m > r , f- [ t THE VALENTINE DEMOCRA' I. M. RICE EDITOf rf Official Newspaper of C1ierr\ \ Countyf rfH TERMS. H Subscription $1.00 per year iu advance ; § 1.1 U wlieu not paid iu advance. Display advertising 1 Inch , 15c per issue ; $ : per column by the month. Local Notices 5c per line each issue. Brands , IU inches Si.00 per year in a < vance ; additional space S3.00 per inch per yea engraved blocks extra , $1.00 each. Parties living outside Cherry county not pe SDually known are requested to pay in advauc 10 per cent additional to above rates if ovi C months in arrears. Notices of loss of stock free to brand advc tlbera. Thursday , August , 15 19O1 _ _ _ m * * l * ' l Our country is drift ! ug toward close business deals and a careful investor i well as a careful manipulator who ca make the most clear money out of hundred invested is the one who wil bo in business when thousands of plun" ers are deal broke and working for s dollai a day or less Yes we are drift ii'g and where is the end ? The tariff policy of the republican does not tend to induce foreign coun tries to buy more of our wheat , cotton corn and other farm products. In fac the reverse of this , for by shutting ou foreign goods we cripple foreign coun tries in their purchasing power am necessarily they will buy less of. ou breadstuffs and raw materials. Quill Some republican papers are falling over themselves to commend the gov ernor for pardoning a criminal whi ought to serve his 20-year sentence foi theft of half a million dollars from th < state treasury. This is well understooc by our people and AVB await the vote ol an outraged people this fall. If repub licans sanction this pardon or parole you will know that their principal ob ject is to steal you blind and smooth i over. General Kitchener issued an ordei asking that the Boers lay down then arms and become peaceable , quiet am submissive citizens of his Majesty's Em pire under penalty of being banishec from their homes , their country , lha which a liberty loving , God fearinj people holds dear : and now that Me Kin ley's in the business hadn't h < ought to go down and put a stop tc such an iuoamous outrage as that , foi humanity's sake ? The great steel strike is UOAV on and the mayor of McKeesport is with the strikers. There are vast combinations which muet be met by combinations oi labor and when our laboring men unite as they should the trusts can and will be broken. Combined labor can do it effectually and now is a good time to begin while the trusts are carrying things with a high band with MeKin- ley and Mark Hanua to back them. Let combined labor defy the trusts and capatalists will not find everything go ing their own way. Privileges ucau b < legislated but you cannot legislate tin I abor which is required to make a sue- cets of a business. With last Thureday'b is ue the Nat ional Watchman ceased to exist being bought byJW. J. Bryan and merged in the Commoner. The National Watch man lias been a useful paper and was much appreciated by many during the pu > t. The future will be with a lead er whom many condemn , as a man AV th but a single idea but in fact as a broad minded man and no .truer more Joyal democrat exists with honesty of pur- Dose than he Avho Avould stand by his party for * the principles when men re viled him. . He is broad enough to render mote assistance to David B. Hill in 1904 than any gold democrat rend ered him in ' 96 or 1900. Mr. JBryan prizes other principles more highly in the democratic platform than the silver question and will be found as true to democratic principles of honest taxat ion and equal privileges to the poor la boring classes , farmers and stockmen , with bankers and capitalists. ADDITIONAL LOCAL. Mrs. Anna Grouse , of Mcrriman was a Valentine visitor , Wednesday. I Mr. Cly < le Foster is now filling the position of night operator at the depot- Cbgs. Sherman has rented'the house just vacated by Mr. Prawitz and will move into the same this week. "W. E. Haley returned last Saturday from atrip down.east and in Kansas where be had been during the post week on business.x Mrs. J. W. Tomblin , of Los Angelos California , an annt of the Sherman brother ! , arrived here last Thursday visit for 4 few weeki. ' WFF urn 1D This space will be used to tell you about the biggest Race Horse Meet that the Western Country has yet known. $1500 Purses and Running Races t only. For particulars and program address , W.EHAL Valentine , Nebr. SECRETARY Wo offer to some honest , uprigh young man who has a fair education ai opportunity to learn the printing bus iuess. Call at the DEMOCRAT ollice. Mr. L. Fleming and wife departet Wednesday morning for Long Pint where Mr. Fleming goes to accept tb < position of operator for the F. E. & M. V. P . B. T J. B. Farris , former editor of this paper when it