4 THE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT I. M. RICE EDITOR Mutual companies pay-losses in full. No discountK I. M. RICE , Agent. Roan Brothers Woodlake Neb John II can's private mark , slit iu left ear WILLIAM WILSON Fostoftleo atldress tfmh ? Kllgore Nebt - * . Two ii.m irri > " on XKl ' $ U' ! 'd ' lelt Mde f vH | of : neck llorsrs I f HMM s'ltne on left i S'liii'M-fittle c. per In ok on leU hip .Runge KoutlieaM. of Klip ie Neb & C 8 WIuLlAMS foaroflice address J ( iullop. Nebraska On left sliip : lso W I left .stile ; alnojlefthii.aho ; W on side and jjmi hip ; hoivifs s < m lelt Jaw Ratine-Eight miles south ol Gallop JOE ROOKS JK , Posrofilce address Allen S D On left side ; horses same on toigh Sange Bear Creek F. T. Brackett Jliege. Nebr. Brand Registered o 1490 Brand right side or hip Horses same on luht shoulder Itange , Niobrara 6 miles south of illgore Nebraska Laud and Feeding Co. Bartlett Richard * Pres Will G Comstock , V. P. Chas 0 Jamison Sec&Treas " Cattle branded on any part of animal : also the following brands : torses branded me same Range between Gordon on the F.E. &M. V.R. R. and 3yannis on B&M.H. R. in Northwestern Nebraska. .Address , BABTLKTT HIOIIABDS. ; lhndrnn. Nebraska DAW WEBSTER Postofflce address Harlan , Nebraska On left vide or hip ; horses branded same eft shoulder Range between NIo' I , I orara and Suat e riv" It 2rs , south of Merri- oian t A Heir a nl of $1OO will be paid to any person for information leading to the arrestand final conviction of any person or persons steal- ngcattle or noises with above brand. D. A. Hancock Blackburn , Mo. or Simeon. Nebraska Cattle branded on left side as on cut ; i also Iti on left side with on left hip of some cattle ; also SJ6 on right side Hoise brand , rake and 16 on le.ft shoulder or F hipHome Home ranch on IV Dewey Lake. Range on Niobrara River , rasr. of Fort Niobrara ; ll In Cherry County. Net raskn. O.J. Kellar Brownlee Nebr Range between Gooce Creek and Loup Ecoffey & Sons. Merriman.Neb. " Cattle branded MV on left side and K on left jaw. ears clipped both ends and JC on right hip and C on right jaw. nn- durblt. on right ear andT on light A.L side. Horses branded JC on left hip and FE on left shoulder and T on left hip. Range Between Pass Creek and southern pirt : of the reservation and Wakpine Lake. ALONZO HEATH Postoffice address Cody , Nebraska _ 0n left side. Hor ses left shoulder. Range north Cutcomb'Lake E E AXD H E WOODRUFF Fobtofflce address HyannisNel On left hin and left eidc. Also stock branded on left side and reversed S on right shoulder ; also right hip and left side Range-Mo he Lake W E STANSBIE AND D OBAUGH Postofflce address RyaunisNeb On left hip auc left side Also on left hip - and left side ' Horses same brands on ehonlders. Range 23-miles Hyanuis Henry Pratt Rosebud S. D. * Left side Howes same on left hhouldcr Deerhorn clip on some cattle MILLS BROS. Merriman , Nebr. Cattle and hor- es branded on left side or shoul der.Brand Brand register ed 1091. Rauge-I2m le southwest of Merriman on the Niobrara river. WAI KIIHKSON Postofflce address Kenned } . NVb On left side and hip ; horses O or A ° " eitjaw Ranee two milee ro-t Invest Ken nedy A J PLUMER Postofllco address Ilyanni.s , Neb Branded m righi tide and liip AIM IIHV c si ouxlu muled right .ule HI d liip on rijint hip Range-Southwest rnCheiry Comity. U V JOWNINQ Postoflice addreas Gregory , Neb On left side ; also C 0 L E on side Range Steven on Lake G. W. BKAMER. BKAMER.Gordon Gordon , Nebr. Cattle branded on e t side as in cut , 6-inch box and 2-iuch circle Brand registered 875. Flows branded left sl.oul- 'der. ' 24 iiiuh circle , i-inch box. Registered 876. Range 6 miles south of Irwin on Niobrara