K3RSttS , _ THE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT ! . M. RICE EDITOR Official Newtpaper of Cherry County , Tfebraska TERMS 8-abscnptlon Sl.oo per year in advance ; 51.50 when not ; paid in advance. Display advertising 1 Inch , I5c per issue ; S10 per column by the month. Jxcal Notices 5c per line each Issue. Brands. U4 Inches $4.00 per year in ad vance ; HddltiO'inl space S3.00 per inch per year ; enjraved blocKs extra , $1.00 each. Parties living outside Cherry county not per sonally known are requested to pay in advance. 10 per cent additional to above rates if over C mouths In arrears. Notices ol loss of stock free to brand adver tisers. Thursday. July 25 , 1901 Every day brings some new and startling revelation of some deed of violence com aiitted by an iniuriated inob , who are to say the least mostly peaceable and law abiding citizens in every other respect and are always our best citizens. They are not willing that a continuous farce be perpetrated by our so-called officers of the law. Late Saturday evening July 13 , 1901 , Gov. Savage paroled ex state treasurer Bartley after he had served 4 years and ] month on his 20 year sentence foi- stealiug over $500,000 from his state. Numerous attempts have been made to defeat justice in his case but he was speedily sent behind the bars to pay the penalty of a half million dollar steal with a 20-year sentence which he was serving and would have served but for the election of republican state of ficials last fall and how soon he was pa- rolled which is equal to his pardon. This is a good indication of how much the republican party deplored being caught by populist and democratic vic tory in 1 896. In 1892 when Joe Bart ley was a banker at Atkinson he con ceived of a plan to accumulate wealth faster than the two per cent a month plan and loaded up a car with dele gates and with banners flying from the chartered car such as Joe Bartlev tor State Treasurer went down to the state convention taking it by storm but find ing Mr. Hill a strong candidate for the same place he withdrew with the prom ise that in two years he could have the place when Hill had gotten his fees , Bartley had never held oflice of any kind before of any consequence nor had he tried nor would he try for anything but for state treasurer and for which he waited patiently until it came , then like a hungry wolf sieziug his prey he began to make use of the office. It could not be said that Bartley suffered for other's wrongs. If he was a law- i abiding ci tizen and not the perpetrator be should and would have told who the guilty parties were. It could not be said that he was ignorant nor a fool , ! for who ever heard of a banker who * bad done business for years being anv- thing but a shrewd business man fully able to take care of his i/wn interests. lie was simply a thief , as he was prov en to be , stealing over ยง 500,000 from the state treasury and hoped to be let down easy by republican officials which thank fortune were not elected and he was sentenced to 20 years in the pen itentiary by what some people call i pops or demo-pops when they wish to insinuate that they are a know nothing people. If nothing else had been done in Nebraska by the populists than sen tence Joe Bartley they could claim a better record than the republican party. It is now discouraging to the law-abid ing citizens that Joe Bartley could steal $500,000 from the state , be senten ced to 20 years which was a just sen- , tence as givenj then , and why let a republican governor come back now and issue a pardon or parole which virtually turns the man loose to do as he chooses. Is th * > re no punishment for crimes committed by republicans:1 No redress for wrongs ? Are laws only for tlie use of one party to handle the other and not in force when one of the party errs ? And will our people sanct ion tl\ese measures by a vote for repub lican officials that they may continue this work of robbing the people ? It was predicted by many that if the re publicans were successful last fall Joe .Bartley would be pardoned. How do you like it ? The force in the countytreasurer's jj oflice is busy writing distress warrants c to _ _ be sent out August 1st and if you 3 have any personal property taxes in to < Cherry county not paid you had better r , pay them , for those not p"aid August 1st will be put into the collector's hands. & There is only n week left. J. E. THACKREY , Treasurer. aej \Lost , straved or stolen , June 22d or ejtl ejG 23d , a liver and white pointer bitch , tl tltl six months old. answers to the name of tl Carrie Nation. I will pay$5.00 for her 1 return or for information leading to w her recovery. W3i. FRANCKE , S 27tf . . Valentin Nob. pj Coming Dance In Cornell ilallJuly 20. Great Kastern Circus-August 8. Episcopal Ladies' Hocial-Aupust .3. School Commences September 2. Dr. W. I , Seymour September 9. Fall EacesIn