R Kfl h J fa 1 f l f r IU M ir i frt ft b X v- X - Cremation Becoming feopuler The trustees of Mount Auburn cem etery Cambridge Mass say in their annual report that cremation seems to be growing in favor The first In cineration there was on April 18 1900 and since then fifty bodies have been cremated One hour is required for the incineration of a body and in two hours after the cremation the ashes can be delivered in a copper cyl inder terra cotta urn or wooden cas ket No incinerations are made at Mount Auburn on Sunday unless the cause of death is certified to have been a contagious or infectious disease Ask your grocer for DEFIANCE STARCH the only 16 oz package for 10 cents All other 10 cent starch con tains only 12 oz Satisfaction guaran teed or money refunded Dr Thomas OReilly 74 years old died of the grip He practiced -medicine in St Louis for fifty two years For Stomach Iiver and Bowels Indigestion is effectually cured by7 the original HERB medicine GAR FIELD TEA which causes a normal action of the digestive organs The man who places the highest things first will be the first to get the highest place Home Seokers Excursions On the first and third Tuesdays of each month the Chicago Milwaukee St Paul Railway will sell round trip excur sion tickets from Chicago Milwaukee and other points on its line to a great many points in South Dakota worth Dakota and other Western and North western States at about one fare Take a trip west and see the wonderful crops and what an amount of good land can be purchased for a little money Furth er information as to rates routes prices of farm lands etc may be obtained by addressing it A Aimer uenerai pas senger Agent Chicago 111 The kingliest are those who are kin to the King of Kings 148 will buy new Up right piano on easy payments Write for catalogues Schmoller Mueller 1313 Farnam street Omaha Women either love or hate there is no happy -medium in their affections Ton Can Got Allens Foot Easo Free Write to day to Allen S Olmsted Le Roy N Y for a FREE sample of Allens Foot Ease a powder It cures sweating damp swollen aching feet Makes new or tight shoes easy A cer tain euro for Chilblains and Frost bites At all druggists and shoe stores 25c Absence may increase true love but it is rough on th counterfeit CONFEDERATE REUNION Memphis Tenn March 10 At a re cent meeting of the general execultive committee of the Confederate reunion for 1901 a committee was appointed to join with the several commercial bodies of Memphis to visit Washing ton and invite President TcKinley to be the guest of the city of Memphis on the occasion of the reunion in May next The committee will leave for the national capital in a few days As the time for holding the reunion approaches the several committees are becoming more active The city is be ing canvassed by the committee on ho tels and accommodations and every available room is being registered A D Langstaff secretary of the commis sary committee a sub organization of the general committee in charge of Cor derate reunion arrangements has been very active in the past week or so in the discharge of the duties as signed to him He is engaged in plan ning ways and means for caring for the Confederate veterans when they come to the reunion Many of the commands will very likely bivouack in order to observe strict army regula tions and if this should prove true they will have to be cared for the same as if they were in actual service again but with more care for their comfort The commissary committee is to look after these matters Mr Langstaff announces that it is the purpose of the commit tee to have the means of caring for every Confederate veteran whether he is able to pay his own way or not and they will do so if it is possible They want it understood that the com missary committee Is not organized to look only after those who are able to pay their own way but to look after the rest as well A womans first counsel is the best aw aWs iaaawBaVLV 7bV m Filial There is an end to acute suffering when Si Jacobs Oil promptly cures Sciatica A DeBuIIs COUCH SYRUP Cures a Cough or Cold at onco Conquers Croup Whooping Cougn Bronchitis Grippe and Consumption Quick sure results Dr Bulls Pilte cure Constipation 50pilIlGc nSflSQV DISCOVERY elves f r5 quickrollef and cures worst esses Book of testimonials and 10 DATS treatment VOX SB II H GREESS 30SS Box E Atlictt Ga WILL BE LIFE FOR UK Prank Dinsmore Must Pay the Penalty for His Odessa Crime SUPREME COURT RULES ON CASE One of the Most Sensational Murder Trials In the States Annals Mrs Laue Still la Jail at Kearney Other Nebraska Matters LINCOLN Neb March 9 Frank L Dinsmore must pay his debt to so ciety for disobeying its laws by forfei ture of his life This was the ruling of the supreme court when it affirmed the judgment of the district court of Buffalo county Dinsmore was found guilty there of murdering Fred Laue at Odessa and sentenced -by Judge Sullivan to hang by the neck until dead There are two possibilities yet before the con demned man One is that the court may grant a rehearing before the ex piration of forty days and then reverse itself and the others is exercise of the pardoning power by Governor Die trich Neither offers much hope Never in the history of the state has there been a murder trial that at tracted so much attention as did that of Dinsmore The mans relatives re spectable