Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, July 18, 1901, Image 6

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It Makes Another Big Advance on Chi
cago and New York Markets
Carmorfi Become Balls When Profession
ale Begin Realizing Wheat Conspicu
ous By Giving Corn u CIoso Race in
tbo Advance
NEW YORK July 13 There was a
scene of great excitement in both the
wheat and corn markets at New York
today the trading aggregaating one
of the largest days totals in a year
or more especially as to corn
Prices jumped 2 5 8 cents during the
day In corn making 6 cents advance
for the week Orders poured into the
market so fast that the brokers could
scarcely execute them at the prices de
sired and the usually small crowd
around the corn ring was increased
to such an extent that at times it al
most outrivaled that in the wheat pit
The farmers have taken the bull side
into their hands and in the face of
heavy realizing on the part of profes
sionals have kept prices going until
the cry is for 60 cent corn in Chicago
Where the present bull movement will
end depends a great deal on weath
er conditions in the leading corn
Wheat also took an extraordinary
jump today and from being in a posi
tion almost entirely friendless at once
leaped into popularity with the bulls
and gave corn a close race for leader
ship in the advance for the day
Brices in New York closed 2 and 3
cents higher than yesterday and prac
tically at the top price Professionals
were caught in this bulge in -wheat
and some of them lost about all the
money they have made by selling long
corn to the bull public For weeks
and for months wheat has been ham
mered persistently by everybody in the
belief that the crop would be a record
one and more than enough to make
up the foreign shortage The result
has been a huge short interest part
of which was caught in yesterdays
big advance The remainder is in a
state of anxiety as to what the out
come will be realizing that a much
greater upturn must mean the covering
of a big line of wheat Today bulls
were still further encouraged by re
ports that wheat in the Red river val
ley was being injured by excessive heat
after recent wet weather
CHICAGO July 13 Todays advices
to the Board of Trade grain compa
nies are to the effect that the heat
and drouth in the southwest are un
broken It is said that the damage
outside of Kansas and Missouri is com
paratively slight but that unless there
is relief within the next ten days the
corn crop situation will approach a
A message from Topeka Kan says
the prospects are for a crop of but
5000000 bushels of corn although last
years crop was 163000000 and the
year before 237000000 bushels The
loss of hay and potatoes is also great
second only to the loss of corn It is
estimated that the farmers of Kansas
and Missouri have already lost 50000
000 by the torridity and drouth
The straits in the corn crop Is said
to be owing to the intense heat and
lack of moisture and is reflected in
the course of prices of that cereal
on the Board of Trade Corn for Sep
tember delivery at the opening today
sold simultaneously from 52c to 52c
compared with the close yesterday at
5151c shortly afterward it was
quoted at 52c or 9 cents higher than
the price one month ago shortly be
fore the heat and drouth began to
arouse misgivings as to the future of
the crop
El Kono Crowd Is Thinning
WASHINGTON July 13 Secretary
Hitchcock said that reports from the
Oklahoma registration showed the
crowds in that country had digested
thoroughly the presidents proclama
tion and realized that there was no
chance for speculators intruders tres
passers or gamblers The people
said the secretary realize that the
lands are being opened in good faith
to everybody qualified and that what
is given them is not transferable
Hon Richard Hubbard Dead
DALLAS Tex July 13 Hon Rich
ard B Hubbard a former governor of
Texas and during President Cleve
lands administration United States
minister to Japan died at his home in
Tyler Tex today
Its ft Manageable Ballcon
- PARIS July 13 M
cigar shaped balloon driven by
a motor had a trial from St Cloud
across Paris around the Eiffel tower
and back to St Cloud The papers
say the trip was quite successful and
that the balloon ascended and descend
ed apparently at the will of the aero
naut Tomorrow he will make an offi
cial attempt to win the prize of 100000
