w M J V 4 1 w a 1 I n fir i if 4 n M V A A- fait THE VALENTINE DEMOCRAf M MOtlRISSKY I M RICE EDITOR The claim of other cough remedies to oe as good as Chamberlains are effect ually set at rest in the following testi A ITrifxMful Jtlmulcr Will often cause a horrible Burn Scald Cut or ttruise Bucklens Arni da Salye will kill the pain and prompt ly heal it Cures Fever Sores Ulcers Boils Corns all Skin Fruptions Best Pile cure on earth Only 25c a box Cure guaranteed Sold by Elliott ISlff Poultry Paper lree Just for a short time to iutroduce The Semi Weekly State Journal that paper will send The Western Poultry News a year free to anyone sending 1 00 for a years subscription to the j Semi Weekly State Journal which is published every Tuesday and Friday gives all the news of the world days ahead of farm papers and weeklies It si a newspaper from start to finish and it thepaper for the farmer A great many readers call it the farmers daily One dollar gets the Journal twice -a-week a whole yerr and The Western Poultry News a whole year This is a big bunch of reading for a dollar Send your order to The State Journal Lincoln Neb Quigley and Chapman the druggists will reiuud ynuyour money ii you are not satitied after using Chamberlains S tomach aud Liver Tablets They cure dtisorueia of the btomaciT bihouauea constixation and headache Price 25 cents Samples free 1 hobbled into Mr Blackmons drug store ous evening says Wesley INelson ol Hamilton Ga and he asked me to try Chauiberlaius Pain Jjalm lor rueuinatiBui Willi wmen l uau suuereu or a long time I told him I had no faith in any medicioe as they all tailed He said Well if Chambrtaius Pain 13 aim does not help you you need not pay for it I took a bottle jt it home and used it according to the directions and in one week 1 was cured and have not since been troubled with rheuma tism For sale by Quinley Chapman MILL PRICES FOR FEED Bran bulk 70c per c i 13UU ton Shorts bulk 75c per cwt 14UU ton rcreeuings 4uc 7UU Chop Eeed 85 16UU - Corn 7Uc 17UU Chop corn 75c 14U0 Uato 1U5 2U 0U 1200 - StND 1200 NO MONEY Ha Hal But come aud examine my V2 Gold Filled Watch As good durable aud reliable a watch asyouueed for all piactkal pui poses Fully guaranteed b good companies alo by THE OLD RELIABLE JKWiiLER O W Morey ALBNTINE MtB F M WALUUTT ATT0KMBV AND ABSTRAGTBK ValenbinE Nebraska Practices in District Court and U h Jind Ufllce Keai Esate and Ranch Propel ty bought and sold Horded Absivacter Mutual companies pay losses in full No discount 1 M Rice Agent J O DWYER PHYSICIAN AND SURGEQN All Kinds of Suigical Ouenitiou - Successfully Performed frWS5W pJiWSAWt T D Valentine Lodge No 6 SC JL JL Meets overy second aud fourth eanesdaj even- nit of euch mouth at Hornbys Han a cordial uvitatiou is exieuded to all voting ineiuuea o VY MwRbi lreaiutut MAUL MOKbAREilHil tiecy j ATTORNEY T LAW Range 10 miles west of Snake River Falls Lake o Gr monial of Mr C D Glass an employee j j HINT INK N KM Df Bartiett Dennis Co Gardmea Mo He says J had kept adding to a cold and cough in the winter of 1807 trying A JJ OTVFPTOKT every cough medicine I heard of with- out help until one day I was in the drug store of Mr Houlehan and he ad j vised me to try Chamberlains Cough Remedy and offered to pay back my money if I was not cured My lungs and bronchial tubes were very sore at this time but I was completely cured bv this reinedy and have since always turned to it when I got a cold and soon find relief I also recommend it to my friends and am glad to say it is the best of