iii Is 5 THE VALENTINE DEMOCRA1 I. M , RICE * EDITOF $1.OO Per Fear in Advanct PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY. Entered at tbe Post-office at Valentine , Cherr county. Nebrailca. as Second-class matter. i Statement. STATE FUND. On band Jan 1st 1901 C.lGl 2 'io col Jau to July ll.OASo 17,109 ( i Paid state treasurer G.1C1 2 iJ.y.cusii 11,0483 17,1000 COUXTV . ! NK Ab FUND. balance Jau 1.19(11 ( 0,751 2 To ' 'i ,043 1 " tax collections reo'U oounty elk excess f > es 1,1057 trial lees 11.4U04 fly vouchers 12157 rciunds 3.41U 1 easli 15,012 2 'cOUSTV SIHKING KUXD. 8,210 5 To bal Jan 1 , li l l. iOSO " collectionu y,9350 7000 By vouchirs 9,223 0 cash 9,985 0 ROAD AND LAWOU FU.ND 1,3505 To bal Jan 1,1901 7 3,128 " collections 4,4793 to bridge fund 1,0000 By transfer 2,241 2 cash * 4,479 WUDGEFUND. 3.0470 Janl To 11 0 collections 2,009 " transfer irom road funds 1,6000 7,217 3 5.801 & By vouchers 1.912 tf " cash July 1st 7,217 3 ! J DIMMEST FUND. To bal Jan 1. 357 ; collections 132 3 1323 By cash July i 13231 SCHOOL D1ST1UCT FUND. 10,635 5 ( To bal Jam ' collections 0,812 7 " state appcrtlonmeut 1,449 0 ( 18,897 21 14,933 01 By vouchers cash July 1 3.U042J 18,597 2S SCHOOL 1JOXO FUND. To bal Jan 1st , " 1901 1.56373 822 47 collections 2,380 20 By vouchers 53223 cash 1,853 97 2,380 20 VALENTINE VILLAGE GENEKAL FUND. To baJ Jan 1.1002 . 208 33 collections 212 24 42057 By viltoce treas receipts 328 Gl ' . (190 cash 4'057 VALENTINE VlLLAUE SINKING FUND. To bal Jan 1.1901 19022 collections 48088 1)8010 ) .By village treas receipts 774 C4 oush 205 40 JS010 1NTEKEST FUND. To collections 1,91025 1,94025 By cash 1.94025 1,94025 ADVERTISING FUND , To collections 28190 28190 By cash 28190 28190 VALENTINE PBECINCT SINKING FDND. To bal Jan 1,1901 734 C7 " oolltctiuns 164 US 899 C5 By vouchers 3GOO " cash 8G3G5 899 05 SOLDIERS HELIEF F7NU. To bal Jan 1,1901 J5P9 . To collections 249 4848 By cash 4848 4848 COTKT HOUSE EONDS FU > D To proceeds sale "of bonds r coo.oo 15.00000 By vouchers 3.140 00 By cash 11.80000 15,00000 overdrawn"r FINES FUND. To collections 500 By overdraft 189 C89 By transf erto state apportionment 500 " overdrawn" ISO 089 I , J. K. Thackrey , treasurer of Cherry county , do hereby certify that tint above and foregoing - .btatomcnt Is a true Mati'ment of the receipts nnd dtsburspmcnts from the scvrra : fuiuU of Cherry county. Nebraska. Iropi Jannarj' 1 , 1901 , toJUueUO , liXl. J. .IIIACKRKV. County Treasurer. . 3 Ranch for Sale Cheap. Stock and implements complete for engaging in the stock business. This is a chance-for some.raan who has about $5000 to invest. Call on I. M. Rice or write tis : . . . "Jr. "W. I. Seymour , eye , ear , nose ' and throat specialist 110 " 0" Street , (3 ( Kel > r. Down the River John Grooms , of Penbrook , went t < town Saturday. Joe Davis anil his sister'Minnie wen to town Monday on business. Several Indians were down on th < river Saturday hunting cherries. That was a fine rain we had ; it wa getting pretty dry in this part of th < country. It has been decided to have the , Ok Settlers' Reunion at Spaiks , Augus 28 and 29. . _ YOUNGSTER Kennedy Emma and Mrs. Beekley went t ( Valentine last week. Miss Emma Beekley went to Brown lee Tuesday of this week. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Steadman wer < Kennedy visitors , " Monday. Clarence Dunham , of Ouster county was a Kennedy visitor Sunday , Mrs. C. Steadman was visiting u Valentine several days last week. We are having a few little shower ! of rain but not enough to do 'mucl good. Everybody is busy haying in these parts jlist now and .hay is extra goot this year. Faddisj& Stradman shipped a car 01 cattle from Woodlake to South Oiuahi last week. A. J. Wallingford , from Snake river , was doing some trading at Kennedj last week. \ BROKEN Dancing Academy Prof. Clarence J. Sealey , dancing master , as announced through the col umns of this paper last week , opened f school here Friday evening with 7 ] members. Prof. Sealy is widely known and came to us highly recoined- ed both as a dancing master and gentle man so that his success here was not al all surprising aud his circle of friauds and successful students only grown greater. Up to last night which com pleted the half term of ten lessons a surprising amount of work was done. Students that he has many of whom have never danced before , are rapidly acquiring the grace and ease of move ment which this delightful pastime alone affords and all are satisfied even beyond their most sanguine expecta tious. Prof. Sealy informs us that on next Wednesday evening he will give a public dance charging an admittance of one dollar at which time he will award - a $25.00 gold medal to the most grace ful lady dancer in his class. The dance in which the medal will be awarded will be the Mazurka and the American Association , of which Prof. Sealy is chief organizer , instructs him to give $25.00 cash instead when so desired as a proof of the value of this medal. Prof Sealy has done and will do all that he advertises and agrees and we feel no hesitancy in recommending Jiim to the people of O'Neill , vbere he will organize his next class , as not only a thorough master of dancing but a perfect gentleman. Exceedingly Low Bate Ex cursions to Minnesota. Dates sale : August 1 to 10 inclusive. Hates : To St Paul-Minneapolis from Omaha , $9.85 ; from Council Bluffs , 9.35 ; from .Lincoln , $11.10 ; from Su perior , $13.90 ; from Hastings , $13 05 ; from Long Pine , $12.45 , with propor tionate rates from intermediate points. To Duluth $4.00 higher than to St. Paul-Minneapolis. Transit Limits : Continuous passage n each direction. Final'liimit : October 31st. This is the lowest rate ever offered with long limit ticket to the famous lishingaud hunting-resorts of Minne sota , Ask any agent of the North-Western Line for further particulars , * time cards , etc. J. R. BUCHANAN , General Passenger Agent , 27-3t Omaha , Neb. JLost From my place on the Rosebud res srvation on Tuesday , July 16 , 1901 , three horses , one bay mare branded Bon left side , one sorrel horse [ branded ftfcofl on left side and me bay horse bearing no marks. SWIFT , St. Francis Mission , Kosebud South Dakota , 27-tf Balls for Sale. Eight registered and two high grade icreford bulls , and one high grade ihorthorn for sale. These animals aro rom twelve to thirty months old. , H. S. SAVAGE , Simeon , Neb. My ranch for sale. 5 quarters sect- ons of land ; will run 300 head of stock ummer and winter also 25 head of- lorsesand 50 head of cattle. Terms : cash 3 in one year and 3 in two years. , OKE CHDRCII Jteblr. Henry Flinianx , Simeon Nebraska Brand TleKisterod No 81G. Quarter Circle Club. Cattle brand"d on Ml hi ] > . Some without quar.er circle Horses brand ed on left shoul der , R M Faddisfc Co. rostofflce address Valentino or Kenne' Cattle bnmdei same as cut. Some brniidci on Ictt thigh. Some on leftside or hip. J P GARDINER Postofflce address Cody , Nebraska On left side of cat tle ; horses O right armRange , north and south of. Nlobrara Riverl2-mlles south west of Cody D N GOUKLKY. Poflt fflce address Rushville , Nel On left hip ; ais < 5OO onjpft side Horses left shuuld- er. "Ranpe-CedarLakt D. Bray Host uud S D Cattlebrandedoi leftthigli or hit same as cut Horse brum same on the lef shoulder Charles Richards aierriman. Neb \ \ m. n idt rosebud S D . Fame as cut or wit bar under S ; right ear slit and dulapped norpes branded same on left hip Charlotte E. Bovill Merrimau