francs offered by Henry Deautsch for
a manageable balloon
r - JT
NIcklo Plates Road Structure Collapses
Under Load of Stono
CONNEAUT O July 12 Just af
ter 11 oclock today three cars of the
local freight went through the Nickel
Plate bridge at Springfield Pa
The train left Conneaut only a few
minutes before the accident in charge
of Engineer William Griffith of Buf
falo and Conductor Phil A Moore of
Buffalo The latter was killed out
right The bridge gang was at work
on the bridge and the ten men in
jured are mostly workmen A fill was
being made at the bridge and about
twenty five workmen were about the
The Conneaut wreck train with lo
cal officials and doctors left for the
scene at 11 oclock Tbe accident oc
curred just after passenger train No
3 had pulled through The local aftei
the passing of the passenger train
pushed three cars heavily laden out on
the structure to unload stone for the
masons working beneath on the large
stone foundation The work of un
loading had hardly begun when with
out warning the whole structure
bearing the three laden cars filled
with laborers fell with an awful
crash into the valley
National Educational Association Selects
President Bearclshear
DETROIT Mich July 12 The Na
tional Educational association today
reaffirmed its declaration in favor of
national university at Washington to
be maintained by the national gov
After taking this action the associ
ation elected as its president for the
ensuing year President W N Beard
shaw of the University of Iowa The
election was unanimous as was that
of C M eyes of Hartford Conn for
treasurer This afternoon thirteen
departmental meetings were held and
in several of them officers were elect
ed Interesting papers on the teach
ing of economics in the schools were
read at the morning session by Prof
George E Vincent of Chicago univers
ity President George Gunton of the
Institute of Social Economics New
ork Prof F W Speirs of Philadel
phia and R P Halleck of Louisville
Ruling- of the Treasury Department
Gives Foreign Shippers Chance
WASHINGTON July 12 Under a
ruling of the Treasury department cof
fee shipped from the United States to
Porto Rico will be admitted into Por
to Rico free of duty as soon as free
trade is proclaimed between the United
States and that island
This in practice will result likely in
all coffee shipped into Porto Rico
from any country being admitted free
of duty Although the Porto Rican
tariff provides for a duty of 5 cents a
pound on all coffee imported from a
foreign country it is expected that
coffee importers will take advantage of
the fact that coffee is admitted free
into the United States and ship their
coffee into the United States and
thence to Porto Rico thus avoiding
the duty which would be imposed if
shiped from a foreign country direct to
Porto Rico
Governor of Missouri Urged to Name
Day for Rain
ST LOUIS Mo July 12 A special
dispatch from Jefferson City Mo says
that Governor Dockery has received
numerous petitions asking him to is
sue a proclamation setting a day of
fasting and prayer for rain It is
stated that unless rains soon come the
failure of crops in Missouri will be the
greatest since 1854 The temperature
at various points in the state yester
day was as follows Jefferson City
107 Columbia 110 to 112 in the shade
Mexico 112 St Joseph 109 Hanni
bal 105 Harrisonville 109
At 4 p m the record of yesterday
104 degrees in the shade was reached
with prospects that it would go a frac
tion higher before sunset
Russians Still Hang On
LONDON July 12 Apparently the
Russians have no intention of evacu
ating Nieu Chwang says a dispatch
to the Morning Post from Nieu
Chwang dateu July 8 although there
is no reason for their administration
of a treaty port The country is per
fectly quiet between Nieu Chwang and
Mukden Russias immense harbor
works at Dainey are half completed
When finished the harbor will be the
finest in the east
Has a Frightful Drouth
LONDON July 12 There Is no
longer the slightest hope says a dis
patch to the Daily News from Odessa
of saving even a moiety of the crops
in the Volga governments of Amara
Saratoff and Kassan as well as many
districts of the neighboring govern
ments Over the whole region there
has been a protracted drouth with
tropical heat the temperature varying
for seven weks from 130 to 150 Fanr
Thousands Bush to Begister for Claims in
Indian Territory
Not Until July fl Will Early Comers Know
