Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, July 18, 1901, Image 7

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Teachers Prrsentc Uarrcd
Under a rule recently fronted bv
the board of education of New York
city school children will no longer be
alowed to give presents to their
teachers unless the gifts shall be sent
anonymously to the teachers homes
The object of the new regulation is
to put an end to favoritism in the
public schools charges having been
made that certain teachers were par
tial to the children of well to do par
eats because of the presents which
such youngsters brought them
A woman may love flattery and yel
dispise an awkward flatterer
1300 Buffalo and return 1300
3100 New York and return 3100
The Wabash from Chicago will sell
tickets at the above rates daily Aside
from these rates the Wabash run
through trains over its own rails from
Kansas City St Louis and Chicago and
offer many special rates during the
summer months allowing stopovers at
Niagara Falls and Buffalo
Ask your nearest Ticket Agent or ad
dress Harry E Moores General Agent
Pass Dept Omaha Neb or C S
Crane G P T A Str Louis Mo
It might be well to remember that
the oldest families are likely to have
the moit to be ashamed of
Ask your grocer for DEFIANCE
STARCH the only 16 oz package for
10 cents All other 10 cent starch con
tains only 12 oz Satisfaction guaran
teed or money refunded
You can rely on a man keeping
his word when it is to his advantage
o do so
Laundering Thin Drcagc
To launder the exquisite creations of mus
lin and lace in which this Reason abounds
frns become quite a problem yet the mot
delicate materials will not bo injured if
washed with Ivory Soap and then dried
in the shade But little starch need be
There is plenty cf room at the top
but as soon as a man gets there he
tries his best to occupy it all
A Macedonians Achievement
Constantine Demeter Stephanove a
native of Macedonia who after seven
years work has taken the degree of
master of arts from Yale supported
himself nearly all that time by work
ing as a conductor on a trolley car in
New Haven When he fiist came to
this country he vorked on f a farm
while he learned the language Then
he went to a preparatory school and
from thence to Yale Next fall he will
go to Germany to continue his stud
Practical Philanthropy
During the terrible heat in New
York Mrs Evelyn W Murray a
wealthy woman adopted a new meth
od of kindness to horses She would
give a truck driver a quarter and tell
him to get a soda water Of course
the man seldom did as suggested but
he invariably stopped and went some
where and meantime his horses hau
a much needed rest
No family shop ship camp or per
son should be without Wizard Oil for
every painful accident or emergency
Dont value a man for the quality
he is of but for the qualities he pos
Iam sure PIsos Cure for Consumption saved
my life three years ago Mrs Thos Bobbins
Maple Street Norwich N Y Feb 17 1900
Never praise a womans cake unless
you are prepared to eat every slice on
the plate
Halls Catarrh Cure
Is taken internally Price 75c
Hope resembles the head of a pin
and disappointment the other end
Clear white clothes are a sign that the
housekeeper uses Red Cross Ball Blue
Large 2 oz package 5 cents
An innocent plowman is
worthy than a vicious prince
Sirs Winelows soothing Syrup
Tor children teettjig softens the sums reduces In
flammation allays pain cures wind colic 25c a bottle
Do good to thy friend to keep him
to thy enemy to gain him
Ask your grocer for DEFIANCE
STARCH the only 1G oz package for
10 cents All other 10 cent starch con
tains only 12 oz Satisfaction guaran
teed or money refunded
Two billion passengers and 950000
000 tons of goods are carried in a year
on the worlds railways
Seminole War Pensioners
In the Masonic home in Walling
ford Conn there resides one of the
four veterans now alive of the Sem
inole war He is Charles Benedict an
old Mason He is on the list of Nncle
Sams pensioners Two other surviv
ors of the war and all one the pen
sion roil are Samuel Hart of Rock
port Mass and Samuel D Calkins
of Norwich
Why the King Dropped Albert
Many theories have been put for
ward with regard to King Edwards
choice of name that is the dropping
of the appellation Albert It is how
ever no secret that the king never
lied the name of Albert and it was
only in deference to his mothers wish
that he signed himself Albert Ed
ward More than once he asked to
be allowed to sign himself Edward
but the queen was obdurate The king
knew that the name of Albert would
not be congenial to the British nation
and as soon as Queen Victoria had
passed away he communicated to Lord
Salisbury his wish to be known as
Edward VII
Are Ton Uclag Allens Foot Eae
It is the only cure for Swollen
Smarting Burning Sweating Feet
Coras and Bunions Ask for Allens
Foot Easa a powder to be shaken Into
the shoes At all Druggists and Shoe
- Stores 25c Sample sent FREE Ad
drees Allen S Olmsted LeRoy N Y
A good man is seldom uneasy an
ill one never easy
Document Opening to Settlement the Wichita
and the Kiowa Comanche and
Apache Reservations
