Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, March 14, 1901, Image 5

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If D
On left side
Woodlake Neb
John Roans
private mark slit
iu left ear
He an Brothers
Mutual companies pay losses in full
No discount I M Kice Agent
Poito3o Adtoo
f took brand -same
m cat be
hind leftibouldt
Ranffe os th
l RR
Postofilce addreB
Rosebud 8 D
Branded on kft tlrt
nme SOS gaggr
Horse on HE
either shouI HB
der aBKS
Some ui
elthar sfaou
rostofTka addreaa
Kllgore Neb
Cattle branded on
either side a on
ut lame on hip
Soma on
rAW left side
pnsrofflce address
Allen S
eft side als
n left
Horse iOon
orse brands
ft rib
Range Oorn Creel
PestofSoe Address
Roeebud 8 D
Cattle branded
on left side same u
Hones branded
G D on left kip
Ranch oa Lone
and ABtetope ereefc
4stof Rceefeud
McGaa Oreston S D
lftilitnft9juoyni fc ZiH
CtlAflKjS MIffififo
ny part of animal
part of animal
be following left
Also some cattle
oearlngthe follow
na brands a lett
lock- X left side oi
Left or either side
of cattle also V left
side ot neck Swal
low fork rifiht ear
cinderblt left right
ear nubbed off on
derbit lef ear
Borne on left
law and some
wattle left Jaw
Other brands lett
omr ui
nt slue or any
ima brauded
SSE1 tf
y l V
W leit hip
leit nil lfti lclLilil Or
thigh thigh thigh or thigh hip
Anyone selling horses or cattle bearing th
tfiove brands will be prosecuted Informatlor
regarding theft liberally rewarded Range a
varney Springs and Cottonwood
Range Seven miles nonh
tastof Pine Ridge in
Postofilce address
Pine Riuge
Cattle branded as ot
cut HO 15 on lef
side some BfSliloi
either slue
on left side
some older
stock anywhere ov
animal Horses E U
Ml on leu ni
anywnere or
right side
Shannon Co
T O Valentine Lodge No C
SP J JL Meets every second and
fourth Wednesday even
ng of each month at Hornbys Hall A cordm
uvitatiou is extended to all visiting members
Y MHhY President
Bran bulk 70c per cu I 13H t
Shorts bulk 75e per cut 14 00 t
Screenings 40c 700
Vmv Feed So 16 00
Hon 70- 1700
Chop corn 75c 1400
fatw 105 20 00
Valentine Nebraska
in District Court and U S Lam
Real Esate and Ranch Property
mifl sold Bonded Abstracter
IvTomvtlv Btocnred OE HO PEE Sendmodel skctchA
or nhntn fnnfrt wnort on nfttaiitsbilitr BoO 4ll0w
to6bUiaUS and ForcfnratentaandTrad Miirksty
JFKEE ialtcst terms ever oncrca o inTeniornj
on nnnpfiTniTS PRnraiRFn through them
I Alt InisincB confidcatial Boucd ftdvjec taithftm
service Bloderale charges
to il SA Jr aLJt W WV
Odd L S Patent Office WASHINGTON D C
1200 - SEND - 1200
Rut come and examine my fl2 Gold Filled
Watch As good durable and reliable a watch
as you need for all practical put poses Fully
guaranteed by goorf companies also by
O W Morey
All Kinds of Surgical Operations
Successfully Performed
m morrisset
valenttnh nhb
Office At
Quigley Chapmans Drugstore
Nights -At The Donoher Hotel
Hair cutting and shaving
Taken Up
Tken up on my range south of Georgia one
sorrel horse coining 2 years old white stripe on
nose two white hind feet unnranded
5 F Kiudsikofsky
Notice to Non Resident Defendant
To John Lee non resident defendant
You are hereby notified that on tlie 35th dav
of February 1901 Kittle Benn as plaintiff filed
her petition in the district court of Cherry
county Nebraska against you the ooject and
prajer of which are to establish and loreclose a
tax lien upon real estate as follows S2 e4 of
section 28 lowiship 27 range 3G in Cherry
county ebraBka for the taxes assessed ami
levied thereon for either state county or school
district purposes for the years tS5 1890 1897
and 1898 for which said lands were sold to this
plaintiff for the sura of S1223 t have an ac
counting of the amount due thereon togeiher
with iuurest from the 12th day of Febru
ary 1901 at the rate oi ten per centum per an
To have said lands sold for the pavment and
satisfaction of the amount due for such taxes
interest penalties and costs ad the costs of
suit and the costs of sale to bar foreclose and
exclude the said defendants aud each of them
from having or claiming any lien title interest
or equity ot redemption ot m or to tlie or
any pa t thereof and for general relief
You are required to answer said petition on or
before April 1st 1901
A M Moukissev Alton ey for Plaintiff
Dated February 20th 1901 5 4t
Notice to Non Resident Defendant
To Ada Lowe formerly Ada Miljstead non
resident defendant
You and cadi of you are hereby notified that
ou the 28th day of February 1901 Stella S Bul
Iard as plaintiff filed her petitiou in the district
court oi Cherry county Nebraska against you
the ooject and prayer of which are to establish
aud foreclose a tax lien up m real estate as fo
lows swh of section 24 township 30 rauge 26 in
Cherry countv Nedraska for the taxes assessed
and levied thereon for either state county or
school district purposes lor i he years IS93 1894
1895 1897 aim 1898 for which said
lauds were sold to this plaintiff for the sum of
5itiU3 to have an accounting of the amount
due thereon together with interest on S4G02
sheiof from the 27th day of February 1901 at
the rate of ten per centum per annum
To have said lands sold for the payment and
satisfaction of the amount due for such taxes
j interest penalties and costs aud the costs ol
anu tlie costs ol sale to oar loreclose aud
exclude thesaid defendants aud each of liieni
from having or claiming mi v lien title interest
or equity ot redemption of in or to the same or
