Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, September 26, 1901, Image 4

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Official Newspaper of Cherry
y County , tfebranha
Subscription $1.00 per year Jn adranc : S1.50
wlieu not paid in advance , Single copies 5V .
Display advertising 1 inch , 15c per issue ; S10
per column by the.mouth.
Local Notices. Obituarie < "aud Lod/JTiicBoUit- /
Jons-oc per line each issue.
Brands. Ui inches $4.00 'per year In ad
vance ; itddltiom : ! apace $3.00 per inch per year ;
engraved blocks extra , $1.00 each.
Part lesjlvlnp : outside Cherry county not pr-
SDiially known are requested to pay in advance.
10 per cent additional to above rates if over
0 months in arrears.
Notices of loss of stock free to brand adver-
Thursday September 6 19O1.
Nominated at the State Convention
For Supreme Judce
Fer Regents
I. H.BAYSTON , Frontier.
FG. HAWXKV , Neinaha ,
Joe Burleigh's sale October 1.
Full account of the races , next week.
M. V. Nicholson attended the State
Cankers Convention last week.
Miss Agnes Piercy returned from a
trip to California , Monday night.
AtBrittnext Tuesday J. W. 13 ur
leigh will have tho biggest sale of the
The Indians that went from here to
Glen Island , NY. . , last spr'ngreturn
ed Sunday night.
J. p. Gardi ner was down the first of
the week from his ranch near Cody and
paicl us a nice .visit.
A number of our young people gave
a surprise party on BertTJeffers who
is going away to attend school.
Geo. W. Lehr of Ilastings is here vis
iting. Mr. Lehr is remembered as the
station agent and operator here , ' 80 to
91 ,
O. W. Morey the jeweler and optic1
ian will be at Woodlake Moaday , Sept.
80 , one day only. Get your eyes fitted
with glasses.
A large number of Indians have been
in town since last week and their sing-
* ing and war-whoops could be heard far
into the night.
Our town has been pretty well filled
with people since last Thursday and
from different parts of the county and
surrounding country. '
C. E. Foster has gone to Hushville to
accept a position as day operator. 11 is
place here as night operator is being
filled by Fred Vincent. . .
A matched race was pulled off
Tuesday for $30 between Rosebud Girl
owned by C. P. Jordan and one of Dan
Truax's horses. As they came to the
home stretch the Truax horse fell down
hurting the rider slightly and it is
thought the horse was hurt some. The
stake holder returned the money
though it was claimed that Rosebud
Girl had won it by some. Jas. Me
Lean had charge of Rosebud < iiri.
* -d' : bets were paid.
Just at present whenu iv hen.
ing so much about tbe disintegration
and deatn of the democrat part } ' , th-
.following prophecy of old Mother Ship-
ton , the famous prophetess , possesses
an intense interest :
Wben the lion eats grass like an ox
And the fish worm aural ) ows the vhale
When terrapin Knit woolen socks.
And tne huie is out run by the snail ;
"When serpent walks uprijiht like irien ,
And doi-dle bnus travel like frojs.
When { passlioppersfeetl on the he'i ,
And uajhtis found onWK * .
\Vbiii Tin mas < atsM\im in the air.
And elephants roost upon tuns.
Win H HIM cts in suinnier are rare.
And Miuff never makes people sneeze
M hen fish creep ovrr dry mud ,
And mules on velocipedes ride.
V * litn Joxts lay e ys in the sand.
And women in uic&s take no prMc.
"When dutfhmtnno loujrerdjink beeK
And girls gel lo preaching on time.
Vhen billgoats bmuiom ih-j rear ,
And treason no longer is crime.
When the liuinniiUK bud bras like an ass.
And llmbe'ger hinelh like cologne.
V hen plow * li arcs are made out of } > 1 SB
And the hearts ol NebiahKans are stone.
\v l.en ideas grow in KepubhcuiiB' heads.
And wool nil the hydraulic ram.
1 hut the Democratic parly wni be dead.
ALd this country A\ou't be worth a d .
liassett Eagle.
In a
Glass of Water. .
