h v M Hv 1 i i 1 K f It l rt i v n H i i V T A An Attractive Investment Returns will be decidedly larger than on Bonds Mortgages Railroad and In dustrial Stocks Company managed by competent and responsible business men Stock of 500 par value offered for a short time at 300 PEB SHARE Dividends in the near future Further particulars upon application to DAVID PFEIFFER Deolerln Investment Securities 13 Wall St Now York I ilfent smoked la a few honxfl with KRAUSERS LIQUID EXTRACT OF SMOKE Made from hickory wood Gives fine fUror Olcanort cheapest free from Insects 8ena for circular K Ji UAL BE It Jc HJtU MUtoa F ft DCPEZIDT OF 6100 we will send e UJl IlLULiri curely sealed a beautifully bound book of 400 pages full of good things Every sport should have one The best book ever written French and English trans lation Prohibited In some countries Write at once MILWAUKEE BOOK EXCHANGE Milwaukee Wis Box 719 For Top Prlcct Ship Tour GAUB ASD POUblBY To Headquarters 5 W Ickrn fc ContpAHy Butter Eggs Veal Hides and Furs Potatoes Onions In Carload Lots Omaia - Xrbrnika IN 3 OR 4 YEARS AH INDEPENDEHGE ASSURED mm 0c 25c 50c If you take up your homes In Western Can ada the land of plenty Illustrated pamphlets giving experiences of farmers who have be come wealthy in grow ing wheat reports of delegates etc and full iuiorin viou us to leauued railway rates can he nad on application to the Superintendent of Immigration Department of Interior Ottawa dinndn or to VV V Honnfitt 01 NT Y Ijffr Omaha Neb Thousands of Acres 0 f T X A S L A N D S along the line of the I G N RR especially adapted to general farm ing rice tobacco grape and frujt culture can be bought on liberal terms The Illustrator and General Narrator published monthly by the I G N UK contains specific informa tion of interest to the prospective settler and will be Sent Free on receipt of 25c to cover a years postage or 2e per number Ad dress D J PRICE G P T A Palestine Texas niHHSnBBiHSjHBHaBBanuBBVBMBnHpaBBQCB9 WINTfcR louKiai RATES SPECIAL Tous to Florida Key West Cuba Bermuda Old Mexico and the Mediterranean and Orient TTATy Bates for the round trip to many points south on sale first and third Tuesday each month iHATES To Hot Springs Ark the fa mous water resort of America on sal every day In the year Tickets now on sale to all the winter resorts of the south good returning until June 1st 1901 Ft rates descriptive mat ter pamphlets and all other information call at C St I R R City Ticket lOffice 1415 Farnam st Paxton Hotel Bids or write HARRY E nOORES C P T A Omaha Neb L Lu0J uy Lceiii CA5H GLANCE iCnQPTILffllDj h rait jtZr PREv To reduce a double chin constantly tap it with the finger Deafness Cannot Bo Cared by local applications as thoy cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear There is only ono way to cure deafness and that is by consti tutional remedies Deafness is caused bv an inflamed condition of the mucus lining of the eustachian Tuoe When tats tube is inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hear ing and when It Is entirely closed deafness Is the result and unless the Inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition brearing will bo destroyed forever nino cases out of ten are caused by catarrh which is nothing but an inflamed condition of the mucus surfaces We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness caused by catarrh that cannot be cured by Halls Catarrh Cure Send for sirculars f res F J CHENEY CO Toledo O Sold by Druggists 75c Hall a Family Pills are the best A long face is very apt to be in part nership with a long conscience Dyspepsia Is the bane of the human system Protect yourself against its ravages by the use of Beemans Pepsin Gum Too many culinary assstants are sure to impair the flavor of the con somme Try Graln Ot Try Graln Ot Ask your Grocer to day to show you a package of GRAIN O the new frod drink that takes the place of coffee The children may drink it without injury as well as the adult All who try it like it GRAIN O has that rich seal brown of Mocha or Java but it is made from pure grains and the most delicate stomach- receives it without dis tress tho price of coffee 15c and 25 cts per package Sold by all grocers If a man has short legs they cant be long to him itf wnEgnw I5AIZQB5EED5 A i KTS T Jf ik w BROHUS INERMIS ureatest Permanent Grass of the Kothlnplitolton earth to