A Colombian Official of High Bank Telia of Eccent Victories , GUERILLA BANDS ALL DESTROYED Tlio Governmeat , Although Insulted and Wronged , Keeps Peace With Venezuela Can Ropel Any Foreign Invasions At tempted. NEW YORK , Aug. 31. The Associa ted Press has received the following dispatch dated Bogota , August 24 from a Colombian official of high rank : ' General Pedro D. Ospino , acting minister of war , who has prepared an excellent and extensive plan of cam paign , confirms the reports that with in the last fifteen days he has .destroy ed nearly all of tho Colombian guer rillas. . -The government Colombia has maintained strict neutrality regardin Ecuador and Venezuela , notwith standing the fact that the governments of the said countries have upheld and effectively aided the rebels of Colom bia , thus prolonging the revolution in this country. Recently the revolutionary chiefs of Colombia have met on the frontier of Venezuela to organize new invasions of Colombia , using the munitions of war accumulated by the government of Venezuela on her frontiers. A party of Venezuelans , surrounded near Cucuta , are about to return to their country. They are commanded by Rangel Garibas. The position tak en by the government of Colombia is one of peace and neutrality. These are fundamental canons in her foreign policy. The frontiers of Colombia are sufficiently defended. Colombia feels certain that she can maintain her rights and repel whatever foreign in vasions may offer. COLON , Colombia , Aug. 31. Dr. Juis Carlos Rico. Colombian minister to Venezuela , before his departure for Bogota , officially assured Senor Velez , governor of Cartagena , that he' was going-to inform his government with reference to the situation between Ven ezuela and Colombia. He expressed the opinion that peace would be pre served by both nations and that the existing difficulties would be overcome. * The Colombian official newspaper in Cartagena declared that the entire province of Pachira , Venezuela , touch s ing Colombia south of Maracaibo , is in V- the power of the Venezuelan insur gent leader , General Rangel Garbiras. It also asserts that the Colombian general , Gonzales Garcia , until recent ly Colombian minister of Avar , is now on the frontier with-no less than 10- 000 Colombian troops disposed in the province of Santander , and maintain ing the sovereignty of Colombia there. SYSTEM Of EXAMINATION. Turks Begin Once More Massacre of Armi-nlans. LONDON , Aug. 31 The Daily Mail publishes today an article written by Ali Noun Bey , former Turkish consul in Rotterdam , declaring that the mas sacre of Armenians by Kurds , which , has just recommenced , is part of a regular sjrsteni of extermination. „ Ho says : "The number of Armenians killed will depend on the outcry raised in Europe and the pressure brought to bear upon the sultan. The same hor rible process will be repeated year l > y year until all are killed. " GIUESPIE ACTS fOR ROOT. President Calls Upon Him to Perform Duties of War Secretary. WASHINGTON , D. C. , Aug. 31 .General Gillespie has been designated 'acting secretary by the president un- * der an act of 1882 , which , authorizes -the head of a bureau to be acting sec a retary. A year ago the president is sued an executive order designating General , Miles to be acting secretary in the war department during the ab sence of the secretary and assistant 'secretary , and in the absence of Gen eral Miles , then General Corbin was it to'act. . It appears that all persons ; directly named to perform the duties of secretary are absent and General Gillespie , therefore , was selected. Condition of the Treasury. WASHINGTON , D. C. , Aug. 31. Today's statement of the treasury bal , ances in the general fund , exclusive of the $150,000,000 gold reserve in the di- vjsion - -redemption , shows : Avail- fable cash balances , $177,784,616 ; gold , ? 105,757,332' A Locomotive Blows Up. . LOUIS , Mo. , Aug. 31. In an ac- due to the spreading of rails the Southern railroad at Fireworks "station , four miles from East St. Louis , 'Frank Haefle , chief car inspector of : tlie road , lost his life ; Elmer Drum , * jireman , was fatally , and Scott McEl- nory , engineer , seriously injured. The * accident was one of the most curious .known in the annals of railroading , of Ttie engine hadqleft the track and the explosionwas caused by 2. sudden jar. tl * ' , t GREAT CHANCES IN ORIENT. Congressman Hull of Iowa Gives Im pressions of the Philippines. SAN FRANCISCO , Aug. 30. Con gressman Hull of Iowa , chairman of the house committee on military af fairs , who has arrived here from a five months' tour of China , Japan and the Philippines , is .deeply impressed with the possibilities of the new American possessions in the