3' HE SLEETS IN PEACE Imposing Funeral Ceremonies \ Prec ede Inlz rm ° nt of Mc Kinley cit Canton. Out under the whispering oak trees pf Westlawu cenietery , In a vine-cov- pred vault , almost buried in a sloping hillside , all that is earthly of William McKinley now rests. About the flower- ptrewn slopes a picket line of sol diers stands silent in the shadows. Whole Day Given to Grief. ' 'All ' day Thursday muffled drums beat their requiems , brasses wailed out Jthtj strains of marches of the dead , great men of the nation followed a funeral car in grief and tears. Through Bolid banks of bareheaded men and weeping women and children , fringed by a wall of soldiers , marching mil itary and civilians passed with the mourners of the distinguished dead. " First among those who followed the dead during the journey from the home to the tomb was the man who is now at the head of the government. Mrs. McKinley Nears Collapse. Mrs. McKinley was unable to attend the funeral. While the last rites were being said she remained in a room of the family home , dazed , not realizing that death had come to her husband , almost paralyzed mentally. During the morning , at her urgent request , she sat alone for a time beside the cof fin as it lay in the south parlor of the house. No one seeks to lift the veil that is drawn over this scene about the bier of the last earthly sleep. The casket was not opened. But she was near the one who ever had cared for and protected her ; near tne dead for whom grief has burned into the soul of a country the lessons of manliness and beneficence taught by his life. Final Ceremonies Impressive. I The last ceremonies for the late president were marked with a dignity that struck dumbness to the tens of thousands who watched the funeral column make the journey from the home to the cemetery. From the south parlor of the frame house which had so long been the family home the casket was borne to the First Metho dist church at Canton , with statesmen , diplomats , great men of nation , rep resentatives of the world , gathered with the surrounding members of the family. Ministers of five religious de- FUNERAL TRAIN EN ROUTE FROIV SCENE AT A T nominations said the simple services. Great ThronjJoins In Hymn. Troops banked the streets about , but the thousands who had gathered near and stood in places for five hours held Ineir ground , catching up the broken strains-of "Nearer , My God , to Thee. " The silence of calm had come ; the si lence of supremo excitement had pass ed. "It was not at him , " said the min ister of the church , all but hidden from sight by the mountains of blooms and floral pieces that bound in the pul pit and choir loft , "that the fatal shot ; was fired , but at the heart of our gov ernment. " Then he added : "In all the coming years men will seek , but will seek in vain , to fathom the enor mity and the wickedness of that crime. " New President In Tears. These words brought home with crushing force the warning that the last scenes were being enacted. Among those who sat with bowed heads was { President Roosevelt. The tears welled into his eyes as he heard the peti tions that God might guide his hands aright Then came the last stage of this journey to the city of the dead. ( Members of the United States senate , those who sit in ihe house of repre sentatives , officials and citizens from * practically every s ate" in the union , soldiers , military organizations a col umn of more than 6,000 men followed the funeral car on this last journey. Path Is Carpeted In Flowers. The skies were hidden by clouds of gray , but not a drop of rain fell. The path of flagging leading to the iron-gated vault was buried beneath a covering of blooms. This carpet of flowers came as an offering fiun. the school children of Nashville , Teiin. But the men of the war days of forty years ago , with whom the martyred president had marched in his youth , passed up this road before the funeral car approached. They caught up the flowers as they passed , pressing them to their lips. Just ahead of the hearse marched the handful of survivors of tne late president's own regimen i. They , too , gathei'ed up the blooms as they limped by. Ulooins Taken as Mementos. So it happened that when the men of the army and of the navy carried Jthe black casket within the shadow L of the vault the flower carpet had dis appeared , its blooms , however , to be guarded for years as mementos of this day of sorrow. Just without the entrance to this nfausoleum stood the new president of the United States. The coinn rested on supports only a hand's reach from him. Then the members o'f the cabi net formed an open line with him , and members of the family all save the lone woman who was in the home under the close watch of Dr. Rixey gathered near. "Earth to earth , ashes to ashes , dust to dust , " came the bene diction from the lips of the venerable Bishop Joyce. The roar of the cannon echoed from the hilltop just above. It came as a " " the white- mighty "amen. Again haired minister spoke. Again cams the crashing roar of the salute , its rever berations beating on and on over the hills about the city. "Taps" Sounded by Bugler. "Taps , " the saddest call the bugle