September. Apology to Kob Good. A Song. Backward , turn backward , O. time in thy flight. Give us a rain again ju t for tonight ; Pull out the plug In the bung of the sky Let rain descend on the earth , hot and dry. Lain so sick of this waterless spell Wearj of winds that arc hotter than-all got out. Weary of torments that fever the blond- Turn on a flood , mister , turn on a flood. JJixby in State Journal. ADDITIONAL LOCAL , It might be hotter. Stand up for Cherry county. F. A. Canwas in last Friday from Simeon. M. P. Jordan was in Valentine Sat urday and Sunday. Henry Stetter made a business visit to Cody last week. William Adams , of Pullman , spent Sunday in Valentine. W. A. Keister , of Norden. was in Valentine this morning. Wm , Chalaud was in from hisranch near Pullman last Sunday. Pay your personal taxes before Aug ust 1 and save expense to yourself. Leltoy Leach , of Woodlake , is spend ing the week in Omaha on business , Allen G. Fisher , Chadron's popular lawyer , was in Valentine last Tuesday. Michael Kenneally made this office a pleasant business call last Monday. Frank Mogle , of Cody , came down and spent a few hours here last Friday. C. II. Cornell returned last Tuesday irom a business trip to Omaha and'oth er points. The .Great Eastern Railroad Shows will bill this city tomorrow. Here August 8. 11. A. Daniels made this office a plea sant call while in from his ranch near Simeon today. William A. Wilson , of Kilgore , was in Valentine a few hours today trans acting business. John B. Lord and wife , of Simeon , were in Valentine last Friday trans acting business. W. A. Shelbourn of Kennedy made this office a pleasant business call while in Valentine Tuesday , John Porter , the Standard Cattle Co. man of Pullman , registered at The Donoher last Tuesday. Elmer Cole departed for the Elack Hills country to look up a location for a saloon , last Wednesday morning. Jbannie VanBuskirK returned Mon day from a trip to Gordon where she visited at her parents' home for a week. Quigley & Chapman greet their pa- trons with a new ad in this issue. Bead it and seev hut they have to tell you this week. Peter Freman and Miss Minnie Chase , both of Pullman , were married in tLis citj last Wednesday by County Judge W. R. Towne. Robert Dyer took the train Tupsdny night for Lead City , South Dakota where he will spend a few days looking after business matters. Try our job department. Any thing in the line of note heads , letter heads , statements , bill heads , envel opes or posters. We guarantee sat isfaction. Miss Smith came down Tuesday from the boarding school and went up to _ Pine Ridge agency to visit her brother who is a teacher in the school at that place. E. R. Vandegrif t of Brownlee came up to Valentine last Saturday and returned the following day with a load of supplies preparatory to com mencing his hay harvest. Send in or come before August 1 to see that your personal taxes are all paid. You will save costs by paying up. If you do not read THE CKAT vou will lose money. Only one dollar a year. This issue of THE DEMOCRAT con tains a new ad for The Red Front. The hot weather does not deter this en terprising firm from keeping the public informed about their general merchan dise business. Mrs. Geo. Veach , of Valentine , who has been visiting with her sister in this cityMrs. Wm. Ennis , returned home Tuesday night. Her husband came up accompany her on the trip. Chad- ron Chadronian. t ty : Frank A. Thackrey and wife return S ( ed Tuesday morning from Hot Springs \ and Wind Cave where they visited sev a aIi eral days during the. past week. Ii GrandpaThackrey who went , with ir irfi them is coming back over laud with fi the team that Jas E. and Jonn * E. tl tle 'ft last spring ou account of the high e : water. Rev. Onmbow went up to Hot it ita Springs last Monday and will accom a ] pany Grandpa Thackrev home. d In a Glass of Water. Put a handful oiglased coffee in a glass of water , wash off the coating , look at it ; smell it ! Is it fit to drink ? Give LION COFFEE the same test. It leaves the water bright and clear , because it's just pure coffee. The sealed package Insures uniform quality and freshness. IT'S HERE I We keep studying the needs of , people. That's why we so sel dom lack the item you want. ; The loss of a sale is a trifle , but ! the customer is disappointed , Several disappointments and he | may not come again. The loss i of a customer is a serious loss to any store. Not merely a loss of profit , but a loss of prestige. We try to make our store use ful and helpful. We want it to be known as a place where ev- ierythingf that a drugqist ought 'to ' sell may be found , and where ' little accomodations are given and not grudgingly. When we 1 don't quite please you , tell us I it will help us to make our store better. Quigley & Chapman , Druggists , Valentine , Neb. Dr. A. N. Compton went over "to the Rosebud reservation