Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, April 11, 1901, Image 2

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WmamaFanmzjx iysjUde
The Valentine Democrat
I M RICH Publisher
t555 JJ i5 J JJ J JvJIJJ J 5i
- -- tinta
The bankiij firm of W J Brewster
Co of Haonibal N Y has failed
with liabilities of 125000 The as
sets are not stated
Jacob Gerelno long a prominent
merchant- Ja
Germany has fled to the United
States after defaulting for 250000
No other sovereign in the world has
so many physicians as the czar They
number twenty seven andare all se
lected from among the medical
of Russia
Aguinaldo continues to express him
self as pleased with and impressed by
the courteous treatment accorded him
by General MacArthur I am a pris
oner said he today but I am treat
ed like a guest
The mutter of bridge tolls on gov
ernment freight going to the coast
which has been in controversy for a
year between the Union Pacific and
the government has been adjusted in
favor of the latter
President McKInleya administra
tion -was denounced and Aguinaldos
name loudly applauded by the large
audience that listened to the speakers
at the anti imperialistic meeting in
Faneull hall Boston
As a result of the capture ofAgui
naldo and the belief among officials
that a speedy and complete collapse of
the insurrection in the Philippines
will follow the full strength of the
army authorized by the recent army
reorganization act may not -be en-
District Attorney Philbin of New
York said that ex Senator David B
Hill had been retained by him to pre
sent the arguments for the prosecu
tion when the Molineux case is laid
before tho court of appeals which
will meet in Buffalo in June and the
case will be argued there
Chief Justice Burford has allowed
the writ to issue to compel Secretary
W SI Jenkins us secretary of Okla
homa territory to publish and certify
as a law of the territory the measure
appropriating 42000 for additional
buildings at the agricultural and me
chanical college at Stillwater
The United States Marine band vis
ited Indianapolis last Wednesday and
awhile there went to Crown Hill ceme
tery to play over the grave of the
late ex president Benjamin Harrison
The selections were Nearer My God
to Thee and Rock of Ages Cleft for
Me the generals favorite hymns
H C Frick has come to an under-
standing with the officers of St Pauls
cathedral whereby he is to become the
- purchaser of the cathedral property at
the corner of Fifth avenue and Grant
street Pittsburg the consideration be
ing 1325000 A meeting of the con
gregation will be held to ratify the
In reference to Funstons recent
capture of Aguinaldo the Nebraska
legislature passed the following Re
solved That we rejoice with the whole
nation over this achievement which
we trust will soon lead to the cessa
tion of hostilities and the speedy res
toration of law and order In our is
land possessions
James Stephens the well known Fe
nian leader of the 1S66 movement
died at his home at Sutton Ireland
in the pretty cottage which was pre
sented to -him by his countrymen in
May 1892 a few months after his re
turn to Ireland from his twenty five
years of self exile
The city of Odessa experienced a
distant siesmic disturbance
Nicholas Heeney the 19-year-old boy
who murdered Frank Johnson a Penn
sylvania railroad towerman was sen
tenced at Cleveland O to life im
prisonment in the state penitentiary
Governor Allen is about to sail for
New York from San Juan
Edward S T arr a veteran actor and
stage manager of The Belle of New
York company dropped desd of apo
plexy in the office of Hotel Terrace at
Soranton Pa
Senator Mitchell of Oregon is con
fined to his bed at Washington with
an acute attack of the grip
Count Casslni the Russian ambassa
dor at Washington says there is no
truth in the reports that the czar
lives in a steel lined room
The Official Gazette of Mexico City
says that various newspapers an
nounce that President Diaz will ask
permission to go to Europe for the
benefit of his health The Gazette de
niesthat the president will make the
Admiral Cuverviile has been elected
to the French senate for the depart
ment of Finistere
Ex Senator Charles A Towne after
looking over New York as a field for
the practice of law kai returned to
Duluth He prefers the west
The secretary of education of Cub
Senor Varona has recommended ex
pending 1100000 out of the sdiool
appropriation for the construction of
