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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 12, 1901)
Sfc THE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT KM. RICE EDITOR Official Neiopat9er of Cherry County , Nebraska TERMS Subscription $1.00 per year In advance ; $1.CO when not paid In advance , Single copies cc. Display advertising 1 Inch , 15c per Issue ; $10 per column by the month. Local Notices. Obituaries and LodReTResolut- lons 5c per Hue each issue. Brands , lii inches - S4.00 'per year in ad vance ; additional spH'-e S3.00 per Inch per year ; enfjrav/Jd / blocks extra , $1.00 each. Parties llvlnp outside Cherry county not per sonally kuowu are requested to pay m advance. lb per above rates if over 6 inoutliBju : , trrear8i , . * . * . 1 Notices of loss of stock free to brand adver- Thursday September.12.lAOl. < ADDITIONAL XOCAL. . . > - ' D. C. Nelson -respected "citizen of Cody died last Friday and was taken ' ' ' back trlpwa'for interment. , . . * Ir. Alfred Lewis departed Monday for the east where he will take tin ad- y flced course in medicine and dis eases. I. P. Latham who spayed heifers for so many men last spnug offers to come back for 40Q-head at35cper head. Leave orders with C. H. Cornell. A second daughter of Mrs. Janes Peterson , on the river , was struck by lightning yesterday while driving some cattle. The pony she was riding and the dog were also killed. "Miss Iva L. Efner departed this morning for Cedar Rapids la. , where she is employed in a wholesale millin ery store , trimming. AMiss Davis of York will.take Miss Efuers place here duriGfi her absence. While Ely Valentine and J. E. C chran we've coming"dewu the steep hill the other side of the Hanson bridge the leather on "the neck yoke broke let ting down the tongue which ran into the ground and broke. Ely was pulled ov r the-dash board and-dragged a dis tance Sown the .hill while holding to the lines , the horses having broken loose 'from the buggy which ran into the bank. Cochran says he jumped out. Ely.bruised his shoulders a little. fll TValdteiifel , tne greatest waltz com poser of the present day. DudleyBuck and other noted musicians-have written soioefiue , selections especially - , for the peerless Schubert Eady Quartet of Chi cago. You.will . enjoy every minute of the'hrBntert aimaent onGet'2 , at the Opera housebecause it is bright aud en tertaining from beginning to end. Having recently purchased one of * the NewconrB'fly-shuttle rag carpet Iqome 1 am now prepared to do all kinds of rag carpet weaving o'n short notice. MRS. ADA HOLSCLAW , Valentine , Nebr , My ranch for sale. 5-quarter sect ions of land ; will run 300 head of stock summer and winter also 25 head of horses and 50 head of cattle. Terms. cash \ in one year and \ in two years OBE Cnuiicii LOST from my place on Snake riv er in Kennedy precinct , , two light bay colts , one about two years pld and the other about three , both branded A on right jw. . Have not been seen since last October , 27-tf W. A. SHELBOURN. Just received a new line of'children's school shoes at Pettycrew'a. ' " . 83tf Go to Collin's restaurant to get lem onade , ice-cream or a square meal. 28-tf Lost last Monday a vellow pug dog with black - nose. * Please return to Mrs' D. S. .Bristol or Chas. Anderson- See our bargain counter of * ladies' and children's shoes. 33tf W. A. PETTY CREW. FOR SALE. Pedigreed full-blooded Llewellyn setter pups. T. A. YEARNSHA-VT , 32tf . , - Valentine , . Neb. . Square meal 2oc at Collin's restau rant. 28-tf All kinds of "heavy hardware and wagon'wood stock atE. Breuklanders. i : < - - - 20-tf Died at his home near Sparks , Ne braska. Saturday night , .September , 7 , "Willie Hugh , son of Win. Hughs , age 12 years. He had beenout at work the fore part of theweek but on Thurs day took sick. Dr. Evans , of Spring- view was sent for but was a\ay on bus iness and could not come but came , up Saturday morning and was' there till death relieved .him of his suffering. The writer extends sincerest sympa thies. A FRIEND. CLAUDE JONES "Will not Pull'em up , GrubVm out nor Drive 'em in but will give Bhave or Hair Cut. SECOND DOCB THE DUMBER. OP . i " * " ? * y ' VAL SEPT. 2 27 I i , Running Eaces Only FIRST DAY. Purse $50 00 , first , S25 ; second , $15 ; race. Purse $50. $23 to the quar third , $10. ' ter , $25 _ to the half. Each man to First Race. Quarter of a mile and re peat free for all. Purse $75. 