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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 15, 1901)
THE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT t I. M. RICE EDITOR $1.OO Pe Year in Advance PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY. f iM Entered at t b e Post-office at Valentine. Cherry county , Nebraska , as Second-class matter. RANCHMEN IN COURT FOR FENCING FUBLIC LANDS , Special dispatch to the World Herald. Alliance , Neb.Aug. 4. Judge Har rington of O'Neill held a special term of court here to investigate the charge that the injunction granted at the last term of court prohibiting H. II , Miller and John Leith , or their agents , from fencing certain lands in this county which had been filed on bv twenty-nine colored citizens of Alliance and had been violated. At that time a complaint was made to the court charging that Miller and Laith procured and hired the parties to make the entries ; that immediately thereafter relinqueshments as well as leases were secured from the entrymen and that they were paid so much each for filing said homesteads and for that reason they were not bone tida home steaders and an injunction was asked for the purpose of prohibiting Miller and Leith fencing said land and there by freezing out several small home steaders. At the trial the evidence was held to fully sustain the allegations in the peti tions , as one or more of the entrymen made affidavit that they were paid I * > 9 money to make the filing and that they 1 did not intend to live on tha land or make it their home. The court accordingly granted the in junction asked for prohibiting the said Miller and Leith from fencing the land. Shortly after court adjourned , it is al leged , that Miller and Leith and their agents disregarded the order of the court and fenced said land. This as shown to the court in the form of affi davits. When court convened the judge ap pointed N. C. Noleman as special coun ty attorney to represent the state , ow ing to tne fact that County Attorney Mitchell was attorney for the defend ants. ants.Under Under the direction of the court an information was filed against II. II. Miller and John Leith , who , it is al leged , hired the other defendants to vi olate the order of the court ; also against W. 11. Corneal , who is a colored saloon keeper and who at one time lived in Lincoln , and two other colored men named Ben Johnson and Ben Carter. Attachments were issued and the de fendants appeared before the court and through their attorney B. F. Gil'nan , asked for a continuation. The court granted a continuance until the next term of court which will be November 18 , and held the defendants in bonds in the sum of $200 each. | | As a result of this trouble complaints were sent to the interior department , and a special agent from Washington "by the name of W. B. Lesser is now here investigating the Whole matter as well as other complaints which were made to the department. Mr Lesser in conversation with ybur > correspondent , said that he regretted very much that the ranchmen could not agree among themselves so far as running their cattle on government land was concerned. He was of the opinion that the filing simultaneously of so mand entries indicated strongly that they were fictitious and , of course that whenever complaints were made to the department regarding fencing of pub- lic domain they at once thoroughly in- v ebtigatcd the matter and reported just Ilia amount of hind fenced and the amount of government and deeded land and in case any government land was fenced the department would ord pr the fence removed. In other words he said that it was the policy of the de partment to protect the pubic domain from being fraudulently acquired by any person or persons , but that all bona fide homesteaders , whether rich or poor would receive the full protection of the government. He was of tke opiuion- that the frequent complaints and trou ble between ranchmen would eventually result , if kept up , in the removal of all fences that inclosed government land. Mr. Lesser will remain in Alliance sev- jiral days. Extra yc < 7. Strayed or stolen from Valentine , Nebraska one dark bay horse branded a on left hip , has sore back and left a hip lower than right. Notify ALES W. LONG , JJritt , Nebr. % l > r. W. I. Seymour , eye , ear , nose % nd throat specialist. 