Their Lack Lottery Deal Spoils Pic
turesqueness Excitement Is When In
terlopers Try to Push In
EL RENO O T July 11 The total
registration of homesteaders at El
Reno yesterday was 4018 193 being
women Commissioner Richardson es
tablished a separate registration booth
for women Mr Richardson says he
can register 8000 daily from now on
or as soon as organization of his
force is perfected
EL RENO O T July 11 Follow
ing out the proclamation of President
McRmley opening up to settlement
by whites the 1300 farms in the Kiowa-Comanche
country the first regis
tration of homeseekers was made here
and at Lawton at 9 oclock this morn
ing Hundreds were still lined before
the various registration boards when
darkness came tonight and tomorrow
and next day the registration will
continue until all who come have been
given an opportunity to file their
names The drawing by lottery will
begin July 29 and until then none of
the 50000 applicants will know wheth
er or not he has been lucky enough
to receive a homestead
The lottery scheme robbed the open
ing of the picturesque run and the
exciting times Incident to the great
opening of the Cherokee strip ten
years ago Compared with that event
the affair today was tame in the ex
treme Although there are perhaps
20000 people in town practically no
disorder prevailed As a rule the
homeseekers were well provided with
money and provisions and aside from
the long wait in the sun before the
registi ation booths no serious incon
venience has been experienced
Last night hundreds of people slept
in the streets and alleys to maintain
their places in lines which began
forming yesterday at the six regis
tration booths in El Reno Many had
waited on the border of the new coun
try for two years or more and the
last night of their long vigil was the
most trying they had experienced The
line was made up of the halt the
lame and the brawny frontiersman
sprawled out in the dust The crowd
before each booth elected a captain
and each man and woman in line was
given a number which they pinned
conspicuously to their clothes A
company member was permitted oc
casionally to absent himself from line
for a short breathing spell and inva
riably his place was protected by his
fellow watchers
As the hour of 9 oclock neared in
terlopers tried to push in and break
the numerical order of the line or
ganization This instantly raised bad
blood and when word was passed
down the line a little later that the
booth officials would not recognize the
line organization but would register
the first person to present themselves
there were threats of violence and ri
oting seemed likely Trouble was pre
vented by the early announcement
that the line organization would be
respected by the government officials
Cheers and waving of hats greeted
the word and from this time forth no
sign of trouble was apparent Ap
plicants were admitted to the bootns
four at a time and the filing proceed
ed rapidly all day long
During the day the heat became in
tense but no serious suffering was
reported The numerous women in
line were treated gallantly by the men
who shaded them from the sun with
embrellas and furnished drinks from
the lemonade venders who plied tneir
The second place of registration
named in the proclamation was at
Lawton twenty five miles overland
where similar scenes to those enacted
in El Reno were witnessed
Secretary Hitchcock Telegraphs There
can Bo No Postponement
complaints from land offices in Okla
homa other than El Reno and Lawton
that they should be allowed to make
registrations from the opening of the
reservations are regarded officially as
not well founded The matter was
taken up some weeks ago and Delegate
Flynn at the time unsuccessfully en
deavored to have the other Oklahoma
offices included
It is claimed here that the reports
of the number of cattle on the land
to be opened has been exaggerated
and Shat there are in lact on the
Wichita reservation only 72000 head
The opening of certain lands on Au
gust 6 which stockmen are seeking to
have postponed is mandatory A
large part of the 72000 head on the
Wichita lands it is claimed can be
shiped to market by the allotted time
and the rest moved down to the Ki
owa grazing lands which will not be
thrown open to settlement
field of Wheat Good in Quantity and
Quality Corn Grows Well
United States Department of Agri
culture Nebraska Section Climate and
