THE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT I. M. RICE EDITOR $1.OO Per Year in PUBLIBHED EVERY THURSDAY. Entered at tto e Post-office at Valentine. Cherry county. Nebraska , as Second-class matter. ' * * * ? - r - % * . * ' „ ' , ' -Jt. > " * fi. - -14 A - Notice Probate of Will. Notice probate of will , Jennie K. Miller , de ceased. In County Court , Cherry County , Neb. The State of Nebraska to flic nelrs and next of kin of the said Jennie E. Miller , deceased : Take notice. That upon mini : of a written in strument purporting to be tiie last will and testament of Jennie K. Miller for probate and allowance , it is ordered that said matter be set for hearing the 14th day of September. A. D , 1901. beforj said County Court , at the hour of 10 o'clock a. in . at which time any person in- terested may appear and contest the same ; and notice "of this proceeding is ordered published three weeks successively in the VAI * : NTINJS DEMOCBAT , a weekly newspaper , published In this State. In testimony whereof. I have hereunto set my band and tb sea 1 of the County Court at Valen tine this 24 day ot Aucust , A. D. 1901. I W.B.TOWXB. j32 j- _ County Judge. Complete List of Final Proof Con test and Land Notices at the - ' Valentine Land Office ' , tf Aug. 38 1901 , / Sept. \ ? 01 , Henry K. Caylor , ne 1-4 , sec. 23 , tp. 29 , r. 19. - Sept. 6 , ' 01 , Will S. Pelam , ne 1-4 , nw 1-4 , n 1-2 ne 1-4 , and se 1-4 ne 1-4 , sec. 15 , tp. 27 , r. 27. Sept. 7 , ' 01 , Julius M. Windenburg , wl-2 se 1-4 , n 1-2 sw 1-4 , sec. 12 , tp. 29 , r. 18. Sept. 7 , ' 01 , Thos. C. Morrison , lot 2 , sec. 6 , lots 8 and 4 , and n 1-2 sw 1-4 , sec. 5 , tp. 32 , r. 17. Sept. 7 , ' 01 , Jennie Thompson , nee Kuhc , lots.3 and 4 , sec. 81 , tp. 38 , r. 23. Sept. 7 , ' 01 , land sale , at Valentine , ne 1-4 sw 1-4 , sec. 27 , tp. 27 , r. 28. Sept. 10 , ' 01 , Chas. A. Stapleton , lots 1 , 2 , 3 and 4 , FCC. 26 , tp. 35 , r. 19. Sept. 14 , ' 01 , contest , Emma Gammill , vs. se 1-4 se 1-4 , sec. 8 , sw 1-4 sw 1.4 , sec. 9 , and n 1-2 ne 1-4 , sec. 17 , tp. 83 , r. 39. Sept. 14 , ' 01 , Geo. B. Mead , e 1-2 ne 1-4 , and e 1-2 se 1-4 , sec. 35 , tp. 85 , r.40. Sept. 18 , ' 01 , Ferdinand Weyrauch , nel-4 sec. 25'tp. 29 , r. 20. Sept. 18 , ' 01 , William Gulick , s se 1-4 , nw 1-4 se 1-4 , ne 1-4 se 1-4 , sec. 28 , tp. 31 , r. 26. Sept. 18 , ' 01 , Wm. Gulicif , father and beir of Boy Gulick , deceased , lot 4 , sec. 5 , and lot 1 , sec. 6 , tp. 30 , and s 1-2 sw 1-4 , sec. 32 , " tp. 81 , r. 26. Sept. J9 , ' 01 , Jess A. Burns , n 1-2 se 1-4 , sec. 22 , and ne 1-4 Jiw 1-4 , nw 1-4 nc 1-4 , sec. 27 , tp. 83 , r. 18. Sept. 21 , ' 01 , Strong B. Moody , nw 1-4 , sec. 25 , tp. 81 , r. 17. Sept ; 21 , ' 01 , Lewis Luckey. w 1-2 nw 1-4 , and w 1-2 sw 1-4 , sec. 25 , tp.34r.20. Sept. 25 , ' 01 , Lillian McNamar , s 1-2 ne 1-4 , nw 1-4 ne 1-4 , sec. 15. sw 14 nw 1-4 , sec. 14 , tp. 81 , r , 26. Sept. 26 , ' 01 , Byron B. Swett , n 1-2 sw 1-4 , sec. 85 , tp. 81 , r. 28. Sept. 27 , ' 01 , contest , Arthur V. Coble , vs. n 1-2 ne 1-4 , sec. 80 , tp. 27 , r. 28. Sept. 28 , ' 01 , James W. Stecle , s seland s swj , sec. 30 , tp 29 , r. 21. Oct. 3 , J01 , Jesse Gorsuch , sw "ne , s * mv , nwj sw , sec. 10 , tp. 29 , r. 34. Oct. 3 , ' 01 , Chrisropher Spragg , nw ] nej , sec. 29 , tp. 3fc , r. 17 Oct. 4 , ' 01 , "William Ganow , nej nej , sec. 14 , wj mv , sec. 13 , tp. 30 , r. 31. Oc-t. 5 , ' 01 , Frank W. Lake , sw 1-4 , sec. 22 , tp. 30 , r. 19. Oct. 5 , ' 01 , Alexander Seap-er , sir mv , nej sw - , nwi sej , sec. 23 , tp. 82 , r. 35. Oct , 53 ' 01 , Albert Davis. n swj , and ni sej , sec. 10 , tp. 32 , r. 25. Oct. 9 , ' 01 , Jacob Sawyer , e se 1-4 , sec. 27 , tp. 34 , r. 20. Oct. 9r'01 , Henry A. Koch , s sw 1-4 , and s se 1-4 , sec. 14 , tp. 35. r.20. Oct. 9 , ' 01 , Erik Arneson , n ne 1-4 , sec. 20 , and n nw 1-4 , sec. SI , tp. 29 , r. 31. Oct. 9 ' 01 Rose Etta 1-4 . 27 , and eine 1-4 , , Floyd , nee Kay , ii nw - , sec. - , sec. 28 , tp. 35 , r. 30. Oct. 11 , ' 01 , William L : McClean , s& ne 1-4 , sec. C , tp. 29 , r. 28. Oct. 12. ' 01 1-4 1-4 and 1-4 . 4 and , Sophia Harper , sw - ; se - , s sw - , sec. , nw 1-4 nw 1-4 , sec. 9 , tp.-29 , r. 39. Oct. 14 , ' 01 , Andrew Johnson , so 1-4 , sec. 12 , tp. 29 , r. 37. Oct. 16 , ' 01 , Isaac Tarket , sw 1-4 , sec. 24 , tp. 33 , r. 21. Oct. 19 , ' 01 , Herman -Lorensen , lots' 3 arid 4 , sec. 4 , tp. 28 , and se 1-4 , sec. 33 , tp. 29 , r. 26. Oct. 20 , ' 01 , Henry Adams , g nw 1-4 , nw 1-4 nw 1-4 , and ne 1-4 sw * x 1-4 , sec. 23 , tp. 27 , r. 17. Take a Postal Card i and address it like the name on our mail sack , sign it and post it , and by return mail , we'll send you one of our & * * * . * r fall and Winter Catalogs. We've two kinds ; one about men's clothes , the other about women's clothes. Which do you want ? ! Ii i I t - "JUST T * LATE. " * - A Trtin o Untoward Although Trafling a FmilyHcIp" isKUlcd. Mr/IIarr L.sondt of Kent ( O. ) made application for membership in the camp of Modern Woodmen of Kent on the 26th of last month. He was accept ed btf the camp and his Application was ford warded to head physician 'F. A. Smith at Zunesville , ( O. ) for approval. Dr. Smith returned the application to the local medical exa oiner , Dr. A. C. Ball for some corrections. Dr. Ball was out of the city , but returned to Kent on Saturday , August 6th. The application was corrected and again .mailed to head physician Smith at Zanesville. It was approved by Dr Smith aulTforwarded td the head office of the Wooduieu society at Bock Islanti , 111. * A benefit certific for $2.000 was is sued in Mr. JStoudt's name and mailed to clerk F. A. McMahon of Kent Camp , being received by him on Wednesday , August 10th at 12 o'clock , noon. At 9 o'clock that morning Mr. Stoudt , while doing some plumbing work in the rail road yards at Kent was run down by a train and instantly killed. If his cer tificate had reached Kent one day soon er , or on the 9th of August , Mr. Stoudt would have been received as a member by the camp and his certificate would have been delivered to him. The so ciety would then have been legally li able for the $2,000 culled for in the cer tificate. As it is Mr. Stoudt did not become a member of the society and his family loses the sum which would have placed them in comfortable circum stances. The case illustrates tho un certainty of life anl l the danger of delay in securing protection for the wife and children. Charles" ! ! . Faulhaber Brownlee Breeder of Res'st'd Herelords. o Hyam , Np. 74ra8 , at head otherrt. Young bulte from G to 18 months old lor sale. Good Hard ROCK . . . For-Sale . PAT HETT , Valentine , Neb. KT Has been moved'lhe hulldlng'on South Cherry street formerly known as the Massenaale house andJiere we are prepared to give customers better service than ever before. 