t - THE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT M RlO G J I 8KAGER Postoflice address Codv Ncorask f all le branded ns on lit on left side hip iul shoidiu r horses - iinc Range Snake Creek L L J 1 Posofflce address Ilyannis Neb on right si le bor es same on right shoulder nje six miles northwest of Mot it er Lake precinct H A BUCK EDITOR 10O Per Year in Atlvanee PUBLIbliKI EVERY THURSDAY Entered at the Post office at Valentine Cherry county Nebraska as Second class matter MORRILL SuSIfiaiM SK3f Postoflice address 1 1 van n Is Neb On left side also S on lo t bip horses y left slionlder Range J5 iuiles inn Hi of llyatiiib cooler 4eSSQ8SK Postoflice addrevB Ilyannis Nob Branded on icit side Range eighteen miles north of Hvannis W E STANSBIE AND I O BAUG1I Posl oilier aidress Iiviu nisNcb On left bin mif left Mile AK nil left hip Hid lelt Mile HoBcssnino brands on shouldeis linage 23 miles north of 1 1 minis lililillli 3 Noiice to Creditors In cornty eoirt within and for Cherry counly Nrhrasku In the math r of the esae of A II Ferguson deceased To the Creditors or said estate ion aie ln iil notiled that I will sit at tin viiiitv eomt room in VticuSlnc in said county on thiih iiv ot Match lirtil at mi oclock a 111 to icceive and evarnne all el inis agains said estate wiili a view 10 their adj dmeiit and Allowance The nine iniiled for lite presenta tion of cauns against said estate 1 II months from the IS dav o I tine A l MW Mid tile tune limited for payment t debts is One Tear from said IStb dav of June Uin Witness mv hand and the ceal of said county court this Clh dav of Mare1 liinl SEAL W It TOVNE - 7 It County J11 ige Ill UugDibtiict Court of Cherry Count Nebraska In tin nrivii r of tbel Application of W E Hiiiey Administrator of the 01 aIh jiii J Order to show Cause Coleman deceased to sell real estate j Anil now on this UTth day of February 1901 this cause ranic on forbearing before W 11 Westtv r one of the district judges of Cherry county Nebraska at Chambers in ihe town oY Rusliviiie Nebraska unon the petition of v E Haley administrator ot said estate praying t r licinseto eil the following described real estate tuwil South half of the noitheast quarter and the north Itaifof the southeast ij mrUir ol section S3 towiisliip 0 range ol ciierry eouutv Nebraska for paymeni ol debts and expenses of administering said estate and for the distri hutioiwof liie residue of Hie proceeds of said sale amougthe heirs of tins said Abram Coleman deceased It isaheref re ordered that till persons inter ested in said estate appear before the at Valen tine Nebraska on the 8th day of April lil at 10 oclock m to show cause whv lieen e slioulil tint he granted to sint adiuinislalor to sell said real eM ale And it is ioitber oideied that a eoj y ot this noiiei tie pmdishcd ltur stneesMve weeks in Ihe Valentine Democrat in Chirry county Ne loviNka - ImUiI Ibi vrihiltvof Febru ry wot al Ruh ville NobrasiM V li WEsrOVEK u R J udge Notice to Creditors In county court within and for Cherry count v- Nebraska In tlie matter of the estate o John A Shaw de ceased To Ihe creditor of s iid 1 i -to You a iv hcicbv notified that I will sit at the couity court iouu i i 1 Valentine in paid counly on the 10th da of Ajml Uin at ro oYlo ic a in toreeivj 111 1 -x imi ill ciaim agisn d sibi estate with a t i w to their adjastnient and ai loivMiiei The time limited for the presentation t claims aumt said estate is It uiniis Irotn tlieJith ili o huie A I lilio and the time binicd for jiayment 11 ilebts i use ear fioin said ai l y 1 me if iviiiievi iito lnl s ii of viid ejuny iojiiI Uin i ua I Va rh mil SKA I W i IOiVnE - i 4t LoUity In ie Appoititmcnt of Administralof In eoitnty court of Cherry count v Nebmska In the mailer of til -estate of Caroline Zarr de ceased Ceore H Hornby having filed in mv ofliee a peliiioii pri ing for Iheappoiiitmiiiuf himself as admiiisstraii rl lie estate ot Ciroliiie Z11 r ileee ised Ail per ons i lerested in aid estate will lake iiutie ili t I avelixed March M lOol al jocinck p in as tue ume ami my oilice in N alciiliue Cherry eouuty Nebraska as tho place