Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, July 25, 1901, Image 6

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Uaclay's History Hot to Be Used
i Annapblis'Abademy.
He Ad Hilts thnt His Language Is Tc
Abnslre and Bays ] Proof Mheets Wei
Not All Shown Too United States Offii
Sal * as They Should Hare Been.
' WASHINGTON , July 20. The se (
retary of the navy has decided tha
the third volume of Maclay's histor
of. the Spanish-American war shal
not be used as a textbook at the nava
academy unless the obnoxious Ian
guage it contains in characterizin
the action of Rear Admiral Schley i
eliminated. The secretary says tha
it would be manifestly improper t
Slave a history containing such intern
perate language as a textbook for tin
cadets. He will inform both Com
fnander Wainwrlght , who is in com
mand of the naval academy , and Mr
Maclay , the author of the history , o
his decision. In this connection th
secretary says the proofs of the en
tire volume were not submitted tt
him by the historian. He receive !
only the proofs of the third chapter
that relating to the mobilization o
the fleets' , which contained a summary
of the orders which he , as secretarj
of , the navy , had issued in making
the naval preparations for war. Thai
chapter was satisfactory and he re
turned it to Mr. Maclay with his ap
proval. He says he never saw th * .
accounts of the battle of Santiago and
the criticism of Rear Admiral Schlej
until after the book was published ,
Mr. Maclay was appointed to his pres
ent position in the New York navj
yard August 23 , 1900 , having been
transferred from the lighthouse ser
AccnseH Naval Clique.
BALTIMORE , July 20. General
Felix Agnus , publisher of the Balti
more American , has telegraphed the
following to President McKInley :
. * . William > McKinley , President , Can
ton , Ohio. "Maclay's Histcry of the
Navy" is the standard In use at the
naval academy. In the third volume.
just issued , the historian charges Rear
'Admiral Schley with being a coward ,
a liar , a caitiff , an incompetent and
insubordinate. In an interview in the
( American this morning , Maclay , the
( historian , who is a navy department
clerk , classed as a laborer , and at
tached to the Brooklyn navy yard.
says that proofs of this third volume.
.which should have told the most glori
ous story in all our naval annals.
were submitted to Secretary Long and'
'Admiral Sampspn and approved by
them in advance of publication , also
that Long put him in his present po
sition after he had read and approved
this scurrilous attack upon Admiral
Schley. These proofs were also sub
mitted to Admiral Dewey , who refused
to read them.
If aught were needed to convince
any fair-minded man that a clique in
the navy department has conspired
to traduce the hero of Santiago and
that the conspiracy was carried into
execution .while this brave and gallant
officer was suffering expatriation on
the fever-infested coasts of South
America , , this , should furnish it. Will
you , Mr. President , "in view of all this.
sit quietly by and permit these con
spirators to continue their diabolical
work ? Every justice-loving .American
appeals to you to intervene in the
name and for the sake of fair play.
Next to being right all the time ,
vhich no man ever was , the best thing
is to find out as soon as possible that
you are wrong and right yourself im
mediately. FELIX AGNUS ,
Publisher Baltimore. American.
Graders in Bloody Battle.
DENVER , Colo. , July 20. A special
to the News from Sidney , Neb. , says :
Greek and Austrian graders met here
in deadly combat. Six Greeks were
wounded and one Austrian was killed.
'After a drunken row the Austrians at
tacked the Geeks with knives , re-
vplvers and clubs and completely rout
ed them , aftrr severely wounding six
of their number. Rade Lubovic , an
Austrian , was killed.
Bobbed and Drops Dead.
WICHITA , Kan. , July 20. After be
ing fobbed on .a Choctaw train , return
ing from El Reno , F. R. Smith , an
aged man from Bonham , Texas ,
dropped dead in a crowded coach. The
body was placed in a seat and taken
to Oklahoma City. His wife and
daughter were with him.
Iklrs. Ifanna is Safely Over.
* "
QUEENSTOWN , July 20. Mrs. D.
Hanna , who is a passenger on the
Cunard liner Campania , from New
'fSork to Liverpool , when interviewed
on the steamer in Queenstown harbot
by a representative of the Associated
Press , oaid her trip to Europe was
entirely one of pleasure and that its
duration would depend on circnm-
stances. She asserted that she was
not aware of having left New York
city under sensational conditions.