school houses of which amount 500
600 is to bo expended during the pres
et year
r c
Assistant Surgeon Havelburg at that
Russias Alleged Severance of Ties With
Chinese Government
Looks Like Broach of Diplomatic Rela
tions Between the Nations Washing
ton Authorities Admit gqnlere Cabled
Conundrum Eat Give No Details -
WASHINGTON April 8 The ad
ministration is perplexed over a cable
dispatch received yesterday from Mr
Squires now in Pekin in charge of the
American legation in Pekin This dis
patch according to a publicationtoday
said that the Russian minister refuses
to receive official communications from
Chinese commissioners which carried
the inference that the diplomatic re
lations between the two countries in
terested would be bToken off
The officials are very reticent about
the matter and decline to affirm or deny
whether it is correctly stated They
will go only so far as to admit the re
ceipt of a dispatch whose purport was
not clearly understood for which rea
son it was not given to the press for
publication Another cablegram which
reached here today from Mr Rockhill
the special commissioner of the United
States engaged in conducting the peace
negotiations made no reference to the
alleged refusal of the Russians to re
ceive official communications from the
Chinese commissioners As Mr Rock-
hill is in a position to know promptly
what develops between the ministers
and the peace commissioners it is be
lieved he -would be prompt to report a
step of such far reaching importance
as the published dispatch from Mr
Squiers would indicate
At the Russian embassy no informa
tion on the subject was obtainable to
night It was said there that no com
munications hadcomefrom the foreign
office at St gPtersburg since the Rus
sian note of several days since which
declared that governments intention
regarding Manchuria a copy of which
was handed to Secretary Hay The im
pression of the officials at the embassy
was that no special significance at
tached to the Squiers dispatch Ac
cording to them it simply meant that
the Russians had discontinued further
negotiations at this time on the Man
churian question alone which for the
time is held in abeyance This was
in accord with the spirit of the official
publications of the government on this
matter which asserted thatremaining
faithful to its original and oft repeated
political program regarding Manchu
ria it will quietly await the further
course of events Absolutely no con
cern was felt at the embassy on the
subject the officials apparently being
perfectly satisfied that the communica
tions referred to relate entirely to the
Manchurian qvestion
In other diplomatic circles the report
failed to receive credence on the gen
eral theory that the interests cf the
Russian government in China were too
great and far reaching to permit the
severance of diplomatic relations at
this time when substantial unity on
many of the matters of negotiation
were so promising
Sanitary Authorities Credit Janeiro fVitli
discrepancy between the population
figures given by the statistical author
ities of Rio Janeiro and by the sani
tary authorities there is called to the
attention of the marine hospital ser
vice in the annual report of Acting
Boers Who Have Surrendered Are
Those Wanted
LONDON April 8 Lord Kitchener
has informed the War office that eigh
teen volunteer companies freed by re j
liefs are coming home and that ar
rangements are in progress for the
speedy reliefs of further companies
He thus appears to be endeaovring to
meet the demand that Jresh troops be
sent to the front to replace the stale
The Pretoria correspondent of the
Morning Post who warns his country
men against hoping for an early term
ination of hostilities or believing the
stories that the Boers are tired of war
It becomes daily more evident that
the Boers intend to fight to a finish
Many are surrendering but they are
men of no standing The real fighting
men are still on commando and al
though recently successful British ac
tions tend to bring the close nearer
it must be admitted that the Boers
must be completely crushed before a
general surrender is probable
It is reported from Brussels that
Acting President Sshalkburger has re
moved the seat of goevrnment to
Acording to a dispatch to the Daily
Mail from Hilver3um Mr Kruger who
has just arrived there has expressed
an intention to go to the United States
in June and visit Washington Bos
