Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, August 15, 1901, Image 7
Tweed Responsible for the Tiger. The origin of the tiger as an em blem of Tammany is said byW. . C. Montayne , a coffee and spice dealer in New York , to date from the time when William M. Tweed , then fore man of "Big Six" fire company , took a fancy to a picture of a royal Bengal tiger in his father's store in the ' 50s. Tweed adopted the emblem for the Americus club , and it soon was accept ed 1-y all Tammany. Tweed had the tigti's headwoven in the center of ihe pailor caijjet of the Americus club in its .sporty olub house at Greenwich , Conn. , and it was painted on the old hand engine of Big Six. Pardonable Evasions. Some evasions of the inheritance tax law can hardly be regarded as wholly unpardonable. General 13i Ce , nola , of the New York Metropoli tan Museum of Art , says that Mr. Charles R. Curtis informed him some time ago that he had made provision in his will for a bequest of $10,000 to the museum. Lately Mr. Curtis called again and said : "General , I don't think I will leave you that ? 10- 000. I will give it to you in cash. The inheritance tax will take up $1,500 or $2,000 of it , and you will not get the benefit of the whole amount if I leave it to you in mywill. . " And he handed over the cash. For "Women's Troubles Too. New Baden , 111. , August 12th : Mrs. Anton Griesbaum , Jr. , has been very ill. Femaleweakness had run her down so low that she could not do her house work. She had tried many things , but got no relief. Dodd's Kidney Pills , a new remedy , which is better known here as a cure for Bright's Disease , Diabetes , Dropsy , and Rheumatismworked liked a charm in Mrs. Griesbaum's case. She used three boxes and is now a new woman , able to do her work as well as ever she was. Her general health is much im proved , and she 'has ' not a single symp tom of Female Trouble left. Dodd's Kidney Pills are making a wonderful reputation for themselves in this part of the state. A Governor's Pet. Governor Odell , of New York , has a pet water spaniel of which he is very fond. The dog is well trained , and among other tricks will pounce upon a lighted match and extinguish the flame by blowing on it as a man does. I do not believe Plso's Cure for Consumption has an equal for coughs and colds. JOHN F BOTEK , Trinity Springs , Ind. , Feb. 15,10CXX Accuracy is the twin brother of hon esty , inaccuracy is dishonesty. Indies Can Wear Shoes. One size smal ler after usin gAllen's Foot- Ease , a powder. It makes tight or ne\v shoes easy. Cures swollen , hotsweating- , aching feet , ingrowing1 nails , corns and bunions. All druggists and shoe stores , 25c. Trial package FREE by mail. Ad dress Allen S. Olmsted , LeRoy , N. Y. Heven bless women for not being men ! your grocer for DEFIANCE STARCH , the only 16 oz. package for 10 cents. All other 10-cent starch con tains only 12 02. Satisfaction guaran teed or money refunded. "When the fight begins within him self a man's worth something. ARE TOUR CLOTHES FADED ? Use Red Cross Ball Blue and make them white again. Large 2 oz. package , 5 cents. The life of the son reveals the love of the father. Hamlin's Wizard Oil Co. , Chicago , sends song book and testimonials for * stamp. Get Wizard Oil from your druggist. Abyssinia was converted to Chris tianity in the fourth century. RATES ARE REASONABLE. A False Impression Corrected Pan- American Exposition Railroad Fares and Hotel Rates Low as Could be - Expected. Buffalo , N. Y. , July 30. A joint meeting of railway passenger agents , hotel and newspaper men was held this afternoon with the view of adopt ing some means for correcting so far as possible the impression that ap pears to prevail at distant points that railway rates to the Pan-American Ex position are high and that hotel rates in Buffalo are excessive. The confer- ence revealed the fact that Buffalo can accommodate two hundred thousand visitors in its private houses and teo- tels at rates ranging from fifty cents to two dollars per night , and that no one need pay more than one dollar for a first-class lodging in a private house. It was also shown that the railroad rate is lower than for any former exposition for a five , ten or fifteen day ticket , according to dis tance , being at the rate of one fare ) plus one dollar for the round tripj from all parts of the country. The , Niagara Falls cheap , one-day special excursions of former years , when trains were overcrowded and everyone" subjected to great discomfort , are re- } membered only so far as the low rate is concerned , and this is quoted as showing what might be done. The passenger agents assert that the pres ent half rates are as low as can rea sonably be expected. An extension of the present limit has been looked for , as it gives too short a time for anyone to see the big exposition , but it has not yet