all cough medicines For sale by Quigley and Chapman PHYSICIAN AMD SURGEON Office At Quigley Chapmans Drugstore Nights At The Donoher Hotrl 0 M SAGESER TONSGRIAL ARTI ST Hair cutting and shaving HOT AND COLD BATHS Geo ii Coleman Cody Nebr On left side Morses o left shoulder UHT 1 on i ii C Evenson f t5Si CodyFehraska Branded on left side Range Ttn Can 1 ake aud Morgan Flats Also 11 on right side Range Chamberlain Flats and Snake River EIHa ImA ViY3 Codv Nebr On left side and thigh hnrsps the same on leftside Range -Between Niobrara and the Snake Erauk Livermore Codv Nehr On both jWuiij sides or 9711 anjwhen Wt1 on animal a Also 1 1 on hip or shoulder Range Little Winn Riwr and mouth of dar Creek S D 4L fifef SfPfJfel Henry Young I WV I It I 1 Hi MJ i j JjaBgsagaateJI JA n Postofflce address Cody Nebraska On right side jalsoX on right shoulder and 2 on jaw 3 3 on leit hip also 3 on jaw Range Old Poor Ranch on Niobrara Stotts Stetter TTU5 - Wheeler Bros Cody Neb TylSfriiTjra J P GARDINER Postofflce address Cody Nebraska On left side of cat tle horses O right arm Rangp north and south of Niobrara Rivr12 mllus south we6t of Cody William M DuiiLar Lessee frofn Heine Kroeger Cody Neb DTJn Either side AlscBiw l Left ear ol cattlp Split Range head of Ba Creek tkAS i V3 ALONZO HEATH I ww WW Postofflce address Cody Nebraska On left side Hor ses left shoulder Range north OutWXJlb jUt I g n skager PosolHce address Codv Keoraska Cattle branded as on cut on left side hip and shoulder horses tame Range Snake Creek IS nody Nehr On leftside Horses same Range Late jreek S Dakota ROBERT r HJNES Postofflce address to 1 c3KZ sud Zloft hit- orses yZtf hip Haime Snak Rierat P A Cooper r cp J SB f Cody Nebraska h Branded on left side horses same left shoul der Range on Snake south of Codv William Shangran Reed Cody Nebr Same as cur on right side of cat tle Horses same as cut on right shoulder George Heyne Clarence Cutcomb Manager Cody Neb Brand registered No 1027 Ilorses branded on left shoulder Ramre north and south of Cutcomb Lake iu Cherry Co James Good fellow ia J Postofflce address Chesterflely Neb Cattle branded on left side as on cut VV also v lelt neck andZ yq left hip Mime V lett neck A leir shoulder Cody Nebraska Horse brand IIY on left shoulder Cattle right ear split Range Little White river S D Clarence Cutcomb Cody Nebr Leftside on large cattle On small 7uT stock left side Horses AY on left shoulder Range- south east of Cutcomb TfW A immmamm A C RIEMENSCHNEIDEK Cody Xebr Cattle branded on left side Horses Jj on left jaw Range Betw een the Niobrara and Medicine Luke CliesteriielJ Rebruskn DAWSON BALL Chesterileld Nctir Cattl branded same as cut on left side Horses same on left shoulder JA Hors e branded left sloul ler 2141 Also on left side Gordon Gallop aud Gregory Nebraska Ilutt BrotiiTs Gordon Nebraska Range14 miles nortli of Gordon G W BEAMER Gordon Nebr Cattle branded on left side as iu cut 6 inch box and 24 inch circle Brand register ed 875 - Inch circle l incii box Registered 870 Range G miles south of Irwin on Niobrara river V C Duerfellt Manager Gordon Nebraska Cattle also branded fiOou riht hit Horses and mules i randed uaine as cut on left shoulder Ii Tr i 4tt0 KUWAltD will be paid to any per son tor information leading to the arrest and final ooiivi lion of any nerson or peisous steal ing o ittle with the above brand EMfe WILLIAM BEAMER Gordon Nebr FHPSiW 1 swHv5252253fgEglj 3 HirTi itT Htfiff IT 1 t T s w Gordon Ncbrxska Brand s ime as cut on left hip Range head of Gordon