Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, September 26, 1901, Image 8

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$1.OO Per Year in Advance *
' - Entered at the Post-office at Valentine , Cherry
. aountr. Nebra ska. as Second-class matter.
Local Weather Record f
- U. 8. Department of Agriculture /
Weather Bureau f
Valentine , .Nebraska , week ending Tuesday ,
September 2 * 1901 '
Mean temperature , 59 decrees which is 30 de
grees below the average.
Mean temperature for corresponding week
ast year , GO degrees.
Highest temperature , 92 degrees on the J3L
Lowest tcinperature'C degrees on the I7st.
Highest and lowest temperature for corres
ponding week last year , 83 degrees and .77 de
grees respectively.
Total rainfall , .07 inches , which is .14 inches
below the average.
ilalxmum velocity of wind , ac miles on the n
Percentage nf sunshine. 88.
Observer. Weather Bureau.
Complete List of Final Proof Con-
; test and Land Notices at the
Valentine Land Office
; gept. 24 , 1901.
nw 1-4 , sec. 14 , tp. 81 , r , 26
- Sept. 20 , ' 01-Byron B. Swett ; n 1-2 sw 1-4 , sec. 85 , tp. 81 , r. 28.
' Sept. 27 , ' 01 , contest , Arthur V. Coble , vs. n 1-2 ne 1-4 , sec. 80 , tp. 27 , r. 28
Sept. 28 , ' 01 , James W. Ster.le , s se , and s sw , sec. 30 , tp 29 , r. 21
Oct. 3 , ? 01 , Jesse Gorsueh , swj uej , s mv , nw sw , sec. 10 , tp. 29
r. 34
Oct. 3 , ' 01 , Chrisrophcr Spragg , ivne , sec. 29 , tp. 32 , r. 17.
Oct. 4 , ' 01 , William Ganow , ne ne , sec. 14 , w nw , ee mv , sec
13 , tp. 30. r. 31
' 'Frank W. Lake 1-4 . 22 . 30 . 19
'Oct. 5 , 01 , sw - , sec. , tp. , r.
Oct. 5 , ' 01 , Alexander Seager , & & uw , nej sw , nw-jsej , sec.23 , tp
32 , , r. 35
' Oct , 5' ; 01 , Albert Davis , ni sw , and n se , sec. 10 , tp. 32 , r. 25.
Oct. 9 , ' 01 , Jacob Sawder , e se 1-4 , sec. 27 , tp. 34 , r. 20.
- Oct. 90l , , Henry A. Kocb , s | sw 1-4 , and s se 1-4. sec. 14 , tp. 35. r.20
' Oct. 9 , ' 01 , Erik. Arneson , n " ne 1 4 , sec. 20 , and n nw 1-4 , sec. 21
[ ' tp. 29 , r. 31
Oct. 9 , " 01 , Rose Etta Floyd , nee Han nw 1-4 , sec. 27 , and e ne 1-4
- sec. 28 , tp. 35 , r. 30
Oat 11 , George H. Ma 1. ene , ei se 35-35-4 (
- Oct.-H , 301 , William L.McCeans " * ne 1-4 , sec. G , tp. 29 , r. 28
' ocfc. . 12 , May Dwyer , nw nw 4 , n se &ne sw 5-29-25
Oct. 12 , ' 01. Sophia Harpc ) - , iw4 se 1-4 , and s sw 1-4 , sec. 4 , am
- . . nw 1-4 n\v 1-4 , sec. 9. tp. 29 , r. 39
Oc 1.14 , :0i , Andrew Johnson , so 1-4 , sec. 12 , tp. 29 , r. 37.
O ct.lG. :0 Isaac Tarker , s\v. 1-4 , pec. 24 , tp. 33 , r. 21.
o ct. 7Henry A. Bulke , lot 4 sec 19 ; lots 1 , 2 & 3 30-30-3 (
Oct. 18 , Motel Marsden , sl-2 se 30 , sw sw 29 , nw nw" 82-29-27
Oct. 18 , Oiah Britlonne , ne-11 , n 1-2 nw & se , nw 12-31 27
' oct. 19 , Marshall Debolt e sw & w se 4-32-16
Oct. 19 , ' 01 , Herman 0. Lorensen , lots 3 and 4 , sec. 4tp. 28 , and e
se 1-4 , sec. 33 , tp. 29 , r. 20 ,
' ? , 1-4 1-4 nw. 1-4 and ne 1-4 sv\
Oct. 20 , 01 , Henry Adams , snw - , nw - , '
1-4 , sec. 23 , tp. 27 , 'r. 17
oct. i , Thos. NcGinn , sisw 23 , ii ne & ne uw f * OO * f
Oct.21 , Claud C. Dam , nisw , se , sw , & PW nw , 11-33-39 ,
lots 1 2 3 and 4 of 1-31-27.