United States Consul Generals Repo
the Yield.
WASHNGTON , July 19. The atai
department is in receipt of interes
ing reports concerning the whes
crops of Russia and India. Accordin
to a report from Consul General Ho
loway at St Petersburg there ai
good reasons to hope that the whet
harvest of 1901 will exceed that <
1900. The spring wheat is moi
promising than the winter crop , tt
latter having suffered heavily froi
various causes. However , it is state
that the loss in the winter crop wi ;
be balanced by the amount of sprin
wheat sown.
Consul General Patterson of Calcut
ta states that the wheat yield of Indls
as a whole , is estimated at 5,580,00
tone , 8 % per cent more than the de
cennial average , and this under ad
verse conditions , such as cold weath
er , hail , insects and rust The ex
port of wheat from India this yeai
the consul general says , probably wil
be greatly increased.
Consul Fee at Bombay estlmatei
India's harvest for this year at 6,690 ,
000 tons , or 1,70,000 tons more thai
last year. The estimated . area o
growing wheat for the year is 22 ,
000,000 acres , being about 5,000,001
more than the previous year.
Arcentlno Active Against Introduction 01
, Throat and Month Dineatie.
WASHNGTON , D. C. , July 19. Th <
United States minister at Buenos
Ayres has forwarded to the state de
partment a degfee , issued by the Ar
gentine government , prohibiting the
importation of live stock coming from
foreign countries , of the ovine , bo
vine or any other species that , in the
opinion of technical authorities ,
might carry infection of foot and
mouth disease. There is a provision
in the decree , however , that sucD
stock coming from foreign countries
whose official representations certify
that such disease does not exist in
their country , and that the necessary
precautions have been taken to
avoid infection , are excepted from the
application of the decree. The de
cree says that all animals which are
shipped before the decree was issued
will be submitted to forty days quar
antine after their arrival.
Drouth Causes Shortage Estimated at
Fifteen Thousand Tons.
MATTOON , 111. , July 18. The
scramble between the Union Supply
company , or trust , and the agent of
the big eastern manufacturers not In
the combination for possession of the
broom corn yet in growers' hands
reached a. climax today , when $125 a
ton was offered. The Kansas crop is
a , failure and it is estimated that there
will be a shortage of 15,000 tons.
Fifteen thousand dollars worth of
brush was bought in this vicinity Sun-
lay at "almost any price demanded.
Broom corn men of experience say the
brush will rise to $ oO a ton.
To Avenge Killing.
DENVER , Colo. , July 19. Confirm-
ition was received of the report that
; he Radcliffe hotel , cabins and other
mildings belonging to the proprietor
) f the Grand Mesa lakes were burned
resterday. A mob of seventy-five
nen , all residents of Delta county , set
ire to the property. The incendiar-
sm was intended to avenge the kill-
ng of W. A. Womack by Game Ward-
in McHaney last Monday.
Electrical Workers Strike.
WASHNGTON , D. C. , July 19. To
inforce a demand for an increase of
lay to $3.50 per day all th men em-
iloyed by the electrical contractors
n the city failed to report for work
oday. They number about 125. Two
ontractors , not members of the Con-
ractors * union , signed the agreement
oday , the Contractors' union last
light aeciding to refuse the demand.
Bubonic Plngna Abroad.
GIBRALTAR , July 19. The orient
iner Ormuz , Captain Goad , from Sid-
ey , N. S. W. , for London , which left
lolombo , June 28 , arrived off Gibral-
ar with two cases of the bubonic
lague on board. She was refused ad-
ilttance to the harbor and proceeded
oward Plymouth.
fchoot Their Own 'Wounded.
JOHANNESBURG , July 20. In the
ourse of an inquiry conducted under
ath here , various non-commissioned
fficers and men of the British army
onfirmed the statement that the
toers shot the Boer wounded at
Boot Start's for Omaha.
LEAVENWORTH , Kan. , ' July 19.
llihu Root , secretary pf war , com-
leted his inspection of the .Fort
eavenworth reservation and "passed
he afternoon with his staff examin-
ig maps and plans. The only de-
Brmination yet arrived at is to push
tie work of improvements at the post
ntil it will have a capacity of caring
3r about 3,000 men. The details for
tie contemplated improvements will
e worked out at Washingcon.