well todo people hired the most able counsel obtainable to defend him and the county attorney im pressed W D Oldham then deputy attorney general of the state into ser vice to assist in the prosecution The case -was bitterly fought and newspa pers the United States over devoted column after column to the sensational testimony One of the peculiar circumstances was that Mr and Mrs Dinsmore who had been married less than a year lived on the ground floor of the resi dence occupied by Mr and Mrs Laue On the same night Laue was found dead in his bed from bullet wounds and Mrs Dinsmore was found dead below from poisoning The theory of the state was that Dinsmore had killed Laue and on this charge he was prosecuted Mr3 Laue was the most damaging witness against him The evidence showed that illicit relations had existed be tween the defendant and Mrs Laue long before he brought his wife to live there It was claimed that he mur dered Laue and that Mrs Dinsmore was gotten out of the way that Dins more and Mrs Laue might continue their relations without ifear of detec tion An attempt was made by news paper correspondents at the time to show that Mrs Laue was under Dins mores hypnotic power despite the fact that there was nothing in the ev idence on the point Dinsmore did not take the stand in his own behaU When the sentence of the court had been pronounced he was brought to Lincoln and placed in the penitentiary for safe keeping He rests there to day protesting as he has ever since his arrest that he is innocent but in sisting that he has no idea who com mitted the crime The date set by the district court for the execution was last July but a stay was granted by the supreme court which tribunal must now set another date The time has not yet been de termined It cannot be within forty days Mrs Laue is still in jail at Kearney GARDNER A LIPE CONVICT Another of the Men Who Killed Herman Zahn Gets HIg sentence FREMONT Neb March 9 Edward Gardner one of the convicted murder ers of Herman Zahn has been sent enced to imprisonment for life Have you anything to say wby sentence should not be pronounced upon you asked Judge Grimison No sir was his reply in a voice indicating deep emotion In delivering the sentence the judge referred to the atrocity of the crime and the part which the evidence showed Gardner took in it stepping over the bodv of Zahn lying on the floor in the agonies of death and with his loaded revolver holding the men in the saloon off while the robbery was being completed the shooting at others as he made his escape from the building All this showed that he was equally guilty with his associate Rhea who fired the fatal shot In conclusion the judge said You can consider yourself very fortunate that your life does not pay the penalty of your crime The sentence of the court is that you be confined in the state penitentiary during your natural life no part of the time to be in sol itary confinement Father Rnesinjrs Donation WEST POINT Neb March 9 Rev Joseph Ruesing head priest of the lo cal St Marys Catholic church gave assurance of a donation of 15000 to be applied toward the erection of an old folks home and hospital in West Point making one stipulation that the city donate ten crs of land on which to rear the building Hoppers Hatch and Frecze FARNAM Neb March 9 The eggs of grashsoppers in this vicinity were hatched out by the recent warm weath er and when it turned bitter cold the young hoppers were frozen The ther mometer at one time registered 78 degrees The apprehension of the farmers as to the hopper plague next summer are thereby relieved Fire Remains a Mystery LINCOLN Neb March 9 The origin of the penitentiary fire is uncertain and may never be known said Deputy Warden Bowers It was doubtless caused by electric light wires or a defective flue which we cannot say We cannot even lo cate exactly the room where it started but it was doubtless in one of the several rooms between the guards sleeping apartments and the wardens room in the main building For my part I place no credence in the theory that convicts started the fire TO Where the Money TVent The Boston Medical and Surgical Journal says that a Boston physician was recently called to a family which he found in such destitute circum stances that he gave in addition to his prescription a 5 bill Happening in the next day he discovered that his gift had been thus spent Three dollars to the priest which of course was all right and 2 to get another doctor Valued Souvenir Colonel Walter French the file clerk of the- house of representatives has an unusual souvenir of the visit of the Prince of Wales now Englands king to this country many years ago It is a large pink ticket to the mu sical festival in honor of Lord Ren frew October 18 1860 at the Music hall Boston Colonel French pur chased the ticket but did not use it except to paste in his interesting scrapbook of that period 1 Methodist Medals Medals are to be given to the con tributors to the Methodist twentieth century fund Those giving 5 or more in excess of last year will re ceive a bronze medal bearing the face of John Wesley Sunday school schol ars giving 1 will receive a gilt medat1 with the face of Francis Asbury and donor3 belonging to the Epworth League will receive a bronze medal of Bishop Ninds ON VERGE Of INSANITY Mrs JC A Deacon Tells of a Case i Where a Lady Wa In This Serious Con