Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, July 11, 1901, Image 4

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1 i s
6r -
Official Newspaper of Cherry
County Nehrwska
Subscription 100 per year In advance 1G0
when not paid in advance
Display advertising 1 Inch 15c per Issue 10
Iter column by the month
Local Notices 5c per line each Issue
Brands Vi Inches 400 per ypar In ad
vance additioial space 300 per inch per year
engraved Mocks extra 100 each
Parties living outside Cherry county not per
sonally known are requested to pay in advance
10 per cent additional to above rates if over
6 months in arreai a
Notices of loss of stock free to brand adver
Thursday July 11 1901
The folio wiug ofllcers to be elected
County clerk superintendeut coroner
surveyor judge and commissioner of
2nd district Convention will be held
at Valentine the latter part of August
or some time in September
There was a time ahen the republi
can party had an object in view thats
all the time and its to promote the
good of the party and make the com
mon people believe that they are being
benefited While the favored few are
being taken care of like pets and theres
nothing too good for them You know
theres plenty of people willing to feed
a canary just to hear him sing but the
republican party is doing the singing
now for the trusts and do it like it was
paid for it
John Wanamaker offered the mayor
of Philadelphia 2500000 for fran
chises that the mayor dealt out to re
publican bosses and pels free Mr
Wanamaker told tliat he did not offer
2500000 because he thought that a
fair price but because he would willing
ly give that amount and knew that he
could make more out of it Mr Wan
amaker objects to priveleges beiug do
nated to pets of the party and took this
method of calling attention to the val
ue of concessions that should be paid
for The mayor refused to consider
Mr Wctfiamakers offer but immediate
ly over 2500000 of money that be
longed to the city Do you wonder
w liy the republicans stick to their par
J M Lane is down from Cody oday
Arkansaw Bob was in town the past
C A Johnson wife and
are in town
11 Buttinghause and wife celebrat
ed at Georgia
E B Growden of Brownlee was in
town this week
W M Baird and Dave Hanna are
in town today
Joe Pogue is up on a contest c ase at
the landoffice today
Wm J Allen thus week pays o ne
dollar on subscription
Geo Cutler becomes a subscriber to
the Democrat this week
E C Cole and S A Ballenger were
down from Cody Tuesday
Sam E Annis of Gordon was regist
ered at the Donohar today
Frank Fischer made business trip
to Woodlake last Wednesday
E C Cole departed fr om here last
night for Gordon on business
- Mrs E McDonald was transacting
business in town the first of the week
Miss Eva Harden visited friends at
North Starthe fore part of last week
Thop Linberg made a trip to Valen
tine yesterday from his home at
Mrs A B Reis returned from a visit
with relatives for a couple of weeks in
Mrs Donoher went up to Crooks ton
today to visit with Mrs McDonald for
a few days
T C Iloraby is spending a few days
in the hills with his wife visiting ani
enjoying an outing
Max E Vuilel the hustling irer
chant from Crookoton was down Wed
nesday of last week
P S Rouscbe paidup his subscrip
tion to the Democrat in advance t is
week while in town
J N Williamson of Rosebud scho 1
is one of the new subscribers to the
Democrat this week
I M Jones returned f om Laura
Ohio last Wednesday where he had
been spending the winter
Dell Annis has been in town the
past week Notice advertisement of
licrse lost by him in another column