Generous Rains Fall Over Major Portii
of the' Southwest
Good Cannot Be Estimated , but Wl
Prove Immense Insures at Least Ha
Harvest Fonr Begins In Westei
and Sire ops to Missouri.
KANSAS CITY , July 18. Generoi
rains fell this afternoon over the bij
ger part of the corn belt of the soutl
west They came just in the nick <
time. The good that will result t
late corn and to pastures cannot t
estimated , but it will undoubtedl
prove immense. Scattering shower
fell over the southwest last night an morning , but in most places u
to noon continued accounts of intens
boat were reported.The rains bega
in western Kansas about 1 o'clock thi
afternoon and traveling east ha
reached the Misoursi line by 4 o'clock
Reports from many counties asser
that today's-rains , following what 111
tie had fallen within the past forty
eight hours , will insure at least hal
a crop of corn and make pasturag
sure. The storm began in Kansas Cit :
shortly before 5 o'clock this evening
The fall continued for over half ai
bour and caused a decided drop in th <
temperature , the weather bureau re
cording 83 at 5 o'clock , against 101
at 3 o'clock.
TOPEKA , Kan. , July 18 The rain ;
that have fallen in Kansas last nigh
and today have practically assured {
: orn yield of at least 50,000,000 bush
3ls , and the yield may be even better
The state is under the influence of
low barometric condition and more
rain is expected tonight. Correspond-
; nts from numerous Kansas towns in
eporting rain say the sky is overcast
vith clouds tonight and more rail
vithin a few hours is certain. Th <
Irouth in Kansas has been broken anc
vith it has gone the excessive hoi
ipell. It is the opinion among those
fho'have been watching the weather
ionditions that the season will be
nore favorable to crops from now on.
Good rains are reported tonight over
ortions of eastern and central Kan-
ias , and in each case is mentioned the
act that the rain is not through.
Bmporia , Hiawatha , Clay Center , Ells
worth , Salina , Atchison , Sylvan Grove ,
Jreat Bend , Concordia , Quenemo , Ot-
awa , Fredonia and Osage City are
imong the places favored with rains ,
vhich ranged from one-half to two
Secretary Coburn of the Kansas
Joard of Agriculture is enthusiastic
ver the result of the rain. He is sure
bat the corn yield will reach at least
alf a crop if the present very favor-
, ble weather conditions continue.
The manner in which corn has held
Ls own during the drouth was some-
hing remarkable an < ? is a source of
under to the farmers. In some places
t has had no moisture for over two
: iontbs. It has made almost no
rowth , but the leaves have been kept
reen and the tassel kept off. Weeds
ould not flourish in the dry spell any
lore than the corn and they were
asily eradicated. The fields are there-
> re clean and have a new lease ol
fo since the rain.
hat is What John Burns Expects la
NEW YORK , July 18 The steel
trike In America is attracting much
ttention in England generally , and
rhile lojag articles are being printed
i the newspapers on the subject , no
3mment is made in the editorial col-
mns , according to the London corre-
pondent of the Tribune. John Burns
as been less reticent , for he fore-
ists an American Armagedon with
le revival of the old anti-slavery feel-
ig and the transformation of trusts
ito state organizations by the politi-
il power of the hordes of workmen.
Financiers watch the quotations
om Wall street , and are unmoved
y socialistic trades. Combinations
re felt to be on trial in America , and
! they survive the great conflict with
rganized" labor concentration of capi-
il will be promoted in England.
Last Furnace Closed.
PITTSBURG , July 18. The last iur-
ace in Linsay & McCutcheon's mill
as closed down at noon. As soon
3 all the men had let the mill , sev-
i deputy sheriffs were stationed
bout the plant. The open hearth and
illet mills of the Clark plant were
[ inning today.
' Secretary Crldler Recovering.
WASHINGTON , July 18 Third As-
stant Secretary of State * Cridler , who
as been ill or several weeks , was
ifficiently recovered today to be re-
loved to Seabright , N. J. He was ac-
> mpanied by Mrs. Cridler.
