Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, March 14, 1901, Image 4

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X Do They Fit You
mt ms
s X W
A loud I wont means I will if I
have to
The hardest job in the world isto do
gThe best way to get out of politics is j
to turn prohibition J
A good humored lawyer often makes
a cross examination
The prime essential to happiness is
well directed industry
The most painstaking man doesnt
always suffer the most pain
The young man who is afraid of
work is in a dangerous position
When the physician is on the scent
of a disease he uses his diag nose
A woman laughs in her sleeve when
a man begins talkiug through his hat
Never judge a man by the umbrella
he carries until you find out who owus
The man who has money to throw
at the birds is always afraid of sprain
ing his wrist
Most people are sensitive about a
good many more thingst ban they are
sensible about
Some people
they have an
make mistakes
seem to think that
inherent inability to
It is always well to obtain what one
ing blind and others just for a blind
41 All thiugs come to him who waits
except political pie and a fellow has to
go after that and usually tip the
A certain girl of this town claims
that her fellow is a mind reader be
cause he can always tell when she has
eaten onions
How much is Janes new husband
worth Oh I suppose she could re
alize 5000 for him if he should get
killed by the cars
If the U S Government only keeps
on acquiring new islands the present
may become the the island period
n American history
We noticed a young man the other
day with two heads on his shoulders
but we didnt consider it any curiosity
for one belonged to his girl
A hunter in the woods was mistaken
for a squirrel and shot This varies
the monotony somewhat The victims
are usually mistaken for deer
A cood looking 35
horse and noor look-
lng harness is the --
worst Kina oi a com-
Mnntion 12
Harness Oil vi
not only mak t he harness and tha
iinrfln inrk better but makes the
leather soft and pliable pats tt in con
union io josi iwicu iia
ordinarily wouia
Horse a
Sold ererrwfcere ta cans li
tizes iiaao tj
rue ifiiriiTiur nninnnsT Yriwrrrr3wrvrrsT3Tr
int TALLniinL UEmuunHi - s
Official Neivftpaper of Cherry
County yebranka
This Dacer will be mailed regularly
to its subscribers until a definite order I
to discontinue is received and all ar
rears are paid in full
Subscription 3100 per year In advance 8150
when not paid in advance
Display advertising 1 Inch 15c per issue S10
per column by the niontli
Local Notices 5c per line each Issue
Brands VA Inches 400 per year In ad
vance nddltlonai space 8300 per Inch per year
engraved blocks extra 100 each
Parties living outside Cherry county not per
sonally known are requested to pay fn advance
10 per cent additional to abovo rates if over
6 months in arrears
Notices of loss of stock free to brand adver
Thursday March 14 1901
You will want to clean
house and perhaps do some
papering We want you to
come in and Took at our se
lection of Wall Paper Our
otock is all new
The Wall Paper Trust
has gone to pieces and
prices have dropped so we
are able to show hetter
goods for less money than
we have been able to show
for several years
G H Q Smith House and carri acre
painter 8 tf
Dr Holsclaw is down from Merri
man today
C A Lovejo3 was transacting busi
ness in town last Saturday
Albert Haley and J Grooms were in
town Tuesday from down the river
D Stinard went to Council Bluffs
Snnday morning and returued home
with his daughter Ida last night
Jos Bristol John Shelbourn John
Foster and E Bowdea were Valentine
visitors from down towards Sparks
this week
Commissioners meet again March
20 Will Bro Barker please hang
around for a watch dog to see if they
waste any time
E J Davenport returned the first
of the week from hi3 trip with Gov
Dietrich as escort attending the in
augurate n of Pres McKinley
There will be a dance given by Co
H of 10th Infantry at post hail Ft
Niobrara on Friday evening March
22 Preparations are made for a
jjood time and supper served by ex
pert cooks
Did you hear him talk about feath
ers Wasnt he a corker The little
boy who came along last week with
an armload of peacock tail feathers
selling them at 25c a bunch Oh yes
he worked you too did he
Miss Iva L Efner returned last
night from Omaha where she has
been for a couple of weeks trimming
desires but it is better to desire only and selecting her spring stock of mil
what one can obtain
We would ask as a favor from our
subscribers to say renewal when re