Following Is the Presidents proclama
tion opening the Wichita and the Kio
wa Comanche and Apache reservations
to settlement
By the President o the United States of
Whereas By an agreement between the
Wichita and affiliated bands of Indians
on the one part and certain commission
ers of the United States on the other part
ratified by act of Congress approved
March 2 1895 2S Stat 876 834 the said
Indians oeded conveyed transrerred and
relinquished forever and absolutely with
out any reservation whatever unto the
United States of America all their claim
title and interest of every kind and char
acter in and to the lands embraced in the
following described tract of country now
in the territory of Oklahoma to wit
Commencing at a point In the middle of
the main channel of the Washita river
where the 98th meridian of west longi
tude crosses the same thence up tne
middle of the main channel of said river
to the line of iH degrees and 40 minutes
west longitude thence on said line of D8
degrees and 40 minutes due norm to me
middle of the channel of the main Cana
dian river thence down the middle of said
main Canadian river to where it crosses
the SSth meridian thence due south to
the place of beginning
And whereas all of the conditions re
quired by law to be performed prior to
the opening of said tracts of land to set
tlement and entry have been as I here
by declare duly performed
Now therefore I William McKInley
President of the United States of Ameri
ca by virtue of the power vested in me
by law do hereby declare and make
known that all of the lands so as afore
said ceded by the Wichita and affiliated
bands of Indians and the Comanche Ki
owa arid Apache tribes of Indians re
spectively saving and excepting sections
sixteen thirty six thirteen and thirty
tnree in each township and all lands
located or selected by the territory of
Oklahoma as indemnity sahool or edu
cational lands and saving and excepting
all lands allotted in severalty to individ
ual Indians and saving and excepting all
lands allotted and continued to religious
societies and other organizations and
saving and excepting the lands selected
and set ajide as grazing lands for the
use in common for said Comanche Kiowa
and Apache tribes of Indians and saving
and excepting the lands set aside and re
served at each of said county seats for
disposition as town sites and saving and
excepting the lands now used occupied
or set apart for military agency school
school farm religious Indian cemetery
wood reserve forest reserve or other
public uses will on the 6th day of Au
gust 1901 at 9 oclock a m in the man
ner herein prescribed and not otherwise
be opened to entry and settlement and to
disposition under the general provisions
of the homestead and town site laws of
the United States
Commencing at 9 oclock a m Wednes
day July 10 1901 and ending at 6 o clock
p m Friday July 26 1901 a registration
will be had at the United States land of
fices aft EI Reno and Lawton in the ter
ritory of Oklahoma the office at Lawton
to occupy provisional quarters in the im
mediate vicinity of Fort Sill Oklahoma
territory until suitable quarters can be
provided at Lawton for the purpose of
ascertaining what persons desire to en
ter settle upon and acquire title to any
nf snlrl lnnds under the homestead law
and of ascertaining their qualifications so
to do Tne registration at each office
will be for both land districts but Jit the
time of registration each applicant will be
required to elect and state in which dis
trict he desires to make entry To ob
tain registration each applicant will be
required to show himself duly qualified
to make homestead entry of these lands
under existing laws and to cive the
registration officer such appropriate mat
ters of description and identity as will
protect the applicant and the government
against any attempted impersonation
Registration can not be effected through
the use of the mails or the employment
of an agent excepting that honorably
discharged soldiers and sailors entitled
to the benefits of section 2304 of the re
vised statutes of the United States an
amended by the act of Congress approved
March 1 1901 31 Stat 847 may present
their applications for registration and
due proofs of their qualifications through
an agent of their own selection but no
person will be permitted to act as agent
for more than one such soldier or sailor
No person will be permitted to register
more than once or in any other than
his true name Each applicant who
shows himself duly qualified will be regis
tered and given a non transferable certifi
cate to that effect which will entitle him
to go upon and examine the lands to be
opened hereunder in the land district in
which he elects to make his entry but
the only purpose for which he may go
upon and examine said lands is that of
enabling him later on as herein provided
to understandingly select the lands for
which he will make entry No one wiil
be permitted to make Settlement upon
any of said lands In advance of the
opening herein provided for and during
the first sixty days following said open
