Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, September 12, 1901, Image 3

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quick relief and cures worst
cases. Book of testlmonlids and lo AYS treatment
VBZE. DR. H. B. tiKEErS 60X8. Bok E. AtUeU. .
Warranted Waterproof ,
Mado to Bland hard
knockfl and rough
work. Loo it for
the trado
Itin'ttbeiB ,
If I
Ho * Iti own rail *
nd Is i ha * bort-
est line to
irf 5top-overs given
t both polntJ OB
all tickets.
for DecerlpUra Batter , Rate * , eta , call OB nearest
Ticket Igent , or address
-C. S. CHilf E , G.P. and T. JU BT. I.OCIB ,
Slinfter's Cowa in the Pouud.
General Shafter owns three Jersey
cows which roam at will over the Pre
sidio reservation. Several times the
animals have wandered beyond the
reservation , but until the other day
were found and returned by people
who knew to whom they belong. One
day of last week they failed to return
to be fed and milked and a search
party eventually found them in the
public-pound , along with a lot of other
beasts. The poundmaster refused to
release the cows until his fee of $3 per
cow was paid.
Piso's Cure cannot be too highly spoken of ns
a cough cure. J. W. O'BRiKS , 322 Tbird Ave. ,
N. , Minneapolis. Minn. , Jan. C. 1900.
A Girl Lawyer.
Miss Janet M. Corbett , of Charles-
town , Mass. , who has just been ad
mitted to the Massachusetts bar , is but
little past 21 years old , and is said
to be the youngest woman ever admit
ted to the practice of law. Miss Cor
bett was a clerk in the registry of
probate of Suffolk county , and read
law before and after her working
Use Red Cross Boll Blue and keep them
white as now. All grocers. r > c. a package.
Temperature often depends on tem
A Fall-Site Cl Trratmeat of Dr. O.
W Plielps Brown's Great Rcmcily for - ,
Fits , Epilepsy nd all Nervous Diseases. Address
O. rUKUPS BEOWS , 98Braadwaj , HewbBrgfc , H.I.
& LAWRENCE , 315R mtre Building. Omaha. Neb.
H. J. Cowglll. Representative. E fdat VVa blngtou ,
D. C. , 1861. Useful Guide Book on Patent ! FREE.
's Eyt Wattr
I . \ HAIR
1,1 , <
Prevented by Shampoos of CUTICURA SOAP
and light dressings of CUTICURA , purest of
emollient skin cures. This treatment at once
F stops falling hair , removes crusts , scales , and
n dandruff , soothes irritated , itching surfaces ,
stimulates the hair follicles , supplies the roots
with energy and nourishment , and makes the
hair grow upon a sweet , wholesome , healthy
scalp when all "else fails.
Assisted by CDTICURA OINTMENT , for preserving , purifying , and beautify
ing the skin , for cleansing the scalp of crusts , scales , and dandruff , and the
stopping of falling hair , for softening , whitening , and soothing red , rough ,
and sore hands , for baby rashes , itchings , and chafings , and for all the pur
poses of the toilet , bath , and nursery. Millions of Women use CUTIQCRA
SOAP in the form of baths for annoying irritations , inflammations , and
excoriations , for too free or offensive perspiration , hi the form of washes for
ulcerative weaknesses , and for many antiseptic purposes which readily-sug-
gest themselves to women and mothers. No amount of persuasion can
induce those who have once used these great skin purifiers and beautifiers
to use any others. CUTICURA SOAP combines delicate emollient properties
derived from CUTICURA , the great skin cure , with the purest of cleansing
ingredients , and the most refreshing of flower odours. Xo other medicated
goap is to be compared with it for preserving , purifying , and beautifying
the skin , scalp , hair , and hands. Xo other foreign or domestic toilet soap ,
however expensive , is to be compared with it for all the purposes of the
toilet , bath , and nursery. Thus it combines , .hi ONE SOAP at ONE PRICE ,
the BEST skin and complexion soap , and the BEST toilet and baby soap in
the world. ' * ' ' " " * ' * " ' " ' - " - ,
Complete External and internal Treatment for Every Humour ,
- - Consisting of CuncuRA SOAP , to cleanse the skin of crusts and
scales and soften the thickened cuticle ; CUTICDRA OINTMENT , to
Instantly allay itching. Inflammation , and irritation , and soothe
and heal ; and CtmcuHA RESOLVENTto cool and cleanse the blood.
