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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 12, 1901)
THE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT r , I.JMBIQE EDITOR : . . . , < : V"V ; ' . * , - n $1.OO Per Year in Advance * PUBLlBliED EVERY THURSDAY. ' Entered at ft Post-office at Valentine. Cherry eowrty. Nebraska , as Second-class mattazv 333SSSTS5 Notice Probate of Will ; Notice probate of will , Jennie E. Miller , de ceased. . Jn County Court , Cherry County , Neb. The State of Nebraska to the neirs and next of kin of the said .lennlo E. Miller , deceased : Take rioticer'That upon' filing of a written in strument purporting to lie the last will and testament of Jennie E. Miller for probate ami allowance , it is ordered that said matter he sot for hearing the 14th day of September. A. D. 1901. beforj-Siiid County Court , at the hour nf 10 o'clock a. m . at which time any person in terested may appear and contest the .same ; and notice of -proceeding is ordered published three weeks successively in the VAIXNJINK DEMOCRAT , a weekly newspaper , published lu this State. In testimony whereof , I have hereunto set my hand and tho seal of the County Court at Valen tine this 24 day oi August , A. D. 1901. ' 1 ( W. H.TOWNE , - 32-31 County Judge. Complete List of Final Proof Con- . test and Land Notices at the * " "Valentine Land Office > ; gept. 11,1901. Sept. 14 , T01 , contest , Emma Gammill , vs. se 1-4 se 1-4 , sec. 8 , sw l4 sw 1-4 , sec. 9 , and n l-2ne 1-4 , sec. 17 , tp. 38 , r. 39. Sept. 14 , ' 01 , Geo. H. $ lead-e 1-2 ne 1-4 , and e 1-2 se 1-4 , sec. 35 , tp. 85 , r.40. Sept. 18 , ' 01 , Fefdiuand Weyrauci ) , nel-4 sec. 25 , tp. 29 , r. 20. Sept. 18 , , ' 01. William Gulick. s se 1-4 , uw 1-4 se 1-4 , e 1-4 se 1-4 , ' ' .M sec. 28 , tp. 31 , r. 26. Sept. 18'Olr Wm. Gulick , father and heir of Eoy Gulick , deceased , lot 4 , . .sec. 5 , and lot 1 , sec. 6 , tp. 30 , and s 1-3 sw 1-4 , sec. 82 , tp. 81 , r. 26. 'Sept. ! 9 , 'Olj Jess'A. Bums , n.1-2 se 1-4 , sec. 22 , and nel-4 iiw 1-4 , nw 1-4 nc 1-4 , sec. 27 , tp. 83 , r. 18. Sept. 21 , ' 01 , Strong B. Moody , nw 1-4 , sec. 25 , tp. 81 , r. 17. Sept. 21 , ' 01 ; Lewis Luckey. w 1-2 nw 1-4 , and w 1-2 sw 1-4 , sec. 25 , tp.84r.20. Sept. 25 , ' 01 , Lillian McNamar , s 1-2 ne 1-4 , nw 1-4 ne l-4 sec. 15. sw 14 . . nw 1-4 , sec. 14 , tp. 81 , r. 26. Sept. 26 , ' 01 , Byron B. Swett , n 1-2 sw 1-4 , sec. 85 , tp. 81 , r. 28. Sept. 27 , ' 01 , contest , Arthur V.Coble , , vs. n 1-2 ne 1-4 , sec. 80 , tp. 27 , r. 28. Sept. 28 , ' 01 , . James W. Stcele , s sej , and s sw , see. 30 , tp 29 , r. 21. Oct. 3 , ' 01 , Jesse Gorsnch , sw ne , s * mv , nw sw , sec. 10 , tp. 29 , - - - r. 34. Oct. 3 , ' 01 , Chrisropher Spragg/mv } nej , sec. 29 , tp. 3SJ , r. 17. Oct. 4. ' 01 , William Ganow. nejpej , sec. " 14 , wj tiwj , sej rnvj , sec. ' : . . . 13 , tp. 30 , r. 31. Oct. 5 , ' 01 , Frank W. Lake'sw 1-4 , sec. 22 , . tp , 30 , r. 19. Oct. 5 , ' 01 , Alexander Seager , s yiwi.nei sw - , iiwi sej , sec. 23 , tp. > * . - . . ' ' ' " 32 , r. 35. 'Oct , 5' AlbertDaviSj n.i swj , and n * se , sec. 10tp. . 