ing no one but registered applicants will
be permitted to make homestead settle
ment upon any of said lands and then
only in pursuance of a homestead entry
duly allowed by the local land officers
or of a soldiers declaratory statement
duly accepted by such officers
The order In which during the firat
sixty days following the opening the reg
istered applicants will be permitted to
make homestead entry of the lands
opened hereunder will be determined by
drawings for both the El Reno and Law
ton districts publicly held at the United
States land office at El Reno Okla com
mencing at 9 oclock a m Monday July
29 1901 and continuing for such period as
may be necessary to complete the same
The drawings will be had under the
Supervision and Immediate observance ol
a committee of three persons whose Integ
rity is such as to make their control of
the drawing a guaranty of its fairness
The members of this committee will be
appointed by the secretary of the interior
who will prescribe suitable compensation
for their services Preparatory to theso
drawings the registration officers will at
the time of registering each applicant
who shows himself duly qualified make
out a card which must be signed by the
applicant stating the land district in
which he desires to make homestead en
try and giving such a description of the
applicant as will enable the local land
officers to thereafter Identify him This
card will be at once sealed In a separata
envelope which will bear no other dis
tinguishing label or mark than such as
may be necessary to show that It is to
go Into the drawing for the land district
In which the applicant desires to make
entry These envelopes will be separated
according to land districts and will be
carefully preserved and remain sealed un
til opened in the course of the drawinirs
as herein provided When the registra
tion is completed all of these sealed en
velopes will be brought together at the
place of drawing and turned over to the
committee in charge of the drawing who
in such manner as In their judgment will
be attended with entire fairness and
equality of opportunity shall proceed to
Inopportune consolations increase a
deep sorrow RouBseau
Fortune does not change men it
unmasks them Mme Necker
If you can not do what you like to
do try to like what you have to do
Two good rules for life are Never
be discouraged never be a discour
ager Ariel
Shun idleness it is the rust that
attaches itself to the most brilliant
metals Voltaire
draw out and open the separate envel
opes and to give to each inclosed card a
number In the order In which the en
velope containing the same Is drawn
While the drawings for the two districts
will be separately conducted they will
occur as nearly at the same time as is
practicable The result of the drawing
for each district will bo certified by the
committee to the officers of the district
and will determine the order In which the
applicants may make homestead entry
of said lands and settlement thereon
Notice of the drawings stating the name
of eachapplicant and number assigned to
him by the drawing will be posted each
day at the place of drawing and each
applicant will be notified of his number
By a postal card mailed to him at the
address if any given by him at the
time of registration Each applicant
should however in his own behalf em
ploy such measures as will Insure his
obtaining prompt and accurate informa
tion of the order in which his application
for homestead entry can be presented
as fixed by the drawing Applications for
homestead entry of said lands during the
first sixty days following the opening
can be made only by registered appli
cants and in the order established by
the drawing At each land office com
mencing Tuesday August 6 1901 at 9
oclock a m the applications of those
drawing numbers 1 to 125 inclusive for
that district must be presented and will
be considered in their numerical order
during the first day and the applications
of those drawing numbers 125 to 250 in
clusive must be presented and will be
considered in their numerical order dur
ing the second day and so on at that
rate until all of said lands subject to en
try under the homestead law and desired
thereunder have been entered If any
applicant fail3 to appear and present his
application for entry wnen tne numu
assigned to hJm bv the drawing is
reached his right to enter will be passed
until after the other applications assigned
for that day have been disposed of when
he will be given another opportunity to
mitre untrv fnUintr in Which he Will
be deemed to have abandoned his right
to make entry under such drawing To
obtain the allowance of a homestead en
try each applicant must personally pre
sent the certificate of registration there
tofore issued to him together with a
regular homestead application and the
necessary accompanying proofs and with
the regular land office fees but an hon
orably discharged soldier or sailor may
file his declaratory statement through the
agent representing him at the registra
tion The production of the certificate
of registration will be dispensed with
