Tuesday. Yesterday they bought the Carpenter property and next spring will move to town. Mr. Edgar will spenrt the winter in the Black Hills country. Maggie Shaughnessv who has suf fered long from pulmonary consumpt ion , died Saturdav morninV at 12:20 : October 5 , 1901 at the age of 18 vear. and seven months. A large number of frienlsind neighbors gathered at 9 o'clock Monday morning at the Catholic church to pay the final trib ute of love and respect in syrripatiu with the bereaved parents , brother. and sisters 'of whom Mr. and Mrs. Satterlee , Will and Mary were pres ent with the family , three brothers beiug absent. A most beautiful cream silk plush casket carried by six of the former schoolmates with ap- Kropiate ceremony ! by Father Lecn- ; itner was very impressive. We ex tend our sympathies to the bereaved. Card of V We desire to extend our most sin cere thanks to our many kind friends and sympathizers who assisted us dur ing the illness and death of our dear daughter and sister. MR. AND MRS. SHAUGHNESSY AND FAMILY. Commissioners Iroc c < lisjjj ; Valentine Xebr. , Oct. 1 , 1901 : Board met in regular session. I resent chairman L Lmifer and Alex Burr and adjourned to Oct. 2. Oct. 2 : Board met as per adjourn ment membprs all present. On motion Clarence Ward was granted duplicate of hold out for $1 00 same having been lost. On motion bond of American Bridge Co. for building bridges was ap- proved. On motion reports of county surveyor on Brownlee bridge and roiul nnd Snake river bridge were accepted. On motion road petition of G. II. Q. It isn't the Cook's Fault , it isn't ' your Grocer's Fault , that the bulk coffee you jus ! purchased turns out to be differ ent from the "same kind" bought before. Coffee purchased in bulk is sure to vary. The sealed package in which LION COFFEE is sold insures uniform flavor and strength. It also keeps the coffee fresh and insures absolute purity. [ FOOT J WARMERS i You'll be sorry if you put off * buy inn a Hot Water Bottle * until midwinter. Therfcod ) feet season 'SeW in early , and. * you will miss a lot of comfort * if you fail to provide yourself- with the remedy. A Hot Water Hottle will do more than enable you "to slee r | 'in comfort ; it will cure tooth- * - % ache , neuralgia , or any deep | seated pain. * ' r H Get Good Ones : , There's a good deal of money * thrown away onrubber goods J that are only half rubber. No' snch Hot Water Bottles here. Quigley & Chapman Io Druggists , . Valentine , Neb. Smith et alvtis laid over awaiting \ > t& inl commissioners report. On luotion clerk was instructed to write I. N. " Gar ner for deposit with his road petition. On motion bond of Valentine" Statr" Hank for keeping county funds was ap proved. O-i motion requost of J M , Jiarto to have tax of 1898 in Lavaeupre cieut stricken from lax list was rejected " On motion Martin Ilaley was eiubloyei. as janitor for the couit house at $30.00 per month lie being the lowest bidder. , Ou motion ihe following claims were" allowed and warrants ordered drawn on county general fund A i'ctt.\cre\v jinisc for poor $ s c < J \V Daniels Mil 3ul yr aua expenses 112 i , A. Al Mori iasov . 1035 L bliiVeas sal toOct-1 -71 ! . Hinglk.t & CllUjjni.iii mniiuine poor 42 I * A wtj | mrl riuanl duty uiinr Iccj & liotml 22 o. ij 4s l.ayKrl | UiKi.ij ; iiisuiu pcianii aaj > < im J 2 Urubb cc ( Ju Mippiitf.TfurTt'J ) Sit&ur r 4 ii .J.mies li.i > ice poor t > u. IAWIS AUiius nvi iiLun lumlier l 2 K Kfciaunl Iribniit : applies ti Caribou icii.uring jiiii 4 2. . / K Th.tcKici oouiity 7i o. vJ \ \ i.c.inicr j-iror MuriB iinju'-st i Ou tiiom.v.loiito . . . . - . . iw Jiuiics Harna . " . i m , b c : JJoyies . . - . 