li 1 i li u if ri K f ii -I I h y s Jrl iS 4 T fc 5 - m S i - KiWttlJ 5 Ktttt t fe3flffiK i -T tlffii J i Ml 1S Kfcjtt Tt - r I agKTINE JfiP Ni wc HI raaSr 31 alNMl arSDVrr GET i3QUR Pl yA - fJK j ctr9atASjjia a C Hi U6iElL RANK O r r z AvvsXvnssK r T vTRzzzzzzzzrxz VALE NT Valexitixie Nebraska specialiy of Winter goods Owing tdiriiTd Aveaitheranct in oider to reduce it we are making discounts on heavy rouds3moutius in some instances to 50 per cent 3003314 HI HiHW i - - t - - t - A VAAUl rrAdt a - i - t i i c Til i i vJ HE ADQU ARTERS FOR 31 V KCBIOLSlaNliier - i 1 i -B 1 n 1 r ji - - t iA tajhss BtitHi -- - V7 55iand Jell8iifti iasd Forrijjn Kxijhjnjj - T1 - c - - - r - t 4 v - ChHmliirSHrtonariaiikKew brjv Kirsi Nationjil Haiik UnalwNh - 2SSS3SSCS2S5 i H -- I 1 We Handle All Kiids j Leave orders -with Frank Fischer or call ab Ludwigs old stand VI ve cV 3 1 1 St--- it -1 - WINEa LIQUORS AND CIGARS OFTHECHiOiCEST BRANDS Valentine r sfaTfiT i -- s -1 - - Nebraska pCijJXWVuHllllil V JAMES B- HULU -WWW WT- Si herkld gmuME W0imEm t NEBiiASKA ZS52IS22S3 TING AT THIS J OFFICER f MgL no vrrnU n CT j JW ijlvrjs 5i Url - - - - - i i kj JH A - m jWiVi ii -- - v - Tbe3ales record aMiBtoe Our laigesjE sales 51 j9yrrnuay and JeJbEuicgnyiedjh i AKnd in a spirit of boiatfrilness but as an evidnc tliafa i 1T T I - r i i QV j veryjJarggyin S lootldllnsistbridcvsnnnlvtfcliGir drv croods needs Would -pl tliydoo1ftliey4ianotncl it to tMfacfvntagd totrade 33 19 -here Most assuredly not In all our business -history it frfc ill nrvAU U vVxv iliir x- t u rJ wotflavm business on a business basis to niaelibuyingjfs Jli hero as profitable to- our- customers as itj is- tos us - o 49 money saving prices prove thaltve are successful in putting - vf ft tbis policy inp praqt1icalujeA 5 - - i r tVT ---- - f - OS- - an - i v l3MG i i - -4 -- T jfear f f t JiIs our principal liue3 and orclinarilj ve are proulof the fact that weJiavc the largest assortment jn Cherry comity biit at pregeiitwe arc sprry to say tluvt we have h t 4 iimu - if Sde tie S325 cowboy bout nimb i - r Mv r lGib ur5ee fensaFRL Apxlerso i 5 i J H R Edfjar was up from Brownlee - Hard wood fence posts at 8c at Jim ChildersofvCQd3rispentSaturf aav in town yllM 1 JIJavidHaiina frdmWoddlkke was in to writ Tuesdays ii ti - f Several fesnM mil lc cows for sale office 1 fijtf V A BRies and family have moved itotownrom near jagis - -- 1 - - 1 ALfBaird wasiin town from his - - - - i k I Wood lake ranch Jonday - - Dotitfonret the A OV UWi darice on -7 i jVIabelHalih was in town Saturdayi vjwLfy i k n a dnu vu ur iiiitiiy jneuus Mrs Phillips of Jf1elighJwgSyasi1t7 injur her sisters VJ in their i - Comeahfl see our 10c counter a l In- Mf WV A Petivcrev Sam phesnutcamejiowj frpmj GprrJ don on business yesterday morning- I JyJ McLaughlin of Grookstonwasj a visitprat the DEMOCRAT officevdast week j Frank ThonajcameupfrOHi Wood- lakgiSaturda y to visit parents and friends - -- r i - - - j PaxsonHornback is now assistant at ine uepot wmie learninij to toe an operator r C J Farnham has been down with the rip two weeks Taut is somi betftfrr s1 11 -- - - Guy GaskiU ha