been modified. Other points which the representatives of the pub lishers' association will lay stress upon are that , the Exposition is com pleted in all details and that both Buffalo and the Exposition are well policed and as free from dangerous characters as any city in the country. A joint committee was appointed to deal with questions affecting the Ex position and the proper welcome and care of guests. The Exposition has had in operation for some time a free bureau of information for the conve nience of intending visitors. Gratitude doubles the gift and halves the 'debt. Titled H English Nobility Mem- bers Confined in Prisonersi Prison Cells The prisoners of England shelter many titled and aristocratic prisoners , among them begin relatives of his ma jesty , the king , who have suffered ig nominious penalties at the hands of the law. Lady Gunning , widow of Sir Henry Gunning and granddaughter of the second Lord Churchill , is serving a term of several years' penal servi tude for having forged the name of her father to notes on which she raised money from London discounters and tradesmen. These forgeries extended over a number of years , and were con sidered especially unpardonable from the fact that her ladyship was driven to commit them not from her reduced circumstances , but from indebtedness caused by betting on the faces. Mrs. Osborne , wife of Captain Osjorne , of a. crack cavalry regiment , being in desti- tute circumstances purloined a costly pearl necklace , which she later sold in England , and was sentenced to im prisonment with hard labor. Nor was any greater judicial leniency shown Gwynette Maude , granddaughter of the Earl of Monlalt , who was sentenced to two years' imprisonment with hard la bor for obtaining goods under false pretenses. The Dowager Duchess of Sutherland , presuming too greatly on the latitude allowed her rank , de stroyed in the presence of the court a document that would have insured her defeat in a suit she was conduct ing. For this she was condemned to six months' imprisonment. The Count and Countess Leiningen , distant cous ins of the King , are neither of them of great credit to their royal connec tions. For his many misdeeds the count is confined in an English pen itentiary , while the countess is serv ing 'time in a Vienna jail as punish ment for forgery , blackmail and swin dling. Still greater degradation has been undergone by the Marchioness of Donegal , who has time and again been sent to jail , generally for brief periods , following her arrest in London for drunkenness and disorderly conduct. Still another connection of the English royal house , the Countess Waldeck , is now undergoing punishment for for gery and perjury under circumstances that had no extenuating features. No amount of royal influence could save her from jail. Italy has two'convict dukes , chiefs of the famous old Si cilian house of Villarosa , who mur dered in a most cruel manner a young infantry lieutenant who was betrothed to their sister , the Princess Catarlna. The murderer dukes are confined in the great penitentiary of Maddalena , near Naples , which also shelters the Prince Caracciola , sentenced to ten years' hard labor for the murder of his wife. This noble prisoner was once deserted by his beautiful wife. As an effectual revenge he poisoned her with arsenic. In consideration of his prince ly name , the murderer escaped with a ten years' term. Pennsylvania Grit. He Wai Ctaver. 'Dr. ' Guthrie , an authority on mili tary surgery fifty years ago , was a kindly man , though somewhat brusque in manner. Sir Joseph Frayer says : "I was his house surgeon , and we got on very well together. One day , when we were going through the wards with a large'following of distinguished vis itors , foreign surgeons and others , we stopped by the bedside of an interest ing case , when Guthrie , found fault with the dresser for something he had done. The student ventured to reply and Guthrie said : "I dare say you think you are a remarkably clever fellow , don't you ? ' 'No , sir , ' said the youth , earnestly , 'I don't. ' But you are , though , ' said Guthrie. and passed on. " Natural Tnnnel Is a Wonder. " > In locating the Virginia and South western railroad through the Alle- ghanies from Virginia into Tennessee advantage was taken of a natural tun nel which is one of the wonders of the world. The distance through this tunnel is about 1,000 feet , and so near ly perfect is the tunnel that only sixty feet of blasting was necessary. The region is of limestone formation , as always where thereare extensive caves. The cliffs at each end of the tunnel are 400 feet high , and" the scenery in the locality is remarkably fine. Indianapolis News. ARMY AND NAVY NOTES Orders for the re-establishment of the European station have been issued by the secretary of the navy , and Rear Admiral Cromwell has been