dition hut Was Saved East Randolph N Y March 11 Special Mrs E A Deacon of this town is Vice President of the local Womens Christian Temperance Union She is a lady of splendid capabilities and these she has always directed to wards the uplifting of humanity What Mrs Deacon says is accepted in East Randolph without question No one has ever doubted her truthfulness or honesty of purpose Mrs Deacon says My attention was first called to the remarkable cur ative value of Dodds Kidney Pills through the cure of a literary lady who was a friend of mineu and whofffonV mental overwork Tvas on the verge of insanity After the failure of her phy sician to help her her husband was advised to have her try Dodds Kidney Pills which she did with gratifying re sults She used five boxes before she was completely cured but at the end of two months treatment she was her own happy brilliant self once more Feeling languid and worn out my self I thought they would perhaps be a help to me and I am very glad to say that two boxes made a new woman of me I feel ten years younger am in the very best of health and appreciate that it was entirely through the use of Dodds Kidney Pills I give them high est indorsement These cases are becoming very com mon in Cattaraugus County and many ladies have had experiences similar to those of Mrs Deacon and her friend What Dodds Kidney Pills have done for these suffering women they will do for- anyone who gives them a fair trial They are 50c a box six boxes for 250 Buy them from your local druggist if you can If he cannot sup ply you send to the Dodds Medicine Co Buffalo N Y Twins Born in Different States While Mrs P T Bulger of Port land Ore was traveling on a train toward Spokane Wash the other day twins were added to her family The elder a boy was born in Oregon and the other a girl in the state of Wash ington an hour later This is the first case on record where twins were born in different states He that courts injury will obtain it We must sow even after a bad har vest If You Have Dyspepsia Bend no money but write Dr Snoop Racine Wis Box 13 for six bottles of Dr Snoops Reatorfttlre express paid If cared pay 13 JO If not it It free An ill tempered dog has a scarred nose Dyspepsia Is the Dane of the human system Protect yourself against its ravages by the ufce of Beemans Pepsin Gum England spends 123866 a year on the British Museum TO CUBE A COLD IN ONE DAT Take Laxative BkomoQuikine Tablets All drujrsists refund the money If it fails to cure E W Groves signature is on the box 25c Never let ftfols see half finished work Ask your grocer for DEFIANCE STARCH the only 16 oz package for 10 cents All other 10 cent starch con tains only 12 oz Satisfaction guaran teed or money refunded Marriage -with the sister of a de ceased wife is not legal in England Mrs Winslows Soothing Syrnp Yor children teething softens the giitas reduces in flammation allays pain cures wiadcollc SScabottic Do not wade when you see no bot tom Pisos Cure is the best medicine -we ever used for all affections of the throat and lungs Wm O Exdsley Vanburen Ind Feb 10 1900 It is easy to recover from another mans adversity Dtpn Get Footsore Get KOOT EASE A certain cure for Swollen Smart ing Burning Sweating Feet Corns and Bunions Ask for Allens Foot Ease a powder Cures Frost bites and Chilblains At all Druggists and Snoe Stores 25c Sample sent FREE Ad dress Allen S Olmsted LeRoy N Y That which is false can never be scientific Dont ache use Hamlins Wizard Oil Rheumatism neuralgia and all pain banished by it See your druggist Even he gets on who is drawn by oxen Sweat and fruit acids will not dis color goods dyed with PUTNAM FADELESS DYES Another new religious sect has been started in New York State op Ohio Citt op Toledo r CQ Lucas County f Frame J Cheney makes oath that he is the senior partner of the Ann of P J Cheney Co doing business in the City of Toledo County and State aforesaid and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Halls Catarrh Cure PRANK J CHENEY Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence this 6th day of December A D 1888 A W GLEASON rcr AT l 1EALJ Notary Public HaHs CatarrhCureis taken Internally and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system Send for testimonials free P J CHENEY CO Toledo a Sold by Druggists 75c Halls Family Pills are the best In the south the Italians are found to be good cotton pickers Dropsy treated free by Dr H H Greens Sdns of Atlanta Ga The greatest dropsy specialists in the world Road their adver tisement in another column of this paper The drooping hats will be much seen in the spring By taking Garfield Tea the danger of contracting La Grippe is lessened for the system is cleansed the blood purified and the digestion perfected by this great herb cure Tho Inheritance Tax The New York inheritance tax is fat picking for the legal profession there One firm received 46597 from the state for collections under the law last year another 35276 another 18 259 another 15000 and so on This in addition to the official fees paid to the comptroller for receiving these taxes And still there was a big resi due for the taxpayers after all these collection expenses were paid CATARRH THIRTY YEARS Many a married man is a silent hero Ask your grocer for DEFIANCE STARCH the only 16 oz package for 10 cents All other 10 cent starch con tains only 12 oz Satisfaction