newing for this paper
Wisety spoke th sage who said
Example is far more than precept
It is instruction in action
Some people are so much like circus
bills that it dont require much money
to cause them to be stuck up
linery which will be in style as
Efner is a careful observer
Capt Howell received a U S War
Department check Monday morning
for the sum of 13090 this being part
of a months pay earned by him while
commanding a company of Union sol
diers in 1863 The Captain years ago
gave up all hope of receivinefthis pay
hence its receipt now was a pleasant
surprise to him
Frank R Rpnhnn nnrl fnmilv
Some wear spectacles because they parted lagt Friday for Mg new quar
are blind others to keep from becom
ters at Neah Ba Wash- made va
cant by a change of the weather bu
reau man D C Grunow from there
to here Mr Grunow was formerly
from Portland Ore and is a nice ap
pearing man and tbe only kick we
have coming is the recent high wihds
Richard Osborn came up to town
last week with a warm spot in his
heart for newspaper men and left us
richer to the extent of several dol
lars We have a kind remembrance
of him and will say that it gives us
much pleasure to greet such people
We want to see some more such men
and will meet you half way if you will
just give us a financial smile
W A Pettycrew furnished the lad
ies of the M E church for their so
cial given at the home of G H Hor
nby March 13 with Heekins Celebrat
ed Cincinnati High Grade Mocha and
Java coffee which was highly praised
for its delicious flavor and rich qnal
ity We take pleasure in recconi
mending it Ladies Aid Society M
E Church
One of the most pleasant social gath
erings under the auspices of the Lad
ies Aid Society of the M E church
was piven at the home of Mr and
Mrs G H Hornby March 13 By the
hospitality of the host and hostess
everybody was made to have a good
time the merry crowd numberingf
75 Different departments of the
church work were spoken of by
those representing these depart
ments Excellent music was furnish
ed by Mrs C V Northrop Misses
Flliott Cook Moses and others A
unique feature of the evening was a
Corner decorated with bloominr
plants in thecenter of which was a
freb will oQering bptf which was lib
eVallV patronized
5otua women caufc pass a millinery
store without looking in soino men
cant puss tsalooa
l 3
Scissors and Paste
Uusbville Standard
Mrs M Churchill went to Valentine
last week to enjoy a visit with her
daughter Mrs Perry Walker and
Chadron Journal
Mrs Chas Sparks of Valentine ar
rived in the city Thursday morning to
spend a few days witn relatives and
Springview Herald
James Skirving of Wood Lake and
J H Fritz New York Life Insurance
agent were in the citv a couple of days
this week Mr Skirving has about 150
head of steers in this vicinity placed
with different parties that he is look
ing after
Hyanni8 Tribune
The ranchmen southwest of town
are constructing a vat in which to dip
their cattle thib spring
The fire that started 20 miles north
of Whitman Sunday night burnt over
Cody Cow Boy
Cloyd Quigley accompanied his fath
er to Cody last week
It C Mciiroon and Boone Stotts
have returued from Merriman
W Essex has closed out his bunch
of bulls down to three grade Her fords
L Edward Stuart was erecting anew
wind mill at the Wm Hook residence
south of the track yesterday
Mrs A M Birchard residing about
nine miles northeast of Cody has al- i
most recovered from the small pox and
her daughter is also on the road to
health agaiu
The cold hand of death claimed the
youngest member of J W Tillersons
family all months old baby on last
Saturday morning
J T White had his cattle- 330 head
brought to town this morning and will
ship them bask to his home ranch at
Belle Fourche S D
J II Quigley of the Boiling Springs
ranch brought two car loads of 3-year-old
heifers to Cody last Saturday
and had them taken out to his ranch
Mrs S A Bryant of Allen S D
was in Cody last Friday and Saturday
for the purpose of negotiating with
Mrs Eggleston for her millinery and
notion store
The Kosebud beef herd to the num
ber ot between 900 and 1000 has been
moved from the burnt distuct on the
rerervation to the Wait ranch about
35 miles southeast of Cody
Mr Collins of Omaha representing
the Creamery Package Manufacturing
Co of that city was in Cody on Tues-
day of this week and contracted -with
the parties here and sold to them the
machinery for a skimming
which will be put in- Cody and this
station will be reagv for operation by
the first of Mav
It is not always the rich man who