river. Morgareidge & Sou Simeon Neb As on cut , or 1J or VI > onlefthip with hole in right ear when under 2 years old ; horse same as cut and IJ Range Gordon creek and Nio brara river Talbot& Gallop Seneca Neb norses / branded m on left I side Range between Middle Loup and Dismal J.V. . Burleigh Valentine Neb Cattle and horses branded same a Hit on left. Bide Ringe Between Cordon an Snake creeks and on the Niobrara . W. Beoneit i meon Neb Stock branded with 7 on lett hip also same as cut Rame between % ordoiianrtSnake creeks and on the Niobrara river W ALT flARDT. Scnroa. Neb Lft aid * on onttle ; tior e . It ft on leii aid * Sfijff tome $ iy2 | OM rl llt pat 4aJiddTii Luup. DAVID COTTIER. Allen , S. D. On left side ; right ear split , j Horses Q way down oii hip. hip.Range - Little Wnite River. " G H SEAGER Postofflce address Codv , Neoraska Cattle branded as on cut on left side , hip and shoulder ; horses jame Range , Snake Creek U. G. Criger. Merriman N'-b. Brand recorded No. 1087. Brand same as cut on lett sid e Also Icit hip Range lOmiles south of JMerri- inan on the Nio- brara. FEANK MOGLE Postofflc add i ? Cody , Nebraska On either de cattle herdmark left ear clipped and rit'ht ear spltthorses branded same on left shoulder Range on Niobrara ; aud Medicine Canyon Geo. H. Hill Gallop Ne > Ran e 10 miles Merriman Seth Gary. Merriman , Nebr. On both side and hip. Herd mark , dewlap. Horses same on left shoulder. Rantre Lake Creek mid Litfe \\hlteKiver. - . Gray Thrilford Neb NATIC a * mi on right ni | . or nidi- Riue Limp ai-d Diainal Cody , Nebr. Same as cut on right side of fai lle. rut mi righ shoulder. OKonor Ko rbt > d. A I ) O9tl utUor Uor 9 * D on left hl Kuch on lid A&rH > pArk ALBERT WHIPPLB Potofflc addreta Rosebud. 8. D. Branded on hi ft aide somo BOS j Horsei OB | either uhoul- dwrBorn Born * ar branded 01 either ahoul Itrtbiui FRANK ROTBLSUTNK1 fostofflce addrrw KIlKore. Neb. Cattle branded on cither nide an on ut. vame on nip Some on left ildc- VA If. D McGAA ( 'reston , 8. D. Left or either sldt of cattlealso Vleft side ol neck. Swal low fork rfcht ear , dnderbit left ; right ear nunbrd off : mv dorbit lef ear flome on left jaw and some wattle I f t jaw Other brands aide or ii ) part of animal , , ; H lae or any part of anlnuil , branded a following , left vlso mini * cattle * rinkc tht follow 'K brands : X left slilp or siiuuiutr ; lelt hip or Ifll u 11 lul. lull .up thigh thigh thigh , ortnigh , hip. Anyone ncllniK hontes or cattle bearing the oove bmiiiis mil be prosecuted. Information -fC&rdfng theft Hh-rally rewarded , Range at 'araey bprtugs aud Cottonvrood. IICRBKRT O. BI8ONETTE. MANAQKB. Postofflce address ie . . Catllf branded as on cut , H OR on left side : some BV'L.Lon either side ; Some on lift side ; som * older stockr .any where on animal. Horses E R on left hip ome anywhere on miles norib- Hunt fllrte f'ln Rldire. In Shannoa G * Henry Young , Cody , NebrakA Horse nrand H Y > n left shoulder C'Attie , rijjht ear split KanRe , Little White river , S. D. W. E. Haley Valentine Neb Brand registerer. No 200 Range in Sharps- Eaiich and German precincts 6 miles south of Kilgore. J L IIOSEBERUY Postofflce address Pullman , Neb Branded on lef t hin ; iiorses > ranie erd- mark-double dew-lap Kfinfie south and ; ast of Brush Hili GENTRY. ABBOTT & AIONAILLX Postofllce address 3oth on - % eft side tomestock jrandedCleftshoul ler A left hip ; also Pf N N anywhere in leftside ; also U A left side Hange head Middle Loup J. J. Peck. Cody , Nebr. On both sides. Horses CC on left thigh. Raime Head fass Creek , S. D. JOHN SHAWOHAN Pos o ce addrpps Cody , Nebniska On lelt side , Also on left side Uorses J S on left shoulder Uance between Cody and Lake Creek