116 " 0" Street , Omaha , Nebr. - J Kennedy The weather is hot anil dry and - the grass is drying up. Mrs. C. A. Gee was at Kennedy Sat urday doing some trading. D. M. Sears was a business caller at Kennedy one day last week. Quite a number of people from Ken nedy took in the shoxv at Valentine the 8th. Howard Laport was seen in our burg last , Wednesday on his way toralen' tinp. Uncle Alex Ayers went to Oasis Sunday after . Wonder if he got them. George Rojers brought in a load of gco3s from Valentine for the Kennedy store , Saturday. Mr. Rojers hurt his back in Valen tine last week while loading a five pound box of yeast foam. A storm of cattle swept down on Mr. Beekley's cabbage patch one day last week and ate them all up. More Sunday ball players than week day hay pitchers turns out at the school house 3 miles west from Kennedy. BROKEN * Aim. Penlirook. Miss Delia Oaborn is working at Mr. Haley's. Dave Ilamar has , been helping John Grooms. Jr , to stack hay. Mrs. Small , who-has been quite sick for some time , is rapidly recovering. Clarence Bruce and Al Seman hava been xvorking for Mr. Ilittle for a few days. days.We We guess Win. Hughes has about gixren up the idea of going to Wayne , Nebraska , as we see he is making hay fly now. Part of the large picturesque place called Tunnel Rock one mile north-east of Penbrook was blown do Arn Saturday evening by a strong dash of wind ; the writer was one of the first to see it aft er it upset. A quotation from Daniel Webster reads as follows ; "When my eyes shall be turned to behold for the last time the sun in heaven , may t not see him shining on the broken and dishon ored fragments of a once glorious un ion , on states dissevered , discordant , belligerent ; on a land rent with civil feuds or drenched , it may be , with fra ternal blood. Liberty and union now forever one and inseparable. " ' PORCUPINE. We print by request a letter fro m Rasmus Hanson , now of Denmark , who formerly lived on the river south of town and later in the hay Hats. Last fall Mr. Hanson and family went back to Denmark and now writes as follows to his friend , Jim Vincent. We omit a part which is not of public interest : Dear Friends : We have been travel ing from one relative to another and at present are visiting with my brother , Franky had the measles but is now all right. He likes this country first rate but he always says. America Papa , he must admit that it is the nicest country le has been through yet but still he cries America ; he says the country is nice but everything is forbidden. It would be a , very fine place to live if it was free like in th" U. S. HH can tuk the Danish language now just as weil as he can tne English. We go to church when we possibly * can one or two times a week and have heard some of the best preachers in [ Denmark and we enjoy a general good time taking it all around ; we have been riding around in a wagon qnite a good deal all around t s in the country , sailing in steamers , rid ing in cars on the tram , been in the woods , parks , circuses , theatres , zoo logical gardens , plains and plateaus ; we have been in Hell and Heaven [ places of amusement. ] We have seen old buildings from some of our oldest kings' periods , and the latest Kind of buildings and I must say that Denmark does not hang back of the U. S. only that it is so crowded ; every thing here proves high order , intellig ence , conimtm-wealih , durability , and high grade of test , sociability , health , humor and great life everywhere. Ev erybody has money though most of the Farmers owe § 100 ou every acre of land lie possesses and the farms wh'ch as a s L-ule are from 20 to 100 acres American ? measure are full ot animals , lifiehorce- , jjood milk cows , sheep etc. The high ways are mostly cov.ered with chara- nanks , phaetons , carriages and other irst class vehicles. Girls and bovs are janstantly flying on bicycles , even old ' . vomen and men have I seen ride these jreat necessities. Farmers here have so-operative dairies , sugar factorias , iheese factories , butcheries , money in- ititutiouer , msuranceetc. Yours