Put a handful otglazed
coffee in a glass of water ,
wash off the coating ,
loo'k at it ; smell it ! Is "
it fit to drink ? Give
the same test. It leaves thevater
bright and clear , because Wsjtist
Pure coffee.
The sealed pacU&RO Inrareo uniform
quality and freshness.
Sheridan county fair at Gordon Oc-
ober 1 , 2 and 3.
Fnrnihhed room to rent. Inquire of
E.G.BRISTOL. 4 astf
Sco our bargain couuter of ladies'
and children's bhoes.
33tf W. A.
Just received a new line of children's
fit-hool fibbia a'b
At the Britt post office , eleven and one-half miles
northwest of Valentine , on
Commencing at 10 o'clock a. m , , the following de
scribed property :
ISOhead of cattle , consisting ot on the place.
cows and calves , yearling About 11O tons of hay and mil
and two year old steers and let m the stack.
.one registered Shorthorn 100 acres of corn in the field.
. bull.
1 wind mill , tower and tank.
55 head of horses ,
Corralls , sheds and four miles of
Wagons , harness , mowers , rakes wire fence.
and all farming implements
TERMS : Twelve months' time on all sums
over $10.00 , purchaser giving good bankable se
curity ; all sums ot $10.00 and under , cash. Five
Der cent off for cash.
Auctioneer Clerk ,
Having" recently purchased one of
the Newcomh fly-shuttle rag carpet
looms I am now prepared to do all
kind's of rap : carpet weaving- short
Valentine , Nebr ,
LOST From my place on Snake riv
er "in Kennedy precinct , two light bay
colts , one about two years old and the
other about three , both branded A on
right jaw. Have not been seen since
last October.
27-tf " W. A. SHELTJOURN.
FOR SALE. Pedigreed full-blooded
Llewellyn better pups.
32tf J Valentine , Neb.
F. W Jprsig and family of Kansas
City , Mo. , have arrived aud will make
Cherry county their ho ire
Seats on sale Saturday morning at
Quigley & Chapman's drug store for
Schubert Symphony Club. ,
my place , two m'le
tr m Kennedy P O. , one brown nmre
tUnit 3 * pars old , weigh.t about 800 visible brands or'm : res.
Owner can have same by proving prop
erty and paying charges.
Mr anb Mrs .fames Collins will clo "
thpirrpstanrant Sundamouninjr for a
con pip of weeks and will go to visit
Mr > Co IIIF'S I rlflnglnrrJr.c ] \ Brthar
Henry of Fremont whom many of our
people knew before she was married and
who has been seriously ill for some
time frfm the ( ffrcts of dihplheria.
For Sale
300 to 500 head of cows and calvps.
All high grades and good colors
Calves nearly all White faces. Time
given to responsible parties with good
security. F. W. JEKSIG.
33-3t Valentine , Neb.
Ranch for Sale Ciienp.
Stock and implements complete for
engaging in the stock business. This
is a chance for some man who has about
$5000 to invest. Call on I. M. Rice or
write us.
Those delightful vocalists , the Schu
bert Lady Quartette , of Chicago , will
appear at the opera house on October
3. Lovers of sweet singing should not
miss this splendid entertainment.
Wanted Good Farm Hand.
At JTervey ranch , two miles east of
Ornokstnn. Apply at once to Wm.
Cavanaujrh. on ranch.
The fact that our citizens stand
ready to patronize a first class enter
tainment libprally , is well demonstrat
ed by the large sale of snats for the
Schubert Symphony Club and Lady
Quartette. There is very little doulrt
of a full house to hear these favorite
entertainers when thcv apppar at thp
opera house on October 2 and the aud
ience will be composed of our best cit-
If You Buy Your Clothing of the
We've 2 Catalogs
ieir 0ne for
One postal card will bring both.books.
Our readeres are icminded that the
Schubert Symphony club and Lady
Quartette give an entire chanpe of pro
gram each season , so thos-e who have
heard this superior company before can
attend again on October 2 nnd rest as
sured of hearing a program that is new
and entertaining. Remember that this
is'ipositively this ccmpaiij's last ap
poarance in this city.
Bdacatioiial DEpartraeat. |
jf. v&vji ! & * * * - * & Wo
"How much the heart may hour ,
Aud yet not break ,
How much the flesh may suffer ,
And not die !