anv part thereof and for general relief
You and each of you are required to answer
said petitiou on or before April Sth looi
STELLA S BbLLARl Plaintiff
t ai waicott Attorney for planum
Dated February 23th 1E01
Notice to Non Resident Defendant
To Charles O Nourse and Mrs Nourse his
wife first aud real name unknown non resident
You and each of you are hereby notified that
on the 2Sth day of February 1901 Kittle Henu as
plaintiff tiled her petition in the uistrict com t
of Cherry couutt Nebraska against vou the ob
ject and prayer of which are to estnbish ami
loreclose a tax lien upon real estate as follows
riieejiie4 and ii4m of section ll township
J2 range 30 m Cherry county Nebraska for the
taxes assessed and levied thereon for either
state county and school purposes tor tlie ears
tfcWJ ltftf l98 and 1899 for which
viid lands were sold to this plaintiff for the sum
f 2039 to nave an accuuutiug of the amount
one thereon together with interest on g303S
ihereul lrom the 27th day of February 19ol at
tlie nite of ten per centum per annum
To navesaU lauds mjUI for the payment and
satisfaction of the amount due for such taxes
interest penalties aud cobis and the costs of
sttit and the costs ot sale to bar foreclose and
exclude the said defendants and each of them
lrom having or claiming any lien title interest
or equity ot redemption of in or tn the same or
any part thereof and for general relief
You and each ot you are required to answer
-said petitiou on or beiore April 8 1901
A M MoititissKV Atlorne for plaintiff
Dated February 27 1901 C lt
Notice to Non Resident Defendant
To Blanche F IlayiiKsanrl Crace F iiaynes
exciitiixes nou reauient defendants
You anil each of on are hereby notified that
u the 28 day of lebuary 1901 Kittie Benn as
pi iutilf filed Ii r nettion iu tliu district court
of Chtrry county Nel niska against you tho ob
ject aud prayer of wtii h are to establish aud
loreclose a tiX lieu lij on real estate as follows
lliesej of section 3 township 31 raugo 20 l
heirj comity Nebraska for the taxes assess
ed ami hvit ii thereon lor liiher state county
orseheolsiirpies lor the years 1S93 3891 1895
1W J897 1MM and 1899 for whieh said lauds
were sole to this plaintiff for tlie sum of S87i
to have an occountiiig of the amouut due
utihfimftv interest ouS87ps thereof from j elude the satd defendants and each of them from
iuv iuw uaj u uw uoi wi a uC khc ui icii
j uaving orciainuiig any lien title Interest or
percenium per annum equity of redemption of in or to the same or any
To have said lauds sold for the payment and unrt tiiprpnr nni fnnoni uli
satisfaction of the ampunt due for suck taxes j You and each of you are requir
suit and tlie costs of sale to bar foreclose and
exclude the said defendants and each of them
from having or claiming any lien title interest
or equity of redemption of in or to the same or
any part thereof and for eeneral reliL
You and each of 3011 are required to aMswer
said petition on or berore April 8th 1901
K1TTIE BENN Plaiatiff
A M Morrisey Attorney for plaintiff
Eated Feb 27 1901 c 4t
Legal Notice
To Southeast quarter of Section 9 Township
31 range 29 in Cherry county Nebraska John
Renshaw Lucy A Renshaw Lucy A Johnson
John Doe real name unknown and Mary Doe
real name unknown heirs and representatives
of John Reushaw defendants
You and each of you are hereby notified that
on the 28th day of February 1901 Kittle Benn as
plaintiff tiled her petition in the District Court
of Cherry county Nebraska against southeast
quarter of Section 9 Township 34 Range 29 in
Cherry county Nebraska John Renshaw Lucy
A Renshaw Lucy A Johnson John Doe real
name unknown and Mary Roe real name un
known heirs and representatives in interest of
John Renshaw the object and prayer of which
are to establish and foreclose a tax lien upon
real estate as follows Se of section 9 town
ship 34 rang 29 in Cherry county Nebraska for
the taxes assessed and levied thereon lor either
state county and school purposes for the years
1893-1894-1895-1890-189-189 and 1899 for which
said lands were sold to this plaintiff for the sum
of 6013 to have an accounting of the amount
due thereon together with iuterest on SG012
thereof from the 12th day of February 1001 at
the rate of 10 per centum per aunnm
To have said lands sold for payment and sat
isfaction of the amouut due for buch taxes inter
est penalties and costs and the costB of suit and
the costs of sale to bar foreclose and exclude
the said defendants and each of them from hav
ing or clauniui any lien title interest or equity
ol redemption of iu or to the same or any part
thereof and lor general relief
You and each of yon are required to answer
said petition on or before April 8tn 1901
K1TT1E BENiN Plairiiiff
A M Mokkissky Attorney for plaiutilf 4
Dated February 28th 1901 G 4t
Notice to Non Resident Defeudaut
ToCeorgeO Smith and Mrs Smith his wife
first aud real name uilkonwn non resident de
You aud each of you are notified that on tlie
28th day of February 1901 Kittie Benn as plain
tiff filed her petition in the district court of
Cherry county Nebraska against you as your co
defendants the object anil praer of which ar
to establish and loreciose apax lieu upon real es
tateas follows 11Y2 lnvKi and sw4 11WJ4 and
neJa swUot section 24 township 35 range 25 in
Cherrv county Nebraska lor the taxes assessed
and levied therell for t itlier state eouutj or