Sincerely , R. HANSEN Hellinge , Denmark. Wnll * for Sale. Eight registered and two high grade lereford bulls , and one high grade horthprn for sale. These animals ara com twelve to thirty months old. H. S. SAVAGE , Simeon , Neb. S ( I Henry Fliniaux , Simeon , Nebraska. Brand Registered No 81C. Quarter Circle Club. Cattle branded on left hi ] ) . Some without qnar er circle Horses brand ed on left shoul der. R M Faddis& Co. Fostofflce address Valentine or Kfenuo Cattle branded same as cut. Somebranded on lett thigh. Koine on leftside or hip. J P GARDINER Postoffice address Cody , Nebraska On 'eft side of cat tle ; horses O right armRange Range , north and south of Niobrara River,12-mil es south west of Cody D N GOURLEY Postofflce address Rushville , Neb On left hip ; also 5OO on left side ; Horses sbould- flange-Cedar Lake D. Bray Rosebud S D Cattle branded on left thigh or hip same as cut. norse brand same on the left shoulder Charles Richards Merrlman- Rosebud S D Same as cut or wit bar under S ; right ear slit and dulapped Horses branded same on left hip Charlotte E. Bovill Merriman Neb Left side or hip Range north o Eli Vetal Vlandry. Cody , Nebr. Cattle branded anywhere ; some wi th under neath the brand. Horses on left shoul der. der.Range Little White River and mouth of Cedar Creek , S. D. John DeCory Rosebud. S. D , Some branded 1 J ) 417 on left side Hordes .ID on left hipKange Kange in Meyer Co on Antelope Creek Reuben QUICK Rosebud S D Cattle branded same as cut or on hip Range. Blabk Pipe Creek RQB Peter Ylondray Rosebud , S. D.v f.eft side. Left car horses branded H ) . Range Little White Kiver , at mot tii of : edarOreek. Bunch for Sale Cheap. Stock and implements complete for mgaging in the stock business. _ a chance for some man who has about 5000 to invent. Call on I. M. Rice or vrite us. Strayed. From ray place two miles east of Crookston ne black mare about nine years old , smal k'hite spot in forehead , collar marked , smaJ hite spot on back , fore top sheared and very/ ttlenmue weight abo ut 1150. Liberal reward or information leading to her recovery. ED. PIKE , Crookston. Neb. Lost From my place on the Rosebud res- rvation on Tuesday , July 1(5 , 1901 , hree horses , ono bay mare branded jbn left side , one sorrel horse ( branded EtXE c.n left side and ne bay horse bearing no marks.1 SWIFT , Stl Francis Mission , liosebud outh Dakota. - 27-tf 5 C. P. Jordan. RosPbnd.RD Horses and cattle same as cut : also C.T B JJ ou right hip. Itange on Oak and Butte creeks. A reward for information le.ifting to detection of rustlers of stock bearing any juf these brands. Morey & IIe\vett. Gordon , Nebr. Brand registered f SG. On left hip of cattle. Horses same left should er ; also 24-0 left side. * - Range South of Snake 35 miles se of Gordon. Shadbolt & Fleishman. . Bailey , Nebr. Left side ; S F left shoulder. lleidmarkrdew lap. lap.itange itange R.inge 50 and 37 , be tween Niobrara and the * } nuke. llervey llancli Two miles east of Crookston , in Cherry * county , Nebiaska Cattle branded OC on left hip. on right hip , and on rifiht side with 3-inch letter Wm Cavanaugh I\lgr \ Crookstou Neb George IT Damon Albany. Neb Cattle branded I 'i > on lett ribs or right shoulder ; W 8 > on right hip and left ribs : fion left hip Horses FD or SD on right shoulder Range 7 mi north east of Albany Neb Agent forJL'asteur ' ' Black Leg Vaccine Wm. J. Alien Ft Niobrara Neb Brand registeed No 870 Horses branded on left hip Range. Niobrara river 12 miles east of Valentine James Goodfellow. Cody. Nebr. Cattle branded on lett side. Horses J2 on left jaw. Range Between the Mobraia and Medicine Lake. J. A. Adamson. Valentine , Neb On left side or hip A4 left si or hip On left side Range on Niobrara" CJIAKLES GAKTSLDE Postofflce address Cody , Neb Cattle branded on left side ; also C G on left hip of catile and left shoulder on horses Ranee on Niobrara to misouthwestCodv A T BRACKETT Postoffice address Kiege Neb Branded on left side Range-Three miies Southeast of Georgia Brand registered No 1027 Horses branded on left shoulder Ranee north and soulh of Cntcomb Lake in Cherry Co .Frank Livermore. " Cody Neb. On both sides or | F9 any in \Iso L on hip or shoulder. p < Ranjre Little White River