I question much if any pain or ache
Of soul or boJy briugj our end more nigh ,
Dentil chooses his own time , till that is worn
Lo ! all things can be lorn. '
Elizabeth A. Allen.
The high school seems to lack for or
ganists this year.
Why , the fresman dibn't even know
how to open the dictionary !
Several new pupils were enrolled in
the grammar room th'is week. -
At the present writing the 1 1 th. grade
have seen Caesar safely thiough twenty
chapters of the fir&t book- '
'ihe class of 1902 held a class meet
ing last Thursday morning at vthich
manimportant ( V ) , questions were dis.
cussed aud decided.
The tables in the recitation room
havebeen nrrangod HO as to form one
Ion" table , much to the convenience of
o *
both instructors
There will be an Auction Sale of
Government Property at Ft. Niobnra
on Monday , b'ept. 30 , at 10 o'clock ,
School was dismissed twenty five min
utes earlier Friday that ' 'Professors
base ball nine" ' might have an opportun
ity to try their skill.
Miss Kueeland has already chosen the
subject for her oration i e. "The Destiny
of tne new woman. " It behooves the
re.t of the seniors to do likewise.
Laura Pettijohu was absent Monday
morning. The school was dismissed
Thursday afternoon thatve might join
in paying'respect to our late President.
Prof. : ( in geomety ) , Mr. Gro wden
have you proved the original for today ?
Mr/Growden : INoSir , please sir.
Professor : Well , why not ?
Mr.Growdeu : ( visibly agitated )
* Vhv-er I-er there weren't enough let
" i
ters to letter my figure , please sir.
Notice Probate ofVill. .
Not ice probate of will. David < " * . Nelson , di-
cea-st-d. In county court > f Cheery coiiiitv. Ne
braska Tins bhtte of Nebraska to tbe heirs and
next of kin of the said David C. Nelson , deceas
ed :
Take notice that upon hliu } ; of a writren in
strument purporting to be the last will and tes
tament ot IJ.ivui c. Nelson far probate a id al- !
lowHiifC , it is ordered thataid matter be set for j
hearing tbe2Hi \ day of October A. D ififll be
fore SJiid couniy court at the hour of 10 o'clock I
a.m.ur'.Inch ttMiv any person interested may I
: < ppnar and eouu t the same : and dotice of this
proeevdhi is otdeu'd published three weeks
h'.itTfssivt'ly in the VAI.KNTJNK DIOIOCJSAT , a
wtrcklvnew'sparer published in this eoitn y.
In testimonybereof I nave hereunto Mtmy
hand and the.seal ot tlie ruimty Valfii- . ,
line this 25lh day'-f September a. . J ; . j
SBAS. 1901. I
v \V.3I.NO\VMi r
; > T-ot COKuty Judge , i
Gail at TUB DEMOCIUT office.
'Renovate * / Renovate , ? Renovate
White Lead ; Oil Turpentine Putty ,
Paint Whitewash , and Kalsb mine Brushes
QP5 ft PC ! TO CfSO The Celebrated Lincoln Ready Mired Paints ,
Cull. ftULNiO rUa Vamishcs and Stains. There is none ether so Good.
We Keep in Stock at all times a large assortment of Wall paper in
pnces ranging from lOcts to SOcts for a double roll.
And it is as cold as Greenland's Icy Mountains.
LlLSui i I < STORE
Bates Seasonable Give Me a Trial
A. Schatzthauer , Propr.
The place to get the best windmill
also pumps and tanks.
First door south of the Donolier Douse.
Come to
D. S. LUDWiG'S -
Eclipse Windmills , Builders' Materials ,
Fair bank's Steel Windmills.
Buggies , Moline Wagons , . Lumber ,
Accounts oP Aterefyants , Ranetyrferf , and individuals invited
Money to Loan on First-class Cattle Paper
and Other Securities ,
/ /
Valentine State Bank
( Successors to Cherry County Bank. )
l XJalci Up i ? 5 " > ,
FUED WHITTEIIORE , President J. W. STETTEtt , Vice President
Fhov toil a stor y of personal taste e ?
tlmost s plainly as boes one'sH
iress Some people select pere {
( tune with tho most precise dist
-riniination ; others arts less keen % >
& n sensing the quality of an odor , o )
j In nothing are we more par
9 icular than in th buying of per-
fc rumes. Nothing comes heie that .