was known as Tho Cher ry County Independent , came in lasl ni ht from Lincoln to remain for a few daj s visiting old friends. Mrs. Chas B. Kicketts was down from Merriman last week visiting hei home folks and returned taking her sis ter Maud up home with her who will clerk in Dr. Ilolsclaw's drug store. F. A. Moss , Sunday school mission ary , from Atkinson , stopped here yes terday and gave us an announcement for Mr. Pollock who will speak here next Sunday at the Presbyterian churcl at 3:30 : p. 21. Arthur YoUerjj. the popular tele- granh operator , who has been on re lief work at different stations along the line came back to Valentine and will probably be permanently locat ed as day operator. Misses Helen and Theresa OSulli- van , of O'Neill , sisters of Mrs. AI. V , Nicholson have been visitingwith friends bere. Miss Helen returned last week to her home. Miss Theresa remaining' for a longer visit. We will give to some youuj ; man 01 girl of suitable education a good oppor. tuuity to learn the printing business. Good wages can be earned when pro ficient in the business. It is wortl more than a course in a business college to the right party. Prof. J. W. Searson , of Wahoo , last nijjht delivered a lecture to a large and and appreciative audience on the subject of , Christ in History. We hope to give a few brief outlines of thought expressed in this excellent article next week as space forbids this week. The Misses Maier fur nished excellent music for the occas ion . There was a picmo down in Thach- er's grove in which some of our towns people and business men took part Tuesday. They celebrated all day and say they enjoyed it. We do not have enough amusements as a general thing and picnics should be encouraged the more now that the grove is large enough and good enongh for great numbers of ueople. L G. Harden and wife of Botna , Iowa , spent a week'in our city visiting at the homes of his brothers Geo. and John Harden. * Mr. Harden visited Valentine and Cherry 'counsy during the winter of ' 92 and expressed surprise at the substantial growth and develop ment of our town and county and was very much pleased with it as a stock country. John A. Anderson who has been .for the past eight years in the employ of C. P. Jordan , the popular Rosebud merchant , resigns his position and goes back to his former home at Williams- port , Pennsylvania , wherej he will probably resUme "the photograph busi aess which lie is interested in. Wm. Kinkaid who formerly worked for. T. L1. . Hornby will take Mr. Anderson's place with Mr. Jordan we hear. The great Eastern Show made its ap pearance according to date last Thnrs lay and showeJ to a large number of people. Some special attractions such is Signor Frisco in the famous ladder ict provoked a general mirthfulness in ; he audience. The LaTow Sisters in heir specialties , Tong White with his rained horses. Tambourine McCarty ind H. Lessage on the bounding rope urning a complete backward somer- ault lighting on his feet were apprci- ic3 and chtere'd by our people. ' ff . * V J. The county commissioners are ii session this week. C. H. Cornell had business at Codi the first of the week. Miss Clara Watson returned fron the Hot Springs , Monday morning and resumed her position in the posl office. Considerable hail fell up in the ( T.'T. man settlement WP hear doing ronnirl- srable damage to corn , recently. als < north table , nortli of Kilgore suffer * * ' some. II : P. Eurnhnm , a brother-in-law tr W. L. Cohpp. of Dewey Lake precinct came out from Woodbprry county. Io wa , with his family recently and wil ! make his home with Mr. Cohee. B. II. Pollock , field secretarv of Ne * braska State Sunday School Associat ion , will speak to those who will come out to hear him at the Presbyterian church in this city next Sunday at 3:30 o'clock r. 31. The DEMOCRAT has the widest circu latiou of any paper in Western Nebras ka and is read and appreciated in mon homes than any paper reaching ; thij part of Nebraska. The DEMOCIIA'J prints the news and tells it straight a. we get it. That is' what you want Now is the time to subscribe.1 -Dowoger Empress Fredrick , the qJd est of Queen Victoria's childrenanc mother of Emperor William , of Ger many , died Monday evening , August 5. of an internal cancer. Her full titlt Avas , Vicioria Adela.ide Maiy Louise , the princess Boy&l of England , Freder ick ex-empress of Germany andDowag- f r Empress. She was not yet 61 yean old. old.A A little girl iu our town took hei little , wagon over to a neighbors foi some grass that had been mown and thrown over the fence. Returning with her load of hay she met Grandpu Haley who asked her what she was go ing to do with her hay. "O , I'm doin' to sell it" she replied. ' 'How much do you want for your load of hay1' "in quired Grand pa Haley. " 0 I