Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, August 01, 1901, Image 1
* ' > , . . * ' * VALENTIN CRAT. THE OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF CHERRY COUNTY , NEBRASKA VOLUME XVI VALENTINE , NEBRASKA. AUGUST 1.1901. NTTMBEE 28 ' 49 OUEENSWARE. : ft * 49OUEENSWARE. . ft * 49 49 ft * ' ft * ' Call in and see our complete and up-to-date line of goods. k % ft * * 49 ft * 49 49 "We Carry the Celebrated ft * 49 ft * Hamilton & Brown Shoe ; .49 49 Ladies , remember us when in 49 need of Butterick Patterns. 49 49 ft * 49 ft * Ladifes' and G-entlemans' Shirt Waists. 49 49 49 Our Dry Goods department is the most complete , np- 49 to-date and well kept of any in the northwest. The manage ft * 49 ment assures you courteous treatment whenever you visit our ft * store. Try one of our cool crash iiits for this hot weather. ft * ft * I' ' ! 49 49 ft * 49 49 49 TUE RES 49 ft * 49 ft * jr WINTER BUSINESS IS OVER Full Line of Spring and Summer Goods now on hand. I Clothing and Furnishings , Ladies * Gentfs Children's Shoes , p TAILORING IN ALL BRANCHES , D , III n I'M ' C. H. COBNEMPresident. . SK. V. NICHOLSON , Cashier B ANK OF VALENTINE. SI Valentine , Nebraska. A General Banking Business Transacted Buys and Sells Domestic and Foreign Exchange Chemical National Bank , New York . Correspondents ; First National Bank. Omalia Neb : i HEADQUARTERS FOR WINES , LIQUORS AND CIGARS II \ * OF THE CHOICEST BRANDS Valentine - - Nebraska M OF 1 PAINTING I PAPER HANGING | 49 49 CALCI MINING. 49j j R S. DENNIS , 49 Valentine Nebraska , All work well done 49 T. YEARNSHAW OWL SALOON JAMES B. HULL § T * * Sole Agents for HERALD PURE RYE WHISKEY Ale and Porter , And FRED KRUG'S BEER Choicest Wine and Cigars. VALENTINE X NEBRASKA GET AT ras PRINTING YOUR OFFICE * It- * We Cso Satisfy You io Qualifv Price and Wortnaiuhip TALK OF , TfiE TOWN C. H. WELLFORD , City Editor , John B. Lord spent Monday here on business. George Hammond was up from Arabia , Monday. W. A. Bonsor was over from his ranch last Monday. Elmer Cole returned Saturday from a trip to the Black Hills. Earl Hook , of Cody , was in the city the latter part of last week. J. R. Fee was down from Crooks- ton last Tuesday on business. J. C. Rounds spent Saturday and Sunday in Valentine on business. County Treasurer Thackrey made a visit to his ranch near Arabja last Monday. Mrs. Cap well , of Ainsworth , was in the city on business the fore part of the week. I. M. Jones and son Claud have rent ed the Bonsor property , and will move on Monday. C. S. Reece , our deputy county , clerk , spent Monday and Tuesday on his ranch haying. Ed Hackler , who has been working for Curtis & Mullen , returned to his home here Tuesday. A. E. Thacher spent Sunday and Monday in Woodlake visiting with J. E , Cochran and family. J. H , Quijjley spent Sunday looking after his interests on his Boiling Springs ranch south of Cody. The dance in Cornell hall last Fri day night was well attended and a good time was had by everyone. W. F. Morgareidge and wife are spending the week at the home of Mr. Morgareidge's father near Simeon. James D. McLain came over from his ranch on the reservation and re mained here Tuesday and Wednes day. day.E. E. J. Davenport departed last Mon day morning for Hot Springs where4 he will spend a few days at the Si- loam. A. H. SteeB ) of Kennedy , returned from a trip to the east last Wednes day morning and departed for his ranch. Mrs. P. A. Walker returned last week from a trip to her home near Rushville. She reports having had a very pleasant yisit at her old home. John Tinnin , who purchased the Alex Dobson ranch on Bear creek in the west end of the county some time ago , was in Valentine Saturday on business. Carl Freeman who is assisting his uncle at Woodlake through the hay ing season came up last Monday aft er