1st Second Day.mile } and repeat-Free' ' ride bis own horse with money , $37.50 ; 2nd , $23.50 ; 3rd , § 15. for nil. Purse $75.00 , first , § 37.50 : ' Caddie. second , $22.50 ; third$15.00. . . Second Race. Rosebud and Pine Third Race. Novelty Race. one mile Ridge agency horses. One-half mile Third Race. Cherry Co. , Rosebud race , money at every \ . Purse $125. and repeat. Purse $50. 1st money , and Pine Ridge Agency horses fj 1st i , $12.50 ; 2nd } , $25 ; 3rd , § 37.50 ; mile dash. Purse $100.00 , first ? 50 ; > 4th , $50. $25 2nd , $15 3rd , $ .10. ; ; second , $80.00 ; third , $20.00. - 1 Third Race. Free for all. Five-eighths THIRD D-VY Fourth Race. Consolation Race. Purse of a mile dash. Purse100. . 1st $50. 1st money , $25 : 2nd , § 15 ; 8rd , money , $50 : 2nd , $30 ; 3rd , $20. First Race. Free for all. One-half $10 Free fol/all horses that'll ave ' mile dash. Purse $200. 1st money , started in these races and have not SECOND 'DAY $100 2nd , $60 ; 3rd$40. . . . , - ; won a uurse in any racts at this meet First Race. Pony race Free for ( all'Second ' Race. Saddle horse race for ing. Two or more to start or no race. hands or.under . , i mile dash. Cherry county horses. One half mile Entrance free. Rosebud , Pme "Ridge aiul Cherry County horses must have beeii owned at their respective homes three months prior to day of race. Entrance 10 per cent of purse ; five to enter and three to start or race will be declared off. Horses must be entered before 9 o'clock p. M. -day-previous to each race y * - * + f MuskrEach Day by the Valentine I : O ; * 0. F , Cornet Band. W.E.HALEY , GEO. ELLIOTT , Secretary. Treasurer. i At the Britt post office , eleven afid one-half miles northwest of Valentine , on ; 5 Commencing at 10 o'clock a.m. , the following de scribed property : ISOhead of cattle , consisting ol on the place. cows and calves , yearling About 110 tons , of hay and mil and-two year-old steers aijd let in the stack. . - one ' registered Shorthorn 100.acres of corn in the field' bull. 1 wind mill , tower and tank. 55 head of horses , - . Corralls , sheds and four miles of Wagons " , harness , mowers , rakes wire fence. ' " " and all farming implements TERMS : Twelve months' 3tirne on all sums r over $10.00 , purchaser giving good bankable se i curity ; all sums oi $10.00 and under , cash. Five e cent off for cash. c o c * JOSEPH BURLEIGH. P CJ CJel GEO , TRACEWELL , , E HALEY , elk fi Auctioneer .Clerk la , - > -s i , _ - . ' . " ' " tt * fe . JS- * - * . . * - * 7f < > . r - v Renovate , x Renovate , x Renovate White Lead ; Oil , Turpentine Putty , Paint , Whitewash , and Kalsomine Brushes QfllC APCtlTQ COD The Celebrated Lincoln Ready Mixed Paints , CULL MUL W I O rUJl Varnishes and Stains. There is none other so Goof We Keep in Stock at all times a large assortment of Wall paper in1 prices ranging from lOcts to oOcts for a double roll. OUR SODA WATER IS EQUAL TO THE BEST And it is as cold as Greenland's Icy Mountains. ELLIOTT'S DRUG STORE Eates Reasonable Give Me a Trial A. Schatzthauer , Propr. S , MOON , For sale , Standard ten foot wood Perkins 832.00 cash , also the - Mishawaka ten foot , six and eight inch stroke same price. Come an d see before you order. Pumps and tanks for sale. Valentine , * - - - * - - . Nebraska. - ' ' ' ' - ' T Gome to fcp D. S. LUDWIG'S . OLD STAND FOB -i Eclipse Windmills , Builders' Materials Fair bank's Steel Windmills. Buggies , Moline Wagons , . Lumber , ' J. A. SPARKS , ADMINISTRATOR Accounts 'oF Mercys , Ranker ] , and Individuals Invited Money to Loan on Pirst-clas.3 Cattle Paper and Other Securities , " , ' * Valentine State Bank Capital JgQicl tljp , NEBRASKA. ' , mi&ECTOltS FRED WIIITTEMORE , President J. W. STETTER , Vice President CHARLES SPARKS , Cashier T. C. HORNTJY w. S. JACKSON in the coffee bin not a -pleasant thought , yet when coffees are kept open in bulk who knows what different "things" come climb ing and floating in ? put up in sealed packages insures cleanliness , uniform quality , freshness and delicious flavor. Superb Fall Stationery , We do not know who sets the styles in-stationery , but whoever it is hasartistic judgment , as you vvilladmitwben you see our fall line. All the latest fads and fancies in paper : all that is new in design or color. An ample as- i sortment to choose from. Prices'are as Idw as Quality is high. Don't be content with old style stationery , or to limit your choice by picking from a stock less ample than ours. Ouigley & Chapman Druggists , Valentine , Xeb. CONVENTION CALLS , People's Independent Party The People's Independent Party vot ers of Cherry County are requested to send delegates from their several pre cincts to meet'in County Convention in ValentineNebraska , on Saturday , September 14 , 1901'at 10 o'clock A. M. for the purpose of electing eight dele gates to the state convention to be held at Lincoln September 17 , 1001. Also to a county convention on Saturday September 28 at 10.o'clock . A. 31. to nominate county officers for the follow ing offices towit : Treasurer , clerk , judge , surveyor , sheriff , coroner , sup erintendent of public instruction and commissioner ot the 3rd district , and ather business as may come before the Convention. The representation from the various precincts will be based upon the vole ast for TV. A. Poynter in the general jlcction of 1900 , one delegate being al- owed for each ten votes and major 'raction th ereof , and one delegate at arge from each precinct , which makes he following apportionment : Barley . . . .o Buffalo Lake . . . . . . . " . . . . .2 Boiling Sprites . " . . . . c Clevel nd . t . J" . . . . . V.Vs- l > euey Lake . 3 Enlow . . . " " - r , Georgia . . ; . German . J.\ . " 3 Gillaspie . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 4 Goose Creek . ' . . . . . . . . 4o Invlu . . . . . . . . . " . 3 , Kennedy . . . [ 3 " " Kewanec . I ! ! ! ' 3 Loup . . . ' Lnvaca . . T Meiriinaii . . ' . ' . ' ' ' ' - | Mimiecliuduza . > . . . . . . . ' . ' " * . Mother . Lake . . Nenzel . . . " . " . * . " . * . * . " . " i rieasantHill i Sparks . . " . " . . * Steene . " * . Scblajrle . . - Sharps Ranch . ' . ' . . ' . Table . ? Valentine . . . , Woodlake . * . " . . * " " . . " . .II."i. . g It is recommended that the precinct primaries be held at the voting place ° in each precinct September 7 , 1901 at 2 o'clock p. 31. unless otherwise called by the precinct committeemen. It is also recommended that no prox ies be allowed but that the delegates present cast the full vote of the pre cinct. J. TV. WHILLANS W. F. MOBOAKEIDOE Se Chairman Democratic Party The democratic party voters of Cher ry county are requested to send dele gates from their several precincts to meet in county convention in Valen tine , Nebraska on Saturday , Septem ber 14 , 2901 , at 10 ' o'clock A. M. for the purpose of electing eight delegates to Vie state convention to be held at JLin coin September , 1901 , also toacoun- ty convention oir Saturday , September 28. 1901 , at 10 o'clock A. M. to * orni- mate county officers for the follow-in- offices tttvitr-Treasurer , clerk , judW' surveyor , sheriff , coroner , supt. of pub lic instruction and commissioner of the 3rd district and to transact such ' other business as may come before the con- vention. " * The tthel IJ as It recommended that the precinct primaries be held at the voting Ze in each precinct , SaturdaV , September < , 1901 , unless otherwise called by the precinct committeemen. It is also 1 recommended that no < } prox- ies be allowed but that the dele present cast the full vote Of the pr ? M. D. CYPHERS IM. . RICE Secretary. Chairman Strayed or stolen from ' Valentine tip lower than right. Jjotif W. \ 3 : i s-l