Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, September 05, 1901, Image 7

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    Unknown to the Lawyers.
Judge , one of the great law
yers of the last generation , charged a
client a retainer of $1,000 in an impor
tance case , relates Victor Smith , but
settled the suit before the judge had
opened a book or written a line con
cerning it His clint called to see if
he would not refund part of the money ,
he lawyer seemed surprised at the sug
gestion , "Refund ! " he exclaimed.
"Refund , did you say ? My friend , that
is a fcind of fund unknown to the legal
profession. "
A broad platform may be a good
place to scatter , on.
Clothe * Got Sick
And "cannot be ironed into shape
again without the introduction of a
starch with medicinal properties. Defi
ance starch contains the solutionthat
bringsall washable goods back to
"healthor newness. It makes any wash
able arcticle of apparel look likenew. .
Any grocer will sell .you a IG-oz. pack
age far 10 cents. Use it once and you
"will never buy any other. Made by
Inagnetic StarchCo. . , OmahaNeb. .
'Cheerfulness is the offspring of em
Keep them white with Red Cross Ball Blue.
All grocers sell large S oz. package , 5 cents.
A bright man never Avastes much
' time gazing on the gloomy side
of life.
For frost-bite , chilblains , sore and
lame joints , stiffness of muscles , try
Wizard Oil. It won't disappoint you.
There are times when loquacity tells
nothing and silence tellsmuch. .
Hall's Catarrh Cure
Ls'lakeu internally. Price , 75c.
Pawnbrokers prefer customers who
have "no redeeming qualities.
SIL.1O Buffalo and Return , Sold S11.1O
September X to IS.
* I.5.00 Buffalo and Return on $13.00
Sale Dull } ' .
00.85 Cleveland and Return on SO.85
Sale Sept. 8th to 18th.
New York City and Return
on Sale Daily.
The above rates via the Wabash from
Chicago. For the G. A. R. encampment
lit Cleveland. O. . have your tickets read
via the Wabash to Detroit and. thence
via the D. & C. Nav. Co. to Cleveland , a
beautiful trip across Lake Erie. The
Wabash runs on Its own tracks from
Kansas City , St. Louis and Chicago to
Buffalo. Many special rates will be given
during the summer"months. . Stop-overs
allowed on all tickets at Niagara Falls.
Be sure your tickets read via the WA
BASH ROUTE. For rates , folders and
other information callon your nearest
ticket agent or write Harrv 33. Moores.
Genl. Pass Dept. . Omaha. Neb. , or C. S.
Crane. G. P. & T. A. . St. Louis. Mo.
Delays are most unnecessary when it
is we who have to wait.
Piso's.Cure is the oest medicine we ever used
U : f for all affections of the throat and lungs.
O. ENDSLKY , Vanbureu , Ind. , Feb. 10,1900.
.Some men , like the backof a clock ,
are always behind time.
asy to use as soap. No muss or f aihires.
lOc pei * package. Sold by druggists.
A traitor is not he who fails/but he
who flees. .
\ \ F j TS Permsaenty Cured. Jfo fits or nervonraes att t >
wt day' * ue of Dr. Kline's Qreat Nerve Kestorer.
Send for FREE 82.OO trial bottle and treatise.
2ttu fi. H. KLIME. Ltd. . 931 Arch St. . 1'iUlattelphf" . Ps.
Except life be deepened its widening
will beits weakening.
Get Red Cross Ball Blue , the best Ball Blue.
Large 2 oz. package only 5 cents.
Good advice , like kind words , can
not die as long as he who gave it lives.
Mrs. Wlnslows Soothing Syrup.
"for children teettlng , softens the gums , reduces I > r
flammatloa. allays pala. cures wind colic , 23calx > ttJe ;
Anti-Divorce Prescription.
A New York minister says .marriage
is not a failure , and that more than
2.500 of the 3,012 couples he has united
are happy. His .advice to those who
would wed and be happy is largelj-
summed up in the following half dozen
don'ts : Don't marry when too young.
Don't marry until you can support a
wife. "Don't marry a girl who can't
cook and sew. Don't live in six rooms
when three are enough. Don't marry
unless you suit each other. Don't
come to me for a divorce.
Fall painting is best ; the
paint gets well seasoned be
fore the hot sun gets busy/
You want your paint to
last , and to protect your prop
erty. If you use Devoe ready
paint , you'll have both.
Lasts longer than lead and
oil ; costs less. Devoe is a safe
name in paint things.
Ack your dealer for Devoe ; dbnt be
satisfiedvith less. Send for our pam
phlet about paint and paintingfree ; ;
thing's you oug-ht to know.
Buy of the Maker
New cata
logue ready. Send 2c
stamp and wewill mail you one.