ordered to proceed at once to Europe and assume command of the station. For the pres ent his squadron will consist of the cruiser Chicago , flagship , and the cruiser Albany and the gunboat Nash ville. The Chicago is now the flag ship of the South Atlantic station , but has received orders to proceed from Rio de Janeiro , Brazil , to Gibraltar , and the Albany and Nashville have al ready left Cavite for Suez , where they are to receive orders from Rear Admi ral Cromwell. It is stated at the navy department that one of the newer bat tleships , will be ordered to the Euro pean station some time in the fall. It is more than probable that either the Kearsarge or the Alabama will be se lected for this duty. The European station was abandoned in 1898 , just previous to the war with Spain. H. Phelps Whitmarsh governor of Benguet province , northern Luzon , who has been ordered to Manila to "submit to an investigation , has had an adventurous career , according to news- paper biographies , having been a tramp , silver miner , sheep herder , pearl diver , beach comber , barber and author. He is the son of an English clergyman , and was born in Canada , and was traveling over the Philip pines for a monthly magazine when he was , though a British subject , se lected for Benguet's governor. He is now accused of using his position to his personal advantage in acquiring land and mining rights from the na tives. tives.Work Work on two sections of a target representing the sides of an iron-clad warship , to be used for experiments by the ordnance department of the army , is about completed at the New York navy yard. The base consists of large timbers bolted together , with similar beams placed in an upright position and braced from behind. Against the upright beams will be placed steel plates , for the purpose o holding in position the armor. This will consist of Krupp steel eleven and a half inches in thickness and cover ing the entire surface of the target , which is sixteen feet square The tar gets are to be experimented with at Sandy Hook. SOME ODDS AND ENDS Underneath the town of Norwich , England , are numbers of brine springs , which wereused for the preparation of salt'even before the Christian era. Owing to the immense excavations oc casioned by the pumping up of this brine , the main street of the town is now to be raised four feet. As recent ly as 1892 it was raised five feet , and again the thoroughfare is on a level with the River Weaver , which runs close by ! The property to be lifted consists of hotels and large shops , un der which hydraulic jacks are placed , and as the structures are raised wood en wedges are'inserted. So accurate is the work done that "business is car ried oh as usual durjng alterations" and but little inconvenience is expe rienced by the families. Nearly every little local custom in England can be traced by the antiqua rian back almost to prehistoric times , and in the interesting tradition that the sunrise must be witnessed on mid summer day from the vast piles of Stonehenge is one of these ancient customs. It may have been a habit with the ancient Britons to do hom age to the source of light on this , the sun's greatest day , or the custom may date back to those red-haired tribes who came before even the Britons in the history of the island. This world- famed monument of antiquity , the or igin of which forever must remain a mystery to the human mind , is now inclosed by a high fence of barbed wire. To this has to be added the novelty of a turnstile , through which persons desirous of inspecting the stones may pass on payment of 1 shil ling each. . ' Gigantic Oresrow Mushroom * . Oregon beats the world for rosy- cheeked girls , big red apples , roses , big cherries , long timbers and lots of other things , incluc fi : edible mush rooms. Two specimens , the latter of the species "lautinus monstrosus , " were found in the cellar of a resident of Irvington. They made their pres ence known by raising a pile of wood and threatening to lift the house off' its foundations. They were secured by William F. Woodward , who sent one of them to Prof. Sweetser of For est Grove , and has placed the other on exhibition. It is rather a formidable- looking fungus , the stem being two inches in diameter and about ten inches long , while the cap is the size of an ordinary soup , plateand about three inches in thickness at the center. Such "vegetables" must not' be grown under restraint of wood piles or anything else short of an Egyptian pyramid , but must be given space according to their strength , whiph is something tremendous. Portland Oregonian. Fertility of Sicily. The natural fertility of Sicily is in deed remarkable. Without the use of fertilizers three , Different growths olives , vines and wheat flourish in close proximity. Great sections al ready artificially watered are among the garden