school district friirpoies for tlie 3 ears
1B95 1896 1897 1898 anu 1899 for which said
lauds were sold to tins plaintiff lor the sum oi
26 05 to have an accounting of the amount due
thereon together with interest oi S20O4 liereoi
lrom the 27 day ol February 1901 at the rati of
ten per centum per annum
lo have saidlands solrf lor payment and satis
lactiun 01 the amount due lor sucli tuxes inter
est penalties and costs aud the costs oi siit
aud the costs of suie to bar loreclose aud ex
clude the said deienuunts and each ot them
liom hau g or claiming any lien title iuterest
or equitj ol redemption of 111 or to the same or
an pun theieof aud loi geutial rebel
lou anu each ol jou aie required to answer
said petition on or befoie Apiilsth 1901
Kiril BEAN Plaint ill
A M MoiuiissKY Attorney lor Plaintiff
Dated Febiuary 28 101 C 4t
Notice to Non resident Defendants
Notice to Non Resident Defendant
To Alma F Nichols and John H Nichols
non resident deleiidants
You ami each olyoli are hereby notified th t
ou tlie 2btb day of February 1901 Melia S Billi
ard as plaintiff licd her petitiou 111 the distn t
court ot tiherry county Nebraska against you
the object and prayer ot winch are lo estabiish
and loieclosea tix lieu upon eai estate as lol
lows neii of section 17 topiiship 33 rrnge 33 in
Cherry county Febraska lor tlie taxes assessed
and levteu iheieon lor either state county or
school district purposes for the jenrs I895x IS9G
1897 1893 and 18U9 lor which said lands were sold
to this plaiiieiff for tie stun ot 1845 to have an
accounting ol tne amount due theieon together
with interest ouSlS44 tliereol from Uie27ih dav
ofFebruaiy 19iJtat iherate of ten per centum
pur annum
To nave said lands sold for tlie paj mem and
satistaction of the amount due for such taxes
interest penalties and cosb and the costs or
suit ana tlie costs of sale to bar foreclose and
exclude the said defendants aud each ol tliem
from having or claiming any lien litle interest
or equit of redemption of in or to the same or
any part theieot aud fur general relief
You and each of you are required lo answer
said petition on or beiore Aprils 1D01
sTELLA ft BU iLARD Plaintiff
F M Walcott Allorne lor plaintiff
Dated Febtuary28 1JOl G 4t
Notice to Non Residtnt Defendant
ToS A Ramplin first and real name un
known Henry N El well and S J Uaynor first
andreal jiame unknown iiuii iesidciit defend
Yo i and each of you are hereby notified that
on the 28th ay of February 5901 Stella s Billi
ard as plaintiff filed her petition in ihe district
court of Cherry county Nt bniska against vju im
pleaded with Stall Brothers cons sung of
William Stull and Louis htull aud
William Mull trustee as our co defend
ants the object and nrar of which are to es
lablish andioreeluse a tax lien upon real etiate
as Iohousloi4aiut seswt ot section 19 and
To Theodore F Cooner aud Mrs Coooer first
and real name unknown wife 01 Theodore T3
Cooper non resident defendants
You and each of jou are hereby notified that
on the 26th day of February 1901 Kittie Benn as
plaintiff filed her petition in the district court of
Cherry county Nebraska against you the object
and prayer of which are to establish and lore
close a tax lien upon real estate as lollows y2
of 11WJ4 ol section 25 and s54 ot ne4 of section 20
township 33 rauge 37 111 Cherry county Nebraska
for tiu taxes assessed and levied Hereon lor
either state county or school district purposes
lor tlie years ana 1899 for
which said lauds were sold 10 this plaintiff lor
the sum ot SG079 to have an aecouiitim ot the1
amount due thereon together with -interest on
cGO78 theieot lrom the 27th day of February 1901
at the rate ol ten per centum per annum
To have said lands sold for ihe payment and
satisfaction ot the amount one lor such taxes
iuteiest penalties and costs and tlie costs ot suit
aud tlie costs of sale to bar lureclose and ex
clude the said deleudunts and each of them
iroin having or claiming any lien title or interest
ur equity 01 redemption ot iu or to any tart
tliereol anu for general relief
You and each ol jou are rtquited to answer
said petition on or before April Sth 1901
KiTTlE BENN Plaintiff
A M Mokkissey Attorney lor plaintiff
Dated February 28th 19 Jl G 4t
Notice to Non resident Defendants
To Joseph Picket and Mrs Picket first and
rel name uukbowii wife of Joseph Picket non
resident deleiidants
You and each ot jouare hereny notified that
on the 28th day of February 19 Jl Stella S tiul
lardas plaintiff filed her petition in the district
court olCheiry county Nebraska against you
the object and praver of wliich are to establish
and foieciosea taxhen upon real estate as fol
lows Wjsek aid sese ot tectou 23 town
ship 33 range 34 in Cherry county Nebraska for
the taxes assessed and levied thuieon tor eittier
state county or school district purposes for the
iears 1895 IS97 1898 andl899 lot winch said lanus
were sold to this plaintiff lor die sum ot 512 15
to have an accounting 01 the amount due there
on togtther with interest on 12i4 thereof from
the J7th day of February 1901 at the rate ot ten
per centum per annum
To have saiu lands sold for the payment and
satislaciiou of the amount due for such taxes
interest penalties and costs ami the costs ot
suit aud the costs of sale to bai foreclose and
exclude the said defendants and euch ol them
from Having or claiming any fuio title interest
or equity ot redemption of in orito tlie same or
