-If . * . ' . < f ' < * I -A - - THE OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OP CHERRY COUNTY , NEBRASKA 4u 4VOLUME 4 XYI VALENTINENEBRASKA , AUGUST 8.1901. u J i c 49 P 49UEENSWARE ; WI. . 49 Call in and see our complete " and up-to-date line of goods. | j I.ft ; H ft 49 - - i _ _ U b We Carry the Celebrated' * * , . U w Hamilton & Brown Shoe Ladies , remember us when in . 49 . fHf * ' " * ' ' " > f * fc & - ri i T" . 49 need of J3tttcriek : I atterns. M 49 49 49 Ladies' and G-entlemans' Shirt Waists. I1 49 49 49 Our Dry Goods department is ihe most complete , upjj 49 to-date and'woll ! kept of any in the northwest. The manage- & | 49 .incut assures you courteous treatment whcnexer you visit our r store. Try or.e of our cool crash suits for , this hot weather. S hR SM R ' & 1p 1 p R BARGAINS I u We carry a complete line of Gentlemen' ; Furnishing Goods. The right thing at th < right price. Shirtwaists , Shoes and Hati 11 LADIES' GENTS AND GHILDRENS SHOES. k TAILOBING IN ALL BRANCHES , C. II. COUXEIX , President. JI. V. . C K OF VALENTINE l ; I Valentine , Nebraska. Ib : , - b A .General laiikiB g Kwsiiaexs Tr J Jictt' < l and Sells Domestic and F. I Chemical National Bank. Kew York. First National Hank * Omaha N l " * , ( , I HEADQUARTERS FOR ' Ih ' .WINES , LIQUORS AN'D V CIGARS h h. ' OF THE CHOICEST BRANDS 1 Valentine - - ' Nebraska ii 49 49 49 49 49 & > 49 49 PAPER HANGING i > 49 49 OALCIM1NING. 49 49 R S. DENNIS , 49 49 Valentine Nebraska , Ail work well done 49 . T. YEARNSHAW 11.- 'i , si * JAYIES B. HULL Sole Aqents . for v > HERALD PURE RYE WHISKEY ? Ale and Porter , And FRED KRUG'S BEER Choicest Wine and Cigars , ' VALENTINE X NEBRASKA GET AT THIS YOUR OFFICE * \ Ye Can Satisfy You. to Cualifv Price and , " > s < r . ff.f ' --f".J& & vwww V t TALK OF THE TOWN ; . C. H , X7ELLFORD , , City Editpr , " j k Mrs. J. CJ. Houndsas. . in Vzilentir Monday. F. L. Reedvas down from Cod last Monday. T. P. Spratt was seen on ourstree' ' last Saturda } ' . \Vra. ELook , was down from Cud last Saturday. I. C. Stotts was down from Cod Tuesday on business. O. W. Morey was down the road la * Saturday and Sunday. Fred Brayton was up from Wooi lake last Monday on business , Teacher34 Jnstitute will commenc Monday morning at 8:30 : , August 12. J. E. Roseberry , of Pullman , mad Valentine a business visit last Tue day. \Vm. Hook and Q. J. /Anderson , ( Cody , wt're in town yes'terday on bu ; inesd. C. W. Bennett , of Simeon , , tran acted business in * this city last Sa u relay. W. D. Armstrong , of Rushville , w ; in this city on land business last Sal urday. ' Miss Delia Botsfard left here c the 1st for the east to spend , her vj cation. IKrs. Leyi Sparks entertained number of her lady friends yesterda afternoon. D..K. Roby and G. K. Woeppel , c Springview , were Valentine yisitoj last Monday. * J. B. S weene } * , stockman of Pul man , was in Valentine on busine ; last Thursday. E. L. RalTenburg , the genial shot- horn man , made Valentine a vis last Thursday. O. W. Hahn and family were dow from their home on the north tab ] last Saturday. Geo. F. Heine , of Hooper , was i tow nTJas tJF rid ayi ( loo k i u a t t iv-u. ' stock. interests. E. L. Heath , of Cody Cow Bu fame , was circulating unions our pei pie last Monday. Dell Annis and "W. .T. Tleaiibal were up from Chesterfield last Men ilay on business. Miss Helen McDonald is down .fro'i Orookston this week attendin tii iiaticiny a George Margrave , merchant ai stockman of Gordon , was in Valei tine last Saturday. C A. Johnson , the banker an stockman of Woodlake , was in Vale i tine last Thursday. G. A. Dierks , of Gordon , Nve , Bachelor's agent , made Valentine visit last Thursday. 