Friday in the interest , of his profession and returned to Valentine Sunday. lie informs us that Mrs. William Smith and Mrs. K. L.eaton were quite sick. Wednesday evening we had a little shower here which cooled the atmos phere and brightened up things con siderably. Cody reports a good rain and similar reports are received from along the state line rorth. O. W. , J. H. and Chas. W. McDon ald , of Woodlake , were in the county seat last'Tuesday proving up on their fine hay claims in that part of the county. They paid this office a busi ness call before returning home. A very pleasant social dance was given last Monday evening at Cornell hall in honor of Miss May Thacher by a few of her friends. The evening passed very pleasantly after Avhich a supper was served at The Donoher. Genevieve Delgetta , of Bassett , was here last Friday in the interest of a piece of land she owns in this county. Miss Delgetta is well known here having been connected with a millinery store here some two years ago. ago.Last Last Thursday F. M. Jersig shipped in three hundred and fifty twoyear old steers from Omaha and unloaded them at the stock yards here. They were taken out to Henry Ballard's pasture where they will bp fittet ! for the fall market. Mr. Jersig also shipped one car into Woodlake. Pat Ilett has been hauling and fur nishing stone for the Quigley and I3rayton buildings and last week went up to Cody to put up hay for Jas. IE. Quigley on his ranch. Mr. Hett has some of the finest building stone on Lis place that is found in this vicinity. C. C. Perkins and his uncle J. M. Clarkson called at this office for a pleas ant visit Monday. Mr. Perkins made i two weeks visit here from his home in Arkansas and left Tuesday morning for White , South Dakota , to visit with other relatives before returning. Harry O. Tucker arrived here from Port Orchid , Washington , last bunday morning to be at the bedside of his father who has been quite sick for some time. We hope that his father will soon regain health sufficiently to allow Harry to return and take care of his business interests in the west. a The county officers to be elected this fall are : County Treasurer. Clerk , Sher iff , Superintendent , Surveyor , Coroner and Commissioner in the 3rd district. C Two weeks a line of ago copy was 1 omitted by mistake in setting it 1ti which made the list incomplete. tif tic vention will be held the latter part ot f < September or the first of October. h About $4500 is taken from the coun I general fund and returned to the' ed school funds of the county and to the" Valentine . village - * fund * p by the . . recent . action-of < _ the county commissioners. ed < Interest on delinquent taxes , .has for- tl tlu raerly.-go.ne into the .county genejaj u fund \ \ hen paid with the exception of H that proportion which has always been ; hi exacted by the state as it's share in-the ft interest. This interest has now been i off apportioned severally to the school ! ed districts and the village funds. ' tl Jolly Pat Peiper was seen on our streets yesterday and ordered his paper changed from Irwin to Simeon where we understand Mr. Peiper will continue in the stock business. Notice his stock * brand. The ladies of the M. E. church wish to thank the people for their liberal patronsige at the supper they gave last evening. They netted about $27.50. The ladies appreciate the patronage of "the public and it goes to show the \ liberality of the people of Valentine ami tbey can be assured thut their money goes for a good cause. A Y. W. C. T. U. was organized in the M. E. church Monday evening with twenty-one members. The following officers were elected : president , Miss Iva Efner , vice presideutMrs. JLJrown ; corresponding secretary , Miss Prances VauBuskirk ; recording secretary , Miss Frances .Harden ; Treasurer , Miss Elsie Sherman. We wish this society the best of success. James Brantner received a telegram last Friday morning that his father had died at Platsmouth , Nebraska , Thursday evening after a short illness. The telegram was received at the of' fice Thursday evening but was not de livered until the next morning SJ Mr. Brantuer could not have reached home in time for the funeral which took place Saturday morning. Edward Elliott , of Kilgore , and Miss Lizzie M. Thomson , of Valentine , were married at Kilgore last Sunday , July 21 , 1901 , by W. A. Wilson. The groom is not known very extensively in this city but we understand has manyfjriends around Kilgore and McCann. The bride has resided in or near Valentine for a number of years and a host ot friends , with which TJE DEMOCRAT unites , extend very best wishes for their future. Robert C. McBroom and Miss Nellie Goodin , of Cody , were married last Wednesday , July 24 , 1901 , by Justice William Wilson. Mr. McBroom. dur ing his residence in Cherry county , has made many friends both here and at Cody and the bride is one