dess five cents. Will you buy it ? " she asked with an earnest look. Grandpa told her that he didn't want it , whereupon she asked him if he couldn't send her a buyer for her hay G randpa laughing- ingly told her that he would see Avhat lie could do about it and came to the editor. That's just where you all want to comevhen you have something to sell. We'll tell it to more people than anybody else and it don't cost you much either. The little girl has a better eye for business than some men. 100 pound sa ck salt at 27 tf Pettycrew's. Go to Collin's restaurant to get lem madeice cream or a square meal. s . -28-lf The noted eye specialists. Drs. Sey nour & Williams , who will be at the Donoher Hotel , devote special , attent- on to the treatment of children's eyes vith glasses. 30-1't Having recently purchased one of : he Newcomb fly-shuttle rag carpet ooms I am now prepared to do all auds of rag carpet weaving on short lotice. MRS. ADA HOLSCLAW , - Valentine , .Nebr , J WANTED by the U. S. governmpnt n experienced , first-class wheelwright uust also be skilled carpenter. Per- nanent position. For further informa- ion apply 10 the Quartermaster , Foit fiobrara , Nebraska. Look out for some bargains in shoes t Pettycrew's. , 27-tf LOST From my place on Snake-riv- r in Kennedy preclncf. , two light bay olts , one about two years old and the ther about three , both branded A on ight jw.Have not been seen since ist October. 2"7-tf W. A. SHELBOUR2T. NoM&sk of eggs or glue is used in roasting LION COFFEE It is all coffee pure coffee- strong o'.icl of delicious flavor. Some coffees are varnished with a cheap coating of ; eggs , glue or other equally noxious substances. The scaled packaso insures uniform ality and freshness. The Mission Of Toilet Soap 1 ? A toilet soap should cleanse the skin it should do this and nothing else. A safe soap is the J one made from vegetable oils , with alkali and oil perfectly combined. Excess of oil means JJ imperfect cleansing : excess of j alkali m cans a roughened skin. "While cheapness in soap often means badness in quality , you * , need not pay high prices in order < to get good'soaps. We are careJ | ful in buying , and as a result we < are able to furnish worthy soaps Jj at little prices. 2 Quigley & Chapman , I * Druggists , * I * Valentine , Neb. Drs. Seymour & Williaois , eye spec ialist , here Monday , September 9 , at The JDonoher Hotel. , 30-lt Wanted to Contract ! The cutting and stacking of 500 tons of hay , on my meadows north of Georgia station. For particulars write or call on , F. KOTHLEUTNER , 30 Ivilgore , Neb. Ta/.en JJp. Taken p at my place , two miles trom Kennedy P. O. , one brown mare about S.years old , weight about 800 pounds , novisible brands or marks. Owner can have same by proving prop erty and paying charges. WM. EUICKSON. Close application iu childhood , and careless parents , have placed glasses upon the noses of many people for life. It is not pleasant to contemplate goin through life ornamented by glasses but it is lots better than "going blind. ' ' Call on Drs. Seymour & Williams and have your eyes properly Gtted. Square meal 2oc at Colliu's restau rant. . , S8-tf * All kinds of heavy hardware and wagon wood stock at E. Breuklander ? . 20-tf My ranch for sale. 5 quarter sect ions of land ; will run 300 head of stock summer ami winter also 25 head of- horsesand 50 head of cattle. 'Term * \ cash J in one year and \ in two years OHE CHUKCII f Valentine , Nebr - Institute Notes. Supt. Etta Brown convened the An nual Teachers' Institute in the high school building Monday morring , Aug ist 12 , with a goodly number of teach jrs iu attendance. J. W Searson , superintendent of the iVal.oo City schools , is instructing in listory , penmanship , geography , civics tnd school management , luis the happy acuity of arousing in every teacher ust the right kind of enthusiasm for h'e woik. Eight years experience in Nebraska institute work has given him hat knowledge of what is nec sary to it teachers for the great work of hold- Renovate"Renovate , x Renovate White LeadOil Turpentine , Putty , Paint Whitewash , and Kalsomine Brushes Qfil C AOC MTO CflD The Celebrated Lincoln Ready Mixed Paints , CULL AUL ft 10 lUn Varnishes and Stains. There is none other so Good. We Keep in Stock at all times a large assortment of Wall paper in prices ranging from lOcts to oOcts for a double roll. OUR SODA WATER IS EQUAL TO THE BEST And it is as cold as Greenland's Icy Mountains. ELLIOTT'S DRUG STORE Bates Seasonable Give Me a Trial s ultl Stands A. Schatzthauer , Propr. S , MOON , Will sell you good , reliable "Wind Mills and PnmpM. Perkins ten-foot wheel for § 32.00 cash. See him in Valentine , Nebraska. Come D. S. LUDWIG'S OLD STAND. . " : Buggies at cost for the next 30 days in crdcr to reduce our stock. Binding