ton and Chicago
It is definitely ascertained says a
dispatch to the Times from Kroon
stadt dated Saturday that General
Dewet and General Botha met at
Tells His Troop Tliat Serious Trouble is
Undoubtedly Approach lit
BERLIN April 8 Careful inevstiga
tion at Potsdam today regarding the
circumstances in which Emporer Wil
liam delivered his latest military ad
dress developed the information that
during a review last Tuesday a num
ber of military bodies belonging to the
Potsdam garison including the First
regiment of foot guards extraordinary
precautions were taken to prevent any
repetition of the pres or other civilian
obtaining knowledge of his majestys
remarks which were uttered in the
Lustgarten adjoining the royal castle
From persons who were present it
waslearned that the kaiser spoke sub
stantially as follows
A hand from out of the people was
recently raised against me to my in
tense sorrow Evidently serious times
are coming which will try our met
tle I know that the army is true to
its traditions andto the solemn oath
it has taken I know it will remain
steadfast and faithful to me
My conviction is especially strong
regarding the guards and regarding
this regiment now present which is
tied to the Hohenzollernsby indisso
luble bonds as the past has shown dur
ing the troublous times abroad and
even during revolutionary times at
The authority of the crown must
be maintained at all hazards Woe to
the soldier who listens to the voice of
the tempter
Move its the Carter Chap
torneys for Captain O M Carter now
serving a sentence in the Leavenworth
penitentiary for defrauding the gov
ernment have given notice to the gov
ernment that they will make applica
tion to the supreme court tomorrow
for the release of their client on bail
pending a hearing before that court
on his appeal from the judgment of
the lower court refusing him a writ of
habeas corpus The application will be
port He says the sanitary authorities j contested by Solicitor General Richards
make the present population of Rio
Janeiro 793000 while the statistical
authorities make it 431716
The impression prevails that Rio has
a larger population than that shown
by the census but not so large as es
timated by the sanitary authorities
The figures of the sanitary authorities
show a total mortality during 1900 of
18 per cent aganist over 20per cent
the previous year The number of still
births is equivalent to 77 per 1000 of
the total births a remarkable show
ing The number of deaths has ex
ceeded the births Tuberculosis fur
nished almost one fifth of the total
Ten More Case at Capetown
CAPETOWN April 8 During the
last forty eight hours ten fresh cases
of the bubonic plague have been offi
cially reported Of these four are Eu
ropeans and the others colored persons
Robbers Unvc Fierce Fight
FRANKFORT Ind April S Burg
lars at Hichigantown east of here
early this morning wrecked the safe
in a brick building occupied by C A
Marshall a merchant and after a des
perate running battle with citizens in
which Marshall was slightly wounded
and one of the robbers probably fat
ally shot escaped with a small amount
of booty The safe contained several
hundred dollars in cash and many va
uable papers
o the department of justice
To Receive the President
DENVER April S A Denver firm
has selected a non partisan committee
of twenty one citizens including Unit
ed States Senators Teller and Patter
son ex Senator Wolcott and Congress
men Bell and Shafroth to receive and
entertain President McKinley upon his
visit to Denver The president is ex
pected to spend three days in Colo
rado one at Denver one at Colorado
Springs and one at Pikes Peak
Thirteen th Reaches CIiIchco
CHICAGO April S The Thirtieth
volunteer infantry just returned from
the Philippines arrived liome at mid
night In spite of the lateness of the
hour there was a considerable gather
ing of -parents brothers sisters and
sweethearts at the station to greet the
Lire Stock Malady in Europe
officials of the agricultural department
are closely watching all reports from
abroad regarding the extent of the foot
and mouth disease a fatal malady that
is raging among the live stock in al
most every countrj throughout Europe
For the last three years the outbreak
has been general on the European con
tinent and the reports constantly ar
riving from various European points
do not indicate any dimunition
Sitrrsrr -
Eussia Gives Sweeping Assurance of
