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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (April 18, 1901)
X V 49 49 49 1 riJcj VOLUME XVI AAA f 4 4 4 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 - L vl 6 q or- or V V V WIM t an m b TH 5 B 9Jy a TwZt t 224 jj 0e BED FRONT improves with age until now its the most popular trading place for the majority of Cherry Co s shoppers The reason why tis so easy to explain We never dissapoinc if we can help it we always give our custo mers what we advertise our prices for the same quality cf merchandise are always lower than our neighbors We dont only say compare prices but we do say compare quality as well We carry nothing for bur customers that we do not use ourselves Our goods are always cleBU and fresh no shelf worn or bankrupt stock and when wc adver tise a sale we always sell goods lower than the regular price Hence the reason of our phenomenal success and the household word it pays to trade at the RED FRONT THE RED FRONT to to 2 2 to to fr c to to 2 to 2 o to oS o to 2 cciccqCccccOiocCojC cfCfcOfCjCfCfcccOfcCfcfcCfiCm VWWVWWWTWW VVSPWWVWWYVOV Is our principal line and ordinarily we are proud of the fact that we have the largest assortment in Cherry county but at present we are sorry to say that we have TOOBI A C K Especially of Winter goods owing to mild weather and in order to reduce it we are making discounts on heavy goods amounting in some instances to 50 per cent C II COKXEIJL President DANK OF Jffi V NICIHNLSOK Cashier VALENTI Valentine Nebraska - A jJeiserai liaiiliiug 2fciEsIaes Transact Bays and Sells Domestic and Foreign Exchange Chemical National Bank New York Correspondents tpr2g2srax First National Hank Onialia Neb S2SI22225 We Handle All Kir ds Leave orders witkFrauk Fischer or call at Ludwigs old stand 55Eg2SgSS3S5Eg5S re K w E2eS ClKXCe v vW co HAD Q J 4 RTERS FOR WINES LIQUORS AND CIGARS OF THE CHOICEST BRANDS Valentine - - Nebraska Hr Owl SALOOn T A- YEARNSHAW JAMES B- HULL Sole Agents for HERALD PURE RYE WHISKEY B Ale and Porter And FRED KRUGS BEER Choicest Wines and Cigars VALENTINE ZC NEBRASKA uS52S2SS e55522232SSSa3gg 52Z2SSSHES3E jesasgKiwa GET AT THIS PDTMTIM TOUR JrKllN 1 JINVjr OFFICER Vfe Can Satisfy Ycu in Qualifv price and Workmanship bAJWLX V VALENTINE M P Kiukaid came up from ONeill the first of the week to help the de fense in the case of Stale vs Cearn DEMOCRAT The Official Newspaper of Cherry County Nebraska VALENTINE NEBRASKA APRIL 18 1901 vvvvvvvyvvyvvvvyvyvvvwvvyvwwvvvvyvvvvw 1 Collins for temperance Geo Hull of Cody is in Valentine today Johnnie VanBuren was in town Tuesday John Bachelor is in from his ranch this week Read the weather report in this weeks issue Peder Thorson of Gordon is in town this week Jim Gillaspie is in from Chester field this week L E Stewart aud E C Cole spent Sunday in town W W Wood attorney of Rushville was here Monday - Mike Jordon of Arabia was in the first of the week Prank Higgins was in town last week from Arabia Mrs Paxton returned from Lead S D Wednesday morning T B Irwin was down last Saturday from his ranch near Irwin W L Yancy and Wm Banigan of Cody were down yesterday Max E Viertel and wife of CrookV ton spent last Saturday intown v Hard wood posts at 11 W A Pettiycrevvs Joe Jennette came in from the Gil laspie ranch the first of the week Elias Stilwell was a Valtntine visi tor over Sunday during the past week J D Scott the able court reporter of Rnshville stayed in town over Sun day Lee Sellers was in from the west end of the county the first of the week R C McBroom was registered at the Donoher hotel Saturday from Cody Last Sundaj was oiie of those fair spring days that the poets love to tell about Mrs Frank Brayton has returned from her visit with home folks at Ains worth The building which is being erected b3r Jack Hooton will soon be ready for business Ben Roberts and Frank Hewlett of Merriman spent a few days in town this week Ed Parry and Marshal Peterson of Gordon are spending several da3s in town this week Arthur Heath from near Cody was taken sick while on jury last Sunday but is better again Wash Eonev and Leroy Leach weres Wood lake visitors at Valentine last Saturday and Sunday J E Thackrey his father and Will Wiseman went out to Marsh lake to be gone several days Eugene Moore of Lincoln is in town this week looking after the in terests of life insurance Judge Westover spent Sunday at his home in Uushvill returning to Valentine Monday morning J R Crow VV TJ White Dr Hols claw and Mm Alder are down from Merriman on the Cearns case W E Cotton and wife are in town this week as witnesses in the Brock damage case against the county BRICK TALK OF THE TOWN M Appel spent the past week in town f Go to drinks wo u WASTED 250000 good hard burned brick at once Apply to Wm Maier Valentine Nebraska State prices FOB cars Dont forget we have the largest assortment of high grade Coffees in the cit- 11 i W A Pettycrew Dan Alder W R White Jas Chil ler Joe Girard and J W Crowe of Merriman are in town on court busi ness this week Last Sunday was a bright sunshiny day that a large number of our peo ple enjoyed some went out walking and others riding and driving The I O O F lodge of Cody will celebrate the 83 anniversary of that order by a grand ball at that place on the evening of April 26 1901 Last Saturday the Brayton build ing which stood on Main street was put on wagons and moved to the first lot west of the Democrat building A