Thresher Injury In Fatal.
WEEPING WATER , Neb. , July 18.
-Daniel Drum , who was injured by
threshing machine yesterday , died
ist before the doctors arrived , to am-
utate the limb.
Freshens Vegetation Kvea Where If
EBOBgh to Do Permanent Good.
KANSAS CITY , July 17. Rain f <
over an area of eighty miles aroui
Kansas City early yesterday mornii
and reports from different parts of tl
southwest indicate thunder store
and lower temperatures during tl
day. At Lawrence , Kan. , enough ra
/Cell / , to effectively lay the dust , clei
the atmosphere and freshen veget
tlon , but not enough'to do any pe
manent good. It is the first fall \
that vicinity for twenty-six days. 1
Ottawa and Wellsville , In the ne :
county west from Lawrence , aboi
half an inch of rain fell. At Well :
ville there has been no rain for moj
than three months , and coming no
it will do late corn great good if fo
lowed by more , otherwise the cor
crop in that county will prove an u
ter failure. Some fields are now to
far gone to be revived by any amour
of rain. Over one inch of rain is r (
ported at Toronto , Kan. , two countie
further west. There was a fairly goo
shower in Kansas City in the morr
ing , but at 11 o'clock the sky wa
cloudless and the weather bureau r
ported a temperature of 93. A goo
rain fell at Camden Point , Mo , , thre
counties east of Kansas City , and i
will result in much good to con
which In that vicinity isstill a dar
Miami county , Kansas , two * countie
south from KansasCity on theMia
souri line experienced a good rail
the first since April 1. It came to <
late and early crops in that count ;
are reported a total failure
Weather Unfavorable and' Early Con
Damage * * toSome Extent.
United States Department of Agri
culture , Nebraska Section , Climat <
and Crbp Service o theWeather Bu
reau. University ofi Nebraska , . Lin
coin , July 171
The past week' hasbeen hot and dry
The daily mean temperature has aver
aged 11 degrees above the normal.
The rainfall of the past week ha !
been very light , , no amount sufficient
to aid crops having been reported.
The hot , , dry weather has been verj
unfavorable for all growing crops
Threshing of winter wheat has mad ?
good progress , and the yield is good
and the quality fine. Spring wheal
and oats have ripened too rapidly IE
northern counties , and the yield will
be somewhat reduced. Early planted
corn is beginning to tassel in south
ern counties , and has been considerably
damaged by the drouth ; later planted
corn is standing the drouth well , but
corn generally has deteriorated in
condition during the past week. Corn
is small and late , and most of it has
not tasseled , and with rain soon would
recover largely from the elfects of the
dry weather. However , with the rain
the crop would generally be decidedly
below the average. Apples' and fruit
generally have been injured , and the
hay crop will be less than expected
earlier in the season. Potatoes are a
very poor crop.
Station Director , Lincoln , . Neb.
Nothing Definite But the General Talk
is All Along the Iine.
PITTSBURG , July 17. Therewere'
no new developments in the strike dur
ing the early hours of the second day.
kll the plants closed yesterday were
shut down tight and matters about the
Painter mill , Lindsay & McCutcheon ,
Ulark's Solar Iron works , the Monon-
jahela and Starling plants were quiet.
[ t was stated that Painter's mill was
in partial operation , but the only men
it work were a few Hungarians who
ivere cleaning up about the yards. Re
plying to the report that the company
lad brought a strike breaker from
Alabama , Assistant General Manager
Parker said : "We can break our own
strikes. "
.Superintendent Albrecht , enconnter-
d a few moments later , said the plant
vould be running in full within a few
lays. Speculation as to the probable
settlement of the strike is general ,
ind among business managers the
: onsensus of opinion is that the com-
) Ine officials and Amalgamated offi
cials will get together before long and
idjust the differences.
legislature Every Four Tears.
MONTGOMERY , Ala. , July 17. The
lonstitutional convention today pro-
rided for quadrennial instead of bien-
ilal sessions of the legislature and fix-
id November instead of August for
lolding state elections.
F < vtal to-Stock and Crops.
