Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, August 15, 1901, Image 1
vj ; " - * &rr % ; : * v ; K.4 v ; , . ? - * - . -Ji ii"1 ; . * 4fc Af - . ' V 'J * _ , . , , * - ; . , , \ . . y * : * - . ' vv * & ' - : iJfr.i- " * * * ' < * ' ' 41 * * , ' . < r- . * f -f . . . . f . . * * * - "U , ' > - .Wf- # . * . . . ' $ . ' ' ' 'Ir- * "ST- jy 1A * > * : * j - - _ & 3. . * ; * * } - ' - . , . . -F- l xf * * - . - - . Xif-.t-v ti ' . * * ' j - , V 'f. , * y aL : J - . _ lu _ t -JT f THE OFFICI.A * . VOLUME'XVI VALENTIHE' : NKBII v . KA " ' - t . ? , - -i.--- " . - < ; > - ' ; * ? ; NUM I i 5F K Ifl - ( R" Call iii-and sec pur cpmp'etc'and .up-to-date . . . line .of. gob.d ? . - ! " " - * * * . . * . " . . - ' , ' * , / * Ow ! - . - - - - . / , . < - - - . - T ' ' - , , - - o t * ( i j We Carry tie ! ; ( ' " ' Ilann'ltoa & Brown' Slioc iI * < ? - , ? / ; " ife' ' - T . . " - . ' , I ; u5 when in wi wiW . - , . . _ . wiI I Ladies' anctVG-eiitlemaiis' Bliirt , W aists : Our Dry Goods department i $ i lie'most compile , up- br to-date aiid'wftll ix'ept of any in the liortluyest. The ma"agc- r meut assures you courteous treatment vheue\er yon vi it our i store. Try one.of cur t cool crash suits > - - for this hut ' "weather. ii B l II H BARGAINS' URNISH I JSIG& : We carry a complete line 'of Gientlein-en's . /Furnishing Goods. The right thing at.tlie right .price. Shirtwaists.Shoes , .and Hats B ' ' . IADSES1 - GEflTS m * . SB9ES. / V - i . TAILOBING IN .ALL"BRTCHES- & & Ct H. 51. V. - . . l-3 .2 . . ai .a * i'i irj j * ' .g-T - -.8 Valentine , Nebrast a. ' . , / . ' ' 'j ; * " ' ' r' " , - ' " ' * - ? > Trit-ct iicti' * ! Buy * natd Sells. Do Bank , New York. Virr National Hani ; , pinftbn 67) ) c- .HEADQUARTERS FOR . : WINES , LioOoRS ANDCIGARS ; i b'F. THE.CHOICEST BRANDS' * r - I -Valentine l I PAPER . § R S. DENNIS , 9 Valentine Nebraska , ' Allvork well clone f. YEARNS"HAVV I JAMES B.'HULL 'i i ? v ? * - Sole Agents for o HERALD PUKE RYE WHISKEY ' Ale and Porter , I And FEED KRUG'S BEER . Choicest * $7 nc and Cigars. f V * * ' VALENTINE ' ' X NEBRASKA GET AT. THIS. PRINTING YOUR OFFICE Can Satisfy You m'Qualifv Price and , Torlaoanship ' * " ' " * ' " _ * , , " < ± - t- -s . r - T7 A T V r "G " 5 ' " ' & /Hr7f 7 I 1 ALJx wr : | "H3 , i U W1 : * l- - J A LA Wlfl Beef ContractorDunn was in. * this week. , f j } . V'JC. . - " ' " ' . " - / - Levi Sparks was a.Valeiliine-visitor Sunday frOta.Cody. > ' * ' - . " - ' . * "Vf / * George lar rave * , of jGbrdbn , " sperif ; ' ' " ' * ' ' " Tuesday in'town'on business. ' ' . , . \ - i * ' . - j . ' . ' John Poratb , the well .and windmill man was in , town yesterday. , " f \ This is "school marinMeelcaadbve don't dart : spring any poetry. ' * > .John Dainbly is working" a.tsthe/For now and orders his paper Bejitr &err. Mrs. L.