314 Broadway , NEW YORK.
Nature's Priceless Remedy Rheumatism , Neural
DR. 0. PHELPS BROWN'S gia , Weak Back , Sprains ,
Burns , Sores and all Pain.
HERBAL OUCulBI drtiKKli't , 25.SOC.
irhc does not sell It , send
OINTMENT us bis name , and for your
trouble , wewill
It Cures Through the Pores Send Yo'i a , Trial
tddressDr.O.P.Brown.88 B'\vay ,
Fosalbllltie * of SacceMhm to the Xtacftl
Title of Newcastle.
Although the echoes of the sensa
tional episode of ex-Lieutenant Put
nam Bradlee Strong and. Lady Francis
Hope , better known as May Yohe , have
died away since the couple left San
Francsco | for Japan , there is much ,
curiosity felt at Newport as to what
action , if any , Lord Francis Hope will
take against his wife , and whether the
Duke of Newcastle , who is unalterably
opposed to divorce , will permit his
brother to sue for divorce. As the
duke holds the pursestrings , and Lord
Francis has not a penny of his own ,
the former will naturally have every
thing to say on the subject Added to
this curiosity tis a deal of speculation
as to the chances of May Yohe's esca
pade giving English societyt another
American duchess. The chances of the
Hon. Mrs. 'Charles Stapleton Pelham-
Ciinton , wlro nvas Miss Lizzie di Zerega
of New York , becoming the duchess of
Newcastle "would seem to le rather re- ,
mote , -experience lias proved that
heirs to English titles much further re
moved thanis Mrs. Pelham-Clintou' '
have reached them. Briefly summar-1
ized , Mrs. Pelham-CTinton's chances of
becoming the duchess of Newcastle de
pend .ipon Lord "Francis Hope's di
vorcing his present nvife , not marrying
again , or if he marries again , not hav
ing any children by his second mar
riage. The present duke has no" heir ,
and is not likely to have any. Lord
Francis Hope is similarly situated as
regards his present wife. The duke
dom , heirs failing to the present duke
and Lord Francis , will pass , if he sur
vives the duke and Lord Francis , to
the Hon. Charles Stapleton Pelham-
Clinton. their first cousin. Mr. and
Mrs. Pelfiam-Clinton have no children ,
have been married fifteen'years , and
are not likely to have any ; so that , if
they by chance should become the
Duke and Duchess o Newcastle , the
dukedom would pass in time to Mr.
Charles Pelham-Clinton's youngest
brother , who is unmarried. It would
be a coincidence of the next Duchess of
Newcastle would be an American , a
compatriot of the Duchesses of Man
chester and Marlborough. The Hon
Charles Pelham-Clinton is well known
in New York , where he lived : for nearly
ten years , and where be married. He
is an exceedingly tall , slightly built
swarthy and handsome man , and is
now about 42 years old. " During bis
life in New York he was actively en
gaged in newspaper work , and was one
of the best of the New York racing re
porters. New York Times.
ltlffht of rurvi-yiiiRT Theui Sold 1o fi
The Grande Chartreuse , I read , lias
sold the right of purveying its famous
liquors to a syndicate. Hitherto a lay
brother has been at the head of this
business. Until comparatively recent
times the signature of the Rev. Pere
Gamier on the labelwas the guaranty
the purchaser required of the authentic
ityof the contents of the flask wbich
the gastronomer likes to find conve
nient at his lbow at the coffee and
cigarette stage of his repast Pere
Gamier was an extremely shrewd man
of business , and more than one law
suit "bears evidence of the care with
which lie watched over the financial in
terests of his societ3 , and the praise
worthypromptness he evinced in com
ingdown - on the falsifier and the forg
er. . "When be died , not many years ago.
Tils "place was difficult to fill. Hence ,
perhaps , the present arrangement.
Something of the kind had already
been under consideration. I bear the
price the Chartreuse asked is put at
80,000,000 francs. There are four va
rieties of the liquor , though only two
are familiar. There is the Elixir ,
which was once to be bought on the
spot in wood-cased bottles at the equiv
alent of Jfour-and-nine. There is the
Liquor Verte , in the pint-and-a-half
bottle , the local charge for which was
three-nnd-eight. and the charge in
London , say. four times that flgtire.
There is the Liquer Jaune , less potent ,
which has cost me two-and-six the reg
ulation flask , in the Chartreuse lodge.
And there is tne Liquer Blanche , oth
erwise the "Balm of the Chartreuse , "
which used to be locally retailed at the
same price as the Liquer Verte. Some
fifty plants , seeds and flowers , you are
to understand , go to the compilation of
these delectable drinks , the cbief being
the first shoots of the pine , mountain
pink , mint , balm , thyme , angelica and
wormwood. There is , in fact , a good
deal more absinthe in green Chartreuse
than is commonly supposed London
Pall Mall Gazette.
