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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 19, 1901)
r ' * THE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT I , M. RICE EDITOR Official Newspaper of .Cherry .County $ yebra ka TERMS . . Subscription $1.00 per year in advance § 1.50 whennot paid in advance , Single copies 3c. Display advertising 1 Inch , I5c per issue ; § 10 per column by the month. " "Local'iNctlces. Obituaries and LodKeTKesoluT- Ions-5c per line each Issue. " -Brands , Hiinches $4.00per year ln < ad- vance ; addition l.spaceS.' per inch per year ; / * , engraved blockr. extra " , Sl.uO each. . ' ' " * i "v Parties living outside Cherry - county not per sonally known are-requested to pay In advance. in jyrcent additional to. above rates if over 6 months in arrears. Notices of loss of stock free to brand adver tisers. Thursday September 10 l Ol. ADDITIONAL LOCAL recently purchased one of the ISfewcomb fly-shuttle ra j carpet . ; ; > loonff I am now. prepared to do a-11 , 'kinds of ra j carpet weaving on short . .notice/- " ' , ' " " , ; . - . - - . -'fMKS. ADA HOLSCLAW , ' Valentine , Kebr. My ranchfor sale. 5 quarter &ect ' < ions of hi ml'will ; r"ri 300 liead o'f stock ; , summer arid uinter also 25 head of - horses arid 50 head of cattle. Terms . J cash J in one year and J in two years , OUE CHURCH Valentine , .Nebr LOST From my place on Snake riv er in Kennedy precinct , two light buy colts , one about two years old and the other about three , both branded A on . right jw. Have not been seen since last October. 27-tf W. A. SHELBOURN. Just received a new line of children's - -Sch.qQj shoes at.Pettycrew's. . ' 33tf " " ' * - * ' Go to Collin's restaurant to get lem onade , ice cream or a square meal. - - - 'J8-tf Lost last Monday a yellow pug dog with a black nose. Please returnto Jlrs' D..S. Bristol or-Chas. . Anderson- ' * > . . See . .ourbargain counter of ladies' and children's shoes. 33tf ' W. A. PETTI CHEW. * * FOR SALE. Pedigreed full-blooded Llewellyn setter pups. T. A. TEAIIXSHAIV , 32tf ' Valentine , Neb. " . , _ Square meal Sue at Cqllin's 'restati- rant.f . 2S-tf - -All kinds of heavy hardware arid wagon wood'stock at E. Breuklanders. 20-tf Notice to Democrats and Peoples' Party Voters. You are called for caucus in Judge Towne's office Saturday , at 8 p. m. , - ' Sept.,21 to nominate precinct officers ' - and fcend li delegates to the county con yention Sept. 2 as per county con- .ventipn. call for that date. GUST. CA RLSOX-Prec. Chairman , Peb- . pies'Ptirty. . - E. BREUKLANDEII , Prec. - r .Ghaicman , Democratic Party. N. 13. Minnecha-luza , Table , Cleve land and all other places where meet ings for this purp-se have not been held are requested to meet at their re spective voting places at the time and for the purposes above designated. - This to'be sufficient Notice if not ochef-1 wise directed by your precinct commit- teernen. 1. M RICE , - ' - - Chairman , D. P. with stale egjs , glue and other things are not fit to drink. as pure , uncoated coffee fresh , strong , well flavored. The sealed package in- eares uniform quality and freshness. For Sale. SOO to 000 head of cows aria"calves. . All high grades and good colors. Calves nearly all White faces. Time given : to'responsible parties with good security. p. W. JERSIQ , 33 3t Valentine , Neb. ' ' - Contest Kotlce. f U. S. Land Office , Broken Bow. Kfbr. f July 10 , loot , i sufllclcut-ceiitestafllilavit having ITCH filed in tills olliee by Jerry C , Warden contestant against (51i-rlua"B. Kerlin , entrjNo. . 7 ± .MJ. made .Inly . 