-B. Knkjbt and son , ofGhad - ron registered at The Donolier , * U-'uesj ' day. _ - . . r- _ ' ' - Geo : Kl'Sawj'crr was rejfis.tere Iat Tiie Donoher from Oasis last Miss Helen McDonald is stayintr in , town this week and last'taking - les sons in dancing. Pat Hett was down last .Saturdayi from Quisle ) 's ranch atCo'vlyx"heire he is putting yp ha-y. " - * ' : ' - ' \ < ; , Henry WYClapp ci"nieupt-from ranch ihis eek - ' ' " * ( a-tul-'took'Otit a" ' of supplies for haying. . , , V " = 1 ? , . S. Quirk"Ale's W'Lpn raCnd . VALENTINE DEMOCRAT. ; Chas. Flic.ken er , ' who .has bceii" . ; iVi. Valentine for borne tmitt/.bys if one OU'L ' to work for , F.V. . Sarn Chestnut ajid" A. , .C Jl' ( came-'up last week from Arris , ' and tarried in onr tov\rn.aidLyiy ? - The State Gonver.'tloti of. ocratic and. people"party .will held at Lincoln'September Yr.y . . . - , " ' . Ij..E. Mbhler is here , attendiyjiv ; &u : .teacb"ert > ' institute ir ( ru Uordusi .a'ud , expects to-teacli in thi = cuiifityu . / ' - M\'rclePctt5johti reiurneri last week from Lincoln wnereve ltea - '' been attendin" bnslness - , kill ahd.tlieiiilsdes Mor arcld c. . . , ' - > , , " ' ' * * - * J. E. Thackrev. wen.t.outto lijs-ranch last. , Saturday ; wbere h'is me a 'ar-e- makin < fhay. , and - reLurneilSiijr.lity eve'ninjr. - , . , ; . - " , * , * - ' - ' ' . - . -The fall races v/ill be run * in'Talen- tine , ' -T ' . ; ' ' , on September ; , 26-a'jc'dx.2T ; , iae-.e "programs - furtbei--'partic'ti- - iars.later. . - . " . " " " --f. , > ; r - , * * * * - - , " . . . * ' * * ' % ' ' S. : M do'n 'went up to'W. . - -13 * - H'i It ; : s ranch-last \\eek-.and pat.up a l--'out wind mistl.lo puryp water troua a we.ll i(59 ( feet d'eep. ' - . . . - . . . X. D !'ksbn.'bf Ivtlig-fi , came'up- .Tuesday to loo ] > after" . buaneS = ' mat ters pertaining to Kis professio'ii in * .the'practice of'law. " \ . " ' - " " . .Tas. Qui lej' , the'popular brand commissioner an.1 y.tleatine dru 'gist went up .on his the'lirat. "of the - week < : one several days. - George Hornby and v , jfe returned last week froJi _ Jt trip westward , to the Pacific coast andattending the , Epworth League conveution'at Sa'n- Franciscj. , , * f- Frank Prawitz resigned his position ; \vith Geo. Hornby as tinner'audwith 1 his family started for b'cribaej 'Sun- . day . morninjr , where theyho e-to . . make tl eir future home. > . - " / - " : . | * - - - ' v I Edward , Lhther , , of 1-Iooper . who has a bunch , ot stock neirKi'i ore ! was in town Tuesday.