Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, August 29, 1901, Image 8

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    ! > If-
' 'I
$ f
, $1.OO Per Year in Advance
Entered at t be Post-office at Valentine. Cherry
couutv. Nebraska , as Second-class matter.
Notice Probate of Will.
Xotlce probate of will , Jennie E. Miljor , de-
In County Court. Cherry County , Neb.
The State of Nebraska to HIP nelrsaudiipxl
of kin of the said .Jennie E. Miller , deceased :
Take notice , That upon filing of a written in
strument purporting to I1 the last will and
testament of Jennie K. MIHerJor probate and
allowance. It is ordered that said'mattei1 be set
for hearing the 14th day of September. A. 1) .
1901. before said County Court , at the hour of
10 o'clock a. in , at which time any person in.
terested may appear and contest the same ; and
notice of Ibis proceeding is ordered publibhed
three weeks successively in the VAI , : XTJ.VK
DKMOCUAT. a weekly newspaper , published In
this State.
In testimony whereof. I have hereunto set my
hand and th * sea 1 of the County Court at Valen
tine this 24 day 01 August , A. D. 1901.
i SEAIf f 32-3t County Judge.
Complete List of Final Proof Con.
test and Land Notices at the
Valentine Land Office
Aug. 28 1901.
Sept. 3 , ' 01 , John Fauibaber , sw sw1sec. . 3 , and w nwJsec. . 10 , and
se se ! , sec . 4 , tp . 27 , r. 29.
Sept. 4 , ' 01 , Warren H. Allison , lot 1 , sec. G , lots 3 and 4 , sec. 5 , tp 80 ,
and se swi.sec. . 32 , tp. 81 , r. 3-1.
Sept , 4 , ' 01 , A L < ? iia Baker , se 1-4 ne 1-4 , ne 1-4 se 1-4 , sec. 28 , and
se 1-4 , sec. 27 , tp. 29 , r. 30.
Sept. 4 ' 01 , John C. ! Mathieson , lot 4 , so 1-4 sw 1-4 , and s se 1-4 , sec.
31 , tp. 31 , r. 34.
Sept. 4 , ' 01 , Charles F. Eapp , se 1-4 , sec. 25 , tp. 29 , r. 19.
'Sept. 5 , ' 01 , Henry K. Caylor , ne 1-4 , sec. 23 , tp. 29 , r. 19.
Sept. 6 , ' 01 , Will S. Delam , ne 1-4 , nw 1-4 , n 1-2 ne 1-4 , and se 1-4 ne
1-4 , sec. 15 , tp. 27 , r. 27.
Sept. 7 , ' 01 , Julius M. Wmdenburg , w 1-2 se 1-4 , n 1-2 sw 1-4 , sec. 12 ,
tp. 29 , r. 18.
Sept. 7 , ' 01 , Thos. C. Morrison , lot 2 , sec. 6 , lots 3"and 4 , and n 1-2 sw
1-4 , sec. 5 , tp. 32 , r. 17.
Sept. . 7 , ; 01 , Jennie Thompson , nee Kuhc , lots 3 and 4 , sec. 31 , tp. 33 , r. 23.
Sept. 7 , ' 01 , land sale , at Valentine , ne 1-4 sw 1-4 , sec. 27 , tp. 27 , r. 28.
Sept. 10 , ' 01 , Chas. A. Stapleton , lots 1 , 2 , 3 and 4 , pec. 26 , tp. 35 , r. 19.
Sept. 14 , ' 01 , contest , Emma Gammill , vs. se 1-4 se 1-4 , sec. 8 , sw 1-4 sw
1-4 , sec. 9 , and n 1-2 ne 1-4 , sec. 17 , tp. 33 , r. 39.
Sept. 14 , ' 01 , Geo. H. Mead , e 1-2 ne-4 ? , and e 1-2 se 1-4 , see 35 , tp. 35 , r.4 ( > .
Sept. 13 , ' 01 , Ferdinand Weyrauch , nel-4 sec. 25 , ip. 29 , r. 20.