1 w , Heiiriou ikirnewim . . . . . t ix- ' 'u A bsUibriHiK . . . . i Ov , \ \ cnster w.tiioss Mjrris ) ii < [ Uttt 1 w Munis . . . iw > icnl August a ; 07 A. iicii ou uurMiit ; > i'2 > 0 0 < Ih'0.\n > iu 3rd qr lyoi 21700 . , . . , ) Frank Kr.unp. rt .vttuess Hubbcl cise 6 iu MJS . . . . . . . . 640 Mis hiedvilkc . . . . 400 J \ \ Daniels inciiilicr liiKird nmnnity 75 AU > njiecni inlcrjiivtiT . . . . . . . 3 to ii ! > Ciirkt : iiiviniiur . . . . . . 1 00 J \ \ 1'casltsupplif.s , ' lo \VormiiuraiUpiio.i.riUyc notion 77o SUic.JinirniU .siatules 7 ; . tx 1 * K Simons th'A agu ull Wiiod 1 Uo Kntio lattoinnalc uo.ireiuy pcuper o ( fo A. lAWit. iufdicliie pu > r 2 no fee insiuu wise I7ot < incil utletiduucu poor 1 * & < , . . . . . . ; Ow < Frank Kludofaky keeping p.uiper * 4t > uu A i Coniptdii Alorrb Inq leat 2J IK , K D ClirK : uoattl of ms.iuity 0 10 * Kelt & FarnuitfomptoniutiT I2. < t L A' i i\poit feus tloffmnu insaiic case - < " ' J S Ebtabrook survey.iijj On county road fuiid : e \ ' Lewis A.lhms roido > erseer 27 ( X ) N fclliult . . . . . 2i : Ou John Kirmiu. : . : . 20 M J amus Kay . > sO- Heiny llecker . 250i W J brooms rtip.tii'inu plovvetc. . ( Jiu yannielJ Heth warkWarr brulge . GOo ( JtoM llctli . DUO Klcu.inl ( It-ooms . ! )0.i ) E Ij lleatli . 3M ) I , llrSniili ) . 5 co .i ilu sht'Utmirii loud ! woik . Goo II F Tcttytfrew . V . in an u le& M.-kliu lumber. . . . : . 27 v ? Geo li Hornby . 4lu6 THE simply sit andvisli are not the ones vlio catch the lisli. You'll wake tip one of these cold mornings and find you're caught without an overcoat. Why not be readyrhcn the cold spell comes ? Our stocks of are complete in every detail. Quantity , Quality , Style Price You can depend upon anything you get here us boing correct in every detail. Send for catalogof MEN'S CLOTHING. On u otioti claim of II. O. luckor for tor fe s in tfraiikhu Cattle Co. \uis n jected. Alto clui-u ot L 11 ot Jj3 6Ua& ifjcte l. Ou mo dun the fol o > ing aiiiounta Were Ue- > uuled from the above allowed claims ana applied upon delinquent taxes : 1Mb 5 rt > n U , .looms < . . ( \ .1 u w Jumps Rjiy ft jo I wis Adam * 20 , . Frank KnimptTt on Knimjwrt & Uck tax..ft , " Ht-nHoh lloriuiuan 1 Thomas .loin's riw Mrs Frank Krampert 540 On motion rlerk was instructed to in vite bids for county coal for coining war. Whereupon the board adjourned to November 7 , 1901. Attest , J. W. DANIELS. County ClerK The O'Neill Frontier i < showing up htt populist pirates of Holt in .then rue colors , and in it' ? . la | issue prints ijtyjal notice , built for a rake-ofT , thai tniiinnteil to $73 while thn same notice n legal form only came to " $10 Buttc jazctte. X V. Unfr will'tnahea good count lerk. He'shonent , competent and i * i faithful man whom men can depend upon to do what they Delect hitu for. Vhvays even tempered ami courteous to ill alike. Mr. Burr should receive ii vote. We hoard some prejudiced man was trying to keep the voters from support- ng some of our nominees by saving fhnt they didn't want republican voles. Sre want ihe support of all of our pen ile1 for our candidates believing theyj-ire ivovthy men. They are entitled to Mipport and will appreciate the good ll of every one no matter what party. Vote for men. Our county will jog along just , the ame no matter who's elected. You ? ant * hold her Imck but you have > our In lice of men f < r office. No lu-tter m n than Burr. Young ami Kief can > e found for their n Hires ami to tho-e. vlfo have not met the > e mtmu \\ill y that they are all right and that yon nake no mistake'us they are "Imnu ot ilgh character and ability. It's u .jleasure to meet snch men. ' * * John T. Kief , of A rabid , candidate for sheriff , called to see us while in Monday delivering some cuttle he iHilMihitoJ.V. . - Stetter. Mr. Kei vill tr } ' to get around where he is not ? < i ; quainted M > that our voters may see mil know who they are voting for. /r\vo god eainliditles in the field. T.ike your rhoice YOU can't make a mistake. Mr. Kief is an honorable - x nan and will appreciate ; i sTfure of our votes. the republicans ordered Joe Unrflcv back to prison it was ; i suv- " r jf > -4 rKe to some , especially Oov. Savage and Joe Bartley who evidently thought that the thing was nil over. Not a re- c * pnplican p. per censured tlm governor. All uouinifiireil favorably or nave silent approval waiting for honest , democracy to criticise the action which was only uu out as \ \ feeler. They felt a cold of indignation sweeping over them vere compelled to do something. l tj > C , -T ie republican press may be mnzz ! d butjyou can't mtiz'/le nor mould public. sentiment when you turn sucli men as Hartley loo > e. , My noted oonteniiorary ] who claims to have lived down 23 democrats give his report th-it th ir-publiom convention was the : n t harmonious they hnvt ? had and claiming Ja large delegation. U is ivue tiu-y lra.-.l lots of enthusiasm. Who ever heard of a. lot of ollien s ek- ers getting together without arousing themselves to a pitch of ftvnzv in their zeal for ( 'illc-e alul for the boys to be ' right in line"hen tlu * } ' want H vote. Theie uas indeed trouble in the ie- publicar. camp for there was foul play. It was one oftheir tricks , ( the mnn who live in town hero and own the re publican partv. ) Thn outsiders have nothing to do but. vote the ticket. , w-s. "I Mippo-e jou'il be right in line" MO.V \Ve need not call the names for yon know , we know and few don't know that K. C Cole , of Cody , was to be the nominee for treasurer ami would have been but for tlie domination of the Val entine ring , not sa ) ing anything against Mr. Shnttuck who is a nice man to- ) but to tut n Mr. Cole down because he was not good enough and pick np a man who has always had a iiankriing lifter otlico was not the right thing to ilo. Such things will have their effect. Think of such a scheme us to spring three candidates to defeat one. Ic di vides the vote you see and gives the bosses an opportunity to hide behind their schemes. Another worthy man ivas turned down who was not an of- 5ce seeker but he also will bear the itigma now. Encouragement was giv- jn them only to be turned down killed ) ff that's what the bosses call it when ; hey imagine they can't use a man put liim off with promises. Good people ire imposed upon in this way. They. ire injured for life as they receive a in leing brought to believe they mtiat try for o'Hce or wli * n an honor able joung man makes an effort in 1m behalf he is eut down by tin ring nd heir schemes. It uny be that the ring was right and tint Mr. Slmtturk in .1 belter man or will muke n better race but some of oui people are from Mi ssouri. A scheme like tin's loses votes and men can't Le blamed for sitting down