' " I. M.-KlCt- ' 'EDITOR. * * * 4 Mutual companies pay losses in full. No dilcounl - I. M. RICE , Agent. , ] ? oan Brothers Woodlake Neb John "Roan's private mark , slit lii leftear , * ! . . * " L , - . , . " * . . . . - " . . WLLLJAJI WILSON ' ' ' ' ' ' -address Jvsljore I' r 5 i,1 , * . . , C S WILLIAMS * rustofl1c'ea lore 8 , \ Gallop , Nebraska On left .sJi'.e ; ijlso i " \V I Icjt , .SjdC. ; " i ? also , Jlcft ltipalbO ; . ' W on side , and S on . hip ; horse's'S on left * > milO' Range-Eight ' fcouiJiOlGallou JOE address. , 2 * , V Allen S L ) On lojttjjifde ; * ' horses Uange Bear" Creek F. T. Brackett RIcge/Nebr. Brand Registered ' f0 1490 & Brand right sHt Dr hip ' ' > Horses same on t .imima\ \ 'i Ight shoulder , I'fiWy Range , Niobranirr _ 6miles.soutli.of , , iilgora r T , r Nebraska Bartlett Rlehard" Pro's Will G ConHtbck"V."P. Chas C Jumison Sec&Trqas Cattle branded on _ any,4 > art ofaiunutl ; I , L _ alaot - tlie following * ' ' , [ r torses branded ttm same r"Range between i Gordon on the F.E , . , - , . . . - & -M.-V..R. R. and 3yannisron " "B" &M. R.-Rt-Iu Northwestern Nebraska. Address , BAKTJLETT RKJHAKDS. . " ! h rin > n. Nebniska DAN WEBSTER 1 Postofflce address Harlan , Nebraska ! On left * ldo or hip ; horupsbranded same eftshoulder Range between oraraand SnaVe are , south of Merri- " manA A Itetcirt-d of SlOO will be paid to any person for information leading to the arrestaud ilnal conviction of any person or persons steal- ng cattle or hoi ses withftboyi ; ) brand . 4 , r ? ? Blacklurri. } Mb. or * . Cittle branded on' left side as on cut ; also 16 on left side with on left 3 > ip of som cattle ; also S46 on right .side Hoi < e brand , rake and 16 on left shoulder or hip „ - lloine ranch on" Pewey Lake. Rnnge on Nfobrarn River , fast of Fort Nc rarft' ; : 1 ! in Clierrj Co mtv. Nel rask : , j te. _ ? J _ _ _ - * ' * r ; .5- , -O-.J- . Kellar" Bromilee > Nebr * ' k * > . % " * 'fc < ! Tw Rangfi-Tiefween Gooee Ci eck aud Loup _ Ecoffey & Sons. Merrlman.Neb. Cattle bninded on left side .in d E on left jaw. eirs clipped ooth ends anil JC on right hipand C m right jaw. un- ierblt on right " and . . .4 , on ight Jill side. t ! 011 R-IT-trip md FE on left hoiiider and T on left hip. Range Between- Pass Cu-ek and soutliern part of the reservatiou Wakpine Lake. ALONZO HEATH . , * "J'ostoffiae.-addre.ss J Ih Nebraska i _ - n ! > * 3 On bide. ssr left slioylder. Cutcomb I ike E E AND H E WOODRUFF ] Postofflce address . 