Jor hearing sant lutiiinit t which tune and jdice al pers His interested in said estate may appear and show cause if any tlere be why such ailmiiiislratHr si mild not be appointed Witness nuid - I Ut mv r seat day of fliarji iw SEAL W I roWNE f il 1 utility Judge ItIitii tliv Sitnil is AZvittt Vy rheumatism or any of ihe n uch s near that organi is l e lampcjing wiIi an eVcine vire In deati ui y iiiine at au nnin nt If bf s wottl it do iii lu itate in r ti Dr InuiiiniiHids Litibtiing ie 5 mi to the lnnn ioimI 7ilfliisie C i w Yik and lie vill seio you tvilnge ho tles enough lor inrenthstreitoirj 1 by lirs ovnress ii 1 - nut nB aw k as 1 ctn y but will saveyjur lie it sou take It in line o tiftu A Greut Itaiitcjt Willi its bran dies running m evety direction are til ai t Tins and vein- that convey tle blrtoii oevervpan of fbc system A cold sudden ihangesond eilosro tuny ci use poisonous l ids to cIollie circulation and then collies rheumatism Beware If you value your bfe remove the obstruclion uitb Ur Drummond s TMitninir Remedy Send 5 to Drummitml MSohorV and tbeovillendyou funlivo bottles by express oough for a montiis treanneuU witli full direction Ag ents wanted fjimeoi Veb stick iimnrici with 7 oi left bin also same as cut Range between GordouaudSnakc creeks and on the Niobrara river Krnnely ebr Caltle branded same as cut Morses p left bonder Mouth of Roardmau OJ Rrowulee Nebr Range between Cuose Creek and Loup TasaBgirtM JS 0 W Bennett -- T 111 Iirrv Parker IUilir Jjirnes Goodfellow George Hevne Cody Neb Bran 1 No U7 registered Itorses branded on lell sl oulder laoge north and south of Cntcomb Lake iu Cherry Co Cody Nebr On leftside llerses same Bange Lake j nek S Dalola sesMSM Cody Nebr On left side Hoiscs left shoulder George ou Bange -in miles west of Snake River Falls 8 TMerriman Nebr Op botli side and bil Herd murk dewlap i Horses same on Ieltslioolder Range -Lake Creek ai d Lilte lilte River vess 17 7 J W Uurleigh I JB jw T lMjti Valentino Neb Cattle and horses branded same a cut on left Bde Range between Cordon an Snake creeks and on the Niobrara rS Morgareidge Son Siincm Neb As on rut or 11 or VOonlcrthip with hole in right ear when under 2 teats old horse same as cut and J J Hange Cordon creek and Nio brara river CUAFLES GAR1VIDE rostofllce address Co Neb 1 atte iranded n ett Mile also C G on lelt hip of cat le and left shoulder on hordes Range on Ninhrira 10 mi sou ii west Cody Talbot Gallop Seneca Neb i torses s branded rTl on eft side Rati betwp n Middle t nop and UiMitHl Cody Nebr Cattle branded on lelt side Ilorsis J3 on left jaw Range Retwet n Ihe Niobraia and Medicine Lake William Shangran ip 7 Ueed Cody Nebr Same as cut on right side of cat tle Horses same as cut on rigid shoulder S Gray if m Tliedford Neb Same as cm on lelt hip or AG on right hip or side and Geo 1j Coleman Loup K HOT J Geo 11 Hill - 11 ft eth Gary Gallop Nei Range 10 miles Merriman SG 1 tcZmmkl3mUl - a 2ESa i j p Iostoffice address Cody Nebraska On t fl side of cat tie horses C right arm Hang worth and pouih of Mobrara Rivrl inlles south west ol Cody Valentne Neb On left side or hip A 4 left side or bip On lelt sde liaugeou Niobraia rostofllce address mgMgg iullman Neb Branded on left bin horses same d-mark-double dew lap lbiuge south and east of Brush Iiili V e ilssss G53SJ238 n M Faddis Co i fTv nrtiWf Valrrtilmrr A Aiinm on imniiu 2S5fS tx iSSS je iH sgggjwg fa laille iir nlided same as cut Some branded on lell thigh Some op leftside or hip GARDINER tea D N GOURLKY IoStofflee address Rusliviiie Neb On eft iM on Horse hip also et side Hriige CVdarl ake far Hfc2 llKE UROb fjw f iata Valentine Nebr Siate Hrand tVii Cattle aiil horses lirandeil siiiu iw cut on lell hip Uaiige east of brara 2 n iles It Srinard Posieflleeaddrefs Criokston NVh Branot i on eithe sideotarlni il h me ti right hip yjXSl i Range On Min neehrtanza 5 iulles east of Crookstoti K Haley BA - - S t y f i r lft Vi trrt1 vSs8B2zs5s C S WILLIAMS stofilce address Gallop Nebraska On loft side also W I lell side also Jleft hipalso V on side and Son hip horses S ou left jaw Range Eight miles soinli of