any part tlisreot and for general reief
You anu each of you are rcqufred to answer
said petition on or before April 8th twn
F M Walcoit Alton ey lor plaintiff
Dated February 2Sth 1901 G 4t
said petition on or before April 8th 1901
STELLA 8 IltfLLARD Plaintiff
P M Walcott Attorney for Plaintiff
Dated February 28 1901 c 4t
Nctice to Non resident Defendants
To Orant Mathews and Mrs Mathews first nml
real name unknown wife of Bmnt AiiiiinwM count
Notice to Non Resident Defendant
non resident defendants years 1894 1895 I89rt 1S97 w lsos ann isrw X V fnr
lou and each of you are hereby notified that jykich said lands were sold to this plaintiff for
on the 28th day of February 1901 Stella S Bui 1 the sum of 40 13 to have an accounting of the
lard as plaintiff filed her petition In the District 5111 due thereon together with interest on
Court of Chen- county Nebraska against vou tlol2thereof from the 27 da of Febrtury
uicuujcui aim prayer oi wnicn are to estauilsn Q k lL illc U1 u Jer ceiuum per annum
anu ioreciose a tax lien upon real estate as fol
lows SneJi and ese4 of section 22 town
ship 35 range 25 in Cherry county Nebraska for
the taxes jissed and levied thereon for either
state county or school district purposes for the
years 1893-1894-1 and 1699 jar
which said lands were sold to this plaintiff tor
the sum or 4234 to have an accounting of tlie
amount due thereon together with interest on
S42S3 thereof from the 27th day of February
1901 at the rate of ten per centum per annum
To have said lands sold for the pavment and
satisfaction of tlie amount due for snch taxes
interest penalties aud costs and the costs of
suit and tlie costs of sale to bar foreclose and
exclude the said defendants and each of them
from having or claiming any lien title interest
or equity ot redemption of in or to the- snn or
any part thereof and for general relief
Yon and each of you are required to answer
said petition on or before April 8th 1901
1 M WAlcott Attorney for plaintiff
Dated February 28th 1901 c 4t
Notice to Non resident Defendants
To John H Nichols Alma T Nichols and
Maggie Nichols non resident defendants
You and each of you are hereby notified that
on the 28th day of February 1901 Stella S Bal
lard as plaintiff filed her petition in the district
court ot Cherry county Nebraska against you
the object and prayer of which are to establish
and foreclose a tax lien upon real state as fol
lows Se4 of section 8 township 33 range 33 in
Cherry comity Nebraska for the taxes assessed
and levied thereon for either state county and
school district purposes for vears 1893-1890-1897
1893 and IS99 for which said lauds were eold to
this plaintiff for the sum of SO45 to have an
accounting of the amount due thereon together
Willi interesi on S2044 thereof from the 27th
day of February 1901 at the rate of ten per
centum per annum
To have saiu lands sold for the payment and
satisfaction of the amount due for such taxo
interest penalties and costs and the costs of
suit anu ine costs 01 sale to oar loieclcse and
exclude tlie said defendants and each of them
from having or claiming any lien ti le interest
or equity ot redemption or in or ro the same or
any part thereof and lor general relief
You ana e eh of you are required to answer
said petition 011 or beiore April otli 1 ci
f M Walcoit Attorney for Dlaiutift
Dated l ebruary2ath 1901
Notice to Non Resident Defendant
ToT B Hale first and real name unknown
Emiliu HuleThe Showalte Mortgage Company
William J Caskey and Altred Frost non-resident
You aud each of you are hereby notified that
on the 28ih day of February 1901 Stella s Uul
lard as plaintiff filed her petition in the district
court 01 Clieiry county Nebraska ngainr vou
the object and prayer of which are to establish
and loreclose a tux lieu upon real estate as lol
lows Nwknek emvfa and neUswVJ of sec
tion 19 township 32 raiiKre 23 in Cherry countv
AcnrasKa ior ttie taxes assessed and levied
thereon for either state county or school dis
trict purpose for tlie years 1890
iciiq iccin rn 1 1 i
ui i io iui tviliuil 3MU IUIIMS WBre SlIU LO
JttUsnJaintiff lorthesumof SlG57 to have an
accounting ol the amount due thereon together
wiui interest ou sn m thereof from the 27
day of February 1901 at the rate of 10 per cent
um per annum
To have said lands eold for the payment and
satisfaction of tho amount due for such taxes
interests penalties uud costs and the costs of
uit aud the costs of sale to bar foreclose and
exclude thesaid defendants and each of them
from having or claiming any hen title interest
or equity ot redemption of 111 or to tne same or
any part theieot and for general relief
louami eacnoi you are required to answer
said petition on or before April 8th 1901
F II Walcmt Attorney for plaintiff
Dated February 28 1901
Notice to Non Resident Defendant
To Mary E Lnighton The Dakota Ln ui and
Trust Co Irving M retire and Emma LMercure
uou resident deieudauts
You and each of you are hereby notified that
on the 2Sth day of rebruary 1901 Stella S Bol
lard as plaintiff filed her petition in tlie district
court t Cherry county Nebraska against you
the object and prayer of which are to establish
and foreclose a tax lien upon real estate as fol
lows hek of section 9 township 25 range 32
Un Cherry county Nebraska for the taxes as
sessed ana levied thereon for either state
county or school district purposes for the vears
J893 1894 1895 1890 IM7 189S and 1S99 Jor