32 , r. .25. " Oct. 9,501 , Jacob Sawyer , e se 1-4 , sec. ' 27 , tp. 34 , r : 20. Oct. 901 , , Henry AKochxsisw : 1-4 , aids ) se 1-4 , sec. 14 , tp. 35.r.20. Oct. . 9 , ' 01 , Erik Arneson , n - ne 1-4 , sec. 20 , ancfn $ nw 1-4 , sec. 21 , tp. 29 , r. 31. Oct. 9 , ' 01-Kose Etta Floyd , .nee " Kay , n nw 1-4 , sec. 27 , and e ne 1-4 , - " " sec. 28 , tp. 85 , r.30. * Oct. 11 , ' 01 , William L. McClean" , 4 ne 1-.4 , sec. 6 , tp. 29 , r. 28 oct. 12 , MayDwyer-nw nw4n , se &ne sw 5-29-25. Oct. 12.JQ1 , Sophia Harper , ' sw 1-4 se 1-4 , and , s sw 1-4 , sec. 4 , . and ' - - nw 1-4 nw lt , sec. 9. tp. 29 , r. 39. Oct. 14 , ; Oi.Andrew ; Johnson , se 1-4 , sec. 12 , tp. 2 $ , r. 37. Oct. 16 , ' 01 , i-aac Taiket , sw 1-4 , sec. 24 , tp. 33 , r. 21. . . oct. 17 , Hemy A. Bulke , lot 4 sec 19 j lots 12 & 8 - 80-30.80 Cod38 , Mabel Marsdeu , sl-2 se 80 , sw sw 29 , nw nw 82-29-27. . Oct. 18 , Orah Brittonne , ne 11 , n 1-2 nw & se , nw 12-81 27. ocfe. 19 , Marshall Debolt e sW& w ee . 4-82-18 Oct. 19/01 , Heimau " C. ' Lorensen , lots 3 and 4 , sec. .4tp. 28j ande . " _ ae 1-4 , 83 , tp. 29 , iv.26. Oct. 20 , J01 , HenryAdams , sj nw 1-4 , uw 1-4 liw 1-4 , and ne 1-4 sw 1-4 , sec , 23 , tp. 27-r. , 17. - oct. 2i , Thes.'NcGinn , si-'s t 28 , ni ne & ne liw 6929 ' Oct. 21 , Claud C. Damj n 'sw , se , sw , . & PW nw , 11-88-89 , Qct..21-Charlie ( Gust Lenson , lots 1 , 2 , 3 , and 4 of 1-81-27. oet. 21 , . Yalney.A ; Hampton , no sw n se - ' ' . 24-85-40. ' " ' ' 19-85-89. : loi-5' - - - . 'Qcfr. 21 , Peter McCunersw n.w nw sw ' ' . 6-88-40. Oct. 22 , Andrew Bruce.lots.6. & 7 " . 88-84 ! . . " ' . Iots28 . ' " Tf - . 4-83-25 , . - - - , ; & ; - : r ; - Oct. 22 , Wm. A. McClaini wT-'Xne ne ne 8 nw nw 92727. Oct. 23 ; John B. Fee , se , . . , 28-85-80 t No \ * 2 , Robert A. Eose , ne 80-29-18 Size * 34 to 44 I- k Hi l iBr -v BAMP13E v * * - . i . : Of Our New. Fall - , Of , CLOTH- , ' MENfS All WOOLCA8SIMEBE SUITS 'HBBE. , ( fixdctly like Sample ) ; $5.00 . . Lot No. 210. - / Corttiiod-Veat9,75i \ \ Pants not sold seppfute. / $2.50 fflf 2C , Chat's just vrto it.dmotirits . io t. , . Jroa orderasiiif of this splendid , strictly fill : wooi , cassimere f of SS.OO. All you'fe out isthe pfide atid' \ : two cent's fof a postage stamp , and you're iii as good .a suit of clothes as any mail fan buy outside of crtif utorc for $7.50 , 'That's straight talk add its straight work. These suits arewell made , vroll .lined with . splendid .Farmer Satin , have good striped - silesia * < - > . sleevelining1come in four button sirlgle-breasted ' "round cut sacks , are in handsome , dark Oif ord gray , , . exactly like the cloth sample , and will vear like , iron , -Don't delay ydurorders * Such prices are made td sell goods quick ; Kennedy JfCM 8 , - j T Eyerybody is wanting less rain in Sjtiieier parti/ - - : < : D. A. Poarcy Jr. , was a ' "Kennedy visitor last week. r Clarence Dunam"was taking m the gfghts at Kennedy last saturday- * rerybo3y is 3 figuring on J a big .time iu tue Lone Tree grove the 20th. ' , . . . . . The dance at Mr Dunhams last frl- dayngktwas a failure on account of tho rain , About oae more week of good weather wptild let neatly eVel-ybody thtough haying around here. Otfing to the late rains it iJTmaking la tell tying. : , Flyod Kitne from NeWtonVas a Kennedy visitor one Jday last week. Mfj. flobt Quisenberry of 'Oasis was irisiting friends near Kennedy last weolc- Miss. ' Tina Baker of Ouster Co. is visiting with Mr , anb Mrs. Burge for a J few days. ' Tax collector. Av K r.Slierman is around visiting tfeatly everybody these d-iyain the Kennedy precinct. Charles H , . FauJhaber Brownlee Breeder ot Res'st'd Herelords. Hyain , N < > . 