B F DJBVINK P.ostofflce addre s Merrimnn , Neb Branded on left side ; horses 8 me on lelt shoulder Ifan e between Hear C'ret-k and thf ii ri\i i : n I * - . f Mi inn : n nA A T DAVIS < . -ti flu i < ddie R "On right sid l * > Me > in left > hodl ler ' riirhi < ! ie Riui n Ifl north oi Hv. l' . Urn. I' Miit Merrlmiuj. Neln . - > rne < ) .M on Mtside. der liran l > mark ; n nipptd fniin I1" : - : &M .v u. n oMili in Lf tinier i 'reK. . ' . liliO. HoWi.US. ili.nt-r. Niir N. S. Rowlev Kennedy , - Nebraska. Same ai nit on left Ki'leand hip. nnil 01. left shoulder of hor ses. AlboUHfij on left bide hip. 3 on right hip and Ffon left side. Q on left hip of horses. p on left jaw and left shoulder of horses. UJ on left hip of horses. JOHN l'oatofflfeaddres.6 Allen , U. D , On left shoulder vnd 'lip : some I on Vf ett " shouldrand | | * J in"left sidp. Ear mark-left ear crop'd Itauge-Bear Creek CHAHLES LONE M'OLF Postoflice address Allen 3 D On right side and shoulder , horses eame on right thmli Range-Ik- Creek liovill , Manager Meriiman Neb E All onielt side or hip Mange north of El CHAHLESLONG MAN Postoflice address Allen S l ) On left side of cattle Range Hear Creek John Gresh. -Mer-iiiiian , Neb. On no'h .s'lles ; some on right .side and hip. Horse * > ame with- out b.ir , left thUh. Range. ! a and Littlehlle Hirer. Sandy Williams. Merriman. Nebr. Mos'ly 01. left side , hjme on right side. FTorsesfsame on left.shoulder ll-inge Lake Creek , S. D. MARTIN > fKI > RBA.n. address IMne Bidge,3.i > n left - d hordes > tneleft tlug , xnnge Wolf Cratk. Churiea ( J. Tackett Koselui-j , s. . Kangv head of An telope near St. Marys mission Horses branded u left thigh Wm. Bordeaux. P. O. Address , Rosebud. S.D. Brand Same as cut on both bides t > f cattle. Range-Little White Itiver H A BUCK Postofllce address Ilyanni.s , Neb Branded on lelt side Range eighteen miles north of Hvannls v J R Wallingford Kenne < ly.Neb. Cnttltj 1 r-inded same H nil ; aiso some lirandu-l on lelt li C. II Little. Merriman , Ne'.ir. Horses same on hip Ais. Range Cr ek A ALLI i > . I ) . l/eli > id on \ount : stork stock nmi4 * ' left Hitrinrs Knviv liod-li.nl. S. I ) . Cat tie Branded on but h soli's II * r.M'.s on left tlUtfh mi Cut ' * " \ySv M.-al rreek. C. E Wright. Valentine Nebr. Hrand registered No. 374. Hrand anywhere on right side J G COOLEV Pos ofTice address Hyannis , Neb on right si''e ; bor es same on right shoulder nge six milffl northwest of Moth- Vetal Vlandry. Codv , Nebr. Cattle branded any where r some wi th under neath the brand. Horses on left shoul der. der.Range Kittle White River and mouth of Cedar Creek , S. D. John DeCorj' Rosebud , S. 1) . Some branded 1D 417 on left side Horses JD on left hip 1 nnge in Meyer Co on Anlelope Creek QUICK P ea Kosebwd s D Cattle bnindrd xanteas mt or i hip Rauge. IJIabk Pipe Cru k Purer Vlondniy KOSL'bnd. 8. D. Left side. Left far .ropped. Horses branded O1Range Range Little White Uiv r , at mot Mi of Jedar ( ' Charles Richards sierriman. Neb V. in. Jr. bl uidt Rosebud S D Same as cut or wit bar under S ; right ear slit and dulappi d Hon-os branded saint ; on lelt hip Charl9tte E. Hovill Merriman Neb Left side or hip Ranje north o Eli D N GOURLEY PoBtoffice address Rushville , Neb On left hip ; a'so 5OO on lett side ; Horses left should- er. 