language of the army "knows , came from eight bugles. The last notes were held until the breath of the wind seemed to rob them of life. Away down the broad street , two miles away , the marching columns were still com ing. The music of the bands , muted , it seemed , by some giant hand , cainu floating to the group about the vault "Nearer , My God , to Thee , Nearer to Thee. " Once again came .the crash from the guns above ! Door Is Closed Upon Martyr. Then the casket was carried within the vault. Five infantrymen marched behind it. A moment passed and the outer doors were closed. The last cer- emony was over ; the third martyred president of the United States had been committed to God and eternity. Slowly the marching column treaded about the crescent road to the left of the temporary tomb. Then darkness threw its veil over all , the silent guards took their stations , the cem etery gatcjwere closed. Never Mourning More Sincere. That is the bare outline of one of the most imposing and impressive fu nerals ever seen in the United States. To fill in all its details would take [ WASHINGTON TO CANTON A 7AY STATION. pages , while to convey an adequate idea of the feature of it all which was most conspicuous the depth andsi - lenceof the grief displayed is beyond words. In that respect it was the scenes of Wednesday enacted over again with increased intensity. All along through , the great black lane of people that stretched from the Mc Kinley home to the cemetery quite two miles were men and women weeoing as though their dearest friend was being ! > oine to the grave. Every Eye Dim With Tears. About the tomb itself the outburst of grief was still more striking. As the casket was borne into the vault there was not a member of thecabinet who was not visibly affected , while several were in tears , with their handkerchiefs to their eyes. Secre tary Root , although controlling him self to some degree of outward calm , was deeply moved , while President Roosevelt repeatedly pressed his hand kerchief to his eyes. Great Picture of Desolation. Among the bystanders many scarce ly made an effort to conceal their emo tion. It was a scene under the cheer less gray skies and in the blsak wind , as cold as a November day , that even the radiant glory of all the great mass of flowers could not relieve the picture of all of. sorrow and desola tion that death leaves in its wake. As the one on whom this terrible blow falls hardest was not there , this ag ony was spared her. Will Sleep In Bed of Granite. _ _ Here in this vine-covered vault the remains of President McKinley will lie until they are buried in granite. There remain now only the plans for a mon ument to his memory. Already these are under way. Thursday morning Speaker Henderson 'of the house of representatives , accompanied by Con gressman S. E. Payne of New York , and Congressman Dalzell of Pennsyl vania , were driven to Westlawn cem etery and viewed the location of the McKinley plot i S t- Congress to Build a Monument. The newer part of the cemetery was also visited , and although the state ment is not definitely made , it is sug gested that the coming session of con gress will probably appropriate funds for the erection of a monument The plansand details are as yet embryonic , but will assume definite proportions in a week or two. Scenes at the ClmreTi. It was 1:50 o'clock when the pro cession reached the stately stone edi fice where the funeral services were to be held. At the church entrance were drawn up deep files of soldiers , with bayonets advanced , keeping a clear area for the advancing casket and the long train of mourners * The hearse halted while President Roose velt and members of the cabinet aiighted. Again they grouped them selves at either side of the entrance , and with uncovered heads awaited the passing of the casket Then the flow- er-coverea coffin was brought from the hearse and as it passed within the black-draped entrance the president and his cabinet followed within the edifice. i Members of Congress Enter. At the rear of each of the four aisles stood a soldier at attention , cap in Those who had accompanied the fu neral train then were seated. Senator and Mrs. Fairbanks came first , fol lowed by Controller Charles Gates Dawes. Senator Hanna followed. He looked worn and leaned on his cane. Mrs. Hanna accompanied him. Then the black-gloved nshers seated the other members of the party. The formation of the funeral proces sion was as follows : First Division , Gen. El ! Torrance , national commander G. A. R. , commanding , and staff. Grand Army band. E. F. Taggart , department commander G. A. Kof Ohio , and staff. Canton Post , No. 25 , . Canton , O. Buckley Post , No. 12 , Akron , O. Bell ilarmon Post , No. 3G , Warren , O. C. G. Chamberlain Post , No. 8C , East * Palestine , ( X Given Post. No , 133" , Wboster O. Hart Post , No , 134 , Massillon , Cv Other Grand Army posts. Second Division. MaJ _ Charles Dfck. commanding1. Eighth Regiment Military Band. Detachment Ohio National Guard. Troop A of Ohio. National Guard , guard of honor. Officiating clergymen. Funeral car and bearers Honorary bearers. Special guard of honor. Gen. Nelson A. Miles , Admiral George Dewey , Gen. John