Crop Service of the Weather Bureau
Weekly Crop Bulletin University of
Nebraska Lincoln July 10 General
The past week has been hot with
heavy showers in eastern counties
The daily mean temperature has av
eraged 5 degrees above normal The
maximum temperatures for the week
generally exceed 100 degrees in
southern counties and were but little
below 100 degrees in the northern
The rainfall of the past week has
been heavy in southeastern counties
varying from one to nearly six inch
es in the northern and western coun
ties it has generally been less than
half an inch
Winter wheat harvest is nearly
completed and threshing has com
menced in southern counties the yield
is good in both quantity and qual
ity Spring wheat and oats have
been considerably damaged by chinch
bugs and dry weather in central and
southwestern counties and in many
fields these crops will be about a fail
ure In some places chinch bugs are
leaving the wheat fields and attacking
the corn Corn has been damaged
slightly in a few southwestern coun
ties by the hot weather of the past
week generally however corn has
grown well and in a large part of the
state has grown very rapidly Corn
is small for this time of year
Section Director Lincoln Neb
Demand for Refund of War
Makes Business Brisk
OMAHA Neb July 10 The de
mand for the refund of money used
in the purchase of stamps under the
war revenue law which are not re
quired under the amendments to that
law which went Into effect July 1 Is
keeping the office force of the inter
nal revenue collector busy
It is estimated that in this dis
trict there are 50000 in stamps sub
ject to redemption but these stamps
are so scattered that the redeeming
of them is a slow process Applica
tions for refunds come from people
holding hundreds of dollars in stamps
and from those whose total refund will
aot exceed 25 cents and the work re
quired in each case is the same
It is believed that the revenues of
the government will be swelled to a
marked extent over estimates by the
failure of many persons to have their
money refunded as in many cases
the time necessary to prepare the nec
essary papers is of greater value
than the stamps to be redeemed The
redemption of these stamps coming at
the beginning of the fiscal year when
the force is busy preparing the reports
for the year just closed together with
the fact that several new clerks are be
ing instructed in the duties of the of
fice consequent upon the change in
the head of the Omaha office keeps
the force at work overtime
Disregard Fact that Reserves Will Be
Opened Bv Lottery
EL RENO I T July 10 Judge
Kilpatrick special alloting agent of
the Kiowa Commancbe reservation
said that Caddo county is full of
sooners and that trouble is likely
to occur notwithstanding the county
is to be opened by lottery and not by
run Two troops of cavalry one each
for Fort Reno and Fort Sill have
been ordered to the posts and are ex
pected to arrive at their destination
on Wednesday Lew Hornbeck of
Minco Newstral has a small follow
ing here who declare they intend to
locate now regardless of the presi
dents proclamation naming certain
days upon which the land is to be
allotted by drawing Already some of
Hornbecks followers have entered
the forbidden country
Generally speaking the proclama
tion is satisfactory but quite a num
ber of homesteaders express dissatis
faction over the clause governing the
drawing They say that endless con
fusion must result in selecting land
after homesteaders have secured the
lucky numbers
Fotir Pirolps Granted
DES MOINES la July 10 Gover
nor Shaw has granted paroles as fol
lows Arthur Moer from Marshall
county convicted of burglary Harvey
Owens Davis county convicted of lar
ceny William Voshall Iowa county
larceny and James OBrien Bremer
county assault on a woman
Jessie Morrion In Prison
ELDORADO Kan July 10 Jessie
Morrison was taken to the peniten
tiary at Lansing to begin her five
years sentence for the murder of
Mrs Clara Wiley Castle There were
several hundred people at the rail
way station to take a farewell look
at the prisoner Half of the crowd
consisted of women Despite the ef
forts of the trainmen a large number
of men and women crowded into tha
train to stars at Miss Morrison
mum m law
Deputy Simpkins Outlines Plan for Its
Looking Dp a Desirable Site for Next
Annual Encampment of the National
Guard Other Matters la Nebraska of