of Cody's fairest ladies having lived in the vicin ity south of there for a number of years. This happy young couple departed this morning for Boise City , Idaho , where they will make their future home. This paper unites with their friends in ex tending congratulations. James D. Thacher and daughter are here visiting the former's brother Al bert E. Thacher. Mr. Thacher arrived here , last Friday morning from Phila delphia expecting to remain about two weeks but was called away this morn ing to attend to business interests in the east. Miss May has never before visited tue west which adds , to the pleasure of this occasion while Mr. Thachei will be remembered by some as having visited his brother , Albert , here some years ago. Miss May ac companied her father on his return and both unite in assuring our people of a very pleasant visit in Valentine and only regret that they could not stay longer. The sad intelligence reached thiscit.i last evening of the death of Glen , the one year old son of Mr. and Mrs. V. A. Northrop , of Glen Eock , Wyoming. The little one had been sick for about ten days with brain fever and Monday Mrs. J. C. Northrop was telegraphed and started Tuesday morning reaching the bedside just one hour before death which occured at 9:30 Wednesday even ing. The remains will be brought to Valentine for interment and the funer al will occur tomorrow , Friday , after noon. A host of friends extend to Mr. and Mrs. NDrthrop their sinceresym pathy and condolance in their hour of bereavements. > y Tuesday night was the grand open ing of the Owl saloon in the new stone building provided by the Krug Brew ing Co. , on the east side of Main street one block from the F. E. & M. V. de pot This building was built by Jos. Stolze and contract for finishing was given Wm. Maier , the court house con t tractor who have done their , work U well. A brick side-walk ten feet wide Un Uk is laid in front of the building and is n an example of what can be done by any one wanting a cheap everlasting walk tint can be repaired a brick at a time if necessary at small expense. S 'Frie Beer" went the rounds at the Owl in their new headquarters and w Krug beer flowed plentifully and free r to all from 6 p. M. to 12 o'clock. No m charge being made for anything called hi for. There was a line that could not him have been broken by the "Noble Six p Hundred , " at the bar. Our good naturvj townsman , Jim-Hull , stood at the distributing point while T. A Yearn- shaw-with a pleasing countenance look hi thei and yon * * tothe comfort of their guests. Even MattWoodson moved ab.out w.ith the gracefulness of Pullman porter with"everything us harmonious and orderly as a church festival. It was Dan Handy's night or his smiles would have been addon to the assembly. Notice the ad of the Owl saloon on first page. So Renovate , < * Renovate , Renovate White Lead , Oil , Turpentine , Putty , f Paint , Whitewash , and Kalsomine Brushes , ? j QnfP APCUTQ ITflD The Celebrated Lincoln Ready Mixed Paints , OULL MUL IIJ 0 rim Varuishes , and Stains. There is none other so Good.t We" Keep in Stock at all times a large assortment of "Wall paper in ' prices ranging from lOcts to 50cts for a double roll. OUR SODA WATER IS EQUAL TO THE BEST And it is as cold as Greenland's Icy Mountains. EILIOTT'S DRUG STORE Bates Reasonable Give Me a Trial WnlcotVs and Tilson'o oltl Stands A. Schatzthauer , Propr. Come to D. S. LUDWIG'S OLD STAND. Buggies at cost for the next 30 days iii order to reduce our stock. .Binding Twine at 9 cents per pound. Eclipse Windmills. Fail-bank's Steel Windmills. Hay-rack Clamps. Dain Sweeps. Moline Wagons LUMBER S. LUDWIG ESTATE Dan Truax and Charlie Gartside were down from Cody this morning. FrankFischer went to Neiligh to look after his land interests at that place. From there he will go to Oma ha. Charlie Cooper is in town today and reports the arrival of a baby boy at his home yesterday and all parties doing well. jNotice our local wealher record on first page , "i ou get a fresh report ev ery week which is well worth your time to lead and compare. Dave Stinard and his three daught ers Ada , Ida and Lucilla departed this morning for Buffalo and will go to Mt. Vernon , N. Y. , his former home from which he left coming west 17 years ago. Mr. Stinard has been engaged in the mercantile business since com ing west and also owns a ranch and a good herd of cattle down east of the Fort of v.hich our friend W. T. Bishop is manager. Mr. Stinard has done well in Cherry county , n. Buttinghaus or "Sticks" as he is better known Trill run Mr. S. 's clothing store during the absence of the family , Mrs. Stinard having proceeded the others two or three weeks , and is , perhaps even now , longing to leturu to the Land of the Mild Eyed Steer. 