5 Rev. B.'Hunt , of Gallop , was dow to the county seat last Thursda transacting business. E. J. Davenport returned last Moi day morning from a weeks outing an recreation in the Hills. \ Geo. Fitzgerald was in the city las Monday and Tuesday , enjoying him self meeting his old friends. S. F. Gilman came in Monday ni li for a few da in town looking afte his mill and electric light s\steui. Supt. Searsun , of Wahno , will lee ure at the M. E. church .next Wei nesday evening at 8 o'c'ock. Even one is invited. I. C. Stotts leturned last Thursda with a train load of cattle from Mi ; souri that he will put on his ranc near Cody. . Agent Chas Ev McChesney , of th Rosebud Indian Agency accompanie by Mr. Bordeaux was in Valentin last Monday on business. F. W. Jersig , of Kansas City , Mis : ouri , who is engaged extensively i the stock business nearVoudlake i this county , was here last Monday. \V. D. Blackburn , of Ilancoc Wjoiuing , was in Valentine. Friday He is engaged in the stock , bu ine.- and has a number in this county t be wintered. Van But en .came down froi Georgia last Sunday and in conve sation with the writer he , informed , i that he has just completed un li place south of there by .lobann Poi ath a tubular well 135 feet deep cur ! eS from top to bottom with 3-inch ire piping. The well contains GO feet < water pumped by a mill with a 3 foot wheel John has gone to cor siderable expense to place this we on his place but will be arnp.lv rewari ed by having an abundant supply , < pure fresh water for his stock , { Local Weather Record U. y. Dep.irnii , nt of A ncttlturc i ' \Vtr.i hcfi > iuc..i ) Vaieiitiue , Mcbnusku. week undiiiK Tuesdaj au temperature , 10 ue itea which i-- t above die average , .Mean Cumpenuure for cjrrojpjndtnj ; weel r , 81 dtgrues. . temperature , 103 degrees ont he 1st. eiuiieiuture , J > deycced on HieUh. . aud'Iort'ust tenipemtiiru lor corres puudingvuuk luac year , iw degrees andG Ut - - ' . Ki-et-s respeettvt'ly. lulat.ntinl.iil , .03 inches , which is .1C incite iliu avefau-i. . velocity ofiml , ; r ' miles on the C siitishuie , t . observer. Weather liureuu. "Mrs. W. N. Orris and children , Ir mel uud Elwyn. arrived here las Monday from Stanton to visit at tut home of her lather , L > . N. Perkins. Nellie Ohler , of Lincoln , arriv.et here last-Sunday to resume herdutic : in St. Francis mission.after asummej vacation spent at the Pau-Autericai Exposition in Buffa.lo. 'James McDowell and wife , of Cody were in Valentine transacting busi nes-rf before the U. S. land office lasi Tuesday. Mr. McDowell made iiiia proot on a line quarter section oJ laud south of Cody. Little Lawrence Kice again make ; his home with the family of U. Me Crea in the west part of town \ \ lien be formerly lived and became mud attached to the members ot the fam ily'and'they none the less to him. By last Saturday's dail3f we lean that Horace W. Wilson , a govern luent emplo\-ee at Rosebud agency hasreceived a transfer and prornot ton to the superintendancy of th < ! San Carlos , Arizona. Indian school. A. E. McFatridge and wife , em ployees in the Indian boarding fchoo arrived here Saturday and departei Sunday morniny for their Held of lab or. While away on their vacatior the.v took iu the Buffalo ' exposition. . g : - - - . - * - - 'A. rl State Superintendent Fowler wil visit the Teachers' Institute Monday August. 