Neb Left side or hip Range north o Eli Vetal Vlandry. Codv , Nebr. Cattle branded anywhere ; some wi th under neath the brand. Horses on left shoul der. der.Range Little White River and mouth of Cedar Creek , S. D. John DeCory Rosebud. S. D , Some branded 1D 417 on left side Horses JD on left hip itange in Meyer Co on Antelope Creek Eeuben QUICK Beai Rosebud S D Cattle branded same as cut or on dip Range , Blabk Pipe Creek Peter Vlondray Rosebud , S.D. . Leftside. Left car cropped. Horses branded VURange Range Little White River , at moi th < tf Ik'dar n C. E. Wright. Valentine Nebr. Brand registered .No. 074. Brand anywhere on right siJe .1 O COOLEY 'ostoffice address * Ilyannis , Neb n right si.\e ; hor- es same on right boulder nue sit miles orthwestofMotb- i ) Strayed. From my place two miles east ofCrookston ne black mare about nine ears.old. . smnl : hite spot in forehead , collar marked , sinal bite spot on back , fore top sheared and very ttle inane weight about 1150. LP-eral reward > r information leading to her recovery. El ) . PJKK , Crobksto'n ; C. P. Jordan. Ilngfbud , SI ) Horses end cattl & \ mu a1 * cntr al CJ 15E.I oil f range on Oak ain Jiutte creeks. A liberal rvar for informaUo It-aclimr to doN-etlo of rustlers of stoe beariugaijy of these brands. Morey & Hewett. .Gordon , Nebr. Brand ri' lMtprc'l 2291 ! . Ou It-It hip of cat tie. Iiorv < 5 same left should er : also OA.D left side. Ranee South of Snake 35 miles se of Gordon. Shadbolt & Fleishman. Bailey , Nebi Left side ; S I left shou'der. ' llerdmarkrdev lap. ' itaujre H. < up & 36 aud 37 , be tween Ni"brar : JL-and theS"uke. . frS-gg iiervey iiaucb Two miles east of Crookston , in Cherry 2g countv , Nebiaska Caftle branded OO on lef ; hip , 911 right hip. and on riiiht side with 3-inch letter Wm CavatmughIgr ] Crookston Neb Georgp F Damon Albany. Neb Cattle branded FDon left ribs riuht shoulderr ; % I ! FD on right hip and lef ribs ; 6 on left hip Horses FDorSDoi / riKiiLSiU'UMier , J Range 7 mi nortl \\ri-i \ \ cast of Albany Nel S 5- Agent for Pastem - - - " " BlauK Leg Vaccint Wm. J. Alien Ft Niobrara Neb Brand registced No 870 Horses branded on left hip Range. Niobrara river 12 miles east of Valentine James Goodfellow. Cody. Xebr. * Cattle branded on left side. Hoises J on left jaw. Range Iletweeii the Niobrara and Medicine Lake. J. A. Adatnson. Valentino. Neb On left side or hipt A4 l < 'f t si or hip On left side Range on Niobnu-aT CJIAKLES GARTSIDE Postofflce address Co-ly , Neb Cattle branded on left side ; also C G on left hip of cattle and left shoulder on horses Kanire on Niobrara 10 misoutlmestCod\ A T BRACKETT Postofflce address Kiege Neb Branded on left side Range-Three miles Southeast of Georgia Pat Peiper Irwiu Nebr. George Heyne Cody , Neb Brand registered N'o 1027 Horses branded on eft shoulder Ranee north and iouJh of Cntcomb Lake in Cherry Co JFruuk Livcrmore. Tody Neb. On botl iides or nny m ilso L on hip or ihoulder. Kanjre I < iltle iVhite Kit IT and noutlL of Cedur : retk S. D. L. B. Lesser. Merriman , Nebr. On left side : al so on .same side , h'.M uiiilerlined. llnrses , under- HiH'cl M on lift tliiuli. lUup' Little White River , GEORGE Postofllce address iferriman.Neb Un either left side or hip ; horses same < n left shoulder R nge-East of Cot tounood Lake , T. T3. Lord Simeon Neb St > ek brande * game as cut back o ri bt shoulder aui on right hip Itmige on tin Niobrara D. M. Scars. Kennedy , Nebr. < | | | ? > * * Cattle branded jis on cut.lef t side Some on lelc hip.