Sept. 18 , ' 01 , Wm. GulicK , father and heir of Eoy Gulick , deceased , lot 4 ,
sec. 5 , and lot 1 , sec. 6 , tp. 30 , and s 1-2 sw 1-4 , sec. 32 , tp. 81 , r. 26.
39 ' 01 Jess A. Burns 1-2 1-4 . 22 and 1-4 1-4 1-4
Sept. , , , n - se - , sec. , ne - nw - , nw -
ne 1-4 , sec. 27 , tp. 83 , r. 18.
Sept. 21 , ' 01 , Strong B. Moody , nw 1-4 , sec. 25 , tp. 31 , r . 17.
Sept. 21 , ' 01 , Lewis Luchey. w 1-2 nw 1-4 , and w 1-2 sw 1-4 , sec. 25 , tp.84r.20.
Sept. 25 , ? 01 , Lillian McNarnar , s 1-2 ue 1-4 , nw 1-4 ne 1-4 , sec. 15sw1 4
, . nw 1-4 , sec. 14 , tp. 31 , r , 26.
26 ' 01 B. Swett 1-2 1-4 . 35 . 81 . 28.
Sept. , , Byron , n - sw - , sec. , tp. , r.
Sept. 27 , ' 01 , contest , Arthur V. Coble , vs. ' n 1-2 ne 1-4 , sec. 30 , tp. 27 , r. 28.
Sept. 28 , S01 , James W. Stecle. s se , and s swj , sec. 3Q , tp 29 , r. 21.
Oct. 3 , ? 01 , Jesse Gorsucli , sw uc , smv , uw-J s\vi , sec. 10 , tp. 29 ,
r. o4.
"Oct. 3 , ' 01 , Clirisrophcr Spragg , mvj ne , sec. 29 , tp. 39 , r. 17.
> Oct. 4. ' 01 , "William Ganow , ne - nej , sec. 14 , w nw , eejnw , sec.
13 , tp. 30 , r. 31.
Oct. 5 , ' 01 , Alexander Seager , s mv , nej s\v , mv sosec. . 23 , tp.
32 , r. 35.
Oct , 5' ' 01 , Albert Davis. n s\v , and n - se , sec. 10 , tp. 32 , r. 25.
Oct. 9 , ' 01 , Erik Arneson , nine 1-4 , sec. 20 , and n nw 1-4 , sec.21 ,
I / tp. 29 , r. 31.
Oct. 9 , ' 01 , Eose Etta Floyd , nee Ray , n4nw 1-4 , sec. 27 , and e-kne 1-4 ,
sec. 28 , tp. 35 , r. 30.
Oct. 20 , ' 01 , LTeury Adams , sinw 1-4 , nw 1-4 uw 1-4 , and ne 1-4 sw
1-4 , sec. 23 , tp. 27 , r. 17.
Commissioners Proceedings.
Valentine , Nebr. , August 15,1901.
County Commissioners met persuaut to ad
journment. Present Chairman L. Laufer. Alex
BurraulW. K. Haley. On motion N. E U4Z
y4-U8 was stricken from the tax list for years 1802
and all previous years where said land appears
on tax list. For reason that laud was govern
ment laud , proof having been cancelled and
afterward filed upon by Arthur Holsclaw and
proved up by his widow who BOW asks that the
land be stricken from the tux list.
On motion W. W. Anderson was granted a re-
fHiid of $52.44 also Dawson & Ball a rotund of
S22.74 erroneously assessed in school district No.
! 2. Also G. I * . Crabb a rdfund of S2 < ; so. reason
error in giving in property. Also John Borman
a refund ot § 4.10 ; reason no property was owm-d
that vear. Also Jai.ies H. Sears a refund of § 0.00
reason too high OH assessment ,
On motiiu requests for refund of taxes of Anna
ShAnghnessy and .las. Ray were rejected.
