\ ' . Jl * * ) . I. M , RICE EDITOR 01.O0 Per Fear * Advance PUBLISHED EVEEY THURSDAY. Entered at tbe Post-office at Valentine , Cherrj f county. Nebraska , as Second-class matter. i i- The Gordon and Ainsworth editor * are really quarrelling over which town contains the most good looking bald headed men. Here is a part of theii controversy as given in last weeks Star-Journal : In quoting the Star-Journal's chal lenge th-it Ainsworth had more and a handsomer lot of bald-headed men than any other town of its size , the Gordon Journal says : We call the bluff on Bro. NBnrleigh. The only really handsome bald-headed man that Aiusworth ever had was D. H. Griswold. and he moved to Gordon and was put in the herd headed by the editor. Gordon has the handsomest herd of numan Holsteins 'in the state and to settle the matter we propose that thesetwo rival towns have pictures of their leading representatives publish ed in the illustrated edition of the Sun day Bee. ; Nuff said. " The Star-Journal sees Bro. Lyon and goes him one better. It has madearrang ements with photo grapher Austin for a group picture of some half dozen of our best conditioned White-Faces and will pit them against the same number of Gordon's scrubby Holsteins. A wire from Lem Coldren and Jim Porter asking for places in the group has been taken under advise ment. Even the editor of the Star- Journal will shave off his luxuriant 'growth of handsome hair , but that we'll get ahead of that arrogant and haughty Gordon editor. The following clippings from The Nebraska Independent , the official par ty paper of the fusion forces of the state , are of interest to every citizen of the state : The republicans would teach the young of this state by their example that embezzlement pays and that treas on should be rewarded. They illus trate these truths by the lives of'Deav- er and Bartley. For the last ten years plutocracy in politics has followed one policy. Ad vocate one thing during a campaign and as soon as in power do the very opposite. Cleveland was elected on a tariff reform issue and then congress went to work and passed the Lighest protective tariff bill that ever got through that body. They made a re duction where rates had been placed five or six hundred per cent above the prohibitive point , but the bill was the highest protective bill that was ever passed. Mark Hanna foade a cam paign on the ground that the coinage of silver must be stopped and as soon as in power went to coining more sil ver than was ever coined before. declared that they wanted "one dollar as good as every other dollar" and then flooded the country with bank paper under promise to redeem it in a better dollar. This is the way it has been all the time. Now the republican papers are at it again. This time they say that this is the end of fusion. When this election is over that will be the end of the pop ulist party. The "democrats will have swallowed the pops. " Those who be lieved the stories about the big row that was going to be , believe this just 1 as readily. The reason why these re t publican editors engage in this sort of t talk is that they are not capable of dis I ! cussing any question of government or s 1 political economy and they are" doing t their very best when they fill their col S umns with this sort of silly gossip. It i is a hard job to rdit a republican paper v these days. Vital questions which are s of interest to the people must be ta e booed. What would become of a re a publican editor if he should write an v article against the trusts ? He dare not b write one openly defending them , so there he is between the devil and the c deep sea and has either to say nothing tl or engage in idle gossip. it Well Defined d Why wage-worker should ever aic c < vote the republican ticket is one of those things which the friends of or g ( ganized labor can not understand. The tlPJ position of the republican party to PJIt wards labor has always been so well It defined whenever a contest came up tl between it and capitalistic employers tl that it ought to be known by every 1 man of sense in the whole country. Of