California's Great 1'rune Crop.
In California the prune industry has
made phenomenal strides within the
past few years. Twenty years ago it is
questionable if there existed a single
prune tree in the whole of that state ,
whereas now California is recognized
as the largest producer of prunes in the
world. At present about 73,000 acres
are given over to the cultivation of
prunes , and last year's prune crop
amounted to 150,000,000 pounds. Dur
ing the harvesting thousands of wom
en leave their domestic duties ( taking
with them their families ) to engage
actively in the sheds of the ranchers ,
cutting the fruit for drying after the
men have collected it from the trees.
Three Fruit Trees in One.
Theje is a remarkable tree in Lou
isiana , Mo. The body ox the tree , with
a few"of its branches , is apricot , while
other branches thereon are peach , and
still others plum. The three different
kinds of fruit have been gathered from
it tuis year.
The official speed for-automobiles in
Berlin has been'fixed at 9& miles an
TVhitnry'H Fancy
The main , staircase in William C.
"Whitney's New York residence , Fifth
avenue and Sixty-eighth street , is b'f
white marble and is carved after a
staircase in the Doge's palace in Ven-
ice. Mr. Whitney brought the edsign
to this country and the work took six
months for completion.
The * * Flw. " "We Drink.
The American market for champagne
varies less than in the case of other
foreign wines , though the importation
of last year was 200,000 dozens as
against 340,000 ten years ago. The
figure was exceptionally high ; last
year's importations were below the
average. The fluctuations which car
ried the importations down to 170,000
dozen in 1897 carried them up to 215-
000 dozen two years later.
IK Hard on Itrains
A. French investigator says the brains
of military and naval men give out
most quickly. He states that out of
every 100,000 men of the military or
naval profession 199 are lunatics. Of
the so-called liberal professions , artists
are the first to succumb to the brain
strain , next the lawyers , followed at
some distance by doctors , clergy , liter
ary men and civil servants.
A Happy Boy
'Oldenburg , 111. , Sept 2d : rThe doc
tors all failed in the case of little thir
teen-year-old Willie Kel } , who suffered
with acute Rheumatism.
For over three months the poor little
fellow suffered excruciating torture.
His father , who had done everything he
could think of , saw a new Rheumatism
Remedy advertised Dodd's Kidney
Pills. He bought some , and soon his
little son showed signs of improvement.
Three boxes cured him completely , and
he has not a symptom of Rheumatism
This miraculous cure of a case which
had been given up by the physicians
has electrified Madison County , and
Dodd's Kidney Pills are a much talked
of .medicine.
Krupp's < > reat Income.
Baron Kfupp , the head of the great
gun works , has declared his annual
income for the purpose of taxation to
be | 5,225,000 21,000,000 marks. There
are 80,000 employes of the Krupp
works. Of this number 65,000 are artis
ans .and 15,000 clerks.
In That Critical Time When a Girl Becomes
. a Woman.
" " it 1111111111 in
Miss Bessie Kellog. President of the
Young Woman's Club , of Valley City ,
North Dakota , writes the following
from First street , South , Valley City ,
North Dakota :
"Ever since I matured I suffered with
severe monthly pains. The doctor did
not seem to understand what the
trouble was and the medicine he pre
scribed from time to time did not help
me. He finally suggested that I have
an operation. One of my friends who
had been cured of a similar affliction
through the use of Peruna , advised me
to give it a trial first , and so I used it
for three weeks faithfully. My pains
dimlshed very soon and within two
months I had none at all.
"This is six months ago , and during
that time I have not had an ache nor
pain. I give highest praise to Peruna.
Every woman ought to uss it , and I
feel sure that it would bring perfect
health. " BESSIE KELLOQ.
The experience of Miss Bessie Kel
log. of North Dakota , ought to be read
by every girl in the land. It is a critical
period in a woman's life when she
ceases to be a girl and becomes a wom
an. Very few pass through this period
without some trouble. The doctor is
The people who are always harping
on their troubles will probably never
be troubled with harps.
called and he generally advises an op
eration. Perhaps he will subject the pa
tient to a long series of experiments
with nervines and tonics. The reason
he does not often make a cure is be
cause he does not recognize the trouble.
In a large majority of the cases ca
tarrh of the female organs is the cause.
Peruna relieves these cases promptly
because it cures the catarrh. Peruna is
not a palliative or a sedative or a ner
vine or a stimulant It is a specific
for catarrh and cures catarrh wherever
it may lurk in the system.
This girl was lucky enough to find
Peruna at last. As she says , the doc
tors did not seem to understand what
the trouble was and the medicine he
prescribed from time to time did not
help her. Peruna hit the mark at once
and she is now recommending this
wonderful remedy to all the other girls
in the United States.