day that wo knwof and we have scoured tJlA wnrlrl ftmr fn rA Its equal OroTrsTfhero all others kill and bum Up from excessive heat and lack of sufficient moisture Grows where ail otners winter kill oud frees out 3 to T toiia ofmjinilflwnt iiw per aero and lots otpas wntgo resides vzw and up a Bnipel Largest potato and vegetaoie growers Choicest rarest heavf estyieldinjj6tock Catalogue Tells For 10 Gents and this Noflcs our big catalogue will bo mailed you free to gcuier xu eumpio packages oi me BU bit Spcltz Wonder tlio 40c Spring Whcnt the Billion oll r Gram with its 13 tons cf havnei nno fltApAnof n crfHnf TyH the Victoria Jtopo Marvel the I astonishing oo misnci per aero uat etc J n an xv packages may wortn fciu 10 gee a Etarxior 10c u stamps be no so day GDC LACRQ55EA IJMA5AlB5EDC0rE OKLAHOMA LANDS Intending settlers should not try to locate In New KIOWA and COMANCHE Country soon to be opened to settlement without having an Allotment Map showing the location of Indian lands 1 am puuli bingnn Allotment Map showing Indian lands and vacant lands Without It you may settle on nn Allotment Price 1 I make soldiers homestead filings by power of attorney Inclose 2 c for blanks and particulars A W GiFFlN Atty Butte Okla I n AA TA R M2 A PERS ALL DRUGGISTS E all bowel troubles appendicitis bll loufinesB bad breath bad blood wind on tlio stomach bloated bowels fonl f W 1 1 month headache indirection pimples pains after eating liver trouble sallow complexion and dizziness When your bowels dont move regu larly you are getting sick Constipation kills more people than all other diseases together It Is a starter for the chronic aliments and long years of suffering that come afterwards No matter what ails you start taking CASCARETS to day for you will never get well and be well all the time until you put your bowels right Take our advice start with CASCARETS to day under an absolute guar antee to cure or money refunded u3 Music and women are often loved but seldom understood CAREER AND CHARACTER OF ABRAHAM L1NC0LNT An address by Joseph Choate Am bassador to Great Britainon the career and character of Abraham Lincoln his early life his early struggles with the -world his character as developed in the later years of his life and his administration which placed his name so high on the worlds roll of honor and fame has been published by the Chicago Milwaukee St Paul Rail way and may be had by sending six 6 cents in postage to P A Miller General Passenger Agent Chicago 111 Gilded articles coated with oil ot laurel scare flies away Garfield Tea purifies the blood and cures all forms of indigestion good health and a clear complexion result from its use it is made from HERBS It is most unhealthy to sleep under a heavy cotton qui When the hair Is thin and gray PjutKxna Haib Balsam renews the growth and color Hixdebcouxs the best cure for corns IScts The groom may lead the bride to the altar but his leadership is apt to end there Governor Nash of Ohio denied the application for pardon by Rosslyn H Farrell convicted of murdering Ex press Messenger Lane Farrell will therefore be electrocuted in the Ohio penitentiary on March 1 Honor to Whom Honor Is Dae The railroads hav been greatly abused as soulless corporations that were grinding the life blood out of the people The great Galveston disaster has however revealed the fact that the managers of these corporations have hearts which are susceptible of being touched by the cries of distress Their trains were placed at the dis posal of all those engaged in relief work on the coast Provisions and supplies were carried forward free of charge committees from every sec tion of the state were furnished trans portation and when the refugees from Galveston began to pour into Houston and it became a serious question what was to be done with them the railroads solved the problem by furnishing transportation without charge to all who wished to leave and to any point they wished to go Grand Master An derson informs us that but for this fact Houston would have been overrun with people who had to be cared for and that suffering and distress would have been largely increased as well as the cost of meeting conditions which would have prevailed Bro Anderson desires us through these columns to thank the different roads for the great service rendered his committee at Houston If it were possible we