late the republican papers have been it : making unequivocal staceaients upon th the subject. The following from the cc Dakota County record has been copied with approval in the Inndini' rei u' ' ! i- , in importance to the trust question and the man who controls the unions is as dangerous as the president of a trust.1 That is , as every man of sensa knows the position of the republican party to ward organized labor. That statement should be printed on a poster and the bill-boards of the cities plastered with it so that the wage-worKers may no longer be deceived by the hypocrisy ex hibited by republican candidates dur ing every campaign. Just before an election they are all great erganized la bor fellows. Followed Mc'JKinley The republican editors who are crit icizing Governor Savage for paroling Bartley should remember that he is only following the example of their great and holy McKmley , McKinley has pardoned one after another of the national bank embezzlers in such a continuous string that there is no keep ing an account of them. The last one was Charles Mussey of Rutland , Vt. , who used his position as cashier of the Merchants National bank to steal $127- 000. His robbery broke the bank , in flicting heavy loss upon his neighbors and caused much suffering lie was "sent up" for seven years. In prison Mussey apparently fell ill. His family physican abandoned his case for unstated reasons which may now be conjectured. An out of-town doctor was obtained by Alussey's friends. In a year he was said to be at death's door , and upon this ground Mc- Kinley pardoned him. That was a month ago. The Rut land dispatches relate that Mussey has just gone into the Adirondacks on a hunting trip as well as any one. The bank embezzler is necessarily and always inexcuseable ; always and necessarily he has sufficient intelligence to know wnat he is doing and what ha voc he may cause. Perhaps the pict ure of Mr. Mussey gayly departing up on a pleasure trip while his victims toil to repair the ruin he wrought may cause ihe supporters of McKinley to do a little thinking , that is , if they can think which is somewhat doubtful. The practice under this plutocrat gor- erninent is , if a man steals a loaf of bread for his starving wife and child ren , send him to prison as long as the law will allow. It' he robs a public treasury or steals the savings of the poor which they have deposited in a bank pardon him. How long a gov ernment can endure that administers justice after that fashion is a thing not very hard to figure out. More Convicts Escape. The old State Hypocrite did not make a sensatoual paragraph out of a very interesting item of news that oc- cured last .Friday night. The follow ing is the way it read in the Omaha and Chicago papers : "Charles Bennett , alias Smith , and Ed Tuttle , the latter serving a third term , escaped from the penitentiary last night by climbing over the eigh teen-foot wall. 'Both were on night fluty in the bakery. "Bennett was convicted of larceny in Doulas county and sentenced to one fear. Tuttle was convicted , of bur glary in Cass county and sentenced to ihree years. Timbers for the construc- loii of a new building for the Lee Broom and Duster company were used ay the convicts in making their ascent ver the high stone wall. Up to noon oday no clue as to the whereabouts of he men had been found. " E yer since the republicans got con- rol of the penitentiary , the institution las been a disgrace to civilization. If Uese things had occurred under a pop- list administration , there would have ieen an uproar from one end of the bate to the other. Not only that , but be great dailies from New York to an Fiaucisco would have been full of ; . VA large part of the penitentiary 'as burned down. Another fire was iarted right under the nose of the uards in broad daylight. Convict fter convict has escaped , some of them alking away while the sun shone ei nghtly upon guard and convict. is It is pr obable that not one republi- isw m out of fifty in the state knows any- w ling about the conditions in the pen- mi tiary , and the republican