? ? * - r m VALEN THE OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF CHERRY COUNTY , NEBRASKA lAf \ VOLUME XVI VALENTINE , NEBRASKA , JULY 23,1901. NUMBER 27 1 = QUEENSWARE. toto * toto 49 to 49 toto 49 toto 49 Call in and see our complete and up-to-date line of goods. toto toto to toto to toto to toto to 49 We Carry the Celebrated toto toto Jo 49 Hamelton & Brown Shoe toto 49 toto Ladies , remember us when in toto 49 need of Btstterick Patterns. toto toto to toto to 4 $ Ladies' and G-entlemans' Shirt Waists. toto 4 ? to 4 * toto toto 49 to 4ft Our Dry Goods department is the most complete , up- 49 to-date and well kept of any in the northwest. The manage- toto 4 ? ment assures 3011 courteous treatment whenever .you visit our to store. Try one of our cool crash suits for this hot weather. toto 49 to 49 toto 49 toto 49- 49 49 THE REB FRONT toto toto 49 WINTER BUSINESS IS OVER Full Line of Spring and Summer Goods now on hand. * SW * bSV * 1 Clothing and Furnishings * Ladies * Gentfs Children's Shoes. -o-o TAILORING IN ALL BRANCHES , C. II. CORXEL.I * . President. M. V. NICHOLSON , Cashier ANKOF VAENTINE. it . * ' .j 1 T < ; 1 Valentine , Nebraska. I A General Banking Business Transacted Bays and Sells Domestic and Foreign Exchange Correspondents ; Sbtralcal National Bank , New York. First National Bank , Omaha Neb HEADQUARTERS FOR WINES , LIQUORS AND CIGARS OF THE CHOICEST BRANDS Valentine - - Nebraska t > * * * * * * A < * * . * * * * * * * * . * * * * A A * . < K3 OO < OWO WC-0/ * Ox OWO .O OWO O O OO-D. IPAINTING toto toto to 49 49 49 PAPER HANGING | 49 CALCIMINING. 49 . 49H R S , DENNIS 4 ? Vaentine , Nebraska All work well done , to T. YEARNSHAW SALOON JAMES BHULL Sole Agents for 1-U3KALD FUKE RYK WHISKSY Ale id Porter. . And FRED KRUGS BEEF Choicest Wines and Cigars * VALENTINE X NEBRASKA GET DPTMXTKTr AT THLS YOUR 1 KliN 1 lINVjr OFFICER We Carf JaUsfy YoU iu QuaUtv Prfcfc a pvvvvvvv < vvvvy./vs vvvvv < vvv < n v vvvv > vvv yvv" > r > * < fvvvvvv 'vvv"vvvvvv I TALK OF THE TOWN , j C. H , WELLFORD , City Editor , Sam Parry was in Valentine last Monday. T. J. Ashburn was in this city Mon day on business. % W. A. Denny was in Valentine last Thursday on business. John Jackson was in from his farm on the north table last Saturday. Aetna Brechbill , of Sparks came up to Valentine Monday on business. . . O. W. Morey and his son Jay re ? turned last Saturday from Bordeaux , Wm. Ward was in from his farm on the north table last Monday on busi ness. Remember that we write insurance in the best mutual sompanies in the state. Visiting" cards , business cards , or wedding1 stationery at THE DEMO CRAT office. F. H. Baumgartl was down from Crookston last Friday shaking bauds with friends. John Neiss came over from the res ervation and spent a few days inthia i city the fore part of the week. Perry Parker , of Kennedy , was in Valentine last Monday making * pre parations for putting up his hay. Miss Helen McDonald , of Crooks- ton , came down last Saturday and spent several days here visiting. C. W. Allen of Merriman and Geo. A. . Brooks of Basile Mills were seen at the Elaine Tuesday. Chadronian. James Skirving , of Woodlake , was in the city last Friday and Saturday and made this oilice a pleasant call. Mrs. Frank Brayton was in Ains- worth last week visiting at the home of her parents , Mr. and Mrs. John DeWoody. A. M. Charbonneau came down from his reservation ranch last Sat urday and spent Sunday and Monday in this city. U. O'Brj'an came over from his res- eryation ranch last Friday and re mained here on business until the fol- lowing" afternoon. Edward Quirk , more familiarly known to his fiiends here as "Boy" " Kirk , ' ' came up last Monday and spent the week here. ' Ralph Crabb was in Monday from his farm on the north table and in- , . formed us that corn in that vicinity is still holding its own. James D. McLean , of the Rosebud s reservation , was in Valentine on busi ness a few hours last Monday. lie