100 pound sack salt at 27-tf Pettycrew's. After August 1st Sunday dinner at The Donoher will be 50 cents each. Look out for some bargains in shoes at Pettycrew's. 27-tf Sun d.Ty dinner 50 cents after August l&t at The Donoher. Strayed from the town herd one yearling heifer. Branded X co on left hip. Leave word at this oflice. 27-21 FOR SALE About 40 head of cows and calves and about 100 head mixed stuff. Inquire at ranch 10 miles south of Crookston. 23-tf Leu Parker , Mgr Having recently purchased one of the : Newcomb fly-shuttle rag carpet looms I am now prepared to do all kinds of rag carpet weaving on short notice. _ _ a MRS. ADA HOLSCLAW , Valentine , Nebr. Those who know Dr. Seymour per sonally have learned to have great con- idence in him as a business man as ivell as professionally as he has made regular visits to this city for a good w nany years past , and to our knowledge las never failed to keep an appoint- nent , or to give care and attention to D atients who have employed his ser vices. 10 Lout so From my place on the Rosebud res- he srvation on Tuesday , July 16 , 1001 , hree'horses , * one bay mare branded | m left side , one sorrel horse ( oranded | H on left side and he ne bay horse bearing no marks. sh shto SWIFT , St. Francis Mission , Rosebud to ioutb Dakota. 27-tf Notice to Bridge Builders and Painters- Sealed bids with plans and specifications will be received at the otllce of the Conuty Clerk of Cherry County Nebraska at Valentine on ihe 15th day of August 1901 , for the building of all bridges that may be ordered constructed by the County Hoard prior to July 1 10O5. Ulds to be bythe lineal foot upon both sub-structure and super-structure ana contract to be let at such specified sum per lineal foot. All bids to be accompanied by bidder's plans and specifications and a certified check on scino 'bank in Cherry county lor the sum of200. . suc- ccsslul bidders must furnish bonds iu compli ance with the statute. Bids will be received at the same date for the painting of about 900 feet of bridges in Cherry County , Ne braska. Iron bridges to receive one coat of paint and wooken bridges two. Paint ro he red lead and Princeas mineral half and half mixed in pure linseed oil. AH nist and scales to be removed before painted. A suitable bond will be required. The Board of County Commissioners reserve the right to reject any or all bids or to accept any bid they may consider to be the best. . . . Valentine , I ebr. , July e. 1901. Co , Clerk Appointment of Administrator In county court of Cherry County. Nebraska. In the matter of the estate of NVilllam Tupper deceased Elizabeth C. Tupnar havintr filed in my oflice a petition praying for the appointment of F. M. \Valcottasadministratorof the estate ri Will- lain Tupper , deceased. All persons interested in said estate will tike notice that I have fixed July 27. loot at 10 o'clock A. 31. as the time and inyoDlce * n Valentine in said county as the place for hearing said petition at which time and place all persons interested in said estate may appear and show cau c if any there be why such administrator should not be appointed. Witness my hand and seal this lotu day ol " July 1001. SEAL W. B. TOWXE County Judge Appointment of Administrator In county court of Cherry County , Nebraska. In the matter of the estate of Henry VanLeer , deceased. Edward J Davenport having filed in myoflice a petition prayiiis : for the appointment of him self as administrator of the estate of Henry VanLeer. deceased. AH persons interested in said estate will take notice that I have fixed July 27. loot at2 o'clock ! . 31. as the time and my oflice in Valentine in said county : is tie place for hearing said petition at which time and place all persons interested in said estate may appear and show cause if any there be wfoy alien administrator should not be appointed. Witness my hand and seat this lOtli day of ' July loot SEAL W. It. TOWNE - County Judge The ladies of St. John's Church will give an ice cream social on Thursday August fifteenth , in the Spark's build ing- 26 LOST From my place on Snake riv er in Kennedy precinct , two light bay colts , one about two years ol-.l and the ather about three , both branded A on right jaw. Have not been seen . since last October. 27-tf W. A. SHELBOURX. WANTED by the U. S. government m ; experienced , firstclass wheelwright nust also be skilled carpenter. Per manent position. For further informs- ion apply 10 the Quartermaster , Fort tfiobrara , Nebraska. All kinds of heavy hardware and ragon wood stock at E. Breuklanders. 20-tf Fifty cents for Sunday dinners at the Donoher afte ? August 1st. * My ranch for sale. 5 quarters sect- ons of land ; will run 300 Lead of stock ummer and winter also 25 head of- lorsesand 50 liead of cattle. Terms cash I in one year and J in two years. Valentine , Nebr. 1 Bull * for Sale. Eight registered and two liigL.grade ereford bulls , and one high grade rthorn for sale. These animals ara om twelve to thirty months old. * H. S. SAVAGE , Simeon , tfeb ,