Gallop Ap12 ss c fiizmz2zz IT7 JTS - iJO Valentine Neh Brand registerer No 2d0 Range m sharps Itua h and iicrmnn precincts miles south of Kilgore J L R03EBEUltY JOE ROOKS JR PosiofTice address Allen S 1 On left side horses smeou teigb iange Bear Creek JrTirVa REAMER Gordon Nebr Cattle branded on left sde as in cut 15 1 neb ht audSi inciiciiee Biaiid registered S75 llll e 2Jig hnuidid ria v i Wlr il ii S3l r 2KSS inch circle l iuch box Begistercd 870 Range G miles south ot Irwin on Niobium river F 0 Dtieriel il Manig r Gordon Nebraska Cattle also brainier LOoii light hip Horses and mules branded same as cut on left shouldt r JjSxwnSSSinmirnjfT2JtJmf3 40 SifWAIlI will lie paid to any ination leading to the an est and tinal convi lion of any nersou or peisons steal ing Crtttle with the abote ori d A 1 ILCMKR Also have slot k Ululitltd on right side and hip llors s on rlgi t hip Range Southwestern Lhut County rostofllco address Hvannis Neb Branded ou right side and hi II V DOWNING Postoffice address Glegory Neb On kft side also CO L E on side Range Stevenson L ke BftfffiyElill Cody Also side P Jordan 11 mJ r jggg bearing any of these brands SD rsK Riege Nebr Brand Registered iiyo lir tift right sidi r hip Ho scs same on rij bt shoulder Range Niobrara i miles south of Er I s bud SO Hordes and cattle same a cut also CM iE J on rigid hip Kange on Oak and Bute creeks A liberal reward for information lending to detection of rusllers of stock Morey llewett Gordon Nebr Biand registered 22 -On JefUlliJ iife it tie Ilorse4 same left should er also 940 left Pine linage ol Miake Xi miles se of Gordon f sfeyptBBg Shadbolt Fleishman rrrptiftnrTJrr ift ilervev Itaucb Two miles east of Crookslon in Cherry louilv Nebiaka Cattle branded OC ou left hip on rigid hip and on right side with i nch letter Wm Cavanaugb Mg Crookston Neb Baik y Nebr Left side S T lelt shouder i eidmaikde lap iiangf - R nge M and 37 be tween Niobrara and the Snske W ocl V3 WW George F Damon i eFlV5 FDI M K fC Wm Ft Niohiara Neb Brand rrgisb td No sTo llor es branded ou ell flip 1 lift nge Niobrara ft river Iz miles east ol Valentine bl Albany Veb Cat tk branded Kl ou iett ribs oi ritlil shoulder Pi J on right hip and left libs oii left hip Horses KOorSbon right sbiidder Range nn norlb east of Albany Neb Agent for Pasteur BiacK Leg Vaccine then KjaTOj M RICHARDSON lostollice address MeCaun Neb Bninded on leftside Ranje McCann fl Wheeler Uros on right liaiige Chamberlain Flats and Snake River dmi SS qfflSffilfel Parker don v- ti - SESSSfflE2SS3 To Address L W Barker Reige Neb Brand same as cm Also ZP Range on Niobrara south of Crookstoi A T BRACKETT Bostotlieo address Riege Neb Branded ou left Sde laiige Thiee milt s Soiilh asl ot tieorsia S ry o5s4l - t iSrS2i - J - T -2 stipes isss 5s W W ANOKKHON J C 1J0U1S Anderson Rounds Simeon Nebraska CitHe branded on left side as ou cut ii so la ou left side with on left ip of some also Siij on light side Hot t braid rake and 10 on left shoulder oi jhip Home ranch on Dewet like Range on Niobraia River past o Fort Niobrara also between Siake River and Simeon known as the Felch range all iuCherrt Nebraska DAN WEBSTER Inxioflice address -53 Harlan Nebraska nu left ide or hip horses branded same Ieflsb uMer Range between Nio uiara and Sua e riv ers south of Merri man ttSB5tWfnt drffrvvcifty A Uvtrttttl nj SliiO will be paid to an person foi information leading to the arrestaud film conviction of any person or persons steai iti ctlie or hoises with above brand XebraskA Iruid and Feeding Co Bunlcit Bicbards Pres Will GCoustojc V V Chius C Jamisoii SecX lr jis t3 Hyannison Nebraska Addi es PhRdron NHhrask Caltle branded oil any part of animal also the following brands mv vSS ILa I oites hKiimcu me same Range between Gordon or the FE M V R B siiid BM R R in Northwestern IIAJITLRTT RlCHAKIlS T Rrackett - v vcr u Hi J avjta Kennedy Nebr Cat e rinded asou cuiIeil side Some ou left hip Horses same on left shoulder Range Snuare Lake hs ou cut Some elt side orhii UV5 T3iiaV km3mpwrpw M Sears W 1 tiSM3am J B Lord eKj55beP 1 i5 Range StUth unH luflf i lro Metzger Bros Newton Neb