'I-n.'Hyannis.Nel ) On efthin and left i side. Also * tock branded on left side and reversed S on right -shoulder ; also right "hip and left side Rjinge-Mo'he La * r - - Vf E STANSBIE AND D O BAUGH PoBtoffice address ByaunisNeb Onleft.hlp anc left Fide v A lo r-n left hip aud lef side Bang1 2-miles Hjauiiis } Uonehud S. D. Jeftside Horses same on left shoulder Deerhorn clip on some cattle MILLS BROS. Merriraan , Nebr. Cattle and hor ses branded on leftside or shoulr der. der.Brand register ed 1091. ; Range-12 m'le.j. southw t of Merrlmau rfn ba _ address Konned5VN b On Mt side and hip ; horses ( > or A ou eitjaw Hunue rwo -A .1 P1.UMEB . - , v - n k - s - . - . . _ "k. i " Hyannis , Keb -s'-Brandnd on n h- I'sKJeaml h'p . I * Couuty. n v - DOWNING 'Postofflce addrcas On left side ; also 1 * GO L E Rangerr Lake G. W. BEAMER ; ICebr. ( Jattle branded 4 > n e tside as in fcut , ti-ineh bo Hiiu vi-inciicircie Brand reiilstered 875. .branded f | sas s lSr.sv i'sbse , j-vrf-v > i- * ir4xi-i * v . ; jnyli circle i-inch : j "Regisfered'876 : 'Rjinge 6 niiles south oi rin on Niobrara river. Morgareidge & 't5on Simeon , Neb. , . Hw.'r. - k A-s on cnt or > : -"e riwiien."U iuef ; -U-years-oUl ; horSp ias cutaud " " * " " ' oreek"aii"d"Niov" hrara river - _ norse-s x11 branded m on K-ft I side * Range between Middle l.oup ' - and Valentine Catlland horses bianded .same a "lit on left 8 des Range between t' Gordon an Snako. . creeks : ind on the \V. JJeui.eit i meon Neb Sto k branded with'7 on leit hip ateolsame as cut Jia'ime between ordonani Snake creeks Jmd on the- Niobrara river * * * : BAJtDl. i. Nek f.eft ilde on or.ttl ; iorie , left .Iioulder ; l i in left aid * * omo fil on DAVID COtTIER. -j * . - - * , Allen ; S p. On left side ; right , ear split. Horses _ Postoffice address : Codv , Nenmska Cattle branded as on fcutonleft side , hip krd shoulder ; Uange Bnake Brand. : No. 1081. ; - , * - , , Uraud Miuiet cutoirjfeftSide Also left -Range 10 miles south of Merri on the brara. FRANK MOGIJE Post nc ! add BS Cody , Nebraska On either de cattle ; .iu-.nl mark left ear flipped and riirht ear plitliOR < ts brandeil - same on left shoulder * Kange on Niobrara J and Medicine Canyon i Xieo. Seth Gary.- Merriman , Nebr. On boll ) side and hip. Herd mark lewlap. Horses snme on , left shoulder.-- Ranee-"Lake _ frefk aid L ' \VhUc River. Oeorge Grtfy . - ' . ; ThedfordNelf r * "v " I - 5i"i" " " * ' 8ane a nit on Jeff hip or AG 9/1 R right side ofcat- tle i , 1 * . tllorscAsaraoas out on right shoulder. G D en left Kaacb a WHJPPLB Rosebud , 8. D. - Branded on toft i iomeS.08 ; -'Horsei . lther 'Bhoul- r SBHiw * . Som - , an Tandedfon FRANK ROTFLfcUftflfc - S ? " ' . Kcb. g ifiSFtgl ? ' if. D McGAA Oreston , B.D. , , " " % Left or cither side of cattle ; also T left side ol neck. Swal low fork right ear , underblt-left ; right ear nubbed off : nn- dcrbltlpf-ear Home on left jaw aud some Ll ! wattltt left jaw Other brands' left Bide or -ay pan of animal. left side or any part of animal , Some branded . a following , left . ileo some eattlac ' aringtho follow- * : A left ! ! ! ! ifkX left side or shtfuiderY Ult. hip or On left aide > left shoul der * - ' - > rteitnVii leUleltuip , . or * > * < " * " ; " ' thigh thigh thigh , or thigh , hip. 5 Anyone srlllng horses or cattle bearing the- ; toove brands will be prosecuted. Icformation. 