R. Brooke , Gen. Elwell S. Otis , Gen. George LGillespie. . Loyal Legion. Family , President , and : Cabinet. FUNERAL CORTEGE NEARING T hand , musket held straight in front. The members of th.6 senate entered. At the head walked Senator Allison of Iowa. Then came Penrose and Cock- rell , Scott , Burrows of Michigan , Til- man and Mason of Illinois. Next the- members of the house filed In. They numbered almost 150. Speaker Hen derson at the head. Louder came the mourn of the band , and outside the troops had formed a phalanx of sabers and bayonets. Then , under the black shrouded door , came the casket Under Arch of Sabers. The black coffin had passed under an arch of drawn sabers as it was carried up the steps. Lieutenant Ganeral Miles and the men of the army and Rear" * Admiral Farquhar and the men of the navy held their positions. Cov ered with a great American flag , bear ing only sprays of immortelles and roses tendered by the Legation of honor , the casket was slowly brought to the vfront , supported on the shoul- , ders of the blue jackets and the sol diers. At the foot of the mountain of flowers marking the altar and the choir loft lay the bier shrouded , too , in the national colors and in black. On this the casket was placed under the quivering folds of the starry ban ner , with the lights shedding their ef fulgence from above , the fragrance of the flowers hovering about an-1 the music of Beethoven's grand funeral march pulsing from the organ , the bodybearers gently lowered the flag- draped and flower-adorned coffin to its support. - All Rise as Coffin Passes. Then the generals took their places in the first seat to the right of the central aisle. The rear admirals crossed and took the first pew to the left. Every one within the church had risen as the casket was brought in. They remained standing. A moment later and President Roosevelt entered through the same doorway of black. His lips quivered slightly as he was escorted to the pew directly behind * General Miles. Behind him came Sec retaries Hitchcock and Wilson and Postmaster General Smith , who filed into the next pew , and with them HE CAPITOL AT WASHINGTON. President of Snate and United States Senators. Speaker of House of Representatives. Governors of states with staffs. Gen. Leonard Wood , Governor of Cuba. Ohio state officials. Circuit Court Judges , state of Ohio. Gov. McKinley's former staff officers. Federal officers of Cleveland. Federal officers of Chicago. Federal officers of Canton. Federal officers of Massillon. Board of directors of Pan-American Ex position. Board of Cook County officials. Chicago. Third Division. Maj. A. VIgnos , commanding. Gate City Guards of Atlanta , Ga , Cleveland Grays. Cleveland Scotts Guards. William McKinley Command Spanish- American War Veterans. Sons of Veterans. Union League Legion. Canton Encampment , No. 94. Fourth Division. A. B. Foster , Grand Commander of Ohio , commanding. Knights Templar. Grand Lodge of , Ohio. Eagle Lodge of Canton. Canton Lodge of Canton and other Ma- - sonic lodees. The remaining three divisions were made up of representatives from clubs , societies , civic bodies and the Eighty- second regiment of National Guards , together with other military organiza tions. When the funeral at Canton began all the tides of American life stood still. The wheels of industry ceased to revolve. The hammers of toil paused in their beat. The ship stopped her throb in its race against time. The miner dropped his pick The farmer checked his team in mid-furrow. The crowds in the city streets halted. All * activities save the ministrations to the deadly sick and the dying were sus pended. The sun in heaven for a space looked down upon a motionless nation , where nearly every head was bent Special services were held in the churches of the national capital and hundreds of other cities" TRIBUTE FROM W. J. BRYAN. Memorial exercises for the dead President were held at the Auditorium in Lincoln , Neb. , and were largely at tended. W. J. Bryan was one of the principal speakers. He said in part : "As monuments reared by grateful SAILORS AND SOLDIERS BEARING THE CASKET. went Secretary Cortelyou , the man WQp had made every effort that a loyal heart could prompt to save the life which had gone out under the bul let Members of Family Seated. Then came the members of the fam ily , all being seated to the left of the central aisle. Abner McKinley , broth er of the dead president , and his wife walked slowly at the head of the black-clad line. He was seated in the pew directly behind the men of ttie navy and just across the aisle from President Roosevelt After Dr. and Mrs. Boer came the venerable Joseph Saxton , uncle of Mrs. McKinley. The great organ had left the funeral march and now the reeds pealed out the strains of "Nearer , My God , to Thee. " hands to the memory of heroes testify to the virtues of the living as well as to the services of the dead , * so the sorrow that has overwhelmed our na tion , obliterating the distinctions of party , race and religion , is as compli mentary to the patriotism of our peo ple as to our departed magistrate. It would indeed be a disgrace to our na tion if the murder of a President con cerned only