Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, May 30, 1901, Image 4

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    jjr 83MEmmg2
Official Newspaper of Cherry
County Neoranha
Sabscptlm 100 per year in advance 8160
when not paid in advauce
Display advertislng l Inch 15c per issue 10 f
per column by the month
Local Notices Dc per line each Issue
Brands U Inches - S400 per year in ad
vance additional space S300 per Inch per year
engraved blocks extra 5100 each
Tarties livinp outside Cherry county not per
sonally known are roquested to pay in advauce
10 percent additional to above rates if over
6 months la arrears
Notices of loss of stock free to brand advert
Thursday May 30 1901
When Pauline Adams came to town
She drove the laddeu wild and Ray
To desperation quite
And lost to self and beauties of qur race
With Queeuly graces and her charms
She wound each thread and ball of yarn
Till cables held them safe and strong
- Beneath her magic scepter wand
Again In transformation grand
She merges forth In buffalo
With bells and ornaments her hand
Has double the power of week befo
The dear enchanted boys drew near
And wondered at the form so gay
They ventured nearer and one dear
Was caught aud held within her sway
In dazzling splendor now he gleams
Exciting fever burns his brow
Hes btepplug high on air it seems
And higher burns his fever now
Ill join this band of warriors bold
Clothe me in garments let me hold
High rank among the Indian race
Oh dazzling beauty Buckskin Paul
Why cant I shine like you iu yours
My Indian garb is perfect ah
What lack I now but Indian spurs
Thus clad in garments of the Sioux
This laddie perched upon his throne
- The pow wow camp but ah
laddie wild has wilder grown
He breaks his bonds and with a spring
As wild a whoop and learlul face
Goes tearing ao wn the street to bring
Himself with warrior face to face
In madness now he staggers on
Climbiug the air toCou oi space
When suddenly his Hold is gohe
He falls agrouiid upon nis faee
Tis ocr now the mad gallant
Consciousness once more restored
Though lame 1 walk until 1 pant
My head Is right but awful aore
To all the editors along the F E
M V and the B M R R anin
vitation is extended to them and they
will be made welcome at Valentine
Saturday June 1st our E V A
Maupin of -the Omaha World
Herald will be here and deliver au
address in the evening IjoiiI miss it
It takes an interesting speaker an in-
telligent thoughtful and working man
- or a blamed fool to entertainan audi
ence Most speakers should feel them-
seves complimented with an audience
of fair size that will listen patiently to
iheireflorts - There are comparatively
few men gifted with the art of enter
taining and if tbey are not entertainers
they should be students and workers
or the average business man and the
majority of the people will scorn their
There will be lots of jolly men here
next Saturday and we want you all to
come and be with them and get ac
quainted with the phunny men Come
boys lets turn Dut and show them a
warm time and Valentine is -the town
of all the towns on the road to show the
boys a warm time too Lets not haye
them go back to their homes feeling
mean and saying mean things about
us We are more prosperous and wide
awake here than at most places and
they will expect something mere than
they have at home Why up at Gor
don the editor has not been able to in
dulge himself with strawberry short
cake yet and if we dont give him a
starter here Im thinking his season
will be short for strawberries
R Robinson is working down at the
Frank Prowitz returned from the
agency last Thursday
Miss Helen McDonald came down
from Crookston Wednesday
Miss Elsie Sherman went toYisit
friends in Woodlake Saturday
G Gr Harden and family went up to
their claim near Arabia Wednesday
Mrs Robinson has been having her
building on Catharine stre et repaired
papered aadcalciniined
Ladies of the M E Church will
serve ice cream in the Sparks building
opposite Donoher Hotel Friday June
7th from 5 to 10 p in - St
Bed Bugs Wont
Extensive observation at
the John Hopkins University
shows that contrary to the
general belief Insecticides
or Insect destroyers seldom
kill by being eaten by bed
bugs Their deadley effect
lies in their power to suffo
cate the pests by stopping up
their breathing spiricles or m
nncoa Mr lw oitnnllv nrnfinTl -
iur by being breathed g
through these Under the
microscope these breathing
spiracles are seen to be pro
tected by stiff hairs and a wax
like secretion which prevents
the ingress of watery fluids
Even an alcoholic solution
