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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 19, 1901)
VALENTINE DEMOCRAT I M , RICE EDITOR / . $1.OO Per Year .in Advance f - k r- PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY. Entered at t b e Post-office at Valentine. Cherry county , Nebraika. as Second-class matter. Local Veather Record * ' / U. 8. Department of Agriculture f / Weather Bureau f > Valeutme , Nebraska , week ending Tuesday , , September 17 1901 Mean temperature , 57 decrees which is 4 | de- Krees below the Average , Mean temperature for corresponding week ast year , 61 degrees. Highest temperature-77 degrees on the 131. Lowest temperature,30 degrees on the I7st. Highest and lowest temperature for corres ponding week last year , 85 degrees andJ2 de grees respectively. Total rainfall , 1.2D inches , which is 1,08 inches above the average. Maixmum velocity of wind , 33 miles on the n Percentage o' B i ishine. 85. D.o. GRUNOV7 , Obsenrer. Veather Bureau. r , Complete List of Final Proof Con- . test and Land Notices at the Valentine Land Office r gept. 17 , 1901. 4. - } . * * ' < - - Sept. 3 9 , ' 01 , Jess A. Bums ; n 1-2 se * 4 , sec. 22 , and ne 1-4 nw 1-4 , nw 1-4 - - -no 1-4 , sec. 27 , tp. 33 , r. 18. Sept. 21 , ' 01 , Strong B. Moody , nw 1-4 , sec. 25 , tp..81 , r. 17. * . Sept. 21 , ' 01 , Lewis Lackey , w 1-2 nw 1-4 , and w 1-2 sw 1-4 , sec. 25 , tp.34r.20. Sept. 25 , ' 01 , Lillian McNamar , s 1-2 ne 1-4 , nw 1-4 ne 1-4 , sec. 15 , sw 14 nw 1-4 , sec. 14 , tp. 81 , r. 26. Sept. 26 , ' 01 , Byro'n B. Swett , n 1-2 sw l-4 , sec. 85 , tp. 31 , r. 28. t ' Sept. 27 , ' 01 , contest , Arthur- . Coble , vs. n 1-2 ne 1-4 , sec. 30 , tp. 27 , r. 28. i ' Sept. 28 , J01/James W. Stecle , s se , aiid F sw , 8e . 30 , tp 29 , r. 21. * . Oct. 3 , ' 01 , Jesse Gorsuch , sw ne , s mvij mvi swi > sec1 ° > tp , 29i i r. 34. . ' ' * Oct. 3 , ' 01'Ohrisropher Spragg , nwV ne , sec. 29 , tp. 3 , r. 17. i Oct. 4 , ' 01 , ' William Ganow , nej ne , sec. 14 , w nwj , sejnwj , se'c. 30 , r. 31. * Oct. 5 , ; 01 , Frank W. Lake , sw 1-4 , sec. 22 , tp. 30 , r. 19 * ( Oct. 5 , ' 01 , Alexander Sealer. s mv , ne sw , nwj sej , sec. 23 , tp. V 32 , r. 35. e/ " Oct , 5' ' 01 , Albert Davis * n s\v , and nf sej , sec. 10 , tp. 32 , r. 25. ' t . Oct. 9 , ' 01 , Jacob Sawyer , e se 1-4 , se.c. 27 , tp. 34 , r. 20. . - - ' Oct.90lHenry A. Koch , s | sw 1-4 , and s se 1-4 , sec. 14 , tp. 35. r.20. " " Oct. 9.J01 , Erik Arneson , n ne 1 4 , sec. 20 , arid n nw 1-4 , sec. 21 , "I . v tp. 29 , r. 31. * - * Oct. 9 , ' 01 , Eose Etta Floyd , nee Ray , u nw 1-4 , sec. 27 , and e ne 1-4 , * \ _ sec. 28 , tp. 35 , r. 30. ' * * tc ) 11"S013 William L. McClelm , s | ne 1-4 , sec. 6 , tp , 29 , r. 28 , * oct. 12 , May Dwyer , nw nw4 , n se &ne sw 5-29-25. - * " " Oct. 12 , ' 01. Sophia Harper , sw * < 4 sel-4 , and s } sw 1-4 , sec. 4 , and * ' ' 1-4 1-4 . . 29 . 