the members of the domi nant party. While no recent campaigns have aroused deeper feeling than those through which Mr. McKinley passed , yet in no contests did the minority more cheerfully Acquiesce is the will of the majority as expressed at the polls. He was the President of all the people , and their dignity and sovereignty were attacked when he was assaulted. " Cabinet Gathers Around Council Table of the New Chief Executive. SECRETARY LONG IS TO RESIGN Other Member * Will Probably FIaI b , Their Term * Senators Pay Resp eta to Mr. Roosevelt Secretary Cortcljou Remain * With Roosevelt. WASHINGTON , Sept. 21. After a suspense cf three days as a mark of respect to the dead president the busi ness of the government at "Washing ton was resumed yesterday. The train bearing President Roosevelt and his cabinet arrived at the Pennsylvania station at 9:20 o'clock and fifteen min utes lates the president entered the white house and going to the elevator proceeded at once to the cabinet room , , Y/here President McKinley-was wont tc do most of his work. When the new chief executive reached the white house he walked briskly to the big front door , which swung wide- open to receive him. Secretary Long , who soon joined him , informed the president as to the condition of affairs in his office and was asked as to the work of the Schley court of inquiry. With Senator Cullom , President Roosevelt exchang ed pleasant greetings and received the assurance of the hearty support of the Illinois senator. With Senator Proc tor there was a similar exchange of expressions of good will. The president's former secretary , Mr. Loeb , jr. , will remain with him probably as assistant secretary. Mr. Cortelyou , at the president's earnest request , will retain his position as his secretary. At 11 o'clock all the members of the cabinet had arrived at the white house and soon were seated around the fa miliar table. President Roosevelt oc cupied a seat at the head and in the chair long occupied by his predecessor. It all seemed strange to these devoted advisers of the dead president , to sit at the table without him at its head , and the gloom and solemnity which characterized the meeting was not unbefitting the occasion. Nearly all the members of the present cabinet are quite sure to remain during Mr. Roosevelt's term , but it is very prob able that Secretary Long will retire within the next few months. He feels that he can resign without embarrass ment to Mr. Roosevelt and therefore it is thought that within the next few months he will ask the president to permit him to retire to private life. The cabinet was in session about an \ hour and a half , all of the time be ing spent in a general review of the more important questions which will require the attention of the new pres ident. All the members were present ex cept Attorney General Knox , who stopped for a few days in Pittsburg. Each member explained to the presi dent the policy which had been fol- lowed in dealing with the matters under consideration and their present status. No new business was taken up. Members subsequently expressed themselves as having full confidence in Mr. Roosevelt's ability to give the country a strong , able and conserva tive administration , and he will have their loyal support to the same de gree as they gave it to the late pres ident.It is thought that Tuesdays and Fridays will' be 'selected by the new chief executive as * cabinet days , following in this the preference of Mr. McKinley. DIETRICH HOMEWARD BOUND Senator Reaches San Francisco and at Once Starts for Nebraska. SAN FRANCISCO , Sept 21. United States Senator Charles H. Dietrich of Nebraska , who has been on a visit to the Philippines , returned on the Nip pon Maru and immediately started for his home. He left there June 20 on the transport Hancock for Manila , in company with Adjutant General Cor- bin , General Weston and Congressman Julius Kahn. Soon after reaching the Philippines these officials , with Sur geon General Sternberg , made a cir cuit of the archipelago on the trans port Lawton. All were highly * pleased with the progress made under Amer ican administration , no dissatisfaction among the Filipinos being apparent. The more southerly ports of the j island , of which comparatively little could be heard , were found to be pros perous , with American and Filipinos fraternizing. The future of the Phil ippines , in the opinion of Senator1 Dietrich , is very promising. I Seeking Roosevelt's Sister. WASHINGTON , D. C. , Sept 21. The police are looking for a man who ap proached several pedestrians today and ; asked the address of President Roose velt's sister , the wife of Commodore. Cowles of the navy. Several officers were detailed to guard the Cowles res idence. The man is described as about ! 