pays his subscription most promptly
1 -
IJeiiattle man for uiuhlger of branch office we
wish tb oiwii in this vicinirj If your lvtottl is
0 K here is an opportunity Kindly give good
r ference when writing
lUustcutoa catalogue MssfeuupA
V i 2
When a man says life is not worth
living he has reference to his own life
Taken Up
Taken up at my place 25 miles
southeast of Cod onelight red heif
er calf with whitefaces about six
months old unbranded
Geo L Coleman
lAke A Great lialUvu
With its bran dies running in every direction
are the arteritis and veins tliat convey llie blood
to even part of the system A cold sudden
changes ond eqposure may cause poisonous
acids to clog the circulation and then comes
rheumatism Beware If yon value your life
remove the obstruction with Dr Drummonds
Lightning Remedy Send 5 to Drummond
Medicine Co New York and they will send you
two large bottles by express enough for a
montns treatment with full directions Ag
ents wanted 3
TF3cjKrW -
Cattle in this part ot Cherry county
are looking well
D Steadman and family have gone
to Brownlee to live
Mrs McAlevy who has been quite
sick for a month is now around
A daughter of Mr and Mrs McAlevy
a big scope of country to the east do- js visiting her parents from Caro
mg about 30000 worth of damage
Ainsworth Star Journal -
Ed Blakey of Valentine spent sev
eral days of this week in Ainsworth
Nine new members were taken in
to the Brown County Stock Association
at their meeting last Friday
F W Handy and wife of Wood
Lake tarried in Ainsworth a few days
this week and are contemplating on
going to work for Squier Jones in the
noar future
Gordon Journal
Bob Koontz and family of Mem man
have moved to Council Bluffs on ac
count of Mr Koontz s poor health
All the scarlet fever patients are re
ported as recovering andjio new cases
are reported this veek
Fred Lmerfelt will resign his job as
foreman of the Spring Lake ranch and
move to Gordon next month and probab
ly build a new residence in the north
part of the town
Ainsworth Herald
Geo Ilershey moved into his new
residence which he recently purchased
Join fiugenberg sold his barbershop
last Thursday to Ben A bell of Merri
man who now has charge
Born In Ainsworth Monday mor
ning to Mr and Mrs C F Martin
twin boys One living only a few
Dave Hanna purchased the Mrs A
Smith property in the west part of
town Monday and we understand that
the building will be moved to some
other lot and a fine new residence will
be built thereon Mr llanna is one of
the most prosperous ranchmen in the
west and he and his estimable family
will be a welcome addition to Ains
worth and in advance we bid them wel
J M Bates conducted services at the
i Episcopal chursh Snnday morning and
j McKee Bros who have been visiting
in Buffalo county returned to Cherry
county the 8th
Three little girls arrived in this vi
cinity lately one at Frank Kimes
one at D Sears and one at M Hales
Pen brook
Texas Charley was over from Arabia
Wm Hughes returned from Wayne
last week
Miss Alma Hull visited Miss Cora
Grady Sunday
h Grooms was urjto Valentine the
fore part of the week
John Whillans of Valentine was
down to Sparks Friday
Wm Grady went up to town Mon
day and returned Tuesday
After being housed up for a month
this fine weather has brought out the
A successful term of school was clos
ed Monday in tbe Grady district by
Mrs Hittle
Willie Hughes son of William Hughes
who has been on the sick list for the
past three weeks we are glad to
say is rapidly improving at the present
Hiobrara Falls
Several cases of the grip are reported
T John Adamson put down a well re
Lon Mosher has been wrestling with
the grip
John Grooms Jr and family are vis
iting at the Falls this week
W F A Meltendorf rode out to
view his dogiesa few days ago
George and Nathaniel Kedfern visit
ed their sister Mrs -Lucy Parker last
a eek
Maroli winds we have plenty of
tuetn and April showers bring May
Several parties have been fishing on
the Schlagel recently rand most of them
report good luck
Several homesteads Laye been Qled
recently John Bowers has located
two miles north of the Falls
Niobrara Falls will not stay behind
for small pox has made its appearance
in this locality Only one case so far
several more exposed
Methink the editor must have been
somewhere in the vicinity of Sher
mans livery barn when the handsome
man was taking a lean thereon or he
would not have known so well how the
aforesaid party took his defeat
Bad Boy
Down tjie River
Look out for the wedding
W J Allen has been on the sick
