V One TVlfo and Throo Husbands Lizzie Anderson or Erie Pa aged 37 was married thrpa times and yet vas not legally separated from any of her husbands Death brought them together and they shook hands silent ly over her coffin She met and mar ried Jesse Samson when but a young girl but eloped with Moses Arm strong Soon afterward she left him and was wedded to Noah Anderson The husbands were sworn enemies and never spoke No legal proceedings were taken and the matter never got into the courts Then she got sick and was thought to be dying She ral lied but again had a relapse She died last week Then it was that the three men met at her coffin Samson stretch ed out his hand slowly and they all forgave A Cartoon Saved His I Ife Several weeks ago an abcess devel oped in the stomach of William Thorpe a resident of Quantico Md The growth so weakened him that physicians feared to use the knife and patient was slowly dying A few days ago he saw a Philadelphia paper in which there was a cartoon making fun of Senator Quay of Pennsylvania Thorpe laughed and immediately a stream of blood gushed from his anouth The doctor happened to call tjust then and after examining Thorpe declared that the abcess had broken and that the patient would now get well A DOCTOR THIS TIME Portland May 6th Dr E A Rose a practising physician formerly of Yates Center Kans was on what everyone supposed was his death bed He had Diabetes and six of his brother doctors were in attend ance and consultation at his bedside They had done everything that medi cal skill could suggest to save his life jbut they were at last reluctantly forced to tell him that he must prepare for death His aunt had been summoned to his dying bedside After the doctors had given her nephew up she insisted that as a last resort he be given a treat ment of Dodds Kidney Pills From the very first dose the tide turned in his favor His life was saved and he is hale and hearty to day This case and its cure has amazed the physicians and is the sensation of the hour It is interesting to note that while many others are being cured this great discovery in medi cine the physicians themselves are among the first to benefit and that while the simpler and more prevalent forms such as Rheumatism Sciatica Bladder and Urinary Trouble and Fe male Weakness disappear before it the more malignant forms such as Brights Disease Diabetes and Dropsy which have always been regarded as incurable are yielding just as easily Dodds Kidney Pills are fast super ceding all other treatment for Kidney Disease and as nearly all human sick ness and suffering has its origin in the Kidneys the use of this wonderful medicine is becoming almost universal The Allys Dream Mrs Langtrys English house in Chelsea is described as a dream of The flooring of the drawing room has been taken up and replaced by white marble and everything Is done on the same splendid scale The furniture and decorations are said to have cost more than 10000 For Good Roads We want good roads which has so long been the slogan of the League of American Wheelmen is now to be taken up by the Automatic club of America The movement is to be for mally launched at a banquet to be held at the Waldorf Astoria hotel New York on the evening of April 18 when the list of guests will include the sec retary of war the governors of the states of New York and New Jersey the New York engineer the state com missioner of roads for New Jersey and the director general of the Pan-American exposition The Oldest Doctor The oldest duly qualified physician in the world resides at Carlsbad in the person of Gallus Ritter von Hochber ger M D imperial and royal coun selor of the Austrian court He was born on October 15 1803 and there fore is J years old He has been in practice for seventy four years and still gives medical advice DOUGLAS FACTORY To Be Enlarged Before the First of July Will Hake 6000 Tairs Daily Advertising pays W L Douglas is going to increase the capacity of his factory to 6000 pairs of shoes per day The addition will add 16000 square feet of space for manufacturing purposes At thesame time a new 400 horse power engine and an additional 150 horse power boiler will be installed which will afford ade quate power for the present and an other addition to the factory which will no doubt be necessary later on When the factory