Dean S Ejfner of the- Chadron Jour
nal came homo for another lookat the
iOttUVialiorafeUajIastjreek Eousclifc
- i t iPiJUWMiMtMaadjcsaxa5uS
- 3 linii W - - n i i iiiiiiiiii i
Wfl nrA iinniiHfnmefl in rprrrtrdincr 9
0 0
flies merely as annoying pests We
combat flies in a half hearted man
ner because we do not realize the
dangers they bring into our homes
Flies are the most active of all
agents in the distribution of germ
diseases If people could but see
the loads of germs and filth they
carry an unrelenting Avar of ex
termination would be waged
We have all the effective
i M
ons against uies xue cost is as
nothing compared with the annoy
ance avoided to say nothing of the
safety and saving that their use
may afford
Mo matter what sort of an
insect may aunoy you we
have the right dose
for it
Quigley Chapmen
Valentine Neb
Al Thacher spent the 4th of July
at Cochrans ranch and ah well you
know he had a good time Cochran is
a royal entertainer
Mrs Ada Ries left this morning for
her home at Jackson Michigan after
nearly a years visit with her son
Arthur Ries and wife
R H Robertson came down from
Chadron to spend the Fourth and is
now occupying his old position in D
Stmards clothing store
Lewis Hay a nephew of Obe Church
our barber came in Monday from
weeping water Nebr for a three
weeks yisit with his uncle
J H Sears of Sparks started Sun
day morning for a couple of weeks
visit with his brother and old time
friends at St Joe Mo this week
Miss Allie Handy who spent several
weeks at the Siloam in Hot Springs re
turned to this city last Tuesday morn
ing feeling much improved in health
The W C T TL will ffive an enter
tainment in the M E church next
Tuesday evening at eight oclock A
cordial invitation is extended to all
Jas A Saults a time honored Cherry
county stockman living near Gregory
postoffice visited the county seat Tues
day with his wife Mr Saults made us
a pleasant call
Al Young of the Cody eating house
spent a couple of days in Hot Springs
this week and infoimed the writer that
he was in search of a girl to help in his
hotel at Cody
Wm Ward of North Table is one of
the subscribers to pay up in advance
lately Mr Ward does freighting in
co unection with his other work on his
farm and is a worker
Mrs J W Smyser who has been
r eceiving medical treatment at the St
Joseph hospital in Omaha returned
to her home here last Wednesday morn
ing looking much better
T B Iiwin and old time stockman
from t he w M end of this count at
tended the Stockmans Association at
Rapid City last Wednuday letuminj
to his home Wednesday evening
S F Gilman spent the past week in
Our cit y with his son-in-law Judge Jas
W Bollinger of Iowa and his friends
Thos O Sweney and Mr Tyler They
left Tuesday morning on the east bound
T L Tinkham of Woodlake was
in town today and called at this office
to get acquainted Mr T comes from
Nuc kols Co east of Grand Island and
bought the DeVore ranch south of
Joe Leaders
Wm Ward returned last week from
the Soldiers Home at Grand Island to
sp end a few weeks among his friends
and live on his homestead He is look
ing w eU and we believe he is being well
c ared for He speaks well of the treat
ment he receives
Chas D Stimson has disappeared
Whether the earth opened up and
Stimson dropped in or the tram came
in and Stimson dropped out we dont
know but he is gone and forgot to say
good bye to his friends here whom he
worked or forgot or neglected to work
We now have correspondents in
several neighborhoods and we want
others represented Send us your
itein3 and we will be glad to repre
sent your nei ghborhood Always sign