only upon satisfactory proof of its loss
time of considering
or destruction If at the
sidering his regular application for entry
it appears that any applicant is dis
qualified from making homestead entry
of these lands his application will be
rejected notwithstanding his prior regis
tration If any applicant shall register
more than once hereunder or in any
ether than his true name or shall trans
fer his registration certificate he will
thereby lose all the benefits of the regis
tration and drawing herein provided for
and will be precluded from enterinig or
settling upon any of said lands during
the first sixty days following said open
Because of the provision of the said
act of Congress approved June 6 1900
That the settlers who locate on that
part of said lands called and known as
the neutral strip shall have preference
right for thirty days on the lands upon
which they have located and improved
the said lands in the neutral strip
shall for the period of thirty days after
said opening be subject to homestead en
try and townsite entry only by those who
have heretofore located upon and im
proved the same and who are accorded
a preference right of entry for thirty
days as aforesaid Persons entitled to
make entry under this preference right
will be permitted to do so at any time
during said period of thirty days follow
ing the opening without previous regis
tration and without regard to the draw
ing herein provided for and at the ex
piration of that period the lands in said
neutral strip for which no entry shall
have been made will come under the
general provisions of this proclamation
The intended beneficiaries of the pro
vision in the said acts of Congress ap
proved respectively March 2 1895 and
June 6 1900 which authorizes a qualified
entryman having lands adjoining the
ceded lands whose original entry em
braced less than 160 acres to enter so
much of the ceded lands as will make
his homestead entry contain In the ag
gregate not exceeding 160 acres may ob
tain such an extension of his existing
entry without previous registration and
without regard to the drawing herein
provided for only by making appropriate
application accompanied by the necessary
proofs at the proper new land office at
some time prior to the opening herein
provided for
Any person or persons desiring to
found or to suggest establishing a town
site upon any of said ceded lands at anv
point not in the near vicinity of either
of the county seats therein heretofore
selected and designated as aforesaid mav
at any time before the opening herein
provided for file In the proper local land
office a written application to that effect
describing by legal subdivisions the land
intended to be affected and stating fully
and under oath the necessity or proprietv
of founding or establishing a town at that
place The lotfal officers will forthwith
transmit said petition to the commis
sioner of the general land office with their
recommendation in the premises Such
commissioner If he believes the public
Interests will be subserved therebv will
If the secretary of the interior approve
thereof issue an order withdrawing the
lands described in such petition or any
portion thereof from homestead entrv
and settlement and directing that the
same be held for the time being for town
site settlement entry and disposition
nnly In such event the lands so with
held from homestead entry and settle
ment will at the time of said opening
and not before become subject to settle
ment entry and disposition under the
general townsite laws of the United
States None of said ceded lands will be
subject to settlement entry or disposi
tion under such general townsite laws
except in the manner herein prescribed
until after the expiration of sixty days
from the time of said opening
Attention is hereby especially called to
the fact that under the special provisions
of the said act of Congress approved
March 3 1901 the townsite selected and
designated at the county seats of the
new counties Into which said lands have
been formed can not be disposed of un
der the general townsite laws of the
United States and can only be disposed
of In the special manner provided in said
act of Congress which declares
The lands so set apart and designated
shall in advance of the opening be sur
veved subdivided and platted under the
direction of the secretary of the interior
into appropriate lots blocks streets al
leys and sites for parks or public build
ings so as to make a townsite thereof
Provided That no person shall purchase
more than one business and one residence
lot Such town lots shall be offered and
sold at public auction to the highest bid
der under the direction of the secretary
No philosopher can give a reason
for half that he thinks
A man without a conscience is a
man without principle
The high premium on honesty
proves that it is the best policy
Pride and folly cost some people
more than their actual necessities
Spite enables the fool to believe he
is happy in his unhappiness
A good business qualification is the
ability to attend to ones own business