which saiu 111ms were soiu to nns piaintut tor
the sum of 87233 to have an accounting of the
amouut due thereon together with interest on
57232 thereof from tiio 27th day of February
1901 at the rate ot 10 pel centum per annum
To have saidJands soul for the payment and
satisfaction of the amount due for such taxes
interest penalties and costs and the costs of
suit and tie costs of sale to bar foreclose and
exclude thesaid defendants and eacti of tlietn
from having or claiming auv lien title interest
or equity or redemption of in or to thy same or
any part thereof and lor general relier
You and each of ou aie required to answer
said petition on or before April 8tn ts
F M Attorney for plaintiff
- Dated February 28th liiOl G lt
Notice to Vnti Ifpsident Defendant
-To Damon il
wife first r
accounting ol lie
with interest on
fouger and Mr Conger his
al name unknown non resident
You ani of o are lierebv notified that
on the 27th d j r 1 ebruary loni KittiC Benn
as plaintiff i ed her petitiou in the
district eniirr 01 Cherry couuly Nebraska
against ou the object and prayc of which are
to establi I and foreclose a tax lien upon real
estate as follows Lot 1 section 3 township 3
range 27 and swseH seetiou 24 hikI ii4uek I
ecnoii 25 lnwnshm 33 ra ge 28 in Cherrv
county Nebraska tor the taxes assessed a id
levied thereon tor either state countv or school
pureosis tor ears 18921893 18911895 18901897
1S98 and 1899 for whieh said lands were sold to
tire paintiff tor tlie sum of 105 52 to have an
amount due then on togeiher
Shift 51 thereof from the
day of heloiiaty 1901 at the rate ot tell per
oMif trm p r annum
loliaVe said laiils soil for the payment of
the amount due for such taxes interest
costs and the costs of suit and the
costs Df sale to bar foieelose and the
said defendants and each of them from having
or claiming any lien title lnierest or equity or
redemption of n or to tin same or any part
theieot and for general relief
You and each of you are required to answer
said petition ou or berore April S I90l
KITTIE BENN rlaintiff
A M Mohhhskv Attorney lor plaintiff
Dated Fei ruary 27 1901
Notice to Non Resident Defendant
To Emma D Culfek Willirm Guliefc Marv R
Forbyand Edward G Rub rtsou Co non
ou aud each of you arc hereby not fled that
onthe2Gthday of February l0t George M
Hull as plaintfT tiled his petition in ih dis
trict court of Cherry county Nebraska against
j on the object and praver of wliich are to es
Ubhsii and foreelov a tax lien upon real estate
as follows NwK of se of sectlou nine t nvn
ship thirtv oie range twenty seven swl of se
of ejection nine township thirty one range
twenty seven seJ4 of seti or section utile town
ship thiriy oiif range and Hie
swLj of syi ot Mj non JO township 31 range
in Cherrj county Noirtska for the taxes as
sessed and evled thereon for either state coun
ty or school district purposes for the years 1893
1894 1895 1S96 18f7 1S9S and 1891 which
taxes have been paid by this plaintiff mid bo
which said lands weie sold to tois plaintiff 11
linve au acco ntingof theamouu iMe iiiHrenii
together with interest from ihe iaie of said
r ft l 7 vV u wWc3 humus at the tateof tei per centum per am urn
Jv L v Nebraska for To h ve said lands so d for the pavment ai
ST WVeHI j it er sailMaptlon of the amount e tor smh txe
VrV TriV iRr i - rcVi Vlcii J VT ineet lainei ami costs and the costs oi
Mnw srl0 taf breclose and ex hide the ii dti
iV7jivi lemtaiiis and t aeh of them fiom having
A ual VA il taiui ngviny lien title f
riuri x v v lMi iioi rj
tvjbrL tfiii iiiu 11LW iiii in Iiiii iim v ifin tii imiih iir
the rate of ten per centuui per lniiiim v 1 r
iiii 11111 i aiiii 111 uui 1 Hiiuirii 1 ri 111111 111
jo nave sua lands sold lor the payment and
sattsfaetiu or the amount due for such taxes
lnierest penalties and costs and the costs of suit
aim the costs of sale to bar foreclose and ex-
lerust or equity 01
or to any pat t tiureuf and
said petition on or bdore April 8ih twflt
A M MonnissKY Attorney fur plaintiff
Pateaiubu arrjuiwh rnt
To s L Irtffith first and real name unknown
T Cannon lint and real name unknown and
Scotia Stevensca non resident defendants
ou and each of you are hereby notified that
pn tho astli dav ot Pebruarj 1D0I Stella S Bill
iard as plaintiff filed her petition In the dis
trict court ot Cherry county Nebraska against
you the object and prayer of which are to
longhlswlFotoBnldll M ITcnley and Liter
For a valuable consideration assigned by tald
H M Henley to R Somerby and then by rthe
1 said R Somerby assigned For a valuable consid
eration to this plaintiff who H now th legal
holder and owner thercoF upon the sxsH sclt
of section Pnud the w ueVt nwi seU or sect
f on 13 township 27 range7 wtst p m In Cher
j ry county NVrasfca whii h said morcttago was
i giveu lopecuro me payment ok one cerunn
as follow titt v Af Motion iT Fui esilc iTonnssory note dated the h 1 ivof
InCheStmiv vl su 0F and due and
M hi
unerry counij NebniskJi for the taxs
n ivnvhlp in ilv viar omle il ale inereor
assessed and levied thereon fnr mthor ctn EzTrjR Li A
tv or Krimnl llcfrlnr nVnVJ v- u luat uiera w uiib oil me 8am nolo ana
mortgaire the sum of
10 nave saiu lands sold for tli nnvmnf nnri
satisfaction of the amount due for such taxes
iuterest penalties aud costs and the costs of
suit and the sosts of sale to bar foreclose and
exclude the said defendants and each of them