Orient. Ho says : "If I was a young man I don't know where I would rather so than to the Philippines. For a man of brains and .industry the .islands open a vast prospect in most every line of business for one who has the grit to go there and stick to it. "The mineral , agricultural and tim ber resourcesof these islands consti tute a field of commercial enterprise that is practically unlimited. Of course the present conditions of brigandage make it exceedingly unsafe for people to settle in the islands away from the protection of the military posts. . But the people , or the great majority , de sire peace and safety and are doing all they can to help the troops 'attain this end. "Of course , it is impossioie to make an 'Anglo-Saxon out of an Oriental , therefore the Filipino will probably never be an American ( citizen in the brogd sens'e that is understood by all that term conveys to the man born in the United States of white parents. But as soon as he gets a sufficient education and becomes a little more impregnated with our ideas and loses some of the ideas acquired by a 300 years * association with the Spaniards , the Filipino will be a citizen in spirit , patriotism , industry and education and willbe worthy -participating to the fullest extent in all the benefits of this government. "Of course , we will have to govefn them with firmness as well as with kindness. I think that 40,000 troops is about the right number to keep there for some years to come. " ELECT GRAND COMMANDER. * Knights Templars Select Henry Bates , Stoddard of Tezps. LOUISVILLEKy. . , Aug. 30. Today for th'e first time since the conclave of the grand encampment of the Knights Templar began here the visit ors were able to take full advantage of the pleasure and sight-seeing ex cursions which have been on the pro gram every day. With no all-absorb ing feature to occupy their time , the knights and their women went for rides on thp Ohio river , took excur sions into the countrs' to see the home of Kentcky farms , the battlefields of Tennessee , Mammoth Cave and Cum berland Gap. These excursions to Ten nessee were made inviting by the low rates of railroads and many people took advantage of them. The grand encampment today elec ted Henry Bates Stoddard of Bryan , Tex. , grand commander , to succeed Reuben H. Lloyd of California. Colonel George M. Moulton of Chi cago was elected to succeed Mr. Stod dard as deputy grand master. Rev. W. H. Rugg of Rhode Island was advanced one rank to the office of grand generalissimo , made vacant by the election of Colonel Moulton. ' William B. Melish of Cincinnati was elected to succeed Rugg as captain general , while Joseph A. Locke of Portland , Me. , 'the junior grand war den , was made senior grand warden. THIRTY PLOWMAKERS IN TRUST Fifty Million Dollars to Be Represented In the Deal. CHICAGO , Aug. 30. Nearly thirty plow manufacturers of the United States were in session all of today in the Auditorium Annex , discussing plans for a consolidation of all of the plow 'interests ' in the country. After the meeting it was given out that the n proposed consolidation was practically st sure thing and that $50,000,000 would "be represented in the organiza- tion when it was completed. o The New York Guarantee 'and.Trust . ti company has made a proposition to the plow manufacturers to engineer s the deal , and a large majority of them. fcal is said , has signified a willingness s to enter the combine. It is under3' stood that when its charter is secured of the headquarters will be in New York. TU t Object * to Beinjr Adjudged Insane. ONAWA , la : . Aug. 30. Victor Dug bois , a wealthy farmer who has lived rt in Fairview township , Mononacounty , O for over thirty years , was adjudged in1 sone by the commissioners of insanity ai and sent to Clarinda. Through his attorney , W. I * . Smith , he.has . taken pi an appeal to the district court of Moa nona county. , . te Fort Leavenworth Deserters Caught. FORT LEAVENWORTH , Kan. , Aug. 30. George H. Peters and Maurice Shaugnessy , deserters from the Uni ted States army post at Fort Leaven- worth , Kan. , were arrested at Cascade this morning by Deputy United States Marshal G. F. Gustafson of - thiscity. . The two deserted together August 10 and were caught working on a farm Peters' aunt near Cascade. They were taken back , to Fort Leavenworth this afternoon. . * A i'2 JSebraaka Bepnblicans at Lincoln Nom inate Him on Pifth Ballot , FIVE BALLOTS TO MAKE A CHOICE Mr. Sedgwick of York Connty 'Will Lead the Ticket for Supreme Judge The. Nominees for Regent * , ; o'f the State ' . " ' ' " 'University. ' w . . . For Supreme Judge-r- - - " S. H. SEDGWICK , of York.a Fcr Regents H. R. GOOLD-.of Ogallala. C. J. ERNST , of Lincoln. . LINCOLN , Aug. 29. The