of Corrosive Sublimate is not
effectual in proportion to its
We sell it in eight ounce
bottles at 15 cents
Quigley Chapman
Jesse West the Hotel man at Wcod
Lake spent yesterday in town
Agent Wees wife of Merriman died
last night We did not learn particu
F K Biyens and wife returned Mon
day from their trip to Buffalo flats and
next day Mr Bivens returned to the
A letter from C J Farnham at New
ton states that he is feeling better and
with his wife and little boy will start
for Sutherland next Monday
Faust was played at Cornell Hall
Tuesday night The stage scenery was
elaborate and a considerable amount of
it The play however was not so well
attended as the one of last year nor as
C J Farnham and wife left for the
home of Mr Farnhams father last
week and will go to Sutherland soon to
visit Mrs Farnhams people Mr Farn
liams health will improve we hoxie
w ith traveling around and make him
well and strong as he was before
The many friends regret very much
that Mr Farnham had to quit busi
ness here
Bunch for Kale Clieax
Stock and implements complete for
engaging in the stock business This
is a chance for some man who has about
5000 to invest Call on I M Rice or
write us
The Ainsworth Herald
Mrs C A Johnson and daughter
who have been visiting with Mrs
Hanna returned to their home in Wood
Lake Saturday -
Congressman Neville and family ar
rived in Omaha last Saturday from Hot
Springs Ark JJIr Neville says he is
-in better health than for eighteen years
which his many friends here will be
glad to know
A little shooting affray took place on
the Fisher ranch about 18 miles south
of here last week in which Lomen W
Fisher received a flesh wound in the
left leg just above the knee from a
pistol in the hands of Mb uncle Robt
E Fisher Saturday a warrant was
sworn out and Robt arrested and
brought before the County Judge and
asked for a continuance which was
granted until today In the meantime
he is under 500 bonds The trouble
seems to have been a family affair and
will no doubt prove interesting m court
The Valentine boys will give the
members of the E V E A a basket
dinner in the grove west of town We
always expect something nice when we
visit Valentine and have never been
disappointed Valentine is one of the
best towns to visit in Nebraska and
every member of the fraternity should
attend the association on June 1st
Talks on Advertising
Notice our up to date advertisers and
what they have to say to you You
will find fresh goods and of a good qual
ity at their counters not alone because
they advertise but because the spirit
which prompts a man to adyertiseis
an indication that he is a live business
man and that he is able to make good
selections and gives you the benefit of
The name of the Bodega saloon is to his bargains
be changed to Turf Exchange A new if a mau has nothing to tell you
bar and a showcase for cigars has bien about his goods he knows no reason
added to the equipment why you should buy of him rather
Ten Nights in a Bar Room was than some one else If he is afraid to
played last night to a house overflowing i tell you in public of the good points
with people some being compelled to about his line of goods then maybe he
Stand after all the chairs that could be 1 dont know anything good to say for
had were added to the already large j them but will give you plenty of side
seating capacity It was popular talk that he is afaaid to sav in public
cipally because all factions turned out about an article which looks lite some
and the prices wers right The play other article that is good and being ad
vrB appreciated generally vertised
r rfwn i iiW W i ltr
There is in each good sized town a
merchant who deals with a cheap store
in Chicago purchasing goods that was
intended by the wholesaler to be nut on
the 5c or 10c counter that is put in
stock arid a higher price charged
Some people are afraid to advertise
because they have so many prices on
an article that they are in doubt which
to quote
The Cody Cowboy -
C H Cornell was in the city Tues
Jim White is m Cody He is able
to ride again
R W Robertson of Valentine was a
sojourner at Cody for several days
Miss Lulu F Hooten was a guest at
the Cody hotel Friday and Saturday
Levi Sparks went to Valentine on the
noon train yesterday so see the wife
and baby
U G McBride of Rushville passed
through Cody yesterday on his return
trip from a visit to Valentine He
favored this office with a call
Dr J C Dwyer of Valentine made
a trip to Merriman Monday and from
there to the reservation returning
C H Welford came up from- Valen
tine Saturday to bask in the smiles of