Treating With China Unselfishly
Secretary Bay Receives the Communica
tion from Ambassador Casslai It Ren
ders Less Alarming Former Reports
Regarding Military Activity
WASHINGTON April 6 The Unit
ed States government has received a
communication from the government
of Russia of unusual conditions It
bears on conditions in China and par
ticularly those relating to Manchuria
The -document has created a profound
ly favorable impression and at the
State department It is looked upon as
the most salutary event that has oc
curred for several months in the east
ern situation Secretary Hay received
the communication from Count Cas J
sini last night and communicated it to
the president
Although the terms of the Russian
communictaion are withheld it is
known that Russia takes occasion to
give strong assurances of her disin
terested ipurposes throughout her deal
ings with China As to Manchuria it
13 - stated that course never
has varied in the determination to
leave that province as an integral part
of China and to retire the Russian
troops as rapidly as safety will per
mit But as a more signal evidence
of Russias purposes and as an evi
dence of the emperors devotion to the
principle of peace assurances of a defi
nite and satisfactory character are
now given as to the execution of these
purposes The -belief is held in official
quarters that the assurances of Russia
are so sweeping as completely to avert
the threatened crisis in Manchuria
The Russian communication is the
more significant coming at a moment
when the press advices from Europe
asserted that Russia was collecting an
army of 300000 men for the purpose
of holding Manchuria without infer
ence to the desire of the other powers
There is no doubt that Russia has a
large military force in Manchuria so
that had the czar determined to hold
the province he has the military es
tablishment already on the ground pre
pared to maintain occupancy
To the officials in Washington one
o the most gratifyiugfeahires of Rus
sias action is that it is responsive to
Secretary Hays note of March 1 last
This note had been previously com
municated to the Cbineee minister at
Washington and advised him that the
United States viewed as inexpedient
and dangerous to the interests of China
the conclusion of any private territor
ial or financial agreement A copy of
this communication was sent to the
United States ambassador at St Pet
ersburg Mr Charlemagne Tower and
the Russian ambassador at Washing
ton also was made aware of its con
tents While the note never was -addressed
directly to Russia yet by the
foregoing means it came fully to the
attention of the Russian authorities
War Department llecoives Plaus of Har
bor Improvement
WASHINGTON April 6 The divi
sion of insular affairs War department
has received copies of the specifica
tions and blue prints showing the pro
posed improvement of the port of Ma
nila authorized by the Philippine com
mission The work includes about 150
000 cubic yards rip rap 21000 cubic
yards concrete and rubble masonry in
breakwaters about 5000000 cubic
yards of dredging and a pile of bulk
head 4700 feet long The dredging
will be in mud sand and shells to a
depth of thirty feet the dredged ma
terial to be used for reclaiming land
St Joseph Cashier Migli
ST JOSEPH April 6 E V Hard
ing cashier of the German American
bank left the city some time yester
day and cannot be found He wrote
two letters one to his wife and the
other to theofficials cf the bank stat
ing that he had left the city for good
He said his accounts would be found
to be straight and a careful examin
ation the officials say prove this to
be true
Myriad RacAians There
LONDON April 6 By the end of
May says the Moscow correspondent
of the Daily Graphic the Russian
army in Manchuria will number 300
000 men It is understood that the
Russian minister of war General
Kourapatki reckons upon the possi
bility of having to dispatch an army
corps southward into Korea
Jessops Cooks for Site
Robinson managing director J R
Wagner representive and Colonel
Hughes the English attorney for the
firm of W Jessops Sons limited of
Sheffield England were in Washington
today looking for a site for the estab
lishment of a mammoth cutlery man
ufactory here The local business men
are anxious that the plant be estab
lished hero and good inducements will
he offered the firm
yaCTiaaMMiiiirir irjiiiiifiaju i isg
Ouolatlons from South
and Kitimas Cltr