On motion bids for building bridges were open
ed and found to be as follows :
( Plan A. )
30 ft. Span 7 75 i > cr f r. 40 ft. Span 8 40 per ft
50 9 0j
70 9 F4
rt 10 44
100 13 45
120 12 62
30 lo 20
15 10 C2
20 8 16
( Plan D. )
so x 3 ! 16 00 Add for li in Metal. § 3 20
H6 < Add for ebb 2 40
3 11C 36 12
I " ) Add for Ji in. metal 3 GO
j . . . . webb 280
1C 4248
I . . . . Ji . . 4 20
Sub. for Plan B.
so r 7ft . . . . as . 7 18
45 820 . . . . 55 . 859
'Co 271) . . . .
Sub. for 1'Ian C.
/JO . . . C 48 . . . . 25 . 5 53
30 . . . G 19 . . . .
No. 1 32 fcH ; per foot , fc 7.V2-42-8 30 : / 000
k4-dO-995 ; 5-70-1040 ; G-SO-10 15 ; .7-90-1139 ; 8-
100-12 00 ; 9-110-12 30 ; 10-120-13 ( X > : rt-ia-t3 ) 50 ;
12-140-14 10 ; 1S-150 1C 00 ; NO. 1 Ieg HrlUgK32-
1150 ; 42-1440 ; 5014 ; CO-15 30 ; Substruct
ure B. S. No-1. C 25-7 00 24-2-7 T.0-8 50-30-3-IO' 00-
4-11 00-11 50-12 25-42-5- CO-14 00-IP , * 'V .
f bridges 10 IK.T ccntle s U. per cent 4 25" . . "
Beam bridges la'iit capacity' . " *
it 1 ® $8 50242 ( & fJ CO V-
" \Vhereupon the boaid adjounied to AugAift/ ' .
i1 *
August 1C , 1001. .
Board niei rersuant to adjoiinimont. Memj j '
bei-s all present. {
WbereuKin | contract for bridges lo Ie ; ftwllt in
Cherrv coiintv i > rior to July. IDC--1 , ivas awarded I ]
to American Bridge Co. j
On motion contract for painting briilges was j (
awarded to Martin Chtistuuscu ltr c3U. > . p.iint- (
itur to be done during the month of October.
1901.Whereupon the board adjourned to Aug. 17.
Miss Nettie Brosins received an ap
pointment from Washington , D. C. }
to the position of luumhessat Yainax
ludiin Boarding i'ciiool , in the KJa-
uiath a enc3' . in Ore"on , at SuOO a
year. It is not certain that Miss
Brosins will accept this appointment
as she prefers to be closer home.
Aug. 17,1001.
Board met as per adjournment. Members ally
( Jn motion B. Hunt wis ; appointed road overnr
seer in dist , No. 14 , and his bond for same ap
On motion board proceeded lo select 00 names
Irom which to draw jury for Oct. term of dist
On motion clerK was authorized to employ
help to write U | > complete records now not made
and Include those of coming Oct. term distrjoi
court , at a salary ol SJ5 per mouth. 10 be pan
out of the lees of the office.
Whereupon the board adjourned to Aug. 19.
August 19 , laoi. ,
Board met as per a-Jjourumeut. Members at
On motion board took up settlement with
county treasurer and continued in that busine-s
until the evening of the 23rd ana adjourned to
All" , . -1 ° ,
Aug. 24. Board met as per adjournment. p
Members all present.
On motion petition of E. G. Perkins , et al. to
move voting place of Trtble precince f nun Britt
P. O , to Harmony school house was granted. hip
On motion affidavit of J. M. Barto asking tax
to be stricken off tax list was laid over to Oct.
meeting , also road petition of I. N. ( { anicr.etal ,
was laid over without action for want of deposit :
also aoad petition of G. H. A. Smith was laid
over for want of deposit. Bridge petition of W.
J. Alleu. et al , was laid over until road and
bridge site could be investigated.
On motion bond of Canton Bridge Co. for
building bridges across Loup and Snake rivers
was approved.