_ _ . _ MMW A SINGLE SET is often sufficient to cure the most torturing , difafig-
I H E O tT uring , itching , burning , and scalr skin , scalp , and blood humours ,
, . and Irritationswithloss of hair , when all else falls. Sold throughout the
Ashes , itchinsrs.
i Troriu sne i jjriLici * kepoti F. NEWBEUV & SONS , 27 Charterhouse Sq. , London , E. C. POTTEB
- -
DBDG ' AND , CHEMICAL COUPOBATION , Sole ProDs. , Boston. U. S. A.
Vhcn Answering Advertisements KiniJIy
Mention This Taper.
W.N. U OMAHA No. 37 1901
[ Best Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. Dse |
In time. Sold by dnwglsts.
Sold ( with or without Bill
ing and Tabulating Attach-
ment.ExchanffCQ.Rented ) ,
and Repaired. Paragon
Typewriter Ribbons for all Ma
chines , Linen Papers , Carbon !
Paper , and miscellaneous TypeJ J
writer Supplies and Furniture.
1G19 Farnam Omaha.
Century's * Service by Father and Hon.
William Barrow , timekeeper at Gil-
low's cabinet works , Lancaster , Eng- "
land , has been In the employ of th
firm for sixty-six years. Although
over 80 years of age , he is still active ,
being invariably the first on the prem
ises every morning and the last to
leave at night. His father held the ,
keys before him , having joined the
house of Gillow's in 1801 , so that the
present year crowns "a century of ser
vice" by father and son.
.Taut a Spite Case. " * <
Mrs. M. A. Radcliffe of Denver , Colo. ,
who was arrested on charge of illegal
voting , has been discharged by the
court , not a particle of evidence being
presented. It was a case of anti-suff
rage spite , and the accusers were well
raked over for their meanness. So the
case of the first woman ever charged
with illegal voting turns out a boom
Charleston Wants the Liberty Bell.
The managers of the South Carolina
exposition , to be held in Charleston ,
opening next December , have asked to
have the Liberty bell in Independence
hall , Philadelphia , loaned to them for
exhibition "during the continuance of
the fair. They plead that it would ex
cite patriotic enthusiasm.
j >
Consolation and Comfort.
Who is it that does not wish to te
out in the open air or alive in some
field of sport , whether it be with the
bat. rod or gun ; whether we go coast-
Ing over the hills and vales on the
wheel or sailing over rough waves or
into serene coves , it is all sport , and
the springing muscles seem to need it.
It is bound to happen that some mis
hap will occur. Thus it is that we
have sprains in abundance. Light
sprains , sprains that cripple , sprains
that give great pain , sprains that rob
us of sleep , but sportsmen of all kinds
have come to know that there is noth
ing better than the old reliable St.
Jacob's Oil. Have it with you for use ;
you may rely on its cure of the worst
sprain and restoration to the com
forts of life.
Girl Commercial Traveler.
Mytrle Bruce , a 17-year-old girl of
Omaha , is making a success as a com-
mericial traveler. Last mouth her
earnings in salary and commissions
amounted to $90. She has been' on the
road three months and already has a
line of trade that it takes many men
years to control. She declares her in
tention of sticking to her business until
she can command a salary as large
as anjr man in her line west of the
Missouri river.
Use the best. That's why they buy Red
Cross Ball Blue. At leading grocers , 5 cents.
Wisdom is often nearer when we
stoop than when we soar.
The Home Laundry.
There is no reason why the clothes
cleaned at home cannot be ironed up
to the same standard of excellence that
comes from sending them to the laun
dry. All that is necessary to attain
the desired object is the purchase of
a package of Defiance starch at any
grocery. Use it once and you will un
derstand why clothes ironed at the
laundries have that mild , glossy ap
pearance. All first-class laundries use
Defiance starch. If there is no grocery
in your neighborhood that keeps it
they will send for it on request. Made
by the Magnetic Starch Co. , Omaha ,
Neb. .
It is always easier to praise virtue
than to pursue it.
Mrs. Winalows soothing Syrup. ,
'For children teething , aoften * the guro > , reduces lg-
flammation , allay * pain.cures wind colic. 25cebottle >
Big words do not always carry great
weight of meaning.
TTalf an hour is all the time required to
Sold by druggists , lOc. per package.
