Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, February 14, 1901, Image 7

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Stingy Kxpotltlon Visitors
It Is a remarkable fact that any one
ward in Philadelphia you might al
most say any division of one ward
contributes more to charity in one
week than the Paris exposition did
during its entire run said a young
man of the Quaker city who has just
returned from the French capital
When the exposition was opened
boxes were placed all through the
grounds embellished with signs in va
rious languages setting forth the fact
that the contents would be devoted to
charity Millions of people visited the
exposition and must have seen these
boxes for they were conspicuously
displayed They were not examnled
until after the close of the exposition
and how much do you suppose they all
contained Less than 12 Thats a
fine record for charity isnt it
It Is always safe to learn even from
our enemies Colton
Good deeds and kind words are nev
er lost
Remedy for Grip Sufferer
Garfield Tea cleanses the system
purifies the blood aids digestion and
helps nature throw off disease It is
made from Herbs
Before marriage men and women
argue after that they dispute
Dont Got Footsore Get TOOT EASE
A certain cure for Swollen Smart
ing Burning Sweating Feet Corns
and Bunions Ask for Allens Foot
Ease a powder Cures Frost bites and
Chilblains At air Druggists and Shoe
Stores 25c Sample sent FREE Ad
dress Allen S Olmsted LeRoy N Y
The average man likes to point to
the good traits in his children as a
heritage from himself
Ask your grocer for DEFIANCE
STARCH the only 16 oz package for
10 cents All other 10 cent starch con
tains only 12 oz Satisfaction guaran
teed or money refunded
There is much difference between
the tally cards of earth and those of
An address by Joseph Choate Am
bassador to Great Brltainon the career
and character of Abraham Lincoln
his early life his early struggles with
the world his character as developed
in the later years of his life and his
administration which placed his name
so high on the worlds roll of honor
and fame has been published by the
Chicago Milwaukee St Paul Rail
way and may be had by sending six
G cents in postage to F A Miller
General Passenger Agent Chicago 111
General Yates has set the seal of
his disapproval upon prize fighting
and has decreed that this pastime
shall not be indulged in within the
boundaries of the state of Illinois
while he presides at the head of the
executive department
PIsos Cure cannot be tco highly spoken of as
n cough cure J W OBrien 322 Third Ave
N Minneapolis Minn Jan 6 1900
A Playwrights Start
Henry Arthur Jones the dramat
ist says that when he first taught
himself how to write plays it was his
custom to witness the same piece six
nights a week in order to learn the
technique ie keeps a stock of char
acters plots scenes incidents and
themes all lying ready for use and
simmering in a dramatic stockpot
Friendship is often used as a tem
porary cement for binding mutual in
Saints who carve for themselves are
sure to -cut their fingers
Humberts Heavy Insurance
The Marquise de Fontenoy now
states on what she calls official au
thority that the life of the late King
Humbert was insured for 36000000
lire or about 7000000 and of this
amount 6000000 was represented in
policies in companies in this coun
try Nevertheless it is believed the
marquise has been grotesquely im
posd upon in this matter
Says Hazing Did Him Good
A venerable graduate of Harvard
says that one of the most useful les
sons in deportment at Cambridge was
given him in his freshman year by
a band of sophomores on a midnight
visit to his quarters This alumnus
says he was then and there taught
how to be civil and polite to his su
periors and that the performance
everlastingly took the conceit out of
Monkey Skins by the Millions
During the past year there was an
increase of nearly 30000 in the value
of monkey skins exported from the
Gold Coast from which it is estimated
that at least 1000000 monkeys were
killed in that district alone
W Sometimes in whiter at every
W step there is danger of 0
r and fi
j5 which cripple or hurt
H deeply but at any time
from whatever cause W
I St Jacobs Oil 1
X 8
will cure surely and promptly 0
Eut a Bullet Through a Vital Pari
Stopped His Antics
Got Dcltrloh Issnes Ills Arbor Day Proc
lamation April 22d the Time to Plan
Trees Various Other Nebraska Doings