from havM a or claiming anj lien title interest
or equity or redemption of In or to the same or
any part thereof and for eeneral relief
You andeach of you are required to answer
said petition on or before April 8th 1901
F M Walcott Attorney for plaintiff
Dated Feb 28 1901 Mt
Notice to Non resident Pefendants
To Howard C Williamson and Mrs Wihiam
3on first and real name unknown wife of How
ard Williamson and Stull Brothers non-resident
You and each of you are hereby notified that
on the 28th day of February 1901 Stella s Hul
lard as plaintiff 11 ed her petition In the district
court of Cherry county Nebraska against you
the object and prayer of which are to establish
and foreclose a tax lien upon real estate as fol
lows The nwJ4 of section 32 town hip 23 range
32 in cherry county Nebraska for tlie taxes jls
sessed and levied thereon for either state county
or school district purposes for tlie years
1895 1890 1597 1898 and 1899 for which said
lands were sold to this plaintiff for the sum of
S3G84 to have an accounttii offli in-
thereou together with Interest on S3G S3 thereof
from the 27th day of February 1901 at the rate
of ten per centum per annum
To have said lands sold for the payment and
satisfaction of the amount due lor such taxes
iuterest penalties and costs and the cost of suit
and the cost of sale to bar foreclose and ex
clude the said defendants and each of them
from having or claiming any lien title interest
or equity of redemption of in or to the same or
any part thereof and for general relief
You and each ot you are required to answer
saiu petition on or before April 8th 1901
F M walcott Attorney for plaintiff
Dated February 28th 1901 c 4t
Notice to Non Resident Defendant
To Margret K Ruff and Ceorge Ruff aud John
Flvun non resident defendants
You and each of you are hereby notified that
on the 28th day of February 1901 Stella S JJul
lard as plaintiff filed her petition in the District
court of Cherry county Nebraska against you
the object and prayer of which are to establish
and foreclose a tax lien upon real estate as fol
lows Lot 3 and senw aud esw4 of section
19 township 27 range 2G in Cherrv countv Ne
braska for tlie taxes assessed and levied there
on for either state county and school district
purposes for the years 1897 1898 and 1899 for
winch said lands were sold to this plaintiff for
tho sum of S13G5 to have an accounting of tlie
omount Sue thereon together with interest on
S13 G4 thereof from the 12tii day of February
1901 at the rate ot ten per centum per annum
To have said lands sold for tlie payment aiid
satisfaction of the amount due for such taxes
iliterest neualties and costs and the costs ot
suit and the costs ot sale to bar foreclose and
exclude the said defendants aud each of them
from having or claiming any lien title interest
or equity of redemption of in or to the same or
any art thereof and for general relief
You and ea h ot you are required to answer
said petitiou on or before April 8th 1901
h M Walcoit Attorney for plaintiff
Dated February 28th 1901 GK
Notice to Non resident Defendants
Sheridan O Bremmerarul H M Henley first
name unknown non resident defendants will
take notice that II Ficke plaintiff lias on the 28
day of February 1901 filed his netition in
district court of Cherry county Nebraska
against the said defendants the object and
prayer of which is to loreclose one certain
mortgage executed by the said Sheridan O
Brummer to tin said H M Henley and subse
quent to the execution for a valuable considera
tion assigned by said Henley to R Somerby and
then by tne said R Somerby for a valuable con
sideration assigned to this plaintiff who is now
the legal owner and holderthereof upon the Lot
7 in section 32 township 33 range 29 and lots 1
2 aud swiine of section G township 32 range -a
ail In Cherry comity Nebraska to secure the
payment of one certain prommissory note tor
S400I9 dated the 13th day of September 1888 and
due and payable in five years from tlie date
thereof that there is now due the sum of
o GSSG for which sum with interest from Febru
ary 23th 1901 the plaintiff prays judgment
against the defendant Sheridan o hremmeruud
for a decree that lie be required 10 pay tlie
same and that lie and Unsaid H M Henley be
barred and foreclosed of all right title iuterest
claim demand and equity of redemption in said
premises and the riglit interest aim claim of
the said H M Henley be declarod junior and
second and inferior to the right ami interest of
this plaintiff and that said premises be sold to
satisfy tlie amount found due
You are required to answer said petition on
or before thetit day of April i9ul
11 FICKE Plaintiff
Jonx M TuoiCFit Attorney for plaintiff
Dated this 28th day of February 1901
G it
Notice to Non Resident Defendant
To Herleoun Johnson first and real name un
known ana Mrs Johnson Ins wife lirsl and
real name unknown non resident defendants
You and each of you are hereby notified that
on the2Sth day of February 1901 Stella S Billi
ard as plaintiff filed her petition in the district
court ot Cherry county Nebraska against you tho
object aud prayer or which are to establish and
foreclose a lax lien upon real estate as follows
lots I and 2 and e1 se of section 24 township
35 range 31 iu Cherry county Nebraska for tiie
taxes assessed and levied thereon for either
ptate county or school district purposes
for the years 1S8 and 1899 for
wnicn said lltKIO were sold