the one altogether lovely He called
at this office to get a few pointers from
our professor of the art printing art
A man on the train recently was
just recovering from a season of excess
ive drinking was without the desired
bracer of which he was complaining
bittterly After he had inquired of
several fellow travelers for a drink he
was advised to ask the conductor for a
punch - v
Holt Oouuly Independent
M F Harrington returned from Val
entine Saturday morning where he had
been trying an important suit for
James Skirving formerly of Stuarfc
Editor Eves and wife departed Mon
day afternoon for a three weeks so
journ in the land of cyclones and
emancipated women The force wish
es them a pleasant journey a good
visit and hopes they wont get into any
difficulties with Mrs Carrie Hatchet
From my place two miles east of Crookston
one black mare about nine years old small
white spot in forehead collar marked small
white spot on back fore top sheared and very
little mane weight about 1150 Liberal reward
for infor tnation leading to her recovery
Ed Pike
Crookston Jfeb
5kdQ ifexkaftejifk
Educational Department
jl jyu jyi BjjjBSjjqp usjyiayifajgci
Sculptors of life are We as we stand
With oar lives uncarved before us
Waiting the hour when at Gods command
Our life dream passes oer ub
Let us carve it then on the yielding stone
With many a sharp incision
Its Ueavcnly beauty shall be our own
Our lives that angel vision
Mr Frank Thorn visited with us last
Thursday morning and Friday after
The 10 th grade have been finishing
up their botany work during the past
Martha Maxwell was absent last
The 10th grade last week happened
to think that they had been deeply in
jured Prof Watson headed their
Latin examination Beginning Latin
when theyve read six chapters of
The drawings which were last Fri
day exhibited in the different rooms
were greatly admired by all who saw
them The original wall paper and
oil cloth designs in Miss Cooks room
were commented upon with especial
favor as were the representations of
Hiawatha in Miss Easoms room and
the cut paperwork of Miss Muchmores
little folks -Just as the Sun Went
Down illustrated by Jay Morey of the
8th grade also received marked
Miss Greene of Gorden visited in
the different departments of our school
last Monday We are always glad to
receive visitors from neighboring towns
and schools
Orgetorix at length bacaine so dis
gusted with the efforts of the 3 0th grade
to kill him that he committed suicyle
and settled the matter
Mr Winters of the American Book
Co visited the schooKMonday He
has persuaded the schooh board to
make use of many of that Cos books
for next year
The drawings in Miss Moses and
Miss Townes rooms displayed the
ideas which the little ones gain from
reading to them and were admirably
Many of our school books being worn
will next year be exchanged for new
so that our pupils will to a large extent
at udy next year from new books
Kennedy Kews
gnes Piercy started from Kennedy
for Denver last week
Leonard Piercy who has been at
tending school at Grafton for the last
nine months returned home the 24th
Mrs Beckley is visiting at Crawford
The school picnic was not largely at
tended on account of the rain but those
who attended had a very pleasant time
in the grove
Preparations are being made for a
big celebration at the grove on Lone
Tree ranch
McKee Bros have been ditching on
the Boardmau for a week past
Miss Kate Weed having finished her
term of school in Dist 31 left for her
home the 24th
Mr Piercy went to Valentine the 24
Decoration Day will be observed in
the cemetery May 30th
County Association
The general Teachers Association
held in Valentine last Saturday was the
largest and most important conven
tion of the kind ever held in Cherry
county It employed the best talent in
our county and chose for consideration
the live and pressing problems of the
hour The excellent discussion on each
and every paper will certainly have the
effect of opening up the way and set
the pace for educational thought and
More than fifty per cent of the teach
ers were present together with a fine
audience of interested visitors made
theoccasion one long to be remembered
by every educator and lover of educa
tional advancement
Miss Etta Brown Co Supt opened
the meeting and appointed W F Mor
gareidge Sec
Miss Kate Weed read a very inter
esting paper on The Teachers Mis
sion Miss Weed brought out so
many good points that all must feel
the importance of making their lives
and work as teachers more nearly the
Miss Mabel Towne discussed in an
interesting way Drawing iu the Pub