18x7for neh , se rion j , township 5. ranueSl. l > y ' 'li.vles I > . Kerlin. conipstt-e. in whichit'is alleged that Charles II. Kerlin bas Jailed to break , plow ir iilaiii to tinil > er trees , seeds or cntUnjrs of timbvrs any part of said 1 ract since dale > f entry to th present time and that no timfcer is now { 'rowing upon said tract , and sire has been observed since date of entry to thi date. All above defaults now ex ist. Said .parties . are hereby notified to appear , respond and offer evidence touching sa'd ' allee- . ; itiou at 10 o'clock a. in. on October. 18 , ioil : be fore clerk of the district coiut. Mullen. Nebr. . ( and that ilna ! hearing will he held at lo o'clock a. m. . OcloheriT , v.mi before ) tlie Ilejiistcr and llccelver at the United States Laud Ofllce in Kroken Bow. Jbnt.s > a. The said eonlesfant haviu .Jin a proper allida- vit , tiled July ji. 100 ! . set forth factb which show thataftordiiedilin pelsonal .service of this' notice can not be made , it is "hereby ordered and directed that such notice be gi\en by due and p roper pniii'ca'on. ' JAMES WHITEHKAD , FKANK H. YOUKG , 25 Beglster. . " J-cceiver , , tS4.i SEPT Eutining B.aces .Only FIRST DAY. Purse $50'00 , tirst$2o : : second , . $15nfce. \ \ . Ptfrse § 50. ' $25 to the quar Pirst Erce. Quarter of a nule and rej ' ' ' | ter , $25 to the half. Each man to peat free for all. Purse $75. 1st Secon'd Day. i tiiile aiid repeat Fr.ep ride his own horse with'cowboy money , $37.50 ; 2nd , $22.50 ; 3rd , $15 for all. Purse $75.00 , first , S37.oO : | saddle. i -f second , $22.50 ; third , § 15:00. : . * ; - _ . , _ , ' Second Race. Rosebud and Pine ' - vc Third Race. Novelty Race. one mile Ridge agency horses. One-half mile Third Race. Cherry Co , Eosrbud race , money at everyPurse } $125. .and repeat. Purr'se $50. 1st money , and Tine Ridge Agency horses f 1st : } , $12.50 ; 2nd i , $25 ; 3rd$37.50 ; mile dash. Purse SIOO.OO , Ur&t ? 50 ; 4th , $50. $25 ; 2nd , § 15 ; 3rd , $10. sc-cond , $30 00 ; tbird , $20.00. Third Race. Free for all. Five-eighths THIRD DAT. ' .Faurtjiliace. Consolation Race. Purse of a mile dash. Pnrse. $100. 1st f50. . Jstjnoney. $25 : 2nd$15 ; 3rd. money , $50 : 2n"d , $30 ; 3rd , $20. First Eace.-Free for all. One halfj , $1Q > Pfee for all horses tlint httve mile dash * . Purse $200. 1st money , , started in-tbese-races and have not SECOND DAY $100 ; 2nd , $60 ; 3rd , $40. First Race. Pony race Free for all , Second Race. Saddle horse race for ing. Two or more to start or no race. hands or under. } mile dash. jCherry county horses. One-half mile Entrance free. .Rossbud , Pine Hidce and Cherry . Ootintv horses must have _ been owned at * their _ respective * homes J V- * / C' 4 ' ' -i three months prior to day of race. Entrance 10 per cent of purse ; five--to enter . .and'tlnree to start or race will be declared off. Uorses must be entered before 9 o.clocka > it. the day previous to each race ' * * ' .Music Each Day by the Valentine I. G , OF , Cornet Band , W. E. HALE ; GEO. ELLIOTT , Secretary. Treasurer. At the Britt post office , eleven and one-half milesf . * northwest of Valentine , on 3 Commencing at * 10 o'clock a. m. , the following de-- - * scribed property : 150head of cattle , consisting oi on the-place. ' cows and calves ; yearling About 110 * tons of hay and mil and two year old steers ar. d let in the stack. ITa " one registered Shorthorn 100 of in the a " acres corn field. t. bull. ' , - - . . . t.S 1 wind mill , tower and tank. S 55 head of horses , n Corralls , sheds and four .miles of it Wagons , harness , mowers , ra-kes - . wire fence. and all farming implements eiC C ( nl ! . TERMS : Twelve montlis' time on all sums cc over $10:00 : , purchaser giving good bankable se ca I" curity ; all sums oi $10.00 and under , cash. Five el per cent off for cash. fn lo la ; th I- Ka I5n Bo Cle : GEOTRACEWELL DC / , , HALEY , En Eli Ge < Clerk , Gel 'Renovate , * Renovate , x Renovate * * White Lead' Oil , Turpentine Putty , Paint , Whitewash , and Kalsomine