tt ttttij ttfiititifr
Iroin having oi olaiming any lien ttie Interest or
equity of ademption of in or to t e same or
any part thereof and for general relief
You and each ot ou are iquircl to answer
said peitiou on or before April sth 1191
SlKLLA S BUiLAItD PI lintiff
F M WaLcoit Attorney for Plaintiff
Dated February 2st h sooi c 4t
Notico to Non resident Defendants
John P Steen defendant will tiki notice that
on Ihe Kih day uf February 19tU IT Ficke
plaintiff filed his petition Li lbs district court
ot Cherry county Nebraska against the said dc
fendat the object and prayer of which is to fore
close a certain mortgage executed by the de
fendant to II M Henley and subsequent o the
execution Tor a valuable eonsidpratiou assigned
to It Somerby by H M Ilenlev and ttieii for a
valuable consideration assigned bv R Somerby
to Ibis plaint iff who is now the legal owner anil
holder or the mortgage which is upon the cj
swj4 secri m 29 ami iie14iiwI4 and nwne i see
tittn32 township 26 north in range 30 iu Cherry
county Nebraska to secure the pavment rt one
certain pnuuniissory note and coupons ui nich
ed dated the 2th dav of Mav 139 for the sum
or 300 ft and p lvalue iu five jvars fro u the
date thereof That there is now due upon said
notes and mortgage the sum of Stmt us for
wiucti sain togetiier with iuterest ar to
93Sia Fur which sum to-
getner witn interest From this dae plaintiff
prays judgment against John o Bollong La
vina N Bol long his wife Henry Hemper and
Margaret Helen Hemper his wife and For a
decree that they be required to pay tho same
and that said premises bo sold to satlsFy the
amount Found due and that these togetherwlth
tne said H M Henley be foreclosed and rarred
of all right title and equity of redemption in
said premise- and that the right and demand
and lien of said II M Henley be declared Jun
iorand Inferior to that of tins plaintiff
You will be required to answer said petition
on or beFore the 8th day otr April 1901-
H FIKE Plaintiff
Joxh M Tuckeu Attorney For Plaintiff
Datei February 28 1901
Notice to Non resident Defendants
George W Clark and Elizabeth Clark his wIfo
and H M Henley flrsr name unknown non-resident
deendants will take notice tluti 11
b IcKe plaintiff has on the 28th day of February
1901 filed his petition In the district court of
Cherry county Nebraska against the said de-
i euuauts tneoDject ana prayer of which Is to
Foreclose one certain mortgage UDon tlie nei
section 33 and eswh swsei section
26 township 33 range 32 in Cherry conntw Ne
braska which was executed by tae deFendants
George W Clark and Elizabeth Clark his wIfo
to the said H M Henley and bv tne said Hemey
subsequent to Its execution and For a valuable
consideration assigned to R Somerby and by
said Somerby For a valuable coiisideratfoh as
signed totals plaintiff who is now the tlegul
owner and holder thereoF which said iiort
gage was given to secure the payment 01 0110
certain proiumissory note with coupons attach
ed dated the 23th dav of September 1S8S and
due in five years From date thereoF ami ior
the sum of S35000 That there is now dtie on
said note and mortgage the sum of- SSlllG Tor
which sum togethr with interest at 10 per cent
from the 28th day of February 1901 tho plaintiff
prays judgment against the defendants G Jorge
W Clark and Elizabeth Clark his wtfo and for
a decree requiring them to pay them to pay the
same and tnat they and the said H M Htiiley
be barred and foreclosed of all niit tin intii
est claim and equity 0 redemption in said
premises and that the iiFerost and claim and
Hon 0 said H M Henley be declared junior a nd
inerforto the mortgage of this plaintiff and
that the prem sea be sold to satisfy the amount
found due
You are required lo answer said petition oa
or beore the Sth day 0 April 1901
H FICKE Plaintiff
Jonx M Tucker Plaintiffs attorney
DatocLFebauary 2Sth 1901 c 41
Notice to Non Resident Defendants
Edgars LovelettaMd Harriet E Lovelett his
wife and H H Henley lirst name unknown
will take notice that H Ficke plaintiff has on
the 28tu 1 day of February 1901 filed his petition
in he district court of Cherry county Nebraska
the object and prayer of which is to foreclose
one certain mortgage executed by said Edgar S
Lovelett and Harriet E Lovelett his wife to tne
said Henley aud later for a valuable con
sideration assigned by said henley td R Som
erby and by said Somerby to this plaintiff who
is now the legal owner and holder thereof upon
tlie eVgseii ol section 24 and nneJi 6l section
25 township 3t range 27 in Cherry colinty Ne
braska to secure the payment of one certain
prommissory note with coupons attached dated
September 19th 1888 aul for the sum of 45010
and iuterest at 7 per centum from date- and duo
in live years thereof That there is now duo on
said notes and mortgage tlie su n of 104109 for
which sum with interest from the 23th day of
February loot the paintifT prays judgment
against the defendants Edgar S Lovelett aud
Harriet E Lovelett and fo a decree that thev
and the said H M Henley be barred and fore
closed of all right title and equity of redemp
tion in said premises and that tlie rfght title
Interest claim aud demand of the said II M
Henley on said premises be declared to be Jun
ior and inferior to the claim of this plaintiff and
th t the premises be sold to satisfy the amount
found due
You are required to answer said petition on
or before the 8th day of April 1901
II FICKE Plaintiff