your n ime that we may know who is
the author also tell us what name
you wish signed tx3our ite ns
District court conv ened Tuesday and
a few cases were heard Judge Wost
over was at the bench and J D Scott
was reporter Allen G Fisher of
Chadion and W W Wood of Eush
ville were here Case of McClcud and
Ayresvs Miller and Ojphers judg
ment was rendered in favor of plain
tiff for 150 and costs of suit Several
tax foreclosures were confirmed A di
vorce was fjranteu to airs Aiinnie
dam Hudson
E L Hiirris
Silas Jones
Geo Kojers
Ncls Austin
Horses Tattle Moles Sheep Land Town Lt Lands Personal Total
PKEOihCTS R L 1 i it l 11 L li L Valnatn Valnatn Valnatn Valuatn
Harley 7U 13 T g 11 510 44 83J 55 3I2
Hoiling Sprgs 25 43 7 17 U 55H 27 793 42591
Buffalo Lake 11 1 2 21 25 180 50 571 75 751
Cleveland 1 1 1 J 40 13 305 23 Ml 38 i23
Dewey Lake 30 24 26 18 18 316 57 118 78 231
Eli 2b J 18 37 14 12 038 30 IHi 42 54
Enlow SO 8 17 28 22 570 70 210 P2 885
Georgia 4 5 11 37 10 086 5 447 7 735 14 218
German 53 3 1 115 J 323 11 811 21 417
Gillaapie 11 1 17 8 187 42 283 50 180
Goose Creek 15 21 8 26 18 10 755 32 484 4 J 211
Iiwin 11 13 57 22 44 lit 16 697 83 145 51 881
Kennedy 5 13 S3 42 20 12 -6 42 302 54 888
Kewaneo 22 4 12 21 82 14 498 7 918 22 416
Lavaca 1 3 24 18 40 22 1S8 13 832 38 010
Loup 4 13 37 20 5 27 983 42 979 70 982
Minnechaduza 17 13 41 40 1 00 21 944 15 438 38 700
Merriman 6 17 200 13 3 l 250 22 462 61 283 84 997
Mother Lake 20 6 18 33 40 11 622 52 635 67 277
NerZ3l 2 12 30 26 38 72 10 261 IS 978 29 311
Pleasant Hill 28 13 18 26 6 13 933 32 917 46 830
Bchlngei 33 21 42 37 30 26 132 20 880 47 012
Sharps Eanch 4 12 100 26 Z6 15 C88 20 612 33 6S0
Sparks 10 3 31 4 285 20 91S 8 771 29 974
Slcen 21 4 16 26 20 12 341 79 811 92 332
Table 22 12 18 37 23 20 752 14 951 33 703
Valentino 20 3 15 38 111 10 330 10 211 20 912
Valentiiju 42 6 SO 37 CO 812 46 011 12 853
Ccdy Village 26 32 37 5 R C 43 749 10 5W 116 424
Wocd Lake 11 2i 17 8 66 61 226 113 811
F E 11 V 405 730 405 738
Pnll Car Co 1 710 1 710
WDTel Co 7 8S9 7 889
Total 1 85 067 179 103 1 415 878 1 ESQ 618
Commissioners Proceedings
June 29 1901 Board met as per ad
journment members all present
VJ n I se nw and swj 23 29 27
havingbeen left off the tax list for te
years 1899 and 1900 was assessed by
the board and ordered phiced on the
list for those years
On motion claims of J H Qiiigley
Geo Heine for refund of taxes was re
jected On motion road petition of I
N Garner et al was laid over to next
meeting On motion commissioner
Burr was authorized to move bridge
across Loup river at Pass and replace it
across South Lonp at Hickley road
without cost to county
On motion bridge petition of W J
Allen et al was laid ovur to next meet
ing On motion request of Peter Alt
for a refund of taxes was rejected
On motion the following claims were
allowed and warrants ordered drawn
on county general fund
Dickey Holsclaw medicine for poor S 2 50
C V llolsclaw medical attnd 3J00
On motion clerk was ordered to ad
vertise for bids fot painting the bridges
across Minnechaduza Niobrara and
Gordon creek estimated length 900 feet
iron bridges one coat wooden bridges
two coats and bids for building all
bridges in Cherry county to be built
prier to July 1 1902 bids to be made
by the lineal foot to be opened August
15 1901
On motion commissioner Haley was
authorized to oversee the wiring of the
court house preparatory to lighting it
by electricity
On motion the following claims were
allowed ane warrants less delinquent
personal tax ordered drawn on county
general fund
Alice Hutchinson witness Grooms case S 9 00