W Grooms brought a load of cedar posts to town Monday from down the river and on account of the rain stayed over night and attended Workman lodge E J Davenport and daughter Mae returned from the Governors banquet at Lincoln last Saturday night hav ing been gone during last week tak ing in Omaha on the trip FOR SALE My stock of merchan dise consting of Groceries Boots and shoes must get put on account of ill health Will take cattle or cash or fboth 11 C J Farnham Work was commenced 3Ionday on the basement of the new Quigley and Brayton buildings on Main street This building when completed will enhance the appearance of Main street greatly Samuel I Thackrey father of J E Thackre and Will Wiseman came up trom Manhattan Kan last Friday night Mr Thackrey expects to make his home in Cherry county and his wife will come in a few weeks Dr Seymour the noted Lincoln eye specialast who paid Valentine a visit about a year ago in his private car will make a one dav visit here Fri day Apr 2ti He will be accompan ied by Dr Williams the ear uose and throat specialist who was with him at the time of his last visit They will have rooms at the hotel The ladies of the St Johns church will have an exhibition at Elliotts dru store for one week only a co lection of pictures by many of the most celebrated artists and illustra tors These pictures which are sM at art stores for from 00 cents to 9200 can be bought at FllioUs for2o cents a piece from April 22 to 29 Judge Wpstcer wpni home Satur day night to he with hi- f amity over Sunday returning Monday morning to hold another wrvk of court at Valen tine The udge is to be compliment ed upon his keeping things going as this is the spring of the year when the farmers can ill afford to be away from their farm work Mrs Dillon has sold her property in the western part of town and will move to Wisconsn where she has relatives liing tier son-in-law and Mrs Burlington will depart for Mexico some time next week The above are well known and highly re spected citizens of this city and the best wishes of their many friends go with them to their homes Etl Heath of the Cody Cow Boy was in town last Frida and Saturday visi l iMji friends and attending- court as a ripeetfitor It is mce to meet one of those jollv irood hearted whole Charles Maxwell Sr is quite ill 20J pounders even if they do with conjeslion of the lunjjs We sincerely hope that his sickhess will not prove seri us Do not fail to see Drs Seymour and Wi liauisthe noted eye ear nose and throat specialists when they are here Friday Apr 28 Hon Prank Roethleu tner of Kil fforej spent last Tuesday in town and took an insurance policy in the Frank line Life Insurance from CrN Cran dall of Lincoln while here Wesley Holsclaw who has been talk in their wild cow boy dashes of setting a Barker on to U3 WVre jlad it js not a biter and dont forget at the proper time to feel thaukful for it The entertainment given lur the Hih School of Valentine at the Cor nell hall was attended bv about four hundred people and is unavereallv ac knowledged to have been a commend able success The partakers in tiie program acquitted themselves adtnir j n hi v til HPriMpicflime Prio tti n t J - it V V O JV J H HVllUl1 - on spoken br Miss and away from Valentine for the past the drill at the close of the entertain year and a half mostly working at ment seems to meet with the greates his trade at mason work returned amount of praise yet to be honest it 4 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 NUMBER 13 AAAfcAXAAAXAAAAJiAAAAAAAiff M3rtM5M3303 000000000s TILL GUTTING PRICES LOOK HERE Prunes 25ib Refugee Stringless JBeens - 21b cans 3 for Evergreen Fancy Sugar Corn 21b cans 3 for Strawferry Beets - - -1st Quality Baking Soda California Peaches - -California Blackberries - Bow Pigs - - - - -Whole Codfish - - - at hs on rs y m a s i y j m m s a w s Ki u Friday morning to assist with- the would be difficult to sav which is de- i U -- l2Z2ttr2ff A mason work on the court house serving of the highest honors l 2i If rfiiJ 2 A jTLU Vi i Three doors a irzsanx E3ttiSiiSS25iSttsavJSZSS - No rih nf P O B - - - 31u cans 2 for 3ib pkg G for 31b cans 31b cans lib pkg - - - per lb 100 Mo 25 25 25 10 10 10 07 DAVENPORT THACHER General Merchants crcTcr WWWWW cr or or cf a o o o or cr o a- ex cr cr c o c c o or o o o wr B as ea s no on ma am m cj aa m sa mj m m a h a m a or -v v TB T V V V V Gooil Rofistetl Coffee - - per Ih lOc 5 2ounl Sacks of Pearl Hominy - IOc S Hkavs D iamonil C Soaj - - 35c 5 Bars JLarje liar IVool Sor - 25c 20 Pounds ofGoodJSiec - - SXOO tyies ana a and L rnrx i i1Zsstj VJ I i I J Z7Sg3 i l T ryayrgryry rices r see I lieni i t 8 3 J r l f I i J tr CTS rsTvV vvr KV- yvfcjy aiv wdi K w to- 0 a 0 G c 0 G 0 hh h 0 0 0 0 c 0 0 YV4 Let Us Give You a Few of OUR PRICES Bargains in EVERYTHING the Next i Two Weeks to Make Room ior Our Spring Stock CROOKSTONNEBPw MAX E VIERTEL MARKET J W STETTER PROP FRESH FRUIT AND GAME IN THEIR SEASON First class line of Steaks Iloasts Dry Salt Meats Smoked Breakfast Bacon 4 4 li PAPER HANGING CALClMINiNG R S DENNIS Valentine Nebraska All work well done - t v i j j x vj f kjt r - am cv re o r - ft o cm T JL 6 to to to to to to to 0 to to to to v- r - t x j LLTurtyt Tryyrnr HE DONOHER Is the Best Equipped must Comfortable Largest and Best Tvo Dollars a Day ASS MOUERiT HOTEL - In iNorlliwcCteni Nebraska Bath Hot and Cold Water Two Sample Booms YAL ESTINE - SEBSASKA 3 3 sk T S m r Z i m - P