MUSKOGEE , 1 T. , July 17. A se-
rere hailstorm three miles north ol
duskogee last night killed some stock
.rid completely destroyed crops for a
ong distance. The path of the storm
fas over a mile wide. Heavy rains
ell all over the Creek and Cherokee
Lations , generally saving crops.
Gen. Wood Much Better.
HAVANA , July 17. Governor Gen-
ral Wood continues to improve s eal
Total Valuation for Assessment is Hear
Three Million More.
Starting a N w Industry la Holt Coan
Platta County a Pioneer la KOI
Sprinkling Other Nebraska Matte
Here and There.
LINCOLN , Neb. , July 17. The t
tal valuation upon which state tax <
will be assessed this year against ta :
able property in Nebraska will be a ]
proximately $174,432,000 , or $2,685OC
greater than the assessed valution las
year. These figures have been con
puted from the official reports receive
from eighty-nine of the ninety cout
ties. Wheeler , whose report has nc
been received , had a total assesse
valuation of $298,237.40 last year an
it is believed there will be no materit
change in the figures this year.
Following is a comparison of the as
sessed valuation of property for th
two years :
Tops the Omaha Market.
GRAND ISLAND , Nebif. July 1TL
'he topping , of the Omaha , market by
'aul Frauen , . a local stock breeder , ,
seder and shipper , recalls that the
Ihicagjo market for the year has been
apped twice in the past twenty-five-
ears , by Nebraska , a Tekamah man
eceiving. the honor accompanied by
lie cash once , and Mr. Frauen re-
eiving it in 189 Mr. Frauenhas
ist put in the nucleus for a herd of
ioroughhred Shorthorns and Here-
Porter's Case Submitted.
LINCOLN , Neb , July 17. The suit
f the state against William Porter , ,
x-secretary of state , and his bonds-
len , was argued before District Judge
'rost ' and submitted. The state asks
) r $1,500 , claimed to be due as a re-
alt of funds collected and retained by
orter without constitutional author-
; y , it is alleged. C. J. Smyth of Om-
ha appeared for the defendants and
Deputy Attorney General Norris
rown and his assistant , W. B. Rose ,
> r the state.
* Fatal Snn Stroke.
SCRIBNER , Neb. , July 17. August
teuhaner , a young German employ-
I on the farm of John Haum , south
C Scribner , was overcome by heat
ad died from the effects thereof.
Tvro Kebraskans Beleased.
SIOUX FALLS , S. D. , July 17.Two
risoners have just been released from
le Sioux Falls penitentiary , their
( rms of imprisonment having expir-
1. They are Frank Kelley and Fred
! . Moore , each of whom served three
sars , less good time , for robbing a
sstoffice in Nebraska. Upon being
jleased they departed for Oregon ,
here they have relatives living and
here they claim they have positions
waiting them.
Latest Quotations From Boath Oataha -fc
aad KaaMf City. ' - "
Cattle There was. an extremely , light
run of cattle and as packers all seemed
to have liberal orders there were not
enonugh to go the round * and prices ad
vanced sharply. The few cars of beef
steers on sale were picked up at an early
hour at prices that looked fully a dlma
higher , and in some cases more. As com
pared with the close of last week price *
are now fully as good as they were then ,
and sales were made that looked higher
than the same kind of cattle sold for on
last Friday. There were very few cows
and heifers on sale and practically noth
ing , that could be called choice. The way
buyers acted good stuff was evidently In
good demand and would probably have
sold a little higher. Even the common
stuff that was offered sold a little higher
In some cases. Bulls , calves and staga
were all In very light supply and the few
on sale sold as they did yesterday. Stock-
era and feeders were also sc arce today
and prices Improved. In extreme cases
they sold as much as 20c higher , though
K > 5l5c would cover the advance In most
cases. Cattle that were carried over from
yesterday In some cases sold as much as
20c higher than the best bids received
Hogs There 'was another liberal supply
of hogs , though not quite as many ar
rived as yesterday or the day before.
Packers started In fairly early and the
opening market was about 2 c higher
than yesterday's general market. The
bulk , of the first hogs sold largely at
$5.57 % and $5.60 , but it was noticeable that
In roost cases buyers were picking out the
better load's ; . It took a choice load of hogs
to bring over $ o.62& . and very few sold
above that figure. The light stuff sold
mostly from $5.57. down. The market was
fairly active until about half the hogs
had changed hands , and. then , for atime
not much wasdone ; .