Itebeoca Hutchinson 9 00
A K Kuskie 8 oo
KoyKuskie 10 00
C W Hamar 10 00
N C Grooms s 00
G A Grooms g00
Dora Grooms 8 00
Alfred Lewis 4 00
VmojIe sou
Chas Hudson Geo
Frank Janis 3 20
Frank Grooms g go
William Helenbolt 8 5u
Frank Swearingvr 7fc0
Albert Burdick 8 50
James Hutchinson 8 50
Martha Grooms 8 50
Man Grooms 8 50
Albert Haley sou
John Grooms 850
Allen Williams 850
Henry Grooms 7 80
C C lliompson 6 9
Earnest Heth ego
John f Grooms 4 00
Jacob Brechbill 4 00
J Daniels elk distsict court lees crim
inal cases
R Anderson nulse lor county
Hiram Cornell rent April lOOl
S J liay witness Halteu inquest
Jas ltav
K Goucher
W Loney
li Sones
Ed Taylor Camm
Henry Camm
G B AlcXauiee justice fees Cearns case
Frank Yanish constable
A IS Compton corouer Camm inquest
Tliomas Malone juror
Jacob Martin
Al P Brosius
C H Cornell
chas Salmon
Clarence E Ward
lnnenport Thacher goods for poor
A R LVmpton med attendance poor
Keuben Quick Bear witness Ladeaux case
Jack irrobt
Bull Walks behind
Singing Goose
Henry Claymore
L N Laypoi t fees advanced Brock case
board jailur fees aid guard
duty Mav
fees Ladeaux case
attending court
Bothwell oaso
Reuben Quick Bear wituess Ladeaux case
Bull Eater
John Frost
Singing Goose M
Bull Walks Behind
A N Compton coroners inpuest John
N Polen bailiff May term court
Hiram Cornell rent May 1901
I M Rice publishing bridge notice
SMe Jouri al Co
W A Parker supplies for poor
W A Taylor baihlf and board for jurors
JAW Johdsou supplies for poor
Carl Weler
J A Hooton meter nd tappiug main for
court h mso
Hiram Cut ieil rent June
W A Parker supplies for poor
it LAuier co nrsMoners iees
witness Snurr case
J H Lord
John Srtllacek
Frank Scrilflpek
J 11 Bathe for
J W Burleluh
L L Bivens April
Arthur Bow ring jm Uce fees
1mnk Yanish costable
Ci bb Co mdse for poor
D O Kelson supplies tor county
D S Ludwig estate
Roy Kusklo wituess Grooms case
103 9
3 73
05 07
1 00
8 53
10 80
2 50
2 80
2 80
0 70
8 75
0 00
A A Compton coroner inque t Hattcn case 28 10
Wm Aider juror 1 K
36 00
12 00
CO 07
10 50
20 00
13 23
0 20
32 00
20 00
4 50
5 23
5 00
5 00
2 00
2 00
2 00
58 33
It 00
0 35
5 85
3 00
prank Jones l co
U S Criger 1 oo
Ii Adams l oo
Wm Dahlgreu l oo
J B Soncs l oo
I L Birt ns salary May 5S 33
EBreuklander moving jail cage and re
pairs 49 CO
A M Morrissey al nd qrautl expenses 19G00
L h Bivens salary June - - - 58 33
Fremont Tribune MiMiHes l m
IJ Daniels elk district tourt hire 30 CO
WiiJtwfcLasys csi ifc
R M Crabb
O F 10112
John Kerstl
SM Wood raid
W A Crai e
Daniel Adamson
Joseph Wisser
J W Comhs
J Sauts
1 O B iujjli
It F Barnes
J F Young
Henrv Fowler
H F Barker
W f Cohee
Alex Hoffman
C E Varney
I N Garner
J N Stead man
F T Lee
Henry Porath
G N Davis
Ira Johnson
John Foster
J M Clarkson
R N Bruce
E O Colo
assessing Table
John B Lord
E L Harris
Alex Avres
M Dunham
Henrv Auginton
J H Bochelor
G L RotrTb
W R White
Robt Qniscnberry
Ernest Hanna
S I Montgomery
W K Tady
W D MorgareidfeQ
A S Hand
Osear Marks witness Cohota case
J W Sletter
J Tobein
Sell Ingle
Buffalo Lake
Mother Like
Sharps Ranch
Dewey Like
Goose Creek
Pleasant Hill
Clevel nd
Wood Lake
Boiling Springs
Fred Hoyt witness Borneman case
G W Reamer
Chris Hoist u
Geo Srannard
J M Barto
Zella Peacock
Frank Peacock
Pearl Peacock
Trnies Harris
William B yles
Ma eus Eaton
Newt alderman
Tr PeUon
Janrs Thayer
jen Sanders
i Jhnscn
rct reters m
Tver Pfttewon
Wm FMinb
Jessie Tiueblood
C K Framu
J S Estabrook
r W Crowe
W A Parker mdse for poor
W E Haley com fens
W A Pettcrew mdse for poor
Crabb Co
W A Parker
J R Lee juror Cohota case
M E T owry
A S McNamee
J A Ganow
Joseph Girard