necessary repairs for some of the machinery. Miss Maud L. VanWagener after visiting her sister in Omaha during vacation returned to her duties at the Government boaiding school as kindergarten teacher. Last week I. M. Jones completed a water tank for Frank Seager , of the north table. Mr. Seager has a good substantial tank and one of the largest Mr. Jones has yet turned out. Edward Parryof Gordon , spent last Sunday here visiting his sister , Mre. Harold Zeilian. Ed has not vis ited Valentine for some time and his friends here were all glad to see him. J. G. Stetter spent several days here this week at his home. Johnnie informs us that he has decided not to go into the saloon business in the Hills having just returnedfrom there. C. H. Cornell made a business trip to Alliance last Saturday and Sun day returning Monday morning. While away he purchased the Both- well herd of cattle for L. N. Layport consisting of 136 head. The social department of the Ep- worth League will give a lawn social at the residence of Geo. H. Hornby Wednesday night , August 7th. Ice cream and cake will be served. Ev- ervone cordially invited. J. W. Smyser departed last Satur day buying horses for O. H. Wallop. He stopped at Cody for a few days and from there he goes to Edgemont , South Dakota , expecting to be away ten days or two weeks. Howard Layport went to Pullman last Monday to get a bunch of one hundred and thirty-six cattle that L. N. Layport receutly purchased there and bring them up to the ranch of John Kime. This is the J. J. Both- well herd that was sold in Alliance last Saturdaj' under a mortgage and it is understood that , Mr. Layport got them at a bargaib. Local Weather Rcccrd U. 8. Department of Agriculture i , Weather Bureau f Valentine , .Nebraska , week ending Tuesday , July , 30 1001 Mean temperature , 11 Uegiees which is 4 de grees above the average , Mean temperature for corresponding week 'ast year , 72 degrees. Highest temperature , OS degrees on the 28th. lowest temperature , 58 degrees on the 30th. - lijghest and lowest temperature for corres ponding week last year , 95 degrees and 53 de grees respectively. Total rainfall , .92 inches , which * is ,43 inches above the average. Alalxmum velocity of wind , 40 miles on the 2G 'Percentage of sunshine , 82. Copious rains have fallen where they were most needed during the past week and the farmers are glad dened thereby. Incidentally , also , the doubly execrated weather man is once more in favor. August , how ever , is yet to come , and - but we decline to make any rank promises , D.C. GRUKOW , Observer. Weather Bureau. Miss Anna Brown was in this city the fore part of the week. A. M. Charbonneau was over from his ranch on business yesterday. George A. Chapman , junior partner of the drug firm of Quigley & Chap man , left last Sunday morning for Omaha. He goes there on business relative to the interest of his firm and expects to return the latter part of the week. Charles Sparks , cashier in the Cherry County B ink , departed last Friday for Neligh to be with his son , Laverne , who was reported quite ill. Mr. Sparks returned Monday morn ing and informs us that Laverrfe is on a fair way to recovery. Harold Zelian and wife returned Wednesday to the Government school where Mrs. Zelian is seamstress in structor and Mr. Zelian is assistant engineer. They have a large circle Ox-friends in and around Valentine who wish them puccess , J. A. Sparks returned last Sunday from a ten days business trip to his old home and other points in Kansas. He reports the corn crop burned up there and the whole state badly in need of rain and is glad to get back to Cherry county again. Rev , C. E. Connell , of Merriman , occupied the pulpit in the M. E. church here last Sunday delivering two able sermons. Rev. Connell spent several days here , the-guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Morgareidge and was accompanied by hia two children. John Bowers , of Arabia , sold hia place near there last Thursday to Edward Philps and purchased the T. J. Ashburn place on the south side of the river near the Uerry bridge. Mr. Bowers is at present a resident of Valentine but will soon move to the place he recently purchased and make his home there. E. C. Swigert , of Gordon , spent part of Friday and Saturday in this city bu3ing what Indian goods he could pick up of our merchants. Elicha's many friends here are al ways glad to meet him and as an old friend of the writer we know him to be a hustler of no mean ability and success is coming his way. "W. H. Ross , disciplinarian at the Indian boarding school north of here , returned from a visit to his old home in Michigan and the Buffalo Exposit ion last Monday morning. He has been away from here twenty-four days for his summer vacation and re ports having had a very pleasant time. Mr. Ross left here the same morning to resume his duties at the boaiding school. \ Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Clarkson accom panied by their little grand-daughter Mary House , left here last Monday morninir for Tilford , SouthDakota , where they will visit for two or three weeks with the family of J. V. Clark- son , who resided here about five years ago. This is their first visit to the Hills and as Mr Clarkson has not seen his brother since he left here it will undoubtedly be a very pleasant one for both of them. F. M. Sageser and wife spent Mon day here visiting friends before go ing on east. Frank informs us that he intends going into business for himself at Newport having purchased a livery barn there. He started from Gordon last week with four horses and a buggy intending to drive thro1 but at Merriman sold two of his hors es to Mr. Wallop for $30 each and at Codv solt his buggy and team to W. M. Anderson for S235.00 so he will complete his journey by the cars. , ' i e't ' ' 49 49 49 49 49 OUR "SAY SO"IS OUR "DO 80" | 49 49 Our low prices are a knock-out arguJ * 49 49 merit. Let competitors censure , our & * 49 patrons approve. | f 49 49 2 * 49 We Give Auction Prices Without the Auction jj 49 fc * 49 49 49 Evaporated Peaches 3 Ibs for 25cts .49 ft * 49 Evaporated Pears - - per Ib lOcts ft * 49 California Peaches * 3 Ib - - ' can lOcts 49 ft * 49 Solid Pack Tomatoes - 3 11) can lOcts 49 ft * 49 Sugar Corn 2b ] can ? , 3 for 25cts ft * 49 Green Gage Plums - - 31b cans , 2 for 25cts 49 ft * 49 California Blackberries - 31b cans , 2 for 25cts ft * 49 ft * 49 Gooseberries , Gallon cans 50ets ft * 49 ft * 49 49 DAVENPORT d THACHER ft ft * * 49 ft * 49 General Mereharts. ft * 49 ft * Let Us Give You a Few of OUR PRICES Good Roasted Coffee - per Ib 10e 5 Pouiul Sacks of Pearl Hominy - lOc 8 Bas Diamond C Soap - - 25c 5 Bars Larye Bar Wool Soup - . 25c 2O Founds of Good Rice - - Zl.OO Bargains in EVERYTHING the Next Two Weeks to Make Room tor Our Spring Stock. CROOKSTONNEBFv. MAX E. VIERTEL CITIZENS - MEAT - MARKET J. W. STETTER , PROP FRESH FRUIT AND GAME IN THEIR SEASON First-class line of Steaks , Koasts , Dry Salt Meats , Smoked Breakfast Bacon THEDONOHER Is the Best Equipped , most Comfortable , Largest and Best Two-Dollars - a-Day FIRST-CLASS MODERN HOTEL In Northwestern Nebraska Bath , ITot and Cold Water , Two Sample Eooms YALEHTIHE - NEBRASKA U. G. McBRIDE CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER CARPENTER IN GENERAL ' VALENTINE NEBRASKA 3 BUILDINGS If you are going to build you will save money if you will call on or write me. INFORMATION FREE Composition and Gravel roofs , Slate roofs. Brick and-Cement side-walks. Native and imported ornamental and cut stone of all shapes and sizes. Brick for sale. WM. MAIER , Contractor , * - ' ' VALENTINE , NEBR , , t * V