Creek forty miles southeast of Gordon Bmder of Hereford cattle Cattle branded same as cut on let si e SMS flyZS nriuueu ss2S on ielc Moulder i Ranze 6 miles south ot Irwin PhiiCnnt Gordon Nob Also Bl left fe jtr SSKI rn t - r gKS2 J8ph Ficknl florae brand F on left shoulder Range 10 miles northeast of Gordon MOREY Jb sj b fT T i i i Mil east oi Gordon J A SATJLTS S WMJ MW5iSa3W 19WMJ WlRiid aWBMlWiXEi Timiri TiiiiiinnTr wTT lVder Thorsen Gordon Nebraska On right side l on rght hip c horse brand and T on right slioulder AUowtltle brauiltd rat HEWETT Postofflce address Gordon NVh On leftside of cattle orses same left shoulder also 24U and W93bh left sid Bl on left m 6lde of some Ranee south of Snake 35 ml south- II V DOWNING fVstonVeaddreaa Oregor Neb On left side also COLE on side Range Stevenson Lake Postofflce address Gregory Neb On left side or hip horses same on left shoulder Range Arkansa Valley and Snakr JULIUS PETERSON ostofflee address Gregory Neb Branded as on cut Range two miles north of Gregory C JENSEN cstofiicea dress Gallop Nebraska Left side on private hiocKunu ngiitsKiel on cattle heldr dsoL on left side of cattle HPIU orgygra cft siUesssig ilures C J on left shoulderRange Eitdit miles south of Gallop C S WILLIAMS Postofflce address Gallop Nebraska On left siie also TV I left side also J left hipalao VT on side and S on hip Iiores on left j iw Range Eight miles snith of Gallop HlTAftKIS SE L L MORRILL J G COOLER Postofflce address Hyannis Neb on right si He bor es same on right shoulder nge six miles northwest of Moth er Lake procinct ss f jjS Abo rnivestiivk b a dciS on right side and lup Ilortts ou rigl t hip Raime Southwesttru c hen County Postofflce address Hyalinia Nu On left side also S on left hip horses S left shoulder Range 25 miles north of Hyannis 4msaimMMrs H A BUCK iM Postolhce ITy iilcirt vs - nnT Neb Rrandcil mi li i bide iiOi fl IrdleS ntii ot I vaunts v r twmk and noBAUfsn PoBtoilii iiiitsv liiii tiiisN b On Jif lii nnc h tt side Ahi on lt tt hip qnd lelt side Horses same brands on shoulders Rane 22 miles norto of Hyannis R K AND II E WOODRUFF Jj3EwtiJSc7t3fr milium iii 1 1 ill 1 1 ii niiirrT Both rill iSf side sAVMj Mime stock iiSaS branded J Itftyhout der A left hip who A S anjwheie on loft sidt also C A left side Range head Middle mp Poatulilce address IlyanrisNfb On left liip nd loft Fide Ai o bnindfd on lett siiiG and reversed S on right StocK slioulder also ngnt hip and left side Range-Mo-her llke GENTRY ABBOTT MONU1AX Potofilce address Hyannis Np i A J PLUMER Postofliceadilress Hyannis Nel Bniuded on right side and Id rise DKiOCISAT h ho Range rowi miles ILarjst Circznatittu us south of Irwin pvestei n clra3Uu 8J a year Kennedy Nebr Same as cut on left side and hip mid on left shoulder nf hor ses A Is KS on ten aide BM an hip PosUfllce address Hors sumo on left shoulder Rtnge Lake Creek S D N S Rowlcv 3 on right hip and on left side FRANK B ggaJljijiiHWlWiJj Kenuedy Neb1 On left side and hip horses O or A on eitjaw Range two miles northwest Ken nedy ra T Si Tan Tiiiiiii m iiJI iiNWl Q on left hip of horses p on left jaw and left shoulder of horses LU q on left hip of horses MOGLE Postofflce address Cody Nebraska On either de cattle herdmark left ear clipped and riiht ear split horstrs branded same on left shoulder Ranire on Nlobnira awl MpdipfnpPBnvnn WM ERICKSUN WILLIAM TVILSON Postofflce address KiUore Nebt Two half circles on left hip and left side of neck Horses same on left snouldr Sonic cattle branded SKI reaper hook on left hip