I h nr I i iw 4 U i J i4 I I I M N i -4 49 - ii I fV T cnvr VOLUME XVI te St S For Shoes SPEING footwear in the 4 same styles shown by leading city stores but 2 at smaller prices is our boast and we make 43 the assertion good Our experience in this H line and know how in picking out good qual J ity stylish footwear to retail at close prices 43 is a direct benefit to people who buy shoes 4 here for they get superior value for their J money Why not see if we cannot please you 43 better than anyone else Our shoe man knows 49 how to FIT shoes Thats as important as f quality and style for it means comfort too 4i 49 49 49 49 49 49 J49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 Hosiery NNIS Nebraska x All work well done JAMES B- HULL r v f t - if will wear ou no matter how good but some wears out a lot sooner than our kind We buy from manufacturers who know how to put gj long wear into their hosiery without sacrificing j appearance In childrens school hose we have 3 an especially desirable line at 25 cents that 9 saves darning Try the BLACK CAT hose g THE FED FRONT 1 vi WINTER BUSINESS IS OVER Full Line of Spring and Summer Goods now on hand Clothing and Furnishings Ladies1 Gentfs Childrens Shoes oo TAILORING IN ALL BRANCHES C II COBXIX President B o m iwua M V NICHOLSON Cashier ANK OF VALENTINE nvpwniiwmp Valentine Nebraska A General Banking Business Transacted Boys and Sells Bomestic and Foreign Exchange Correspondents Chemical National Bank New York First National Bank Oraaba Neb jti 1 W 6D - Lki V A oiace rte JCHOori V i w V i HEADQUARTERS FOR WINES LIQUORS AND CIGARS OF THE QHQIQEST BRANDS Valentine - - Nebraska ftftftMftMMMM5 9 4 4 4 PAINTING 49 49 Vaentine 49 PAPER HANGING g GALCIMINING AWVW of HE OWL SALOON v T A- YEARNSHAW I 99 Ssle Ageats fer HERALD PURE RYE WHISKEY Ale and Porter And FRED KRUGS BEER Choicest Wines and Cigars VALENTINE 3C NEBRASKA imf PRINTING YOUR OFFICER We Cao Satisfy You io Qualitv Price aad Worjaaaosbip JGl THE VALENTINE WW AAAA - VALENTINE NEBRASKA JULY J 11901 vvvvvvvvvvvvvyvvvwnnwfffvvvwwvvvwrtvwffftffffffvvvwvvvvwvvvjvvvvvvvvvv TATTr OP THP TnY1SJ - Tff Vir M jffirinr - ruirwrriftiTtfr i nflnr i ViWft r r The Official Newspaper of Cherry County Nebraska ww W WTTi AAAAAAA AAA AAAiAAAbWWAAAAiA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaI Wm Erickson was in fiom Kenned last Friday eveninjf Mrs Adda McBride came down from Rushville Monday morning Daniel Fowler brought in a load of new hay yesterday which he sold at 500 per ton Horace Walling ford was in town 1 ist Saturday and took out a load of ranch supplies Mr Dye and family from Pullman was in town getting supplies a couple of days this week Milt Dunham and the Parker Bros were in town this week hauling freight to Kennedy George Cutler went up to the Roe bud boarding school Tuesday where he has the contract for painting the buildings A horde of just a dozen Sayages were in town Wednesday H S fl P their wives and four children in each family Chas Wellford went up to Hot Springs on Wednesday night of last week for a weeks rest and visit with the fair one Our Lady compositor Miss Marthai Thompson spent the past week with relations south of Woodlake Mr and Mrs Alf Morris Wm Daniels the miller left last Saturday morning to visit with his folks and see his mother at Toledo O who is very sick Mr and Mrs McBride intend mak ing their future home in Valeni ie having rentel the building lece it y vacated by Hal McKane Jackson Brayton began invoicing their stock of merchandise last Fri day and will probably be through by the middle of next week Miss Clara Watson went to Hot Springs for a vacation from her work in the postofllce last Sunday night to be gone a couple of weeks Frank Parker came in and added his name to our subscription lit 3es terday while in town after a load of freight and ranch supplies Mrs Chas Sherman has been quite sick the past week but is improving Mr Sherman had gone up to Cham berlain S D and returned Tuesday Dr A N Compton Miss Wren Don oher and Mrs Tom Hornby went to Hot Springs last Friday night for a couple of weeks of rest and recrea tion Elmer Ayres and wiie brought some new potatoes to town Tuesday and left a half bushel with the editor They were tine and of uniform size mostl3T C F Callen is spending a few days in town this week He and