39. nw - nw - , sec. 9. tp. , r. . ' p'Oct. 14 ; JC1 , Andre'w Johnson , ' so 1-i , sec. 12 , tp. 29 , r. 37. * f' , - Oct. 16 , J01 , iKaac-Tarket , sw 1-4 , sec. 24 , tp. 33 , r. 21. ioct , 17 , Henry A. Bulke , lot 4 sec 19 ; lots 1 , 2 & 8 80-80-80 Get , 18 , Mabel Marsden , sl-2 se 80 , sw sw 29 , nw nw 82-29-27. Oct. 18 , Orah Brittonne , ne 11 , n 1-2 nw & se , nw 12-81 27. . ' " oct. 19 , Marshall Debolt e BW & w ee - 4-82-18 Oct. 19 , ' 01 ' , Herman C. Lorensen * , lots , 3 and 4 , sec. 4lp. 28 , and e : - . sel-4 , sec.33tp. ' 29 , r. 26. . * Oct. 20. ' 01 , Henry Adams , s nw 1-4 , nw 1-4 nw 1-4 , and ne 1-4 sw 1-4 , sec , 23 , tp. 27 , r. 17. oct. ' 2j , Thos. NcGinn , s > sw 28 , n ne. & ne nw 6- Oci. 21 , Claud C. Dam , n4sw , se , sw , & FW nw , 11-38-39. Hct. 21 , Cbarlie Gust Lensou , lots 1 , 2 , 3 , and 4 of 1-81-27. | ct. 21 , Valcey A. Hampton , nc swn se ' - ' 248540. . lot 5 . 19-85-89. Pet. 21. John C Daa , nl-2 s.\v S3 sw uw. - * ' - . , . 11.38-89 k. 21 , Peter McCune , sw nw nw sw ' - * . % 5-88-40. rOct. 22 , Andrew Bruce , lots 6 & 7 . < : x ' 88-34 . ' lots 2 & 8- " . T , 4-33-25 Oct ; 22 , Jo < eph B lSweeney n - se : inh ni s\v . , 21 28 37 Oct. 22 , Kate A. nreeney , n2 aw se sec. 26 , ne se ' ; / 27-28-37 Oct. 22 ; Henry M. Simons , Tot 1 and ne nw , nl-2 ne - 7-2-87 Oct. 22 , Win. A. AlcClain , w 1-2 ne ne ne 8 nw nw 9-27-27. Oct. 28 , 'John B. Fee , se , 28-8630 Oct. 24 , William M. Oarr , lie sw nl-2 se and sw . ' 81-81 28 Oct. 26 , Arthur J . Marin wl-2 sw and sl-2 nw lo-80-81 Nov. 1 , Louis L Young , nw , 84-29-22 Nov. 2 , Bobert A. Bose , ne 80-29-18 Nov. 5 , Wylie E. Easkinson , sl-2 nw sec. 14 and el 2 ne 15-31-32 Sizes 34 to 44 PAGE SAMPLE Of Our New Fall Catalej 'OF CLOTH " -MEN'S ' ALL WOOL CASSIMERE SUITS HEBE. ( Exactly like Sample ) $5.00 Lot No. 210. / Coat and Ves.t 13,75. \ . A , Pants not sold scppfatc. / $2.50 for 2C. That's justvhat it amoutits to tvhcn you order a sti t of this splendid , strictly allwool casshnere f of S5.00. All you'jrc out is the price afld two cents for a postage stamp , and you're in as good a suit of clothes as any man can buy outside of ottr store for S7.50. That's straight talk and its straight yrork. These suits are well made , tvcll lined with splendid Farmer Satin , have good striped silesia sleeve lining * , come in1 four" button single-breasted round cut sacks , are in handsome , dark Oxford gray , exactly like the cloth sample , and will wear like iron. ' Don't delay your orders. Such prices are made to e- sell goods quick. et Bailey Brief * I Ira Goodiu has bought S. L. Goodin's cattle. Wra. Jcnnelsoa has moved to the Lone Tree to put up bay. The weather has been against us the pa i weei for h 'iirj anies Hunt say * h O Vo to go plum ing. Will Gearinan aid h hkes boast ' ing better. G. W. Sealer hi * , contracted to winter ' lo heid < f catt eat , $3. oO per beau from Mario i iletysing/r in Cass Co. Nebr. - FOB SALE5ttw > year old steer ? : 6 -yeraiing steers ; IS.steer calves , high , grade. .Color , nil red. 2rniJes south j J. * Bunch for Sale Cheap. Stock and implements complete for engaging the stock business. This is a chance for some man who has about $5000 to invest. Call on I. M Rice or writfj. ns - J TufceUp. . < Taken np at my place , two mile 1 trom Kenne'dy P O. , ode bro\vn njare j about 3 years old , weight about 800 r pounds , no visible brands or m. r's. t Owner can have same by proving propi i erty ixud paying charges. J - Wat . , J > Charles H. Faulhaber Brownlee Breeder of Bec'st'd ileretords. IIyinit