the last week
Mr T J Asliburn put up several
loads of ice last week
St Patricks dance at Felix Nolletts
Monday night March 18 1901
Miss Edith Pettycrew attended the
party at Mr Ashbums last week
The song sung by the Syrian at the
party was all right some of the folks
aid but it was hard to understand
J S Grooms of near Sparks is hav
ing lots of trouble with his windmill at
present It seems the mill is no good
Mr John Whillans of Valentine
was scouring Keewanee and Sparks
country the past week getting signers
for shares in the skimming station at
Sparks He wants forty eight
At the party Friday night several
nice songs were sung aso a few nice
pieces were spoken and the played
snap and catchein and Johnuy Hel
lenboit caught Jessie Archer he did
The party at Mr Ashbums last Fri
day night was well attended About
twenty couples were paired off at sup-
tation per time and several others kept run-
i i
ninu about so much we could not get
count on them
The boys near Sparks have some fine
trading stock it seems that they make
all kiuds of trades sometimes tliey get
a cow for a horse sometimes twenty
five cents wOrlh Of tobacco it is owiug
to who is trading
Mr and Mrs Cap Archer were vis
iting their sons and daughters in Kee
wanee preotnet the ptust week They
nttetirlid tliH n irtv at Mr Ashblirus
Bates Reasonable
Call ni
riir1o rtrt o rt v iiitVi A tv - f V1n
Walter Thorn refreshed himself by a
visit to the II S Monday morning
We are always glad to receive visitors
especially our ex schoolmates and hope
that others will follow Walters ex
We have just finished the perusal of
this weeks hadronian and find that
the II S column has entirely disap
peared diminutive character and all
Verily lthey that have little the lit
tle they have shall be taken away
Prof Watson Mr J offers what is
the meaning of the word fermpntr
Mr Jeffers It means to work
Prof Watson Can you give us a
sentence using the wordV
Mr Jeffers absently I would lots
rather play out doors than ferment in
the school house
The fear of doing something beneath
his dignity has kept many a man from
increasing it
Notice to Non Ilesident Defendant
To Johu Calder non resident defen
You are hereby notified that on the
25th day of Pebrnary 1901 James
Marley as plaintiff filed his petition in
the district court ot Cherry county
Xebraska against you impleaded with
Uerthx C Sparks Levi 6parks aud
Joseph A Sparks administrator of
the estate of Jacob Lud wig deceased
as your co defendants the objdet and
prayer of which are to establish and
forclose a tax lien upon real estate as
follows sisw mvsw of section 28
and nejsej of section 28 township 34
range 28 in Cherry county Nebraska
for the taxes assessed and levied there
on for either state county or school
district purposes for the years i89B
1894 1895 1896 1897 1 898 and 1S99
for which said lands were sold to this
plaintiff for the sum of 492 to have
an accounting of the amount due
thereon together with interest from
the 13th day of May 1899 at the rate
of ten per centum per annum
To have said lands sold for the pay
ment and satisfaction of the amount
duo for such taxes intereit penalties
and costs and the costs of sale to bar
foreclose and exclude the said defend
ants and each of them from having or
claiming any lien title interest or
equity of redemption of in or to the
same or any part thereof and for gen
eral relief
You and each of you are required to
answer said petition on or before
April Sth 19G1
A M Morrissp Plaintiffs Attorney
Dated Feb 25 1901
When the Heart is AZevtd
t My rheumatism or any ot tne muscles irir
that organ i is II e Tampering with an electric
wire for death may coiue at any nirmit iit If
s woith it do wit hesitate but get Dr
Drunimnnds itcmeiiv Semi Ss rn
i - - r
llie Druiif toiid 4ieaifiue Co New
Cjp took part tn the pbiy called Miller lhev win send y0ll Uko 1re l0ltles eil1 lork u and f
wheu he got no partner he got out a months treatment by tirsr oxpress It is not
- as quu k as rlectncity but will save your life if
IVtilcotVs and TUsons old Stands
It will soon be time for a NEW SPRING HAT
Too tli
Give Me a Trial
y Mtt
A Schatzthauer Propr
We will soon be ready to show you the one you want
Watch this space for ad next week
jk2k jk jfStificiSc
j Educational Department J
pcsgjsiTirrajjr iiJiyisg
A sacred burden is this life ye hear
Look nn it lift it bear it solemnly
St and uy and walk beneath it steadfastly
Fail not for sorrow falter not for sin
But onward upward till the goal ye win
The other society is at sixes and