Oct. 21 , Charlie Gust Lenson , , , ,
oct. 21 , Valcey A. Hampton , no sw HTse 243540. .
. lots v 1935-39 ,
Oct. 21. John C. Dan , nl-2 sw se sw nw 11-33-39
Oct. 21 , Peter McCuue , sw nw nw sw " 5-38-40.
Cct. 22 , Andrew Bruce , lots 6 & 7 . - 33-34
lots 2 & 3 - 4-33-25
Oct. * rj2. Joseph 15 ISweeney uise anh nl R\V 21 2S-37
Oct. 22. Kiite A. wpeney , nJ aw se sec. 26 , ne so 27 28-37
Oct. 22 , Henry M. Simons , ] ot 1 and ne nw , nl-2 ne 7-2-37
Oct. 22 , Wm. A. McClain , w 1-2 ne ne ue Snwnw , 9-27-27
Oct. 23 , John E. Fee , EG , 23-35-30
Oct. 24 , William M. Carr , ue sw nl-2 8e and sw 31-31-28
Oct. 26 , Arthur J. Marin wl-2 sw and sl-2 nw , 15-30-31
Nov. 1 , Louis L Young , nw , 34-29-22
Nov. 2'JRobert A. Bose , ne : 30-29-18
Nov. 2 , Florence Sheldon , sine , ni se- 34 28 24
Nov.5 , Wylie E. Haskinso n , sl-2 nw sec. 14 and el-2 ne 15-31-82
Nov. 6 , Henry H. Morgan , ei ue sw nesec. 34 nw 35-23-32
No v. G , Nellie F. Sears , n , 7-3126 and ne 1227
Xov. 11' Helen Inez ' .34 28 21
Nov . 11 , contest James A"/Pearson , e. } iw , aw , aw se 28-32 37
Xov . 14 , George E. Sims , ne sir and lots 3 and 4 " 30 29 35
se se 25 29 36
! > < MVII the River.
Mr. John Grooms Jr. is having a new
well put down.
. 4 3Jr. and Mrs. W. Allen spent Sunday
afc A. W , Grooms.
TheVeather has been pretty wet and
'xwindy last week for haying.
Mr. E. Bowdeu * > " ' ! family spent
: Sundrv at Mr. E. Bristol's.
. I. J. Evers is adding a new buil
ding to his residence this week.
The Davis Brothers are buildiuga
house on their claim this week.
Grandma Bristol was visiting at Mr.
J. Bristol's a few days last week.
Well the watermelons are about gone
but the frost. got away with a good
many of them.
Mrs. II. Brown who was called to
v Mo. a few weeks ago to the deatq-bed
of her father returned home Thursday.
I Mr. Grant Spain and T. Ashburn
* who has been haying up near Pnake
river came home Saturday evening to
j rest over Sunday.
: Miss Moy Ashburn aud Miss Kosa
Ilooten who has been going to school
' jit Valentine came down to T. Ashburn
Friday evening to § pend Saturday and
Sunday :
! ITenbrook Items.
> t
, , " _ L'ora to A. Haley and wife a baby girl.
Born to John Grooms and wife a
baby girl *
Mr. Tjllson of PcLlmk ivcnl to'al
- .
i cntine-Monday. -
| John Grooms Jr. , and Frank went to
! 4 Vrtlentine tliejore part of the week.
, Vr. , Powers of TopekaKansas visited
with his sons Emuiereon aud Frank
.V Powers a few days last week.
Kennedy Items.
( Received at this office too late for last issue.
Floyd Kime was a Kennedy visitoi
last Suuuay.
Everybody is about through haying
around here.
1 "School commenced iu district 31 ,
Air. Dunnamwent to Brewster Wain
Co. Nebraska last Frida } ' .
-Win. St eadman was a business caller
at Kennedy last Saturday.
Mrs. Harris aud Mrs. Jones were
Kennedy visitors Saturday.
Mr. an 1 Mrs. Me Alevy of Kennedy
went to Valentine last week.
Richards and Bachelor shipped some
cattle to South Omaha Saturday.
A. C. Ayers of Kennedy went to
Thedford last Friday on business.
Mrs. Yaryan of Pullman w is visiting
with friends at Kennedy last veek.