starts up the first of July it will be on an output of 500 dozen or 6000 pairs of shoes per day and the weekly pay roll exclusive of office help superintendent foremen etc will be 22000 per week The Douglas salesmen on the road are sell ing 25 per cent more goods than last season The increased sales is the di rect result of good shoemaking and ex tensive advertising The advertising expenditure of Mr Douglas is now larger than at any period of his busi ness and this is to be still further in creased Beginning this week half page advertisements of the Douglas shoe will appear in all the principal newspapers of the large cities aswell as such papers as the Youths Compan ion Brockton Mass Times Peculiarities are certain traits which yourneighbor has which are different from your own traits THE LIVE STOCK MARKET latest Quotation from South Omaha and Kansas City SOUTH OMAHA Cattle There was a fairly liberal run o cattle and owing1 to unfavorable re ports from other points trade started out a little slow and packers in some cases tried to buy their supplies a little lower but the market soon braced up and pack ers paid just about steady prices There were about CO cars of beef steers Included in the receipts and except for the llrst round the market was steady and active The more desirable kinds sold readily at yesterdays quotations and even the com moner grades sold without much trouble at what looked to be steady prices As has been the case for some time past there were not many cows and heifers on sale Buyers seemed to want the cattle and although the trade was a little slow in starting it ruled fairly active and just about steady later on Bulls also sold in just about yesterdays notches and the same could be said of veal calve3 and stags Stockers and feeders eased off a little The high prices of tho last few days have rather shut off the demand from the country and as a result spec ulators did not care for any more cattle at the fancy prices paid yesterdav and the day before In some cases sales were made that looked as much as 10 15c lower than the same kind sold for yesterday and the day before The common cattle were neglected and also sold lower Hogs Todays hog market was a big nickel higher than yesterday The qual ity of the offerings was bettor than yes terday which makes the market show up on paper 57c higher The supply was liberal but the demand was fully equal to the occasion and trade was active at the advance Practically everything of fered was out of first hands by 9 oclock The bulk of the mixed hogs ld at 570 and 5721 The heavier and better grades sold largely at 575 while the light and common stuff sold from 507 down Sheep There were not manv sheep on the market Following are quotations Choice wethers 42551455 fair to good wethers 400425 clipped wethers 400 425 fair to good clipped wethers 375 400 choice ltehtweight yearlings 440 4G5 fair to good yearlings 425440 clipped yearlings 415435 choice light weight ewes 400415 fair to good ejves 350400 clipped ewes 257J375 choice lambs 490500 fair to good lambs 465 490 clipped lambs 420 spring lambs 550650 feeder wethers 350 400 feeder lambs 400440 KANSAS CITY Cattle Market active but generally steady to 10c lower choice native steers 515540 fair to good 450515 stockers and feeders 3S5525 western fed steers 4C050O Texans and Indians 425485 cows 33550 heifers 350490 bulls 340450 cSves 4000600 Hogs Market 57c higher top 5S7 bulk of sales 565g5S5 heavy 5S0 oSiy mixed packers 5705S0 light 535 575 pigs 425530 Sheep and Lambs Choice lambs steady sheep slow common grades 10c lower western lambs 475500 common to good 435470 clipped Texas sheep 375 410 western ewes 375440 culls 275 350 spring lambs 550650 WORK BEGINS IN MANILA Philippine Commission Inaugurates Civil Government Procedure There MANILA May 4 Civil government in Manila was established today as a preliminary to the inauguration of a general civil government The United States Philippine commission is un willing at present to permit the ex periment of elections here although they have been authorized in all other municipalities Judge Taft says a municipal structure for Manila will shortly be erected The officers will probably be appointive Lepanto and possibly all the other uncivilized prov inces will be organized sppcially on a plan similar to that adopted in the