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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (May 2, 1901)
1 - T rfe3 f j Tv THE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT The Official Newspaper of Cherry County Nebraska VOLUME XVI le A AAAAAAAAAAAJ 4 4 9 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 ororcoocrcccrcirorcrcrci0ora crcrcrorcrccrcrcrcrororcrorQrifc W1 fro All 1 GET m YOUR Kl mMfiw IS Ali Q SUi VYW 2XVV tf KDJ T e RED FRONT improves with age until now its the most popular trading place for the majority of Cherry Co s shoppers The reason why tis so easy to explain We never dissapoint if we can help it we always give our custo mers what we advertise our prices for the same quality cf merchandise are always lower than our neighbors We dont only say compare prices but we do say compare quality as well We carry nothing for our customers that we do not use ourselves Our goods are always clean and fresh no shelf worn or bankrupt stock and when we adver tise a sale we always sell goods lower than the regular price Hence tbe reason of our phenomenal success and the household word it pays to trade at the BED FRONT THE RED FRONT to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to ffTTTf fTT TfffT WT VV W V V V W r V V W u CLOTHING Is our principal line and ordinarily we are proud of the fact that we have the largest assortment in Cherry county but at present we are sorry to say that we have TOO BIG A STOCK Especially of Winter goods owing to mild -weather and in order to reduce it we are making discounts on heavy goods amounting in some instances to 50 per cent DSTINARD C H CORXEX President B JU V NICHOLSON Cashier ANK OF VALENTINE Valentine Nebraska A General Banking Business Transacted Buys and Sells Domestic and Foreign Exchange Correspondents Chemical National Bank New York First National Bank Omaha Neb We Handle All Kin ds Leave orders withFrankFischer or call at Lud wigs old stand WJJJMJJyjZE AS xo cuoow e HADQUA RTERS FOR WINES LIQUORS AND CIGARS OF THE CHOICEST BRANDS Valentine - - Nebraska HE OWL SALOON PRINTING T- A- YEARNSHAW JAMES B HULL 1 v v Sole Agents for HERALD PUEE RYE WHISKEY Ale and Porter And FRED KRUGS BEER Choicest Wines and Cigars VALENTIiNE C NEBRASKA AT THTQ s vlvlVC Wc Can Satisfy You in Cualftv Price and Workmanship VALENTINE NEBRASKA MAT 2 1901 r i TALK OF THE TOWN tAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaAAAAUUWAA AAMAAAAMWM Show next Wednesday Remember the show in Valentine May 8 Go to drinks Collins for temperance Hard wood posts at 11 W A Pettiy crews See the high dive at grounds next Wednesday for Newport where he is visit with relatives in on the show Jim Gillaspie has been visiting in town during the past week and a half John Weiss was transacting business in Valentine the latter part of last week John West of Woodlake made this office a very aggreeable call yes terday Be in town next Wednesday in time to see the parade and tree show at 10 oclock C M Sageser left Friday morning enjoying a Mrs OSullivan of ONeill has been visiting her daughter Mrs Val Nicholson the past week James H Quigley and E L Raffen berg went up to the formers ranch Saturday and returned Monday Stove Wood Cord Wood Deliv ered promptly to an part of the cit 14 tf M S Welch Campbell Bros great combined shows will be in Valentine next Wed nesday May 8 Come out and see it Mrs Matilda Dwyer departed for Seattle Wash last tSaturday night where she has relatives and friends living James Brantner returned last week from a sojourn in the country all rested up and looking bright as a new copper Dont forget the announcement ol Raffenberg Bros in regard to their car load of high grade bulls to be here May 3 For sale Litter of Scotch deer hounds Certificate of registry fur nished For paiticulars write to W F A MeltendorlT Mrs Geo Hershey and Grandma Hershey returned Sunday from Ains worth and will make their home in Valentine again All persons knowing themselves in debted to me will please call and make settlemen by May 10 C J Farnham J E Thackery is having his pasture fenced between here and Thacher and will have an abundance of range for a large number of horses or cattle Thursday A E Thacher took a drive out to see his cattle being taken care of by Frank Kludsiskofsky near Kilgore then on to Cody returning on the train Friday Yesterda May 1st Frank Fisher turned over his saloon to his successor Robert McGeer of Cody who will now run the business Mr Fisher will retire and enter other lines of work Mrs VanBuskirk of Gordon has heen down the past week visiting ber daughter Mr3 Will Morgareidge and Miss Fannie who is making her home with Mrs Morgareidge and is doing dressmaking Do your horses pay If not raise better ones Raffenberg Bros will have several Peixheron and Clyde stallions for sale in Valentine May 3 There is profit in good colts loss in poor ones The show of the- season is to be in Valentine next Wednesday May 8 and will give two shows afternoon and evening Their show is new and complete Read their large add in this paper for particulars The annual election of officers of Minnechaduza Lodge No 102 A F A M will be held Masonic hall 14th 1901 at 730 p m sharp Ali members aie requested to be present W W Thompson T C Hornby Acting Sec W M Eleven days has wrought a rnir acolous cure for Charles Maxwell who has just returned fron Hot Springs Friday morning While there MrMaxwell was under the care of Dr Orlando Ferguson and speaks praises of his skill and attention giv en his patients and recommends him to his friends who are suffering from congestion of the lungs or rheumatism OUR BIRTHDAY WW 3 This issue is our birthday issue in the newspaper business and we wish to thank you one and all who have contributed to make the past a suc cessful year for the Democrat Wc are thankful for some things that you