cf the Interior at sales to bo had at th
opening and subsoquent thereto
All persons are especially admonished
that under the said act of Congress ap
proved March 3 1901 It is provided that
no person shall be permitted to settle
upon occupy or enter any of said ceded
lands except in the manner prescribed
In this proclamation until after the ex
piration of sixty days from the time
when the same axe opened to settlement
and entry After the expiration of ttu
said period of sixty days but not before
any of said lands remaining undisposed
of may be settled upon occupied and en
tered under the general provisions of tht
homestead and townsite laws of tht
United States in like manner as If th
manner of effecting such settlement oc
cupancy and entry had not been pre
scribed herein In obedience to law
It appearing that there are fences
around the pastures Into which for con
venience portions of the ceded lands
have heretofore been divided and that
these fences are of considerable vahj
and are still the property of the Indian
tribes ceding said lands to the United
States all persons going upon examin
ing entering or settling upon any of
said lands are cautioned to respect such
fences as the property of the Indians and
not to destroy appropriate or carry away
the same Hut to leave them undisturbed
so that they may be seasonably removed
and preserved for the benent oi tne In
The secretary of the interior shall pre
scribe all needful rules and regulations
necessary to carry into full effect the
opening herein provided for
In witness whereof I have hereunto set
my hand and caused the seal of the
United States to be affixed
Done at the City of Washington this
4th day of July in the year of our Lord
1801 and of the independence of the
United States the one hundred and
twenty sixth
By the President
JOHN HAY Secretary of State
Many Groups Doervo Greater Attention
Than They Ricelve
Amorfg the most popular flowers of
to day are the lovely peonies in va
ried tints of rose pale crimson and
purple The petals of some varieties
are as large as saucers and being of
a satiny texture and drooping in
graceful folds they attract a good deal
of attention It is pleasing to know
that these tree peonies will grow in
any good soil without much trouble
consequently the whole tribe should
be found a place in every garden
They give a fine effect in beds on
lawns or may be grown in pots and
taken into the conservatory at the
present season when at their fullest
beauty Some of the newest kinds
measure nine inches across the bloom
These peonies die down in autumn
and start growth with renewed vigor
in spring The gold flowered Ethio
pian lily is another beautiful thing
that ladies procure as a fitting com
panion to the pure white variety
There is also quite a novel pink flow
ered form but as yet quite rare it wa
discovered recently in Rhodesia Many
dwelling houses are now adorned with
the lovely climbing Wisteria sinesis
which is unequalled for the purpose
when in flower The fine pendulous ra
cemes of a rich lavender color remind
one of a bunch of grapes from the way
they hang on the branches They are
produced so freely1 that at the pres
ent season there seem more blossoms
than leaves The Wisteria is quite
hardy and its stems extend to a great
length each summer Young plants
can be bought very cheaply and we
strongly recommend this elegant
climber to those who do not know it
A group of pretty flowering plants
that deserve greater attention than
they receive are the double flowered
ivy leaved geraniums Few plants
compare with them for balconies or
window boxes or to hang down from
stagings in the conservatory or from
baskets the foliage alone is handsome
whilst the flowers which are produced
so freely right through the summer
are both bright and lasting They look
magnificent when trained along trellis
work in sunny positions
Much Cheaper In America than In
Countries Where Grown
When on drinking your cup of choc
olate at breakfast you find a sediment
deposited in the bottom of the cup
you may feel sure that this insoluble
stuff is the adulterant with which the
chocolate is cheapened to such a de
gree that the beverage far from its
source of production costs less than it
does in the place where it is produced
In Soutn America the retail price for
the better grades of chocolate averages
about 1 per pound while In Italy
France England and in the United
States the better grades sell at a much
lower price In America the ordinary
chocolate sells for about one third of
the price that is charged for it where
it is produced The cause of this the
producers say is that the original
product is adulterated greatly before
reaching its final market a cheaper ar
ticle than the cocoa bean constituting
the large proportion of 90 per cent of
the chocolates of commerce The cocoa
bean from which chocolate is manu
factured is produced in its finest form
in Venezuela though various other
parts of Central and South America
grow and export large quantities Two
crops of the bean are gathered each
year and the manufacture consists
simply in grinding up the beans into