lic Schools She illustrated her talk
by many drawings to show trend of
thought and originality of pupils The
dscussion led by Mrs Angle Ford em
phasized the fact that drawing is soon
to be recognized as an important sub
ject especially in the country schools
where some opposition has been mani
fest in the past Remarks made by
Miss Brown Prof Watson and others
showed how great an advancement has
been made and how this has aroused
in all teachers an increased interest
which means that all objection is soon
to be overcome
Nominations for secy for the ensuing
year being in order Miss Eason was
successful being the unanimous choice
of the assembly
The afternoon session was opened
with a selection by the Glee Club
Miss Mabel Hahn read an excellent
paper on Life pictures made in
school It
has long been known by
her friends that she possessed rare talen
as a speaker but they were surprised
at the wonderful display of originality
and good thought shown on this occa
Miss Cooks paper Means of
I ing History presented the subject in a
most entertaining way and contained
numerous points ot interest It is to be
hoped that all our teachers will give
more attention to this oft neglected
subject in their future work
Principal Stone of Merriman read a
paper Possibilties of the Twentieth
Cenury He made many suggestions
which must ere long have and hold the
attention of every teacher and citizen
who wishes to meet and discharge in a
creditable way their every obligation as
citizens of this Grand Republic
Prof R II Watson of the Valentine
high school made a strong address on
Development of the childs inner life
His ideas were good and his manner of
impressing them were unique
These meetings are not new to many
and it is very gratifying to believe that
the people of our county are awakening
to realize that to every such work they
owe hearty support their sinccreand
fervent devotion
Jennie Slorsareidge Clara Dunham Carrie
Morgareidge Mrs Geo Bristol ariea Sleses
Miss Cook Mrs Cramer Mis Muchmore Miss
Weed Mrs Ford Miss Watson Miss Jtobmson
Mjas Thorn Miss Easom Tacy Collett Lulu
Hooton Mabel Hahn Ida Stinard Miss Mc
Laughlin Frank Thoru Miss Crowe Prof Wat
son Miss Towne Miss Thackrey Mr Morar
eidge Supt Miss Brown and PrinE F Stone
looking after
Cos interest
rf rhirtnrrn it
Ul JUlWJt il
in town
the F E M V R R
in regard to school tax-
G W Burge of Kennedy spent a
couple of days in town this week Mr
Burge has five Joay claims and runs a
bunch of about 300 head of cattle and
lost only two during the past winter
imd they were cripples
Reno vate Renovate Renovate
White Lead Oil Turpentine Putty
Paint Whitewah and Kalomine Brushes
Qfll C APClJTQ CflD The Celebrated Lincoln Ready Mixed Paints
OULC MULnSIO rUn Varnishes and Stains There is none other so Goob
Wc Keein Stock at all times a large assortment of Wall paper iu
prices ranging from lOcts to oOcts for a double roll
And it is as cold as Greenlands Icy Mountains
Great Reduction
Bates Reasonable
k z
In Prices of Shirt Waists
lValcoWs and Tllsont old Stands
A Schatzthauer Propr
It will pay you to investigate also see what we have to show
yow in Summer Dress Skirts Corsets Hosiery etc etc
We wish to announce that we will take or
ders for Hair Goods and guarantee
satisfaction See our MILLINERY
Give Me a Trial
To the Editorial Association
The Editors All Along- the Line East and West are
Read the Program and
Morning Session
S00 a jr Assemble at Cornell Hall
Music by the I O O F Band
Address of Welcome A M JMorrissey
Kesponse Pres H G Lyon
Music Male Quartet
Business Session
Address by Pres H G Lyon
Beading of the minutes of last meeting
Report of committees
Selecting of a place for annual meeting
Election of officers
New Business
Appointment of committees
Paper Educational Column its
fits to the Newspaper Man and Objections
A M Church
Paper Model Newspaper Reading and
Advertising Matter D H Oronin
Paper The Press as an Educaror
W CPhipps
Paper The Kind of a Paper Wc Like
to Read Las W Henry
Paper Subscription In Advance or on
Tirae u E Foster
Adjourn for Pi
Afternoon Session
200 Paper Needs of the Press
RB Good
Paper Newspapers Among the Edtiore
D S Efner
Paper Reminiscences of Newspaper
Life e l neath
Paper Benefits of Editors Meetings
C LMayes
S00 r m Lecture by Will Maupin of
ha at Cornell Hall
E J Davenport W S Jackson -A
E Thacher F M Walcott
Jas H Qnigley T O Hornby
A m Morrissey J W Stetter
w P Morgareidge GeoElliott
C H Cornell Ed Clark
Frank Brayton G A Chapman
C H Welford M Clynes
J A Hooton J A Hornback
Fred E Whitney
ss ffv
B - -I