- . .TliereisMuuch'v better crops irj > this wa.y ; than in .Mr. Luther's countraround r Hooper . > , yi ' * i Acting Hospital S.tewarirTJamcs - H. BASS leit last" Saturday ' irorningfor -t FortRiley where he will' Ijeri ! in niore accivi servicethere 'beinif i a Jim.t i. 0 - rioltlicis t t'hat ' place. ' - ' ] W. D. Hancock , o Missouri , xvasln/'f tNv. n'last week. 11 is "rej orted'tha.t , j lie is thinh.ia.ilji b * yin a rahcii aihi" settlingin Glierry county to itjore'bf--'r fectuali'y cater-fo"rT riis . .increasi'njsf herds. - . , ' - * - . . . , ' ' - W A letter received from JohnXti Gnth a fe'w vveeks a o "tells- -us.thats , ; f they are enjoying health and prosper- ity in their new.home < rt- - -Glendale.- - Oretfoji . .He sendsgreetin ' . ' hisf . friends. . _ . ' . , . * , ' - , r t Henry.Stetter went uurto Cpdy' " on ' t * business last Saturday. .ni h"t ret-urnr J ing Monday raorniny. lie suj's , tfi"eir stock are Ipokhiji tiieT-iiuest and .the- ran e the best at'ta-is * time of ; .the year for years. - - . . . - _ . . < - v. - , s Prof J.V , . Searspn aiid7.rfel 'nee- Miss , .whp .tauglifrin-"our ; : tichuoiYear .befbry-last ai'e here this week .as itiatrhctors'ihi.tber Teacbciv e Institute.Mi = s- . popular .here and * - T lieY.-- " greet : - I ' > . . . Lccal cEthcr Accord " f * Vjleimuv' , eyraskr. ' vrtvX' ' I'lKHnftv TutvjUuy , i-v-v'-r- ; 4"fc ; ' . uc-jHoJ - : " _ J&ftOJ leiiipeniturw , fa Coulees vibitll Is " d - - i 'v icst tumjwniture , 00 ( i j T1 / t-p * o't l r.iiiii iJi. . ( 'u Indie ? , wliieli is .41 h' - . ' > fsii : : > , C. . ilvU' * UV ! < V. , v- ' , . \ fcitht'p fliiresiii. " - " , ' " ' "X , ' v * - - ' * - Is , L 47 > Pfcl VVJls a V1 * ° .lu" c ' tl'j -J3thtTof the Aveek looking alter liin in- * * * t - . . " * * . * * . " " ; iev. . A. fl : liisler , bf CiicT. r > , has I iJi sevrrai du\s duringtfie 1 past L-.V-.O -\ve.eks l okin , r , . after busi- j-ness matters. , Heyaslere two years sf'1 ? 0 when the schoolLindva".ciioi wtiuo c'laCii ] aiid Ic'at-ed-- icac. ueH.1 gof la u it ) lhs ; ? couitff' . : 1 Father "LecKJeiiuer lias woncferfui- ! . u- - ' ' - , " ' * . . " J - Fy imjiriAVd t jt : jiroinius surrotmdizi r 3 - ) ' churcn at'this plaice.A j ruarvt i uf i-ea.tnv.ij3. tjeajtitvah t..taste cuaractwrizea tli6 : J3 " { * jr ss and. | lItW6t-s and Uc-cpntinues. to improve. ' clecurate ai d'beaiaify > tUe grounds , j' . -.gjAV , . .VI rnr ur.--AScuTteacher ! up | 1n--tLi"c.rcrcm't"ttr ( j and father of Mxs. ! Vrrlcli ' ifjter < stedmuiths\his' . i'v * - * and.are UoUifif weli. . I * . . , w The brick worlvon'che court house is completed and iasV-'week the brick masons'dcparted other ; fields .of. labor. The/carpenter workiipio \ ' .iiressirjj rapullj-\atttVthoujjh tle binldj j in-x will.not. be co.inpleied at\the date j , August 10. it will" be UnishcO in ' _ . ' > kniday un lis w. y .bacic , to 'Scribner. i'ronrhfs ranch' . - M'r. Bowliss saiLS.lve Jiaye had more rain , apparently t'liati- around"tstrijiner. . - , jSe.evhis" " ) ) rand .ad iu-anotiier part