F T Lte
A V Coble
Geo M Hull
Jhiiks O Bannan
Chas Sherman
J W Stetter
James OHannan
Jacob Tobein
Ch irles Sherman
Hugh Willuims
Kdnuinr Geiber
Piiilo Xewman
Allen Williams
Hugh Williams
rnilo Newman
Edmund Gerber
Allen Williams
John Newberry juror May term
C k Callen
Geo Tracewell
Ed Stuart
SM Woodward
D W Hilslneer
James Pruden V
N S Rowley
R E f rane
R M Crabb
Arrnur Heath
John Ormesher
A G Ward
Win Storey
John Bowers
Hugh Boyer
E C Cole
E B Growdou
James White witness Cearns case
James C Dwycr
William Green
Mamie Skiuner
Joel Crowe
W R White
Wm Firdon
C V Holsplaw
Mart Lowrv
Benj Roberts
Wick Young
Danfcl Alder
Frank Hewlett
Joeejh Jirard
Kd Brindly
C E Council
ote Newman
Ed Iarry
James Peterson
Frank Murphy
R C McBroom
Tom Doud
Coutlnued next week
7 05
8 90
1 23
55 SO
97 50
57 00
25 2C
83 00
57 00
53 00
23 50
CO 80
43 25
43 00
44 40
53 00
52 00
70 00
43 00
42 00
75 00
43 00
109 00
102 50
50 80
13 10
10 SO
14 00
13 10
13 10
14 30
14 30
14 30
14 90
14 40
14 30
14 00
15 10
12 50
15 80
14 CO
14 00
11 10
14 2
11 80
10 00
18 40
29 50
5 00
0 00
4 00
2 00
4 00
2 00
7 60
2 00
0 33
6 30
5 00
7 00
14 20
10 00
10 00
13 80
19 93
10 00
17 00
15 00
17 50
11 15
15 0w
14 2C
12 10
12 20
18 50
13 80
12 00
19 80
18 30
18 0
12 30
14 30
13 50
12 30
13 50
14 3
15 50
12 30
15 40
13 1ft
14 30
Northwestern ltilty Corresondent in Randolph
Enterprise -
Reading novels makes one dissatis
fied with themselves their lives and
their surroundings It makes one de
sire to suddenly acquire wealth or fame
or to live beyond their means Contin
ued novel reading encourages the wild
frivolous girl to become a llirt and the
adventurous boy to do some fool hardy
deed It absorbs the brain power till
it is incapable of remembering more
substantial things The only advant
age light reading has is to furnish a
rest or recreation for the tired brain
that has encouraged in stud Then
it causes people to become familiar
words tlrittiro seldom seen in print
Built for Sale
Eight registered and two high grade
hereford bulls and one high grade
shorthorn for sale These animals are
j from iwolve to thirty months old
H 3 aVASS Simeon eb
Dont forget onr high grade coffees
and teas W APettycrew
Come and see our 10c counter of
actual values W A Pettycrew
Dr W I Seymour eye ear nose
and throat specialist 116 O Street
Omaha Nebr
Two men and three teams want day
work through haying season Post
office Sparks Nebr
23 3t Emerson Powers
All kinds of heavy hardware and
wagon wood stock at E Breuklanders
20 tf
Cook and dining room girl wanted
at the Central Hotel Gordon
2t Joe Morrison
Wanted Dish washer dining room
jjirl and cook at Cody Hotel at once
25 2t
Ton Sale About 40 head of cows
and calves and about 100 head mixed
stuff Inquire at ranch 10 miles south
of Crookston
23 tf Leu Parker Mgr
Strayed from the Cutcomb pasture
one dark bay mare with black mane
and tail branded half diamond cross
on left shoulder Notify Dell Annis
Chesterfield 25 2t
My ranch for sale 5 quarters sect
ions of laud will run 300 head of stock
summer and winter also 2o head of
horsesand 51 head of cattle Terms
I cash J in one year and 3 in two years
Ore Church
Valentine Nebr
Strayed qr stolen from my ranch 5
miles west of Valentine qn the Minne
chaduza 5 head of horses about May 1
One iron grey mare and colt one sor
rel yearling coll one three jear old
horse colt dark bay or black white spot
in forehead and white hiud fuut oife
buckskin yearling cot branded LL ou
right shoulder Liboral reward will be
paid for information leading to the re
coyery of the above property
Geo J GAssm Yubiitice
Renovate Renovate Renovate