papers ill see to it that they don't. Ihe con- trons in the other slate institutions on onwl e not much better. Under this con- wl \Tl mdition of tLiugs. the only way to liti it the truth to the people is to get 101 f Independent auh othsr populist ipers into the hands of the people. is by the subsidizing of the press that ic evils that we now suffer from and e dangers that confront us exist. he populist principles depends up.on ; press. That fact should be made e paramount issue sit every county nvention Where wrro the republican s inn , Jiee f nvic > flimb n over the J Cut He branded on left flip. Smiitt without quarter circle. Horses brand ed on left shoul der. R M Faddis & Co. Tostofllce address Valentine or Kenno Cattle branded same as cut. Some branded on left thigh. Some on leftside 01 hip. J P GARDINER Tostoffice address Cody , Nebraska On 'eft ' side of cat tle ; horses O right armRange Range , north and south of Kiobrara Riverl2-miles south jvest of Cody 1) N GOUKLEY rostofilce address Rushville , Neb On 'eft hip ; also 5OO on left side ; Horses should- Hanpe-Cedar Lake D. Bray S D Cattle branded on left thigh or hip same as cut Horse brand same on the lelt shoulder Charles Richards Bierriman. Neb Urn F. Sln.idt Rosebud S D Ramp as cut or wit bar under S ; right ear slir and dulappcd Tiorses branded same 011 k-ft hit ) Charlotte E. Bovill Merriman Neb Left side or hip Range north o Eli Vetal Vlandry. Codv , Nebr. Cattle branded my where ; some d th undcr- leath the brand , lorses on eft shoul- ler. ler.Kange Little Vhlte River and nouth of Cedar Jreek , S. D. John DeCory Rosebud. S. D , . Some branded 11) 417 on left slfle Horses JD on lefl hip Kangein Meyer Go on Antelope Creek Eeuben QUICK osebud S D Cattle branded ime as cut or on IP Range , Blabk ipe Creek Peter Vlondray Rosebud , S. D. Left side. Left car . ronped. Horses branded T * O "Range Little White River , at moith of Jedarnreflic. Bunch for Sale Cheap. si Stock and implements complete for ! siO O ] gaging in the stock business. This a chance for some man who has abont' ! ' si A 000 to invest. Call on I. M. Rice or ite us. vvm vvui ui ? rom my place two miles east of CrooKston 2 black mare aboni nie yea s old. smil ite spot In. forehead , collar marked , sinal ite spot on back , fore Top sheared and very { le inane weight abo ut H5 . Liberal reward information leading to her recovery. D. PIKE , . Crookston. "Ncli. ' From my place on tho Rosebud "I-PS- atiou on Tuesday , July J6v-UpOI. ee horses , one "bay m re , branded left side , one sorrelIiorsq branded R on left siJe and j * ! tr no " .Ill" itHV . . . , ti J CJ BE JJ on right Lip. Kince on Oak and Bntte creeks. A lioenil reward for information leading to detection ssSCSsS3 of rnsllers of .stock bearingany of these brands. Morey & Hewett. Gordon , Nebr. - Brand roistered 2292. On left hip of cattle. Horses same left should er ; also QAQ < 6 TW left side. Range South of Snake 35 miles se of Gordon. Shadbolt & Fleishman. Bailey , Nebr. Left side ; 3 P lelt shoulder. iieidmarkrdew lap.Jtanpe Jtanpe Range 3G and be tween Niobnira the 'ii'ike. Hervey iiancb Two miles east of Crookston , in Cherry county , Nebraska Cattle branded OO on left hip , on right hip. and on riirht side with 3-inch letter Wm Cavanaiigh Mgr Crookstou Neb . George F Damon Albany , Neb Cattle branded Fl > on left ribs 01 right shoulder ; ! * I > 8D FD on right hip and left | ribs ; 6 on left hip Horses FI > or SD on right shoulder " - 'Range 7 nil uorth cast of Albany Neh Agent for Pasteur Black Leg Vaccine Wm. J. Alien Ft Nlobrara Neb Brand registced No 870 Horses branded on left hip Range. Niobrara river 12 miles east of Valentine James Goodfellow. Cody. Nebr. Cattle branded on lelt hide. on left jaw J. A. Adamaon. Valent'na , Neb On left side or hip A4left si or hip On left side Niobraui CHARLES QARTSIDE Postoffice address Co.ly , Net Cattle branded 01 j eft side ; also C G on left hip of catilt and left shoulder on ! horses [ Range on IS'iobran- lOmisouthuestCodi A T BRACKETT 'ostoffice address Riege Neb .randed on left side tange-Three miles