spots of the world.The "Piano del Cappucinni" at Trapani * on the western shore , the far-famed "Cornea 1'Oro , " near Palermo , and the entire eastern coast north of Catania are sections which surpass in fertility the favored valleys of Tuscany. Al ready 10,000,000 orange trees , or two- thirds of the total number grown in Italy , flourish on the island , while cot ton and linseed , the almond , the olive , the carob and the'mandarin are exten- 'sively raised. Striking-looking parasols are those made of silk of broad pronounced stripes , running around the upper part of the parasol , while the lower part is of chiffon and .silk. Tremendous Bridge Trafllc. Twenty years ago it was estimated that 200,000 persons crossed London bridge daily , 130,000 on foot and the rest in vehicles. With the growth of population these numbers have almost doubled , in spite of the relief afforded by the building of the tower bridge , half a mile downstream. It has there fore become an urgent matter to in crease the capacity of the older bridge , and it has now been decided to ac complish this by means of granite corbels which will carry the footway as projections over the water on each side of the bridge. Salt Baths at Home. Persons desiring to take salt-water baths at home should first learn the quantity of salt to use in the tubs , Victor Smith suggests. An ordinary bath contains from ninety to 100 gal lons of water , into which a thoughtless person will dissolve a pint or two of sea salt , so-called , and imagine him self disporting in the ocean. If he followed nature he would use twenty- five or thirty pounds of salt to the 100 gallons , and this , if purified , would cost him 70 cents. He "would have about four baths to each 700 pounds of salt. To Raise Tea/in South Carolina. A new tea company , influenced by Dr. Shepard's success , has just bought 6,000 acres of land in Colleton county , S. C. , intending to raise tea for the market. The company paid $20,000 for the land , and will plant but 100 acres this season , as it is now rather late to begin the preparation of the grounds. Next year over 5,000 acres will be planted , and the output is ex pected to exceed 300,000 pouuds. Constructively in Sight. A queer will case has just been de cide by the courts of Minnesota. The witnesses stepped through a doorway into the adjoining room and affixed their signatures at a table about ten feet from the testator , just out of his sight , but while he was seated on the side of his bed and could have seen them by stepping forward two or three feet. .The attestation and subscription of the will under these circumstances are sustained. For an "JZ1I" Window at Wrexham. A number of Yale graduates have completed the subscription list for the placing of a memorial window for Elihu Yale in at Wrexham , Wales , near which Yale lies , buried , and work on the window will be be gun at once. STATE OF OHIO , CITY OF TOLEDO , I ce LUCAS COUNTY , ( iSl Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he Is the senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney &Co. , doing business in the City of Toledo , County and State aforesaid , and that said linn will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot bo cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence , this 6th day of December , A. D. 188& ( SEAL. ) A. "VV. GLEASON , Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken internally.'and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials free. F. J. CHENEY & CO. , Toledo , 0. Sold by Druggists , 75c. Hall's Family Pills arc the best Desiring the unattainable is not nearly so distressing as attaining the undesirable. / Ask your gVocer for DEFIANCE STARCH , the only 16 oz. package for 10 cents. All other 10-cent starch con tains only 12 oz. Satisfaction guaran teed or money refunded. There is no man who knows how he is going to act when he fails in love , and no woman who doesn't. Arc , Ton Using : Allen's Foot Ease ? It is the only cure for Swollen , Smarting , Burning , Sweating Feet , Corns and Bunions. Ask for Allen's Foot-Ease , a powder to be shaken into the shoes. At all Druggists and Shoe Stores , 25c. Sample sent FREE. Ad dress , Allen S. Olmsted , LeRoy , N. Y. The man with but a single idea al ways has an exalted opinion of .him- self. Ask your grocer for I FIANCE STARCH , the only 16 oz. package for 10 cents. All other 10-cent < starch con tains only 12 oz. Satisfaction guaran teed or money refunded. Affliction and physic should be Judged by the effect rather than by the taste. K Ask your grocer for DEFIANCE STARCH , the only 16 oz. package for 10 cents. All other 10-cent starch con tains only 12 oz. Satisfaction guaran teed or money refunded. Kindle the dry sticks and the green ones will catch. Sirs. TVlneiows Soothing Syrnp. for children teett'ng , softens the gums , reduces In flammation , allay * pain , cures wind colic. 