- Horses same on left shoulder. Range Square Charles II. JFa-ilhaber Urownlee Rinlit or left sid < of entitle HOI-MM same 01 lettishoulder Left ear cut of ! o cnitle Range on Loup river Stotts & S.tetter. Cody.J'ebraskrf Branded on leftside Range. Tin Can Lake and Morgan Flats WILLIAM FEKDON. I'ostofllce address Bronnlee. Neb Like cnt on ither K'fr si'l * * or hipals r-r > r : , ; - Ti.f- | } , ( , ] ( . _ lion ; M-JE-Wfc.fl e.'rwnt i ft S2 2 W A U to r con- conviction of anyone unlawfully Dandling cattle in these brands. William Shangran. Cody , Nebr. On left side. Horses same. Range Lake Dreek , S. Dakota. r S 11OUSCIIC $ g-i $ > Fostoflloe address & * & & $ ? . - - A'rownlc * , Nel ; S &onsule or shoulder , s > r J K or W or O ' VI. O orf't. . Also the following , tli < - f'rst one bemp : on side andhii - E. R. Vandegrift. Browulce. Neb. Same a on cut. Range Between fioose Creek and Xorih Loup. Frank T. Lee. Brownlee , Neb. Cattle on left side ; horses sime on left shoulder. "Range Four miles northeast of Gorsuch Bros. Newton , Nebraka Gs-jSJ SL . eft side Rano-e on Goruou Creek Julius Reckman . B o\vnlce Nebr Rane south of Bi owniee Savyer Jiros. Postofilrp address Oasis. Nebraska Robert Quieseabery lave charge 01 these attic ; horses Dson left shoulder ; some stock ny where on . . ilaiiKe , Suake C F COOPJER 'ostoRice address Oasis , irand registered L 095 'atlle ' bnuuled on Jft side same as cut ioibe > , branded on ift hip. Also some cattle rauded : ajirt we.st of ILrkherr ? nd Diwic l.'ik- Mutzgur Bros. , ( Irejory Nb Cherry Co Kranded on left ide and tlnj-h. iinnark , squtc rop njrhrear llon.cs have HUP brand ou It this'ii. Itruijre on Gor- mi and Snake n-elcs , A ItaranJ of S 5V will be paid to anv ? rson for infonrarfon leading to tl arrait and oal conviction nf any person or steal- B cattle willi abore braua D. B. STOKER & SON. Newton. Nebr. Brand'rfii No. 411. Cattle branded same us cut < m Itjlt side or lr-ft hipHorses same on leJt shouhlc-r. Uuife : South ofOordon Crvck. Teeteri' JJros. Newton , Nebr Caf tic branded pc If ft sitSb same aa cut. cut.Horses ou left shoulder. Ha npo Between tne Gordon and juke. Louis JT. Richards Merriman Nell Garner Brothers. Cody , Nebr. Anvwhere ou cat- r.llc' Horses on left ' shoulder. I.3ii"cNorth Kli. Postofllce address Pullman , Cuttle branded as on ut ; horses branded une as c-nttle except reversed S , See block Uange Steverj and Stephcnuon Lakes and South Snoo reward will be paid to any person for In. formation leading to the arrest and conviction of any person or persons stealing cattle with the above brand. C. Evenson Codv , Xebr. On left side ami thigh ; horses the same on leftside. JCaimo-.Between Ninbrara and the .Snake. GEORGE X DAVIS Simeon. Nebr. % 2 $ > . & * * ' Cattle branded on leftside. Horses i.ar.i > on left shoulder. Kanprc Gordon Creek. P. A. Cooper. Chesterfleld , Nehr. Cattle branded same as cut on leftside. Ilorsei same on left shoulder. V > ! A left Also side on Tmtzr 2ZS333ai * & & K , DAWSON & BALL Posliffice address Chesterliel ! . Xeb "attle bnuided on left Mde as on cut ilsoV Ictt neck eft liin.-someA'lolt neck. V left shoulder ind Zleft hiohorses VZ left hip. Range Snake River.31.72,33. J A SAULTS Cattle oa lelt'5 lip Horses on left ihoulder. Some stock et bwu injr my ormer brand as ho\vn below. Postofflce address Gregory , Net On left side or hip horses same oa left shoulder Range-Arai ! sas Valley a ndMiake JULIUS PETERSON 'o tufflcead'lress Gregory. Xeb nMi'lfcdtts on cut Range two miles orth of Gregory WILLIAM BEAMLE Gordon , Nebr. Cattle branded same as cut on lef i si e. t Horses " - " - - * ' i- > , ? yyyt * * f'ct 1 j / bnuiilMrt fenl IB \ shoulder. 'ZS&i fJ&3ZZ & & 2iZ'fk-- . ' * 3 - - < igffiv.giiE * g g gga. , j. 'iuge < ; mile " SOUttl nf Invin. Ji. Stjuard. alentine , Xebr. , * site Brand I reg- . ittlo .ind Iif.rs4 > s "tii'U-iI vuitc it ou l it in p. Rangewiles st ot Ft. Xio- ara , PDvE BP.Oh dress * ® \ & -l. Kange-On Mln Z3fflS $