Union Stock Yards Cattle There was
a fair run of cattlo here but tho demand
on the part of packers was In good shape
and as a result the market did not show
any radical change There were about
forty cars of beef steers Included in the
receipts and packers took hold and
bought them up at generally steady
prices The market however seemed to
be a trifle uneven as some sales were un
doubtedly higher than yesterday while
others were no more than steady The
supply of cows was rather light not over
twenty cars being offered Packers had
liberal orders and the market ruled ac
tive and fully steady the same as was
the case with the beef steers The mar
ket however seemed to be a little un
even but still very satisfactory prices
as a rule were paid and the pens were
cleared at an early hour Bulls calves
and stags sold in just about the same
notches they did yesterday The feeder
tradedldfnot have much life to It today
Hogs There was about an average run
of hogs here this morning and the de
mand being In fairly good shape the mar
ket opened about steady with yesterday
The hogs began moving toward the scales
and it soon became evident that packers
had aulte liberal orders Sellers as a re
sult held their strings at good Arm
prices and the market soon became strong
to a shade higher than yesterday and
quite active The bulk of all the hops sold
from 597 to 60212 The choicer hogs
sold from J602 to SCOT The light
weights brought from 397 down
Sheep There was a light run of sheep
here today and packers took hold and
bought up tho ewes and wethers at
steady to strong price Some wooled
wethers sold for 450 whlchwas a -good
strong price and the Standard Cattle
companys clipped yearlings that sold the
first of the week for 400 sold today for
17o or 13c higher The lamb market
however was slow and lower again to
day For the week prices can safely be
quoted J523c lower with the market dull
and weak at the decline
Cattle Heavy steers steady light and
Testing steady to 5c higher stockers and
feeders steady to 35c higher native beef
steery 465 stockers and feeders 3855
500 wefitern fed steers 4GO510 Texans
and Indians i233300 cows 325tf450
heifers 3503305 canners 25Q315 buls
325450 calves 3C0625
Hogs Market opened oc higher closed
steady top G17 bulk of sales 6C0
612Vi heavy 5505SG17 mixed packers
tL00Ti61C light 380g602i pigs 450
Sheep and Lambs Sheep steady lambs
3c higher western lambs 1103325 west
ern wethers 150f500 western yearlings
4iifr5i00 owes 5125553
springs Jambs C5O5730
culls 2731C0
General Corbln Speaks Frigidly of the
Kansas Fighter
WICHITA Kan April 6 The Eagle
tomorrow will publish an extended in
terview with Congressman Chester I
Long of Kansas relative to the appoint
ment of Frederick Funston to a briga
dier generalship in the regular army
Mr Long has verified the interview
for the Associated Press
When I read of Funstons heroic
deed says- Mr Long I went straight
to General Corbins office and said
Well general you see what Fun
ston has done
Yes I have seen it replied Cor
bin not pleasantly
Well I said dont you think that
you ought to make Funston a brigadier
general in the regular army
No said Corbin he has done
nothing to warrant that
But I insisted it seems to me
he has done a very daring thing that
he has almost concluded the war
Mr Long said Corbin I am mak
ing lieutenants out of better stuff than
Funston every day Funston is a boss
scout thats all
We want him made a brigadier
general I insisted
Mr Long said Corbin the army
has become a great school We want
teachers for brigadier generals Ave
want men who can teach and not those
to he taught
But the president may want to
appoint him I said -
The president can do so of course
said General Corbin but it was plain
to be seen adds Mr Long that the
president would never do it on the
recommendation of General Corbin
Summer Uulforin Will Include Gray
Itleuse Witb Turndown Cellar
WASHINGTON April 6 An inno
vation looking to the comfort of letter
carriers throughout the country dur
ing the heat of summer probably will
be introduced this year by official per
mission to them to divest their coats
on their rounds when felt to be neces
sary It is expected that the postmas
ter general soon will issue an order
formally granting authority to post
masters for this purpose and modify
ing the requirements so as to allow
the carriers to wear a suitable gray
blouse with turndown collar and a
black tie