More or Less Interest
LINCOLN Neb July 10 Members
of the Nebraska Fish commission met
in the ofiSce of Deputy Warden
kins and outlined plans for enforcing
the provisions of the new game law
which went into effect July 1 So far
as known there will be no organized
efforts on the part of the market hunt
ers to violate the law but all of the
under deputies have been instructed
to be on the lookout and if any one
is found shooting or attempting to
shoot for the market he will be
promptly arrested and vigorously pros
Under the new law the deputy game
warden is held responsible for the
management of tne state fish hatcher
ies Several changes in the adminis
tration of this institution have been
proposed and the commission will
probably meet next week to give them
consideration Complaints against
Superintendent OBrien will also be
given attention at the next meeting
Governor Savage and Deputy Game
Warden Simpkins refuse to disclose
the nature of these complaints until
after the accused has had a hearing
Adjutant General Colby Goes on a Tour
of Investigation
LINCOLN Neb July 10 Adjutant
General Colby will make a trip in
northwestern Nebraska for the pur
pose of visiting several sites that
have been proposed as suitable and
desirable for the next annual en
campment of the Nebraska National
guard He will leave the railroad at
Valentine and travel southward
through the cluster of lakes near Ev
ergreen creek in the eastern section
of Cherry county and from there he
will go westward along Snake river
and other branches of the Niobrara
river This territory includes the
wildest and most secluded scenery in
the state It is about midway be
tween the main northwestern lines of
the Elkhorn and Burlington railroads
Several wooded spots along Dismal
creek which flows through Blaine
Hooker and Thomas counties have
also been suggested and General Colby
may visit them before he returns
We wish to locate the encampment
where it will not benefit one railroad
to the exclusion of all others said
General Colby The places suggested
in Cherry county meet all require
ments that cannot be found anywhere
else They are isolated and far from
the centers of habitation There are
numerous lakes all along the creeks
in Cherry county and the water is al
ways clpar and cool and invigorating
Boy Falls Tinder a Train
STANTON Neb July 10 As the
regular freight train No 27 was pull
ing out of this place Dean Thrapp
19 years of age fell from the train
and was literally cut to pieces He
had been working in a brick yard at
Fullerton Neb for the last month
and in company with another man
was going to Sioux Falls They rode
from Fremont to this place on the
brace rods under a car His father
is a carpenter and builder at Thur
man la
Nearly a Thousand Dead
NEW YORK July 10 The official re
ports to the bureau of vital statistics
of deaths from heat for the week end
ing July 6 show that the actual num
ber in the five boroughs of Greater
New York was 989 For the boroughs
of Manhattan and the Bronx the num
ber was 699 for Richmond 12 for
Queens 24 for Brooklyn 264
A Defaulter in Umbf
DUBUQUE la July 10 Thomas r
Ward accused of being a defaulter for
30000 as cashier of the Lemars bank
is in jail here brought by a United
States marshal from New Jersey
where he was arrested
Utah Sends Manv riTle
SIDNEY Neb Jiiy 10 A big ship
ment of soutJiCi n Utah cattle was de
livered Lore via the Burlington rail
ed for the St George Cattle com
Accused of Fore ins Note
HUMBOLDT Neb July 10 George
W Cox who has been making his
home in this city the past year was
arrested to answer the charge of for
gery in the district court of Pawnee
county The arrest was on complaint
of the Bank of Burchard which cash
ed a 250 note for Cox The paper
also contained the name of Alvin Cox
a brother of the accused who is a
responsible farmer near that place
Latest Quotations from South Omaha
and Knnsas Cltr
Cattle There was not a heavy run of
of the receipts
cattle and a good proportion
which reduced
ceipts were western rangers
duced the supply of cornfed steers con
siderably There were not many beef
steers In the yards and the quality of the
offerings on the whole was rather com
mon as compared with what has tezn
coming In of late Packers did not seem
particularly anxious for supplies and as
a result the market was more or less un
even There were not many cornfed