on a nwi who WHS brought up by such a scheme life of 2oc suspend ers. the best v.ilue you have seen , at E'ettu-rew's , 37-tf. J R Wallingford Kennedy.Xeb. Cattle branded same as out ; also e hrutu1e < l oil left H C. H Little. Merrlmnn , Ko'ir. on either suit ? Iforsf s s.iniK nn hip. Also Q > Creek & D FRANK A GALL1OU IWofllcp'nildrpps iS. D. side and on \OII . T 'tO''k. 31 ock KanKe-Itoik Springs Robert Emtry Uodebud , S. I ) . Cattle branded on holh sides. Horses on left thigh. on Cut Mtillcieek. Yetsil Vlandry. Codv. Nehr. Cattle branded nnyultere ; some wi tli under neath the brand. Horses on eft shoul der. der.Kantre Kantre Little While Kiverand mouth of ( .edar I'reek , S. I ) . Juhti - Rosolmd. S. D , Some branded 1 ti 417 on Irll siile Hoihes.JD on left tup iianice in Meyer Co on Am elope Greek QUICK Rosprtud S 1) Oittle liniudeil < smu'as : ut or on lip lmirtl'lil : > k Pipi * Cret k RQB Kosebnd. 8.1) . Lefr l < le. l.eft car rop | > ed. Horsed branded VIJ. VIJ.Raime Raime Little Whit * Kiver. at moi tb l -edar'irae.k. ChurleB Richards Merrlmati. Nob U lit y. bl n idt Hose bud S D as cut ' r wit liar under S ; ii-Jit ear slit and dtd.ipptd nornes branded hit hip Charlotte E. Itovill Merrinian Neh Left side or hip Range north o Ell JD N GOUIiLEY P .ril.iT , Neb On left hip ; 5OO onleft side ; Horses Hanirp-CedarLake D. Bray Roseuud S D Cattle branded on IcftthiKh or hip same as cut . brand same oa the left shoulder i Ilfnrv Flininux. r mu'on , Nebraska. RnmiS I' > 'o > : li : } Cin1lull $ on Mt hip. S"i M wKhiMii < | ii < i r eln-lr- Hi'fM'H hr d- x , Ml "II It It * lltllll "l ? li M Kailili > \ Co. < iililri > 3-Valfiit.liirMir ICemie C-jitUe branded aaiiir an ei t. Someon on It-It tlilsli. S mp on left .side 01 hip. E 1 PftARDINEIl Po-stoRlt-e Cody , On 'eft stdn of cut- He : horse ? . O right ann , non hand FOittL of Mobnua Klvr.l'j-nillu.idoiilb wu8t of Cody Frank Livermore. forty Nnh. On hotlv sides uny or 0 " 11 Also Lon lii'i or shoulder. Tanr T.ittlp. WhitB Hirer ami mouth of Cedar Creek S. D. L. B. Lesser. Morrlman , N On left Mde : nl- sw > nn SHIIIK side , SM niulfilliifil. Horses , under lined .M on 1 U se Llttlo White Itiver , GEOUQE JESSEN Postomce address Merriman.Nfb Un jlthcr left side or hip ; horses same ou left shoulder R iiRe-East o Cot ioimoo < i Lake George Heyne Cody , Xeb Rmn < l reglstert" ! N'o lf > 27 Horses bruidid on eft shoitldt-r itslitre : north and " nth of rtirroinli l ike. iu ClurrjCo oMoiliL-e address Co ly , NPD Cattle brntuled on left side ; also CO on left hip of cattle md left shoulder on Ii or sea Runueon Molirara 10 mi HOIK ln\ Cody A T BKACKETT 'ostofflce address Uie > re Neb 'randcd on Iit side mllrs Tat I'eipur Tnvin Nehr. Wm. J. Allen pt ? Bnind if istcwl fo 870 Ho es liRiiulcd n > fft hip Kance. Kiohrara ivor 12 miles east ? fValenfine Jarneb Goodteilow. Cody. Nebr. CattJe branded on left side. Morses J3 on left jaw. Ilanpo Between the Molirani and Medicine J > ake. J. A. Adamson. ValenUne. Neb n left side or hip i4 left si orbip 11 left side * nir * > nn V ilervay lanui Two miles east of rookston , in Clierry urtv , Nelimskii Ciiitlu bmuded OC i left hip. on right p. and on riant side 1th 3-iuch letter 'm CavanauKh Mgr Cronkston Neb George F Damon Albany , Neb CattI ? branded If l > on left ribs or riKlitshouldfrHl > SD FD nnripntliipandlelt rllis ; 6011 left hip Horses FD or SD on right shoulder lianue 7 mi north east of Albany Neb Agent for Pasteur Leg Vaccine