V 3 ft w u iV I i W S 1 I i n i i w h ii ui J i rf t i K it V - 4 - J v i - We have jusc received an en- tire new line of seeds in BULK Dont buy old seeds when you can get all new ones V T PRINTING - - m THE VALENTINE VOLUME XVI l J 49 4 49 49 49 49 49 49- 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 -49 49 49 49 49 orccoxcarcf A XiV Yes of course you are going r to make a garden JvJ j THE RED FRONT AT THIS OFFICER fgrv We Can Satisfy Yoo m QoeHfv Pnoe and Workpaoship 0 o to to o 2 2 it to o o 2 to 2 J 2 oS 2 QwQacrcrcrororcrccro oocorcoorcgoorQrorOjorojor wwwwvwr ww w w vr w wb w CLOTHING Is onr principal line and ordinarily we are proud of the fact that we have the largest assortment in Cherry county but at present we are sorry to say that we have TOO BIG A STOCK Especially of Winter goods owing to mild weather and in order to reduce it we are making discounts oil heavy goods amounting in some instances to 50 per cent DSTIIMARD C H COR3UB1JU President B Jtt V NICHCMLSOK Cashier ANK OF VALENTINE Valentine Nebraska A xiirai ISftiakiiig iins Trnnactd BuyM ati 11 1ohS i and Foreign Kxhanjj Chemical National Bank New York wrjirjT CorrtituleiitM First National Bank Omaba Neb rrTjrQrjTJWzr HE OWL SALOON Cfi y o We Handle All Kii ds Leave orders with Frank Fischer or call at Ludwigs old stand jS522gg2f2gafS2S v u S2H - HEADQUARTERS FOR WINES LIQUORS AND CIGARS Valentine OF THE CHOICEST BRANDS Nebraska T A- YEARNSHAW JAMES B- HULL Sole Agents for HERALD PURE RYE WHISKEY Ale and Porter And FRED KRUGS BEER Choicest Wines and Cigars VALENTINE 2C NEBRASKA GET YOUR pw if Is city See the 325 cowboy boot atFarn hams 6 16ib brown sugar for 100 at Farn hams 5 J C Rounds of Simeon was in yesterday y See those Automatic Oil Cans atR Andersons f Hard wood Farnhams fence posts at 8c at 52 It is time to clean up the alleysand back yards John B Lord spent a couple of days in town last week Several fresh milk cows for sale Inquire at this office 51tf John Shelbourn was around town Monday of this week Chas Bennettof Simeon was a Val entine visitor last week a J W VanBuren visited his frietids in our city several days last week Ernest Bowden of down towarti Sparks was on our streets Monday Come and see our 10c counter 6 W A Pettvcrew Judge Morgan was in town from Bassett last week on land office busi ness Ed Blakey has returned to town Sif ter a week or two up the road Jooking after stock Wm Erickson of Kennedy was do ing business in town the latter part of last week Work on the electric light plant will begin as soon as the frost is out of the ground C Farnham has had a bad spell of the grip for the past three weeks but xs improving - Hon E K Valentine of West Point spent a couple of days in the city the past week C P Jordan of Rosebud Agency was down Tuesday and Wednesday transacting business The saloons closed at 12 oclock sharp baturday night and promise to keep up the good work A new line of the celebrated Kirk endall shoes just received at 6 W A Pettycrews We dont have to quote special prices for one week because our prices are always right W A Pettycrew Frank Frush returned to town aft er several days visit out in the coun try His arm js considerably better Buy a Woodmanse wind mill guar anteed for five years all repairs fur nished free of charge For sale by R ANDERSON 35 ti V A Northrop and family came down from Glenrock Wyoming Sun day morning and are visiting with J C Northrop Full Blood Barred Plymouth Rock eggs for sale by Mrs R A MarrolJ 100 for 15 eigs Leave orders at Crabb Co s store 26 Valentine will isoon have electric lights as the work is being pushed and will have them in for use in about six weeks if there is no delay The Krug people have decided to put up a frame instead of stone build ing It will be 22x64 feet in size and nothing but the finest material will be used The Lutheran schoolhouse at the Riege settlement was lately moved from the southern to the northern part of the settlement John Bays of Ainsvvorth has rent ed Perry Lawsons restaurant and will run a short order restaurant and lunch room Success to him Miss Emma Porath who has spent almost three months at her parents DEMOC The Official Newspaper of Cherry County Nebraska f VALENTINE NEBRASKA MARCH 14 1901 2 WfVVWWl TAT C OR TT TR TAWM I A J AM JM J J X Ll J i TY 11 tAAAUWWWWJ AAAjUi riffn rt A -Ml fLAUTuTL Rice writes insurance Dr Seymour here Friday Apr 26 J C Cochran spent Sunday in the G V Beamer of the box O ranch 8 pent a couple of days in town this week Ask him if he can tell the difference between mahogany and pine The M W A of Crookston Neb will give a dance in their hall at Crookston Monday March 18 and in vite everybody to attend Supper at the hotel The Committee G W Burge of Kennedy paid us a nice visit Monday of this week while transacting business in town Mr Burge doesnt come to town often and when he does his time is so well taken up that we feel complimented with a visit from him JohnBusch and John Ferstl were busily engaged Friday and Saturday of last week tearing down the old building formerly occupied by John Hofmann for a hardware store they having purchased it and will use the old lumber for building material iilr and Mrs John Shores have been in bad health for the past few weeks