Cherry Co Brand on left hide and thigh Earmark sqjare crop rigid ear Southern branded cattle have but one half diamond E on left side Native cattle have lfe mid west Simeon Neb Stock branded Mm as cut hack of rh b shoulder and on nght hip lUnge on the iobrara Cia fs II Fauhaber Brownlee Right or left side of catttle Horse i same on IeItshoulder Left ear cut oil of caltle Range on Loup river Stotts tetter Cody Nebraska Branded on left si le Range Tin Can Lae and Morgan Flats 19trZlr WILLIAM FERDON Postoflice address Brownlee Neb J TU5 J Like cut on eitber leflshTeor hialso mM E R Vandegrift Browi ice Neb Same as on cut Range Between Goose Creek and Norili Loup Newton Nebraka Cattle branded taure on Gordon Creek lelt stde I fore same as cut ou left hip 20OO RK W A Iii tor con- conviction of anyone uulaw uliy handling cattle in these brands ft a ROUtiCHE Postoflice address Brownlee Neb On left Bide or any part of animal Ear markright ear cut horses iranded same on left hip Also tins stock branded U mside or shoulder r JKor Wort VI irO or FZ Also the following the lirstone being on side and hip is m M txsvBhsSSSiSS Frank T Lee Brownlee Neb Gorsuch Bros Cattle on left side horses same on left shoulder Range Four miles northeast of Brownlee Julius Ileekman B ownlee Nebr Bang south of Brownlee 7 E throat wattle Ranee on Gordon and Snake Creeks Horses have same brand on left thigh A Keirartl of 2aO will be paid to any oerson for information leading to the arrest and nnal eouvictioii of any persu or persons steal ng cattle with above brand Postoflice address Sawyer Bros C F Postoflice address Oasis Nebraska Bobert Quleaiiibery nave charge ut these at tie horeslJNou left shoulder some stock brancWV n where oils tange Snakfc v COOPER H5KCW T V rim- t - Oasis NeblSS5 1 It S35E if isiri fo iiti - Cattle bnmded on iett side same as cut Horses branded on left hip Also some branded 2 WS cattle L C Peyton t ih 4j4f - r i i hi -- mM 3fiSSSHS Kaakberrv Lavaca Neb Range on Pole Creek Short Horn bulls for sale h D B Netvion Nebr Brand registered No 411 CattI branded same as cut mi left sldo or left hip Hordes same on lelt shoulder Range South of Cordon Creeki t SmSJj CHAS S HOYT Postofflce address I WJJfJ vw 5wj ti Pullman Neb Brntided on Ijt sjd alo CO on left side also between eye ad nose Range Jf nilUMc of Pullman STONER SON LI hW3T7 - a t ISsgSsfeaassEfis Teeter Bros r a 1 SWEENEY BROS Postoflice address Pullman Neb Cuttle branded as on cut horses branded same as cattle except reversed s p ee niocK g Range SteverJ and SlenhenHon lakes and South GEORGE N DAVIS Simeon Nebr Cattle branded on leftside Horses same ou left shoulder Range Gordon Creek Newton Nebr Cattle branded on left side same as cut Horses on left shoulder Range - ltweeli tne GordVu and Snko Clarence Cutoomb Codv Nebr Leftside on large cattlo Un small AA stock left side Horses av on lef shoulder outh east of Cutcjinb Lacti i iii Garner Brothers Cody Nebr Anvwhcre on cat tle Horses on shoulder left Range- North Ell MiiS3aii1 jj n liil C Evenson Codv Nebr On left side and thigh IiorsfS the same on left side Range -Between Niobrara and the Snake Myi P A Cooper OP L -A -- QiirrTrs t5 fXf P J A SAULTS l Chesterfield Nehr Cattle branded same as cut ou leftside Horses same on left shoulder JA DAWSON BALL Postoflice address Chesterfield Neb Cattle branded on left Bide as on cut also VlettncckaudZ lelt hip some V Iett neck V ieft shoulder and Zlefthiyjhorses VZ left hip Rouge Suufio River31 0233 CHARLES LONG MAN Postoflice add ress Aliens Oi Mt side or cattle tetige Bear Creek H Also ou left side Postoflice address Gregory Neb On left side or hip horses same on left shoulder Range Arkansa Valley and snakr JULIUS PETERSON oatoflice address Gregory Neb Branded as on cut Range two m Ics north of Gregory WILLIAM REAMER Gordon Nebr ZZZjJ JiJc ii35aa3n I II I II Cattle branded same as cut on left si e Horses branded on left shoulder ftWSM Range c miles south of Irwin HPWrrQ KBa jm Peder Thorsen xm w feg tajj rd m Veiraska ngli oi rghilnp imrse brand and T on rflit AK entlr brrte4 S irtt let Hid Uwi miu soutu of It vein t X W my