Twine at 9 cents per pound. Eclipse Windmills. Fail-bank's Steel Wmdniills. Hay-rack Clamps. Dam Sweeps. Moline Wagons L U M B E R D. S. LUDWIG ESTATE ing uu the high standard of education ! il development for which our state i ; n > ted. Prin. R. 11. ' Watson , of the Valen tine High Sebool , needs no introductior either to our county teachers or to tin people of Nebraska. If our teachers puy close attention and get what thej can from his recitations in arithmetic orthography , book-keeping and gram mar you may rest assured that thej will have something to take into their work and use in a practical way. AH the work is arranged on the Acadenr.c plan ; lessons are assigned and recitat ions conducted each da } * ' . George L. Tov.-ne , oditor of The Ne braska Teacher , spent a portion of Monday visiting this institute and suc ceeded in enrolling almost the entire body of teachers as subscribers for our state educational paper. CONVENTION CALLS , People's Independent Party The People ) } Independent Part } ' vot ers of Cherry County are requested to send delegates from their several pre- ci.ucts to meet in County Convention in Valentine , Nebraska , on Saturday , September 14 , 1901 at 10 o'clock A. M. for the purpose of electing seven dele gates to the state convention to be held at Lincoln September 17 , 1001. Also to a county convention on haturday September 28 at 10 o'clock A. M. to nominate county oflicers for the follow ing cilices towit : Treasurer , clerk , judge , surveyor , sheriff , coroner , sup erintendent of .public instruction and commissioner ot the 3rd district , and > ther business as may come before the convention. The representation from the various precincts will be based upon the vote zast for WA. . Poynter in the general slection of 1900 , one delegate being al lowed for each ten votes and major r'raction thereof , and ono delegate at arge from each precinct , which makes be following apportionment : Jarley . 2 iuIFiiloLakc . 2 Joiliug Springs . . c 'lcveIand.'J . ; . 3 ) ewey Lake . . ' . 3 Inlow . . " . . . . ' . . ' . 2 : H . . " . : . . . _ . : . - . . . 3 leorgui . . . - . 2 ieruian . . _ _ t. . . . ' . . " . . , 3 ilkispic . . . . ' . . . . . > . . I oose creek . . * . 2 . . . . " : \vin . ; : ennttly . . . . - . . ' . 3 ewanee . 3 UUP . . . - . ; . . . . . . . . . . 3 * ivaca . . . . ' . . . ' . 4 errimaii . . : . . . . . . . . r. innecbaduza. . . ; ; . . . . " . . . . ; . " ' . . I other Lake . . , . . . . - - 3 euzel . - - v . . - * easantllill . . . . . - . . . " . . .3 Sharps Ranch * 2 Table . 4 Valentine n Woodlake \ g It is recommended that the precinct primaries be held at the voting place iu each precinct September 7 , 1901 at 2 o'clock r. 3i. unless otherwise called by the precinct committcemcn. It is also recommended that no prox ies be allowed but that the delegates present cast the full vote of the cjnct. J. "W. WniLLAXS W. F. MOROAUEIDOB : ecy. Chairman Democratic Party The democratic party voters of Cher ry county are requested , to send dele gates from their several precincts to meet in county convention in Valen tine , Nebraska on Saturday , Septem ber 14 , 2001 , at 10 o'clock A. M. for the purpose of electing seven delegates to the stute convention to be held at Lin I coln. September 17 , 1901 , also toacouu- ty convention on Saturday , September 28 , 1901 , at 10 o'clock A. M. to norni- inate county officers for the following oMces towit : Treasurer , clerk , judge , surveyor , sheriff , coroner , supt. of pub lic instruction and coinmbbiouer of the 3rd district and to tnmsnct suc'.i other business as may come before the con vention. The apportionment is the same as that of the People's Independent Party. It is recommended that the precinct primaries be held at the voting place in each precinct. Saturdav , Septemb 14 , 1901 , unless otherwise called by the precinct commltteemeu. It is also recommended that no prox ies be allowed but that the delegntes present cast the full vote of the pre- cinct. M. D. CYPHERS i. M. RICE Secretary. Chairman Miss Anna King was given a prize medal at the dancing academy. Work is proirrebsinjr nicety .jon the the Quijjley and Brayton buildings. By mutual consent I. M. Rice and 2. H. Wellford dissolved partnership , [ . M. Rice retaining the business and ill accounts due. There was some misunderstaninp Between the daucing man and gome I > f his pupils which terminated in loud ; alk , a little booze , more bcoze and a crap. Gcorjic Miller who formerly lived n the north table returned the first if the week for a visit with old time riends. He has been in Iowa since bedeath of his wife. 5000 Dew drops in Geo. Elliott * ' how window sounds a little darnj ? ! > n the contrary they are [ only wait- i to { jo up insmoke. . A guess folf : ach 25 cents worth bought ; rize a