and mouth of Cedar S. D. L. B. Lesser. Merriman , Nebr. On left side : al so on snme side , SM underlined. Horses , under lined M on left thigh. Ranee Little White River , GEORGE .TESSEN" siito to Postoffice address en ] I\IerrimanNel > SHI On either left side 1 I or hip ; Horses same 1 do on left shoulder R nge-East of Cot Cnei touwood LaJre ei ein 1 , T. 13. Lord Simeon Stick branded pame n < 'iif buck of rkbt shoulder und on right hip Hinge on the I 1 Niobrara \ D. M. Sears. Kennedy , Cattle branded as on cnt.left side Some on left hip. Horses same on left shoulder. Lake. Charles II. Fa/ilhaber Brown lee Ilishr or left side of entitle Ho rye * same on letti'-houlder- Left ear cut oil of ca'tle -Kange on Lotip rher Stotts & Stelter. Cody. Nebraska Branded on leftside Range. Tin Cnn Lake and Morgan Flats WILLIAM FI3RDON. I'ostoJHce address Brov/nleo , N'eb Like cut on t-Itber left .o'if or hipals * * % "W vtl conviction of anyone unlnwluliy handling cattle in tliese brands. William Shangran. Cody , Nebr. On left side. Horses same. Range I ake 3reek , S. Dakota. r s KOUSCH.E Postofllfe address BrownICP , Neb ou side or shoulder , or J 1C or XV or O ' VJ , O or V7 . Also the-iollowing , the first one being on side and hip E. B. Vandegrift. Brownlee. Neb. t Same a on cut. 1 Range Between Goose Creek and North Loup. Frank T. Lee. Brov alec , Neb. Cattle on Iff : side ; horses hame on left b V _ - \X > Ilange - Four ty l/\/l mk ! northea of Gorsuch Bros. N'euton , Xebraka battle branded is on cut cutSome Some eft side oihij Kaix/e ou Gordon Jreok J ulitts Heckman B Xebr Kange south B.ownlee Sawver Bros. 81 rostofiire address Oasis. Nebraska hobert Quiesenberj : IMVC charge 01 these attle ; horses Dson 'eft shoulder ; some stock brands v in j where one. , Snake C F COOI'JSR ostoffice address Oasis , Neb rand registered 2005 attle branded on ft side same as cut orses branded on ft hip. Also some cattle randed : Vc -SU SUi Range P uth and west of Ha'kberr/ i - ' - - id DUCK Ca Dn ! iletzger Bros. , cui 1 eas Cherry Co Branded on left leand thigh. irmark , s < iuare np right car Hordes have me brand on it thigh. Itange on in and eeks. A Iteirnrtl of $ ? 5O v.-Ill be paid to p.nv rson for information leading to the arre t aiifi ial conviction of any DersQc or persons steal cattle rith above brand D. B. SIGNER & SON. Newton , NelT. Brand registered < NO-in. Cattle branded isame as cut on sIUo or It-ft hip. Hordes same on lett shou'der. Unnge South of Gordon Creek Teeter ? Bros. , Xobr Cattle branded on left aide same aa cue. 011 left Itetvrcen fne Uordou and 'Louis F. Kiclmrds Mcrrhnan X Garner brothers. Cody , Nebr. Anywhere ou cat- ' . .tie. Horses on shoulder. < I7an"cNorth Kh. I'ostofficc ad Iroas rullnrin. Cattle bran Jed .is on out ; hordes branded same us r.ttle except reversed * j , Heu block Kange Stev and Stpphenson Lakes and South S.-5CO reward will 'bo p.ild to nuv person for lii- fonnat.on li-a-lint : to tlie arrest and conviftUMi of any person or persons stewing cuttle v , ith the above brand. C. Evenson Codv , Nebr. On left side and thteh ; horss the same on left side. Kaugetween ; Mobrara and the Snake. GEOHGE DAVIS Simeon. Nebr. Cattle branded on It-It sidu. Horses anie on left should1 ! ' . Kaisjre Gordon Creek. P. A. Cooper. Chesterfield , Nebr. Cattle branded same as cut on leftside. Horsei same on left shoulder. I A Also on j f\ left hide DAWSON & BALL aiMress g. , Battle branded on oftpu ! 3 as ou fist : dso v leu nock andX eft hipibonie vjeit leek. V ieit shoulder ind 55 left IUD , horss V"Z left hip. IJnnxe Snake JCiver,3lK5. J A SAULT5 ? JL Cattle OT le tip Horses o left honlder. Some sfek et bearing my nrnur br.unl us lumu below. I'ostoffiee address ( fresorj' , Net On lb t side or hip horses sume on left shoulder JULIUS > Gregorj' . Net randed as on tut Range two inIes rthufG WILLIAM BEAHIE31 Uorlpn , Nebr. Cattle branded same as cut on left si e. branded lor - * < tffc l on left tJ&fl . . \ ' /j y 7 " -'iuui. 7 rj dwftv - " . ? - . - - - ; . ? 1 yy-v'-r a ; i T uang , > o mie ° a Irwiu. D. Stinard. ilentine , Xebr. ate Brand reg ttle an-3 horses inde < i same ; t on lef r Lip. Jange-2 miles 5t of Ft. Mo- ira. address Cmokston , I on fci . ciot ox Crouks ft I 1J