Rev John Jasper the famous col
ored advocate of the Sun do move
theory died at his home at Richmond
Va aged 90 years
Judges Fail to Aprree
LINCOLN April G The supreme
court adjourned late without announc
ing the appointments for the supreme
court commission Another meeting
will be held early next week and it is
expected that an agreement may be
readied at that time The three judgs
wre in consultation all the afternoon
endeavoring to complete the selection
of the commissioners but as they were
unable to do this an adjournment was
riowers In New Tork
Five years ago one florist in Broad
way sold for the Easter display alone
over 100000 worth of flowera Fifty
six years ago a single florist did near
ly the entire cut flower business In the
city and his sales on New Years day
footed up a total of 200 Sales at re
tail two years ago on the first day of
January amounted to 200000 Sales
for the year 1899 amounted to over
6000000 This for New York city
Won HIa Queer Wager
An Englishman made a wager that
he could cook a plum pudding ten
feet beneath the surface of the
Thames and won the bet by placing
the pudding in a tin case and putting
the whole in a sack of lime The heat
of the lime slaking when it -came in
contact with the water was sufficient
to cook the pudding in two hours
Baedeker Barred
It is reported
II was so annoyed at certain
strictures on the political and social
conditions of the country that apoear
in Baedakers Guide to Palestine
that he has prohibited its use in Tur
key Travelers are warned that their
copies of the handbook aro liable to
be confiscated at the port of entry
Mn Samuel V Dyer Tells a Harrowing
Tale of Bafferlnr
MCarron Mich April 8 Special
Mrs Samuel G Dyer of this place
has given the following interesting let
ter for publication
For years I suffered intense pain In
the region of the heart I doctored
with the best physicians Some of theft y
would relieve me for a short time but
the pain always returned My heart
was so bad that I would have to sit up
in bed for -hours to get relief I would
lie awake almost all night I -am G
years of age and no one can under
stand how much I suffered with this
Heart Trouble
About a year ago I heard of Dodds
Kldney Pills and commenced to use
them From the first my condition
improved The pain In my heart grad
ually grew less and my general health
much better and now I can say posi
tively that I am entirely cured I can
sleep all night and enjoy almost per
fect health I thank God for the cure
that has come to me through the use
of Dodds Kidney Pills
I have thought long over the matter
of giving this letter for publication
and am doing so now without any so
licitation whatever and simply be
cause I feel it to be ray duty to express
the profound gratitude I feel for my
recovery and to let others who may be
suffering as I was know how they may
find a cure I know that nothing else
but Dodds Kidney Pills cured me be
cause I have taken no other medicine
for over a year I feel better now
than I have for many years and it Is
all due to the use of Dodds Kidney
Mrs Dyers case and its cure has at
tracted a great deal of attention and
her letter Is a splendid tribute to the
curative properties of Dodds Kidney
Live Dummys Job a Hani One
A patron of a more or less popular
method of advertising says that peo
pie who are able to sit in a show
window all dy and work in full view
of the gazing throng without being
flustered are exceedingly rare
Ask your grocer for DEFIANCE
STARCH the only 16 oz package for
10 cents All other 10 cent starch con
tains only 12 oz Satisfaction guaran
teed or money refunded
The far seeing man is not apt to
rush into things blindly
Ask your grocer for DEFIANCE
STARCH the only 16 oz package for
10 cents All other 10 cent starch con
tains only 12 oz Satisfaction guaran
teed or money refunded
There are a large number of people
that think they are among the elect
Beware of Them
There are two afflictions winch
perhaps give the most paia
ana trouble yIz
Beth disable and cripple
St Jacobs Oil
is their best core
For Women
Common Sut and SctstJe Cnowlmlje Combined
Dr Imans Ladies Restorative TaDlets i
JLFoiIUre Utmrdf for the Care of ITonan 111
X Blood Tttttr PeriBer ai Ton
No More Pain
ForFell HoitiTrrtmenSed Only OTE DOLUS
Ztdleal Adtlee Free ad Strict Coafideattal
Icncy Bctoraetlir5ot Satisfactory
PntTp ud Goaruteed brThe
de ami sidicixk coxrisT
Grind Baplds BlfSslgtu