I If l V m I K k e t i I V Pi I t r If l i rw iri Ili i M1 i I If i M 1 i i 4 I f i J l I v i i si Si 4 y I y - v g THE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT I M RICE EDITOR The claim of other cough remedies to be as good as Chamberlains arc effect ually Bet at rest in the following testi monial of Mr C D Glass an employee of Bartiett Dennis Co Gardmea Me He says 1 had kept adding to a cold and cough in the winter of 18U7 trying every cough medicine I heard of with out help until one day I was in the drug store of Mr Houleban and he ad vised me to try Chamberlains Cough Remedy and offered to pay back my money if I was not cured My lungs and bronchial tubes were very sore at this time but I was completely cured by this remedy and have since always turned to it when I got a cold and soon find retief I also recommend it to my friends and am glad to say it is the best of all cough medicines For sale by Quigley and Chapman A Frightful Bltimlcr Will often cause a horrible Burn Scald Cut or Bruise Bucklens Ami da Salve will kill the pain and prompt ly heal it Cures Fever Sores Ucers Boils Corns all Skiu Fruptions Bejt Pile cure on earth Only 2oc a box Cure guaranteed Sold by Elliott lily Poultry 1ajter Free Just for a short time to iutroduce The Semi Weekly State Journal that paper will send The Western -Poultry Kews a year free to anyone sending 100 for a years subscription to the Semi Weekly State Journal which is published every Tuesday and Friday gives all the news of the world days ahead of farm papers and weeklies It si a newspaper from start to fiuish and is thepaper for the farmer A great many readers call it the farmers daily One dollar gets the Journal twice -a-week a whole yerr and The Western Poultry News a whole year This is a big bunch of reading for a dollar Send your order to The State Journal Lincoln Neb Quigley and Chapman the druggists will refund ynu your money if you are not satisfied after using Chamberlains Stomach aud Liver Tablets Tney cure disorders of the stomach biliousness constipation and headache Price 25 cents Samples free ui hobbled into Mr Blackmons drug store onsjjveniug says Wesley Nelson ot Hamilton Ga and he asked me totry Ghamberlaius Pain Balm for rheumatism with which 1 had suflered for a long time I told him I had no faith in any inedicioe as they all tailed lie said Well if Chambrtains Pain Balm does not help you you need not pay for it 1 took a bottle jf it home and used it according to the directions and in one week I was cured and have not since been troubled with rheuma tism For sale by Quiuley Chapman MILL PRICES FOR FEED Bran bulk 70c per cwt 13UU ton Shorts bulk 75c per cwt 14 00 ton Screenings 40c 700 Chop Feed 85 1600 Corn 70c 17 00 Chop corn 75c 1400 Oats 105 2000 S D rrr nt onoll mnnrli F P Valentine Lodge No 6 Meets even1 second and fourth Wednesday even at Hornbys Hall A cordial Invitation is extended to all visiting members O W MuREY President MAUD VMORGAREIDGEbecy 1200 - SEND - 1200 NO MONEY Hai Ha But come and examine my 12 Gold Filled Watch As good durable and reliable a watch as you need for all practical put noses Fully juarautved by good companies also by THE OLD RELIABLE JEWELER 0 W MOREY ALENTINE NEB M WALCOTT ATTORNEY AND ABSTRACTER Valentine Nebraska Practices In District Court andTJ S Land Offlce Beal Estate and Kaneh Property and sold Bonded Abstracter Mutual companies pay losses in full No discount I M Rice Ajreut J - DWYER PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON AH Kinds of Stanriwil OptnitijijUk Successfully Performed YfPTOP i MORRISSEY o 4b o ATTORNEY AT LAW