3kC. Talcntino. ( Crowded out of la t wee' < . ) The poets are still singing thepreises of Nebraska and if it were not for the tact that the people of this western country were too busy to write poetry , you would hear more of this land of the "mild eyed steer. " Hawthorn said that poets were not developed in a new country and that after everything else went down the poets sprang up and chanted in rhyme the echoes of by gone days. So it might well be said of Cherry county that when development has been made | complete and there is a family iu evory valley then the poet will come forth ar rayed in his glory to tell of the early days when Jim Murrey , Tom Allen , the Steter Bros , , 0. H. Cornell , the Sparkf Bros. , Mike CJynes and a number o ; others were using their influence to civ ilize and quiet the outlaws who made frequent attempts to terrorize the peaceable ard law abiding populace , their inhuman and reckless ways of now and then putting a bullet hole through a lamp chimney as a matter of target practice in vociferously putting out a light. Many were shot and at the trial self defense was the plea which got the man free no matter if the victim happened to be without fire arms. The Keys brothers with numerous other out laws were then , but not now hying. There were many , other desperadoes who came abreast of civilization antag onizing , threatening , menacing and re tarding have fallen by the wayside with the great onward march of pro gress , law and order. Tuesday night while the dark clouds were hanging over our little city and the lightning took now and then a shot at a building , it seemed an appropriate time for a rehearsal of the history of those times when g , prominent citizen carried a shot gun to and from his bus iuess for two weeks and carried it load ed with buck shot ready to at any time defend his life. Another no tr promi nent in state circles who had provoked some desperadoes in the discharge of his duty was confronted by several Win chesters upon his going out the stable one morning to feed his horse. Smooth' talk and a persuasive manner finally overcame there prejudices ; another tragedy was avoided. It was the more interesting to hear these stories related in a group consisting of the early pio neers perhaps with an experience far more startling , that for good and suffic lent reasons they , through modesty or not desiring those scenes to come again' into their memory , forbore the telling. Mrs. W. A. Parker and children'are up from Wood Lake , Cherry county , Visiting her parents , Mr. and Mrs. Isiah Brown , who live southwest of , town. Mrs. Parker comes up once a year to visit her pareats and jo renew her sub-t scription to the Standard. Her 'moth er accompanied her this time and had us add her name to our list of readers also. Kushville Standard. Bunch for Sale Cheap. Stock and implements complete for engaging in the stock business. This is a chance for some man who has about $5000 to invest. Call on L M. Kice or write us. Strayed. From my place two miles east of Crookston one black mare about nine jea s old.smal white spot in forehead , collar marked , smal white spot on back , fore top sheared and very little mane weight about 1150. Liberal reward for information leading to her recovery. ED. TJKK , Orookston , Neb. " - Lost From my place on the Rosebud res ervation on Tuesday , July 16 , 1901 , three horses , one bay mare branded Bon left side , one sorrel horse ( branded KXm on left side and one bay horse bearing no marks. " SWIFF , St. Francis Mission , Hosebud e South Dakota. - 27-tf I ( At the Donoher next Monday Drs. Seymour & Williams. * ' * JVeic Styles in Jewelery. A'ew Arrival of Watches. jveic Patterns la Rings. Neio l ) t of Pishing Tackle. JV * ? p Musical instruments. A' ic ways of doing business. A II at the old stand / G-rtod work and prompt attention. If vou want Rood work , unt you" Namfi and Post Office address on a Tair find send to me. I tvitlseml estimates of work on re- cf i'it of watfli through mail. Sent ' in your Watch. Valentine , / ' Nebraska. COOCCSCOCSO COOSCCCOCCOOC o c Drs. Caldwall & Hutchinson § Over Hornbys Grocery , j | o co o 3 oooo o j oo a o o 3 C.Q 3 c C. DWYER PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON All Kinds of Surgical Operations Successfully Terformed. VALENTINE . . . . NE13BASKA A , N , COMPTON r PHYSICIAN ' AND SURGEON Office At Quigley & Chapman's Drugstore. NightsAt The Donoher Hotel. OBE CHURCH " TONSORIAL ARTIST Hair catting and shaving. HOT AND CCLD BATHS. F M. WALCOTT ATTORNEY AND ABSTRACTED' ' Valentine , Nebraska Practices in District Court and U. S. Land Office. Real Esrate and Ranch Property bought and sold. Bonded Abstractor . M. MOERISSEY ATTORNEY . IT LAW o - tro VALENTINE. NEB 5Tou want a TUBULAR IF WtLL or an ECLIPSE WIND MILL , * WELLS GUARANTEED. JOHN PORATH * / Or write him at Riege , Nebraska Henry Auguston , BROWNLEE , - TTOBRASKA , oi s General cBlacksmithing ITT DELIVERY . Call JOHN D. EATON To haul your TRt'NttS nd PACKAGED , VALI9JS3 lOc MILL PRICES FOR FEED. ! 3ran , bulk 80c per-cwt $15 00 ton Shorts bulk . . . .85c per cwt | 16 00 ton Screenings . . / . ,40c " $7.00 " * opFeed 90 " $17.00" ' Corn. , 75c § 1400 Chop corn SGc " $15.00 " Oats 1.10 " 121.00" S' Cr "T"P Valentine Lodge JTo. 6 . ( Ju JLA JL Meets every second anil * fourth Wednesday even- ne of each month at Hornby's Hall. A cordial nvitatiou is extended to all visiting members. ' O. \ \ . MOBKY , President. MAUD V. MORGAKEID GE.Hec'y O. P. Jordan. Rosebud , SD Horses and cattle same as cut ; also CJ BKJ on right hip. Kange on Oak and Butte creeks. A liberal reward for information leading to detection of rustlers of stock bearing any of these brands. Morey & Hewett. Gordon , Nebr. Brand registered 2202. On left hip of cattle. Horses same left should er ; also 94.O " left aide. Range South of KSSff"c3s& - ; ai fe ; I ; t f J. B. Lord Simeon Neb Stock branded ssme as cut back of right shoulder and on right hip Range on the Niobrara D. M. Sears. Kennedy , .Xebr. Cattle branded as ou cut.left side Some on left hip. JTorses same on left shoulder. I Range Square Shadbolt & Fleishman. Bailey , Nebr. Left side ; S F left shoulder. lierdmarkrdew lap.Jtanpe Jtanpe Range 36 and 37 , be tween Niobrara and M Stotts & Stetter. Cody. Nebraska Branded ou leftside Ranee. Tin Can Lake and Morgan Flats WILLIAM FERDON. Postofllce address Bro\vnlee , Neb Like cut on either left sloV or hipalso Mr side. j Hore same as cut > on lett hip. S250.00 RE- _ _ WAKI > tor con- conviction of anyone unlawtully handling cattle in these brands. , William Shangran. Cody , Ntbr. On left aide. Horses same. Range Lake' greek , S. Dakota. P S HOUSCEE Postofflce address Brownlee , Neb On left aide or any part of animal. Ear mark right ear cut oft' ; branded same on left hip.Also has stock branded II ou side or shoillder , or JKorWorO'VI ' , oru or Jb'Z. Also Iheifollowing , the lirst one being on side and hip E. R. Vandegrift Brownlee , Neb. Same a on cut. Range Between Goose Creek and Worth Loup. 