would be glad to see parallel columns in one of which should appear the acts of these railroad corporations in a time of great calamity and distress and in the other the amount contributed by the little two-by-four demagogues who are always trying to array the preju dices of the masses against any and every kind of enterprise From the Texas Odd Fellow that dreadful fiend that threatens the life of rich and poor can attack and kill only those whose bowels are not kept thoroughly cleaned out purified and disinfected the year round One whose liver is dead whose bowels and stomach are full of half decayed food whose whole body is unclean inside is a quick and ready victim of appendicitis If you want to be safe against the scourge keep in good health all the time KEEP CLEAN INSIDEi Use the only tonic laxative that will make your bowels strong and healthy and keep them pure and clean pro tected against appendicitis and ALL EPIDEMIC DISEASES Its CAS CARETS that will keep and save you Take them regularly and you will find that all diseases are absolutely ENTED BY fefew LIVER XONIC W it nITWi www limp Bin mum nwmi Tr1 il1H jhu jMjMik VjA W0 ZJHWVTal OH MM ub V mtV GUARANTEED NEVER SOLD IN BULK TO CTTRE Five year npo the flrt box ot fiAJSCAJK ETS wai sold Now It la over sis million bozci a similar medicine la the world This la absolnte proof or Brent merit nnrt ocr best testimonial We have faith and vrlll ell CASCARETS absolutely guaranteed to euro or money refunded Qobay today two SOcbosei orlvethema fhr honest trial u per simple directions and If you are not satisfied after nslns one SOe bos return the unused SOc box and the empty bos to us by mall or the tlruccUt from xraom you purchased It and tret your money back for both 5s Take our advice no matter whnt alls you start to day Health will quickly follow and you will bless tho day youfirststartedthenaeofCASCAKETS Hook free by mall Address STEBLXKQ 2EXEDX CO KEW I0K or CIUUAUO v v tie live srocK market Latest Quotations from South Omaha and Kansas Gltr SOUTH OMAHA Union Stock Yards Cattle There was a jjood supply of cattle which gave buyers an oportunity to pound prices down a trifle on such grades as they did not hauen to want The better grades of beef steers held about steady though the market was not particularly active The common to fair cattle however were very slow sale and bids were gen erally a little lower The cow market was in rather unsatisfactory condition today Buvers started out from the first to get their supplies at a lower figure and they would not buy unless they could get what they wanted for less money than they paid yesterday Some of the choicest bunches of heifers may not have been much if any lower but aside from a few prize bunches the market was very Blew and lower Bulls were also a little weak today and the same was true of Btags but calves did not show much of anv change The stocker and feeder trade held gaod and Arm the better grades being picked up in good season at strong prices There is ample de mand at the present time for all the stock cattle of good quality and weight that are being received and as a result prices paid are very satisfactory Hogn There was another fairly liberal supply of hogs and as all other points reported a drop In values the market here oened up 710c lower The bulk of the early sales went at 515 and 517 the heaveyweights bringing the higher price Tho hogs changed hands quite rap idly at those prices and it soon be came evident that packers all wanted a good many hogs and as a result sellers held their droves at strong prices Pack ers finally raised their hands and began paying 517 for the general run of medium weights and S520 for the prime heavy hogs Sheep There was a good liberal run of sheep for the latter part of the week but the market was in fairly good shape Good handyweight stuff was about steady with yesterday but the heavy sheep wore a little slow and lower For the week they may be called 1015c lower and in same ases more It is the lighter weight stuff that seems to be In the best demand and such kinds are not so much lower for the week Lambs held about steady today Colorado stuff sold as high as 1520 which is only a trifle lower than what the same kind was selling for the first of the week KANSAS CITY Cattle Beef steers steady ltcS2oc high er stockers and feeders 3505490 west ern fed steers 475575 