cows and heifers in the yards and th
better grades sold just about steady The
common stuff was of course neglected
and sellers thought they had to sell them
a little lower The range season was
opened in good shape by the arrival of
several cars of grass cows from the west
ern part of the state Packers were of
ourse rather afraid of them as they
cannot tell how they will kill out On
string sold at 350 which looked a littla
lower than yesterday Bulls and stags
sold at about steady prices where tha
quality was satisfactory but slow and
lower where it was not About the same
could be said of veal calves Stockens
and feeders were no higher and it was
evident that the demand was limited
Hogs There was not a heavy run of
hogs and as the demand on the part of
local packers was In good shape and
also because advices from other points
were favorable to the selling interests
the market here ruled ojzl0c higher and
active At the start packers were only
bidding 590 and for the general
run but they failed to get many at that
price and raised their bids The bulk of
all the hogs sold at from 590 to 395
with the long string at the split Some
of the choicer loads sold as high as G0O
Sheep There were scarcely enough
sheep on sale to make a good test of the
market but what did sell brought good
strong prices and it was evident from the
way packers acted xthat thev wanted the
stuff Most of the arrivals were sold to
arrive at yesterdays prices Lambs sold
at 500 wethers at 340 and ewes at 310
There were a few little bunches that sold
on todays market and they brought
good strong prices The lambs sold at
500 ewes at 310 and a bunch of fed
yearlings sold at 430
Cattle Market generally lower dressed
beef steers 500570 fair to good prime
stockers and feeders 340150 western
fed steers 425500 Texans and Indians
3S0425 Texas steers 300375 cows
373gM50 heifers 3004CO bulls 250
400 calves 350475
Hogs Market active and 5gl0c higher
top G12bulk of sales 585 0600 mixed
packers 5SOG00 light 5705SO
Sheep and Lambs Strong to 10c higher
lambs 4G5g525 wethers 325390 year
lings 3S0440 ewes 3C0g390 culls 200
300 Texas grass steers 3253S0
Prostrations of Man and Beast Handi
cap Business
LONDON July 13 The heat wave
here is becoming more tropical Lon
doners were not prepared for it and
consequently they are suffering great
ly The officials thermometers at 10
oclock this morning registered from
85 to 87 in the shade but the ordi
nary thermometers showed several de
grees higher There were many sun
strokes prostrations and faintings in
the streets which kept the ambulances
busy Tne number of omnibuses run
ning was considerably reduced in
consequence of the exhaustion of the
horses and the iron works and ship
building yards were seriously handi
capped on account of the enforced ab
sence of the workmen who were suf
fering from the heat
A C Rogers of South St Joe Shot Dead
By A IT CopeLmd
CHEYENNE Wyo July 13 A C
Rogers of South St Joseph Mo was
shot and killed at 7 oclock tonight
on Union Pacific train No 6 near
Wamsutta Wyo by A N Copeland
formerly a bank teller of Omaha
Copeland attacked Rogers without
warning and fired three shots all of
which took effect before he was over
powered by Brakeman Schamp who
nau a narrow escape from the bullets
from Copelands pistol
Copeland never uttered a word after
being shot His body was left at Raw
lins and Copeland was turned over
to the sheriff at that place Copeland
is believed to be insane
Salute of Seventeen Guns to Be Fired at
Fort Leavenworth
Lieutenant Colonel Jesse M Lee com
manding at Fort Leavenworth has
ceived a dispatch announcing that E1I
hu Root secretary of
war will arrive
at the post at 1140 a m Wednesday
next He will be
received with
a sa
lute of
seventeen guns and the entire
garrison will turn
out under arms in
nis honor
During the afternoon
post com
mander and officers will give Mr Root
a reception A reception will also be
given him In the city at night
Hits Chicago Produce Men
CHICAGO July 13-The-
tinued dry hot weather has already
made a dearth and is rapidly making
a prospective famine in farm produce
Potatoes are 150 per cent higher than
a year ago when new Early Ohios
sold from 27 to 29 cents a bushel
They are now 95 cents to l Green
corn is 100 per cent higher Dealers
could then buy it for 25 and 30 centsr
a bushel
Thev arc
w icuueu
He knows nothing of Ui transaction J Pay 5 and 60 cents-