republican state convention , held yesterday , plac ed in nomination the' above ticket. State Chairman Lindsay lowered the gavel at 2:25 and tlie delegates came to order promptly. The official call was read by X * . P. Ludden , acting as sistant secretary , and Chairman Lind say then introduced Judge Bakerwho "jad been selected by the state com mittee for temporary chairman of.the convention. Judge Baker addressed the conven tion at considerable length. There being no contests , the lists of delegates as submitted to Chairman Lindsay were accepted as the accred ited lists of delegates. L. P. Ludden , John T. Mallalieu and W. S. Haller of Washington were elected assistant secretaries. On motion of John C. F. McKesson , Chief Justice Norval was made permanent chairman. On assuming the chair Judge Norval said : "I'appreciate more than I can explain the high compliment you have paid me and I thank you for it from the bottom of my heart. You do-not want me to make a speech ; what you want is to nominate our candi dates and formulate our platform. I am personally acquainted with all of the candidates now before this con vention and I am confident that which ever one you name will be elected. I thank you again and ask your fur ther pleasure. " Chairman Norval announced the'sap- pointment of the following for the res olutions committee : J. C. F. McKes son of Lancaster , A. E. Cady of How ard , E. Rosewater of Douglas , W. , T. Thompson of Merrick , Ross Hammond of Dodge , T. O. C. Harrison of Hall , J. F. Presson of Seward , Francis Mar tin of Richardson and C. B. Lutton of Jefferson. On motion of N. D. Jackson of Ne- ligh the convention proceeded to vote formally for a nominee for supreme judge. The first ballot disclosed five candidates Barnes , Calkins , Davidson , TCeysor and r Sedgwick. The result of . thefirst ballot was : Davidson , 352 ; Keysor , 301 % ; Barnes , 243 ; Sedgwick , 206 ; Calkins , 171. Necessary for a choice , 640. Judge Dickinson , not- _ withstanding his withdraway , received four votes , these coming from Adams county. The second ballot also failed to nom inate , the vote being : Davidson , 387 ; Keysor , 312 ; Barnes , 221 ; Sedgwick , 196 ; Calkins , 148. On this ballot Da vidson gained thirty-five votes and Keysor increased his strength by elev en votes. Sedgwick lost ten votes , ! alkins twenty-three and Barnes twen ty-two. . r- a On the third ballot Madison ydounr ' from Barnes to Sedwick. Bqpne coun ty's twenty-two votes were cntiusea al ty also transferred eighteen votes from Barnes to Sedgwick. Antelope and Dodge made similar changes. The vote was : Keysor , 408 ; Davidson , 403 ; Sedgwick , 329 ; Calkins , 124 ; Barnes , 14. Necessary for a choice , 640. On the fifth ballot Judge wick was nominated. - " & Judge Sedgwick addressed the con tention as follows : "The court of last resort is of high importance in a free state. It is independent of either branch of government. No man is too capable for such a position. No no one : could hope or expect to perform the duties of judge of the supreme court perfectly. If the people of. tjys state * ratify your action I will certainly appreciate the responsibility of the po sition * and do all that I can , to justify you ( in nominating me. Gentlemen ill this convention , I sincerely thank you for the high compliment of this nomination. " The roll was then called for two re gents < of the University of Nebraska , resulting as follows : F. lr. Goold , Ogallala ; , 1,130 ; C. J. Ernst , Lincoln , 1,027 ; Rising , Ainsworth , 505. Ernst and Goold were declared elected. - m J. C. F. McKesson , chairman , refo ported for the platform committee , and g. after debate the resolutions were ad op- ted by a vote of 998 to 1G8. Fosnes at War-Department. WASHINGTON , Aug. 29. Director General Fosnas , in charge of the De- - partment of Posts in Cuba , was at the sc War department today. He "stated P.c that it was exepected the "trial of m Charles W. Neeley , charged with the misappropriation of Cuban postal Pi funds , would begin at Havana about aiTl October 1. Mr. Fosnes is here on a Tl vacation , but is consulting with the ai authorities on affairs pertaining ' ai > the postoffice department of Cuba. : ip POWERS MUST BE UNANIMOUS Check to Any Vatlon Securing : an Advaa- tage In Chinese Trade. PEKIN , Aug. 2S.The first payment of interest on the indemnity will V 'due July 1 , 1902. Commercial relations , if hereafter considered , will be discuss ed by representatives of eleven pow ers regardless of the amount of trade of each nation , as the consent of each power will be essential to any arrange ment that is made. Chou Fu , the provincial treasurer , has published throughout Chi Li province a circular letter ordering that all religions