Texas and In dians S385475 cows 325425 heifers 3C0475 canners 240310 bulls 300 450 calves 550575 Hogs Market 510c lower top 530 bulk of sales 515525 heavy 520530 mixed packers 515525 light 500515 Plgv 450490 Fheep and Lambs Lambs steady mut tons strong western lambs 515540 western wethers S425 l75 western yearlings 45O5O0 ewes 3C5425 culls 2S5325 FINE WEATHER ON THE RANGE Condition of YFcgt Nebraska Cattle Could Not Be Better GERING Neb Feb 4 Up to the present time better conditions for cat tle on the range could hardly have been possible Such an open winter at this time in January is veiy unusual yet it is fortunate that such is the case this winter Tho range was not as good as usual owing to late rains and the high price of hay has taken hundreds of carloads oat of the coun ty Cattle now however are in splen did condition and on account of the mildness of the winter not so much feeding has been done as is usual Very severe and long continued storms will have to occur or cattle will go out of the winter in the usually fine condition Thare are more cattle in the county tan ever before as many ranchmen held en in preference to selling last fall when there was a considerable slump in the market prices hence a shipment of considera ble volume may be anticipated during the season of 1901 from the range sec tion of the north Platte valley WINDSOR IS IN WAITING Town Thronged With Visitors for Queens Funeral vINDSOR England Feb 2 The ancient town of Windsor has under gone a great transformation Its us ually quiet streets are thronging with visitors The decorations and prepara tions for the final scenes continue bus perhaps the strangest matter is the large number of wreaths which con tinue to arrive from all over the world These are so numerous that the au thorities are at a loss to Know how to deal with them and again it has been necessary to exclude the public from the cloisters which are already overflowing Final arrangements have been made at St Georges Chapel Royal The purple-covered bier stands awaiting its royal burden Four shields adorn its sides each with a golden monogram V R I At Frogmore the cover of the great stone sarcophagus has been rolled away When the queens body is laid beside that of the prince consort the stone will be replaced and finally sealed a marble figure being placed above it It is expected that some 1550 persons will be present at the ceremony in St Georges chapel although only a por tion will be able to witness the cere mony The little Prince Edward of Cornwall and York and Princess Eliza beth of Hesse arrived at Windsor cas ue this afternoon President McKinleys and Mrs Gar fields wreaths came today Great precautions are being taken to have ambulances in readiness in the event of a crush of people Blown Throatrli a Window SALINA Kan Feb 2 Half a doz en people were injured by the explo sion of a gasoline lamp that wrecked the interior of Ollingers barber shop last night Rev George Caldwell a United Brethren minister may die He was blown through a plate gla3S window temporarily blinded by the explosion and burned from head to foot ABYSINIANS IN A FIGHT Only Meagre lieporta of Affair Beach London LONDON Feb 2 A telegram to the Exchange Telegraph company from Cairo says severe fighting is re ported in Abyssinia The number en gaged is said to be 7000 The for eign office officials know nothing of J any difficulty in King MeneUks tory but it is not unlikely they think that certain malcontent chiefs may have taken advantage of King Meneliks absence from the capital to foment an insurrection THE NERVES OF WOMEN llHBsi2Vn33w A tsfCBVwBmTBsssnSBssssssssssV ssssssv Sr fJLs sssssssssh I am so nervous and wretched I feel as if I should fly How familiar these expressions are Little things annoy you and make you irritable You cant sleep yoaare unfit for ordinary duties and are subject to dizziness That bearing down sensation helps to make you feel miserable You have backache and pains low down in the side pain in top of head later on at the base of the brain Such a condition points unerringly to serious uterine trouble If you had written to Mrs Pinkham when you first ex perienced impaired vitality you would have been spared these hours of awful suffering Happiness will be gone out of your Kf e forever my sister unless you act promptly Procure Ijydia E Pinkliams Vegetable Compound at once It