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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 3, 1901)
T.,1. E. Tli rkrey , Treasurer , f Cherry County jCehnvsku , dohereuy certify tliat Ilie f-iregoin } : isa trueaUrt'"onen statempuc of taxes levied M tor the year inoolilcli are due ami deliiuiuent on the above described real estate nnd remain- D iig : unpaid at the close of business Septeml er 80,1C01. To these Amounts must he a4ded inter est at | he nit of 10 percent from May 1,1901 to gether with advert * inc and other costs and n v- tice is hereby jiven that thes lands will be offer- 'd ' for SJile on Monday Nov 4,1WH at public au - loifto remnju open as lonj ; s purchasers MI > - pear or until ail lands onvhicb taxes remain unpaid are sold. til J. E. TIIACKRKY. Co. Treas tilq by Harriet Thackrey , Deputy q I , mm OCTOBER 24 , 1901. At my place one-half mile north of Valentine , com mencing at 11 o'clock a. m. the fol- / v lowing described property , 1 good work team 6 yrs. old i bed room set complete. weight SSOOlbs. 1 Kimball organ good as new , 1 team of Norman colts 2 and 1 'roller top writing desk. 3yrs. old. 1 buggy. 1 fine yearling mule. 1 low'wheel farm wagon. 2 extra milk cows 7yrs. old Household goods and kitchen 1 set of concord Harness. furniture of all kinds and 1 road cart. description. TEiiMS : 12 months"time on all sums over $10 ; purchaser giving good bankable security. 'All sums of 810 and under , cash ; five per cent off for cash. Come and look on and have lunch with me if you * don't want to buy anything. JIM RAY , THE ICE A C. W. CRAMER WM. HALEY HALEYClerk Auctioneer Clerk That's tlie store you liear so inticli about. - l v - You can get acquainted with iis through our Mail Order Department One cent will bringboth of our Catalog's. One of them is full of Men's Clothes information ; the other tells you about ciothas for Women. \ FHE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT M. RICE EDITOR ( MMi BVMM MB Mutual companies pay losses in full , o discount I. M. RICE , Ajrent. Nominated at the State Convention 'or Supreme .Indiro C'OXRAI > IIOU.RXKKCK , 'er Regents J. H.BAYSTON. Frontier F.G. HAWXKV , Nemnbn ADDITIONAL LOCAL. Tommy Watkins is tending bar fo V. F. A. Meitendorff. J. W. Burleigh's sale was well at- glided and cattle sold well. W. A. Pettjcrew has a new clert , lr. Yeast , to help in the store. WANTED : 100 head of shotes .at nco. . M P. BROSIUS 37 2t Valentine. Nebr. O W. Morey is down the road fitting re glasses and other work in liis line jewelry lie is deserving of success Hiraru Cole of Hampton , Iowa , if siting with U. G. Dunn and family , r. Cole is a brother-in-law of Mr. unn's. Kolert Good , the best all around inter and newspaper man in the west mie up last Friday and helped us un- Tuesday night setting the .delin- uent tax list. ij You can- k > just as well have the very latest improved cnes. just as well have a large J fe assortment to choose from , just < as well jret those made from high J grade materials , and just as well he eavrd something on the cost. ! We buy the best goods on the 1 jj market , buy enough to get inside ! prices , and sell them to TOU at i ij ouly a fair margin of profit. * Fountain S f'ombination Syrinjrcs , ' Bulb Svrinfres.'anel a larjre variety of other kind * Quigley L Chapman , J Druggists , | J Valentine , Xeh. Elmer Cole is tending bar for Eobert McGuer J hn Frilz was arcong tho visitors this week. Curly Iluggins enjoyed a few days here with friends hu-t week. Ira T. Richardson was here during the races. He will soon go to join his wife in Aikausas. One company of the 23rd infantry is on its way here from the Phillipines to be quartered at Fort Niobrara. f JOHN Po- address | - < et- Cody , NebrasK:1 left side MM .in left .side Horses J S h mlder Range between r < i .nn Lake Creek iMerrimun , Neb Branded uu left j side ; horses 6'Hiie I on left sliiniifii Kan lift ween ear ( jrecnid tb' ci r vl"f J ; A T DAVIS IKS loftlresirt dress h > ann ! $ . Neb On riglit s " " ' " on left" sh u er on noril. of nannis ( .j Geo i M\lu A. Kay Williams , M ; ; Postofllce a < ld ross Merrunau. Patlle Oil on leftside. . Some iMviMar- iousn'ii > r Brands. Kar nun k - Left ear ciiijird | Hjinire ! ! in