Johv M TucKKit Attorney for plaintiff
Dated February 2Sth 1901 c 4t
Notice to Non Resident Defendant
To Nelson T Parker Francis L Parker Min
nie Dean executrix of th la t will ami testa
ment of James s D an and Thomas McGrath
trustee non resident defendants
You and each of you are hereby notified that
tbeHh Uiy ot February 1901 Kittle Benn w
plaintiff hied her petition iu the district court
of Cherry county Nebiisk against vou the ob
ject au l prayer of watch are t establish and
foreclose a tax lien upon real esrnte as
follws Lots aul - il11 eVJinv of
section 30 township 33 range 53 in Cherry
county Nebraska for the tjixes assessed uii5
levied thereon for either itato county and
school district punioses for the years
1895 189G 1897 USB and 1899 for which said lands
we e sold to this plaintiff for the aurii of S20 79
to have au accounting ot the ainouit due tnJre
011 together with interest on S2079 thereof
from the 27th day of February 19ul at the rato
of en per centum per annum
T have said lands soM lor the payment and
satisfaction of the amount due for such taxes
interest penalties and costs and the costs of
sale to bar foreclose and exclude the said de
fendants and each of thfem from havhi or
claiming any hen title interest or equity o re
demption of iu or to thesameor
any part there
of and fnr general relief
You and each of ou are required to answer
said petitiou on or before April 8th 1901
KIT HE BENN Plaintiff
A t MKiusSK Atorney for plaintiff
Dated February 28th 1901 c lt
IU Lillet If lflf llllll Illl - - - -
the sum nf S1197 to have an accounting of the fr1 nrrfy county Nebraska
am nut due thereon together with interest on I YXtnu rVTi l an tnebJwt a
which are to establish
si u Tmrm inim nit ti i iit r ui
v v- j il IGWlllrtiJ
i jui il me nwe 01 ieu per centum per annum
10 nave saiu lanus soiu ior uie p
satisfaction of the amount due tor
interest penalties and cests and til
suit and the costs ot sale to bar for
exclude the said deiendxiits and each
Noice to Non Resident Defendant
To Albert J Crittenden non resident defend-
Y u and each of vou are hereby notified that
on the 28th dav of February 19it Kittle Benn
as plaintiff filed her itenrlmi m h
against ou
on1 r
and foreclose ti u
1 upon real estate as follows ne4 of section 10
aNiueilt and i V1 1 coTnty1uni
such faxes KlJViBPlxes aswssed and levied tkerecu
e costs of aie county una scliool district
cliise and JS BC IK - l0 7 lsfW
of iii iii i llwulc S1 us were sold to ihis plain-
iitr iTf111
tnefluiu inai8 to nave an accounting
u inuuiiiiiiinmiietaereoii togetner w th inter
est on S39 87 thereof from the 12th day of Feb
uarv 1901 atthe rate of ten per centum per
T hdye si anrs soltl for the payment
and satsifaction nt the amount due for such
taxes i interest penalties and costs and th costs
of suit and the costs or sile to bar foreclose
andexcl de tue said defendants and each of
them rrom having r claiming lieu
any title in
terest or equity of redemption of in or to the
same or any part thereof and for general relief
Youamleaciiofjouare required to answer
said petitiou on or beiore April 8tn 1901
A M MonniSBV Attorney for plaintiff
Jated tebruary 1901 c lt
Notice lo
Non csident Defendmts
ilcrman L liarson and II M Henley first
name unknown non resident deFendants will
take notice fiat on the 2sth day of Fabnian
lil II Ficke plaintiff tiled iu the district court
of Cherry county Nebraska against said de
Fendaiit a peliinn the object and prayer of
which is to Foreclose
a certain mortgage exe
cuted b the said Herman L Bariu to 11 M
Henley and by Henley assigned to K Somer y
roi a vafualiie coiisjilerattou and ov R So nerny
assigneii For a valuable t th
-V llllllllllll III1I1I1 I III I II1 I
irun KeD nary 1901 the plaintiff nravs J i i u wie nViSe section
iiientaiidfor a d ere that defendant le rt r In Clorry tfol N
tuired ri pay the sa ie and that he be luirrSl SnnnwSS nPlTBnrK OF me Certain
auI fn closed fn n all right title iniere t SffiK tt l7tIhl1nf
and equ ty ot redemption in sail premises and n r li In yKr 1rm lnat
the remises lesoido atisVy Uie abovi KntlSduCiT n La
amount i rom iiieueiemunt Hermii L it irsti in tats
You ie required to answer said petition on
or before the bill da of April turn
H FICKE Plaintiff
John M 1 uoiCKi Attorney ror plaiiitifl
1 rated Febntiry 28 19 I C4I
Notice t Xon KfsidMit Defendant
John ti iMUong in ivbia V Boiling ins wife
lienrv Hemper Mar nret Helen heiitner his
wife and H M Ilenlev lirst nam iinknowii d
fiidaiitiwdl take uotc int H Ficke plaiatilf
has tiled lus jetuioti in ile district roiut of
CltciTVcouiiiy Nebraska toe objvet aud prayer
ot which i to fnrciiior 010 cenain iiuorpMe
oxeciucd by John U BoUwu faud Lavfua
ikiiiuii illusion sarw fr vviin ii sum to
gether wirii interest at 10 per cent f ui lie 28
oay of Febnury wot plaintiff pms Fora de re
that tlie said Herman L Pir3oiiJje rgruhvd n
pay the same ami 1 uac he ami tlie said il M
rienlei be f reIosed miuI barred of all right
title intiiest and equity of rvdenjiiii p said
prcinis sand ih t me rigid and 1 le esCami
lien of sal i 111 Henley 11 mud prenHes fas
tle lred 10 be junior aid iiiFerir to pitfutitfs
mortgage and thtt said premises u y vt
lo hJUisFV tne amuut Fotad due ami yir an ac
coiiuiii g
auuireit qiiinuro aiKswvr taM petiiioa
i utrun iub OIU Hay lF April llI
H F1CKH IlftSntUt
sic ji luuhri ilmaua d allorae
Dated February 2tli IM
6 it