and Happenings
GORDON Neb Feb 9 The littlo
town of Merriman twenty five milc3
east of Gordon was shaken up by the
shooting of Jim White who has been
holding forth in this vicinity for
some time Jim White and Louis
Provo a half breed Indian entered
Jack Barnes saloon and Immediately
attempted to run the bartender Linn
Kern out and take possession
White and Provo began the trouble
by throwing cuspidores at Kern chas
ing him behind the bar brandishing
their revolvers and uttering vile
threats Kern did not propose to have
them take possession in that way and
came out shooting The first shot
passed through Whites lungs
It is reported that White killed
three men in Montana for which he
had to leave there and he has been
regarded as a dangerous person He
terrorized the citizens of Gordon two
years ago by defying the authorities
and standing the city marshal off
with his gun
The latest reports claim that White
is still alive but failing fast his
chances for recovery being very frag
Governor Sots Apart Monday April 22
to Bo Observed
LINCOLN Neb Feb 9 Governor
Dietrich has issued the following proc
lamation designating Monday April
22 as Arbor day
The observance of Arbor day has
in the past contributed in no small
degree to the growth and improve
ment of Nebraskas forestry and foli
age It has transformed vast ex
panses of prairie into picturesque
woodland increasing the landscape
beauty of the state and making it
more desirable for those seeking op
portunities for investment and af
fording comfort and pleasure to those
already there This -practice which
has added so much beauty and value
to the state in the past should not
only be maintained in the future but
should be enlarged upon to the great
est practical extent On each recur
ring Arbor day every citizen of Ne
braska should add at least one tree
to our forestry and foliage which
shall serve the double purpose of be
ing both commemorative and benefi
cial commemorative of the mental
genius of our distinguished citizen
Hon J Sterling Morton author of
Arbor day and beneficial in the way
of increased comfort and value
By authority vested in me by law
I therefore do hereby proclaim and
designate Monday April 22 1901 as
Arbor day and I earnestly request of
the citizens of this state and all
school children to observe this occa
sion by the planting of trees and
beautifying shrubbery
In testimony whereof I have here
unto subscribed my name and caused
to be affixed the great seal of the
state of Nebraska Done at Lincoln
the capital of the state of Nebraska
this 4th day of February in the year
of our Lord 1901
Basis for Representation
LINCOLN Neb Feb 9 Under the
reapportionment of legislative dis
tricts each 32000 people of Nebraska
will be entitled to one senator and
three representatives The number
of members will remain unchanged
but the representation will be divid
ed upon an actual population basis
which will probably decrease the rep
resentation of the eastern half of the
state and increase that of the western
half Representative Evans of Lin
coln county is preparing to make a
strong fight in the house in behalf
of his section and in the upper branch
Senators Currie and Van Boskirk will
champion the interests of the great
Favor New Wins for tbe Asylum
HASTINGS Neb Feb 9 The leg
islative committees appointed to visit
all the state institutions for the pur
pose of inspection visited the asylum
for the chronic insane at Hastings
and were carefully escorted through
the institution by Superintendent
Kern and Steward Haverly The in
vestigating committees made a thor
ough examination of everything and
expressed great surprise at finding
the institution in such excellent con
dition They found that all wards
were filled to the limit and on learn
ing the annual increase of Inmate3
in the Hastings asylum they all ex
pressed themselves to the effect that
it was an absolute necessity that a
new wing be added to this institution
t the earliest possible date
Change at the Insane Asylum
HASTINGS Neb Feb 9 The Asy
lum for the Chronic Insane was offi
cially turned -over to the newly ap
pointed officials Dr Kern of Wood
Biver succeeded Dr Steele of Hast
ings as superintendent and Harry
Haverly of this city succeeds Mr
Barnes of Red Cloud as steward
George James of Hastings was ap
pointed bookkeeper to take the place
of Dan Althen of Omaha
Canadian smelters have entered In
to an agreement combining their in