'Frank T. Lee. Brownlee , Neb , Cattle on left side ; horses same 011 left shoulder. Range Four mjles northeast of Browulee. Gorsuch Bros. Newton , Nebraka Cattle branded as ou cut cutSome Some eft side or hip Ranfje on Gordon Creek Julius Heckman B ownlce Nebr south of Browuleesouth * " # * ' A ' ' Sawyer .Bros. Postofflce address B Oasis , Nebraska Robert Quiesenbery c have charge ui these Battle ; horsesDnon [ eft shoulder ; some stock brand1/1 X ; my where on K. , Range , Snake C F COOPER Postofflce address Oasis , NeL1 Brand registered 2C85 Cattle branded on left side same as cut Horses branded on left hip. Also some cattle branded : Va Sfc SfcI llange S ujh and west of Hackberry I and DUCK Ca bn ' ut Metzger Bros. , I Gregory 2 ast Cherry Co bn Branded on left side and thigh. crop riglic ear Horses have same brand on left thigh. Jfaiige 011 don and A. Jtetrard of $550 will be pufd to any person for informatiou leading to the arrest and nnal conviction of any person or persons steal- iu ; cattle with above braud D. B. STONEll & SOX. Newton , Jfebr. Brand rcfrfatered No ! 411. Cattle branded same is cut on left side or left hip. Horses same on lelt shoulder. llanirc South of Gordon Teeter ? Bros. Newton , Nebr Caf tie branded on left side same as cut. cut.Horses on left shoulder. Range Between tne Gordon and Snko. Louis F. Kicliards Meiriman Neb Garner Brothers. Cody , JTebr. ' Anywhere ou cat tle. % * * Horses on left shoulder. RaneeKorth Eli. - SWE&s'EY 131108 Postofflce address Pullman , N ; Cattle branded as on cut ; horses branded same as cattle except reversed S , See block RangeStever and Slephenson Lakes and South ? 3Cn reward will be paid to any person for in. formation leadluc : to the arrest and conviction of any person or persons stealing cattle with the above braud. C. Evenaon Codv , Kebr. On left side and thigh ; horses the same ou left side * KaiiKeBetween Inbrara and the Snake. GEORGE N DAVIS Simeon , Ncbr. Cattle branded on leftside. Horses same on left shoulder. RangeGordon Creek. P. A. Cooper. Chesterfield , Wcbr. Cattle branded same as cut on left side. Horaet same on left shoulder. A Also oh J / \ left side DAV/SON & BALL Postoffice address Chesterfield , Neb Cattle branded , on left side as on cut ; also V leitueckandZ left hip : some V lett neck , v left shoulder and Z left hiojhorses VZ left hip. Range Snake River,8l,32,33. J A 8ATTLTS Cattle on let * hip Horses On left shoulder. Some stock yet beating my lormer brand as showq below. Postofflce address Gregory , Wet On left aide or hip horses same on left shoulder Bange-Arkarsas Valley and Snake JULIUS PETZBSOS 'Ostofflce address Gregory. N eb Branded : as on cut Range two miles north of Gregory WILLIAM BEAMEB Gordon , J Cattle branded some as cut on Horses i branded ] on left shoulder. south of Irwln. D. Stinard. ralentine , Jfebr , itate Brand reg- h-tered ' 'attle and horses 'randed same as on left hip. Hange-2 miles o Pt. Nio- " rara , nfir' i ' -fir' ' 5