"No man will ever be wise who is
unwilling to be estejemed a fool.
Hall's Catarrh Cure
Is a constitutional cure. Price , Toe.
A crust and a kind word are better
than a feast and indigestion.
Ladles Can Wear Shoe * .
One size smaller after nsingAllen's Foot-
Ease , a powder. It makes tight or new
shoes easy. Cures swollen , hot.sweating ,
aching feet , ingrowing nails , corns and
bunions. All druggists and shoe stores ,
25c. Trial package FREE by maiL Ad
dress Allen S. Olinsted , LeRoy , N.Y.
Your living speaks louder than all
your logic.
Don't ache , use Hamlin's Wizard Oil.
Rheumatism , neuralgia and all pain
banished by it. See your druggist.
The value of your life may depend
on your estimate of its leisure.
811.1O Buffalo and Return , Sold S11.1O
September 8 to 12.
813.OO Buffalo and Return on 813.OO
Sale Dally.
86.85 Cleveland and Return on S6.S5
Sale Sept. Stb to 19th.
S31.OO New York City and Return S31.OO
on Sale Dally.
The above rates via the "Wabash from
Chicago. For the G. A. R. encampment
at Cleveland. O. . have your tickets read
via the Wabash to Detroit and thence
via the D. & C. Nav. Co. to Cleveland , a
beautiful trip across Lake Erie. The
Wabash runs on its own tracks from
Kansas City , St. Louis and Chicago to
Buffalo. Many special rates will be given
during the summer months. Stop-overs
allowed on all tickets at Niagara Falls.
Be sure your tickets read via the WA
BASH ROUTE. For rates , folders and
other information call on jour nearest
ticket agent or write Harrv E. Moores ,
Genl. Pass Dcpt. . Omaha. Neb. * , or C. S.
Crane , G. P. & T. A. . St. Louis. Mo.
When life will not bear grain dig in
it for gold.
It is nice to be handsome , but it is
handsomer to be nice.
Latest Quotations From South Omaha
and Kauian City.
CATTLE There was a light run of
cattle. The bis end of the receipts wsis
corn-fed steers , comparatively few west
erns being on sale. Packers all seemed
to want the cattle and as a result trade
was active and fully steady all around.
There were Quite a few corn-fed steers
and the quality was exceptionally good ,
as high as $5.75 being paid for a number
of bunches. The demand on the part of
all the packers was active , so that
steady to stronger prices were easily
obtained and the yards were cleared
at an early hour. Kven the less desir
able grades sold without difficulty at
fully steady prices. There was by no
means an over-supply of cows , so the
market was fully steady. As compared
with yesterday's close , it was perhaps a
little stronger. Buyers were all anxious
for supplies , so that anything at all good
was disposed of at an early hour. There
was no particular change noticeable in
the prices paid for bulls , calves and
stags , though the better prades sold
readily at very satisfactory prices. There
were only a few stockers and feeders on
sale , and what few were offered were
mostly of rather common quality.
HOGS There was a very light run of
hogs , and as packers were all anxious
for supplies the market opened active
and 10@15c higher. The general run of
hogs sold at $6.25 and ? G.2T , with the
choicer grades going largely at $6.30. At
those prices the hogs changed hands
rapidly and it was not long before the
bulk of the receipts was out of first
hands. Along towards the last , how
ever , packers seemed to weaken a little
on the late arrivals , as they thought
they were payingtoo much for their
hogs as compared with Chicago. At
that point the advance was reported as
only o'ftlOc.
SHEEP There were very few sheep on
sale and hardly enough to test the mar
ket. Buyers seemed to want a few , and
from the way they acted It was evident
that they would have bought good stuff
at strong prices. Lambs were also
scarce and there was practically nothing
offered to make a fair test of the mar
ket. Feeder sheep and lambs were in
fairly good demand and sold at steady
prices. There has been a good trade all
the week on feeders , and that fact has
prevented the market from breaking a
great deal worse than it has.
CATTLE Corn-fed cattle , l LIc high
er ; cows and heifers , steady to 30c low
er ; heavy feeders strong , others slow ;
choice export and dressed beef steers ,
$5.50gG.10 ( ; fair to goodi.SO i5.40 ; stock
ers and feeders , $2.40'53.S5 ; western-fed
steers , $4.50T/5.75 ; western range steers ,
$3.25 < ? I4.25 ; Texans and Indians , $2.70
3.85 ; Texas cows. $2.2-Vff2.SO ; native cows ,
J2.uOU4.00 ; heifers. $2.7.7 ? 5.2T : canners.