Everybody is expecting to have a big
time the 20th at the Lone Tree Grove
The Faddis and Steadman hay crew
went to Steer Creek to make hay last
week. ' -
D. M. Sears went to Oasis one day
last week to get some , blacksmithing
Mr. and Mrs. Ben. Bachelor were do
ing some trading at Kennedy last Sat
Arthur Thompson passed through
Kennedy on Lis way to Steer Creek last
The picnic in Lone Tree Grove
schould be well attended as it has been
well advertized.
Mr. and Mrs. John Kime stopped over
aight at Kennedy last Thursday night
> u their way home from
Charles BT. Faulhaber
Breeder of
Res'st'd Heralord
Hyain , Xo. 74 .K
at head olhe.rd.
Young bulls from
to ix months old
for sale.
G-oocl Hard
For Sale
. . .
PAT HETT , Valentine , Neb.
Has been moved the building on South Cher
street formerly known as the Masseueale hous
and here we are prepared Jo give custome
better service than ever before.
Raja end s ca
hare no effect on
harness treated
with Eureka Har
ness Oil. It re
rists the damp ,
keeps theIcath
er soft and pli
able. Stitches
do not break.
No rough sur
face to chafe
and cut. The
harness not
only keeps
looking like .
new , out
wears twice
as longby the
use of Eureka
Harness Oil.
in cans A
r.ll si7e- : .
Standard fadc by Oil \\i
Sale of Estray.
I will sell to tl > . hijjhpst litddfr for n
place potitli of ( ieoreia October ! _ ' , 1901 at 01
o'clock p. m. . one 3 ypsir old sorivl horse wil
white strij ) on nose and two wliite hind leet.
Notice to Creditors
Tn county court , within and for Cherry Court
NehrahUa. In tl-e matter ot the estate (
Charles Striolclnnd. decenseil.
To the creditors of said estate :
Yon are hereby notified , that I will sit at tli
foiiniy Conit robin in Valentine in said count
on tne 12th day of October. 1901 at 10 o'clock ;
in. to receive airJ examine"all claims a ains
Estate , with a view to their adjustment an
allowance. The time limited for the present :
lion of claims atrainst said estate is on the
day of October A. D. 1K)1 ! and the time limitr
for pa * ment ot debts is One year Iroin said lilt
diiy of .Tannery 1U01.
Witness my Hand and the seal of said Count ;
' Court this IGth day of .September , 1001
. J-lt ; County Jndme
In the County Court of Cherry County
In the matter of the estate of JohnVcs > lc ,
Tucker , deceased.
Amanda K. Tucker having tiled in my ofliee i
pet it ion praying for tlie nppinntmeut of .loin
M. Tucker a's administrator of the estate o
John Wssley Tucker Deceased , All person
interested in said estate will tike 'notice that
have fixed Ortnl-er 5. l.0l ! at 10o'clock a , m. ; i
tbe time and my oilice in Valentine in said conn
ty as the place for hear DK snid petition a
which time and place all persons interested ii
sai-1 estate may appear and show cans * ! if ain
then. ' be why such administrator should not b <
Witness my hand and seal this 17lh day o
* - September , liioi.
, . 3vjt County Judge
Contest Notice.
U. S. Land Office'Broken How. Nebr. >
July J'J , 1W1.
A nffinient contest aflldavit having JH-UII tiled
in this oilice by Jerry C. Warden contestant
uiT'iInst < 'h-rles B. Kerhii , entry No. " ii ! , made
.JnJyit. 18s" . for neh , seation „ ' $ , township ' 3 ,
r ntte3l.liy Mwles B. Kerlin. coniPKt e. in
\\hichitisalloged that Charles B. Kt'fliu lias
failed to break , p.low > tr plaiij to timi'er trees ,
soeds or cuttings of timuvrs any jiait of said
tract , since date of entrv to th prt-feent tinie
and that no timber is now growing upon said
tract , and's-ire.haB been observed since date of
? ntry to thi date. All above defaults now ex
ist. Said parties are hereby notified to appear ,
respond and "ffer evidence touching sa'd ' alleg-
ttion at 10 o'clock a. in. on October , 18 , I9 l ba-
[ ore clerk of the. district couit , Mullt-n. Nebr. .
and that linal hearini ; will be held at 10 o'
i. m. . Oclobe ii'5. t'Wl before } ir.B St-yister 4..u
Receiver at the TuMetl States Lund OJllce in
Broken Bow , JfeltrasKa. *
The said contestant having.ftn a ttfv afllda-
, -it , tiled July n.lpoi. sot forth lactb wbicii show
, hat after due diligence personal service of this
aotice can not be made , it is hereby ordered
ind directed that sncli notice be gnen by due
mid pioper publication.
WHITKHKAD. FIA > "K H ; Youxu ,
Itegitter. Ueceiver.