province of Bengali The board of health has completed the census of Manila The population numbers 244732 The trial of Lieutenant Boyer charged with commissary irregulari ties has been completed The ver dict has not been announced The trial of Captain Barrows also charged with commissary irregularities begins Monday PRESIDENT BURT EXPLORES He and Clark to Inspect the Proposed Extension to the Coast SALT LAKE CITY Utah May 4 President Horace G Burt of the Un ion Pacific and General Manager 13 O Clark of the Union Pacific Ccl company arrived here this morning in Mr Burts private car They left this evening for Uvada where they will meet General Manager Bancroft and General Superintendent Calvin of the Short Line After inspecting the line and inevstigating the work that has been done in track laying on the recently contested grade the party will proceed in all probability by wag on over the route to be taken by the Short Line in its extension to the coast A visit to the coal fields in the vicinity of Cedar City also is to be made Joseph A Glenning of Chicago com muted suicide by throwing himself un derneath a freight train in the Lake Shore yards at Collinwood O Glen ning was between 60 and 70 years old and a veteran of the civil war Shoots art Her Four Times NEBRASKA CITY Neb May 4 A manjpwho gave his name as H A Simmons of Shenandoah Ta was ar rested upon the charge of shooting with intent to kill Mrs Sidney Botts states that Simmons accosted her while she was standing in front of her house and upon her refusal to an swer his question he drew a revolver and fired at her four times but the shots were wild andnone of the bul lets took effect Dont strike your neighbor while ha ic hot he might burn you If You Have Dyspepsia Send no money but write Dr Snoop Racine Wis Box 143 for six bottles of Dr Snoops Restorative express paid If cured pay 85 JO if not it is free There are 16000 policemen in Lon don Mrs Wlnslows Soothing Syrnp Tor children teethlnff softens the poms reduces n flammaUon allays pain cures wind colic 25c a bottle People who ask time for their debts dont care to spend it in jail Ask your grocer for DEFIANCE STARCH the only 16 oz package for 10 cents All other 10 cent starch con tains only 12 oz Satisfaction guaran teed or money refunded Where they pay attention to the lit tle things in the orphan asylum Are Yon Interested In the Northwest Cut out this advertisement mention paper in which it appearedenclose with 10c in silver to address given and Home and Garden illustrated month ly will be sent you free for one year Regular price 50c Address Home and Garden Newspaper Row St Paul Minn - For Health and Decency Disregard for the law against ex pectorating in public conveyances has at last moved the New York health department to action Tuesday morn nig seventy officers of the department in citizens attire were detailed to travel all day in the cars of the various companies throughout the city and on all the ferry boats They had orders to arrest any person found violating the ordinace Before noon several men were compelled to accompany the offi cers to a magistrates court where they were fined and warned against a repetition of the offense Guns Heard Eighty Four Miles An interesting matter from a scien tific point of view in connection witn the death of the queen is the distance at which the sound of firing was heard when the fleet saluted as the body was conveyed from Cowes to Portsmouth Letters in the English journals of science show that the sounds of the guns were heard in several places at a distance of sixty miles and that at a distance of sixty miles the concus sions were sufficiently intense to shake windows The Brainy Ogilvies Dr Alexander Ogilvie who at the age of 70 has resigned the principal ship of Robert Gordons college Aber deen Scotland is the youngest of four brothers who have made high reputa tions as educators The eldest Dr Joseph Ogilvie is rector of the Church of Scotland Training school Aber deen Dr George Ogilvie was until lately headmaster of George Watsons college Edinburg Dr Robert Ogilvie deceased was senior inspector of schools None of them was a minis ter but all were given the LL D de gree by Aberdeen university Bored The Holes TVith A Rifle A novel method of boring holes in a flat bar of iron was recently adopted on a flat ship where