Maddened Horse Kills Him
HOLDREGE Neb Feb 9 The J
death of A R Potter living some ten
mile3 from this city occurred from
the effects of being crushed by a
horse The horse was crazy with tho
cornstalk disease and crushed Mr
Potter against the side of the stall
inflicting injuries about the liver
Evarts Ontdone
Ex Senator Williams M Evarts is
no longer the champion framer of
long sentences He frequently made a
record of 500 words but has been far
outdone by Rastus S Ransom a New
York lawyer who in a will case a
few days ago put a hypothetical ques
tion 4000 words in length Boiled
down all this meant Assuming the
testimony to be true was she sane or
insane when she made her will It
took just thirty minutes to ask the
The Quay Floral Arch Coat SI40
The arch of white immortelles wiui
a keystone of red carnations bearing
the legend Verdict of the People
presented to Senator Quay on the
morning of his return to the senate
after two years of enforced exile cost
140 In good hard money It was
bought and designed by employes in
the various executive departments
who maintain a voting residence in
Pennsylvania and secured their posi
tions through Mr Quays influence
These all contributed pro rata and
bonght the largest and most expensive
floral tribute ever appearing in the
United States senate
The greatest things rise from the
simplest truths
Miss Nettle Hlxon fays the Remedy That
Cured Her Would Be Cheap at
This Price
Cincinnati O Feb 11 1901 Spe
cial Miss Netta Hixon Is Sergeant-at-Arms
of Camp No 1 Patriotic Order
of America Her home is at No 1717
Hughes street this city She is a very
popular and influential lady For
three years she has been ill Now she
is well She says I cannot praise
Dodds Kidney Pills too highly for
what they have done for me I was
troubled for three years with weakness
and often had dizzy spells so that I
dared not go out alone My head would
ache continually for four or five days
at a time until life became simply a
All the medicine I took did me no
good until my physician advised me
to try Dodds Kidney Pills I secured
a box and soon found that my head
ache was leaving me I felt encourag
ed and kept on taking them and get
ting stronger The pains gradually
diminished until I had used four
boxes and all trace of pain had gone
I am today a strong and well woman
thanks to Dodds Kidney Pills If the
price was one dollar per pill instead
of 50c a box they would be cheap
compared with other so called medi
cines placed before a suffering public
This is but a sample of the letters re
ceived every day by the hundred They
all tell the same story of sickness and
soreness changed into health and
vigor by the use of Dodds Kidney
Pills They never fail 50c a box six
boxes for 250 Buy them from your
local druggist if you can If he cant
supply you send to the Dodds Medi
cine Co Buffalo N Y
The first and worst of all frauds is
to cheat ones self Bailey
State op Ohio city op Toledo i
Lucas Counts- J
Frantt J Cheney makes oath that he is the
senior pai tner of the Arm of F J Cheney Co
doing business in the City of Toledo County
and State aforesaid and that said iirm will pay
the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for
each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be
cured by the use of Halls Catarrh Cure
Sworn to before me and subscribed in my
presence this 6th day of December A D 188
rFAT 1
lbEAL J Notary Public
Halls Catarrh Cure is taken internally and
acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces
of the system Send for testimonials free
F J CHENEY CO Toledo a
Sold by Druggists 75c
Halls Family Pills are the best
True friends appear less movd than
counterfeit Horace
Each package of PUTNAM FADE
LESS DYE colors more goods than any
other dye and colors them better too
Do nothing when angry
will have the less to undo
and you
He who seeks fellowship with the
world is in no condition to trust God
Yon Can Get Allens Foot Ease Free
Write to day to Allen S Olmsted Le
Roy N Y for a FREE sample of
Allens Foot Ease a powder It cures
sweating damp swollen aching feet
Makes new or tight shoes easy A cer
tain cure for Chilblains and Frost bites
At all druggists and shoe stores 25c
Sometimes people stop at a hotel in
order to escape home comforts
The Herb Cure for Grip
Grip and colds may be avoided by
keeping the system cleansed the blood
pure and the digestion good Take Gar
field Tea
Some society snobs doubtless pity