On motion request of Pat Piper for refund of
taxes was laid over without action.
On motion holdout far $13.10 from Fred Hoyt's
claim was cancelled , tax having been paid , and
warrant ordered drawn for that amount in his
favor on oountv general fuii'l.
On motion the following claims were allowpd
and warrants ordered drauu on county general
fund ;
M V Nicholson. Agt. . $6000 insurance on court
house 5 years , $180 : W K Haley , same , $180 ; L N
Layport , fees Babble ease , $14.10 ; J K Tbackrev ,
expense , SU3.C3 ; G 11 Hornby , supplies for
county. ? 33.48 ; r M Rice , publishing notices.
SS5.70 ; E. L , Heath , publishing male * * to tax
payers. S7.5n ; L N Laypnrf , fei\s Sprattcase ,
guard duty , jailor fees ami board. $248 ; Biuk ; of
Vali mine , let-is of J E Cotton andvif in iastof
On motion calm of W S Barker for § 29 for
printing bar dockets was rejected little
On mutton a sid { walk silt , wide in front of for
court , house , and 4 ft. wide on north side was
ordered built to be made of brick.
Whereupon the board adjourned sine die.
Attest : j.v. . DAMKLS ,
County Cleric.
Loivis and Felix Nollette and Martin
Becker were in town List week nnth three
pleasing countenance's on ace > tm' ' , of
good crops we suppose us tlio * m-ntle
men genuurally hove corn ifauvom ;
does and they live in u settleuient
where there are olher men who ate not
Henry Fliniaux , iSimeon , Nebraska.
Brand Registered
No sic. ( Juarter
Circle Club.
Cattle brand-
on left hip. Some
without quaner
Horses brnnd-
ea ou left shoul
ft M Faddis& Co.
Postoffice address Valeiitlue or Kenue
Cattle branded
same as cut.
Some branded
on ielt
Some on
leftside or
Postoffice address
Cody , Nebraska
On left side of cat
tle ; horses O right
Range , north and
south of Niobrara
River,12-raI3es south
west of Cody
rostofflcp address
Rushville , Neb
On left hip ; also
n/\ > nil lpffcirf .
tjii/i/ vui MMJ _ ami * ,
D. Bray
Ro&b.jud S D
Cattle branded on
left thigh or hip
same as cut
norse brand
same on the left
Charles Richards
Merriman , Xeb
VI m. 1' . SI n idt
Rosebud S D
Fame as cut
or wit bar under
S ; right ear slit
and dulappcd
Horses branded
same on Iff thiii
Charlotte E. JJovill
Merriman Neb
Left side or hip
Range north o Eli
Vetal Vlandry.
Cody , Nebr.
Cattle branded
anywhere ; some
wi th under
neath the brand.
Horses on
left ] shoul
der.Range Little
White River and
mouth of Cedar
Creek , S. D.
John DeCoiy
Rosebud. S. D ,
Some branded IU
417 on left hide
Horses JD on left
Kaiige in Meyer Co
on Antelope Creek
Reuben QUICK Beat
Rosebud S D
Cattle branded
same as cut or on
Range. Blabk
Pipe Creek
Peter Vlondray
Rosebud , S. D. No
Left side. Left car
Horses branded
Range Little White Lake
River , at tnovth of
Jedar Creek.
Ranch for Sale Cheap. side
Slock and implements complete for any
engaging m the stock business. This on
a chance for some man who has abont shoi
$3000 to invest , Call on I. M. Rice or R
write MS. White
Frommyplare two miles east of Crookstou
black mare about nine y ars < id. smal
spot in fort-lit-ad , collar marked , smal
spot on back , fore lop sheared and very
mane weight about 1150. Liberal reward
information leading to her recovery.
Ornnkston. Neb.
From my place on the Rosebud res
ervation , on Tuesday , July , n1901 ,
horses , onehay mare branded
left side , one sorrel horse
Ibranded 82ew on left side and
bav horso hearing no marks.