Xo. 7-4 538 , at brad or herd. , Young buils frame to 18 months old for sale. Good Hard iROCK . - ? . For Sale PAT HETT , Valentine , Neb. Has been moved llie'Duilding on South Cherry street formerly known as'the Massenaate house , and here we are-'prepared to give customers better service than ever before. A cood looking ' _ horse and poor look- # / , _ Jng harness is the .i-j worst kind of a comf ? ? = _ bination. $ % < g | Eureka - . . Haraess Oil ! [ not only make < ? the harness nnd the I.I horse lock better , but makes tho.M leather Boft and pliable , puts It in con-1 ditlon to last twice r.3 long , as it ordinarily would. / ifl Sold everywhere in can 11 ( .ill ilzej. tiklf , , iladcby ( STANDARDfl / OIUCO. MJI/h Your Horse a Chance I Mr Educational Department. BY IETA STETIER. "In God's great warfare every Hving soul. Must bear a soldi Gr's or a coward's part , Must follow evil to a losing coal Of-scrve the saviour with a steadfast heart. ' ' Needed ; A new organ stool for the H. S. Fred Jones of Cod ) * , this tveek en tered the 9th grade. * * The llth grade are this weak devel oping characters on papei1. Clement Uahn has been absent for nearly two weeks ii'om school duties. Misses Lizzie Sobson , Stella Spratt and Dora Segar all of the Table are among our freshmea. " \ e regret to learn ihat Miss Elsie Sherman has turned in her books , not intending to finish this year. - ' 'We understand that Miss Elsie Sher man intends to assist in the lt the event of Miss Watson's abdication. The members of ths history classes are indebted to Old yd Quinley for somp very neatly printed cards for the backs of their history note-books. School wfcs dismissed last Thursday afternoon that we might 'attend the funeral of Judge J. W. Tucker , who for a long time was a member of the .school board in this place. The sympathy Of all II. S. alnmiriae is solicited : we have startpdon torigi- nals" . The weather wept for us ; even the very boards rose up'in indignation against thp man who made the Gpom - trv. Three Points of Interest to School PaffoilS. Tardiness is the first jO'nt"to bp mp.ntionpd. It is a discrarf to thp ood i amp which onr school bpafs that it. ran bp truthfully said that tlie Valpn- tinp school has more lardy pupils in r re wepk than many other srhools of the aam ° size would have in a whole vpar. Tin's ought not to bp and jjaf- * pnls onvht to join us in liolpinir to brrak it np. It is Very nnrl asant fof- 'each r to havp to punish > chtld f t ff mpthing for which the parent is to b' > me. " The pcond point that pffrvp < ; tinn is Nebraska compulsory 'aw , Thcrp is Do evwding that nnv. Tt lias bppn mwlp * somebody's b"s n > s-.c tn Attend to it and it will be nforc ° d Evprv parpnt. or guardian wh hiS5i rhild lptw 'pn thp : igp < of sevpn and fourteen not in school , will have to be prosecuted anrj fined accor1- ing to the provisions of ' the law. It wonld rortainly'Ve bettpr if every par ent would send in stioh children promptly , and not wait till they are far behind their classes and then be compelled to send them to school. The third point is certainly worthy of consideration by everyone to whom it applies The tuition for non-rpsid- ent pupils is payable in advance. This