X THE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT I. M. RICE EDITOR Mutual companies pa-losses in full. No discount I. M. RICE , Agent. Brothers Woocllalce Neb t John Roan's private mark , silt lu left car WILLIAM WILSON I'ostolllco address _ _ _ lul.jore Ncbi " Two liili : < : * on lefth ! | > and ofiu-r-k Horses same on left aoou'dr ' Sonifc.it ! l branded reaper Iiiiokou left hip Bange-Southeast of Kilgore Neb C 8 WILLIAMS tVstoRIcc adrtrt' . s Gallop , Nebraska On left .side ; also W I leit side ; also .J..left hipulso ; W on side and Son bip ; horses S on left Jaw Kange-ElKht miles Eou h of Gallop JOE HOOKS JK * , Posiofflce address Allen S D On left side ; horses Kiine on tci h Sanpc Bear Creek F. T. IJrackett Riege. Nebr. lirand lieglstered jjo 14SK ) Brand right sidt or hip Horses same on ' * ljrht. shoulder Itnnci * , Xiobrara 6 miles south of iilgore Nebraska ! Land and Feeding Co. Bartlett Richards Pres Will G CoiiHtock , V. P. Gluts 0 Jamison Sec&Treas Cattle branded on any part of animal : also the following brands : torses branded the same Range between Gordon on the F.E , &M. V.B. R. and Hyannis on B , & M. R. H. in Northwestern Nebraska. Address , BAETLBTT RIOHAKIIS. "Jharimn. Nebraska JOAN WEBSTER- Postofllce address Harlnn , Nebraska 'Jn left vide or bip ; horsRS branded same eftshonliier ttange between Is'io * araraand iStiat e rlv" are , south of Merri- inan AKvtrtvilofWO will be paid to anv person for information leading to the arrest and final conviction of any person or persons steal- tigcattle or noises with above brand. W. W. ANDERSON. J. C. ItOUNDS Anderson & Rounds. Simeon. Nebraska C-ittle branded on left side as on cut ; iS atso 10 on left side with zi on left Itip of some cattle : also Sic iSi i on right side Hoise brand , rake and 1C IT on i > left shoulder or _ _ _ Home ranch-on Dewey I ike. Ranjie on Niobrara River , paat of Fort Niobrara ; also between Kr.ake lilver and Simeon , known as the Felch range , all iuCherry Dountv. Nebraska. O.J. Ivellar Brownlee Xebr Range between Goose Creek andLoup , * ' Ecoffey & Sons. 'I 'Ii i Merriman.Neb. Cattle branded \IV on left Side ml K on lett jaw. > rs clipped ooth ids and JC on : ht hip and C right jaw. un- itlt on right and . _ on "filit 'VL side. . .ji Hiul FK on left shoulder and T on letr. hu > . Range Between Pass Creek and southein part of the reservation and Wakpinc Lake. ALONZO HEATH Pstoffice address Codj' , Nebraska On left side. Hor-j ses left shoulder. Range north Cut coin I ) Lake E E AXD H E WOODRUFF Postolflce address IIyannis.Nel > Onlefthin and left side. Also stock branded on left side and reversed S on right shoulder ; also right hip and left si e i Range-Mo-he Lake W E STAMSBIK AND DO BAUGH roetolilceaddresa hyannis.Neb. On left hip anc left side Also on left hip and leftside Horses same brands on ehoulder ? . ' llanpe 22-miles Henry Pratt Rosebud 8. D. Leftside Horses same on left shoulder Deerhorn c'.ip on some cattle MILLS BROS , Merriman , Xebr. Cattle and hor ses branded on left side or shoul der. der.Brand register ed loot. Ranpe I2m'le ' _ sniuliwest of Mttrrijuan on the Xiobraru.river. WM KRKJKSO.N Post office address Kennedy , Neb1 On left side and hip ; horses fj or A ou eit Jaw Kango two milee o-thvvest Ken nedy A .T PLUMER PostoQlce address Hyimiiy , Neb Branded ou right Mdeaud hip Also have stocR liranded on right 'ide and hip Horses on right hip Range-South wesurn Clieiry County. II V DOWNING Postoffice addreas Gregory , Neb On left side ; also