John Whillans are intending to build a store at Sparks and put in a stock of general merchandise Eric Ericson of the Ventilating and Varying plant qf Chicago returned last Thursday night and will superin tend putting in the registers and heating apparatus for our court house H P Savage and family from Sar gent are spending a couple of weeks with his brother H S Savage of Simeon They drove up to Valentine this week and visited Ft Niobrara east of town Ted Ormesher was in town a coupl of days during the past weok and tells us that he Is one of the men who came to Cherry county with nothing and now has 3000 acres of land and seyeral hundred head of cat tle Miss Inez Petticrew has secured the position as teacher of the primary de partment of the Newport school Miss Petticrew was indeed very fortunate in securing the position andOwe wish her unbounded success Mrs N S Rowley took the i wrong medicine last Saturday and dispQYep ed that she wag poJQoned and immed iately began to Goqnteragt it by the use of medicines that were available Mr Kowiey not wtgmng to tase anyv chances Immediately sent Into town for a doctor but Mrs Rowley was all right before the doctor arrived James Irwin and wife ruovel up from Ft Niobrara Wednesday of last week and are now living in the house formerly occupied by Chas Sherman west of the postmaster Sherman Mr and Mrs Irwin have been in this vicinity for a number of 3 ears and are well known having a host of Our genial good natured and always busy business man A E Thatcher made a ilying trip to Chadron this week Dr Caldwell left us last week to mike a lengthy visit in the east He went to Chicago where he will com plete work which he left unfinished when coming here and will join the iemainder of his family at Buffalo in August returning in about six weeks Meanwhile Dr Hutchinson is attend insstothe practice at this place Edwin F Banning who came to Rosebud from Sisseton government school as a teacher of shoemaking as an industrial art in the government school about a month ago resigned last week and came down to Valen tine last Friday to take the train for his former home at Munsey Ind Mr Banning was an old acquaintance of Judge Tucker in the early days Judge Tucker has been quite sick the past week and gave his friends some alarm as to his condition but has improved in health apparently the last two or three days The judge has been failing quite fast tie past 3rear ana tnough at times pears to be stout he will never again be able to shake the mighty deep with his thundering tones of oratory We enjoyed a pleasant visit at our office this week from H S Savage and family and Mrs Savages father Mr Austin all of Simeon Mr Savage is a son of our governor Savage and came to our county from Sargent last October and is making his home with Mr Austin They are enjoying a vis it from H P Savage and famity of Sargent who are spending a couple of weeks with them and also accompan ied them to town Ike FelTerman and Louis Hecht stopped off here last week from Min neapolis and bought a lot of copper brass led zinc and old rubber from our townsman I H Emery After it was weighed up Windy found that there was a bargain in the stuff and paid the gentlemen 30 for their bar gain and took the stuff back Any thing in this line that is going to waste can he made useful by selling it where it can be made over again J N Williamson the carpenter at the government Indian school came down last Friday bringing with him the corps of teachers Mrs Adamsi Miss Cline and Mi Ross who left Sat urday morning for Detroit Michigan where they will attend the institute held there for government teachers Mr Adams is on the program for a paper we understand From there they will take in the exposition at Buffalo and visit among friends duripg vacation The electric lights that Valentine has longed for finally came and on Wednesday ot last week burned orightly all day and each evening since then our city has loomed up as an eastern city at night The lights are a success and will be appreciated br our people It was a novel sight for a number of our people who have alwa3s hyed in the west and had not before witnessed the sights of a cit3T We invite you all to come to our town to trade and view the wonders of electricity It is a necessary thinff in these days of progress to have