VALENTINE NEB WMI HI I -HI I I I II - A N COMPTON PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office At Quigley Chapmans Drugstore Nights -At The Donoher Hotel C M SAGESBR TONSORIAL ARTIST Hair cutting and shaving HOT AND GOLD BATHS Geo jl Coleman Cody Nebr On left side Horses o left shoulder Range -10 miles west of Snake River Falls Lake Cody Neb H -v liUI I rJfluBwjgjri22uBM C Evenson jHHbrvtaMMMMMianiMNaMMfe Codv Nebr On left side and thigh nors s the same on leftside Range Between Niobrara and the Snake Frank Livermore Codv Nebr On both If1 1 sides or 71 anj where 5Btg n1111 on animal Also Ij on hip or shoulder Range Little White River and mouth of Cedar Creek S D a2 4L J Ilenrv Young I H Y Cody Nebraska Horse brand II on left shoulder Cattle right ear split Range Little Wbite river S I Clarence Cutcomb Cody Nebr Lert side en large cattle Ln snall Tjr stock left Y side Horses y on left shoulder Range- aouth east of Cutcomb A C REEMENSCHNEIDEK i rMrttft V i IBK Cody Neb DUn Either side Also EH low Oil right Ift ear oi cattle Split Range head ot Hv Creek Postofflce address Cody Nebraska On right side alsoX on right shoulder and 2 on jaw 3 3 on leit hip also 3 on jaw Range Old Poor Ranch on Niobrara Stotts Stetter Cody Nebraska Branded on leftside Range Tin Can Lake and Morgan Flats W TU5 I Wheeler Bros Also B on right side Range Chamberlain Flats and Snake River J P GAItDINER Postofflco address Cody Nebraska On left side of cat tle horses O right arm Range north and south of Niobrara River12 miles south west of Cody William M D unbar -Lessee from Heine Kroeger W B3I I ALONZO HEATH Pstofflepaddross Crdy Vebraska Ou left side Hor ses left shoulder Range nortli Cutoomh Lake of GHSEAGER Fostofflce address Cody Neoraska Cattle branded as on cut on left side hip atid shoulder horses lame Range Snake Creek Cody Nebr On left side Horses same Range -1 a Oreek S Dakota P A Cooper ixrzWfflZVwdv r W j EKo ii-T- JtBvLF2 - -- -- i ---- Gordon Nebraska Brand siiniq as cut on left hip Range head of Gordon Creek forty miles soutbeast of Gordon Breeder of Hereford cattle Pedjr Thorsen r J J Tt AfW KOBERT I BINES Postofflce address Cody Nebraska Branded on left side horses same Ieftshoul der Range on Snake south f Codv William Shangran r eh iii 90aKysivcssiCK9PSE4 DL Reed Cody Nebr Same as cut on right side of cat tle Horses same as cat on right shoulder George Heyne Clarence Cutcomb Manager Cody Neb Brand register No 1027 Horses branded on left shoulder Ranee north and south of Cutcomb Lake in Cherry Co 76 James Goodfellow I ifSS J Cody Nebr Cattle branded on left side Horses J on left jaw Range Between the Niobrara and Medicine Lake Chesterfield Nebraska DAWSON BALL Postofflce address Chesterfield Neb Cattle branded on leftside as on cut also V left neck andZ left hip some V lett neck v left shoulder and Z left hip h orses VZ left hip Range Snake River313233 Chesterfield Norir Cattle branded same as cut on leftside Horse same on leff shoulder JA lett uer Also oi left side Gordon Gallop ami Gregory Kebraska Unit Brut t is Gordon Nebraska Rangel4 miles north of Gordon G W Th ut TKfffniTri Siii ii KPI BEAMER n3A W3TM wr J box Registered 87G Invin on Niobrara river Gordon Nebr Cattle ln anded on leftside as in cut 0 incli box and circle Brand registered 875 Florsre hXJiff branded BASaw rcbssll incli circle l inch Range C miles south oi F C DnerfeMt Mamiger Gordon Nebraska Cattle also branded 0 on rfght hip Horses and mules iranded same as cut on left shoulder It Ijlih KB04J ESS5ifeis5iafcftSS 4O0 niSlVAHn will be paid to any per son tor Information leading to the arrest and