Xotice Hy Publication.
Lucius II. Wood and II. M. rTenie-y. first name
inknown , tion-retideni dofendaitrs will take
loilre-tlnit Williiiin K. } IatVplaIntiJl ! ! . llled his
ictitlon in Hie district coirt : of eherry county ,
k'ebn'pka. on thtt lath day of Seplomber , UH'l ) ,
gainst said defendants thfa object and prayer
if which are to lorcclosa a certain mortjjaye : ex-
c-itcd by Lucius H. Wood tu H. JL Llenlevand
y Henley assigned to l.'anmi ! ) T.Perry and hy
or assigned to this plnmtiil tiilon Lot l aud se1 *
f tbe n l4 and eij of theseVJ uCsvo. ' _ tp.t21
.27 in Cherry County , Nebraska to .secure the
ayment of oe ceiUin coupon bond fop S-too.oo
ate.d tec Mnher 14. IFSS.und in tercet at'7 pe.r
pnt from tliat date and due aud p.iyuble in live
ears from dale tlieitof. That there is mm
ue on said coupon , i'ondind mortgage the sura
ree requiring him to pay thu snne and that
lev be barred of all interest claim and demand
ud equity of redemption in said premises and
i at the lien ami mortnouu of U. M. Henlcy be
jclared junior nd Interior to that of this
laintitf and that the picmlbcs be sold to satisfy
K ; amount found due.
Yon ara required to answer this petition on or
ufore the 21st day i-f October. UlOi.
WJU.IAM JJfAMCV. ; . 1'Iuintiir.
JOHX M. for piaintili.
Frs't publication .September 12. laoi.
All kinds of heavy hardware and
agon wood stock at E. Breuklanders.
. 20-tf
Ranch for 8nlc.
My ranch of 500 ncres deeded land
id lease on 300 acres of school land 5
iles north-west of Valentino , all to-
ither and all fenced ; good improve
ents , will run 200 head of cattle sum-
er and winter. Trice $4500.
34-tf . -
- . Vulentiue ,
A'cic Styles in Jewelery.
A'ftp Arrival of Watches.
A'eir Patterns in Itiug.- * .
A'cw lnfof Fidhln } : Tackl
t AVir Musical Instrument
3 > ir ways of doing busln
Jat tie ! old stand
GnoiJvork and prompt attention.
If vou want ootl work , imt you
Name and 1'osc Oilice ad'Jtcss ou i
Tas : and send to me ,
I tell I send estimates of work oil re
crlpt of watch through mail.
Send in your Watch.
Valentine , x x Nebraska
c o s o
Drs. Caldwcll & Hutchinson
Over Hornbys Grocery ,
o osocscososaoaoaoocs
All Kinds of Surgical Operations
Successfully Performed.
Office At
Quigley & Chapman's Drugstore.
Nights-At The Donoher Hotel.
Hair cutting and shaving.
Valentine , .Nebraska
Practices in District Court and U. S. Lan
Office. Keal Rsiate and Itanch Property
bought and sold. Bouded Abslracter
You want a TUBULAF
Or write him at
- Riege , Nebraska
_ _ _ . - . . _ _ _ _ _ f
Henry Auguston ,
oes General r.Blacksmithing
itlnie prices
ro lianl your
5ran , bulk 80c per cwt $15 00 toi ,
horts bulk S5c per cwt $16 00 toe
creeuirigs 40c " $7.00
! hopFeod 90 $17.00"
lorn.- 7oo $ MOO
ihup corn SGc " § 15.00"
1.10 " * 2l.OO "
. - "TT3 Valentine LoJte Xo. 6.
-Vy J- ' . - ifleets overv second aod
, , , fourthVcdnehday even-
: of month at Hornby's HalL A cordUil
/ifcitiou is extended to all visiting members.
O. W.ftfc.KhY. fresidt-nt.
C. P. Jordan.
Rosebud , SD
Horses and cattle
same as cut ; also
CJ UKJ on right
Range on Oak and
Butte creeks.
A liberal reward
for information
leading to detection
of rustlers of stock
ariugauy of these" brands.
Morey & Hewett.
irdon , Xebr.
and repisterrd
e. On left hip
cattle. Horses
ne left should-
also 94.O
t Bide. u
n tie South of
like : ! " > miles
J. B. Lord
Simeon Xeb
Stock bmudi
same ; us cut back
riuht shoulder ai
on'right hip
Rnnge on tl
D. M. Sears.
Kennedy , Xebr.
Cattle branded
as on ctit.leJt side
Some on lelt hip.
Horses same on
left shoulder.