SWIFI , St. Francis ission , Hosebud
Dakota , t 7-if
C. P. Jordan.
Rosebud , SD
-4 $ Horses and cattle
" same as cut also
t " * j * * \ :
a.7r. C.I BE JJ on right
4tsW ? Uango on Oak and
ButCe creeks.
A liberal revard
W Tf for information
fess33 rwssMsp % leading to detection
y. of rustlers of stock
bearing any of these bnuuls.
Morey & e \vett.
Gordon , Nebr.
Brand registered
2292. On left hip
of cattle. Hor
same left should
er : albo 94-O
Range South of
Snake 35 miles
se of Gordon.
Shadbolt & Fleishman.
Bailey , Nebr.
Left side : S P
left shoulder.
itange R.iuire
CG and 07 , be
tween Nint'rara '
aud the * > "ake.
ilervey ilancb
Tv/o miles past of
Crookston , in Cherry
countv , Nebraska
Cattle branded 00
on left hip. on right
hip , and on rhiht side
with 3-inch letter
Wm Cavanaiigh Mgr
Crookstou Neb
George F Damon
Albany , Neb
Cattle branded
* ' > on left ribs or
right shoulder ; SJI >
FD on right hip aud left
ribs ; Con left hip
Horses Fl ) or SD on
right shoulder
Range 1 mi north
w , * cast of Albany Neb
r , . . . - * * * Agent for Pasteur
* " Black Leg Vaccine
Win J. Allen
Ft Niobrara Neb
Brand registeed
No 870
Horsos branded
on left hip
Range , Niobrara !
river la miles
of Valentine \aff \ '
James Goodfellow.
Cody. Nebr.
Cattle branded
on left side.
Horses J on
left jaw.
Ratine Between
Hie Niobrara and
Medicine Lake.
J. A. Adatnson.
Vaient'ne , Neb
On left side or hip
A4 left si orlup
On leftside
Postoflice address
Coay , Neb
Cattle branded on
left side ; also C G
on left hip of cat.Ie
ami left shoulder on
Ranee on Niobrara
in misouihuestCodv
Tostofflce address l
Riege Neb
Branded on left side
Range-Three miles
Southeast of Georgia
Pat Peiper
Irwin Nebr.
George Heyne
Codjr , Neb
Brand registered
Horses branded on
Ramie north and
south of Cutcomb
in Cherry Co
Frank Livermore.
Cody Neb.
On bothif Ml
or | R ]
"s 3
L on hip or
shoulder. Post
Range-Little ; Brand
WMT ami
mouth of Cedar Catti
S. D. left
L. B. Lesser. bran
Merriman , Nebr.
On left side : a )
h.l underlined. Ra
i"- . . < i j > i on i r and
Range Little
White River ,
Posloffice address cropHo
Merriman , Neb sanift
On sillier left side left : tl
or hip ; horses same Raig :
on left shoulder
R nge-Kist of Cot J. J
toawood Lake
- -
J. 13. Lord
Simeon Xeb
Stock branded
e : i > cut hack of
right siioutder and
on right hip
Range on the
D. il. Sours.
Kennedy , Nebr.
Cattle branded
as on eut.lef t side
Some on left hip.
Horses same on
left shoulder.
Range Square
Charles II. Faulhabar
Rishr or left side
Horse * same on
Left ear cut off of.
Range on Loup
Stotts & Stetter ,
§ 5b ?
Cody. Nebraska
Branded on leftside
Range , Tin Can Lake
and Morgan Flats
1'ostofilce address
Brownlee , Neb
Like nut on dither
left si'ioor hipalso
jleft side.
I fure
if same as cut
on left hi p.
325O.OO RE-
motuuuwcw-- - rV A ! > for con-
convictiou of anyone uiilawtuliy handling cattle
in these brands.
William Shangran.
Cody , Nebr.
On left side.
Horses same.
Range Lake
Oreek , S. Dakota.