Sheep There was- avery light run of
sheep ; and. no lambs at all arrived. The-
sheep sold at just about steady prices
with yesterday , , on1 10@15c lower than last
week. Western wethers sold from $3.25 to \
$3.40. Thelamb market is still in very bad-
shape at all points. The demand is ex
tremely light and prices have broken 50@
75c at this point as compared , withthe
high time last week ;
KANSAS crrr.
Cattle Beef steers , cows and1 Texans , 10
( § 20c higher ; stockers and feeders , strong : ;
choice exports and' dressed beef steer ,
55.50S5.95 ; fair to good" , J4.75@5.40 ; stockera
and feeders. $2.50@4.23 ; western fed steers ,
53.15 5.35 ; Texans and' Indians ; ? 3.85@4.40 ;
Texas grass steers , $3.25@3.90 ; Texas cows ,
$2.603.25 ; native cows. $2.75@4.25 ; heifers.
$2.50@4.75 ; canners. $1.75@2:70 : ; bulls ; $2.50 ®
4.00 ; ; calves , $2.505.25"
Hogs Market 510c higher ; top ; 55.97 % ;
bulk of sales , $5.50J5.80-heavy , 55.85 5.97 % ;
mixed packers , 55.55@5.80 ; light , 5o.35@5.70 ;
pigs , 54.755.30.
Sheep and Lambs Sheep , steady ; lambs
were lOc lower ; lambs , 54.50 < J5.00 ; wethers ,
53.25@3.75 ; yearlings , $3.504.25 ; ewes , $3.00 ®
3.25 ; stock sheep , $1.50 < S3.75.
Declares He Has KbAntma * Af lut
the Admiral.
NEW YORK , July201 Edgar S. .
Maclay replied to the criticism which
has been made onhis historical works
dealing with Admiral Schley and the
navy during the Spanish : war : . He said
in part :
"I did not appreciate at the time 1
wrote the bookthat the terms were
immoderate and intemperate ; . It is
only recently that it has met with ad
verse criticism. It isnow my intention
to revise that portion of the work
that deals with the battle of San
tiago. But I shall'not alter the facts ,
for they are correct , and" I must first
be assured tfiat they are in error. Tha
proofs were submitted" to the officers-
who took part in tne battle of San
tiago , as well as to Secretary Long ,
ind received their approval. I should :
jxplain that only those portions of
: he bookwere submitted" to eac.1 ! of-
Icer that related" ta him personally
sr to the part he tookin the battle.
'T have no animusagainst Admiral
Schley. "
* lob rs.S rd to Be Ripening Overthrow
the Trench Republic.
LONDON , July 2a. The Pall Ma'l
Jazette publishes- communication
rpm its Paris correspondent giving
ifcumstantial details of an alleged
onspiracy to overthrow the French
epublic and install Prince Louis Na-
> oleon as emperor. Tite correspond-
snt is issured that September 14 , upon
srhfch date the czar intends to pro-
note Prince Louis to a full general-
nip in the Russian army , has been
elected as the occasion for a demon-
tration to support the claims of this
irince , who is such a close friend of
heir Russian ally , by all the elements
pposed to the present regime. The
tames of M. de Roulede , the marquis ,
e Lur Saluces and M. Marcel-Habert
re mentioned as the leading spirits
f the movement , and several high
unctionaries of the present govern-
icat are aleged to be assisting the
lovement with funds. * ' . ;
Great Bank's Capital.
NEW TORK , July 20. At a meeting
f the stockholders of the First "Na-
ional bank it was voted to increase-
ne capital of the bank to 110,000,000.
_ Swedish Cabinet.A
COPENHAGEN , July 20. King
hristian has entrusted Dr. Deuntser
'ith the task of organizing a liberal'
linistry to succeed the De Schested
abinet , which resigned Wednesday ,
he following selections have already
een made : President of the council ,
r. Deuntser ; minister of justice , A1- .
erti ; minister of interior , Count Hol-
: eln ; minister of foreign affairs , Al- .
ed Hage ; minister of finance , Christ- .
ofien ; of agriculture , Hansen '