'Janue-Cedar T ike i ) . Bray Rosfcoud S D C.nttle branded on left thigh or hip same as cm norsc brand samo on the left shiiiilder Henry Fliniaux , S'mieon , Nebraska. Rmnd > i 8I . ( Matter Circle Club. Catile bnind d nn left III ) ' . S.'lilf without qimr.tr circle Horses brn d- ed on lelt shoul der. H M lili & Co. po i rti r Vah-ntlne or Kf Chi tie branded .1 cut. Home branded on letl " in tut 'eftlie ! or ' in .1 P < AMH\M : -f VI Cudy , Nelini On 'eft ' suitnf cal- tlr : hurm'rt o rl ht : irm irmUan Uan- ' > . north and r > .tnl " tn > \ west of Cody Franc 1. Cody Neh. Also I. or ShotlldlT. Little Klvt r anil month of Cellar i ruek .s. n. L. B. Lesser. Mcrriman , Nebr. Oaleftslile : al so on same 'side , SM underlined. Horses , under lined M on left thigh. liuiige Little White ICiver , GEORGE JESSEN Fostofflce address Merriman , .Neb On either left side or hip ; horses same on left shoulder R line-East of Cot ' tonwocd Lake George Heyne Cody , Neb Brand registered No 1027 Horses bniiuled on left shoulder Kanee north and eou'h ofCntcomb iu Cherry Co Notice By 1'ubVc.ition. I.ncius H. Wo xl .i'i III.f. II MI ! iv. finn name niin.1 ! > wn. non-re.tMenl defendants will take- nottretl.ut William E. Haley , plaintiff filed his petition in the district court of Cherrv county , Neb ka. on the 1-Jth diy of SeptenibtT. 1001 , agiin t wild d teiidants the object and prajer of wliirh an-1 toreclosa a certain mortgnge ex ec ted by Lneiua II. Wood tn 11. M. Henley and by llenlf'y assigned to Hiinnali T IVrry and by her assigned to this pliuntilT inlon Lot 1 and suK of the nt-U and neli of Ilie ! k of fcerj. 2 tji. . 27 r.'J7 in Cherry County. > elnsiska to .secure lh- tia.Mitetit of o et'ertriin foii | ) ii bond for $40U.on dated I'eremiier 14. lR.ss.nini Inteie.st t 7 ix-r cent from thit d > Me and due and p.iynlile 111 live > eirs Iroin dale tbeieof. Tliat theru Is now ilne on said coupon , I ond ind morlgA'/e the sum of 37 ( Tit for filch sum with interest fmiu Se | - temlier rjtl. ' I'JOI. the iilalntiiT pr-ivs jnd inent against defendant Lucius II. Woodrtnd forade- eree requiring him to pay tliu same and that thev be barred of all interest claim and demand ami eqn'tv of redemption in said premises and tli.it the lien ami murtiML'e ofli. M. Henley be declared junior and interior to tbat of this plnint-lf and that the pictures be sold to satisfy the ainouiit foil-id due. Yon SIM requited to answer tills petition on or before the ilat dayf October. 1901. WII.MAM E. UAI > KV. Plaintiff. .IOHX M. TiK'ivK.if , a torney f > r plaintill. Frst public-alien SdHeni'jer ! _ ' . IOJI. Sale of. Esfray. I will < u-ll to the hlghnst bidder for msh at my pbre south of Geonrla October I'J , iDot atone o'r'oek ' p in. . on3yw r old sorr-1 h irse.-willi white strip ou nose and two white h'nd feet. b' . KLKNWSKOFSKY , Those delightful vocalists , the Schu bert Lady Quartette , of Chicago , w ill appear at the opera hon.ce on October 2 Lovers of sweet singing should not miss this splendid entertainment. Wanted Good Farm Hand. At Ilervey ranch , two miles east of ( /rookston. Apply at once to Wm. Cavanauch. on ranch. The fact that our citizens stand ready to patronize a first . .classenter - tsunment liberally , is well demonstrat ed by the large sale of seats for the Schubert Symphonv Club and Lady Quartette. There is very little douh1- t f a full house to hear these favorite e iteriainers when thev appear at the opera honse on October 2 and the aud ience will be composed of onr best cit izens. Ranch for Snte. My ranch of 560 acres deeded land aud lease on 360 awes of school land 3 miles north-west of Valentine , all to gether and all fenced ; good improve ments , will run 200 head of cattle sum mer aud winter. Price $4oOO. F. M. SEGER 31 tf Valentine , Nebr. Our roaderer are reminded that the Schubert Symphonv club and Lady Quartette give an entire cnsinge of pro gram eacn season , so tnose uho have heard this superior company before can " attend again on October 2 and rest as- suri'd of hearing a program that is new and entertaining. Kemcmber that this is portivevly this compain 's last ap pearance in this city.