ol , t his-paper. . ' . : . - ' . - - < v , > . - > . . . - > . . . , Mrs. W , . D. Mor ap ulffe .wasacci- dcnUy. hy-r.t by a ; fi3) ; a.t. her . * lu > nt nenr > iiuV < m Munu.ayv'A wjld "Iicir'e hcane near , rnimiuyjaver heraiul "n\ \ \ JT > i.nif. to avoid. * hnii fcMi , ajtra-irtin ; vciflfc is ' : rfdb ser'tousy ? hunt ; tkouiih ? ; tte.may'l > e'crippred : for some 'time. : ; . Tij'nckrey-retifrned. from > h'e Blh'cfc Hills celinJryva'Hd went , ont. | ft ) Vhef-rancV tii hetwith "out ? ingup ; ' Ua } ' : * ' Mr. ThA'ckr y hMVerijpV/ i } jfoorl ! .while _ awny * ahtl' i4 , If-oRing cheerfulHe snys he. siv4aw' ? f Coiintr5- d pr < jcnred ; a"invit many -specimens of rocks andjninerals'froin -the.l-il.nrk Fli'lV ' " i . . - - - ' : 'K < > i > : ijrtpr1i3 this'iveelc sln I' npje \rjijen.tine an"ex - liiiitinti r.f.hl sk-iU' 'a * pa-inter oniE.- ' J. ptivt-n ; rtrjLsis'tKrc.Hml : H-u' . "corner nmlMiain strrtf- . < r ; .n i ? ke j > t , T-r-t'i i tl v - 1 usysithvr ( .t'iii. piIrons.-4KctJ" ' ! 'twj > column , 'd in Vinotlier , part uf th'i.s > paper. " - v ; * * * 7 * * * r v. . * " ( v , three ' rfour VcQks-a."d i illtT > Cre - [ % tui/rl to'Ms iJui'if slMr. . Cyphers. . 1 $ * ' % o"oU5'i ; f v.-e'ir aim .L = enjoyinj opd. " ' " * . } . ' ' . ' ' " ' . ' i > nlMi - : - ' ry 'c 'iri'tV./thVff" : n'tiJi 5"rtet\vien.r ere arftlxvnlvan1i atiQ' iHsMs "that * ' Cherry county .ii jrJriUh'tr-'JIis fini- " " "iy ! are visitinVout a"t : ' .Simeon avrth felatives jiritil i.if. McHardie , f , - , " , - - < can - * ; . , - inakQ'arrahirements to cone'to tovir.l - % * . " -They ah cofne'brtck. ' - ' * . Th'is office acknowledges receipt. o tickets and i. Tjiform-itiori rejardiujr tjie State "F/ir'wfi'icli wrte 'lield" at . nb-pulns-toiiiake theV A-I. I..HA a. successjind asis hfs castour. 15 a njar r men .who believes in in for Nubraski newspaper i , throur'i w"honr"nc cin."expect i ; iter results than tl r > a ilv35iy-ptlj- ! . K L.ancistt er source. : - ? prtsi- . .dent. * VvTut.e ib tfie secretary for -parttcujars lid you will receive prompt reply. . . : : -vrric rn 'ri * * - ; [ V , -r * V | iVi iVi-r * r-r i * 2.miUuu ilii iLi toto * * J f - * * J - ' * * . - ; m ' re.jBgJtpclose outonisummer ii.wa.say tlia& e , will cut pnoDs jf ifc.vOalEandsee. ll f. ' j j Qwe Ton a Few of O t . i : EYSBYTJilNG- l\ext 3wo ? ; .Weelis .toMike Room lorburspring' ' Stock.- C , f CH i m hi \ SEK TE ? = S/3tf / 3Sie : = 1 'M J- ' - lll D.'O-N.OH - fe-thc-fnwt i , . OonifortsiMc KXttrppe [ < .innst , Lar yst - - - , V * - - - - - . ; . " . . ' ' . " ' - : -s.J iJbon"TwyoH ! rci-D.-iv , - ' n I Tf yonaVo ; " gotng to build yo'e w , JLiJ. J dO JcL T"J V mone , if - youwill .call on ortvnteiiie l CUr.v ; ] roof.SiTi - l - J uf all sii.'ius anil tiz : fjor saio. AISR , . NHBR - a