7-J.H38 , at head of herd. Younji bulls from C to isinonihs old lor sale. Good Hard ROCK . . . ForSale lim. iA.ia.3r PAT HETT , Valentine , .Neb. TXKTXOKT Has been moved the tniilding'on South Cherry street formerly known as the Masseusale house , and here we are prepared-to give customers better service than ever before. You cnn raafte your nnr- nosa : ts soft as a glova and us tough aa wire by using EUREKA Har- noos Oil. You can lengthen Its life mako It lust twico as long aa It ordinarily would. Harness Oil makes a poor locking har ness II ko new. Made 'of purO , heavy bodlctl oil , es- pectnllv prepared to with- Stand tbo weather. Sold everywhere in cans all ilzea. Mads I ] STANDARD OIL CO. Depaptment : . BY LETA STETTER. "The of loves' golden glory light May never fall on our way , Our paths may always lead throtlg night. Like some dosertefl byway But ruo' life's dearesj Joys we miss There lies a nameless joy in this ; , Let us be worthy of it. " ' ' -K. W , Wiicox. "The melancholy days haye come. " We are once more settled down. to Work , Miss Ctimbo\v is acting as organist this week , " Miss Cumbow ttas absent the greater part of the week. A goodly number of books went out of the library last Friday. The 9th grade are always willing to give the teacher a chauce to recite. Miss Carlson an 1 Miss Pettycrew vis ited in the grades one day last week. ' 'Ike class of 1902 have selected .their motto , vis. ' ' 'Never do what you "can't Undertake. " Miss Inez Fettycrew was a welcome ind familiar visitor in the high school last Friday. . . - Miss Cora Sparks , formerly "of the 10th grade departed lastTuesday for Kearney where she will attend school. The seniors 'would suggest that the I4th chapter .vof Caesar bo surmitned , 'The Infamous1' instead of The 'Fam ) US. - -/-v Wanted : .Man" to work oh farm. Steady work and good pay. a tf * MARK D. CYPHERS. Taken Ujpi Taken np at my place , two mile rom Kennedy P. Q. , one brown mare ibout 3 years old , ' 'weight about 800 lounds , no visible brands or marks , hvner can have same-by proving prop- irty and paying charges. For Sale 1 Cowrind Calf , 1-JIo.t Blast Coal Stove , 1 Blue ± lame Oil Stove. : * E. J. for Sale. 300 to 500 hend of cows and calves. .11 high grades and good colors 'alyes ' nearly all White faces. Time- iVen to responsible parties with good' jcurity. * j1. TV . JfiRsiG , 33-3t Valentine , Neb. . * * - - - - - - Bunch for Sale Cheap. Sftockand implements complete' for igaging in thB stock business. This a chance for some man who has about JOOO to invest. Call on I. M. Rice or rite ns. . Lost F"rom my place on the 'RosebmT res vation on Tuesday , July 10 , 901 , iree horses , ono , ljay mate branded" " " " " left side , one "sorrelhorse