K. R. & M .V U. U. south lo l/e nder (1reek. 1US. Si-ril nr. . Nebr. N. S. Rowley Kennedy , - Kubrnska. San > " ii-i ' "it "n let * , side and hip. nnd on left shou'd'T nf I scs. Also 2JSg on left bide in flit.a hip. \ .7 on rifil ! bip atsd -f ou Jufl . , ide. Q on left hip of horses. p on left jaw and left shoulder of horses. LUQ on left hip of horses. JOHN A L.JG/.N Posfoflli-e address Allen. B. I ) , i MI left * li'Mier ! ! .nd hip : some ] on V lott slioudraiid ) | 4 on left sfdo. Ear mark-left ear crop'd Cteek CHARLES r.oNB WOLF Postoffice Allen S I ) On riKht side and shoulder , horses same on rishtthieh Bailee-Bear Creek Hugh Uovill , Manager Merrimau Neb Alton left side or hip llange north of El Kew line of 2oc suspenders , the brst valueyou have seen , at Pettycrew's , ° 7-tf. 01- J R Wallingfnnl Cattle li'-in.ic ( ] rut ; C. H. Little. 3Ierrrnan ! , Nehr. On either side Horses same on hip. Kange-T kc Creek csD A OALLIOU r .atofllce"nddrefis Jlanderson , S. J ) . Left side and on young stock. Old StOCk"r.tnt'piljf lerrsine mtt Uiiph jajl l ° rr -ltouK Sprtnus Itobert Emcrv liodebud. 8. I ) . Cattln branded on h'nlh .sides. Horses ou left thiyh. KaUf ; < i nn Cut Sk-at creek. C. E. Wright. Valentine Nebr. Brand registered .No. 374. Bniml anywliero on right side XL * J G COOLEY Postofllce address Hyannis , Neb on right si-e ! ; ln r- cs same on right shoulder n e six miles northwest of Moth- Cody. Nebr Cattle branded anywhere ; some wi th under- neatii the brand. Horse * on Ielt shoul der. der.Kanp * Little \Vhlie Kiveraod iii'iuth ( if ( Jolui DeCory Kosebnd. S D , 8'ijjip branded I JJ 417 i i left side Hows .11) on left lii | > Hiiire in Meyer Co in' A in elope Creek Reuben QUICK IJerti I'Oel'Wd S I ) TaHle bnmjled HHinas eul hip . Pipe t reek Peter Vloiidray Rosebud , 8. D. Left side. Left car jropped. Horses branded VT. . . Little White Rive.r. at nioitb of Charles Richards Men-Jinan. Neb \ \ m. F. M niidt Eosebttd S D Same as cut or wit bar under S : riRht ear slit and dulapped Howes branded > < ti. bon Ielt hip Charlotte E. Hovill Merriman Neb Left side or bip Range north o Eli D N GOUELEY Postofflpp addrass Kushville , Neb On left hip ; also 5OO onlpft side ; Horses left shouldM er. Hanpe-Cedar T ke D. Bray S D rattlobrandedon leftttiigu or hip same us cm nr r e br nd same on the left shoulder , Henry FHniun.v..K'nw > on , Nebraska. Krnidit ' Ui-ib nu U'ft bip S in.- \\iih-Mit < | . r ciu-le llorM'H I'Til { ' ri | on h It' der. R M Fmlr1w& Co. address Valentino or Knno Cattle branded same as cut. Home branded on lett Home on toft side 01 hip. 7 rOAKDINKK Postoffleo address Cody , Nebraska On 'eft side of cat tle : horses O right armRange Range , north and poutb of Mohruta KIvrJ'2-ini'- * south west of Cody Frank Liveruiure. Cody Neh. . On Dtfl sidos any or El AMO L on hip or shoulder. Kanue Little White. JUver ami month of Cedar Creek S. D. L. B. Lesser. Mcrrlman , Xebr. On left side : al so on .same side , S3 ! underlined. Horses , nndi.T- lined 31 on life UllKll. Itangc Little White Kiver , GE011QB rostofflce addresn Blerriman.Neb On either left side or hip ; hor&easame on left shoulder ' R nge-East of Coc tonwood Lake George Heyne Cody , Neb No 1027 Hor cs on Vit > l ; 'id l jr ! ; uiLre north mid - iij'li of { ' OJlAM.KS ( Jo iv. Neb nrHixfed < > n ( i -.Ide ; uisit C ( Ji "ft li ) | f eatile < 1 Mr. shoulder ou A T BltACKKTT 1'nstofllre Riege Neb Ifruiided "ii left Side inlies 1'at I'eiper Irwln Xebr. Wrn. J. Alien Ft Niobram Neb Bniml regihteed No 870 Horses branded on left hip Uanuf. Niobrara river 12 uiiles east of Valentine Jauieb Goodt'eilovv. Codj ; . N'ebr. Cattle branded on left side. Horses J3 on left jaw. Ilantre IJptwfen the Niobrara and Medicine i ike. J. A. .Artamaou. Valent'ne. Neb On left side or hip A 4 left si or bip On left side Uanc on Nfobrara Hervey llanca Two miles east of Cioo'cston , in Cherry/ / county , Nebraska Cattle branded OC on left hip. on risht hip. and on right side with 3-iuch letter Wm Cavanaugh Mgr Crookston Neb George P Damon Albany. V Cattle branded IB on left ribs or on right hip and left ribs : 6 on left hip .Horses KJ > or Sl > on rijrhtshouidor Itange 7 nn north east of Albany Neb Agent for Pasteur Cluck Le2 Vaccine