final con vi tionofany nerson or pptsons steul mg cattle with the above braid WILLIAM REAMER Gordon Nebr Cattle branded same as cut on left si e Horses branded on left shoulder tfi f4a irl Range -G miles south of Irwin xt nut Gordon Nebraska n right side ni r ght hip o horse i1 brand and V on right shoulder Also cattle branded Ii on left side Range fowl miles south of Irwin VHhWlrF ntW J JI O S - nMIKWfe Gordon Neb Abo Eg I east oi t toidon 33n vrca s Sf 1 Jospph Fickel on left hip Horstj brand F on left shoulder Itange 10 miles northeast of Gordon MOREY HEWETT Postofflce address Gordon Nh On left side of cattle horses same left I shoulder als 5U ana E n y DOWNING Postofflce address Gregory Neb On left side also COLE smIh Range Stevennon lake J A SAITLTS leitsld iftionlelt HIB side of some Ranee south jf Snake 35 mi south- HWBKl rostofflce address Gregory Neb On left side or hip horses same on left shoulder Range Arkansa Vallev and Snakr JULIUS PETERSON o tofliue addn ss Gregory Neb Hnuided as on cut Range two miles north of Griory ff 3 C JENSEiM ostoihee a dress Gallon Nehmsk Left side on private stock and right sidt on cuttle heidry also j on left side of cattle left sidegggg Hnes C J on left shoulder Rnge Eiht miles south of Gullop er Lake precinct w Etui i5Hri jT J C S WILLTAMS Postofflce address Gallop Nebraska Ou left side also IV I left side also J left hipalso W on side and Son hip horses 3 on left jaw Range Eight miles south of Gallop COOLER iijikiuastietiyi OIiiil iin i ti ii 1 1 win t vltwttM branded V leflslioiii der A left hip Iso N N N anywhere on left side also V - A left side Range head Middle Loup 1 g3JipgfcAVj yi wgBsmmBL HA BUCK nrniiiii G9wBi BBrg ffTiiiiirnMHt rragjmpf I 1 G Postofflce address Hyannis Nel on right si Ie hor es same on riglr hiiuder nge six miles northwest of Moth JftKp2P3 IIYAXX1S KEB L L MORRILL Postofflce address Hyannls Neb On left side also S on left hip horses J left shoulder Range 25 miles north of Hyannis Postofllce address Hyannis Neb Branded on lelt side Range eighteen miles north of Hvannis W E STANSBIE AND I O BAUGH Postoffice address fiyannisNeb i n left lnp ant left ide Also in left hip mil leff wm Horses same a ai brands on boulders Range 23 miles uort of 1 1 Minn is K E AND II E WOODRUFF Postofflce address Hyannis Neb On left htti ami left aide Also stoclt branded on left sine and reversed S on riuht shoulder also right hip and left side Rauge Mother Lake GENTRY ABBOTT MONAHAN Postofflce address Hyannis No Both on ici Biue 5 fOiue stock iiSi A T PLUMER Alaohsve stock branded on right side aud hip Horps on right liii Rmie Southwesltrin K herrv County Postofflce address Hyannis Neb Branded on right side and hip SMi m The DK350CRAT Iuxh tiiv Lrt Oircufalion in JTreirn KeWraska 1 a year J - N S Rowley Kennedy Nebr Same as cut on left side and hip and on left shoulder of hor ses AisoKjgyf on loft side Il n hip ygj 3 on right hip and F on left side FRANK viaialfc Postofflce address Kennedy Neb On left side and hip horses O or A on eitjaw Range two mileg northwest Ken nedy V KS I B M m fltahl Q on left hip of horses p ou left Jaw and left shoulder of horses LXJ q on left hip of horses SIOOLE Postofflce address Cody Nebraska On either de cattle herdmark left ear clipped and ripht oar splithorses branded same on left shoulder so v muurara and Medicine Canyon WM ER1CKSON PVI WILLIAM WILSON Postofilce address Kiluore Nebt Two half circles on left hip aud leftside of neck Horses ame on left shouldr Some cattle branded ssn Per hook on left hip Range Southeast of Kilgore Neb J R Wallingford KenuedyNeb Catte branded same