White Lead Oil Turpentine Putty
Paint Whitewash and Kalsomine Brushes
Ofll C DEMT0 CfiD The Celebrated Lincoln Eeady Mixed Paints
OULL HUE N I 0 lUil Varnishes and Stains There is none other so Good
We Keep in Stock at all times a large assortment of Wall paper in
prices ranging from lOcts to 50cts for a double roll
Ahd it is as cold as Greenlands Icy Mountains
Sates Seasonable
Give Ma a Trial
IValcotts ami Titsous
Fourth of Tilly
Our peoule celpbrated at different
places and in various ways The I O
O F baud and a number of our citi
zens went to Merriman some to Cody
Georgia Crookston Britt Sparks and
Simeon W Morgaroidge and wife
went to Simeon to spend a few days
Judge Towne and daughter went to
Merriman Judge Walcott went with
the band band boys to Merriman
The Indies Bmd went to Bassett
and played for the 4th of July crowd
and next day played for the leunion
A large number of our citizens went to
Bennie Roberts his wife and sister-in-law
Miss Larson of near Merriman
enjoyed the Fourth at Hot Springs
Misses Hilda and Melvma Balgord
came dowu from Rosebud this week
and after a few days visit in town left
this morning to join their parents at
Galva Iowa
Mrs Perkins and son Chas are
here from Carlisle Ark visiting- for
a couple of weeks with her sister
Mrs J M Clarkson and family Thev
o from here to White So Dak
A very pleasant party was given
Tnesday evening July 2nd at the
home of J R A3ers in honor of their
daughter Claras eighteenth birthday
The guests present were Misses Katie
Cox rernie and Belle Sisler Winnie
Crowe of Merriman and Eya Harden
of Valentine Messrs Clarence Carson
John Jaquins George VanBuren Bert
George and Harry Ayers The pre
sents received were Autograph album
framed picture bible silver thimble
shirt waist set and pin pen knife
breast pin silk handkerchief and other
presents too numerous to mention
Various games were played during the
evening and at 13 oclock ice cream
cake and lemonade
The republicans around Lincoln are
exceedingly happy They all feel that
the good old times are here again The
state officers have let a lot of contracts
for stone Now they fancy that they
will have stone plugged to size con
vict labor and everything as it was in
the good old times so they are yery
happy Nebraska Independent
uld St audit sSU v
A Schatzthauer Propr
Notice to Bridge Builders and Painters
Healel bids with plans and sncciflcutlons will
be received at the otllce ol the Connty Clerk of
Cherry County Nebraska at Valentine on tho
15th day of August 1901 for the bnilding of all
brllges that may be ordered constructed by tho
County Hoard prior to July 1 1902 Uids to be
by the lineal loot uion both sub structure and
super structure ana contract to be let at such
sptRilied sum per lineal foot
All bids to be accompanied by bidders plans
and hpeciiications and a certified check on seme
bank m Cherry county lor the sum of f00 suc
cessiul bidders must furnish bonds in compli
ance with the statute
Bids will le received at the same date for the
p linMug of about 900 feet of bridges in Cherry
County Ne braska Iron bridget to receive one
coat ot paint and wooken bridges two Taint to
be red lead and Princess mineral half and half
mixed in pure linseed oil AH rust and scales
to be removed before painted A suitable bond
will be required
The Board of County Commissioners reserve
the right to reject any or all bds or to accept
any bid they may consider to be the best
25 lt J W isAXIKLS
Valentine Nebr July G 1901 Co Clerk
Notice to Creditors
In County Court within and for Cherry Coun
ry Nebraska
In the mater of the estate of Abraham Col