meal and then adding sugar and arrow
root with the necessary flavor usual
ly vanilla or cinnamon The mass is
moistened until it is in a semi fluid
state after which it is run into molds
of the proper shape New York Press
Maurice Barry mores Witty lie tort
The clever wit of the recently de
mented actor Maurice Barrymore is
still the foremost subject in the circle
of the unfortunate mans friends On
one occasion when Barrymore was
visited by a number of friends one
of them dropped a 50 cent piece on
the floor and search high and low
the money could not be found Won
der where it went to one remarked
Went to the devil I guess said the
loser Trust you for making 50 cents
go further than any one else said
Barrymore New York Times
J6AvJf jt fc --
Tho Biah 930000 Automobile -
A builder of motor carsjjn Liege
France has just sent to Teheran an
open carriage of the landau snaps or
dered by the shah at the price of
20000 It has seats for five one of
which is the driver The body is
painted royal blue and the wheels
carmine The seats are luxurious
springy and covered with pearly gray
satin Two handsome lamps stand out
well from the drivers seat the frames
are silver gilt and the glass panes
beveled they are decorated in the
middle with the lion and sun of Per
Green and red will go together Give
a man plenty of greenbacks and he
can paint the town a deep red
Ladles Can Wear Shoe
One size smaller af ter usingAUens Foot
Ease a powder It makes tight or new
shoes easy Cares swollen hotsweating
aching feet ingrowing nails corns and
bunions All druggists and shoo stores
25c Trial package FREE by maiL Ad
dress Allen S Olmsted LeRoy NY
If you would be revengd of your
enemy govern yourself
If so use Red Cross Ball Blue It will make
them white as snow 2 oz package 5 cents
A wicked hero will turn his back
to an innocent coward
SfJ Si vXTj
Outcome of Anti Canteen FolIy -
In a letter to his father at Spring
field Mass Frank Dellinger a soldier
serving in the Philippines bitterly de
nounces tho temperance peoplo for
having brought about the abolition of
the canteen Deprived of beer and
whiskey many soldiers accustomed to
drink have taken up the vilo Filipino
drink beno as asubstitute It not
only physically wrecks those who
drink it but in many instances makes
them permanently insane Dellinger
cites cases where soldiers have gono
crazy from indulging in beno
Ask your grocer for DEFIANCE
STARCH the only 16 oz package for
10 cents All other 10 cent starch con
tains only 12 oz Satisfaction guaran
teed or money refunded
If a man looks upon the wine when
it is red it is very likely to cast
upon his nose
Ask your grocer lor DEFIANCE
STARCH the only 16 oz package for
10 cents All other 10 cent starcn con
tains only 12 oz Satisfaction guaran
teed or money reiunded
3ones Ho Pajs tho Freight Bicgbamtco N Y
If you do you should send your name and address on a postal card for a
It illustrates and describes all the different Winchester Rifles Shotguns and
Ammunition and contains much valuable information Send at once to the
Winchester Repeating Arms Co New Haven Conn
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ml r n - Tl minimum1 4 m
1 For preserving purifying and beautifying the skin of infants I
and children for rashes itchiness and chaff fn cUanzinc a
the scalp of crusts scales and dandruff and the stopping of
falling hair for softening whitening and soothing redrough
and sore hands and for all the purposes of the toilet hath
and nursery Millions of Women use Cuticura Soap In the
form offcaths for annoying irritations inflammations and
excoriations for too free or offensive perspiration in the form
of washes for ulcerative weaknesses ana for many sanative
antiseptic purposes which readily suggest themselves to
women especially mothers No amount of persuasion can
induce those who have once used these great strtn purifiers
and heautifiers to use any others Cuticura Soap combines
delicate emollient properties derived from Cuticura the great
skin cure with the purest of cleansing ingredients and the
most refreshing of flower odors It unites in ONE SOAP
at ONE PRICE the BEST skin and complexion soap and
the BEST toilet hath and baby soap in the world
rfYIaV6f Consisting of Cuticura Soap to cleanse tha skin of crests
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IV MA tft sizst to instantly allay itching inflammation and irrita
Tiir nrr tl0n Bathe ad heal and Cuticuea Resolvest to
I HP Arl cl and cIeanse the blood A 8rKGtE Set is often
1 i cienco58he most torturing disfiguring itching burn
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Sold throughout the -world British Depot FNewbestt Boss 27 28 Charter
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W AH I tUn ALfcwInENi Working and thoroughly reIlabo
men to sell the best grown nurserv
Stock In the United States Liberal Commissions paid Cash advanced weekly Writff
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CORN AND OATSH srasrw sss
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prices Send for our book SUCCESSFUL SPECULATION sent free