be tolerated by the Chi nese , who will be allowed to accept any religion. The letter says that at there must be no intimidation or * persecution by any sect , all alike ob serving the Chinese law except when it conflicts with the requirements of one's religion. No advantage shall be derived in lawsuits from one's relig ion , and there shall be no foreign in terference except in cases of persecu tion. POWERS MIST BE UNANIMOUS. Cheek to Any Nation Securing : an Ad- vantage'ln Chinese Trade. PEKIN , Aug. 28. The first payment of interest on the indemnity will be due July 1 , 1902. Commercial rela tions , if hereafter considered , will be discussed by representatives of eleven powers , regardless of the amount of trade of each nation , as the consent of each power will be essential to any arrangement that is made. Chuu Fu , the provincial "treasure has publisned throughout Chi Li prov ince a circular letter ordering that all religions be tolerated by the Chinese , who will toe allowed to accept any religion. The letter says that there must be no intimidation or .persecu tion by any sect , all alike observing the Chinese law except when it con flicts with the requirements of one's religion. No advantage shall be deriv ed in law suits from one's religion , and there snail be no foreign interfer ence except in cases of persecution. May Now Sign Protocol. LONDON , Aug. 28 : "Li Hung Chang has notified the minister of the powers that the Chinese plenipoten tiaries are now authorized to sign the protocol , " says a dispatch lo the Times from. Pekin , dated yesterday , "and has reQuested them to fix a date for the signing. "An edict concerning the importa tion ot arms was circulated among the ministers today. The other edicts are required to complete the protocol. " To Let Cnba Do It. WASHINGTON , D. C. , Aug. 28. Itris probable that there will be no change _ in the Cuban tariff. The commission which has been revising the present tariff has not yet reported and it was stated at the war department that such good progress is being made on the formation of a Cuban government that the revision of the tariff for Cuba probably will await action by that government. Terrorized a Woman. DAKOTA CITY , Neb. , Aug. 28. A tramp entered the house of John Hartnett during his absence in the hay field and terrorized ; Mrs. Hartpettrwith revolver. After ransacking the house ' he disappeared , threatening 'Mrs : Hartnett with death if she made an outcry. When Mr. Hartnett re turned home he found his wife in an unconscious condition , suffering from the shock. After Nebraska Sheep Man. DOUGLAS , Wyo. , Aug. 28. C. W. Barney , a Nebraska sheep man , has been arrested for not complying with the state quarantine laws. His sheep have been placed in quarantine and effort will be made to make an example of Barney. It is alleged that Barney instructed his herders to pay attention to the "Wyoming offi cials. Kirk B. Armour Is Better. KANSAS CITY , Mo. , Aug. 28. K. B. Armour , who arrived home yesterday from Watkins Glen N. Y. , seriously , passed a .good night and was re ported much improved today. Al though Mr. Armour is not considered out of danger his physician is much encouraged. Lady SmlthFonnd _ Dead. LONDON , Aug.28. . Lady Smith , wife of Sir .Archibald Levin Smith , master of the rolls since 1900 , was found dead today , floating in the river Spey. It is not known how she was drowned. of British Warships for Panama. VICTORIA , B. C. , Aug. 28. H. M. S. Amphion has taken on board three SI scow loads of ammunition and the re ei eiw. port is current , although no confir w. w.w mation can be obtained , that it has w been ordered to prepare to proceed to w Panama , and the torpedo boats Virago P and Sparrow Hawk are to go with it. vt The Virago's boilers have been taken di diJt apart and orders give for work night Jt and day to hurry the repairs and have b ( boat ready. , . te ; > . ? r > ; " " ' rsrs. fr'Vir-w . . a rv--rf.WlSttti .A _ _ , _ - -,1-1 nielli 11 FT T- " * - ' " * ' " " ' ' " " " " " * " ' -L - - - : / ; ; ' ' ; ; National Secretary Maxwell Has Some- thing to Say on the Subject. INTEREST AWAKENED BY DROUTH.I Much Can Be Done In Jfabmska Without Governmental Intervention llornlns ; of the Mtanton Roller Mills ' laneons Nebraska Matters. OMAHA , Neb. , . Aug. 28. George H. Maxwell , secretary of the National Ir rigation associatipn , was in the city on his way from Chicago to1 Denver , where he is to attend the National For estry congress which will be in ses sion in that city. Speaking of the progress of the sen timent on the subject of irrigation among people in the east , Mr. Max well said : "The drouth of the month of July has increased the interest in the sub ject of irrigation in all parts of the