Adam because he had no ancestors
Ask your grocer for DEFIANCE
STARCH the only 16 oz package for
10 cents All other 10 cent starch con
tains only 12 oz Satisfaction guaran
teed or money refunded
Doth the moon care for the barking
of a dog7 Burton
Take Laxative Bbomo Qdinise Tablets All
druggists refund the money if it fails to cura
E V Groves signature is on the box 25c
Success is only sweet when it has an
honest record
Avoid baldness gray hair dandruff and thin locks
by using Paixkebs Hair Balsam
Hindercoiins the best cure for corns 13cts
The talent of success is nothing
more than doing what you can do
well Longfellow
To the Beaumont Oil Fields nnd Surround
ing Territory S15 For Round Trip
On February 19 1901 the Kansas
City Southern Railway known as the
Port Arthur route will make the very
low rate of 15 for the round trip from
stations on their line in Kansas and
Missouri to Beaumont Lake Charles
Port Arthur Houston Galveston and
San Antonio in order to meet the
constant demand of investors and ex
cursionists attracted by the wonderful
oil gusher to Beaumont and surround
ing territory
Tickets will be limited to March 12
1901 thus affording an elegant oppor
tunity to visit the wonderful South
land and investigate its world famed
resources Any inquiry relative to
excursion will be cheerfully attended
to and we invite such inquiries
S G Warner G P and T A J H
Morris H D Dutton T P Agts Kan
sas City Mo
New Orleans and return 2925
Mobile and return 3125
On sale February 11th to 17th in
Tourist rates now on sale to Arkan
sas Florida Cuba and all the winter
resorts of the south Homeseekers
excursions one fare plus 200 for the
round trip on sale first and third
Tuesday each month to many points
south All information at City Ticket
office 1415 Farnam St Paxton Hotel
Block or write Harry E Mo ores C
P T A Omaha Neb
A drunkards nose is a lighthouse to
warn others of the little water pass
ing beneath
Ask your grocer for DEFIANCE
STARCH the only 16 oz package for
10 cents All other 10 cent starch con
tains only 12 oz Satisfaction guaran
teed or money refunded
Waste rarely brings what is needed
148 will buy new Upright piano on
easy payments Write for catalogues
Schmoller Mueller 1313 Farnam
street Omaha
He who works well wields pleasure
from his toil
Throw physic to the dogs if you dont want
the dogs but if you want good digestion chew
BeemuuK Pepsin Gum
The antiquarian has no use for a
thing until time has rendered it use
The Set 125
uhv viikli 2 ABBw y BBBsVf
Red Rough Hands Itching Burning
Palms and Painful Finger Ends
Iw faring a surgeon ueweler s Weekly
I have gone 14 days at a time vrltboat
movement of the bowel Chronic conitlpa
tlon for seTen years placed mo in this terrible
condition I did oTerrthint 1 heard of but never
found any relief un til I beaan uMhr CASCARETS
I now have from ono to threo passages a day and
If I was rich I would give 10000 for each move
ment Klaancharellef AtlmehL Hunt
1CS0 Bussoll St Detroit Ulch
owe is
One Night Treatment
Soak the hands on retiring in a strong hot
creamy lather of CUTICURA SOAP Dry
and anoint freely with CUTICURA the great
skin cure and purest of emollients Wear during
the night old loose kid gloves with the finger
ends cut off and air holes cut in the palms For
ted rough chapped hands dry fissured itching
feverish palms with shapeless nails and painful
finger ends this treatment is simply wonderful
and points to a speedy cure of the most distress
ing cases when physicians and all else fail
WAS troubled with hands so sore that when I put them in water the cain
I would near set me crazy the skin would peel off and the flesh would get hard
and break then the blood -would flow from at least fifty places on each hand
Words never can tell the suffering I endured for three years
I tried at least eight doctors but my hands were worse than when I commenced
doctoring I tried every old Granny remedy that was ever thought of without one
cents worth of good and could not even get relief
I would feel so badly mornings when lgot up to think that I had to go to work
and stand pain for eight or nine hours mat I often felt like giving up my job
which was in the bottling works of Mr E L Kerns the leading bottler oFTrenton
N J who will vouch for the truth of my sufferings
i Before I could start to work I would have to wrap each finger on both hands
and then wear gloves which I hated to do for when I came Intake them off it