made this office a business call. W. G. Baker , of Norfolk , the well known travelling agent for the Wood Bros , commission firm , of Omaha , made his first visit to this community F. M. Walcott has installed in his office a new Macey system desk which will add greatly to his convenience and economy of time in handling his land business. tid List 3'Our ranch , farm or city prop d erty with us. Out real estate busi p ness receives careful attention in n every detail and beat results can be ai obtained through us. er erm Operator Clyde Foster of Valentine m was in Chadron on business connect fo ed with the railroad on Tuesday. He ce returned to his work Tuesday night. stwi Chadron Chadronian. wi Dr. J. C. Dwyer made a professionf f al visit to the Gillasoie ranch the PC atter part of last week to see Mrs. ' Robt. Gillaspie who was quite sick but ib much better at present. de Mrs. P. A. Walker is away visiting th at the home of her parents north of bj Rushville. She leit here last week at and will also visit Hot Springs and other points in the Black Hills. OE W. G. Ballard , one of Woodlake's , .U stockmen , made Valentine a business call last Friday. In conversation , with him he informs us that he wasre re successful * ! ! ! selling all his Dulls. It . . pays to advertise in Tut ; DEJIOCKAT. nv S. Moon returned from Marshal- PI town , Iowa , the lore part of the week where he visitetl hb sister vhu has. I out bsun cuilc lick. He reports crops" ookiug iu a very Ceplciable coedit- on through Iowa owing lo the ccect er drouth. ' ri John Burnett , of Westover , South Vl Dakota , made this office a business bi call while here trading with our mer ac chants last Frida } ' . Mr. Burnett was de accompanied by his sou , Grover , and er was laving in supplies for the haying he hemi season. He like others is experienc mi ing difficulty in obtaining necessary loi help for making hay , fit Local Weather Record U. S. Iivpartincot of Agriculture i Weatlier mu can f ValentineNebraska , week ending Tuesday July , 'j rjyi Mean temperature , 82 doyieealiich is 0 de Kreesi above tlie average. Mean temperature for corresponding week laat year , 07 degrees. Highest temperature , 101 degrees on the iiOth. JLoweat temperature , Co degrees on tlie 18th. .highest and lowest temperature for correb- Itonding week last year , 90 degrees and 43 dc ( i ' . Bret's lespeetively. Total rainfall , .10 inches , which is ,41 inches below ilie average. Maixtnum velocity ofind , 41 miles on the 17 1'ereentuge of sunshine , or . . Such readers of THE DEMOCRAT as I are fond of statistics are requested to compare the temperature records of thia vear with those of 1900. Those who do so will find that the average for the past week for each and every hour of the twenty-four was 15 de grees higher than it was last year. Comment is unnecessary. It will be some time before such aTecord is broken. D , G. ( i Observer. Weather Bureau. Albert Metager arrived in Whit man Sunday morning with a car of bulls for use on his ranch , they were a fine lot of short horns. He had the misfortune to have two of them kill- in the car. Whitman Sun. J. C. Reece , of the firm of Crabb Co. , went out to his ranch near Sim eon last Sunday and remained there until Tuesday evening looking after his interests and making prepara tions to commence haying. Henry Neil of Chicago , who is here visiting Woodruff Ball and expects to stay for a year or more in the hope of benefiting his health , came in from the ranch last week and is spending the week "here enjoving him self. Rev. C. E. Council , of Merriman , will take Rey. Cumbow's place in the M. E. pulpit next Sunday and the Sunday after whi'e our resident pa- tor . ' is enjoying a two weeks vacation in the Black Hills. Rev. Council is an able young man and should be re ceived by a large congregation. Rev. J. C. Sloan , of Alliance , Pres- by terian pastor at large of the Box Butte district , was in Valentine last Sunday and