Brushes- Ofll C AnCHTQ TflD The Celebrated Lincoln Ready Mixed Paints , . OULt AutWiO rUrf Varnishes and Stains. There is none other so Good. We Keep in Stock at all times a large assortment of Wl paper in prices ranging from lOcts to 50cts for a double roll. OUR SODA WATER IS EQUAL TO THE BEST And it is as cold as Greenland's Icy Mountains. _ I vfc. A V IkJ UhJmtS A V * VfetbT * * * * * - EUIOTTS DRUG .STORE Eates Reasonable" Give Me a Trial taP # V\ - a Fil < \ S > SA. SjSP < L & v * A. Schatzthaner , Propr. ? ' The place to get the best windmill also pumps and tanks. Firstclocfl * south of the Donohor Uouse. VALENTINE , NERR. Gome OLD STAND FOR Eclipse Windmills , Builders' Materials , Fair ban k's Ste el Windmills. . Buggies * ' . Moliae Wagons , Lumber , J. A. SPARKS , ADMIISriSTBATOE , Accounts bP Merchants , Ranetyneri. and Individuals Invited Money" to Loan on Pirst-clasa Cattle Paper ' and Other Securities. , Valentine State Batik ' . . ' mttcTOKs * FRED.WIHTTEMORE . , President j. w. STETTER , Vice President CHARLES SPARKS , Cashier T. C. HORNBY . w. s > JACKSOX ftMake home Cheery Bright , new wall paper makes a nome attractive. No amount of | adornment' will suilice if the walls be grimy. With fresh , dainty paper the home will look * i nvitiuy , though many other a hings be lackingStyles' never -.vere so artistic as now. See our c ine and let us tell ou the pric- t-s. A survey of our stock will * ihow\ou that when jou want c lainty artistic designs at lowest prices , we can serve you. w Quigley d Chapman , a Druggists , o 8 A'alenlmc , Xeb. "J CLAUDE JONES 1 Will not Pull "em up , 'Gru' . ' . m out noi Drive 'em in but will give you a IPirst clars Shave or Hair Cut. THE DOKOHBR. CONVENTION CALLS , People's Indcpsndent Party. .The People's Independent Partvot - rs of ( Jhdriy County are requested to send delegates from their several pre- jincts to meet in County Convention in Valentine , Nebraska , on Saturday , September 14 , 1901 at 10 o'clock A. M. or the purpose of electing eight dele gates to the state convention to be held .t Lincoln September 17 , lOul. Also o a county convention on ixiturday September 28 at 10 o'clock A. 31. to lominate county officers for the follow- ng offices to wit : Treasurer , cierk , rtdge , surveyor , sheriff , coroner , sup- rintendent of public inr-trucJ.iou and opmissioner ot the 3rcl _ district , > . and ther busiuess as may come before the 3n vent ion. The representation from-the various recincls will be ba ed , upon the vole tst for WA. . Poynter- the general ection of 1900 , one delegate being al- wed for each ten votes and major action thereof , and one delegate at rge from each precinct , which makes e following apportionment : xiey 2 iffaloLake : iiling SpriDRs c vcand ! * * J rmai \ | ] c c It is recommended that the precinct primaries bo held at the voting place in each precinct September 7 , 1901 at 2 o'clock p. 3i. unless otherwise called- by the precinct committeunien. It is also recommended thac no prox ies be alloxxed but that the delegates present cast the full vote of the pre cinct. J. W. WH1LLAJC8 W. F. MOBGAHEIDOE Cfiairmaii Democratic Party The democratic party voters of Cher- ry county are requested to send dele- gates from their several ! precincts to r meet m county convention in Valen tine , tfehraska on Saturday , Septem- b 14 , 25)01 ) , at 10 o'clock A.M. for the purpose of electing eight delegates to" the state convention to he hejd at .Lin coin September 17 , 1901 , also toacour mle county officera for the oaces tovitTreilsarer , , sheriff , coroner , di7Ct ° " 3rd dstrct , and to prccinc , Saturdav , It is also cinct. A1- DCYPHERS 1 Secretary. l. RICE Chairman ' lower than right. Xotift. ALSX W. Loxs , Bcitt. 1 Cow and Calf , J1Iot Blast Coal Stove 1 Bliie , l lame.Oil Stove. n r v