would take two hours and the flesh would break and bleed Some of my friends
who had seen my hands would say If they had such hands they would have
them amputated j others would say they would never work and more would
turn away in disgust But thanks to Cuticura the greatest of kfn cures it
ended all my sufferings
Just to think after doctoring three years and spending dollar after dollar during
that time Cuticura cured me It has now been two years since I used It and I
do not know what sore hands are I never lost a days work while I was using
it or since and I have been working at the same business and in acids etc
THOS A CLANCY 310 Montgomery St Trenton N J i
Complete Externa and Infernal Treatment for Ever Humor
Consisting of CuncURA BokP 25c to cleanse tbo okin of crusts and
instantly allay itcblnsr inflammation nnd Irritatbn and soothe and
t sal and CtrriopBA Rssolvbnt 60c to cool and cleaned the Wood
A Single Set is often sufficient to enre tho most torturinz
urlnjj nnd hnmillating skin scalp nnd blood humors with los of hair when all elsa fails Hold
throughout the world PorrEn Dnuo and Chem Corp Bole Props Boston U S A
Millions of Women Use Cuticura Soap
Assisted by Cuticura Ointment for preserving purifying and beautifyinir the skin for
cleansing the scalp of crusts scales and dandruff and the stopping of falling hair for
softening whitening and soothing red Tough and sore hands in the form or baths for
annoying Irritations inflammations and cbaflngs or too free or offensive perspiration in
the form of washes for ulcerative weaknesses and for many sanative antiseptic pur
poses which readily suggest themselves to women nnd esDccially mothers and for all
the purposes of the toilet bath and nursery No amount of persuasion can Induce those
who have once used it to use any other especially for preserving nnd purifying tho skin
scalp and hair of infants and children Cuticura Soap combines delicate emollient pron
ertlcs derived from ConCOTiA tho great skin cure with the purest of cleansing ingredients
and tho most refreshing of flower odors No other medicated soap ever compounde d Is to
becomnared with it for preserving purifying and beautifying tho skin scalp hair and
hands No other foreign or domestic toilet soap however expensive is to bo compared
with it for all the purposes of the toilet bath and nursery Thus it combines In Ove 80 jlv
at Oxe Peice viz twentv five Cents the beat eMn and complexion soap tie sxt
toilet and best baby soap In tho world
Bowel Troubles Caused by over work Over eating Over drinking No part of the human body receives
more ill treatment than the bowels Load after load is imposed until the intestines become clogged refuse to
act worn out Then you must assist nature Do it and see how easily you will be cured by CASCARETS
Candy Cathartic Not a mass of mercurial and mineral poison but a pure vegetable compound that acts
directly upon the diseased and worn out intestinal canal making it strong and gently stimulating the liver and
kidneys a candy tablet pleasant to take easy and delightful in action Dont accept a substitute for CASCARETS
6 on
QUARAXTEEH TO nTTTCTI1 Tiawel ti nnTiIoa flnnonrllrltli hlllnnini ri
bad breath bad blood wind on the stomach bloated bowels foal month
It la a starter for the chronic ailments and lone yearn of snfTerlnc that coxae
afterwards No matter what alls you start talntr OA9CAKET8 today fur
yon will never eet well and be well all the time until yon pnt yonr bowels
rtzht Take oar advice start with CAHCABETS today under an absolute
raaraateo to care er money refunded
25c 50c
OTJASAICTEED TO CUKE Five years aco tho flrst box of CAS
CAKETS -was sold JTow It la over six million boxes a year ereater than any
similar medicine In th world This Is absolute proof of jrreat merit ana
our best testimonial We have faith and will self CASCARETS absolstely
Guaranteed to euro or money refunded Go buy today two fiOc boxes srlve
thcBt a fair honest trial as per simple directions and If yon are nt satlaaed
after uslnjr one 50c box return the unused 50c box and the empty box te
us by mall or the drusrslst from whom yon purchased It and set your money
bock for both boxes Take our advice no matter what ails you start today
Health wlllonlckly follow and you -will bless the day you srst started the use
ofCASCABETS nook free by mall Add aTXRHSaWiBKBTCO XnrXsrxsrCUcac