preached in the Presby terian church here. He departed from here Monday morning for Hot Springs , South Dakota , where he will spend a few days at the Siloam rest ing and recuperating his health. R. S. Dennis , our popular painter , who has been working in Ainsworth finishing work on a residence for Sam Chestnut , came up last Friday and will remain here a week finishing Judge F. M. Walcott's new residence property. He will then return to Ainsworth where he has work that will occupy his attention during tne remainder of the summer. John Spall , of near Simeon , an old time friend of the writer , spent Fri day and Satin day in Valentine pre paring for the haying season. John nie i has done well in Cherry county and surrounded himself with consid erable property showing plainly the many opportunities presented here for an ambitious young men to suc ceed. We remember him as a boy struggling against circumstances with many others in the west end of this connty trying to farm. He now possesses a fine ranch property well stocked , Rev. A. F. Cumbow and son Fred departed last Monday morning for the Black Hills country. They went tram from here to Buffalo Gap and there took Mr. Thackrey's team , that he left there some months ago n account of not being able to re turn , the creeks and rivers all being flooded , , and went on to Hot Springs where he will spend a few .days and then on through the hills and on his return they will come through the bad lauds , spending about two weeks away from home. They v.-cnt full } ' prepared for a very pleasant trip. C. M. Sageser , who after selling his brbsr shop in Valentine .has betu la Gordon attending- the uec- cessary repairs of his residerxe prop erty recently purchased there , ar rived here last Friday raorntng afcl visited ! with friends and transacted businessjntil Monday uight when he , accompanied by Jamed Gillaspie departed for Oklahoma. Mr. Suges- has no definite object in view but fj hopes to get into something and make mone } ' . Mr. Gillaspie goes there to look over the country in the hopes of finding sooretbing that will suit him. "SAY SO"IS OUR "DO SO" toto toto toto toto to toto to toto to * 9 Our low prices are a knock-out argu- toto toto < 9 to 49 ment. Let competitors censure , our toto toto to 49 patrons approve. toto toto to toto to toto to We Give Auction Prices Without the-Auction , toto toto to 4 ? toto toto to Evaporated 3 Ibs for toto toto Evaporated Pears - - per lb lOcts toto toto California Peaches - - 'J lb can lOcts toto to Solid Pack Tomatoes - o lb can lOcts toto toto 49 to 49 Sugar Corn 2ib cans , 3 for 2outs toto 49 49 Green Gage Plums - - Sib cans , 2 for 2Sets toto toto 49 California Blackberries - 31b cans , 2 for 25cts toto toto 49 to 49 Gooseberries , Gallon cans SOcts toto 49 toto 49 49 DAVENPORT & THACHER toto toto 49 toto 49 General Merchants. toto toto 49 to 49 toto Let Us Give You a Few of OUR PRICES fooit Jlwisted Coffee - - per lb JtOc 5 JPo f Sticks of ieirlSloininy t > $ fi . > Diamond C Soap - 7 jftartf fjfn'i/c liar IVovl S 2O JL'oieitils oflnovil Kiev Bargains in EVERYTHING tlie Next ! Two Weeks to Make Room ior Our Spring Stock. CROOKSTON. NECFv. MAX E. VIERT EL CITIZENS-MEAT-MARKET J. W. STETTER , PROP FRESH FRUIT AND GAME IN THEIR SEASON First-class line of Steaks , Hoasts , Dry Salt Meats , Smoked Breakfast Bacon THEDONOHER Ts the Best Equipped , most Comfortable , Largest and Best Two-Dollars a-Daj FIKST-CLASS MODERN HOTEL In Northwestern Nebraska s Bath , Hot and Cold Water , Two Sample Hooms Y'ALEHTIHE - H EBB. A SKA -UILDINGS If you are going to build you will save money if you will call on or write me. INFORMATION FREE Composition and Gravo.l roofs , Slate roofs. Brick and Cement side-walks. Native and imported ornamental and cut stone of all shapes and sizes. Brick fur sale. WM. MAIER , Contractor , VALENTINE. N BR- CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER , CARPENTER IN GENERAL I VALENTINE f Jb S s iK