been r helping- jMr Fapnhamiin his the la fr iers sickness - - j - - P t Work oil the electriqlixht plant will begin as saqn as the arost is out Qf the groundj -- - - - st -I Geo been criticaily ill Yith typhpid fever at tlie iidme of hjs sister Mrs iarrbl A R SiDenniB a hd wife visited with Sj B Downing and family near Nor den several daygthisweekj j A prairie fire down on tbeLoup last Saturday night practically destroyed thetBox T Ferdons ranch a- - jThe program dslivered at the M E cfyurch Monday night was listened- to J by anappreciativa audience - u Drs Seymour and Williams eyej ear nose and throat specialists com ing to thtscity Friday April 26 A of the celebrate a Kirk eridall shoes just received at r 0- tsl VV fAPUtarvvPAilf IrvT htrst - V K vani Information reaches usrom We dont have to quote special pricesfor one weekbecause bur Prices are -al ways right vV A f ett vcreV Buy a Woodmanse wind mill guar anfeed for five Tears alll epairs fur5 ftished free of charge For sale -by R ASDERSON Belgian hare antlj f r OR 11 f f the building next to theOwlrSaloon is to be moved ana a newstone or L 1- - n j - - - I T- F M Walcott GontemplatesKbttild ing a 1000 addition to his residence this spring Mrs went to the t Methodist hospital at Omaha Monday moining for treatment 6Tf jHiggins theelljitenooai ranciri man on the LoupttiansaqebuaineSs in the - v ifMlss Tacy Collett came oiii hprjschqql in district 37ySatuTday to visit parents andfriendai i jt Albert Pike of Croojfstoqj rturned Saturday jn0rnirjgfr9m i iwa vyegks visit witli fciends and relatives- at Sioux City Iowa Hewas accompany led by his niece Miss Clara Pike who li li iii it a i ia intends to remain several -weeks jV - - -- - V r A traveling penman of- consider able ability was doiijgsQme ihgjfor pur people Monday iqtheposfci seeinVliovv their names Joak when neatly and artistically written with numerous llourishefi r 7r Misses GliaFergUsbnand Ethel 6ox South Dakdta sfopJ ped offiiereitri theifwav hom fi qrif r Mt Pleasah t Iowa Miss rCft WU a daugiitei of -Dr Ol Ffcrgusoii of blot Springs who has treated seVefArioF our at his fsanitarium12 TheyQung ladies yvilhstaj onlya rfew days at this place and will thengo direct 1oHot Springs ivi The- editor off this 5papfcr Is inre ceipt of a letter from Dr Seymour of v- - r 1 ljincojn wao is to pay tuis city a pec sonal visit in the near future2 an nouribingthe recent birth of a fine boy at his noriie in Lincoln We fee that the Coctor and wife are to be congratulated and trust that the new arrival shpdid he follow in tlie Doc tor if outsteps will be- as successful in his jprofessionas his father 5 Last week we received a cation frdrn Gallop supposed to be viaUop news items but as no name waS si gned to ttie article and weco6ldritiiecbgriie th4 liahdwrit ihg suffidielntlytbtelIwhova tlie author--we rcifuse theitemsj is d rule that all newspapers follow and thoup h not closel at all times we Li I ir i feel that too wide a range would be covered for bur responsibilities in r - - - 1 Dnm rtVtnYtinifi rinnii k t CUU1V JUJLiUIIJIlLlUIJO li The Rev J M Bates conducted I The Roan bbysy who