Range Square
Shadbolt & Fleishman.
Bailey , Xet
. Left side ; S
left shoulder.
itange Rani
30 and 37 , [ I
tween Xiobra '
Stotts fc Stetter.
Branded on leftside
Range , Tin Can I > ake
and Morgan Flats
Tostoffice address
Brownlee , X (
Like cut on ith <
left side or hip ; ith
$ "ore
on lelt hi ]
230.0O RF
A it f "r COI
VHKkMm < raR nut > zC'4x ai7 Vv f '
conviction of anyone utlawluhy handhutj catt
in these brands.
William Shangran.
Cody , Nebr.
On left side.
Horses same.
Range Lake
Qrcek , S. Dakota.
Fostoffice address
Brownlee , Xe
On left s = de or an
part of animal. Eai
mart right ear cu
oil" ; horses hrandei
same on left lilp.AJs
1ms stock branded I
on side or shonldei
or J Ivor Wort ) 'Vl
_ orO or FZ. AIs <
tlurfoilowjug , the first one being on side aud hi ]
E. E. Yandegrift.
Brownlee. Xob.
Same a on cut.
Kanse Between
Goose Creek and
.North Loup.
Frank T. Lee.
Brownlee , eb ,
Cattle on left
side ; horses saint
on left shoulder
llanpp Four
wiles northeast ol
Gcrsuch Bros.
Ne-.vton , Xebruka
Cattle branded
as ou cut
eft side orliij
Kanije on Gorciou
Julius Ileekman
L .vuee Xebr
° \ IIan e south of
r rajpsj ji j HrowIee
i " - ? - rt3fc.'vyKW > rii * * < ? 1
Sawver Bros.
I'cstofficeadcSres1 !
Oasis , Nebraska
Robert Quicseubeo
have cliat-gu or thesf-
'attle : horses lison
left shoulder ; some
stock branch Y
ny where out. .
Range , Snake nc.
c F coorjRR
'ostofliee ' address
Oasis , Ne
rand registered 2093
attle branded on
sft side same as cut
lorses branded on
if t hip.
Also some cattle
randcil :
Range S nth and west of Haskberrv
Aletzger Bros. ,
Grc * ory Xeb
Cherry Co
Branded on lelt
Ie and thigh/
irniark , sfpiwr0
on nyhr ear
Morses have
me bi and on
t thijjh.
inne ; on Gor
n aud Snake 1 5
; I
Xewton , Xebr.
Brand resltered
No. 411.
Cattle branded
same us cut on
teft side or left
hip. Korses same
on lelt shoulder.
Range South
of Gordon Creek.
Teeter ? Bros.
Newton , Xebr
Cat tie branded oc
left side same as
cut.Horses ou left
Rnnpe Between
tne Gordon aud
Lonis F. Tlicliards
Jlerriman XeU
Garner Brothers.
Cody , Xcbr.
Any\vhcre on cat
Horses rn left
Ran reXorth
Postoflice address
i'ullman , Xob
Cattle branded as on
cut ; horses branded
same as cattle except
See block
flange Stever
and Stephen9ori
Lakes aud South
§ 300 reward will be paid to any person for in-
formation iKjditig to the arrest aud conviction
ith the
stealing cattle w
of any person or persons
above brand.
C. Evenson
Cody , Nebr.
On left side and
thi h ; horses the
Simeon leftside.
Kan e Between
.Nfnbrara .and tlie
Simeon. Xebr.
Cattle 1'rnmli'd
on leftside.
Horses game on
left shoulOf r.
Range Gordon
P. A. Cooper.
Chesterfield ,
Cattle branded
"nine as cut on
left side. Horse'
panic on left
i A Also on
* I / \ left side
Post-office address
Chesterliel- ! .
Jattle branded on
eft side as on out ;
ilso V lett neck and %
eft hip : some V lert
ieck. v left shoulder
-nd Z left hip rhorses
fZ left bip. Kaiipe
iucke Kiver,8l,32,33.
Cattle on let1
IIor > ts ou left
Some stock
et Dealing my
inner brand as
liown below.
Postoffice address
Gregory , Net
On left side or hip
horses same on left
Valley and Snake
ostofGce addres" ?
Gregorj' . > "eb
randed as ou cut
Range two ciUes
) rth of Gregory
Gordon , Xebr.
Cattle branded
sanse as cut ou
on left
, Range c miles
sourhof Irwiu.
D. Stinard.
lenllne , Ncbr.
He Brand reg-
; tle and horses
indiMl same as
. on left hfp.
'tRlce address
Cmokston , Keb
' : J . . , j
.WL. of Grooksto
* flr.