COLE on side Range Stevenson Lake G. W. BEAMER. Gordon , Xehr. Cattle branded on e fc side as in cut , 6-inch box and SVJ-inch circle Brand registered 875. Hors-s branded left sl.oul- 'der. ' ' "KjtaKCit Inch circle , l-inch box. Registered S7C. Rauge-0 miles south of Irwin on Niobrara river. Morg.ireicige & Son Simeon Neb As on cut , or I.I or VOnnlefthip with holi ! in right ear when under 2 years old ; horte same as cut and 1J SanRo Goron creek 'and X brara river Talbot & Gallop Seneca Jft-b norses branded on loft side Range between Middle Loup and Dismal J.V. . JJurleigh Valentine Xcb Cattl > and horses branded same a out nil l"fr gi-u | Range between Gordon an Snake creeks and on the Niobrara , . W. IJeune.t i meou Neb Stock branded with 7 on letl hip also same as cut RHUP between ordonandSnako creeks Button the Niobrara river HARP * -ostofflc * Seneofc. Nab Left side on e-u-e ; noreM , It ft .boulder ; oo Irlt aldt DAVID COTTIKK. Allen , 8. D. On left side ; right ear split. Horses G way down ou hip. hip.Range - Little Wliite Kiver. G II SEAGEK Poslcfllce address Codv , Xeoraska Cattle branded ns on cut on left side , hip and shoulder ; horses ; ame Range , Snake Creek U. G. Criger. -VIerrimau X r.rand recorded Xo. 1087. Brand same as cut on left side Also left hip Range 10 miles south of Mcrri- man-on the brara. FRANK 3fOGLB PostWlloudd On either de cattle tierdmark left ear clipped and rU'ht e < ir splithorses branded sime on left shoulder , Range on Niohrara , acd AledicSue Canyon Geo. H. Hill Gallop N luinue in miles Merviman Soth Gary. Slerriman , Xebr. On both side nnd hip. Herd mark ecu lap. Horses .snme on left shoulder. Ranire Lako Cr.'i'k mid Litto \VhitcKivcr. rhi'dfoul Ni-li S rno as nn on led hip or Ai on right lup or side. RsHIII" 1 OUp and ; 1) . L. lieed. Cody , Ni-br. Sume : is jnt i nglit side of cat tle. Horses nit on OEOROK 'lre ) KuBCbud. 8 D tt lei : iuJ ALBERT WHIPPLB Rosobud , K. D. Brandrd on } ft some HOS Horses on either shoul derSoin Soin * at branded o elthar lerihui PRANK ROTFLBUTNK * * $ ft Kilgore. Neb. f SSSfc jf. ' \itte ! branded on 'Hhtride a on , rt * 'ime on hip 'i" VTI Some on ' * " " " " * ' . -ft pf & .r , A * > ? ? " " 'wTjyii/ * , v' 5vVJ v . iimsUi W. D McGAA. Oreston , 8. D. Teft or either aid * of cattle ; also T left side of neck. Swal low fork rij-ht tar , underbit left ; right ear nuhbed off : dernit lef ear Roma on left < jaw and some wattle left Jaw Other brands left side or uirt ot animal. eft aide or any pirT of animnl , tome branded 'oliowi R , left o sinne cattle tha follow - vk. X 'eft side or siiomaer ; VV leit hip or On left aide toil it-it .cli. leit nip or thigh thigh thigh , or thigh , hip. wiling horses or cattle bearing the nds will be prosecuted. Information . . „ thpf. liberally rewarded , Range at Springs _ a l Cottoawood. . < : RBKRT o. BISONETTE , MANAGER. PostoRlce address Pine Kidge. S. D. Cattle branded as on < * ut , HOB on left side ; Botne either side ; Some on left side ; * om older stock , .anywhere oh animal. Horses E K on left hip some anywhere on nvt fieven miles north right Bide t of Ptnp Ridge. In Shannom O iJeury Young , Cody , Nc'mnKa Horse imuid SIV on leit shoulder Cuttle , right ear split Range , Little White river , b. I ) . VV. E. Haley Valrniiiie Xpb Brand rejiisten- * Nu2i < 0 * Rnie } in liaip Ktii ; 'ii and ( Serma1 precinct * > i\i\ ] \ * south of Kiluote J L KOSKBKUICV Postofllce address Pullman , Neb Branded on left hio ; horses same erd- mark-double dew-lap Range south and east of BniBh Hill GENTIiY. ABBOTT & MOX.UIAN PoHtoflicc address Hyannih , Xc' I Both ou left side some stockJ bninded O left shoal der A left hip ; also N ? T N anywhere on left side ; also O A luft side Hangd head Middle Lonp J. J. Peck. On both sides. Uorses < .11 left tli li. aiiKC Head Pas.