10 years old , speaks with a foreign iccent , has a light moustache , wears lark clothes and carried a box about sight inches long and three wide. Ifo Tohaeeo at Itallaa Court. The King and Qneen of Italy can not endure the smell of tobaccov and ; none of their ) adies and gentlemen : in waiting are permitted to smoke when doingtheir turns in servfee ; . ami no smoking : is allowed In the royal apartments' This aversioa of the royal couple for tobacco s the moro surprising when one recalls thefact that the young queen'smotheu and sisters all smoke cigarettes , that she- was brought up at the Russian court , , where smoking by ladies Is the rule rather than the exception , and : when one remembers how passionately fond of his cigars was the late King. Hum > - bert The Booming : West. "I was In a little Wisconsin town : the other day , " said a Bostoa man re cently , "and know of a gentleman who came there with ; some stock of an eastern concern to dispose of at par. It was good property , , to. besure , but in that one small town hesold $6,000 worth of the stock in , less than a halfday. . The West is. far more * prosperous this year than last , al though last year was looked upon at the time as a record breaker. The railroads are carrying" a vast amount of produce to the Orient , and , mind what I tell you , our exports by the Pacific coast before many years will equal and surpass our exports from the Atlantic seaboard. Only two or three years ago nobody ever dreamed ! of a mighty export trade on that side : . " She Danced for Charity. A French woman has invented a new plan for securing contributions to charity. She is a great favorite in her own. circle. Recently while staying at a country place near Paris she attended a charity fete. One of her men friends sought her hand , for a dance and the lady said : "With pleasure. Twenty francs , , please. " " " "I beg your pardon , " said the puzzled man. "I had the honor to ask you for a waltz. " ' "To be sure , " said mad emoiselle. "I thought it was. a qua drille. A waltz will be 40) francs. " Then she explained that for that ev ening she was dancing for the poor and her partners must contribute. The other belles took up the idea and the result was a handsome increase in the fund. A DISTINGUISHED MISSIONARY. Washington , Ind. , Sept 23d. There is at present , living at 106 East 15th street in this city , a most remarkable man. He is Rev. C. H. Thompson , and he came to Washington from Little York , Ind. , a short time ago. Rev. Mr. Thompson spent many years of his long and useful life as a missionary among the Indians of the "West The great exposure and the drinking of so much bad water brought on Diabetes , and at Wagoner , Indian Territory , he was struck down while preaching. Physicians , one of them a Chicago specialist pronounced his case hope less Dodd's Kidney Pills were recom mended , and as a last resort he tried them. Hewas completely cured , and restored to good health and his case and its cure has caused a sensation among the physicians. _ , * " His Silver Wedding at 8O. Most Reverend Frederick Temple , archbishop of Canterbury , who is SO years of age , has been celebrating his silver wedding. He was not married until he was 55 years of age , yet ha is an excellent specimen of Queen Victoria's favorite type of a bishop and happy family man. Hall's Catarrh Cnro Is a constitutional care. Price , Toe. Atits Damage Brick Paving1. A curious menace to brick street paving has come to light in Council Bluffs , la. Numerous ants began burrowing into the sand beneath the bricks and removed so much of It to other and unknown quarters that the city engineer was called in to re pair the damages. One street was made unfit for travel for several blocks. Incubator Triplets. The triplets of Morris J. Cohen , who were sent from New York to Buffalo to be placed in the baby incubators there , are expected home in a few days. The little things not only lived but have more than doubled in weight ind are as fine a collection of babies is could be found anywhere. They tvould undoubtedly have died had It aot been for the incubators. The triplets are the first in this country ind the second in the world to go through the incubator process. Cmn Wear Shoe * . smaller after - Allen's Foot- > ne size usingAllen's - Base , a powder. It makes tight or new jhoeseasy. Cures swollen , hot.sweating1 , iching feet , ingrowingnails , corns and bunions. All druggists .ind shoe stores , J5c. Trial package FREE by inaiL Ad dress Allen S. Olmsted , Le Eoy , N. Y. t Won His Wager. A wager was made by a resident 3f London that he could cook a plum pudding ten feet beneath the surface Jf the Thames. He won the bet by placing the pudding in a tin case and putting the whole in a sack of lime. rhe heat of the lime , slacking when Doming in contact with the water. vas sufficient to cook the pudding hi : wo hours. . Mrs. Winaiows soothing Syrup. i'or children leettlng , softens the zincs , reduces Irr lamination , allays pal n. cures wind colic. 23c a bottle. "Heart shakes" are splits which adiate from the center to the circum- erence of a tree. We thank you for trying Wizard Oil or rheumatism or neuralgia , then you. vill thank us. Ask your "druggist Live on S9O a Year. Life on $9 a year was the experience f A. if. Torrence , chairman of the Condon county council , when , at th .ge of 16 , his career began in Glas- ; pw. Mr. Torrance made § 90 meet all lis needs , and he bought a book or wo besides , which he almost learned iy heart He admires punctuality , aves a Scotch song above all things' nd tells a Scotch story with no end' f "pawky" humor.