Postofilce address
Brownlee , Neb
hasstock : branded If
, ; „ - * -j on sido or shoulder ,
EKfgv.JKorWorO'Vl. '
01 ; FX. Also
tbe-lollowing , the 1'rot ' one bcp,7 on side and'iip
. K. Yanderift.
. .
Brownlee . Neb. S ? fsv
Same a on cut. m
Ranee Between ' < * y
Goose Creek and \
Xorth Loup. * " 5
_ , , - - . - - Wftl'T " rf r ireV&fih A
s ? fes g M 5S
Frank T. Lee. Post
Brownlee , Neb. Catt
Cattle on left icft
side ; horses bame neck
on loft shoulder. and
Range Four
miles northeast of
- fl3G' * ' -tf ? ' - > - . - - * - . "
Gorsuch J3ros.
Newton , Nebraka '
O.ttle branded shcii
oa cutSome shciiS
Some yet
side or hi ! torm
Kanf.'U onordou !
Julius Ileckman
B ownlee Nebr
Range south 01
Bi ovvnlee
Sawyer Eros.
Postoffice address Bram
Oasis. Nebraska Rai
Kobcrt Qaie L-iiberj 'lortli
'laverhai-jreoi these
attle : iturse OMOD
" it shouider ; bomf .
stock branded V
my where on ti
llauge. Snake
Postoffice address
Oasis , Neb1
registered 2035
branded on
side same as cut
branded on
Also some cattle
jranded :
Range South and west of Ifackberr , * istered
DucK 1 Lake.
JMetzger Bros. ,
Gregory N 'b
Cherry < Co brara ,
Branded on left
and thigh.
'armark , bquae
right ear
Horses have
brand on
i on Gnr-
: ; : ud Snakt
; .
ftetcfirtl nf$250 will be paid to - > nv
for information leading to Ihe arrest and
victipnof any person or persons at-jal-
' vitb above brand
a i' '
Newton. Nebr.
Brand registered
No. 411.
Cattle branded
sameas cut on
left sldo or ic-ft
hip. Horses same
on Ielt shoulder.
Ifcuige South
of Gordon
Teeter ? Bros.
Newton , Nebr , .
Cat tie branded on n
left side oamu as
cut.Horses on left1
, tno Gordon and
Louis F. Richards
Merrinmn XeU
Garner Brothers.
Cody , Xcbr.
Anywhere on cat
Horses on left
Ran 70North
Fostofllce address
Pullman , Neb
Cattle branded as on
cut ; horses branded
same as catt le except
reversed S
fcee block ,
Range Stever
and Slephenaon
Lakes and South
$300 reward will be paid to any person for In
formation leading to the arrest anil conviction
any person or persons stealing cattle with the
above brand.
C. Evensofl
Codv , Nebr.
On left side and
thigh ; horses the
same on leftside.
Range Between
Niobrara and the
Snake. .
Simeon , Nebr.
Cattle branded
Horses same on
left shoulder.
Range Gordon
P. A. Cooper.
Chesterfield ,
Cattle branded
same as cut on
leftside. Ilorsei
same on left
Also on
left , side
Postnice address
ChcstertieV. Neb
Cattle branded on
leftside as oa cut ;
ilsoV Ielt. neck uiuiz
hip ; ome V leit
, v left shoulder
. left hip. Range
Snake Rivur,31i2,33.
Cattle on lef1
Horses on left
Seme stock
hearing mv * , 1
ormer brand as
iown below.
Postoffice address
Gregory , Xet
On left side or hip
horses same on left
Ran e-Arkar sas
Valley and Snake
'ostofficc address
Gregory. Neb
randed as on cut
Range two miles
of Gregory
Cattle Gordon branded , Nebr. 1
same as cut on
Horses ,
branded !
on left
Range c miles
south of Irwin.
. Stinard.
ilentine , Nebr.
Brand reg
and horses
stue ; as
ange-2 miles a
Ft. Nio-
PI102BR03 I
Poatoffice address
Branded *
on eitlap
. .
n right tip
& * & & $ & -