1 ' garding thaft llbcraljy'rewanled'Range at' ' - bprings and Cottouwood. HERBERT O. BISONETTE. MANAGED . ' . * * "i t * * ' * t' * 7r " - * * i > " * : = > . ' Postofflce addreis . ne Cattle branded as on c.ut , HOB on left side ; aomeBKI.I.on either side ; Some . stockanywhere on animal. Horses E R on left hip ; Henry Cody , Nebraska florae brand HY on left shoulder "Cattle , ' righfcean plit i ' Range , Little White river , S. D. D.W."E. " " " W."E. Haley Valentine Ne > : : - Brand registered Hange in 'Sharps Ranch and German precincts 6 miles south of Kilgdre ' J L ROSEBERRY 9 * Postofflce address Branded ou left hiu : horses anle e. d- nhirk-doiible dew-l.t * " " Range - south "alfd ' " " e st.of RniRh Hih GENTRY , ABBOTT &MOXATIAN Jostoffice address CHyannls. . Ne' Bofli lef' siie ! _ _ _ branded O left shoul der A ft > hipalso ; \ X N anj'where OM Ieft8'de.arso \ left si'de : Range head Middle Loup J. J. Peck. ? . . . Cody , Nebr. On both sides. " Horses on left thigh. Range rtead Pass Creek , S. D. UUlDlt Bldtf * * & Postofflce address , Merriman , Neb Branded on left side ; horses S'i * on1eft shoulder - . Range .between ; Bear Creek and lha _ _ u . ra i\ ri1 in ! ' fli ! e-atltrfc'8- ! " llj-annls , Xeb horst s onlejf shoul ler ' -aNoealtlt' -01 rfuht i IMnP PustoWeeii AUrriiulm , NVlr in and : 1 Jen side. . h.ivev.-ir- v * ' 'Cn-ek' ' ' ( : . " ; E < ) . 'BOW .US. S.-ri'r.iWl NV > r' t. > , . . .t , . . . r. . . i N. S. Rowjj v : , . , , * . ; , - _ , , . Kenned ) ' , , - ; . . * NebraskaM < , iSame - ; s tnt-ou side and 111 p. anil on * left shoulder of hbr-- " seal AlsoKSH on left side'- hip. : - F + on left side . , - " * j t. - Q. on left hip oi horses. " " ' - - * ' " - p on leffjaw and leltrshoulder of horses. ' ' - ' r HI' - - , > I p. on left hip of horses. , - < - > * ' . . . . * ' 'JOHNA' f'ostofflee artd , , - AllenD . ; on left shoulder vnd ! iip : MoniS'l on n left , sjdo. .liar- ; naik-feft ear'ciopV s-Beui1 Cieek , , , . . CHARLES CONE WOLF Postofflee addres' " - Allen 5 I ) > tf On right sideH "i > ( shoulder , hoiscs 'reek 1 Hi Kl > Bovill , Ma _ . ! ' Merriiiiun A'eb' . - a -Also Airimlen BHte'c'jr- ' ' liJl'- . Kaugb north of El' i-'ostojllce ad dress . Qn left side of catte Range Wear" Creek ' I r John ' ( rresh. > Mcruimnn , Nob. On mi rig am ) IM'II. Il ir > .essifiv w ith- out l > , ir , left thigh. Ran'jre.I.jx'ij * f "i eou and Littlelnte " " " River : Lv * -r > tjJ-t Kl'luM , S . H " - * . . tiefi riif ; . .iUeV.'oij Crue "l I - - * - % oSiSit- Charles ( J..Tackett - . . ' \Vm. Bordeaux , . - . - P. o.