t ( branded fcSttionleft side and > v bay horse bearing no marks. - SwiJT , St , Francis Mission , Hosebud Wtb PaUotfl , , , 27-if ATcmRtyle3 in Jexvelery. A'eio Arrival of Watnhes. JVetp Patterns in Rings. JVeir Ixt of Fisliing Tackle. AVp Musical Instruments. - AVir wavs of doing business. All at the old stand .W.mOBEY , Good work and prompt attention. If vou want good , work , jjnt .your Name and Pos t ; " Office addi ess oh a Tair and send to me , I will send estimates of work on re ceipt of watrh through mail. Sentl in your Watch. * Valentine , x Nebraska. . i ooo c e = c oos os O.OSCSQOCSOOC . Drs. Caldwell & Hutchinspn ' ! I I s Over Hornbys Grocery"If . o o o c-jcosooooosooacscose . 1 O. DWYER . PHYSICIAN" 'SURGEOM All Kinds of Surgical Operations Succesbfally Performed. VALENTINE . . . . NEBRASKA A. N , COMPTON PHYSICIAN , AND. SURGEON Office At Quigley & Chapman's Drugstore. Nights At The Donober Hotel. QBE CHURCH , TONSORIAL ARTIST ' Hair cutting and shaving * HOT AND SOLD BATHS. F M. WALCOTT - ATTORNEY AND ABSTRACTED ' Valentine , Nebraska Practices In District Court and U. 8. Land Office. Keal Esfate and Ranch Property botiuht and sold. Bonded Abstractor & . M. MORRISSET ATTORNEY . , IT LAW . o - to VALENTINE. NEB want a .TUBULAR IF WcLL or an ECLIPSE WIND MILL , WELLS GUARANTEED. JOHN POBATH Or write him at - Biege , Nebraska - Henry Augiiston , RBOWXLEE , - KEBRA ccs General [ jBlacksmithing IT. DELIVERY . CailJOllN D. EATOiV to liatil ycfitt [ nd KUXics PACKAGES , VALlSES lOc MILL PRICES FOR FEED , 3ran , bulk. . . . 80c per cwt f 15 00 ton Ihorts bulk 85c per cwt $16 00 too Greenings 40c ' " $7.00 3hop Peed . ; 90 " jtl7.00 " 3orn ' .75c " § 1400 3hop corn 80c $15.00" ) ats 1.10 " $21.00" S.- "Pi * TD Valentine Lottee 3fo.6k f.-Vur JLiS. JL v Meets every secoud and fourth Wednesday even' i .month at Hornby's HalL A cordial vitatiou 13 extended tu all visiting members. O. W. MoR&Y , President. M Ui > Vi MOKGAHEfU QE.Sec'y ( J. F. Jordan. Rosebud , SD Horses and cattle same as cut ; also CJ BK JJ on right hip. itange on Oak and Butte creeks. A liberal reward for information lending to detection _ of mstldrs of stock Bating any Of these brands. Morey & Hewett. ordon , Ne rand registered 02..On left hip IQJP 1 s ! cattle. Horses I ri i li , fnu left shonld- also CM.n I " ' * " I d dC Inge South of lakfc 3S milDs of Gordon , f. . , - * . ; : .st-r . \ . , J. B. Lord Simeon Neb Stock branded same as cut back of right shoulder and on right hip . JRnnge on the Mobrara D. M Sears. Kennedy , Cattle branded as on cut.left side Some on left hip. Horses same on left shoulder. Range Square Lake. Shadbolt & Fleishman. Bailey , Xebr. Left side ; S P left shoulder. Merdmarl < : de\v lap.itanpe itanpe Range 36 and 37 , be tween Klobrara Stotts & Stetter. Cody. Nebraska Branded on leftside Ranee , Tin Con Lake and Morgan Flats WILLIAM FERDOX. Vostofflce address Brownlee , Neb Like cut on either left siile or hinalso left side , Hore same as cut on left hip. S250.0O RE- VVAIU ) lor con- conviction of anyone unlawfully handling cattle in these brands. William Shangran. Cody , Nebr. On left side. Horses same. Range Lake oreek , S. Dakota. P 