quite a services at St John EpiscoDalchurcJv lirjr rahchautlvuf WuodlakeV ei6 Suhdavvfaniinthe evening j 4 - CUS - 1 - 1 l -1 -it uiuuiasiiiiuc ea tnat wnen ne next visitea vaienr i - 1 r J 1 - I m 7nr Thw t n inr ne he wouia be accompanied by the school this week near- Georfia rftter e Rcll Whitehpuse of - -- - ii tr - il 1 i f 4 u several weeks vacation V V - i f j mission tiit rat ter Mr Bates has i o J beiV rectPr here for over 12 years and will go lrorn here ti5Cal lawny andrm ay fetich Greek andiifgiicr Lat i m at the liear riey academy a portion of the time i The Chelry Coil nty ciauon win ue neiu at tne uigii School building in Valentine Satur dayi March Uyrdra L 1 Ill p twhen the following program will be ed MiUia 1 1 yJ Review p Oliapt r C of McMurrvs oils of ieacliin riofltiIUyasiui4 rnpOr V Tlii ijrs to AvbiU aniirTViii3 1 oTCe jSicitss on IMabel Ilufaii v rapi r MiirKebiiDiis lor leacinni pantea uompecent pex3p 11 jqej tniiliy viii1ycoraiJiacknsyJ general house wortc Xo laundry rrpfr Siioiild niiiunumninbc - Wfi edasaiiiUiiToadiiiigOnuiirndV 7 T i a- nt 1 wprk Valeiitine Airs lttlaOmmw 1 Dismissiort Taf y Collett Jleviow of iJOnnial Vf tides A HTcaclicrs ciljBluffsto theelfecf that Ida Music arl0iVapidly recovering h0r liealtlC ri f v -v v -He was leaning against the do6r of Sherrriahrs livery t bdrnU roWsdibusof I the fact that his gobdMoks were a fresh shave and- haircut when two ing iiear - engaged- his attentlou by- theii conversation- Isn t he haudgome queried 4- one- ut SpIeid4id said the other- - t r rreu vvuitutjypreman oit ne nrpudlvahd hecasta fciliinV iport Republican -spent Saturday ihiiiri1P town visiting with C M Sageser and1 What long horns be fraB -x lqpking after business matters Th vmmr mn n inMa cVi i wi pines Tuesday morui - uu v UU1VHU iurneqr Ana percervenrftnermans Att -Company H Tenth infantrv aAO j0 The young mans chtrst cxpandedA s rifled Mondav afternoon from Cienf ora standing behind him His - fuegos Cuba ad the same regiment Company K started V HSiuar fia iiAjiv Ka---- aim ir jwwrom wwwrj ftjjggjy53Q IfO S6 3 s - V 1 h 1 1 m T A I s3w pK6 3ivcs - r nraw ii TfrftiiTiaM ri -- e at - tl - ft ftl A IT ifTia J I I ri i 1- i s r r - -it - - r Ht ij j7naAiiT GPvOOKS3GISr a4 aa rr r SJStfM WBrola5irwiacsajgfcw 1 17 i5lJHHl 3BlJtS0iiliyHteS I7jrrivvaf ji xKHCTn iiTttfuiHi j nKit3 I all I l 1 I ri IT Ban V a IfMaa - 1 i M 1 t - ftiyb i l t -- 1 r 1 r j alfaJtaViMJMJPlBttagCSJaaKgla3aaaaWMaWPMMpEattBWMal Fr M J2 i t rt T jr - - rs - - - -a-- a - TRAPER - s K3I2E3 f S- R Si DENNIS Valentine Nebraska r t rr 1 i i i t t 5- VfsSblv and he begau stroking T mf TvT HTlvT TP briclc building wilLbe ibuilt by -the uafJche - 1 A Jt1 r i IMJii -- - Kriig Brewing Co v - - beautiful hair and evesV r v w m - -- - - uhCvN iirtt2ulVv - - xl f uauicis 01 near oiinepnryas vuiit inucu mc aiat jjiiiiei in tovyhSatucday j aod had on t nh I could call him minessait liition at tiu lifd Front a pedigreed - tlie oilier r eight kids - AttHrsthe joung mairs chest ex- -- r panded tolts fuilMimitVius head YEAR- w mm m 1 V 2W i iom m JlIIJJ Jr JLxilLjJXi iJLiilJtjJ JE J JM 1VJL MmlP