guaran teed or money refunded Worms avau -- in in Qso W Bowles Baird Miss H Vf V IA HHV ww W t If T f 1 I III JUla j 1 A Remarkable Experience of a Prominent Statesman CONGRESSMAN MEEKISON GIVES A HiGff ENDORSEMENT i CONGRESSMAN MEEKISON OF OHIO Hon David Meekison is well known not only in his own State but through out America He began his political career by serving four consecutive terms as Mayor of the town in which he lives during which time he became widely known as the founder of the Meekison Bank of Napoleon Ohio He was elected to the Fifty fifth Congress by a very large majority and is the acknowledged leader of his party in his section of the State Only one -flaw -marred the otherwise complete success of this rising states man Catarrh with its insidious ap proach and tenacious grasp was his only unconquered foe For thirty years he waged unsuccessful warfare against this personal enemy At last came to the rescue and he dictated the following letter to Dr Hartman as the result I have used several bottles of and feel greatly benefited there by from my catarrh of the head I feel encouraged to believe that if I use it a short time longer I will be able to fully eradicate the disease of thirty years standing Yours truly David Meekison Many people t can tolerate affections A little hoarseness a slight cough a cold in the head or a trifling derangement of the digestive organs do not much disturb the aver age person in his business But this is not true of the public speaker or stage artist His voice must always be clear lungs perfect digestion undisturbed Hence the popularity of among the leading actors and actresses of this country SPaavHGaaaasr WKsV IzASZ fjfrft Miss Carrie Thomas They have como to regard as indispensable to their success Their profession Is so exacting that it re- quires perfect health In every particular They regard aa their friend and safeguard Many letters are received from this class of people Miss Car rie Thomas in speaking of says I have used with splen did results Would not bewlthout it No money would hire me to have a settled cold or chronic cough or hoarseness Catarrh is the most dreadful thing that could happen to one of my profession is my shield and protector against this most undesirable disease Carrie Thomas If vou do not derive Dromnt and sat isfactory results from the use of runa write at once to Dr Hartman giving a full statement of your casoj and he will be pleased 10 give you hi3j valuable advice gratis j Address Dr Hartman President ofj The Hartman Sanitarium Columbus Ohio Ask your grocer for DEFIANCE STARCH the only 16 oz package for 10 cents All other 10 cent starch con tains only 12 oz Satisfaction guaran teed or money refunded - - Self respect is the basis aiall good CASCARETS are a sure cure for tape worms and those other pests of worms that make the lives of children and their mothers miserable Any variety of parasites that live in the human stomach or bowels and feed on the substance which should properly nourish the body are dislodged by Cascarets Candy Cathartic and expelled One or two tablets usually drive them out and persistent use is sure to do away with the unwelcome intruders Many children and older people suffer from worms without knowing it and get thin and weak although their appetite is good The best way to find out is to take Cascarets Never accept a substitute icveioa call jo the v of iue hour T Brooklyn Citiz u UA tape worm elciiteen fof Ions at least came on the scene after my taking two CASCARETS This I aa sure has caused my bad health for the past threo years I am still taking Cascarets tho only cathartic worthy of notice by sensible people IX to thro set crur int by r retu baV JHBa BEST FOR BOWELS AND LIVERS T THISIS aaBffl jHWaaafc aflatt9aaaH YfU tM HaSal IlW WHBBWm rt avaaiJLy f rVfi 1 1 1 amTi IS I wt3bmiS never sold m bulk THE TABLET mSmBSKKSm DRUGGISTS GITAHANTEED TO CUKE all Toxvl trouble appendicitis biliousness pad breath bod blood wind on the stomach bloated bowels foal month beadache ladlcestlon plraples pains after eatlnr II ver trouble sallow com plexion and dlzslness When your bowels dont move rcgnlarly yon are pettlnr sick Constipation kills more people than all other dincoaea toccther It is a starter Tor the chronic ailments and Ionic years or suffering that coxae afterwards No matter -what alls yoa start taking CASCA BETS today for yon -will never eel well and be well all the tlse nntll you pnt your bowels right Take oar advice start with CASCAJSEXS today under an absolute esarsBtee to euro or money refunded 6TJAKANTEEB TO CXTEE Five years ago the first box of CAS CAKET8 was sold iVow It Is over six million boxes a year greater than any similar medicine In the -world This Is absolute proof of crcnt merit and oar best testimonial We have faith and will sell CASOAiCKTS absolutely Euaranteed to care or money refunded Go buy today two GOc boxes ctve tbera a fair honent trial as per simple directions and If you are not satisfied after usloc one COc bo return the unused uOc box and the empty box to us by mall or the Urn exist from whom yon purchased It and eetyonr money back for both boxes Take our advice no matter what rills you start today Health will quickly follow and yoa will bless the day yon first started the use ofCaJSCAJiCTS Scok free by mall Add BXZU2QCXEDXC0 Kew YorkCdeic S 9 9 9 m 6asett0ee9e999oQe