country. I addressed the Missouri State Press association a few weeks ago when the drouth was at its worst. Missouri up to this time has been generally opposed , to government ap propriation for irrigating purposes , but since that meeting I have noticed that many of the influential papers of the state are advocating the idea. "I believe that much can be done in Nebraska toward improving the conditions existing without govern- , mental intervention. I recently wrote for the Bee an article in which I fa- vored the plan of building pools and damming the draws and , ravines so that the ( rainfall could be stored. I believe that if the state would offer t a small mounty for each acre of land flooded by this means it would be the means of reclaiming from drouth a large part of the farm lands of the western part of the state. I was talk ing to Henry Fox of Nelson on this subject and he says that , leading-from the rivers .in that part of the state , the country around Nelson is too 'rough ' for irrigation , but that there is con siderable land which * might be irri gated from ravines and pools. He also advanced an idea which should prove of advantage , and that is where $ a roadway is built over a ravine it should be built in the form of. a dam , ( with drainage pipes several feet above the bottom of the ravine , so that they would form a dam at little additional expense , and thus create the storage reservoirs when the road was being built. "At the meeting of the forestry con C gress I shall talk upon the subject of Irrigation and the Forests , ' taking the position that the government should M immediately begin the process of re lo foresting large acreages in the west. This can be done easily and it is the generally accepted belief that forests th increase the rainfall , so that the gov thA ernment could be doing two admir do able things at one time. " fei di Need Mot Grant Certificate. wi HARRISON , Neb. , Aug. 28. A de tr cision of importance to school teachers lai of Nebraska was handed down by District Judge "Westover , who denied by the petition of Prof. George "W. Mey is isVe ers asking for a mandamus to compel Ve County Superintendent Burke to issue po him a certificate. The force of the go decision is that the superintendent th uses his dicretion in granting certifi CO COVe cates and the court has no jurisdiction Ve under the petition. ' Bracelln's Body Recovered. . \n HUMBOLDT , Neb. , Aug. 28. John Denis of this city has received a sec ond dispatch from his brother Edward , Br who was in the Islander shipwreck , ar August 15 , off the coas * of Douglas fan island. The message was sent from act Seattle , and states that efforts to re Pa cover the body of Bracelin were suc ini cessful and that interment has been els made near Juneau , as it was not pos in sible at that time to ship the body. tui and Vizztrd i * Hunting Thieves be OGALALLA , Neb. , Aug. 29. Detec- tive Vizzard of Omaha is here in the sej interest of the Union Pacific. Bridge timbers and ties have been reported stolen in large numbers. It is reported en that some of the stolen property has S61 been located , and arrests will be , , rec made. ind the Requisition for James Toman. : he LINCOLN , Neb. , Aug. 28. Requisi thGn tion , papers were signed by the gover ted : nor for the return of James Toman Jr , from Cedar Rapids , la. , to Omaha , ler where he is to be tried on the charge assault with intent to kill. pul Charged With Embezzling. BEATRICE , Neb. , Aug. 28. R. D. Stover , former manager of the "West Ge ern Union Telegraph company here , Co was . brought back from Kansas City , : hat where he had been arrested , charged thma with embezzling $298 from the com pany while acting as its agent. Sto y : ver was turned over to Sher5ff Wad- wa dington and had his hearing : before _ Sta Judge Enloif. He was placed under for bonds of | 6COto appear for-trial Sep tember 2. . . : he. * * fc THE LIVE STOCK MARKET. latest Qaotatlon * Ttom Soath O ah and K n i Cltr SOUTH OMAHA. Cattle-There was rather a light run or cattle and as the. demand was in gooa shape the market ruled active and strong of beef cattle grades on all desirable Packers started In early and the yarns there were se\- were soon cleared , though eral trains that were late Jn arriving , which delayed the market to some ex tent. There were only a few good to corn-fed cattle In tne choice loads of - yards and as there was active comveU- " , In ' succeeded tion for such grades'sellers disposing of what they had at an advance of 510c over yesterday. The cow market was also'in good shape and the uppi > helng light of both cows and "eirers prices Improved a little. Bulls , calves and stags did not show much of an > change ] today nnd it was evident by the they are not