man deceased
To the creditors of said estate
You are hereby notified that I will sit at the
County Court Iioom in Valentine tn said County
on the 13th day of July 1901 at 10 oclock a m
to receive and examine all claims against said
estate with a view to their adjustment and al
lowance The time limited for the presentation
of claims against said estate Is 6 months lrom
the day of December A D 1000 and the
time limited for pajment of debts is on year
from said 20th day of Decemuer 1901
Wituess my hand and the seal of said county
Court this 19th day of June 1901
skal W R Towxe
2 u County Judge
In the District Court of Cherry
County Nebraska
In the matter of the sale of real
estate by Itobert Cauady guar- Order to allow
dian of Effie and Beulah cause
tliur minor heirs of Fred Mc-
Arthur deceased
And now en this 13th day of June A D 1901
this cause came on for hearing before W H
westover one of the Judges of the district court
of Cherry county Nebraska upon the petition
of Kobert Canady guardian of Efile McArthur
and Beulah McArthur minor heirs of Fred 51c
Arthur deceased praying for license to sell the
following described real estate to wit the awli
sec 32 township 30 range 2C west of the cth I
at the proceeds of the sale to be used for the
support maintenance and education of his said
It is therefore ordered that all persons inter
ested in said estate appear before me at Kusli
ville Nebraska ou the 25th day ot July A D 1901
at 10 oclock a m to show cause why such li
cense should not be granted to said guardian to
sell said premises
It is lurther ordered that a copy of this notice
be published four successive weeks in the Val
entine Democrat in CLerry county
Dated this 13th day of June A D 1900 at
Ilubhville Nebraska
Judge of Dist Court
Appointment of Administrator
In county court of Cherry County Nebraskn
In the matter of the estate of William Tupper
Elizabeth C Tupnar havintr filed In my olllce
a petition praying for the appointment of F M
Walcott a administrator of the estate pf Will
iam Tupper deceased All persons interested
m said estate will take notice that I have fixed
July2i 1901 at 10 oclock A ai as the time and
lnyoflice hi Valentine in said county as the
place for hearing said petition at which time
and place all persons Interested m said estate
may appear and show cause If any there be why
such administrator should not be appointed
Witness my hand and seal this lotb day of
July 1001
County Judge
Appointment of Administrator
In county court of Cherry Counfv Nebraska
in the matter or the estate of Henry Van Leer
Edward J Davenport having filed in my office
a petition praying for the appolutmeut of him
self as administrator of the estate of Henry
v an Leer deceased All persons Interested in
said estate will take notice that I have fixed
July 27 1901 at f oclock pm as the time and
my office In Valentine in said county as the
place for hearing said petition at which time
and place ail persons Interested in said estate
may appear and show cause if any there be why
such administrator should not be appointed
itness my baud and seal this loth day of
TZ July 1901
County Judg3
G ood Hard
For Sale
PAT HETT Valentine Neb
Has been moved the building on South Cherry
street formeily known as the aiasseu ale house
and here we are prepared to give customers
better servise than ever before
3MC J3LxrrB
Lqst Oh Junes 2 JpQJ Qne
bright bay horse weight about
1200 pounds brandocl 5J on shoul
der also branded Jg on left
shoulder said huisu fctraved froui
Uosebud Agency
Chas E McChciiiDT
u S Tndiair
So Is
posebnd V