> : s not what it should be , and we G'I
( can ple-ise the most exacting * *
> aj-idgeof odors. Those who ask $
( oiirhelp m making a election * "
& o < ui rely upon what we recom- | j/
Quigley d Chapman ,
Druggists ,
Aralenlme , Xeb.
Jj. Go to CLAUDE JONES for Hair i
Cut , Shave , Shampoo and Hot
Jjl or Cold Baths.
Second door south of The Donoher.
People's Independent Party
The People's Independent Party vot
ers of Cherry County are requested to
send dtlr gates fiorn their several pre- |
eincts to meet in County Convention in
Valentine , Nebraska , on Saturday.
September 14 , 19U1 at 10 o'clock A. M.
for the purpose of electing eight dele
gates to the state convention to be held
at Lincoln September 17 , 19ul. Also
to a county convention on haturday
September 28 at 10 o'clock A. 31. to
nominate county officers for the follow
ing cilices towit : Treasurer , clerk ,
judge , surveyor , sheriff , coroner , sup
erintendent of public instruction and
commissioner ot the 3rd district , and
other business as may come before the
The representation from the various
precincts will be based upon the vote
cast for W. A. Poynter in the ijenenil
election of 1900 , one delegate being al
lowed for each ten votes and major
fraction thereof , and one delegate at
large from each precinct , which makes
the following apportionment :
JUiiralo'lVake'.ili , " " . " . . . . < . . ! ! " . ' . ! ! ! _ ! . . " . ! . . . :
Jf\\ y Lake 3
* " " " * * " " " " " " " ' " " " " " " " " "
EII ? . . . . ! . . . . . . . ! . _ : ; / . . . . . . ;
\J V UlJ Ili * * * * * . * " , * mfm *
" * 5" - * * * t
Gilhispie 4
GooseCreelc ;
Invin 3
ire\vanee 3
I.oup r m : 5
Lr.v.-ica j
3Ioth"r Lake .
" " " " " "
Nenz l . . . .
Pleasant Hill
. . .
hchlajrio . - . }
lllb Uuidl : . . . > . . . - .
\aloHtuie .
V.oodlake .
It is recommended that the precinct
primaries bu held at the voting place
in each precinct September 7 , 1001 at
2 o'clock p. 31. unless otherwise called
by the precinct committeemen.
It is also *
recommended tbat no prox
ies be allow ed but that the delegates
present cast the full
vote of the pre
Secy. Chairman
Democratic Party
The democratic party voters of Cher-
ry county aie requested to sent ! dele
gates from their several precincts to
meet in county convention in Valen
tine , Nebraska on Saturday , Septem
ber 14 , 2901 , at 10 o'clock A. H. for tho
purpose of electing eight delegates to
the state convention to be held at Lin
coln September IT , 1901 , also toacoun-
ty convention on Saturday , September
28. 1001 , at 10 o'clock A. 31. to nomi-
inatc county officers for the following
oilices towit : Treasurer , clt-rlr. judge '
surveyor , sheriff , coroner , supt. of
lie instruction and Coaitnibsioner of the
3rd disti ict and to transact such other
business as may come before the con
The apportionment is
the same as
that of the People's Independent Party.
It is recommended that tie ! precinct
primaries be held at the .voting place
in each precinct. Saturday , September
7 , 1901 , unless otherwise called by the
precinct committeemen.
It is also
recommended that
no prox-
! ies be allowed but that tho delegates
present cast the full
vote of the pre
Secretary. - Chairman
Strayed or stolen from Valpn-tine ,
Nebraska one dark bay hoi-se branded
C5 on left hip , has sore back and left
hip lower than right. Notify
ALEX W. LO.XGBrittXebr. .
Geu. O. U'eibliog shot his .left arm
oil at the elbow yehterday while raking
hay. The shot .gun he was carrying v
Clipped from his hands ai d dis1 argei } '