8 KOUSCHB Postofflce.address . Brownlee , Neb On left aide or any part of animal. Ear mark right ear cut olF ; horses branded same on left hip.Also has stock branded U on sideor shoulder , or JKor WorO'VJL ' orO or FZ. Also the-following , the first one being on side and hip ' . R. Vandegrift. Brownlee Neb. Same a on cut. Range Between Goose Creek aim Nbnh Loup , Frank T. Lee. Brownlee , Neb , Cattle on left side ; horses same on left shoulder. Range Four miles northeast of Browulee. Gorauch Bros. Newton , Nebraka Cattle branded aa on cut cutSome Some eftside orhij'j Rane on Gordon Creek Julius Heckman B Nebr Range south of Browulee. Sawyer Bros. Postofflce address Oasis , Nebraska Robert Quieaenbery haye charge oi these Battle ; horses u on left shoulder ; some stock branded V my where on aiii . ftange , Snake rive * C F COOPJ5R 'ostofflce address Oasis , Nebl Jrand registered 2095 jattle branded on eft side same as cut jorses branded on eft hip. Also some cattle i randed : Ranep South and west of Hackberry no Duck J > ake. ci iletzger Bros. , ( * reory 2seb ea Cherry Co br Branded on left de and thigh. afmark. squar6 ou right eat Hors6s have ime brand on ft thigh. Kange on _ . . . m and bnake eeks , A iteictirtl of 9 5o mil be paid to anv J l yjtottB n taiiJ D. B. STONER & SOS Newton , Nebr. Brand registered No. 411 , Cattle branded same as cut on left side or left hip. Horses same on lelt shoulder. "Range South > of Gordon Creek. Teeters Bros. Newton , Neljr , . ' Cattle branded on left side same as cut. " " ' Horses on left shoulder. Range Between tne Gordon and Snke. Louis F. Kicliards Merriman Neb Garner Brothers. Cody , Nebr. s Anywhere on cat tle. * j jj Horses rn left shonlde . - RaneeNorth * - Eli. SWEENEY BKC8 Postofflce address Pullman , Neb Cuttle branded as on cut ; horses branded same as cattle except reversed j j , See block Range 'Steverj and Siephenson Lakes and South § 300 reward will he paid to any person for in. formation leading to the arrest and conviction of any person or persons stealing cattle with the above brand. C. Evenaon Cody , Nebr , On left side and thigh ; horses the same on left side. RangeBetween NIobrara and the Snake. GEORGE N DAVIS Simeon. Nebr. Cattle branded on leftside. Horses same on left shoulder. RangeGordon Creek. P. A. Cooper. Chesterfield , Nebr. * . * * Cattle branded same as cut'oil leftside. Horset same on left shoulder. A Also on J / \ left side DAWSON & BALL Postofflce address Chesterfield. Neb Jattle branded on eft side as on cut ; ilsoVleltneckandZ eft hip : some v ictt leek. V left shoulder ndZlefthiojliorses FZ left hip. Range inake Hiver,8l,32,33. J A 8AULTS I Cattle on let1 L Horses on left boulder. Some stock et bearing my nrmer brand" aa liown beloW. Postofflce address Gregory , Wet On left dlde or nip horses BBtae on left shoulder flange-Arkansas Valley and Snake JtJLlUfl oatofflce address Gregory. * feb randed as on cut Range two miles 3rth of Gregory WILLIAM BEAMEB Gordon , J . braaded on left shoulder. Bangc 6 miles aputuofirwln. Dentine , ite Brand rec b ttle and horses inded same as Con left hip. Zange-2 miles 't ' of Ft. ira , p ° 3t * fflce address Btoti , ie on eithe