Nellie Holselaw was absent the last
two days of last week
Miss Waite is again in school after
an absence of a week
Miss Katie McLauhglin was a visit
or in the II S Monday afternoon
Professor surely did not mean it
when he told us to fill the air up with
Mr Leonard Sparks of the Sth grade
has kindlv consented to help us in re
presenting The Quiet Family
Miss Thorn paid a call to Miss Sag
esers school Monday and we were re
freshed with a pleasing report of the
Clyde Davenport returned to his
school duties Tuesday afternoon He
L Efner
The sweetest joys are often preceded
by the deepest sorrows
To haul your
Tou want a TUBULAR
Call on
Or write him at
Reige Nebraska
Wells Guaranteed for FIVE Years
Appointment of Administrator
Tn county court of Cherry
f tcl u countv Nebraska
Kmlev and Home uninteresting after ln tle atter of the estate of Caroline Zarr de-
w ttnr nna
Georce FT Jlornhy having filed ill my office a
1 petition nravlntr for tlii nnnnttit mont r himcif
as administrator of the estate of Caroline Znrr
deceased All persons interested in aid estate
will lake notice that I have fixed March 30 1901
at 2 oclock p m as the time and my office in
yalentiqfl Cherry countv Nebraskaas the place
for hearing said petition at which time and
Place all persons interested in said estate may
appear and show cause ir any there be why
such administrator should not be appointed
Witness my hand and seal this lJth day of
MarcJi 1901
8 3t County Judge
Notice to Creditors
In county court within and for Cherry county
In the matter of the estate or John A Shaw de
To the creditors of said eI ite
You are hereby notified that I will sit at the
county court room in iValentine in said county
on the 10th day of April 1901 at 10 oelosk a ni
toreceive and examine all claims against said
estate with a view to their adjustment and al
lowance The time limited for the presentation
of claims against said estate is 1 1 months Irom
the 30th day of June A D 1900 and the time
limited for payment of debts Is one year from
said 30 day of June 1900
Witness my hand and seal or said countv
court tnI3 - uav of March 1901
84t County Judge
Notice to Contractor
The board of county commissioners of Cherry
county Nebraska invite bids for the construct
ion of a court house at Valentin Neb upon
plans and specifications which will l found in
the cilice of the clerk of said county after the 4th
dav of March 1901
Bids to be opened March 20 loot at 1 oclock
p m
Hoard reserves the right to reject any and all
Uattd this Jlst day of Februrry 1901
- County Clerk
4 x
alentme Neb
In the District Court of Cherry Couuty
In the matter of the
Application of W E
Haley Administrator
of the estat of Abram y Order to show Cause
Coleman deceased to I
sell real estate J
Aud now on this 25th dav of February loot
this umse came on for hearing before W H
Westvr oneof the district judges of Cherrv
county Nebraska at Chambers in the town of
Jtushville Nebraska uuon the petition of W K
Hnley administrator of said estate praying for
license to -ell the following described real estate
towit South half of the northeast quarter
and the north half or the southeast quarter of
section 33 township 33 range 31 Cherry countv
Nebraska for payment of debta and expenses
or administering said estate and for the distri
bution ofthe residue or the proceeds of said sale
among the hdrs of the said Abram Coleman
dec cased
It is therefore ordered that all persons inter
ested In said estate pptsir before me at Valen
tine Nebraska ou tne Sth day of April 1901 at
lp o clock a in to show cause whv license
should not be granted to said admiuistiator to
sell said real estate
Anditisfurtherorderedthat a copy or this
notice be published four successive weeks fit
the alentme Democrat in Cherry county
Dated this 25th day of Febru ry tool at Itush
ville Nebraska W U WESTOVEK
Gi Judge
Notice to Creditors
In county court within and for Cherry county
In the matter or the estate of A II Ferguson
d ceaed
To tbe Creditors of said estate
You are ln ny notified that will sit at the
county court ruoin in Vaieiitiue iu saia county
on the 30th day of March lgot at 10 oclock a
m to receive aud examine all claims agaiust
said estate wlh a view to their adjustment ami
hIIoviicj I he nine limited for ihe presenta
tion of c aims itgainat sai i estate is it inonlhj
from tliH is day of June AI 1X and the tnntj
limited lor j a went of debts is One Year Irora
said lSth da of Jane woo
uitncssiiiy hu u runt the -enl of said county
court this Gth dav of March lfnl