is absolutely sure to help you Then write to Mrs Pinkham at Lynn Mass if there is anything about your case you do not understand You need not be afraid to tell her the things you could not explain to the doctor your letter is seen only by women and is absolutely confidential Mrs Pinkhams vast experi ence with such troubles enables her to tell you just what is best for you and she will charge you nothing for her advice Mrs Valentine Tells off Happy Results Accomplished by Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Compound Dear Mrs Pinkham It is with pleasure that I add my testimony to your list hoping it may induce others to avail themselves of the benefit of your val uable remedy Before taking liydia E Pinlc liams Vegetable Compound I felt very bad was terribly nervous and tired had sick headaches no appetite gnawing pain in stomach pain in my back and right side nci so weak I could scarcely stand I was not able to do anything Had sharp pains all through my body Before I had taken half a bottle of your medicine I found myself improv ing I continued its use until I had taken four bottles and felt so well that I did not need to take any more I am like a new person and your medicine shall always have my praise Mrs W P Valentine 566 Ferry Avenue Camden N J B v flpBs m BR 9h H tE3HMsjsssssHKseBjsHraerJKTBa REWARD A square of losely knitted makes a good floor cloth wool FJsos Cuie is the best medicine we ever nsed for all affections of the throat and lungs Wm O Ekdsley Vanburen Ind Feb 10 1900 Black shoes and stockings reduce the apparent size of the foot We refund 10c for every package of PUTNAM FADELESS DYES that fails to give satisfaction Monroe Drug Co Unionville Mo Clean your childs first teeth and the second ones will profit Ask your grocer for DEFIANCE STARCH the only 16 oz package for 10 cents All other 10 cent starch con tains only 12 oz Satisfaction guaran teed or money refunded Some men rise because of their gravity and some sink because of their levity What Do the Children Drink Dont give them tea or coffee Have you tried tbe new food drink called GiAlN O It is delicious and nourishing and takes the place of coffee The more Grain O yoa give the children the more health you distribute through their systems Grain 0 is made of pure grains and when properly prepared tastes like the choice grades of coffee but costs about H as much All grocers sell it 15c and 25c The memory is a sort of mental reservation MANY SPECIAL BATES via OMAHA ST IOUIS R B New Orleans and return 52925 Mobile and return 3125 On sale February 11th to 17th in clusive Tourist rates now on sale to Arkan sas Florida Cuba and all the winter resorts of the south Homeseekers excursions one fare plus 2ou for the round trip on sale first and third Tuesday each month to many points pouth All information at City Ticket office 1415 Farnam St Paxton Hotel felock or write Harry E Moores C P T A Omaha Neb MB sV JnV MR5WPVALENIlttg Omagr to the fact that some steptlca people have from time to time questioned the genuineness of the testimonial letters we are constantly pobliinmg wc nave deposited with the National City Bank ot Lynn Mass 5000 which will be paid to any person who can show that the above testimonial is not genuine or was published before obtaining the writers special permission Lydia E- Pihkham Medicine Co A fashionable tailor says that many of his customers dwell in the land of proise Ask your grocer for DEFIANCE STARCH the only 16 oz package for 10 cents All other 10 cent starch con tains only 12 oz Satisfaction guaran teed or money refunded J DrBuirs Cnrea all Throat and Inag Affections COUGH SYRUP Get the genuine Refuse sabstilotssV IS SURE Salvatten Oil curce Rheumatism 15 a cC riI3ni3QVNEW DISCOVERT jgrrea lsr7B 3 quisle reUefandcsrcs worst cases Book of testimonials and 10 DATS treatment FREE DH II U GBE2VS S053 Box V Attszim Ca ABSOLUTE SECURITY Genuine Carters Little Liver PiUs Must Bear Signature of yr See FaoSlmlla Wrapper Below Very small aa as easy to take ss ssgaz CARTELS WifTLE HlWBTE H PilLS H MfcJM FOB HEADACHE FOR DIZZINESS FOR S1U0USMESS FOR TORPID ilVER FOR CQHSTPA1ia FOR SALLOW SKif for wzcQUftsmm GKCTcarcra wusTJttvti 2S crefe i gsrely YegetaKel ZXETESTZ CURE SICK HEADACHE 5err VV N U OA1 AHA No 6 iqsj IyM jfFifrMsMI gjj fl sU Jk1 CURLS WHERE AU EL8 FUIS tConghSynrp Tastes Good In time Sold by usrglsta