means at the beginningof every month. NOW the third week of school is rapid ly passing away and several pupils have had to report again and again flint the pprson who is to pay ilieir tu ition will attend to it in a day or two. JJow besides the annoyHiire 'o me of having to Ic-ok after the tuition through out the wholp month instead of at the beginning it certainly is humiliating to a child to have to be told time after time that his tuition lias not. been paid , ; The child ouyht to be mnde' to feel that > the day on which his tuition falls due ; is just as important to him as the day i on which a farrnei ' , s or merchant's note , becomes due at the bank. < B. H. WATSOtf. j J O. DWYER PHYSICIAN AND SliflGEON All Kinds of Surgical Operations Successfully Performed. VALENTINE . .T. NEBRASKA * _ A. N. OOMPTON PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office At Quigley & Chapman's Drugstore. Nights-At The Donoher Hotel. QBE CHURCH , TONSORIAL ARTIST Hair cutting and shaving , HOT AND GOLD BATHS. F M. WALCOTT ATTORNEY "AND ABSTRACTED Valentine , Nebraska Practices In District Court and U. S. Land Office. Deal Estate and Kanch Property bought and sold. Bonded Abstractor M. MOKRISSEY ATTORNEY IT LAW VALRNTTNE. NEB You want a TUBULAR WtLL or an ECLIPSE WIND Ml.LL , WELLS GUARANTEED. JOHN PORAT : Or write him at A Riege , Neb'raska -Henry Auguston , ccs Gcnefal LElacksmthing lit Ixardjtlin © prices Q IT Y-DELI VERY Call JOHN D. EATON To haul rant TKlfVKS , VAL-1SE3 lOe MILL PRICES FO5 FEED , lraii , bulk. . . 80c per cwt $15 00 too Churls hulk . . .85ir [ > nr cwt ftlG 00 ton TicrH-mngii 40c " $7.00- fljoj ) Ftert 90 ' $17.00 Corn s. 7oi14l)0 ) Ohopcurn.l 80c $15.00" j 1.10 $21.00 " S&r 7 \ TD Valentine Lodje Xo. G. . OLJL / . JL Meets every second and fourth Wednesday even- ntrof each month at Hornby's Hall. A cordial nvitution is extended to alt visiting members. O.V. . MuKKY , President. MAUD V. MOKGAKEID GE.Sec'y O. P. Jordan. Jlorees and cattle same as cur ; also CJ BEJ oh right hip. Uango on Oak and Butte creeks. A liberal reward for information leading to detection of rustlers of stock of these brands. Morey & Gordon , Xebr. JJrand registered 5292. On left hip of cJiltle. Horses same left should er : also 94.n leftside. Banpe Soiitli of Suake 33 miles se of Gordon. J. 13. Lord Simeon Neb Slock branded eame as cut I'Eck of riyht shoulder nad. on rl IU hip .Range on Ue Xiobrara D. M. Sefirs. Kennedy , Xebr. Cattle limndod nscucuUeft side Sumc on ieft hip. Horses same on left shoulder. flange Square _ si. . , * - # & n-V , VM' Shadbolt & Fleishman. Bailey , Xebr. Left side ; S F left shoulder. lierdmurkduv lap. M So and 37 , be- tueen Xlobrara g fe Stotts & tetter. Cody. Branded 0:1 left side Ranpe , Tin Can Lake aud Mor'an Flats WILLIAM FEIIDON. V Uostefllce address x Erownlee , Neb Like cut on wither ( t side. Hore saute as cut on lelt hip. 8250.0O RE- _ _ W A U O for ron- convictjon of anyone unlawfully handling cattle in these brands. "William Shangran. Cody , Nebr. On left aide. Horses same. Ean'ge Lake Dreek , S. Dakota. P S ItOUSCHE Postofflcs juldress Urownlee. Neb On left fl'de or any part of anlinal. ar- inark rlpht ear cut off ; hordes'branded same on left