Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, April 18, 1901, Image 9

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    I 2eatb Caused s
I Improper Slaeees
The death of Albert H Con
way an eleven-year-old lad on
Wednesday has created con
siderable of a sensation in medi
cal circles
Some weeks ago his eyesight
became impaired and he had a
pair of glasses fitted by an Op
tician here The lad soon began
to suffer with pains in the head
which became so severe that a
physician was called in The
latter diagnosed the boys ail
ment to come from his eyes and
an Oculist was consulted Upon
examination the latter discovered
that Conways optic nerves had
been strained byv the use of
glasses and that a hemorrhage
of the eye had followed The
lads condition grew worse until
death resulted from meningitis
The Oculist Dr McKay in ex
amining the patient discovered
that the glasses supplied by the
Optician were exactly the oppo
site in their powers to those re
quired by the boy Owing to
this fact the hemorrhage of the
eye ensued
The physicians today discussed
means to hold the OpticMn re
sponsible for the boys death on
the grounds of malpractice
Cincinnati Enquirer
Here is another positive proof
that it is exceedingly dangerous
to get glasses of any save a Physician-Optician-
This case is one
of hundreds of similar cases of
daily occurrence where the fit
ting of glasses by these so called
Opticians Jewelers and spec
tacle venders has led to blindness
and death The plan of trying
the various glasses on the Opti
cians counter Jewelers tray or
peddlers box just like trying on
hats is about as rational and
safe as it would be in case of
sickness to try the contents of
the various bottles on the drug
gists shelf without a prescrip
tion from a physician
Del special to Philadelphia
About the Eyes
Babies eyes are always blue no
matter what the color in after
life may be
Dont think that because you
have good eyes they will stand
all kinds of abuse
Learn to wash the eyes as care
Cully as you wash the face
runai -4 n wi mm hhh
al 1 tin mmbBiiiimM
fGVvrc i vgsaw
Br W T Seymour
SIcUtetS to SifcftwU of ShorUind and Tycevntln De winitni
J3 W I Seymour
Ear Doctor-
I am very much pleased with the glasses you have made for
t91 as they are far more Satisfactory -than any I have ever used in the
past- I aa glftd to echo the Bemiment of your toany patients in this citi
as I Jiavo neror ljeardjanythlng but the highest praise for your pro
Sessional York AccSirfcfcy best Irishes for a pleasant and successful
VB through the Soutfc
Yours very respectfully
tatt Imxnal
Kerdi im 1898
Dear sirr
In regard to your professional wor ifl this city
fchich has proven of such superior charact I wish to thaniryoil
Tor the favors you have shown us and to say that we hav taken
pleasure in giving- special attentioa to the aanusl announcements
of youtf visits to thig city v learn Irom our readers that
rour worK has been highly appreciated by all who have met you
and trust that we shall gee you her another year
Yours very- sincerely
Js2uIsnD Uorcpartu
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