Range Southeast of Kilgore Neb J R Wallingford Kennedy Neb Cattle branded same as cut also some branded SJ on left hip k I 1 V J t John Gresh f as 1 1 T iiSr SHntfy Williams Merriman Nebr MosMy oi side s ime rrglit sidf left on OX I JOHN Pos o ce address Cody Nebraska On left aide jMTtSjg Aiso g on left side fcjejk Ilorses J S on left shoulder Range between Cody and Lake Creek Merriman Nebr On both side and hip Herd mark dewlap Horses same on left shoulder Rautre Lako Creek at d Litte bite River Seth Gary Meraiman Neb On both sides some on right side aud hip Horses same -without bar left thigh RangeLake Creek mwl I mm liito i3tt uiver pi- L B Lesser Merrlman Nebr On leftside al so on same side SM underlined Ilorses under lined M on left thigh Range Little White River SHANGRAN T F Franks Merriman Nebr fiiirrTvre 7eriA - sliiiigsP3lBl On left side ear mark under ylope Hows J S on left shoulder Range 10 miles SG I C II Little i fk w Feriiman Nebr hi either side Horsta same on hip Also Q on Range Creek SD Charle liicliarch Merriman Neb CCR g ErSS Louis J Kielfirris Merriman Neb teSKSS FRED AND ILLf M MAYBEK I ostoflice ndilrt e Cody xeb On left side horses satiieitft shoulder Ear lark iiotrh on tmdciside of right ei Range t asl and s mth of Eli Merriman Neb Cattle on left side and hip some on left sido only Horses G on left shoulder Range Cotton wood Iake Lean- tier aim near Creek G 0 Fairhcad Postofflce address Merrlman Neb On hip of cattle horses same left shoulder Range between Bear Creek and Niobrara River 9 mI southeast of Merrlman I 0 I Louis F Richards T m l Merrlman Neb1 CHAS S NICHOLS Hugh Bovill Manager Merrlman Neb Also mssM All on left aide or hip Range north of El Charlottp E Hovill Merrlman Neb Loft side or hip Range north o EH I man on the Nio brara hKsmBTIh SELDEU BROTHERS fln8HVHl U G Criger Merriman Neb Brand registered No 10S7 Brand same as cut on left Mile Also left hip Range 10 miles south of E F DEV1NE Postofflce address Merrlman Neb Branded on left side horses same on left shoulder Range between Bear Creek and the Niobrara rlver9 ml SE of Merriman northeast j Creek riiuuu Postofflce address Merriman Neb On left side of cat tIealso K2 horstK1 on left gfsboldrMH Range north and south of Niobrara Rivera mi southeast of Merriman I Mm j Bg5SSSSSSi2SSSS2SJ gjorge jesek Postofflce address Merriman Neb On either left side or hip liorC3 6ame on left shoulder R nge East of Cot tonwood Lake C Geo Bowius A Hay Williams Manager r om i ii ft MILLS BROS Merriman Nebr Cattle and hor ses branded on lrftsideor shoul der Brand register ed 1001 Range I2mlej southwest of Merriman on ihe Niobrara river Postofflce add ress Merriman Nebr State Drand Cattle and horses OM on left side Home have var ious odpr brands Far mark Left ear clipped Ramre from F E M V RR south toLeander C GEO UOWLUS ScribnerNebr IT- I I I Mill Ecoffey Ss Sons MerrImanXeb rw hr Mrr TlrOfc Cattle branded MV on left sido and K on left jaw ean clipped noth cuds and JC on right hip and O on right jaw un derblt on right ear and v r on right ri L side Horses brandeil JC on left hip and FE on left shoulder and f on lett bin Kane BHween Pass Creek and southern part of the reservation and Wakpiue Lake M RICHARDSON Postofflce address McCaon Neb Branded on leftside Banjo McCaun AGO 8i9 1 r J T J J IVck Zgf5 tCSi Civ Nebr On both tides Houses t2 left thigh 0a S- f - CrteS S D Talitti Vp - Ta rnupat f Var Hie D f lar tow om ar iviiit wluie bm ded Circle Ton Ms Ijfp ki vvuh rcvi ntd S O oi et sitiu andartrkeil 4HiKRXPlK