hlp.Also has stock branded n oublde or shoulder , or jKorWorO'VL ' oro or FZ. Also the'followiiijr. the first onn beln on sldp and hip E. R. Tandegrlft. Brownlce , Neb. Same a on cut. Range Between Goose Creclc and North Loup. " r 10 Frank T. Lee. Drownlee , Neb. Cattle on left side : horses MUL. on left ; shoulder. Eange Four miles : of LJSJL Uruwnlte. Gorsuch Dro3. Venrnnebrska 'atfle ' branded as ou cut cutSome eft side or hi ] Ransje on GorcUm Greek Julius Heckrsan B ov-n'ee Xctr Hanpe fouth of Brou-nlee Sawyer Bros. Fostofflre address Odsis , Nebraal i Robert Quiesenbery Have cJiai-gf oi rhes ? sittle : horses r > won { eft shoulder : some stock brands Y : iiy where on uLi. . . clange , Snake rive. C F COOPEJR Postoffice address Oasis , Neb Brand registered 2035 Cattle branded on left side same as cut Horses branded on left hip. Also some cattle branded : r ll 0 fift 3T1IJP and v.-est of ind DncK Metzger Bros. , Gregory Xeb CherryCo Bmnded o left ilrte and thigh. = 391 innark , square rou nglit ear Jlors&s have iame bnmd on eft liiish. llange on Gor- on aud tiniit Jreeks , A JKvirar * ! of $ ? 5O will be paid to any ersoa for hfonnation leading to th * tirreat and nal conviction of any person or persons steal- u ; cattle with aboiebraua y D. B. 3TOXEK & SOX. Xewlou. Xebr. X Rrarifl rvcl < , iiT 'i * $ fa A'o 411 Cattle branded same ; s cut on jolt siJo or left hip. J torses samn on lelt shoulder. Lanpre South , of Gordon Creek. Teeter ? Bros. Newton , Nebr Ca'tle branded oc left side same aa cut. cut.Horses Horses on left shoulder. Ranpe Between tne Gordon and DlllCO. Louis F. Richards Merrinmu Xeb Gruer ; Brothers. Cody , Nebr. An vwhere on cat- j c. IInr es t n left shotilde' . North SWEKNKY BitOb Postofflce address Pullman , Neb Cattle branded as on cut ; horses branded same as cattleexcept reversed S See block m\\ < Range Steve and atephennon Lakes and South S300 re ward will be paid to any person for in- formation lisidkm to the arrest and conviction of any person or persons stealing cattle with the above brand. * - - 0. Evenaon Codv , Nebr. On left side and thlKh ; horses the same on leftside. KangeBetween NInbrara and the Snake. OEOKGE N DAVIS Simeon , Xebr. Cattle branded on leftside. Horses same on left shoulovr. Hange--Gordon CreeK. P. A. Cooper. Chesterfield , Cattle branded same as cut on left aide. Horsci same on left shoulder. Also on A J f\ left side DAWSOX & BALL Poslofflce address CuesterfieU. Neb Cattle branded ou left side as on cut : also V leltiieckand left hip : some Vli-tt neck. loft shoulutr and Z lofthiDjhorses VZ left hip. Kan-re rfnake Kiver,81,32,33. J A SATJLTB < 2 left Cattle On ( tip Horses on left shoulder. Some stock yet bearing jnv mrmer brand as shown belu\v. PostoRlce address Uresory , Wet On left side or hip horses same on lefl shoulder Racje- Valley and Snake JL'L-iUS PETEBSOS 'Ortoffice address Gregory , Branded as on cut Range two miles north of Gregory WILLIAM BEAMEB Gordon , Nebr. Cattle branded same as cut on left si.-'e. I Ior < uj bnindedj on left shoulder. , Range 6 miles south of Irwin. D. Slinard. ralentlne , Nebr. tatc Brand reg istered ' . & > ! . attic and horses randl .saine ut ua left hip. Banpe 2 miles ist of Ft. rara. PIKE