JRfcdifcdbTalftM - X 0 3 3- il TItyrrrni a TnTrroti W i j i T r i rr J V J - -- - si x m ti 1 ww H 1 1 i is i ixi m a sua p i 1 w i w w ww v i ci v ixi u1 uninw2 wft nift jjul - - - - I 1 I I PI g K 3 g -- - - - r i -- vr d irv rase alia assrr r ssi s rr rr ra rrrr -- uu - - - r i i - - -- -- - 5 IT t S if a 3 te T- T 7I - - - jtfT UCnJl i w fi VOKiyM XA I I 11 1 1 I I I 1 1 1 1 1 MA3sSHiHIiraiEEBpASKAMAEGH -19 J te rS r INWJSCEER51 UT - 1 - v t a t t - - t - J t - - it arr v v v t j e j i z i - 5 j - r - - - 1 - - - -- - iiL - 1 JiJ y - a 3 5 15 i 3 i 2C HP A T ITPT - TklTTre T K K 1 A V- kr iijT -7 - - C V4 - Hn JL 1 -- - m I J H HW UB V 1MT -- 4 u u Lrf r n j r vr i amm mtm n K vf ism K n i w - c f - - - -- - -- H w 1 riiiir ii f I 1 iii jj 1 - - - oar aA iiiiiiii iMHiMgo BaataMiaa MMMa liC II I JU tv 3K 2 x v t i r v 1 1 VlrflHiKy mr -yr - - K 1 iKTT I- r - - -a - c lhj7iwiSK ijif ii rf pwfrirtfz K Wlfen lovari r4 r 5 - - 5 5 atfVotie ni AQ ri V i a ----- H9 pricestliah wedo We lliaTBtrliiy r iBaWfiyi wiiii i v j aoH2 aoAWYOAasgK i t ioY H YnT C CI Jar- St tJSO SJK r Ji xix sKii kiiJ W lS xfrirH fovvL K vjr w r -- - - P 49 iB cj jirilft rf 15 J aafmcbosiiaalityv aSctoii WS orlnss Tiipf Jil fnn rt Tm Or Lf j - tj T DT J j n i A rC rC irii - m i - 1S - - isai Kii f Iooffi 1 r ryiiisyua uiej uasp iun ui UipviUHHti im vahuavi Jd 7bfQalifo 0 t -III PW t ci vid a dqMo DOTMX i TffiCeE j 49 fe f GeriefaTlVterchaiits T7 1 r VK 7 i - - fit I s jsyoN ir i i - MJ fvll t i ip i5oif - ThebeBtiaral ihost complete stock ofmefrcliantiie hi QiookstoiUjs We biry the best 5oodgyfcliabvca iiKbeiST bought in the -1 v - f7arxfjdj 5y Ju 4lipi9Jh cheaper jthan ff Voiiutv no matter what our competitor - SW I d WSTETTER PROP1 Ci f s - - - - - s titr Lome ana see ipr yourself ji riti J5BBDsnoiivLF I VI MA C YlLRlELoi - - - - - - -- i t r - Al0kfUlta nAYiiliSPV Kt SP till I2 SiCIB VSr9 II 111 lll Plf Iilf iMnlflf 1 ji - FSH FRUIT AW GA1F68 - -v m v - yi JaTj First clu4 nc of StcaksPtOiisfs DiSak iMeatF Sfriktafl X -- - W t - - - -- - xSrtrz ra - - - Tt so- I s - f S I I I - 1 - G 9 - r 6 vi QALOIMINfNGr fa1 All work vell donp o vpvvvi4 V - - r - - H E il r -- C Ji - hr3 Jfli r tsqtheBost Equipped most Comfortable Largest - iik -v jVncV rjCstTwd Dollars a 0av - s r t V ---IV -- j t i - - - iii v -- f i Uii r i - aiy Tic- ri vJu7IorjhA esterii Nebraska - - f -1 r Hot injliColdWjiterj jTwo Sample Hooms iii K JtSKTiE afis tarj v t By Special arrangemeiif we can furnish - - -- SlS - i - - t a 1 Sj B I- j 1 - ft I lrl - i S3 I 1 flfi fl il -- 9 SB a - i ii 1 v JH iSSI - r I - 1 1 3i 1 - I Tl a I l -1 - is if 11- I i - - - - i J A- r r rT V T1 - relieved C K of aewj ana jieu lur ouu ye- w every one oi oar suoscribers AllyotfhavB to do Hv atForfc Niobrara ikic intothe barn he placed is to renew fortius paiwr for next year and fell lis that yon iint 1he S 4orLbe Philip- it seat to you one veir cInicrPllVpeuent iuuiiu ifiiso sena tne Limine arnYet tniWeaYTrde 6 every new subscribe with tllfurn t pofr inmnimtVtf UIt Tiavo na nna uoni i n nlrnn TV- t l 11 v -- -- vyjv4Mai K fivw viki vW jrtVt IU tiUUUVVt WU 6 UUU HJ 3 QIJ