* 1.50@2.40 ; bulls , $2.1CKc4.50 : calves , $ 'J.50
Under the Constitution Duties of the
President Devolve Upon Him.
WASHINGTON , Sept. 7. Steps are
being taken to provide for the future
of the executive branch of the gov
ernment. It is realized that even
under most favorable conditions the
president's injuries are of such a char-
acter as to make it almost certain that
he cannot undertake for a long time
to discharge the duties of chief exec-
tive even in the most formal way.
Every member of the cabinet able to
travel is expected to speed at once to
Buffalo and there a cabinet council
will be held to decide upon the course
to be followed by the executive branch.
Vice President Roosevelt is said to
be in Vermont , this being the infor
mation furnished by his relatives here ,
and of course will hold himself in
readiness to do whatever is necessary
and to meet the obligations imposed
upon the vice president'by the consti
tution of the United States. These are
contained in paragraph 6 , section 1 ,
article ii , in the following words :
6. In case of the removal of the
president from office , or his death , res
ignation , or inability to discharge the
powers and duties of 'the said office ,
the same shall devolve on the vice
president , etc.
Under the terms of this article as
scon as Mr. Roosevelt is assured by
proper authority , probably in this case
by the senior member of the cabinet ,
Secretary Hay , who will doubtless be
in Buffalo by tomorrow evening , he
will undertake at once in a provisiorial
way to discharge such duties as may
devolve upon him.
Much will depend upon the charac
ter of the president's injuries as to the
exent to which Mr. Roosevelt will dis
charge the presidential duties , if he
undertakes them at all , and it is al
most certain that in .the absence of
great emergency in public affairs , evea
if called to assume these obligations ,
the vice president will confine himself
in the exercise of his powers to the
discharge of the most routine and in
dispensable functions.
President Shaffer Moved.
PITTSBURG , Pa. . Sept. 7. President
Shaffer of the Amalgamated associa
tion , when told of the attempted as
sassination of President McKinley ,
said he was much shocked at the re
port and could say nothing of strike
matters under the existing circum
Clmn to See the Arrnr.
BERLIN , Sept. 7. A special dis
patch to the Anzeiger Zeitung from
Dantzic says Emperor William invited
Prince Chun to witness the autumn
TVonld Settle Oat of Court.
porte , it is said , is endeavoring to come
to a direct understanding with the
French claimants against the Ottoman
. . -
Bishop A. Grant of Indianapolis ,
Ind. , writes the following letter :
Indianapolis , Indiana , )
3349 N. Pennsylvania Street , j
Peruna Medicine Co. , Columbus , O. :
Gentlemen ' 'I have been using Pe
runa for catarrh and can cheerfully rec
ommend your remedy to anyone who
wants a good medicine. ' ' A. Grant.
Prominent members of the clergy are
giving Peruna their unqualified en
dorsement. These men find Peruna es
pecially adapted to preserve them from
catarrh of the vocal organs which has
always been the bane of public speak
ers , and general catarrhal debility in
cident to the sedentary life of the
clergyman. Among the recent utter
ances of noted clergymen on the cura
tive virtues of Peruna is the above one
from BishopGrant. .
Jackson in "Mythology. "
The Memphis Commercial-Appeal
has been delving into the life of An
drew Jackson v/ith startling results.
A correspondent writes to the paper
that its legend "giving the pedigree of
Jackson , running back many centuries
to the Scottish kings , making of him
a descendant of Sir Robert Bruce , is
the boldest venture into the unknown
past to be found in historic myth
ology. "
Rose Bush 1OO Years Old.
A rose bush that has attained the
age of 101 years is one of the interest
ing sights at the old Salem homestead
in Middle Haddam. The bush was
planted in the year 1800 by Mrs. Lu-
cilla Hurd , and it is stated on good
authority that it has borne roses every
year for 100 years. Mrs. Hurd , who
planted the rose bush , was 94 years of
age when she died.
The Museum's Kich Endowment.