- Creek , S. D. JOHN SHAITOITAN Pus o ce address Cody , N < On Jeft PiUf AKi on If ft M J Horses .J S on shoulder Kauge between Cody and'Lake Oeek B F IXEVINK Postoffice address Merriman , Bnu.ded on ieft ? idc : borsen S' > me on left Kange Hear Creek and fhv Xi-ibrara rivt-r si-mi S II ot J\ierriin.iti h > ; um's , \ On 'i Iii } < ! shoulder f riuht sj-i Rjuwe ' 6 norm of lh rmi- C. ( ieo. Jiovxius. A . Hay Williams. MMnna orand : Cattle Mini horse ? I..ft > OM ions o iter in amis. l"nr ju clipped .ivek. . S. Rowley Kcnuedy , - Xebraska. Same as enl on left side and hip. mid on' ' left shou ! < ier of hor ses. Al- ( left side hip. hip.ft ft on right hip and . . , < S" + onIeltside. * * ' " " * * Q n left bin of horses. p on left jaw and leit shoulder of horses. LU on left hip of horses. Allt-n , B. I ) , DIJ Icftshniilder .Mid hln : .some i on uft n left sido. Kir- 'iiark-k-ft ear erop'd Range-Bear Creek UHAIILES LONE WOLF Postoflire address Alien S 1) Ou right .side and shoulder , hor. es Bume on righttliitih Rnnue-Bear Creek llujrh Merriman Neb Also AH on Jell side or ! iip K north of HI CHAIILESLONG MAN postJiftk-eai'.die.ss Allen S J ) On left side of cuttle Kange J'fcar Creek John Gresh On ho'h < ; omc mi right side sind Jiip. w'th- out l rti % Inft thih. River. MerriniHii. Nubi. 01 lefr , side , s line on nglit .siilt : . Horsesfsn : on left shonldur Rmge T ake Creek , S. D. Pu , KiiiKe.a.n . itjfi d ho tc- i'f Irft tl'if ( Jliariea O. Tuckctt l , . 1) . . head of An -jope near St. Marys Hordes > i lett Win. Uordeaux. P.O. Addn-ss , Ro.-.eliud.tj.L > . Prand Same ae cut on both sides of cattle. Rance-LUtle White Klver H A BUCK PoitoUIre aadress Kyanuis , Neb Branded ou lett Ride Range eighteen miles uorth of Hvannis T ) T Xarc U. JT. Meet n-r . . , month ar , . ' > ' ' - M it xtt-niliNi IM "M vi , | | if J- A "ril > < l1 ' ' " ' ' ' - " iin-M n \ \ -MUIM-V i. - MAUJ ) , vV . ; rcsnh-ur. M01JWAKK , I ) . < ; K.S-H- \ G-oocl Hard -ROOK . . . For Sale . ' PA I HnTT , Valentine , Neb flas t' < 'cri movrd'lhf nuitdiiigon .South ' herr > tiret tonnerjy kiio\vii an tle : .MaxMi-niriile linn- " . nnd htTiwe we anpr ; iirc'l to jrhi * custoiiiL'r- bLiiurervii - iliiinver bff > r . ( Pro.n tho analni Wold-iUri.i. uicl. S. J ) . . 4\ii.r. -2-2 , , iu S hi , . bv M , nwn , t hh llilg , , , mrey of ? ! ' " nu , cmain p-r .s , ! , „ : it f , 1 v. ! , , , r .should be at ill irThe order r.fcn.w | to u-s . , „ „ „ „ ] . ° ritetl .SOIIIH time an , , ] _ ; llu went m { < ) Qf rCLJuIy 1. am ! withholds all rations from Miiaw men and their families , mixed-Moods and others who , at the diM-ri'tion of the a-enr , mv | H > consid ered self siipjmrfiMjr \ . L\xvpr.ional cases wliere .inly a , , ; irc is withhHd.vet , the reduction Hmv maj , . jJS Ilot'Jlct as an incentive fur more wo. . k and a better abnttj to provide for himself and family , all will M > on he taken away. liit-Srt matters Itave caused no little sat- islaction amoiij ; certain individtiHls who have pmfiti-d in the past by the uenerosity of the ovcrnmeiit. and who are now ende-vorin to use the head men as their nioiitiipec ! > ti in lrin < 'in the r ta'e of woe to the attention of tlife departmi-nt. tioiher qiipstiou was hrop'ht up tl'pt might be looked np .n bv thn alar- mists as a remote cause for ti'oulMe that may ari.se in the near future. Dnrin-r a recent visit to the reservation of Vet * erimiriaii Davidson of the division of nniiiiul industry of the agricultural de- partment he found a number of horses belouRinpr to Indians that suffered from an infectious disease , and the animals were condemned and killed. As the indemnity allowed did not. meet the ap proval of the owners the matt.