--Address , Rosebud. S.D. . Brand Same as cut on both bides of cattle. i "RoiiKe-Litlle . .White River H A BUCK Hyannis , N Urande * ! ou leit 8 i- Range eiglre n iuie. north of Hvanuis' ooito/C Crttle Ir in led same.4 * cmi t somfe J r.Ui'defc ' hip Asu ( Range-Lake Creek - * . r ? ? S j r. ) ? " ; ' ' * -v C' rv * ' , ] H lti , , T vi - * \l * nnulei ! " ' * t > 'L , ZT' ' ' * ' * ' r1 * Horses oh 'left. > , * . ' . ' .C. X3 t * * i tlju.i } y Jf.'dilTcson ( ' . _ Valentine Nebr. Iti.-inil f , ' _ i v. > , - \1 G rOOLKY Postofflce address Hyannis'.Neb , on right.si-'e : bor es same oneight * shoulder nire six mih .north\\-est of Mo'l h t Vn'tul Vjandry. , Codv , Nebr. Cattle branded aiijwhvre ; some \vi th , under neath the brand. Horses on left shoul der. der.Range Little White River and mouth of Cedar Creek , S. D. John DeCoiy , Rosebud. S. D. Some branded 1.1) 417 on left side - ' Horses JD ou left * ' hip ' I ansein jteyetCo on Antelope Creek * QUICK.IJettt . I ) Tattle ll simHs : --lit .iron JiM' l.'Htlue. I'.l.-lhk Tipe rieek . > 5Iriirrs. . 1 Rosebud , S. D. t-'SaHge'Liitle White GliajlesRichards - J f C Fame as cut or\\it bar under S ; right ear slit and dulapped , norses branded SHireonlelthip Charlob Merrbnan Neb Left side or. hip Range norths Elf - D N'GOURLEY " - Postoffice address Rushville , Neb On 'eft hip ; also" left side left - er. anpp-Cedar.Lake D. Bray - ROM oud S D ritlb branded on 'eft thigh or hip same as cut uon e brand on the left ulder ! e Club ttlc brand d eft hip. S.tme &i I"- l & - 2nlfc ! - same vw cut , 4 i yity-Tii'T , some orandcd lott left side or hip. , ; ? ? * 2 . ' * * < T/\T J P GARDINER 4 On 'eft sijle of a ! "UeS hordes' i Range , nortbraiid sbutb of 'Nlobtiira * - Riverl2-ml > s south west of Cody I- , . Cody Neb. , On sides or any w * > * / C" , Also L on hip or Whih , inou'tlil of : CuiLuT ' : . .lit / * . "n leftrfide : al- ' su.n . .same side , - > ; n..fce > .l.ltt j-o- * \Vhlie itiver. - ' GEORGE. 'JE3SEN-1' , ' - * . ' - - leftside' < % . br liipm \ \ ses suniof - * * on loft sliouhlerl ; - , ' . R nge-Eiist o'f Cot onwood Luke ' * * > i > i A T BRACKETT Postofflce address Riege Neb Branded on left side i /uige-three li > ; Pat . . , , v.lnyln Nclif. , . , , . , . I ' , ' : " George Heyne CodyNeb . - S - ' ' " registered No 10-J7 Horses branded on Kan e north and south of r u Chfrf > - C < f ood fellow. Cody. Nebrl branded .oirleft j id - . Horses J2 on left jaw. On left side or hip Oiileft slde * - ' Kane * on Nfnhrara Coly , Neb Cattle branded OD efv , aidujfulBo C G inleft liip'of cnt le oid le Kamre on Niobrara r oii ? f , Cattle bninded Up , aniton rh'ht si 1e igh : Mgr * rrooksion Neb George -Albany , fteb " J "Cattle branded f'l > onleft'rib3. or. right shoulder . * > * I > on right hir aud'eft nbs : 6 on left hip Horses FD or SD on - right shoulder Range 7 mi nortlr . _ , east of Albany Neb ' 3 . Agent for Pasteur ' Biacfc.Leg Vaccine "Wm r. Alien Niobrara Neb Ft _ . Brand resist1 ? * * v : > 570 u ! C'U hip IL-ing'tr. Niobntr river 12 miles eav of Valentine . t