have done and sorry foi some things that we have left undone But it has been a prosperous year for the Democrat despite the difficulties we have ba4 to encounter Though our obstacles have at times loomed up as mountains we have surmounted them and as the shadows grew longer they were less dense until finally they mer ged into light and to day the Demo crat stands on a firmer foundation than when we began its management During the coming year we want each of you who are patrons to help to make this the best year by paying vour subscription and other accounts promptly which we must have to con duct the business and which we believe you will not with hold from us We are thankful for the liberal patron age we have received and in turn will show our thankfulness by using the money you pay us for last years work to make a better paper this year A B Ries has purchased the prop erty owned formerly by Jas Ray on the Minnechaduza northwest of town taking possession November 1st The property consists of 240 acres SO acres which was formerly school land and sold in the early days There is a good lot of running water a pond from which ice is cut during winter and some valuable timber and graz ing land Mr Ray had built a com fortable home and other buildings which together has brought him a nice income from the ice stored in the winter and furnished the town in the summer At times having ice when other ice depositories along the F E 31 V RR had been exausted during a long hot summer The pro pertyrwlll te apayin investment handled to full capacity of the ice houses that Mr Ray has built and is a valuable industry and enterprise for our town We wish Mr Ries suc cess in the business Three sets of masons are at work in Valentine and all are doing well Jas Stolze has the contract of the Fred Krug building going up next to the Owl saloon and has the walls of the cellar and foundation completed and half way up the first story and is doing good work Jas Galloway has the Quigley and Brayton building and though he started later than the others he seems to get along pretty fast as he has a good mason at work with him Mr Erickson who is caie f ul and puts as many spalls in be tween the cracks as if he was working by the day or any other way The Holsclaws are rushing the basement of th court house and it is almost completed They have the building of the second story of the one story Red Front building and when com pleted will be occupied by the U S Land Office It will be a good com fortable place for Uncle Sams men J L Roseberry came in from the south hills and states that last Thurs day evening the lightning struck in several places around west of Newton setting fire to the prairies and killed a team of horses belonging to John Kiine that was being driven by his wife and daughter and set fire to some hay and other articles in the rear end of the buggy and stunnin the girl for two or three hours and shocking his wife It was a close call that will not soon be forgotten by them It seems that they had been out to help fight fire Friday evening marked another word of praise for the valuable in struction being given the pupils of the Valentine schools in the waT of an entertainment given by thePhylo mathian society of the pupils of the high school The admission fee was 15 cents and notwithstanding the fact that just a couple of weeks previous the other eutertainment was given in Valentine Nebr Tuesday May ami rrpPfP hv n flow nrr io uu wwww J v Wi UUll f UUUOV this one was greeted with an audience in sue seldom seen in Valentine The flood older kept at such times is in dicative of the value of the schuol work done here Judjic AValcott has his basement excavated and is waiting for the ma sons and carpenters to jfo to work building an addition to his dwelling whichwill be 18x36 and a story and a half high The Judge and family will move into the Carpenter building this week to live while the work is being done NUMBER 15 Bl 5 aO0 4 S 49 49 i 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 v 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 WE NEVER FOR TTTCQ LOO JIJIX nEjj1111 i jjSjjffitngsEgai PPip 85 V W WJ WJ VS tvj 9 S3 S3 AD S R S DENNIS SELL WE DONT HAVE Tl or Fancy Sugar Corn - - - -Baking Soda Best Quality -Refugee Stringless Beans -Strawberry Beets Try Them California Peaches - - - THAH COST runes Good Size Fine Quality Whole Codfish - Gedneys Pickled Onions - - - orororaroror wcwsWtfW OrOrO wwvww 50 50 GOODS BiilGivcFull Valine ioi i Yoiix jMoiic We Quote a Few Prices 21b cans 3 for llbpkgGfor 21b cans 3 for 31b cans 2 for 31b cans Smiths Anti Trust Syrup - 1 gallon can Ladies Shirt AYaists carried over 75c to S150 quality 35 Mens Summer Shirts carried over 8175 150 quality - - 25 25 25 10 - 201b 100 - per lb 07 pint bottle 10 35 DAVENPORT THACHER General Merchants i at to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to orcrorccorccoOrcrQorQr Let Us Give You a Few of OUR PRICES Good Rousted Coffee - - per 5 Pound Sachs of Pearl Hominy S liars jTiamond C Soap 5 liars Eiarye Bar Wool Soap 20 Pounds of Good Rice Ih 10c 10c 25c 25c 100 Bargains in EVERYTHING- the Next Two Weeks to Make Room tor Our Spring Stock CROOKSTON NEBIt - MEAT - MARKET - MAX E ViERTEL J W STETTER PROP FRESH FRUIT AND CAME IN THEIR SEASON ji First class line of Steaks Roasts Dry Salt Meats Smoked Breakfast Bacon vff PAINTING PAPER HANGING CALOIMINING to to to to to to to to to to to to Valentine Nebraska All work well done to to THE DONOHER Is tbe Best Equipped most Comfortable Largest and Best Two Dollars a Day FIEST CLASS MODERN HOTEL - In Northwestern Nebraska Bath Hot and Cold Water Two Sample Rooms YALEHTIHB - NEBRASKA SmiTWKSZZBXm I ADIES p x North of P O J2a2ES HATSl All Styles and all Prices 3C C Call and See Them fl Three doors Esther ONeill I ww r w v w t vvvv v- - T W VVVVb gijrarai E2SS