Thousands of the girls who look-at
her beautiful face and read her sincere
testimonial , will be led to try Peruna
in their times of trouble and critical
periods. Peruna will not fail them.
Every one of them will be glad and it
is to be hoped that their enthusiasm
will lead them to do as this girl did
proclaim the fact to the world so that
others may read it and do likewise.
Mrs. Christopher Fliehmann , Amster
dam , N. Y. , writes :
"I have been sick with catarrh of the
stomach and pelvic organs for about
five years , and had many a doctor , but
none could help me. Some said I would
never get over it. One day when I read
you almanac I saw those who had been
cured by Peruna ; then I thought 1
would try it. I did , and found relier
with the'first bottle I took , and after
two more bottles I was as well and
strong as I was before. " Mrs. Christo
pher Fliehmann.
If you do not derive prompt and sat
isfactory results from the use of Pe
runa , write at once to Dr. Hartraan.
giving a full statement of your case
und he will be pleased to give you his
valuable adyice gratis.
Address Dr. Hartman , President of
The Hartman Sanitarium. Columbus , O.
The man with but a single idea
always has"an exalted opinion of him
. _ _ _ DSIOHJUDE.
I forMoreTbanaQiiarterof aCentary
The reputation of W. L. Douglas 33.0O
and $3.50 shoes for style , comfort and
wear has excelled all other makes sold at
these prices. This excellent reputation ban
been won by merit alone. w. Ii. Donelan
hoes have to give better satisfaction than
other 93.0O and $3.50 shoes because hi *
reputation for the best S3.00 and 93.5O
shoes must be maintained. The standard
has always been placed so high that the
wearer receives more value for his money
in the W. I * . Douglas $3.0O and 93.5O
shoes than he can get elsewhere.
W.Ii. Douglas sells more93.00 and3.K >
hoes than any other two manufacturers.
W. L Dauglos f4.6O Qllt Edge Line
cannot be equalled at any price.
L , Doug ! * * 93.GO and $3.5O
f macfa / thm mmmm high
_ _ Imathurc us0d In $0 XJMf $8
mhom * and ar jumt m * * .
Sold by the best shoe dealers everywhere.
Insist upon hnvinff AV. I > . Douglns ahoea
tvlth name and price stamped on bottom.
llo\v to Ortlcr by 31nll. It W. f. Donglaa
enoea an not told In your to mi , send order direct to
factory. . Siloes , . . cent anywhere on receipt of price and
! .i us eta. additional for rarriagf. My
uatom department will make you iv
nalrtliat will equal S5 and So cn -
loin made hoe , In ftyle. fit and
wear. Take nieasuremenU ot
foot as shown on model ; state
styledeslred ; size and width
usually vrorn ; plain or
cap toe ; heavy , med
ium or light soles.
A nt guaranteed.
Try a pair.
F * t Color Eyelets ud.
Oltsloj fre . W. K > . Doupliu , llrockcoa , M
Soaes. He Pays the Freight , BlBgkamton. N Y.
SOZODOHT Tooth Powdir 25c
- , . I
Don't let your grocer sell you ac 12 oz.
package of laurvdry sta rch for 10 cervts when
you ca rv get 16 oz. of tKe very best sta rcK
made for tKe same
price. Orve-third
starch for tKe
HAS No more
same morvey
. "
* * y * M -
/TRADE MARK To the DeaJers :
GO SLOW In placing orders for 12-oz.
Laundry Starch. You won't be able to sell 12
DEnANCEl INI ? ounces for 10 cents while your competitor offers
16 ounces for the same money.
No Chromos , no Premiums , but a better
REQUIRES NO COOKING starch , and one-third more of it , than is con
PREPARED FOR tained in any other package for the price.
Having adopted every idea in the manufac
lAUJDRY PURPOSES ONIY ture of starch which modern invention has made
ONIYw possible , we offer Defiajice Starch , with every
confidence in giving satisfaction. Consumers
w are becoming more and more dissatisfied with
the prevalent custom of getting 5c. worth of
starch and 5c. worth of some useless thing , when
MANUFACTURED EY K they want lOc. worth of starch. We give no
. premiums with Defiance Starch , relying on " Qual
ity and Quaurrtity" as the more satisfactory
method of getting business. You take no
EXACT SIZE OF IO CENT PACKAGE. chances in pushing this article , we give an ab
72 PACKAGES IN A CASE. solute guarantee with every package sold , and
authorize dealers to take back any starch that a
customer claims to be unsatisfactorv in any way. We have made arrangements to advertise it thoroughly ,
and you must have it. ORDER. FROM YOVR JOBBER. If you cannot get it from Kim , write us.