-r ha.s been the subject of many secret coun cils since. Ohi f QmYk ! , and oth era were very emphatic in their disap proval of this method of di.suosin < r of tlm Indians' property , and served not ice. that this representative of the. " < > V ernmeut nui.st remain away fnmrUie reservation in the future , and that any attempt to enforce sudi an or.-ler here- after would be considered eam.is belli and would bo met by an uprising of braves. ° Mr. DC ) IH , 5 1 1 Jij vi ; of th. ; Indian Rights association , was present at the council. .J U same as cut ; : -'i.u < inJ.Uiie [ ) OH IcJt li C. IT Little. Merrimin , Xebr. On ithpr side H rsv.SAIUV. on. hip. Als. Q Uins v-T.5ikc Creek SD FRA > TK A GALLIGO Manderson , S. D Left side and on young Moc.k. o ? i stock n Hordes Icli thigh ] { iuige-Ror. . Springs B.isin lioberL Roctebud , HI ) . l > mtulcil un iiolb iiis. H 1-M3 OU left thigh. cOH Cut C. K Wright. Valentine Xebr. Brand r gisteted Xo. 37 * . Brand anywhere ou right si-le . ] C COOLEY Pos'oflice address uu n.uhtsi 'e. Imr- es same ou right shoulder njre six miles rorthxvest of Moth- * ' 4/ffirmiKmf' \ & Sf/// / / ' * A swui l oIlns 55S hiiryvni" . Ins : liurtit : J * IMP JSS UlLtl of u coai Eureka Harness Oil iwtnnlynaJcc-uhehnrnaoami tbo "i : liorvi Uf , : better. b : t rculzco tb9 ' l ! talItMMJtsiin con , tiitton to last twice r.s long' 'Mmiff'u orrllaar" > 'TVOUIJin Iff-ySfOiii'-ltli S M r irT ' > " 9 la esain1l > , Sllfl ' ' " ' * Jlebr /If/I / r m\llVMf STANDARD / * / / Give Your Horse SL Chance ! AVir S'- * in .1 . . . . \VicArrhalct\Vnt-Iics. . . ' . . . 1 j < .T t'.itlCfilt ill Itl' - , T , ' .Vr r I ot i.f Kishim : Im-klo. i .V. r 3f All at old As fiinnl worK and pro njit altt'iition. If vuit Wiint tfiMid w.irle. i > ut ymir XK > III * J-IK ! Pus dnt.il tie > H on n Ta i m d - einl to im . f iricud i sti'ii'ite.i uf work ou re- Irtor wati-li t-itough innil. .SVinf in jourJitch Valentine , x Nebraska. 5 = > Drs. Caldwll 8r Hutchiasn DENTISTS. | 2 Over Hornbys Grocery. | JSSSSSCSSSSSJ2 3 2 O J O. DWYER PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON All Kinds of Surgical Operations Successfully Performed. VALENTINE NEBRASKA A. N. COMPTON PHYSICIAN AND SUJRGKEON Office At . Quigley & ( Jlmpinatfs Drugstore. Xights At Thtt Doiitilirr Hotrl. QBE CIIUEOH , TONSOBIAL ARTIST Hair cutting and shaving. HOT m COLO BATHS , C M. WALOOTT 1 ' ATTORNEY AND ABSTRACTBR Valeritine , Nebraska Prat'lfccs In District Court and U. 8. Laud office. Real Kstoteanu Jtanch Property K - , and anlil. - - - - - - M. MORRISSEY ATTORNEY IT LAW STALENTTNK. NEB You want a TUBULAR F WtLl/or an ECLIPSE WIND MILL , WELLS GUARANTEED . JOHN POBATH Or write him at Riege , Nebraska MILL FfilCES FOR FEED. Itran , bulk SUc per c\vt $15 00 ton Shorts bulk Souper cwt 10 00 too Screenings 40ii ; i | 7.00 " Chop Feed 90 $17.00 " Corn Too " $ llOO Cliup uoru SOc " 15.00" 1.10$21.00" Henry Auguston , BKOWX L o cs General s Htliar : _ < lJt.iiTTe prices forlcash pITY-DELIVEKY - CiI-JJILX ! i ) . KATON V ) f iOe a r