ontheast of Georgia Pat Peiper Irwin Nebr. George Heyne Cody , Neb Brand registered 01027 Horses branded on ft shoulder liance north and uth of Cutcomb ike iu Cheirj * Co Frank Livermore. Cody Xeli. On both les or y i so Lon hip or oulder. P < Ranjre Little Bi lure Kivcr and ' win of Ceilnr .i eek 6. D. K:1 tti 'el . B. Lesser. or Mtrrfman , Xc-br On left sid" : a ; so on sd je ; i Je Horses , uuder- liiifci M on UJi thigh. Range Lit Hi White Hiver. GEORGJ5 JESSZX Ka "JT "JTy -ar > n . . : .Htr left tefl ' vj ir hip ; hoi es s Ji ' 01 A shoulder f Cof CrtA S . . ' ' . ! KV . < it.jbi ; o mder ! and u rigllt-hlp Range on the Niobrara D. M. Sears. Kennedy , Nebr. Cattle branded as on cnt.left side Some on left hip. Horses same on left bhoulder. Range Square Lake. Charles II. Fa ilhaber Risht or left side of cutrtle Horse * same on lettishotilder Left ear cut off of cattle Range on Loup river ' Stotts & Stetter. Cody. Nebraska Branded on left side Range. Tin Can Laka. and Morgan Flats WILLIAM FERDON. Postoffice address Brownlee. Neb Like cut on "Itber left strip ir hlpalso ! left side. same a.i cut ou left hip. _ _ con- ' - " - convi'ctibn of anyoue"uiiia\viuliy haudling cattle in these brands. William Shnngran. Cody , Nebr. On left side. Horses same. Range Lake Oreek , S. Dakota. P 5 IIOUSCITE Postoffice address Hro-.valee , .Neb On left $ jde or any the-following ; f'f Pr t one 1 ci" ? on shle and lap E. II. Yandegrift. Brownlee. Neb. Same a or ; cut. Elange Between 3oo.se Creek and North Loup. Fraub T. Lee. Brownlee , Neb. Cattle on left side ; horses same oa left shoulder Range Four miles northeast of Brownlee. Gorsuch Bros. (5 $ rj rewtnn , Xebrska S sSK * ; * 'atlle ' branded if _ , s ou cut BSerJ fe = > / { Some ga | U am.'C on Goruou reek Julius Ileckman * B otfhltte Nebr Range south of Browulee Sawver Bros. Bi Postoffire address Oasis , Nebraska Kobert Quiesenbery IK Jiav ehaj-j ; oi these attle ; horses Ds on left shoulder ; some stock branch Y iny where on t. , Snake mtj. C F COOPSIi stofflce address Oasis , 2S' ud registered 2C9 > ttle branded on \ side same .as cut rses branded on thip. terry raH < fcton left R3 * * ? * & j J " -OC5 I J l J \Wi \ fftctira ofS25f > v-ih v - i-akj tofv : f rl forn st . . ! fj.i.rfj.i > j to Tite3rr tand uf a y pfton or Arsons steaJ f > r V V iJ -r * ' . * * $ * * r r Caruu branded jSiiine J s cut on lelt slilo or left hip. Horses same on lett shoulder. of Gordon Teeter ? Bros. Newton , Nebr Cattle branded oc left side same aa cut. cut.Horses on left shoulder. Range Between Gordon and Louis F. Richards ? $ * "W " Merriman Xeli Garner Brothers. Cody , Nebr. Anywhere on cat tle. noraes on left shoulder. Ran 50North Elf. SWEENEY BROS Postoffice address Pullman , Neb , Cuttle branded as on cut ; horses branded same as cattle except reversed S , See block Range Steverj and Stephenaon Lakes and South $300 reward will be paid to nny person for in formation leading to the arrest and conviction of any person or persons stealing cattle with the above brand. C. Evenson Codv , Nebr. On left side and thurh ; horses the same on left aide , itange Between Niobrara and the Snake. GEORGE N DAVIS Simeon. Nebr. < jjj& Cattle branded on left side. Horses same on left shoulder. Gordon reek. ! - # W P. A. Cooper. Chesterfield , Nebr. Cattle branded same as cut on leftside. Horses , same on left OI1UI11UC. . Also on JA left side DAWSON & BALL 'ostofilce address < r Chesterliel-X. N rattle branded on jfteldas oa cat : Iso v leit neckandz ; ft hip : Mme V lelt eck. V left shoulder ndZlcfthiohorse3 'TZ left hip. Range nake River,3l , 32.33 J A SATTLTS Cattle on lef1' il > - TTorses on left loulder. Some stock it bearing tn\ inner brand 515 lown belovr. Postofflce address * Gregory , Net On left aide or hip horses same on left shoulder Kange-Arkansas Valley and Snake PETERSON htoffice address Gregory. Neb andedas on cut iauge two miles rth of Gregory WILLIAM BCAMEB Gonlon , Nebr. Cattle bran-Jed sa ie as cut on Horses 3r branded/ kV4 on ieTeUi5g f8sv oti/ , .t.i .jr i . 3ttK : % j3&hf&- . Bange-o ir.He " * south of Invin. . , "V