19. Arrangements have beei made for a school board meeting tc be held Monday alternoon at 1:30 a1 the Valentine school building whet Mr. Fowler will explain the new school-lav\s. D. S. Efner , o the Chadron Jouraai ; arae down List Saturday morninji ; ind remained in the city until Tues- lay visiting nt the home of his pa rents. - Dean is an all-right boy , pop' ular , well liked and "making a success , ) f tiie new&paper business and we. are ilways glad-to see him. Come agaii : Dean. Mrs. S. A. Rice and daughter , Mrs A.bba Thachrey and her children , d parted for Riley county , Kansa ? , where they will visit relatives and friends and expect to live at Mrs dice's home in Manhattan.Mrs Rice has been in Valentine _ nearl\ 1(5 ( months and though s.ie found it more-lonesome than i \ her old home she has had good health and enjoyed tier stay. Duringtnis time"she has oeen at the home of her son , the ed it or o the VALENTIN K DEMOCRAT ind he has appreciated her compaiu ; tnd help a nil will mio the kind yd vice of a mother. A. Steele and wife , of Co-ly. vert in VaJentine last-Mow ! ty and Tues lay transacttlrj bnsi'its before the U S. land , oilice. Wuile here the.v made this ofllce a pleasant bnsint's ; : all Mr. Steele is e.ngaged in the stock industry on Bc ar creek smith- west of Cod v and although he came Ltere with almost nuthi'ig and has met with the usual reverses of the pioneer he is today out of debt and in- cependentl3' ! wealthy , owning twelve Irjndred acres of land and several hundred cattle , fulty demonstrating that industry and economy wias'-suc- cess in Cherry county. ' Julius Kauvrlo went a little OVCM a \ear ago to Nemoouth ? Dakota ; ind has since beenurking in tht timber for the Uomestakc mine has relumed to his borne near Kilgort and will be contented wttk Chorrj county from now on. He capie bacl overland and.sa3s some places there was scarcely grass enough for hi : team on the wa3r aii'd Russian thi&tlej abound. As soon as he got into th ( sand hill country the crops began t < look better and the grass was better Mr. Rauer has some laud and a bttnci uf cattle tip near Kilgore.and will h ( very busj" haying for some time. . H < in company with A. Trapple visitei the DEMOCRAT . ( IIice while in towi Tuesday'and paid for a year-in ad vance-on subscription. . - - , . " / A A A A A * - ar r ? - We are going to close.out our summer j > I ? goods and get ready for fall trade , to do U it we are going to cut the price on. all U 49 1 ummer Goods i "W hen we saythat : we will cut prices # , you-know that we do it. Call and see. > J i > DAVENPORT & THACHER 49 49 49 General Merchants. 49 Jbet Us Give You a Few of OUR PBICES linrtafeil r / / ' e - - ' per / ! JLOv 3 Poustfl ยง ti < - ! ; : < uf 3vna'l Sloiaiiiiy - JLOc * > 2O Bargains in EVERYTHING the Next Two Weeks to Make Room tor Our spring1 , Stock. _ CROOKSTOX.NEBR. MAX E. ViERTEL TI T r I J. W.STETTER , PROP ' FRESH FRUIT AND OAB1E IN THEIR SEASON - First-class line OL Steaks , Hoasts- , Dry Salt Meats , Smoked Breakfast .Bacon THE DONOHER Is the Best Equipped , most Comfortable , Largest and Uudt \vo-Dollars aDay ' " ST-CL i-VRS MOUTCTCN .HOTEL In N < irrlr.vrstiiu XcU " lath'Uot , ami Cold Waiter , T\vo Sample llom.n's - * > ' * 7 A IN i - NEBRASKA OABPBNTEB IN GENERAL ft VALENTINE NEBRASKA | i r- ' If you are goiug to build you will noaey if you will call on or write me ; . ' " ' * . . -:13STFOBMATIOISrFREE : Com posit i n nn l Gruvi'l roof. , . Slate ronfs. -"i rik : and Cement siJe-walk * . Kativc and imported " ornauieiital and .cut stone of all shapes and sizes. fJrick for sj > - WM . MAIEB , Contractor , i- : , VALENTINE , NEBR . . ff - -5 V 7 s.