a breakdown oc curred To repair the breakage it was necessary to make bolt holes in the square bar and as the engineer was without the appliances required for the purpose he marked the exact places in chalk and then fired a 30 caliber bullet through from a rifle T Career and Character of Abraham Lincoln An address by Joseph Choate Am bassador to Great Britain on the ca reer and character of Abraham Lincoln his early life his early struggles with the world his character as de veloped in the later years of his life and his administration which placed his name so high on the worlds roll of honor and fame has been published by the Chicago Milwaukee St Paul Railway and may be had by sending six 6 cents in postage to F A Miller General Passenger Agent Chicago 111 There are no elevators in the house of success A UNITED STATES MARSHAL Thanks Parana For His Rapid Recovery From Catarrh EX UNITED STATES MARSHAL MATTHEWS OF MISSISSIPPI Hon S S Matthews ex United States Marshal of Mississippi in a recent letter to The Peruna Medicine Company of Columbus Ohio written from Hazelhurst Miss says J am happy to say that I am cured of catarrh and need no more attention from you It is a great satisfaction that lam able to write you that Peruna has in my case dons all that you claim and that I will need no more medicine Thousands Going to California Everything points to the extreme likelihood that at least 25000 will take advantage of the low rates to San Francisco which have been made for the Epworth League meeting in that city in July Never has a better opportunity of visiting California presented itself Think of it For 25 you can buy a ticket that will take you from Omaha to San Francisco and back again giv ing you a chance to see the wonderful scenery of Colorado and Utah all the famous cities and resorts of the West at the time of year when they are at their best Correspondingly low rates from all other points Write to J Francis G P A Bur lington Route Omaha Neb for folder giving full information Its free Tucked white satin is a charming yoke material for early spring Good Health comes to those who take the great herb blood purifier Gar field Tea it cleanses the system and cures digestive disorders All the drug gists sell it The silk foundation skirts of all summer gowns as yet shown are cut in the circular shape It is foolish to worry today if you can put it off until tomorrow Shirrings will be worn extensively this summer It doesnt take an artist to draw a perfectly natural long breath The great multitude take this reme edy without any other advice than tho directions to be found upon the bottlo and In the pamphlets There are those who prefer however to correspond with Dr Hartman during their sick ness To all such ho will make prompt and careful answer without charge Hon J P Crooker of Buffalo N Y who was for years Superintendent of Schools at Buffalo in a letter dated Ltober 16 writes have been a sufferer from ca- tarrn six or seven years and after trying many remedies was induced by a friend to take Peruna The results have been highly satisfactory J take pleasure in recommend umllllilllUg f0tj C Hon J F Crooker P Sunt Buffalo N Y - Public Schools ing Peruna to STTTTTrTTiMTTMrtMinm5 any one suffering with catarrh as my case is complete Hon B B Doviner Congressman from West Virginia in a letter from Washington D C to The Peruna Med icine Co says the following of their catarrh remedy Peruna I join with my colleagues in tho House of Representatives in recom mending your excellent remedy Pe runa as a good tonic and also an ef fective cure for catarrh Mrs Mary C Fentress writes from Paradise Tex the following I think I can say that your good advica and medicine has cured me of chronic catarrh I have had no pains in my head since I have taken Peruna I have been in bad health ever sinco 59 and have taken a good many med icines which were only of temporary relief Peruna is the catarrh cure The Peruna stopped my catarrh of the head so that it did not become chronic and I am very thankful for Dr Hartmans advice and medicine Peruna is a specific for all catarrhal diseases It acts quickly and bene ficially upon the inflamed mucous membrane thus removing the cause of catarrh Catarrh is catarrh wherever located Catarrh is essentially the same every where The remedy that will cure ca tarrh in