23c a bottle. Perfumes were introduced into Spain by the Arabs. GREATLY REDUCED RATES via WABASH' R. R. $18.00 Buffalo and return $13.00. $31.00 New York and return $31.00 The Wabash from Chicago will sell tickets at the above rates daily. Aside from these rates , the Wabash run through trains over its own rails from Kansas City , St. Louis and Chicago and offer many special rates during1 the summer months , allowing stopovers at Niagara Falls and Buffalo. Ask your nearest Ticket Agent or ad dress Harry E. Moores , General Agent , Pass. Dept. , Omaha , Neb. , or C. S. Crane , G. P. & T. A. , St. Louis , Mo. The Czar Isn't a Reader. The czar of Russia does not read newspapers regularly , and seldom looks at a book. While attending to his official business in the morning he sips one cup of tea after another , oc casionally eats a caviare sandwich. The hours from 1 to 4 p. m. he gives to his family and family affairs. From 4 he works again till dinner time , at 7. His typhoid fever has left him stronger than he was before. His face is full and round , and he has had none of the headaches and epilep tic fits that used to attack him before nis recent illness. English residents have 110,000,000 invested in mortgages. Conceit may puff a man up , but it is not a good prop. He who knows nothing never doubts. Urban life decreases stature from 5 years of age on. If you wish beautiful , clear , white clothes uso Red Cross Boll Blue. Largo 2 oz. package , 5 cents. Love letters may not be legal docu mentsbut they chronicle court pro ceedings. A Fall-Site ft "Irritant of Or. O. Phtlp * Ufown's Great Kiraedjr for Fltl. Epllep * ? and all Nerrous Dlteavrj. Atldrett 0. rilCLTS BROWS. 09 Broadway. Sewbarjk , H.T. If afflicted'with ' Wafer ore Gjreius ( Thompson's Eyt WINCHESTER CARTRIDGES IN ALL OALIBERS from .22 to .50 loaded with either Black or Smokeless Powder always give entire satisfaction. They are made and loaded in a ' modern manner , by exact machinery operated by skilled experts. THEY SHOOT WHERE YOU HOLD * ALWAYS ASK FOR THEM HAS No EQUAL. You can't help being satisfied with Defiance Starch. It has all the qualities you want , there is more of it than you ever got before , and it will do more with less labor , It needs no cooking , sim/- REQUIRES NO COOKING ply mix with cold water , PREPARED FOR 16 ounce package for lOc , .LAUNDRY PURPOSES ON1Y Don't forget it a better qual' ity and cnexthird more of it. And every Distressing Irritation of the Skin and Scalp Instantly Relieved by a Bath with And a single anointing with CUTICURA , the great skin cure and purest of emollients. This treatment , when f oflowed in severe cases by mild doses of CUTICURA RESOLVENT , to cool and cleanse the blood , is the most speedy , perma nent , and economical cure for torturing , disfigur ing , itching , burning , bleeding , scaly , crusted , and pimply skin and scalp humours with loss of hair ever compounded. ns of Women T JSE CUTICURA SOAP , assisted , fcy Otfticar * Ointment , for preserving purifying , and beautifying the skin , for cleansingthe scalp of crusts , scales , and dandruff , and the stop ping of falling hair , for softening , whitening , and soothing red , rough , and sore hands , for baby rashes , itchings , and dialings , in the form of baths for annoying irritations and inflammations , or too ) free or offensive perspiration , in the form of washes for ulcer ative weaknesses , and many sanative antiseptic purposes which readily suggest themselves to women and mothers , and for all the purposes of the toilet , bath , and nursery * No amount of persuasion can in duce those who have once used these great skin purifiers and beau- tifiers to use any others , CUTICURA SOAP combines delicate emollient properties derivedfrom CUTICURA , the great skta , cure , with the purest of cleansing ingredients and the most refresh ing of flower odours. It unites in ONE SOAP at ONE PRICE , the BEST skin and complexion soap , and the BEST toilet and baby soap in the world * Complete External and Internal Treatment for Every Humour , * + Consisting of CUTICURA SOAP , to cleanse the skin of crusts and 111 lf11V * l 6cale and soften the thickened cuticle ; CUTICUKA OIKTHEXT , to II * ) lii instantly allay itching , inflammation , and irritation , and soothe * 2 and heal ; and CUTICURA RESOLVENT , to cool and cleanse th _ , . . _ blood. A SINGLE SET is of ten sufficient to cure the most tortor- TM C ing , disfiguring , itching , burning , nnd scaly skin , scalp , and blood humours iftthloss of .hair , when all else fails. Sold throughout the world. J5riti-h IJepot : F. "SEWBERY & Sous , 27 and 28 , Charterhouse Sq. , London , E. C. POTTER DUDG juo > CHEM. CORP. , Sole Props. , "Boston , u. S. A. SOZODONT insures your Teeth 25 ° At all Stores , or by Mail for the price. HALL & RUCKEL , New York.