as cut also some branded U ou left hip Merriman Sandy Nebr MosMy oi side Sjmc right side left on Horses same on left shoulder Range lake Creek S D L B I w lBSjCfiggLgra rrlftffJ S lohn Gresh 4hmmgL Merjlman Neb On both sides some on right side and hip Horses same with out bar left thigh f1 juuiguiaKe creeK Williams iLfrBRJ V CX J JOHN Io t ce address Cody Nebraska On leftside Also on left side Horses J S on left shoulder Range between Cody and Lake Creek T F Lesser Merrii ian Nebr On leftside al so on same side SM underlined Horses under lined M on left thigh Range Little White River SHANGRAN 91EJMH B 1 Horses same lelt shoulder i v on Rantre Lake Creek ai d Litte V bite River M TTS Franks Merriman Nebr JRirtsmv nsi4si Jlt Am- ni - -U L IJJM tH JiJk ilgj J1 Merriman Nebr On both side and hip Herd mark dewlap Setli Gary On left side ear mark under slope Horses J S on left shoulder Range 10 miles northeast nmau mrJfkiff3V C II Little f55U Merriman Nebr a Sifpp On either side Horses same hip Also 85 on ou Range Lake Creek SD Charles Richards Merriman Neb jCcr Louis J Richards Merriman Neb FRED AND WILLIAM MATBEE I ostoffice address Cody xel r left sldo horses left shoulder Ksirviark notch on underside of right ea Range ejist and s mth of Eli AL- I wgism M93Bj2iiHBlifi j grt Merriman Neb Cattle on left side and hip some on left side only Hornes C on left shoulder Range Cotton wood Lake Lean- der and Bear creek Postofflce address Merriman Neb On hip of cattlo horses same left shoulder Range between Bear Creek and Niobrara River 9 ml southeast of Merriman - rivM9 G O Fairhead j U I lM IM II j i I 1 I Louis P Richards mZw Merriman NIi i CHAS S NICnOL3 Hugh Bovill Manager Merriman Neb Also iH93 AUonleftiideor hip Range north of El Charlotte E Hovill Merriman Neb Loft side or hip Range north o Eli Ull Range 10 miles south ot ftlerrl man on the Nio brara SELDER BROTHERS McrrimanNpb Brand registered No 1037 Brand same as cut on left side Also left hip I OM J f VSStTMSSmEX Merriman Nebr Cattle and hor ses branded on left side or shoul der Brand register ed 1001 Range 12mle3 southwest of Merriman on the Niobrara nver Postofflce address Merriman Neb On left side of cat tie also fS3 horses on left gfsholdrgl Range north and south of Niobrara Rlver9 mls utheasr of Merriman U G Criger fa Si M i fM XTfrTL lgiZ5 nM y GEORGE JESSEN E F Postofflce address Merriman Neb Branded on left side horses same on left shoulder Range between Bear Creek and the Niobrara river9 mi SE of Merriman Creek rostofflce address Merriman Neb On allher lert sido or hip hortei same on left shoulder MILLS BROS MV I ts6BBumi Postofflce address McCann Neb Branded on leftside Range McCann ACC R nge East of Cot touwood Lake DEVINE HrlaH C Geo Bowlus A Ray Williams Manager Postofflce address Merriman Nebr State orand Cattle and horses OM on left side Some have var ious older brands Kar mark Left ear clipped Rausre from F E M V R R south to Leauder C GEO BOWLUS Scribner Nebr fSp9yS3SsemtJSKKtKSS Ecoffey Sons MerrtmanNeb Cattlo branded MV m left side and K on left jaw ears clipped both ends and TC on right hip and G on right jaw un derblt on right ear and 7 on right l i side Horses branded JC on left hip and FE on left shoulder and T on left hip large Between Pass Creek and southern part of the reservation aud Wakplne Lake M RICHARDSON iEmmSl J J Peck if S SaasiaH5gi Cmlv Volrr On both sides Horses IW on left thigh Rauge Head Pass CreeIcSD Tnhfit Ip Ta en up at my place Cm lies wen of Valen tine Dec 1st lu one rearold teer red nnd white braided Circle T mi lefc hiji abuj nth nreried S O on leit side and earmarked