one situation will cure It In all situations If you do not derive prompt and sat isfactory results from the use of Pe runa write at once to Dr Hartman giving a full statement of your caso and he will be pleased to give you his valuable advice gratis Address Dr Hartman President ot The Hartman Sanitarium Columbus O For Top Prices Ship Tour d A 3XH A I JPOUlTItir To Headquarters G IV Jclten Company Butter Eggs Veal Hides and Furs Potatoes Onions In Carload Lots Omaha XebrasUa imiiAlAiAiiAiAiAiAiAiAiiAiAAAAAAAAAAAA A ft I sh i 4 i i 6Si iNGHESTE FACTORY LOADED SHOTGUN SHELLS V flKVHsBBBBBsnK iC3 9bIbbbbK UP flf IB NewRwaE Leader ana Repeater 99 i A UiiM upon having them take no others and you will get the best shells that money can buy 4 ALL DEALERS KEEP THFM vvvatvvvvyvyVVyvvvVvvryvvvVVTyV W L DOUGLAS UHE UNION MADE The real worth of my 8300 and B50 shoes compared -with other makes Is S400 to S500 My 400 Gilt Edge Uno cannot bo equalled at any price Best In the world for men 11 make ami well more mens flue shoe Goodyear WeltIInnd SewecI Proccsn than any other manufac turer in the world I will pa v 81000 to any one who can prove that my statement is not true Signed W I Donglns Take no substitute Insist on having WL Douglas shoes with name and price stamped on bottom Tour dealer should keep them I give one dealer exclusive sale in each town If he does not keep them and will not get them for you order direct from factory enclosing price and 25c extra for carriage Over 1000000 satisfied wearers New Spring Catalog free Eyelets nsed exclusively W L DOUGLAS Brockton Mass nTnnfmTmmnnniTmnnnfmnffinHfnnnnnmnTmfJmnnnmnTiiTnfninni2iS 1 Liver Dont Act Kr EB bbbbbbbbb rfor THIS IS 1 THE TABLET GTJJLItAATEED TO CETKE all Tiowel troubles appendicitis Dllionsness Da breath bsw bland TvlnH on tlin Btranph Tilrfentrl Vil MmK faeadaebe Indlarertlon pimples pains after eatlnc liver trouble sallow com plexion ana dizxlness Wheri yonr bowels dont move reirnlarly yon are owmok sicm wanipnuoii Kins raoro people uaa an oiner ataetLes lotrelher t II S Starter for thA tflii o1 nltmfntji nnri 1nnp irtafArln - fterrards No matter what alls yon start taklnc CASCAEETS today Tor Job TclIIinever aret well and be -well ull the time until yon pnt yonr bowels rlgnt Take oar advice start with CASCAJiETS today under an absolute 55 mah Tba hap I ju thp hat clat stcr Q zs You know very well how you feel when your liver dont act Bile collects in the blood bowels become constipated and your whole system is poisoned A lazy liver is an invitation for a thousand pains and aches to come and dwell with you Your life becomes one long measure of irritability and despondency and bad feeling CASCARETS act directly and in a peculiarly happy manner on the liver and bowels cleansing purifying revitalizing every portion of the liver driving all the bile from the blood as is soon shown by increased appetite for food power to digest it and strength to throw off the waste Beware of imitations ct I HwimmxnV WashingtonSuvT I Stave been troubled a great deal with a torpid liver whichjiroduces constipa tion I found CASCARETS to be all you claim for them and secured such relief tho first trial that I purchased another supply and was completely cured I shall only be too glad to recommend Cscarets whenever the opportunity ispreseniea J A Smith 2820 Susquehanna Ave Philadelphia Pa r n Ibbbbbw lja6 MiH lm yv tot ir AKk Bgk BEST FOR BOWELS AND LIVER rT m UuffiRiKraagEPSiii Tinfftlii Yi Triirnrl Ihf BBjBttKc9PEHIiflRKj1lflfaBiHH0B 10c 25c 50c NEVER SOLD W BULK DRUGGISTS PAjt T StW Es Five years aso the first box ofCAS CARETS was sold Sow It Is overslx million boxes a year create r thaa oy similar medicine In tie world Tfils is absolnte proof of irreat merit aid onr best testimonial We have faith and will self CASCAJJETS absolntelv traaranteed to enrcor money refanded Go bay today two SOc boxes clve them a ralr honest trial as per simple directions and if yon are not satisfied arter aslacr one COc box return the Burned oOc box and the empty box to us by mall or the druerzist from whom you purchased It and set your money pack for both boxes Take our advice no matter whs nils rnn Zt IlkX JiSKte1 foow aad yn H bless the day yon flrst started the bm ofCASCAKETg Book free by mall Add CTrELI3QilfcDI CO 5e YsrCUcattb sS 3uUUUUUUlUUIUUUUuUUiim