telephone connection with the ranch country Everyday there is an increasing de mand for it and we should not be the last to make use of the conveniences that are at our disposal for an outlay of cash There are enough men now in favor of this enterprise to make it a success and it should not be delay ed at a risk of life for want of a doc tor in time As a business transact ion it will save numberless trips to and fro consequently time and time is money Chas P arker Game near having a fatal accident Tuesday evening while coming to tqwn after a load of freight and ranch supplies When the storm overtook him about fifteen miles south of town he drove up to a house and forgetting that he had a four year old colt hitched up walked hast ily up to him laying his hand on the horses hip to unhitch him The horse kicked vTith both feet striking Mr Parker in the ttomach but being close to the animal is probably the saving of his life A couple of women who lived at the house ran out and stop ped the team as they started to rm awav and Mr Parker- soon recovered frienSs in ana around Valentine nQ came on to town aiter the raic wrt -- -- jpt f UAAA 00O40rf30Ca0WIQi0OiAO - DEMOCRAT -I NUMBER 25 1 OUR SAY SO IS OUR 00 80 4 9 Evaporated Peaches Evaporated Pears - -California Peaches - -Solid Pack Tomatoes Corn - - - -Green Gage Plums California Blackberries Gooseberries Gallon cans - - 3 lbs for 25cts 1b lOcts - - per - - 3 lb can lOcts - - 0 lb can lOcts - cans 3 for 25ets - 31b cans 2 for 25ets 5 Bars JLarye Bar IVool Soajt HO Pounds of Good Rice 25c 9J00 fc H Our low prices are a knock out 4 rnpnt Tpt nnrrmfttitnrs nftTiRnrfi cmv 0 g patrons approve 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 We Give Auction Prices Without the Auction tc crcfcxCtCfCfcreg ccccCccccQrccCcyeiCfoaCiCc S spwvwtw ww ww ww www 5 o 0 h 31b cans 2 for 25ets ht 50cts fr DAVENPORT THACHER g General Merchants i 2 Let Us Give You a Few of OUR PRICES Good Roasted Cojfec - - per Ih XOe 5 Found Saclis of Pearl Hominy - IOc 8 liars Diamond C Soap - - 25c Bargains in EVERYTHING tte Next Two Weeks to Make Room tor Our spring Stock CROOKSTONNEBrv MAX E VlERTEL CT ZENS - MEAT Iff lilllil fm I Eiiy 1 If I Km ill Mil Mill III I StWVIIII iuwiiii iMIILVII VtfH VUt II It MARKET J W STETTER PROP I FRESH FRUIT AND GAME IN THEIR SEASON First class line of Steaks Roasts Dry Salt Meats Smoked Breakfast Bacon THE DONOHER Is the Best Equipped most Comfortable Largest and Best Two Dollars a Day FIRST CLASS MODERN HOTEL In Northwestern Nebraska Bath Ilot and Cold Water Two Sample Rooms YALEHTIHE - HEBRASKA BUILDINGS If yon are going to bnild yon will save money if yon will call on or write me INFORMATION FREE Composition and Gravel roofs Slate roofs Composition roof paint to repair Brick and Asphalt side walks Native and imported ornamental and cut stone of all shapes and sizes Brick for sale Wm Maieb Contractor VALENTINE NEBR Take Xotiec We hereby give natice to all persons who owe delinquent personal property taxes in Cherry County that the collectors will be started out again about August st 1901 and that ALL per sonal property taxes will ik coi lectkd where the persons owing the same has property that can be levied upon see See 4372 eoiuuileu Statutes Nebr 1899 The irovirles that the Treasurer shall m xke report at the October rceetin ot the Bo ird oi Co Cursrs that hs tus tried to collect e cry tax oa tne hooka and thst ue fcTts c jVcri ei syery persona tac or else har the pcroao ug the tax has dj propyty oa vkizh levy could be m jde We will mako this report according to law October Jst tlU year Soe Sec 4433 compiled Statutes 1899 Valentine Nebv June 23 1901 E Tiiackuev Co Treas Approved June 29 1901 L LAUFEit Chm Alex Bukiu Co Conors WEHALV Local Weather Record U S Department of Agriculture Weather Bureau s Valentine Nebraska week ending Tuesday July 9 1901 Mean temperature 73 degrees which is 52 de grees above the average Mean temperature for CDrrepjnding week lit year 70 detjiees Highest teperat are 104 degrees oo the 6th LDesttcaiparctuj ai degrees oa the iligiiest zvii Ioxeat t33ipr3ture lor ecrjs pogdiug reet Ust year 33 degrees asd 51 de grees respectively Total rainfall 04 inches which is G2 inches beolw the average Maximum velocity of wind 38 miles on th e 7 Percentage of sunshine 91 -10 GFUNOW Observer