It is now estimated that the Metro
politan Museum of Art in New York
will get about $6,000,000 from the es
tate of Jason S. Rogers , of Paterson ,
N. J. , the odd old fellow who used to
talk with Di Cesnola by the hour about
the finances of the museum , but never
in twenty years asked a question about
the contents of it.
Easy Come , Kasy Go.
The man who creeps along bent
over , with his spinal column feeling in
a condition to snap like a pipestem at
any minute , would readily give a great
deal to get out of his dilemma , and yet
this is only the commonest form by
which lumbago seizes on and twists
out of shape the muscles of the back.
This is commonly known as backache ,
a crick in the back , but by whatever
name it may be known , and however
bad it may be. 10 minutes vigorous
rubbing with St. Jacob's Oil on the af
flicted part will drive out the trouble
and completely restore. It is a thing
so easily caught , it may be wondered
at why there is not more of it , but
because it is so easily cured by St. Ja
cobs Oil may be the very reason that
we hear so little of it.
Every man knows worse of himself
than he knows of others.
Writes His Recommendation
for the Famous Catarrh
Remedy , Pe-ru-na.
The day was when men of promi
nence hesitated to give their testimon
ials to proprietary medicines for pub
lication. This remains true today oC
most proprietary medicines. But Pe
runa has become so justly famous , its
merits are known to so many people of
high and low station that none hesi
tates to see his name in print recom
mending Peruna.
The following letters from pastors
who use Peruna speak for themselves :
Rev. E. G. Smith , pastor of the Pres
byterian Church , of Greensboro , Ga. ,
writes :
"My little boy had been suffering for
soma time with catarrh of the lower
bowels. Other remedies had failed , but
after taking two bottles of Peruna tho
troublealmostentirely disappeared. For
this special malady I consider It well
nigh a specific. " Rev. E. G. Smith.
Rev. A. S. Vaughn , Eureka Springs.
Ark. , says : "I had been prostrated by
congestive chills and was almost dead ;
as soon as able to be about. I com
menced the use of Peruna. I took fivo
bottles ; my strength returned rapidly
and I am now enjoying my usual
health. " Rev. A. S. Vauhgn.
If you do not derive prompt and sat
isfactory results from the use of Pe
runa , write at once to Dr. Hartman.
giving a full statement of your caso
and he will be pleased to give you hio
valuable advice gratis.
Address Dr. Hartman , President o"
Tho Hartman Sanitarium , Columbus , 0.
in similar practice anywhere in the
Are Ton Ualnj Allan's Foot Eaf.e ?
It is the only cure for Swollen ,
Smarting , Burning , Sweating' Feet ,
Corns and Bunions. Ask for Allen's
Foot-Ease , a powder to be shaken into
the shoes. At all Druggists and Shoo
Stores , 25c. Sample sent FREE. Ad
dress , Allen S. Olinsted , eRoy , N. Y.
Happy is he who lets himself owo
no man and lets no man owe him.
Dropsy treated free by Dr. H. H. Green's
Sous , of Atlanta , Ga. The greatest dropsy
specialists in the world. Read their adver
tisement in another column of this paper.
A man soon forgets his faults when
they are known only to himself.
Never promise more than you can
perform. Publius Syrus.
In our mammoth
kitchen we employ a chef
who is an expert in mak- &
ing mince pies. He has
charge of making all of
Libby's Miacc Meat. He
uses the very choicest ma
terials. He is told to make
the best Mince Meat ever
sold and he docs. Get a
package nt your grocer's ;
enough for two large pies .
You'll never use another kind again. 4 *
Libby's Atlas of the World , with 32
new maps , size 8xn inches , sent any
where lor 10 cts. in stamps. Our Book
let. "How to Make Good Things to
Eat , " mailed free.
{ Llbby , McNeill & Libby , f
If you do you should send your name and address on a postal card for a
It illustrates and describes all the different Winchester Rifles , Shotguns and
Ammunition , and contains much valuable information. Send at once to the
Winchester Repeating Arms Co. , New Haven , Conn.
Defiance Starch is the
cheapest laundry starch
onothird more for the
same money , and it's the
best starch made , too
the best in the world 16
ounces for 10 cents ,
If your grocer does
not keep it send us his
name and we will send
you one trial package.
At Wholesale by
McCord-Bra.dy Co.
and Paxton & Gallagher ,
Oma.ha. , Nebraska.
all Stores , or by Mail for iiw price. MALL & RUCKEL , Htw York.