at way packers acted that all anxious for the commoner kinds ot hulls. There were quite a few stockers and feeders in. the yards this morning , from the country is- and as the demand still very light trade ruled dull , with a- tendency of prices downw rd. Good heavy feeders did not sell so much differ ent from yesterday , hut stockers were very hard to dispose of at any price.The demand for western rangers was good. Bulls , calves and stags sold in about yes terday's notches , while in the stocker di vision trade was slow and lower. Qholco heavy feeders , ' however , , held about steady. Hogs There was anotller light run of hogs , and as advices from other points were not unfavorable to the selling in terests the market opened strong to c higher. The hulk of the early sales went from ? 6 to 56.05 and as high as * 6.23 was paid for prime heavyweights. The lighter grades and the common stuff , sold from $ 5 down. The hogs did not change hands very rapidly , owing to the fact that buy ers did not like to pay the advance , but still the bulk of the offerings was out of stfll llrst hands in uood season. Sheep There were only a few bunches " of sheep and lambs In the yards today and the quality of those that were offer ed was nothing extra. The market was not partlqularly active , but still little or no change was noticeable in the prices paid. Buyers were not anxious for the common stuff , which made the market a little draggy , but there was not enough difference In the prices paid for either sheep or Iambs to call the market any thing but steady. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ * * KANSAS CITY. " Cattler-Native beef steers. 10@15c high er ; 'cows and heifers , steady to lOc lower : stockers and feeders , steady ; choice ex port and dressed beef steers , $5.50 < B'5.90 ' : fair to good , $1.60(55:40 ; stockers and feeders. | 2.73@4.25 ; western fed steers. Ji o o.oO ; western range steers , $3.70 $ > 4.50 ; Texans and Indians. ' & .15@3.TTi : Texas cows , Jiad to j ; native cows. $2.5 < K > ' 4.23 ; heifers. $8f75ig5.00 : canners. $1.50@2.40 ; bulk. $2.40@4.50 ; calves. $3.00@4.50. ITogs Market steady to strong ; top. $6.40 ; bulk. $3.936.25 ; heavy. $ G.30'SC.40 ; mixed packers. $6.00-3 6.S2& ; light , $5.60 U2& : pigs. 54.40l75.CO. ' . Sheep and Lambs Market steady : lambs. $4.25 < Jr4.7o ; native westerns , $3.25 < p > 3.CO ; western wethers. $3.0003.50 ; western yearlings , $3.403.6.5 ( : ewes. $2.75'SW.13 ' : slock sheep , $2.00 < & 2.7. . ! OFFICIALS ARE ENCOURAGED. > ' Colombian * at Washington Hear Cheer- Inc News. WASHINGTON , D. C. , Aug. 31. Mail ; information received at the Co lombian legation herecontinues en- ' couraging according to the officials there and entourages them to hope that peaceful condition will obtain. letter bearing date of Quito , Ecua dor , August 7 , says there is a general feeling in that country against any , disruption ; of the friendly relations with that countryand that strict neu trality ; will be observed between the latter country and Venezuela. Information .received at the legation way of Port of Spain , Trinidad , to the effect that Dr. jSarbieras , the , Venezuelan revolutionist , who is re-\ ported defeated by the forces of that government , continues in arms against the authorities and is also a source of considerable trouble to the officials of Venezuela. CENSORSHIP STRINGENT. And Colombia is Still Wrest line With the Rebels. KINGSTON , Jamaica , Aug. 31. The British steamer Costa Rican , which has arrived : here from Colon , Colombia , brought advices of continued rebel activity in the vicinity of Colon and Panama. The government was mak renewed efforts to dislodge the reb elsfrom a strong position. The rebels , force , were attacking Buena Ven tura , on the bay of Choco , Monday , , a large government force has been < sent there from Panama. TSe zensorship in Colombia is most strin gent. For Mayor of New York. NEW YORK , Aug. 31.-The confer- . mce < committee of the citizens' union selected three out of six names to be * recommended to the committee of 107 alter to the general conference of anti-Tammany organization for fusion nomination for mayor of Greater New York. The names selec- are : George Foster Peabody , bank- independent democrat ; Bird S Co- , controller , democrat ; Seth Low jresident of Columbia universityrel publican. Has a Leper to Spare. LOUIS , Mo. , Aug. 31.-Surgeon general : Wyman has notified Health- Commissioner Starkliff of this citr Dong Gong , the Chinese laundry- who was discovered here suffer- , with leprosy , cannot be sent to leper settlement at Molokai , Ha- vanan islands. As a last resort D- Starkliff intends to lay the _ Gong be. received at" he.leper settlement of ; that state. " > , * -