and it is hoped are recovering with our spring weather when Mr Shores thinks they will travel some for their health Mr Carter father of Mis Shores is taking care of them and for an old man seems to hold up pretty well E E Thorn went to Lincoln last Friday morning and secured work the next day so we hear We hope to learn more of the partic ulars Perhaps Bro Thorn will be thinking of leaving us yet but only to stay a few months we think for they all come back who leave Cherry county The Moler Barber College Omahav Neb wants young men to learn the trade They say they have calls for their graduates from all parts of the country and on account of their pro ficiencv demand top wages There is comparatively no expense A two months term complete They mail free catalogue civing all particulars Tuesday some of our townspeople were frightened somewhat by the ter rific gale that blew from the north The roof of E Breuklanders stone wagon and paint shop was blown off it being of iron A loud sound at tracted the attention of several at a distance though Breuk kept right on hammering and didnt know that his roof was gone until the neighbors ran in to tell him P DeOory bought the buildings ad vertised a few weeks ago bv A E Thacher and has bought two lots north of the Valentine House on which to place them to rebuild and fit up the buildings for a hotel which will be commenced at once Mr De Cory will probably move Uf town snun and put up a comfortable residence and make Valentine his home in his declining years We will welcome his coming The A O U W will give a dance Friday evening March 16th An el egant supper will be served at the Valentine Eouse This will no doubt be a swell occasion as it is in the hands of a good committee and the supper is promised to be the finest ever served in Valentine for a similar occasion Therell be everything you want to eat and you should not miss it if you are an epicurean Dr Seymour advises us that it will not be possible for him to use his pri vate car on this trip for office purpos es as there has been a recent ruling in the passenger department of the various roads which prohibits his do ing so as there is always danger of damaging his valuable instruments in the switching necessar in towns of this size for which the roads will not be responsible Consequently the Doctors will use their car only for travelling purposes and will have their office at the hotel P DeCory has had a boat made by Gus Carlson while visiting in town this week that is bigger and better home for recreation came back- to tlian anything yet made in this part Valentine to work at her old place at the Donoher Hotel A meeting is called for 2 p m on March 18th in Judge Townes office to nominate two candidates for village trustees By order Chairman of Cit izens Party If you dont want to dauce Friday evening March loth come and enjov of the west The boat measures 1 ft wide and 16 long inside measurement with two propelling wheels 5 feet in diameter and eight paddles on each wheel The boat will bear up three tons of weight or about 35 people can ride at one time with safety The boat will have a neat and attractive on i 4 4 4 49 4 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 39 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 - CfCfCf i J J New Figs Mens Fedora Hats latest stvle H R S DENNIS Valentine Nebraska fcccccrwwcrcwQ THE YYF - J -- RATI JSTTTMBff K 8 WE OAN BEAT i CARRIE NATION WITH OUR per lb AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAJ Tc per lb 10c - 100 DAVENPORT THACHER General Merchants WATCH THIS SPACE NEXT WEEK CROOKSTON NEBR t r MAX E VIERTEL It ILft 0 RflCAT IIIZtNo - IVrtA I to to to to LITTLE HATCHET g See the Result of our Cnttins this Week Granulated Sugar - - - 17ib for 8100 Early June Peas ----- 3 cans for 25c California 31b Peaches - - per can 10c Whole Codfish - - - - - to to to to to to to to to h to to to to to to to to to to to to to to VVWVVVWW1PWWW5PWYWWI MARKE1 d W STETTER PROP FRESH FRUIT AND GAME IN THEIR SEASON First class line of Steaks Roasts Dry Salt Meats Smoked Breakfast Bacon 4 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 tf PAINTIN PAPER HANGING CALCIMINING 4 to to to to to to to to to to All work well done to VWWW WW WVWWWWVWWWT THE DONOHER Ts the Best Equipped most Comfortable Largest and Best Tux Dollars a Day F IE ST- CLASS MODERN HOTEL In North western Nebraska Bath Hot and Cold Water Two Sample Rooms YALEHTIEE - NEBRASKA YEAR FREE By special arrangement wc can furnish II Uln Ir r 14 n 8VI r n n I II I L I n ilifl Lil Free for ono vear to everv one of our snhRriliprs All vnn Tmvo fn An design of a cow painted the side i - with Mr DeCorys brand on the lef t i is to reiiew for lllis paper for next year and tell us thai you want- the a feast with your best girl or some- side and the wbole neatlv painted and Prairie Farmer and we will order it sent to you one year free Are body elses best girl Make arrange- complete will cost a hundred dollars - ments to be hand Wl11 als0 Send tbe Prairie Farmei one Yr free to every new ibibj on for therell be Mr DeCory will use it on tbe lake plenty to eat and tfcat which js good near hig fcotne on the reservation- m yvo pays us one year in advance Itonfc put tli 3 ofL --